The Simpsons JUST Killed off One of Its Oldest Characters

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The Simpsons have just killed off one of its oldest reoccurring characters who's appeared in hundreds and hundreds of episodes ever since season 1 so who was it who did we say goodbye to for the final time in this week's episode Cains of the day let's find out so the episode opens in moar with the lads all watching an NFL game in London and in case you didn't know some of the NFL teams come to England to play special games games that are crazy expensive to go to like hundred and hundreds of pounds anyway Mo doesn't win his $1 bet so he gets annoyed so he tries to throw everyone out of the bar but one of the guys refuses to budge even when pokes with a broom and that's because glares dead in case you didn't know this guy's called Larry and he's been hanging around on the show ever since the third ever episode Homer's Odyssey so he's been around longer than the likes of Fat Tony Professor Fring Nelson just to name a few but I wouldn't blame blame you if you don't remember him because in his 34 years on the show he's only spoken around two lines in total I'm mean this YouTube compilation video showing off all of his best moments is only 2 minutes and 40 seconds long and he's barely even in it ever since I started this channel back in 2020 and back when I mostly discussed theories I used to get so many comments asking for videos on Sam and Larry the two silent barflies and I really did want to but there just wasn't enough material to Deep dive into to them and why would they be they only already existed as background characters to fill out Mo's Dive Bar hey everybody home my back and out of the two of them not one Spotlight moment in any of The Simpsons 765 episodes so they are definitely an enigma but not exactly an interesting Enigma enough that they demanded their own video therefore it makes total sense why the creators decided to kill off Sam or Larry they just weren't losing anything by getting rid of one of them sad but true anyway getting back to the plot of the episode and so Larry's funeral the only people to attend were Homer Marge Mo Carl Lenny and Larry's mom he died unloved in a bar a scene which then goes into a really sad musical cutaway of Larry being left out of the guys while they were all having fun all the lonely laries they all come to an end this of course plays homage to the song and music video Elena rby by The Beatles and honestly it was a really interesting way to show the perspective of a character we've known for so long but not really no also this fantastic song has been stuck in my head ever since and although the guys didn't really know anything about him Larry used to tell his mom stories of how they were all best friends my Lawrence always talked about his best friends so she decides to ask them to do a eulogy for him and of course they struggled to come up with anything significant you know who always caught the biggest fish who who I I uh I want to say Larry it's after the funeral that Larry's mother hands the guys his diary with it containing a drawing of Larry hanging out with all of them in front of a beautiful waterfall so feeling bad that they never actually got to know Larry the boys decide to spread his ashes at the serenity Falls that was in the picture now although I did really enjoy this episode the one thing that really bothered me was the total absence of Sam as spoken about before Sam is the guy who wears the hats and the glasses and is usually always seen sitting next to Larry in Mo's bar so by not including him really felt like an odd decision seeing as they've mostly been glued by The Hip for the last 35 years for all we knew they could have had a friendship that the other guys lacked which could have been a really interesting premise seeing as the entire episode is about friendship it just felt like a glaring a mission and it did really bother me if you're going to focus an episode on Larry Without Really mentioning the guy he's been sat next to for this time but anyway I was evidently very confused by the lack of Sam so I've always dipped to Twitter and shockingly this show R of Matt Selman actually replied to me he said we talked about a throwaway joke to explain where Sam was but we already did that with Barney Sam couldn't go on the road trip in that introducing essentially a new old character would have meant doing a different story before following up by saying there was probably something else clever we could have have done also so not but as I'm reading this I can't help but feel like this character right here what the hell are you talking about you're a lifesaver Homer I can't deal with these hardcore fans oh well I know I'm a nerd anyway I do totally get what Matt is saying here and it definitely didn't ruin the episode by any means at all but it was still a glaring Omission for me because it could have lifted the veil a bit more on Larry while giving no to the only guy we could have imagined him actually being friends with also I just want to say that Matt Selman is so nice so awesome and has been such a big supporter of this channel he even took the time to write a blur for my book collecting The Simpsons that you can buy now on Amazon and on the 30th of April for my UK audience and yes I am so sorry to my British audience out there for such a long wait but it wasn't just Sam I feel that bony was done a bit of a disservice too here like to explain why he wasn't here we got this brief cutaway a and thinking about it I don't think he's been properly utilized since his character stopped being sober back in 2003 so when he appeared on screen I was like oh yeah of course Barney there he is but if anything this scene only made me realize that he's been repeatedly sidelined so many times in favor of the four other guys' friendship which is something that was really cemented in the episode Saga of Carl it is a shame because at one time he had a strong role and had such pivotal moments he's also been shown to have a more sensitive side than you'd think so in an episode basically confronting death it could have been called to involve him a bit more during their chats about it which could have surprised the group further so I say justice for Barney now I know I'm going on a massive tangent here and getting ahead of myself so let's get back to the episode so the guys go on a road trip without Bonnie to the waterfall and they spend a night in a motel and it's in this Motel where they discuss what they think happens after death so Homer thinks that he'll be sharing some Buffalo angel wings with Larry up in heaven then he thinks that Larry is a ghost and mo he just triggered me right down to my core it's just a sad silent void not and it's not even a regular nothing it's an absence of everything HH anyway thoughts of impending doom aside the next morning home is in the bathroom where he accidentally knocks over Larry's ear to discover that there are sapphires inside Mo walks in and in a moment that really made me laugh out loud he shoves a glass up into his eyeball to inspect them he believes that Larry was probably a gem Smuggler and hid them in his butt just before he died all I knows is Larry is dead and we are rich so Mo encourages Homer to keep this a secret from Lenny and Carl which hom thinks about and decides that it can actually help his financial burdens like his family and all of a sudden up they come along with Ralph which poses the question are they hinting that hom is really Ralph's biological father maybe he's G giving alamon to Sarah wigam or maybe even hush money to keep his illegitimate child a secret or maybe it's just a joke and I'm completely overthinking it yep definitely that last one the guys continue their trip but during the drive the N falls out of the back of the car and out spills Larry and The Sapphires naturally Lenny and Carl are Furious that Mo and Homer tried to keep Larry and his sapphires a secret there were sapphires in Larry's arm and you knew but all of a sudden a sheriff turned up to arrest them y'all are under arrest for violating section 545 of the US Commerce code Jewel smuggling the officer decides to shove the men into the front of the car and we learn that the officer's real name is Mickey nolu and he's actually working for Fat Tony which means that Larry was also probably working for Fat Tony too he tells Mickey to let the men go but the thing about Mickey no ends is that he doesn't leave any Loose Ends they know nothing got it no loose ends and in a scene that really made me laugh F Tony says that he really needs to pay a bit more attention to the nicknames of his guys before immediately saying this now can you go pick up Connie at the airport the Bruno wife Banger hey with pleasure and I've said it once and I'll say it again but I love that Tony so Mickey pulls over and goes to open the Frank where he's met with Homer's flare gun but the force of the gun only propels the car right off a cliff so it dangles over the edge and realizing that the counterweight of them together is enough to balance the car the guys then state that one person can jump out to save themselves so any one of us could save themselves and doom the rest no but instead they decide that if they all jump together they might just survive all except for home that is you don't jump on three you jump on go 1 2 3 go bir just before the car Carin into the bottom of the cliff Larry's Z comes to the Rescue by rolling down getting lodged in the wheel and therefore saving Homer Larry saved your life it's here where the guys realize that they have in fact arrived at Serenity Falls but the view doesn't quite look like Larry's picture and with that Homer realizes that Larry actually really wants to be right under the duff side at Mo so he can hang out with his best beer buds forever and ever oh yeah and also Mo now has The Sapphires inside his stomach so there's that while not every joke worked for me in this episode and I think that Sam's emission was just too glaring to completely ignore I did still enjoy it overall at the end of the day Larry was just one of those forgettable characters we occasionally saw in the fringes of the background but what I loved about this episode was that it asked who is Larry we learned that he was a jewel Smuggler working for the biggest Crime Boss in Springfield but also he was a very lonely man who longed to be seen and accepted by Homer and his Pals season 35 as a whole has been really awesome with how it's approached different themes while experimenting with how they're being executed I'm actually really looking forward to doing a full retrospective on this season Once it's over but what did you think of this episode and do you think they should have really killed Larry off let me know in the comments below also big thank you to my lovely flying hellfish patrons your Contin support really does help me buy my editing software and continue to make my videos better and better thank you so much and I'll smell you later
Channel: The Simpsons Theory
Views: 413,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the simpsons, simpsons, simpsons theory, homer simpson, bart simpson, simpsons tv show, Simpsons funny, Simpsons season 32, Simpsons season 33, Simpsons characters, Simpsons clips
Id: D4wIKaEsW14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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