What If General Grievous Joined the Rebel Alliance

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Our story begins inside of a Providence class  cruiser floating not far from Utapau, but in dead   space. The vessel was operable, but the support  fleet that was originally stationed around it   was no where to be found. It was the only ship  in the fleet to survive the shutdown command, and   the only reason that was, was because of the magna  guards. General Grievous was a warrior, he’d been   through ship crashes and been forced to survive  endeavors that turned him from a fleshy being   into the robotic monster he was now. The damages  he sustained from Kenobi were the worst of his   life. The droids stationed to protect him didn’t  believe he would make it through the rebuilding   process. There was so much damage done to his  organs, however because the fleet was stationed   near Utapau the capital ship was outfitted  with supplies to assist General Grievous,   if he was damaged. The medical droids got to  work, rigorously trying to restart his heart. His   lungs had been charred and every other organ left  exposed by the damage done to his armor platting,   were nothing but shambles at this point. The  heart was the only thing not damaged. Grievous’   brain was damaged considerably too, however they  would be able to replace some of the brain tissue. The medics had a regenerative bug that would be  placed inside of his helmet to replace the brain   tissue and restore what had been burnt when  his head caught on fire. The process would   be extremely painful for Grievous, being  that he would be brought back to life in   the span of a couple hours. The repairs on  the other hand would take nearly 3 weeks.   When Grievous was fully conscience he  was lost. He didn’t really have a wit   about him. He knew he was one a warrior  general, and that his name was Grievous,   but there wasn’t much more than that. The good  General would wander around his vessel for a   couple hours, the Magna guards keeping a close  eye on him, just to make sure he didn’t fall   apart. Grievous’ brain functions were at an  all time low, and it was entirely due to the   damage he suffered and the weeks of torment  he endured while being put back together. All the pain made him delusional. He wasn’t  really able to get a grasp on anything,   but when he finally did. After several hours of  wandering around and speaking aloud to himself,   General Grievous was reborn. When he requested  for an update on the Separatist movement he   would be shocked and disappointed. What was even  more alarming was the drastic change made to the   Republic. It was no longer a Republic, it was  an Empire helmed by Darth Sidious.. How odd.   Grievous was able to see holorecordings  of the Senate Sessions and truthfully,   he had never been so upset. He realized at  that moment that his greatest enemy wasn’t   ever the Jedi, it was the Sith. This obviously  didn’t mean he automatically forgave the Jedi   for what they did on Kalee, but he was very  adamant that he would make sure Sidious died,   even if it was the last thing he did.  Grievous told his crew of Magna Guards   to prepare to move their vessel for  friendly territory. The entire purpose   of this operation would be to rebuild  their fleets and stop this Empire. Grievous still hadn’t fully put two and two  together yet. This did have a lot to do with   the damage he received during the Battle of  Utapau. The nasty little bug inside his brain   was still going to work, and he would at some  point have all of his memories back and the   ability to fully register what was going on. The  magna guards had already informed him that their   ship was operable because of them. There were crew  on the ship that had since been turned back on,   but the guard made it clear that they made the  selective decision to avoid the all shutdown   command, because they had to save their  general. Grievous believed that he could   restart all the Separatist fleets in the  area and even potentially secure a foothold   in the mid or outer rim before making his  way to Coruscant. How wrong he would be. Despite his eagerness to get back at Darth  Sidious, every single Separatist fleet   location was nothing but debris fields. Because  it took him so long to recover, the Empire sent   out fleets of clones to destroy the remaining  fleets. There were some droid foundries left,   but for the most part everything the CIS owned  was nothing but splinters in the sea of space.   Sidious made it very clear that there would be no  rising rebellion in this new era. He cracked down   on every former separatist fleet immediately.  Had Grievous been resurrected earlier and more   efficiently, then perhaps he could’ve gotten  them back, but there was none of that. Aside   from the Providence they were helming, there  were a couple other active Separatist crews   in the galaxy. There was a location on Agamar  that was semi operational. It was a Separatist   Supply Ship that crashed, but the crew for the  most part was operational. The other groups of   Separatists operation were Providences or other  cruisers that were stolen by groups of pirates.   Just as a way for them to try and stick it to  whoever challenged them. It wouldn’t do them well. Grievous was incredibly disappointed  with how this was going so far,   and even began to doubt the potential of  a resurgence from the Separatist movement.   But truthfully he cared about his  own movement more than the CIS. The Rage Grievous had for Palpatine couldn’t be  understated. Especially since he had Palpatine in   his hands, he could’ve snapped his windpipe,  or driven his lightsaber through his chest,   or anything. Sidious destroyed his life, and he  would have to pay. This obviously was Grievous   being upset at his current predicament,  he wasn’t privy to the operation to crash   his ship and almost kill him. Or the fact  that Dooku was in on the joke, or that they   were never meant to win the war, no matter how  powerful Grievous was or what he did in combat. Out of all the locations Grievous went to he  could only find a couple remnant groups that   were capable of fighting for his cause.  It wasn’t much but a couple squads of B2,   a number of destroyers, and more than enough  B1s. He couldn’t really stop the Empire with   this amount of forces. But the General wasn’t  worried, he commanded less troops when he was   a Kaleesh warrior. He would do just fine with  this group of droids. However, Grievous needed   to find a way to stick it to the Empire. He knew  from what Dooku said, that Sidious was much more   experienced than he. So head to head combat  with the Dark Lord wouldn’t be the way to go,   instead Grievous needed to find a means to  destroying Sidious through an alternative method. Initially Grievous tries allied worlds, all  of which being Separatist ran, but he found   one of two possible outcomes. He was either  straight up rejected for having lost the war,   or he couldn’t even get close due to  Imperial presence. It was clear early   on that this would be General Grievous’ most  trying time as a General. His entire life he   had people rally to his cause. Whether it  be on Kalee or as the General of the CIS,   he was always the head honcho and everyone was  ready to serve him. Now he was being thrown away,   told he was no good for this new era of peace. The  former CIS worlds weren’t embracing the Empire,   they were afraid of it. Imperial clone troopers  cracked down on Raxus, just as they did   Sereno, Cato Neimoidia, and a conglomerate  of other Separatist fortress locations. This left Grievous with a predicament. While by  this point his mind was working fully once again,   he needed to figure out how to get allies. He  was talented alone, but B1 battle droids were   inefficient at the numbers they had currently, and  he didn’t have enough B2s, droidekas, commandos,   or magna guards to do any real damage. He did have  a couple of the transforming maintenance droids,   but Coruscant outlawed them after he  bombed the power grid at the beginning   of the war. So he couldn’t really just bomb  the Emperor to hell. Grievous wasn’t stupid,   and he was a great general for  a reason. Allies were needed,   however there were few people in the entire  galaxy actively standing up to the Empire.   Grievous did decide that he would try raiding  Imperial facilities. The purpose for doing so   is so that he could gather schematics on Imperial  shipyards, production routes and so forth. Though   he was most hopeful to find something in  Imperial servers regarding Rebel units. They picked an outpost on the far side of the  galaxy. It was currently being manned by the new   stormtroopers, which in Grievous’ mind told him  that it was an up-to-date facility. It was close   to Onderon, which was lost about a year before  the war ended. Grievous remembered the report   from the planet. The fool who was put into power  was usurped by rebels or something. Those rebels   would be Imperial loyalists by this point,  so no need to make a stop there. Grievous no   longer had lightsabers, and with the Jedi  all but extinct, he was hopeful he could   find a lightsaber or a Jedi during his trip into  the outpost. That was obviously a fever dream,   but he took the magna guard staff and  went in with a group of Commando droids. Their mission was quick, they broke  in through the back entry point,   killed the guards with their melee weapons and  continued through. Truthfully nothing felt better   than snapping a man’s windpipe in his hands.  Grievous thought it to be even funnier too,   because the stormtroopers were regular citizens.  They weren’t battle hardened like the clones,   so their reactions were much more enjoyable. A  certain part of Grievous respected the clones,   because they were warriors.  It was an honor thing for him,   it didn’t stop him from slaughtering them.  Obviously this wasn’t a total respect, just   the fact that they weren’t stormtroopers. These  civilian troopers were pathetic to say the least. Grievous continued through the facilities with his  elite units until they got to the communication   room. There was a control panel and the few  droids with the General immediately plugged in and   started pulling all the information. Stormtroopers  began trying to get into the communication room,   and with steadiness and fierceness Grievous ripped  through the troopers. Their screams littered the   halls of the facility as Grievous kept a close  eye out. The commando droids were doing the   same. As the information was downloaded into the  Super Tactical Droid, there was another group of   insurgents breaking through. They opened the doors  and immediately panicked. The group of Rebels were   thrown backwards by the Commando droids who used  their vibro blades to push them back. There were   no casualties, but Grievous stopped the droids  before they could kill the rebels who broke in. Grievous was adamant that they get allies, if  these fleshies were trying to fight the Empire,   then they could be useful. The rebels who  were cornered by accident weren’t expecting   to run into Grievous, and truthfully they  weren’t too happy about it. While Grievous   wasn’t known for his ability to negotiate, he  wasn’t stupid. He knew how to play the game,   and he made it clear to this man that he didn’t  want them to be adversaries. However it was   difficult for Saw Gerrera. General Grievous was  apart of a regime that submitted his people,   and killed his sister. He wanted no part of  this, however, Saw wasn’t stupid. The fight   against the Empire was much larger than his own  personal disliking for the Separatist movement.   If the Sepes could be mounted up against the  Empire, then it was more allies for him. Plus,   Grievous didn’t need to survive, he just had to  be useful until his time was up. Saw looked up,   and could hear more stormtroopers coming their  way, he smiled and told Grievous that their   fight together could be everything for them.  If they worked together then they could stop   the empire. Grievous liked this deal, and so  the rebels quickly shuffled into the room. Gerrera saw Grievous as a short term  alliance, once he got what he wanted he   was expendable. Grievous saw the same thing,  however, he knew of Gerrera. As a warrior,   he could respect the guerrilla warfare  techniques used by the rebels on Onderon,   truthfully it would be the perfect  way to combat the Empire. There were   some discussions and agreements made between  Grievous and Saw inside the communication room,   and then they broke off from each other. The  two of them agreed on a mutual location to   meet up at. This was the beginning of their own  alliance. Saw had many more allies than Grievous,   and truth be told, Grievous understood that  making friends would be especially difficult   for him. So to have someone who was considered  an extremist but only known to be by a few   individuals on his team, Saw would be extremely  beneficial asset for their collaborative effort. With a neutral location in mind, the new  allies set up a base. It was made clear   that the Separatist battleship wouldn’t be able  to stand up to the might of the Imperial navy,   there had to be something they could do.  Saw had some intel and with the data they   recovered at the Imperial Outpost, they knew  exactly how to get their revenge on the Empire. Due to the data the Super Tactical Droid had  and the information & strategies the droid came   up with, the rebels were able to figure out a  chain of plans. Turns out there were a number   of Republic vessels being decommissioned. They  couldn’t be used for combat but they could be   used for other purposes. Saw and his team went  to make sure they could capture at least one of   the Venators under the decommissioned  banner. Grievous on the other hand,   due to the data received was able to locate  a droid foundry that wasn’t destroyed. It   wouldn’t be super beneficial but it was a  foundry that specified in the creation of   droidekas and B2 battle droids. So perhaps  they could get some good use out of it. Despite Coruscant banning the maintenance droids,  planets like Eriadu and Naboo didn’t have the   same bans, so the maintenance droids were sent to  Eriadu and ended up boarding a brand new Imperial   Star Destroyer and obliterating it. Saw’s team  was also able to use a fairly operational Venator,   fill it with explosives and then send it  to a shipyard at Kuat, and then having the   vessel crash into said shipyard destroying it,  killing thousands of clones and stormtroopers,   and also ripping apart prototype Imperial vessels.  The strategies were effective, Grievous and Saw   were using their missions to create terror  through the Imperial ranks, however it worked   against them. The Empire used the attacks made  by these rebels to turn them into villains. Saw   and Grievous were doing nothing but helping the  Empire further the creation of their military. Months passed by, Saw was able to garner more  allies, though Grievous was making it difficult.   Truthfully Gerrera wanted to distance himself  from the droid general, but he literally couldn’t.   Grievous thrived on this level of combat. Sure  he was a brilliant leader for the Separatists,   despite how often he retreated, but he was even  more effective with less. The tactics he and his   tactical droid implemented helped the rebels  be successful at 99.1% of their missions. Many   of these missions incurring few casualties.  Saw’s rebels were effective and they made a   dent in the Imperial war machine. Destroying a  piece of the shipyards over Kuat was effective,   but there was still much more that  needed to be done. Truthfully both   Saw and Grievous knew that they needed to  kill the Emperor. If they could do that,   then perhaps the system would cave in on itself.  It would just take them finding the proper means   to destroying the Emperor. All of his movements  were deeply classified, and because there was a   rising Rebellion, he had fakes take his shuttle  so that he wouldn’t be killed. But the deepest   attack in the core happened at Kuat, and they  had been struggling to get back into the Core. During their preparations to make a move  into the core, which included more raids   at Imperial facilities, raids on Imperial vessels  and detonating them, and a couple more extremist   activities, Grievous got to have some fun. He  ran into a Jedi on the run, and in a fierce duel,   Grievous was able to get himself a new Jedi  weapon. He preferred using a lightsaber,   but now the good general would be able to  use the magna staff and the lightsaber. As it was made apparent by the Jedi, he was  on the run from some type of sith. Grievous   assumed at this point that the Sith would be  bringing in new allies, however he was unaware   that the Inquisitors and Vader were apart of that.  Shortly after gutting the Jedi, he found himself   an Inquisitor, and similarly gutting them. It  wasn’t all that much of a challenge for Grievous,   but now he was aware that there was a Lord Vader.  Using what he knew about Tyranus and Sidious,   chances are Vader was Dooku’s replacement.  Grievous believed that whoever it was,   he could beat, however, that would come later,  his main focus was on killing the Emperor. Saw and his forces had been tracking  Sidious for a number of weeks. His ship   movements were always odd to follow, but  they knew where he would be. He was inside   one of the larger Imperial fleets,  but there was also something else,   it appeared that Vader was traveling with  him. Grievous and Saw came up with a plan,   one to rip the entire foundation of the  Empire apart. It was quickly set into motion. Their plan started with them securing an Imperial  shipment that was en route to Mustafar. It’s where   Sidious and Vader apparently were. There were  rumors that Tarkin would also be present. Being   that Mustafar was within Tarkin’s territory  it was entirely likely that he could be with   them. There were a number of things happening  with the Empire. Tarkin was promising him the   chances of Project Stardust, or in other words  the Death Star. Palpatine was interested. He   also wanted Vader to wallow in his failures by  being so close to where he was when he lost to   Kenobi. It was truthfully a pitiful loss,  but Sidious didn’t care, he made sure Vader   knew he was a failure. There were imperial  officers coming on and off the destroyer. The rebels boarded one of these shipments and  rode the entire vessel into one of the adjacent   destroyers in the fleet. When they exited,  it was silent. Saw and his men took Imperial   uniforms and snuck into the destroyer,  Grievous and his battle droids split off,   Grievous went alone. His objective was to draw  whichever enforcer was inside the fleet to   this ship, and kill them. The Rebels initially  were to disable the entire ship, make it dead   in space. Hopefully they could put the rest  of the fleet on edge. The purpose for this,   is making sure they could legitimately escape  without being killed or captured by the other   Imperials. Saw and his crew moved into the  reactor room, they avoided conflict by hiding   in stormtrooper outfits. Inside the reactor they  killed the crew, and quickly shutdown the lights   and the power inside the vessel. The gravity  was still active and so was the life support,   but now the ship was just dark. Red lights  illuminated the halls and ships alarms began   to blare. Stormtroopers were summoned from  their barracks to find the intruders and kill   them. There was no real knowledge of someone being  inside the ship, but it was the assumption based   on what was happening. The vessel also called  for aid from the other ships in the fleet. As the troopers ran through  the halls, they were stopped,   the sound of claws clamored against the floors,  and Grievous laughed. He sped through the hall,   igniting his lightsaber and cutting through the  stormtroopers. Their screams of terror could be   heard throughout the ship, as he cut through the  hall, he de ignited the weapon and waited for more   stormtroopers. He climbed across the ceiling  and when more troopers came down the hall,   he was silent. They had flashlights on and they  looked everywhere, finding a dozen dead troopers,   slain by lightsaber. They radioed up to the  bridge, which was semi operational and told   them that there was a Jedi or something.  Grievous dropped from the ceiling,   crushing a few clones with his claws and then  destroying those who tried to oppose him. His   lightsaber skills were still remarkable and the  troopers began to retreat. As they did he dropped   down on all fours and sped after them. When  he got the chance he got up and engaged again. The troopers were left in pure  terror as they ran for their lives,   trying to avoid Grievous but there was no  escape. Their fight was over before it began,   before they ever saw him. Inside the hangar bay a  vessel landed, out from it walked Grand Inquisitor   and a couple of other Inquisitors. Behind them  was Lord Vader. He stood on the bay floors in   front of the vessel as the Inquisitors fanned out,  some other Imperial troops also followed them.   The halls of the ship were silent, and Grievous  was informed by a scout Commando that there were   hostiles inside the facility. Grievous gave the  order to get a lock on one of them and kill them. So as the Inquisitors broke off from the clones  the commando sauntered down the hallway behind   the Inquisitors. When they were totally alone, the  commando pulled the trigger and it went straight   through Grand Inquisitor’s back, killing him  instantly. On the other hand the two Inquisitors   ignited their weapons and turned around. Grievous  launched out of the shadows and blindsided them,   cutting down the first Inquisitor only for  the other one to let out a horrid scream,   Vader heard it and turned down the hallways. The  sound of the blades clashing brought Vader joy,   he could kill another Jedi. When he turned  down the hall he could see the Inquisitor   get hoisted up into the air, by one hand  as a red lightsaber was plunged into their   stomach. Vader’s blinking suit made Grievous  turn over and he saw the outline of Vader. This would be fun, the Emperor’s enforcer made  his way over here to greet him. How pathetic.   Grievous de ignited the blade, and Vader’s  breathing echoed throughout the hall. Vader’s   lightsaber ignited and he marched forward,  demanding that whoever was in hiding come out   and face him. Grievous told the enforcer that his  revelation would be the last thing he would see.   Vader didn’t believe Grievous was a Jedi any  longer, as Grievous ignited his lightsabers he   engaged the Sith Lord. Their blades illuminated  the dark halls. They pressed back and forth,   and Vader very quickly realized that  Grievous had returned. There was no way   this could be possible. Obi Wan defeated him.  The mere thought of Kenobi brought Vader more   anger. The two of them should’ve honestly been  allies, killed and reborn because of Obi Wan,   and now they fought for control over a battleship.  Grievous’ blue lightsaber was cut out of his hand   due to Vader’s anger, so he backpedaled and pulled  the magna staff from his back and ignited it. The two of them continued, Grievous, despite the  darkness was able to analyze Vader’s fighting   patterns and so he used it to his advantage.  With the electro staff, Grievous could beat   Vader. It was difficult for the new Sith Lord,  it hadn’t been a full year since becoming Vader,   he still wasn’t the most comfortable individual  with his suit. He was doing everything in   his power to try and beat Grievous, but because  Grievous was full of cybernetics, just like Vader,   he could handle the strength that the dark  lord had to offer. Without the brute force of   his strikes providing him an advantage, he was an  inferior duelist at the moment against Grievous.   Their duel continued as stormtroopers tried to  find the source of the action. Grievous slid his   staff forward and smashed it into Vader’s  chest piece, crippling him and forcing him   backwards. The combined hit to his chest and  electric shock was more than enough for him. As Grievous seized the advantage, he lost it  when a bundle of troopers came around the corner.   Though, because they couldn’t see who was holding  the lightsaber they started to open fire. Grievous   ducked out of the way, as Vader defended himself  from his own men. His rage couldn’t be understated   and he reached out with the force to crush their  bodies. As he did, Grievous ignited his weapon   and swiped up, Removing his entire forearm,  before bashing the blade against his chest and   disappearing again. Vader fell to the ground,  and Grievous was able to kill the troopers. By   the time this was finished Saw was ready, the  engines were back online and the Imperial fleet   was splitting up. The percaution made the capital  ship an easier target, as the engines were boosted   with some Coaxium. Grievous and Saw quickly got to  the shuttle Vader arrived in & stole it, taking it   out of the vessel and watching the star destroyer  collide with the Emperor’s flagship. The explosion   rocked the fleet over Mustafar, and with the fleet  out of position, the rebels were able to jump to   hyperspace, as all the officers focused on trying  to stop the other destroyer from it’s collision. There was a celebration inside of the Imperial  Shuttle as it made its return to the Rebel   base. Grievous felt so much pride because he  defeated the Emperor’s enforcer in a one versus   one. That was something he prided himself in, even  collecting Vader’s lightsaber while he was at it. Obviously the death of Sidious would create  ripples across the galaxy. It was a year into   the empire, but Mas Amedda had a grip on the  senate, he could secure himself control over   the Empire. However there were already  rumors circulating in the mid rim of a   separatist revival. This separatist revival  was something Grievous was entirely in favor   of. With Imperial expansion to mid rim worlds  and states of martial law being established   the former Separatists wanted to exact revenge  against the Empire for what they had done to   them over the past several months. Though what  held back the separatists was the assurance that   they could have themselves a military leader.  Grievous made it very clear to his droids that   they weren’t meant to be indefinite allies with  Saw and the rebels. Grievous was informed by   his super tactical droid that there were  movements brewing, it was now or never. The only reason Saw would  never be informed of this,   is because the Super Tactical droid and the  rest of the battle droids were contained   in their providence over the outpost. They  weren’t supposed to interact with the rebels,   because it could scare away potential allies.  But now that the Empire was without the Emperor,   Grievous believed he should make a case to the  Separatist aligned worlds that he could be their   leader, but he had some terms of engagement. So  he sent out his commandos to Separatist worlds   and gave them holograms with Grievous on it.  He expressed his desires to bring victory to   the former Confederacy. This time they would  not be helmed by a Sith, this time they would   not be restricted by Dooku or Palpatine, and  this time they would win the war. The clones   were being phased out and the stormtroopers  weren’t prepared enough to fight back. The   only issue was the Imperial Star Destroyers,  but if related family members to Gunray,   Tambor, or any of the other former separatist  council members were interested in restoring   their wealth, then it could be done through  the funding a of a new separatist military. Saw Gerrera on the other side was just as  excited there were allies clamoring to him   to support his movement. He was really exited to  see his rebellion growing. There was a genuine   movement within the mid rim to support him. It  was former Republic worlds who were affected   negatively by the rise of the Empire. Now with the  Empire weak there could be realistic change. But   aside from a Rebellion and potential separatist  movement, the senate was having its own issues. Because Palpatine gave so much  control to the corporate sector,   Mas Amedda was able to utilize the Corporate  Empire to submerge the Senate into silence. He   could buy a good number of members, but not all  of them were bought. On the other side of that,   the New Imperial Moff program was  beginning to rally together to grow   a more militaristic empire, similar to what  Tarkin was suggesting. Both sides ended up   turning against each other and their  turn became the split in the Empire. The first strike came from the Corporate Empire,  as they bought out an imperial shipyard and   pushed an Imperial Moff from control. The  Moff then retaliated by striking back,   and killing some of the corporation managers in  a hostage takeover. The breaking point came with   the addition of clones supporting the Corporate  Empire and stormtroopers supporting the Imperial   Moff Confederation. The Corporate Empire could  supply the clones, despite having agreed to phase   them out under Palpatine’s rule. The Imperial Moff  Confederation was much more loyal to Tarkin’s rule   and plans. So they supported the usage of  Imperial Stormtroopers. With a disorganized   Empire turning from a Cold War to a full scale  Civil War, the Separatist movement was reborn. All of this took months to organize, and  by the first celebration of Empire Day,   it was clear the Empire was too fragile without  Emperor Palpatine. What formed in the wake of   this was the Separatist Realignment, and at the  same time a Rebel Alliance was born, however,   its leader would have his own issues. Because  there was a growing Separatist movement, Saw was   prepared to kill Grievous, but the droid General  wasn’t going to lose this time. No one would win,   the only victor could be the Separatists, so  Saw requested for Grievous to meet with him, and   naturally Grievous’ capital ship orbital bombarded  the rebel base and killed everyone involved. Grievous abandoned the destroyed outpost  and setup with some diplomats and family   relatives that were apart of the Trade  Federation, Techno Union, and Commerce   Guild. They had the power to undo what the  Empire had built. Unbeknownst to Grievous,   there was a fleet of Lucrehaulks not far from the  former outpost, the only thing is, the fleet was   damaged. It was scavenged fleet, they had been  rebuilding it in the wake of the Imperial reign. There was one key distinction here for General  Grievous. He wouldn’t have a massive army or fleet   like he did last time. This entire endeavor would  be reliant on his skills as a military leader. If   he couldn’t be successful on the battlefront  then this Separatist Realignment would fail. There was a lot of meticulous planning that went  into the military movement for the Separatist   Realignment, however Grievous’ focus would  be elsewhere. He couldn’t theoretically do   anything aside from play on the side lines, so  he made what he had work. Using commando droids   he furthered the divide between the Corporate  Empire & Imperial Moff Confederation. Commandos   could change their voice modulators so  they impersonated Imperial officers,   clones, commanders, and Moffs to continue  forcing the Empire to implode upon itself.   Despite it actually working there was so much  more that went into standing up to the Empire. Months of conflict would erupt, the stalemate  between both Imperial Factions would force many   into the Rebel Alliance which was growing  considerably, even without Saw Gerrera. Due   to such a stalemate the entire Imperial Senate  would be disbanded, not by Mas Amedda’s word but   a senate bombing due rise of the other Imperial  faction. The two faction war was secretly a four   faction war. The Separatist Realignment was more  well known but the Imperial Moff Confederation was   striking up issue with the usage of CIS battle  droids and battleships, so despite Grievous’   strategy, there was little he could do when  a fleet of two or three ISDs rolled into his   territory and engaged. Separatist fighters were  in a way more elite, but without support ships or   frigates to hold their own, they couldn’t sustain  long fleet battles. The few engagements Grievous   had been in were overwhelming defeats and routes.  However, Grievous, as a strong and prideful   warrior was able to see these tactical defeats  as lessons. And truthfully, due to the trust the   former CIS had in Grievous, the Realignment was  much more willing to continue supplying Grievous. The foundries were creating commando droids more  than anything else, because it was the only way   the Realignment could be apart of the conflict.  Grievous had another plan though, with the new   star tech, he utilized the conflict between  the Imperials to get data on future vessels and   blueprints of how to build them. Instead of just  building star destroyers, Grievous and a number of   engineers forced into creation a vessel similar  to a Mon Calamari Cruiser, with the aesthetic   of a CIS warship, but the firepower of a star  destroyer. The only issue, was the energy to power   said vessel. Thanks to the Trade Federation, it  could be done. They’d been powering overly sized   vessels for centuries longer than the Empire.  All they needed was time, and a facility. Due   to the Empire shrinking back up, they Realignment  utilized Geonosis and Hypori, two worlds at the   outer edge of the galaxy. However the struggles  in this warring galaxy didn’t end there. With four factions already involved  a fifth one was born in the Outer   Rim. The Galaxy was more divided than ever  before and Darth Maul wanted to seize the   opportunity with a lack of Jedi and Sith.  There was no one that could fight him,   and he could use Crimson Dawn’s resources  to push for Imperial Territory on the outer   edge of their control. It wouldn’t be  much but he knew with a fragile system   crumbling he could capture some much needed  resources for himself and his new empire. General Grievous’ Realignment was struggling  but it was the middle of the pack, the Corporate   Empire had all the power in this war, but the  Imperial Moff Confederation had the territory.   The Realignment had territory too, but not enough  to fight the war, while both the Rebel Alliance   and Crimson Dawn were nothin but individuals  trying to garner some sort of control in this war. Grievous had more struggles, his war  effort was fledging, and it wasn’t due   to poor strategy. He was struggling because  both Imperial factions were so well supplies,   and he had to win with strategy alone. It  also didn’t help that some of his supporters   began rallying together with the Alliance or  Crimson Dawn. It wasn’t a lot, but his lack   of visible production made his cause look less  viable. The thing with Grievous’ Realignment,   is that it wouldn’t be very noticeable on the  surface level. His entire plan was built around   what happened when the Empire collapsed. The  Separatist Realignment could win over the hearts   of the Imperial Citizens, especially because  this little Empire experiment failed. All of   Grievous’ behind the scenes work was inspired by  what Sidious did to him, the only difference is,   Grievous didn’t control either faction,  he just had to hope what he did worked. New commando droids were created and used for  these tasks. Each of these units became more   and more effective, at the same time they were  unrecognizable from the other variants. Their   work continued to put both Imperial  factions into disarray. Some of their   efforts would even thwart troop movements. But  the Empire at one point was able to retaliate,   they were able to develop software that could  destroy the commandos once they plugged in,   however there were bugs to it. The system  would reject anything, whether it be Commandos,   astromechs, or even the troopers who manned them.  It was really buggy. On top of that The Corporate   Empire was facing some of its most challenging  issues. Due to their support of the clones,   they were slowly but surely running out of a  fighting force. The faction promised the clones a   plentiful life on the other side of this conflict,  and the clones knew they were fighting for more   than just the Empire, but their lives, however  their numbers were decreasing. The Confederation   could very easily replace their stormtroopers,  the clones on the other hand no longer had Kamino. Grievous thought he could take advantage of  the war torn galaxy but it wouldn’t work. The   foundries were only now catching up to the quota  he wanted fulfilled. The shipyards were also doing   a solid job, but they just couldn’t match what  the Imperial shipyards produced, even with them   split the way they were. So Grievous despite his  nature targeted Mon Calamari, brokering a deal   with them and the Trade Federation to help  produce the new Separatist ships. They were   basically an enlarged version of the Providence,  just with more firepower and shields than a star   destroyer. It would be a force of nature,  and due to how Super Tactical droids worked,   they would be integral in the construction  process. Since the Tactical droids knew   how the weapons worked, they would be able  to master the controls on them optimally. Because the Civil War was going on longer than  initially anticipated both Imperial Factions dug   into their respective territory. The divide was  then filled by the Alliance and Crimson Dawn,   but the Realignment made sure they captured  all the foundry worlds. This added to their   production and with the assistance of the Mon  Cala workers and engineers the Separatist fleet   was able to grow. The war itself would continue  for years, and it would take over the galaxy.   People were getting sick of the Empire, and with  a very low percentage of Separatist victories,   there was little hope that a non  Imperial faction would take over. Though to the nature of war, factions must  upgrade their weaponry to stay competitive and   the Corporate Empire did just that. Their funds  bought them more than what the Moffs could amass,   and in a critical strike towards the  center of the Confederation’s lines,   the Separatist Realignment struck back. They moved  directly for Coruscant and defeated a very weak   defense fleet. The Corporate Empire was content  leaving a small defense fleet behind, because   after the years of conflict, the clones  were proven to be superior fighters. The   Moffs were on their heals, and when all  seemed right, Grievous swooped in like a   champion. Ripping apart a defense fleet and  taking ahold of Coruscant in one fell swoop. Grievous was under a strict contract with the  Separatist Realignment. He could conquer as   much as he wanted but he needed to avoid being  a monster like he was in the clone wars. This   conflict required him to be more approachable.  Instead of being the warmonger Palpatine and   the Jedi made him out to be, Grievous needed to  show off that he was the opposite. Initially,   especially early on during the conflict, he wanted  to do the opposite, but he realized he could be   championed like he was on Kalee. As a warrior  it was never about the charity of celebration,   it was about being forged in the fire of  combat. With a chance to go to war against   a multitude of factions he could live the  life he wanted, while also restoring a sense   of balance to the center of the galaxy,  something he really didn’t care about. With Coruscant secured, Grievous went to the now  barren senate building and played a holorecording   from the Separatist Alignment. It was a message  suggesting that who they were, what they strived   for, was never what the republic painted them  as. The message was hopeful and inspiring,   and so Grievous left the senate building and  joined his fleet over the city. It wouldn’t   be long until he was driven from the city  world when the Corporate Empire returned in   full force. Grievous was able to defeat a good  portion of the fleet, but his retreat, while   it may have looked weak, was strategically sound  and would assist the Realignment in the future. When Grievous and his fleet returned to their  home world, they were approached by leaders   of the Rebel Alliance. They wanted to realign.  It was known by many within the alliance that   Grievous slaughtered Saw Gerrera, which is what  created a divide between them in the first place,   but with the speech left behind by Grievous on  Coruscant, the Alliance believed it would be   beneficial to align with a power that could  assist them in the run for control over the   galaxy. Ironically, if it weren’t for the  early relationship between Saw and Grievous,   the Alliance wouldn’t have been  able to get off the ground so early. While the hope seemed lost for a non Imperial  Regime, territory under the control of both the   Corporate Empire and the now broken Imperial  Moff Confederation, turned on their forms of   Government. The experiment had failed, the Empire  was a complete bust. The Separatist Government was   efficient during the war, perhaps they would be  useful now. Grievous was gifted more resources and   his war against the Empire became a focused one  against the Corporate Regime. The Confederation   was dying off, and they were continuing to be  beaten back. Grievous strategically split his   forces to capture important production worlds  under the control of the Confederation. It was   difficult, but the B1s and other battle droid  variants were able to bring peace to the worlds,   as well as inspire efforts to  continue growing the war effort. The Alliance was a very important part  to this process. Despite how Grievous   felt about the rebels, he knew he wouldn’t be  able to continue his conquest without them. General Grievous continued forward,  waging war against the Corporate Empire,   but his assaults continued to fail. Belief  in his leadership was continuously shrinking,   but the noise didn’t get to his head. His  determination wasn’t phased by the outsiders,   he would achieve victory. At a costly point in  the war between the factions, Grievous struck   at the Core. The Confederation backed out and was  about to surrender, all it took was a Separatist   victory and they would submit themselves over to  the Realignment. Everyone expected the Realignment   to target the Confederation, but instead, General  Grievous sent a shadow fleet to the remaining   fleet for the Confederation, one led by a couple  rebels meant to take force the Moffs to surrender,   which they would. But being that the Corporate  Empire didn’t expect an attack, they were   blindsided by a daring move made by Grievous. The  strategy was risky, but Grievous understood that   if he wanted to win this war he would have to pull  out all the stops, it just wasn’t the right time. The battle over Coruscant, would be the third one  in 4 years, and it would last for several hours.   Both sides locked in gridlock, reinforcements sent  for both sides, but being cutoff. Grievous having   used an interdictor on a nearby system on the  hyperspace lane to rip Corporate allies out of   hyperspace. It was a vile game, and the Empire  paid the price for it. The movement continued   with an Alliance task force that wiped out a  number of clones on the ground. The battle in   space was accompanied by a General Grievous  broadside, and boarding, which included the   mass murder of clones and officers inside  the capital ship of the Corporate Empire. Grievous enjoyed his conquest, and what followed  would be nothing but a bore for him. He was   heralded in as the leader of the resurgence of  democracy. There was finally a warrior who could   give the people a true victory. Obviously not  everyone was welcoming of this, but on Coruscant,   people were especially tired of extreme  space battles. As was true with many people,   they have short memories, and they can easily  forget the past due to discomfort in the present.   Grievous would be paraded as the liberator of  the Galaxy, but his own work wasn’t done yet. Grievous would depart for the mid and  outer rims to continue the conquest he   was promised. While being a leader interested him,   he didn’t want to be a political leader.  He could have his thrill for the hunt,   and his conquest would lead him to former worlds  of the Confederation and current worlds of Crimson   Dawn. The new central government, which  would be called the Galactic Commonwealth,   would begin its construction. It would take time  to build it, but the people were determined to   find their peace. 7 consecutive years of war  was enough to force the galaxy to work together. Grievous would spend the next few years  hunting down Crimson Dawn and Imperial   Remnants. Destroying them, and making them  suffer all in the same process. He would   enjoy his life as a conquerer, and when it  was all done he was a decorated General. The   Commonwealth would see him as a hero. The irony  of people with short memories was their ability   to selectively forget that for the first three  years of conflict he was the villain. The birth   of the Galactic Commonwealth would be pioneered  by an alliance driven force, but due to Grievous’   expansion into the Outer Rim, the Galactic  Commonwealth actually lived up to its name. Grievous had the choice to live a rather peaceful  life, but he decided to continue being his own   leader. Instead of just battle droids he  was gifted the command over elite units,   and an actual put together fleet, which was a  conglomerate of the best each faction had to   offer. With the Jedi all but extinct he wouldn’t  ever have to see them. For Jedi that did survive,   like Kenobi, he would have to accept that his  greatest rival during the war was now a hero.   The Skywalker twins would receive their Jedi  training, but the resurgence of a Jedi Order   would go under the radar, especially as  neither twin would take up an interest   in becoming full time Jedi, despite their  training. Those who survived the purge and   the war would attempt the rebuilding of their  order but it would never come to fruition,   despite Grievous never having any interest in the  Jedi, simply due to him assuming they were dead. While the war cost more lives and more  destruction, Grievous’ bond with Saw   Gerrera would be the stepping stone to building a  society free from the political influence of force   wielding religions, and devious corruption.  The commonwealth had a chance to start fresh,   it would be determined by them if they could  sustain the peace they worked so hard to acquire. And that my friends is our story …. Again special thanks to GalavantGaming,  Tristen, Mand’alor, SirWilliam1767,   Darth Revan, GranDaddy Bane, Cullen Rooney,  SharkMidori, Rj38, nick, Michael Erlanger,   The Last Je’daii, Apollo, weewoo670, Anakush  Dankrunner, CT7567, Toaster Oven, OzoofOz,   Darth Nox, The Eternal Padawan, Joshua Temme,  Johnny Nguyen, Sans the Skeleton, JediSloth,   MrYeetGamer, Lord Kallig, YounglingSlayer  66, Madmana Studios, Anakin003, Lord Drakkon,   Fordo’s Legacy Star Wars, Erebus Rex the  Wolf, The Man with three first names,   DarkSaint46, Baron Joshua, & LordDeadwing for  supporting the channel! Let’s hit 4k likes
Channel: Pente Patrol Star Wars
Views: 237,563
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Keywords: revengeofthesith, dooku, countdooku, whatifobiwan, whatifanakin, obiwan, obiwankenobi, kenobi, anakinskywalker, skywalker, sidious, darthsidious, palpatine, deathstar, starwars, starwarswhatif, starwarswhatifs, starwarsstory, starwarstheory, lightsaber, lightsabers, ppsw, pentepatrolstarwars, whatifstarwars, starwarslegends, starwarsrecap, starwarscanon, macewindu, jedicouncil, jedi, order66, executeorder66, clonewars, theclonewars, ahsoka, ahsokatano, whatifahsoka, darthvader, whatifdarthvaderjoinedtherebels, whatifdarthvader, vader
Id: gkQptB0m0yk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 10sec (2470 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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