What if NATO and BRICS Went To War?

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today we're going to be looking at a scenario in which nato and brics go to war now this isn't supposed to be 100 realistic so make sure to keep that in mind this is another video brought to you by my discord server so if you want to join that there's a link for it in the description make sure to like and subscribe if you enjoy and let's get right into it so at a first glance when comparing nato and bricks you might think that bricks is stronger which is probably true because you know you have india china the two most populous countries we have china which is the second uh highest economy we have india which also has a really high economy and we have russia which has a really strong military china and india both also have a strong military when looking at nato we have countries like the us we have the uk france germany and spain those aren't the only strong countries these are just the main ones we have the us with the number one military and economy and then we have all of europe which has a pretty big economy and a pretty decent military so in order to start this war we're going to have to have a bricks member declare war on a nato member so we have russia declaring war on the baltic countries now with this declaration of war nato is activated so every single member of nato is now at war with russia so here we have every single nato member at war with russia now so at first you know russia is probably going to be able to push into the baltics and uh nato is probably going to take over kaliningrad but since this is nato versus bricks all of the brics nations have to get involved so we have china and india both joining the war we have south africa and we have brazil so right off the bat this is probably world war three if this were to happen in real life then it would just be world war three one thing i do want to say is that this probably won't happen in real life just because this is an economical alliance and not a military alliance plus india doesn't really like china so that wouldn't really work out so some other countries are definitely going to be trying to join in on the red and blue side but at first i'm just going to have the two alliances fighting and then eventually more countries are going to join the main front line of this war is going to be in europe there's also going to be a front line in south america with french guiana being in south america so russia begins its invasion into the baltic countries taking over estonia and latvia after russia's invasion of estonia finland joins nato's side to help against russia down south poland and lithuania manage to take down kaliningrad up north finland and norway start the invasion of northern russia taking over this part of russia which i forgot the name of but they're taking it russia manages to convince belarus to join the war on their side since belarus and russia already have a pretty good relationship russia starts moving troops through belarus and start taking out even more of the baltic countries eventually all the baltics fall and kaliningrad is re-established under russia at this time nato starts recruiting so there are some countries in the world that are like trying to join nato or are like good friends with nato those countries are bosnian herzegovina georgia and ukraine so with these three countries now involved almost all of europe is at war with russia and brics back up north russia continues to push into poland and now starts pushing into ukraine in crimea which they already occupy they start pushing up north into ukraine in the middle east turkey and georgia prepare their armies to move up north into the caucasus mountains over in south america brazil's army manages to take out all of french guyana russia continues to push into ukraine and poland taking over most of eastern europe up north finland continues to push into russia taking over all of its northern half and even pushing closer and closer to saint petersburg around the world many countries are starting to choose sides with mongolia and kazakhstan joining in on the red side south korea and japan both join in on the blue side and with that north korea declares more on south korea opening up another front over here in east asia in the middle east tensions start to rise with iron joining in on the red side in order to take out turkey now this has a hole sparks all of the middle east to pick a side with saudi arabia joining the blue side iraq and syria joining the red side israel and jordan joining the blue side and kuwait joining the blue side up in the caucasus azerbaijan joins in on the blue side and armenia on the red side so here we have the middle east in uh complete war i'm actually gonna go ahead and throw in some more we have lebanon joining the blue side in palestine joining the red side finally we have yemen joining the red side so yeah this really has turned into a world war i mean nato versus bricks this is really all that i could expect from happening is just it turning into a world war so anyway up north in europe we have russia continuing to push into poland they managed to take over warsaw from there they started pushing south into czechia and slovakia and taking all of ukraine around this time even more countries start to join in with all of central asia picking aside now i was going to have afghanistan on the red side but because of the recent events over in afghanistan i'm not going to have them on either side and honestly for pakistan i was going to put them on the blue side but i think they would just stay neutral in this scenario pakistan has good relations with china but they don't have good relations with india so i mean i think they would want to go against india but they wouldn't want to go against china back down in the middle east palestine is the next and the blue team starts their invasion of iraq and syria back in east asia north korea starts to push into south korea but is halted near the city of seoul taiwan also takes this opportunity to declare war on china and hong kong officially breaks away from china even though it's probably not going to end well for them other countries that are joining in are australia and new zealand as well as the philippines moving back over to the middle east the blue team manages to push syria out of syria that doesn't make sense and start pushing into iraq up north georgia and azerbaijante got armenia and started pushing into iran from here russia has two plans the first plan is to push over and cut off the blue team via austria and their second plan is to push down and cut off the blue team via serbia from here they would be able to push in between and start taking out all these balkan countries so they start their plane pushing into czechia and slovakia and then down to serbia from here serbia does join the war and they join in on the red side and this causes kosovo to join in on the blue side at this point indian and chinese troops are also helping out russia so this isn't just russia doing this it's mostly all bricks over here in the americas the us and canada send their militaries down to brazil and make a landing in french guiana from here they start pushing into brazil and take parts of their coast other countries in south america use this to their advantage both colombia and argentina enjoy the war on the blue side this does cause venezuela to join the war on the red side though as far as south american relations go i'm not 100 sure on how each country feels about each other so i do apologize for that anyway argentina starts to push into southern brazil back over in east asia south korea starts to push back up north and takes over some cities in north korea japan also starts taking over some islands pushing up into russia back in europe the blue team starts to push into serbia and takes over about half the country luckily for them though serbia is reinforced by russia who is pushing over and taking over a majority of the balkans in order to stop russia's advance nato convinces austria to join in with them from there nato is able to push back taking back all of czechia and summer slovakia russia does complete plan too though and manages to cut off the balkans from the rest of nato from there they start sweeping down into romania and taking over all the southern balkans up north though nato does start to push back retaking warsaw and pushing back into hungary and other countries russia also has a division up north fighting against norway and finland taking back st petersburg and starting to push into finland in the middle east iran and some other central asian countries start to push back to take back all of iran and start pushing up in the azerbaijan they also move into iraq take over kuwait and push into saudi arabia down south yemen starts its invasion of saudi arabia taking over a lot of the southern end so you can really see how many fronts this war has it's basically north america europe and the middle east versus asia at this point even more countries start to join in with indonesia joining the blue side malaysia joining the blue side and vietnam joining the blue side with this burma lao and cambodia joined the red side now i might get this wrong and i apologize if i do but back in africa sudan declares war on south dan which leads to ethiopia to join in on southeastern side and egypt to join in on south sudan's side with this war breaking out each of these countries joined a faction this also causes somalia to join in on the red side back in south america us and colombian troops start to push back into venezuela and push further into brazil down south brazil starts to push back argentina and also manages to start to push back the us back in europe the blue team continues to liberate some of the nato countries and russia manages to take out all of the balkans this does come at a cost for them though as the blue team starts to push back into the balkans taking over serbia kosovo montenegro bosnia and herzegovina and northern albania that was a mouthful up north managed to completely take back all of the northern lands and start a full invasion of finland and norway back in southeast asia the red team starts to swoop into vietnam taking over lots of the land while on the korean peninsula the north starts to push back into the south japan also manages to completely take over this russian island right here and all of oceana starts to send their military to southern vietnam in the middle east the blue team starts to push back yemen and they also start to push back iran out of iraq and kuwait in africa ethiopia starts pushing into somalia and egypt starts pushing into south sudan meanwhile syrian starts pushing into south sudan and ethiopia the u.s starts to prioritize in south america as to start helping out argentina in order to take on brazil colombia manages to push out venezuela and starts pushing into the amazon while u.s and canadian troops are pushing into the more populated areas of brazil it's here that most of brazil starts to collapse as all of its populator areas are under blue control eventually brazil does surrender over to nato so we have our first brics member surrendering over the nato which means that the alliance is just called ricks now just ricks in southeast asia the oceanic military makes a landing and starts pushing into vietnam and cambodia in the middle east yemen is completely eliminated and iran continues to make territorial gains in africa somalia is completely wiped out and sudan surrenders over to south find ethiopia and egypt now with extra help these african countries are sending their military up into the front lines in the middle east in the balkans russia starts to push back and up north they start pushing back into the politics with indian and chinese help finland starts to push back russia and starts gaining back some of the lands they had previously annexed back in asia china makes a landing in taiwan and takes out the entire island and they also start to focus in southeast asia with brazil out of the war the us and canada start sending all of their troops over to europe in order to help on the front line over there while china starts to focus on east asia india starts sending all of its troops over to the middle east in order to knock this region out after the blue team finds this out they start focusing more and more on iran hoping to be able to make them surrender so the blue team starts pushing back hard taking over lots of northern iran they do meet trouble though as they have a hard time pushing through iran's mountains back in europe russia learns of the american and canadian troops coming over to help and start a fallen push through eastern europe they push back hard taking over all the balkans and even taking out all of poland up north they continue to fight a war with finland as they both gain and lose land to them in the southeast asia the oceanic military starts to push back into vietnam and lao nato also convinces some of these surrounding south african countries to declare war on them from here they start their invasion as south africa was not prepared for this in the middle east the blue team manages to take the capital of iran but they do not surrender in europe russia continues to push into austria czechia and even manages to push into italy they take all of bavaria and take berlin and start their advance into germany in the north norway and finland manage to push back and take saint petersburg as well as a lot of northern russia in korea china and north korea starts to advance into south korea taking seoul and getting closer and closer to capitulating korea back in south africa south africa starts to push back into the surrounding neighbors that was kind of weird to say because it's in south africa the country of south africa is pushing back is at this point that south america and the u.s started sending troops down into south africa to hopefully wipe them out back in europe american troops started to arrive as they start pushing back russia out of italy and germany down south russia pushes through the caucus mountains and starts taking out azerbaijan armenia and georgia from here they meet up with indian troops over in iran and push back and take back a majority of iran troops from the americas land in namibia and start pushing back south america meant to say south africa they're pretty successful and start pushing towards south africa's capitals back in southeast asia china starts to push back into vietnam and cambodia and up north south korea starts to push back eventually south africa capitulates and that is another brics member out of the war so now we just have rick just rick anyway back in southeast asia china manages to push out the oceanic army out of southeast asia and india and russia start taking over the middle east in europe nato manages to push back liberating a lot of the nato countries they eventually even push up into the baltics and meet up with finland and saint petersburg at this point in the war russia is exhausted and is using up a lot of the supplies and does not have that many resources left i also just want to throw out there real quick this isn't obvious already there's no nuclear bombs in this scenario i mean if there was then it would it would be over like in five seconds but just to make it more interesting no nuclear bombs are going to be used nato manages to completely liberate all of the balkans and bulgaria they also manage to liberate western romania from here nato starts to push into belarus and ukraine and from here a stalemate is established with no sides making progress back in the middle east brics troops start to push through and to capture a lot of iraq they also capture a lot of syria lebanon israel jordan and parts of saudi arabia and egypt on the korean peninsula another stamina is established as neither side makes progress and it is here that the war is over and uh it's not over but it's a stalemate with neither side winning now in real life i'm pretty sure bricks might win but in this scenario i think nato would win now the only reason nato would win is because they just have so many countries with lots of armies fighting here is gonna be like the official ending of the war but from here i'm gonna keep going and i'm going to have a nato victory scenario so keep in mind from here on out everything that you're seeing is not i guess official so the stalemate in russia is broken as nato troops start pushing closer and closer to moscow after a fierce russian defense nato manages to capture moscow and starts sweeping through russia down south of the middle east india continues to push back into saudi arabia but their progress is halted as russia is starting to fall apart nato pushes through the caucasus and liberates georgia in azerbaijan and establishes a frontline along the caucus mountains back in east asia north korea breaks the stalemate and starts pushing back into south korea capturing seoul and japan and the us make a landing in southern siberia and manage to take over this entire peninsula europe manages to push back in turkey and starts to liberate the entire country while egypt and saudi arabia start pushing back up into the middle east at this point all the blue countries in the middle east are liberated and a push into iran and started now with india's weird i guess geography they have to send their troops up and around over into iran which is kind of hard to do they also send the troops up in iran via the sea right here but since then the blue navy has taken control of the persian gulf and india has not been able to send their troops up into iran so nato starts to sweep through iran taking over the entire thing and starting a push up into central asia russia continues to fall apart as nato pushes through and they enter into kazakhstan back in siberia japan and the us start taking over a lot of the frozen areas and starting push down into the more populated area of eastern russia in southeast asia nato makes another landing and starts pushing back up into vietnam and cambodia and in korea north korea is pushed back from here nato sweeps through all of central asia and russia with a lot of these central asian countries surrendering eventually russia surrenders as well as mongolia and the push into china begins now of course this isn't going to be easy this is probably going to be the toughest area of fighting that nato has experienced in southeast asia they manage to push up taiwan is liberated and nato starts to push in from all sides now i don't think nida would be able to invade china and india with their current state of military because you know they've been fighting russia they've been fighting throughout all of europe so i don't think they'd be able to do this but let's just say that china and india both surrender at long last world war iii is over and we can see every single participating country right now every country that is blue has participated in this war in one way or another so like i said i don't think that it would progress thus far i think it would get as far as the stalemate but uh yeah so that was world war three i guess nato versus bricks world war three same thing let's go ahead and take a look at the peace treaty all right in here we have the treaty if nato were to win now like i said the nato victory is a not official part of this war so starting off in the americas we have brazil being divided up by the participating neighbors we have argentina taking apart southern brazil french guiana is allowed to expand colombia takes a part of venezuela and the us is occupying the rest in europe we have lots of changes we have finland taking over all of russia over here and we have a new baltic union formed between all the baltic states poland takes its old i guess the the part of the old part of poland from world war ii they they get that back we have ukraine taking over parts of russia over here in the middle east we have a georgia taking over lots of land from russia and we have azerbaijan taking over armenia turkey is expanding into syria and iran lebanon is expanding into syria israel takes over palestine jordan takes a piece of land from iraq and saudi arabia takes over about half of yemen and pushes up into iraq kuwait is also given land from iran and iraq in africa egypt gains land from sudan and south sudan becomes just sudan after they take over all their land ethiopia is given over somalia down here in southern africa south africa has to pay war reparations to all of its surrounding neighbors and finally we move over to asia where there is the most amount of changes nothing new in oceania but over here in southeast asia vietnam is given cambodia and lao taiwan is giving control of all of southeastern china now the reason i didn't give taiwan all of china is because i don't really think that taiwan would be able to control all of china i know that they claim all of china but i'm just going to give them a good portion of it maybe eventually they'd be able to retake all this because you know this is a new government china so maybe they would want to merge with the old government but just for the sake of right now taiwan is controlling all of this like i said there is a new chinese government installed right here tibet is released and uh this one's released as well as manchuria in korea korea is united and japan has given this island up here when it comes to russia they are divided up into three sections we have a new russian government over here now this russian government in next belarus because the amount of land belarus had after all its neighbors divided up was not enough to maintain so it was given over to the new russian government we have a central russian government and we have a siberian russian government as for india they are just paying war operations and that was nato versus brics so like i said i'm only gonna say one more time but uh uh the war ended at the stalemate this is just an alternative ending if you enjoyed this video make sure to leave a like on it and subscribe to the channel i'm gonna be putting a lot of time in this video so it's really appreciated like i said this video was brought to you by my discord server so if you want to join that there is a link to it in the description once again thank you for watching and i will see you in the next video you
Channel: AdizzPro
Views: 305,264
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nato vs brics military comparison, brics vs nato, nato vs brics war simulation, united states, russia, china, nato and brics war, map, mapping, mapper, maps, geography, cartography, geo facts, oversimplified, the infographics show, althistoryhub, nato war, nato, brics, world war 3, world war, war simulation
Id: dfwmnb2rrXE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 17sec (1097 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 18 2021
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