What If Obi Wan SAVED Darth Maul During the Clone Wars

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Our story begins on the planet of Florrum amidst a duel between two long time rivals. Savage Oppress had just killed Jedi Master Adi Galia, and Obi Wan last minute pulled her lightsaber and retreated into the facility that once held him, Dooku, and Anakin at the beginning of the war. Obi Wan caught up with Hondo and his pirates as the two of them quickly came up with a plan. Obi Wan knew he could hold his own against Savage and Maul, though that’s not why he was trying to engage with them. Hondo didn’t care, better Kenobi than him. They began running down the hallway and split up, as Obi Wan caught the attention of the two crazies, as Hondo called them. The rest of the pirates got caught in a trap set by Hondo. Obi Wan continued running, escaping from the two zabrak warriors. Maul’s clawed feet echoed through the hallway behind him as he prepared for this encounter with Maul. Kenobi ran to the edge of the hallway and turned around. For whatever reason Maul gave Obi Wan the chance to surrender which led Obi Wan to feeling more confident about his decision to split off from the group of pirates. Maul then told Kenobi that there was two of them and one of him. Obi Wan did like the odds, but he responded telling Maul that they didn’t have to fight. Maul hissed, and moved forward. Kenobi ignited Galia’s and his own lightsaber, blocking the attack. Savage moved around, getting to Obi Wan’s other side which forced the Jedi master to divide his attention between the two opponents. Despite his and Anakin’s failure to defeat Savage before, Obi Wan figured out the approach. Savage was a hulking powerhouse, Obi Wan needed to be dainty with each counter he made against Maul’s brother. Maul got angrier the more their duel moved on, but Kenobi was focused. He was unbending in every instance of the fight. Obi Wan slid out and blocked a strike from Savage before kicking him in the knee. He knew that the bigger they are, the harder they fall and so he was testing the theory out with Savage. Maul didn’t take any notice of it, but he noticed how defensive Obi Wan was being. This was a stark contrast to their last two engagements. Maul didn’t let it beat him though, he continued his pursuit of victory as he dodged and parried strikes before being shoved backwards. Obi Wan slammed against the wall and last second reignited his weapons and blocked Maul and Savage at the same time. They wouldn’t beat him, his ally was the force. Kenobi turned to Maul and told him it didn’t need to be this way. Maul shoved his blade down with all of his strength, but Obi Wan was operating through the force as a vessel of it. An awakening within if you will. For Obi Wan the only thing he locked onto was Maul. This was really tantalizing for Maul, he’d never experienced anything like this before. It was like Obi Wan’s focus was becoming apart of Darth Maul. Savage noticed this but he was not apart of it. Kenobi had become one with himself, instead of focusing on the battle at hand, he focused on the moment between the two long time adversaries. He was calming an animal. The primal state of existence that Maul lived within for so long kept him in a mindset that belonged to an animal. His actions reflected that of the animal, which Obi Wan caught onto. His few interactions with extremely territorial and violent animals in the past taught him that they were defending their territory. However an animal does not attack without reason. He applied these methods and it started to wind itself into Maul’s subconscious and he slowed down. His eyes focused on Kenobi and then he broke out of the spell telling Obi Wan to get out of his head. Obi Wan didn’t move he continued the calm and collected stare, which caught Savage’s attention. The peacefulness of the Jedi Master embodied what it meant to be a Jedi. He told Maul that they didn’t have to be adversaries. Maul brought his blade back and slammed it against Obi Wan’s again, but it made no progress. Obi Wan just looked at Maul and told him the same thing again, which truthfully made Maul angrier. Obi Wan slipped Maul this time, kicking Savage in the knee and sliding out under the two of them. Obi Wan instead of cutting through Savage’s arm, got to his feet and used the force to launch the two of them into the wall. Maul looked at Obi Wan who held the blades in his hand and extinguished them. He told Maul that he didn’t want to fight with him anymore. Savage was so confused, so he looked over to Maul. The former Sith apprentice got to his feet and told Obi Wan that he languished for years because of him. Obi Wan asked Maul if he thought that the death of his master didn’t hurt him. Maul stood there for a moment, his brain short circuited. He didn’t even consider it. Sure he gutted Qui Gon on Naboo but the thing Maul only considered when it came to Kenobi was the physical agony rather than the mental. This didn’t change anything for Maul, he still wanted to rip Obi Wan’s throat out. Kenobi held the lightsaber close to him, as he watched Maul climb to his feet. He looked at Kenobi and told him that he wanted nothing more than for him to suffer. Obi Wan said he understood that, he understood Maul because he had seen his village. There was no way for him to understand what the Sith put him through, but he wasn’t willing to continue participating in his languish. Maul got furious and launched himself at Obi Wan. The Jedi had a chance to kill Maul. The strike was open but he slid under him, allowing the lightsaber to slide across Maul’s robes but not contact his skin. Before kicking him in the back and igniting the other lightsaber near Savage’s neck. Maul slammed into the wall and turned back around. He looked at Kenobi with confusion and then felt down to where his robes were cut. Maul told him he missed and Obi Wan asked if he really thought he would miss that easy of a strike. HE had Maul dead to rights and spared his life. Maul gritted his teeth and clenched his lightsaber even harder. Obi Wan told Maul not to try it. There was no point in losing his brother. Maul demanded to know what Obi Wan wanted, and he just told him he wanted peace for both of them. Obi Wan had more than enough reasons to lament Maul for having returned from the dead. But instead of doing that he let go and became better for it. He was asking that Maul do the same. Let go, move on, and leave the past in the past. Maul looked at Obi Wan with a scowl and then down to his blade. There had to be a catch. Kenobi told Maul that he understood how important brotherhood was for his people, he wouldn’t infringe on that, but he would let him know that the belonging Maul was looking for didn’t sit with the Sith or behind him. It was in his journey ahead of him. Obi Wan extinguished his lightsabers and stepped away from Savage, who looked at the two of them, not fully understanding the depths of their rivalry unfolding before his eyes. Obi Wan took a small device off of his belt and held it out to Maul. He looked at Obi Wan demanding to know what it was. Kenobi just said that when he needed that belonging, he could find it by using this device. He stepped back and told Maul that he was only letting him go on the condition that he would stop harming innocents and stop trying to engage with pirates. There was so much more to the galaxy than trying to hurt others for his personal betterment. Maul looked at Kenobi as he told Maul he should probably get out before the pirates do. They wouldn’t be as forgiving as him. Maul really resented this, but considering Savage was limping because Kenobi caved his knee in, he knew that this fight was over. Obi Wan nearly bested both of them. He could’ve killed Maul and he almost removed Savage’s arm, which would’ve likely caused his death. Obi Wan stepped back and the two brothers got away from him. They made their way to their vessel and got to it before Hondo and his men returned from their little agreement, which was Hondo bringing them back into his ranks and turning them against the Sith. Savage and Maul were able to escape, and they went far away from Florrum. Upon his return to Coruscant, Obi Wan would address the death of Council member Adi Galia, and hand over her lightsaber. He would also inform them of the entire confrontation against the two Zabrak brothers. The Council could’ve truthfully been upset with Obi Wan for having not killed them, but the reason he didn’t kill them is the reason why Obi Wan was on the Council. He was the best of them. His moral code was much greater than most Jedi, and his ability to not just hold his own, but reject the dark side, revenge, and anger made him all the more impressive in his feat on Florrum. Obi Wan wasn’t here to boast either, he was just simply here to inform the Council of what had happened. Inside of the craft Maul and Savage used to escape the pirate world, they discussed the events that had just transpired in front of them. Savage tried to understand it, but Maul wasn’t speaking. The reason it actually got somewhere with Maul is because it was tough love. It wasn’t merciful, it didn’t put him down, it showed him that he was inferior to Obi Wan in a way, and then told him to clean up his act or he would die. Maul truthfully considered the fact that Obi Wan was tracking him with the little device he was given, but after searching through it, it only became more apparent that Maul was being paranoid. Obi Wan just gave him a communication frequency that he could use to contact him whenever he needed someone. Maul didn’t really know how to feel. Aside from the short stint he was currently on with his brother, he had always had no one. The longing for belonging always evaded him and because of the way Sidious had trained him there was never any way for him to feel like he was loved. While Maul was a brute, and trained in the dark arts. He was raised to be a monster. He was taught everything by truthfully the most evil man in the galaxy. Palpatine was a vile creature and he had pretty much always been that way. Loathing his family from a young age. He instilled all of his hatred into Maul, and for the first time in his life, Maul was completely embarrassed, but he wasn’t tortured or disrespected. He was given a chance to completely turn his way of life around. Of course being that Maul was so new to the concept he flat out rejected it. He told his student that they would be going to a planet to start their own regime. Savage was curious as to what this meant but Maul had a plan. There was a planet on the outskirts of the Core Worlds that was the perfect place for them to rebuild. Savage asked for the name and Maul told him it was called Hosnian Prime. It would be the perfect place to be. He was unsure of how close it was to the war, but due to his previous knowledge he didn’t believe the planet would be too active during the Clone War. He was sort of correct, the planet was maintained by Czerka Arms which was a factory complex in the lower levels of the planet that practiced Slavery. Maul knew about it because he saw a piece about it during his years with Sidious. Out of all the details Maul was privy too, none of them were truly important. To Sidious, Hosnian was just another piece to puzzle. It didn’t matter in the long run, and Maul’s knowledge of it, only granted him somewhere to go. When the two Sith arrived they began their work to actively undermine the Czerka factory. Maul got back into the flow of things after being put off by what Obi Wan did. He and Savage killed some of the heads of the factory and took over. Because the Czerka factory was on the lower levels, Maul was able to implement some strategies of manipulation. He learned all of these by being raised any the Sith Lord. Though Maul had been subconsciously changing within his mind. The humanity that he was shown lit a spark for something truly great. On the outside, Maul was still a heartless monster who preyed on the weak. It’s all he knew up until this point in his life, so why would he immediately make a course correction. When he wasn’t actively taking control of the Czerka Arms factory he was sitting in solitude. Reminiscing about the decade he spent buried in trash, believing that his mere existence would add up to nothing. His only lot in life had been pushing a boulder up a hill only for it to roll down before he got to the top. Having Savage by his side through this really allowed him to feel like the darkness would serve them both. Maul did, in a way, listen to Obi Wan. He avoided pirates, mercenaries on the other hand were free game. He took advantage of those looking for work in the lower levels of the city world and forced them to either work for the factory or work for him. He had a lot of good luck with this, but his mind began racing towards what he could build from this. The Czerka Arms Factory wasn’t galaxy renown so Maul knew what he needed to do was garner attention from allies. With a number of mercenaries he wasn’t able to do much of anything. They didn’t have a fleet and they weren’t super well trained fighters. There were varying degrees to how good or bad they were. Some were extremely talented while others could manage to shoot themselves instead of anyone else. It was a tragedy and Maul’s fledgling little empire had no shot at becoming what he wanted it to become. The early, seemingly, failure of this little endeavor had Maul looking back at his encounter with Obi Wan on Florrum. Obi Wan was a Jedi Master fighting in a war, which was all the more ironic, but Maul wasn’t seeking belonging. He had his brother, there was no reason for him to want to reach out to Obi Wan. But the offer continued to feel all the more tempting. With Czerka getting no where, he tried to think of a way to channel aggressive expansion. However that didn’t work when his operation was discovered by the authorities on Hosnian Prime. While the authorities were not a worry, the one person who happened to notice was. Maul and Savage had no issue cutting down the police droids and soldiers who ferried their way down into the district where the factory and the base were setup. Though when Maul felt a familiar presence he felt nothing but terror. Savage had no idea what it was, but it was darker and more brooding than those who called Dathomir home. The nightsister and Mother Talzin didn’t emit such darkness, such repulsive evilness. Maul woke from his sleep when he felt the icy cold presence touchdown on Hosnian Prime. Maul looked around and he told his guards to be ready. They quickly got their weapons ready and moved out. Maul on the other hand tapped on the communication device. He hated that he was doing this, but he didn’t believe Savage to be ready enough for this confrontation. They would need assistance. The onky reason he was doing this is he was hoping the Jedi would get here in time, sacrifice their lives, and allow Maul and Savage to escape into the darkness. Maul contacted Kenobi and left him a message, as he left the message he saw a tracker blink. The device was a tracker but it was an activated one. He didn’t realize it until this exact moment. Maul placed it on a table inside of the facility, but last second grabbed it and hid it in his belt. Savage and Maul moved out of the facility. The guards looked down into the darkened streets of the planet and one by one they dropped to the ground. There was a shadow and some of the men were lucky enough to open fire, but it didn’t do them an ounce of luck. Sidious pulled them down and cut them to pieces. Maul watched the men run in terror as they realized that this operation was over with. Maul turned to his brother and told him to come along with him. Sidious stood in the shadows, keeping his weapons hidden, he knew his apprentice would come down and try and make an apology. Sidious waited and when Maul eventually got down to the streets he saw Sidious. He couldn’t see anything other than the silhouette of his shadowy body. Maul spoke up and told him that he would like to offer his loyalty once again. Sidious asked for what and Maul told him that his facility here, it was the beginning of something Sidious could take great use of. Sidious just laughed and told Maul that he was a fool for believing that he would truly accept this lie. Maul asked what he meant and Sidious reminded him that there were only two Sith, and Maul was no longer his apprentice, he was now a rival. Sidious with little effort launched Savage and Maul. The fight was over before it began. Sidious would enjoy his food though. It was so rare for him to be able to fight someone. He wanted the two Zabraks to feel like they stood a legitimate chance against him. Savage and Maul ignited their weapons and launched to counter attack Sidious. The dark lord ignited two of his own blades and moved in for the counterattack. The brothers had to be quick, they moved in and struck. Savage was still so aimless in his attempts. He was trained by Maul for a couple of months while they were down here building this little factory, but all that time meant nothing to the lifetime of power Sidious had. Truthfully Sidious was here for Maul. While Maul had no information to offer, Sidious loved the idea of torturing Maul for having survived his defeat on Naboo. It was the Sith way of doing things. Maul and Savage were trying to keep up with Sidious, but it was a true show of Sidious’ strength. He wasn’t even going full speed. He was taking his time and he wanted to enjoy every second of Maul’s defeat. Maul was taking the brunt of the assault, and all he could do is hope that the Jedi would get here soon, but there was no way they would. Coruscant wasn’t close enough to the planet for them to get here. Obi Wan had left Maul a message in return, but due to the ensuing battle he missed it. Savage was then singled out by Sidious, who joyfully, without even looking killed the Sith apprentice. Sidious launched Savage into the air then turned back towards Maul and told him to remember, only two there were. This was a reiteration of what was said earlier, just because Sidious loved rubbing salt in the wound. He watched Maul run to his dying brother, who ended up dying in his arms. Maul got angry and took Savage’s weapon and ran forward. He leapt and slashed down, igniting the other lightsaber. Sidious was just being disrespectful at this point, as he kept his blades hidden and just avoided each and every swing without even making a counter attack. He just watched Maul get angrier and angrier, and there was nothing he could do about it. Savage quickly ignited his weapons and slapped his blades up against his opponent, and with a legendary three point saber combo, Maul lost both of his blades and was on his back, begging for mercy. But there was no mercy. Electricity rang from Sidious’ fingers and they covered Maul’s body. He was left with nothing but pain. When Sidious was done he had Maul taken to Stygeon Prime at the Separatist Prison Complex called The Spire. Sidious went there so he could meet up with his student, Dooku. Maul was held up in a prison configuration and left hanging there while Sidious went to talk with Dooku. While Sidious didn’t make it clear, the entire purpose of this operation was to have Maul lure Mother Talzin out. She hadn’t yet been killed and Sidious wanted her gone. She was far too powerful to still exist out in the reaches of the force. One could only imagine what would become of him if she was allowed to continue existing. Her Dark Magick was nightmarish. Dooku just thought he was here to interrogate Maul to learn more about what operation he was building on Hosnian Prime, and that’s how he would approach the interrogation. While Dooku and Sidious were talking the doors were bursted down. Battledroids were thrown into the hallway where Sidious and Dooku were. Sidious looked over and saw Mace Windu and Yoda. He turned to Dooku and told him to handle this. Dooku ignited his weapon and looked at the dark lord as he made his way to the exit, he couldn’t be discovered and Dooku knew that to make this plan work, he had to be the diversion. Though he couldn’t help but admit to himself that he was annoyed that his lot in life was to sit here and stall. Sidious started down the hallway when Plo Koon, Depa Billaba, and Agen Kolar rounded the corner. Sidious liked his odds. He could hear Dooku, Yoda and Windu engaging in their duel and so his weapons ignited as he launched himself at the three Jedi. Because the Jedi were prepared for this fight, they quickly defended themselves from the Sith howl. Sidious’ two blades were incredible with the speed they moved at. Plo, Depa, and Agen were quick to defend, but also quick to counter. Dooku on the other hand was struggling against his foes who pinned him back early on. In Maul’s cell, Obi Wan broke in with Kit Fisto. Obi Wan asked if he was alright and Maul looked on in shock, he never expected them to come for him and he expressed it. Obi Wan apologized, telling him that they were all en route when his location changed. He then asked about Maul but the look on Maul’s face said everything he needed to know. Obi Wan let Maul down and caught him, hoisting him back up and telling him that he was sorry for his loss. Maul asked where Sidious was, and Obi Wan said that the Council was here to defeat him. Obi Wan lifted up a lightsaber and handed it to him. Maul ignited a green lightsaber, and looked at Kenobi telling him it wasn’t his color, Obi Wan commented on how he thought it suited him, before turning. Fisto ran out first and he was flanked by Maul and Kenobi. They listened for the sound of lightsabers and they entered the hallway to see Sidious fighting with power and precision. Dooku was on the backpedal and lead Windu and Yoda towards his master. Maul hissed and told the Jedi that Sidious was his. Obi Wan grabbed Maul’s arm and pulled him back, which did save Maul from having his face ripped into pieces by Sidious. Obi Wan told Maul to focus, don’t let anger get the best of him. Maul looked at Obi Wan and Kenobi nodded his head, telling Maul he had this. The three Jedi moved in as Agen was kicked in the stomach and flung into the fall. Plo Koon pressed forward, his heavy strikes were a threat but the speed of Sidious was too great. The saving grace was the movements of Depa Billaba. The Jedi had each other’s back, Plo and Depa were thrown backwards as Sidious charged the other three opponents. Maul, Kenobi, and Fisto moved in tandem, each of their strikes and movements were a perfect counter to Sidious. Obi Wan’s defense, Fisto’s Form I, and Maul’s aggressiveness meshed together perfectly. Their blades soared at the Sith Lord, and he was quick, but not quick enough. He heard the sizzling sound of a lightsaber and felt Dooku go cold, Windu killed his former friend, the way he should’ve on Geonosis at the beginning of the war. Yoda and Windu moved forward and watched Maul swing violently. Kenobi brought Sidious off balance by switching to form IV in the middle of their duel. Fisto’ Form I was already off putting and the combination was too varied for him to hold his own against. Sidious slouched back and Maul was the one to extinguish his life. He cut Sidious in half and championed his victory before going at him again. Obi Wan ran up and caught Maul before he could strike the dead body. He held both ends of his arms and told Maul that he was gone, let him go. Maul was still moving forward and Obi Wan had to use a lot of his physical strength to hold him back. Maul yelled telling Obi Wan to let him go, but he stopped. He told Obi Wan to let him go in a weaker voice. Obi Wan pushed Maul back and looked into his eyes and told him, it was over. Sidious couldn’t hurt him anymore. The Jedi in the area were still on edge, due to Maul still holding his green lightsaber. Maul took a heavy breath followed by a couple more. Obi Wan held him at arms length and told him that he was okay now, there was no reason to fret. The Jedi had his back, the sound of blades extinguishing filled the air and Maul looked around and then he stepped backwards. He lowered the blade and looked to each of the Jedi surrounding him and he told them that he didn’t know what to do. Yoda looked up to him and told him that the choice now belonged to him. All he had to do was make his choice. If he could do that, then perhaps they could all find some peace. Maul didn’t know what this was supposed to mean. But he looked around as the Jedi started to file out of the hallways. There would likely be battle droids coming for them and it was time to go. Obi Wan stood next to Maul and he asked the Jedi master how he was able to obtain such peace within himself. Obi Wan smiled and patted Maul on the shoulder and told him to let go. What was done, was done. The belonging he was searching for was not behind him. It was ahead of him. Whether that be with the Jedi or not, it was up for Maul to figure that out himself. Obi Wan turned around and started away. Maul looked down at the dead body of Sidious and didn’t know where he should go. He knew being a Jedi wasn’t his thing, was it? He had no where else to go, so he hurried up and caught up to Kenobi and followed him and the Jedi out. There was a republic shuttle waiting for them and they hopped into it and departed. The Jedi were talking about how they could potentially end the war with the Sith dead. They had checked the body and learned that Sidious was the Chancellor and realized how odd it would be to bring it up to the republic that they murdered Palpatine. They couldn’t let anyone become aware of it. Though with Dooku and Sidious dead there was a chance for the Jedi to begin getting the war to a conclusion point. The one thing they hadn’t considered was the fact that the republic senate had the collective braincell as a fusion reactor and General Grievous also existed. Maul would follow the Jedi to the Temple and last second get cold feet and abandon the idea all together. Though he kept his new lightsaber and the communication device that Kenobi gave to him. Maul was set free on Coruscant. The first day wasn’t too eventful, but without anyone to support him or be around him the chain of the dark side started pulling him back in. He couldn’t help it, there was no stability within him that helped him keep himself under control, so he just started to fantasize about becoming the final Sith Lord. The spot was open, with Dooku and Sidious gone he could reign supreme as the one and only Sith in the galaxy. It also didn’t help that the force was so out of balance thanks to the onset of the clone wars. While Maul was getting closer to furthering himself into darkness, the Senate began to panics it had been a number of weeks since Palpatine vanished and they needed a new leader. This brought in an unpopular choice, especially from the corporate greed which had left its permanent stench on the republic for decades, nearly centuries. The reason this particular senator became Chancellor, was because of her caucus and the voice some of her closest allies had. Chancellor Amidala was used to having a target on her head, which is why many people were trusting of her to lead the republic. The issue wasn’t that they agreed or disagreed with her, it was more of their belief in her to be the leader a wartime government needed. She survived copious assassination attempts and used her voice to try and bring people back together. Obviosuly this was before the death and assassination of Senator Mina Bonteri. Without Dooku holding his leash Grievous went mental. He began getting aggressive and put the republic into a deeper war. While the republic was militaristically sound at this point, Grievous and his forces were still many and they were overpowering due to the sheer size of their military. While Padme hated the idea of trying to enforce the militaristic side of the war, she had to do it because if she didn’t then they could lose. All her attempts to reconcile were shaken away due to what Palpatine left behind. If it wasn’t for his leadership before she took command, the peace process would’ve been done and over with. The weird thing is both governments, generally, blamed the other for the death of their respective heads of state. The Jedi kept quiet on the matter but they actively started to get involved in the senate to make sure there weren’t any other Sith around. Padme allowed this because she and her allies were extremely close with Jedi, not quite as close as she and Anakin were but ya know. Maul would continue for months trying to start down the dark path again, but every time he started he pulled back and rejected something that made his body recoil. He couldn’t help but feel the poison seeping into his skin every time he tried. And then after months of solitude on the lower levels of the city world he called to Obi Wan and requested a chance to speak with him. Obi Wan told him he was off world, currently trying to hunt down Grievous with Skywalker and Ahsoka. He told Maul that he could send a Jedi to him. He was at the beginning very apprehensive about it, but he then agreed. Master of the Order, Mace Windu was present on the planet and he went down to the lower levels of the city to talk with Maul. He was genuinely surprised when someone with such a high rank came down to the lower levels to speak with him but he at the very least felt like he was being taken seriously, which meant the most to him. Mace came down and asked him what was on his mind, and Maul told him that he didn’t want to be alone and he feared solitude. Mace reminded him that fear was a path to the dark side, and Maul understood this but he didn’t want to continue being a servant of it. He wanted a place of belonging and Windu asked what he could do for Maul to assist him with such wishes. Maul didn’t know, he did express that he at the very least appreciated the effort to come down here and talk to him. Mace looked to the side and took a deep breath, he told Maul that perhaps there would be a chance for him to become a Jedi. His efforts in destroying the Sith were incredibly important to the Order and for the galaxy. Mace told him that he would give him a chance. He had one chance, he couldn’t mess up though. Mace told Maul that he would be under his direct guidance and he would show Maul how to take that dark side energy within him and turn it into something positive, something that wouldn’t just help himself but others. But he did tell Maul the risks. If he accepted this offer he would become a Jedi Padawan, and he would have to learn how to embrace the force in a new aspect. Everything he knew would be stripped away from him and he would be taught how to be a new man. On top of that he would follow him to battlefronts across the galaxy in a means to bring balance to the force and the galaxy. Maul was ready, but first Mace had to make sure the Council approved of these actions. Obviously Maul had done some positive work which would garner him an audience before the High Council. Being that most of the members were with him on Stygeon Prime when he killed Sidious, they would likely be confident in his acceptance. On the other hand a stress relief became stress for Anakin and Padme, when they had twins. Being that Padme was the Chancellor she was always stressed. And when it came to having not stress whenever Anakin was in town she took the opportunity. Of course not stress resulted into more stress, how joyful. Thankfully 3PO would hopefully be a good nanny. During Padme’s time as Chancellor she did have to convict a Jedi found to be responsible for a bombing on the Temple, though Ahsoka was never in the talks, simply due to the changing lines in the field of battle. Skywalker was nowhere near Cato Nemodia when the Temple was bombed, instead he and Ahsoka were on Ringo Vinda. The twins Tiplee and Tiplar were the ones brought back to Coruscant to complete the investigation for the Jedi. Anakin was obviously surprised by the birth of his children but he welcomed it. Though there was a war at hand and he believed that he needed to help end the war before he could be truly apart of their lives, which is something Padme also agreed with. The peace talks were getting somewhere and with the survival of Duchess Satine of Mandalore, peace talks were actively being held there, Death Watch had been destroyed by their own ignorance and the dark saber was lost amongst the tribe, constantly being fought over nearly daily. Though the one interruption to the peace talks was General Grievous. But once the Separatists separated themselves from him, it became even more obvious that the war was being perpetuated by individuals rather than governments. The cease fire was called, which allowed the republic to find and hunt down general Grievous. This was a mission that involved Obi Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker. While Ahsoka joined them on the campaign she was leading the troops when Anakin and Obi Wan defeated Grievous. The battle was intense, but the combined strength of Anakin and Obi Wan were more than enough to shred the good general, and ensure the collapse of the resistance. When Obi Wan and Anakin returned to Coruscant, Obi Wan got to see Maul for the first time since he was voted on to be allowed into the order or not. For Kenobi it was so relieving. To see Maul in such a state warmed his heart. It did hurt, every time he looked at the Zabrak warrior he thought of Qui Gon being murdered on Naboo. But this is what his master would’ve wanted. Had Kenobi tried to kill him or Savage when they were on Florrum, he would’ve been the antithesis of what Qui Gon was. A Jedi used the force for defense, never offense. And Obi Wan knew that Qui Gon would’ve been proud of the man he became. Though when Obi Wan saw Maul, he knew something was up, because he came up to Obi Wan with a radiant smile. Maul told Kenobi that he wanted him to join him. So they walked together through the Temple. Maul told Obi Wan that he never would’ve been able to do it if it wasn’t for him. Obi Wan smiled and told Maul that he didn’t do anything, Maul did all the work. Sure sure, but he wouldn’t be here without Obi Wan. Maul turned and asked Obi Wan to be by his side at his knighting ceremony. Obi Wan smiled and accepted it. While it might initially seem like Maul passed his trials quickly, it was true. But it was again a testament to why Mace Windu was respected by so many. He was a great master and it showed through his work. Depa Billaba, his last student, was on the High Council, and she wasn’t much older than he was when she became apart of the Council. For Maul it was redirecting all of his trauma into something positive. Mace was really good at assisting Maul with this and also, not for nothing, being on the active battlefront made it easier for Maul. The companionship he received from the clones and his master made him feel a sense of completion that he hadn’t ever felt. Obi Wan and him walked together for hours talking. There was still an awkwardness between them, but it was being resolved. The thing for Maul and his turn from dark to light was the completion he’d never had. It was like an addiction, and while it could’ve turned really negative for him, it didn’t. He was able to feel a sense of fulfillment and continue to express himself as a Jedi. The code was a little rough, but Windu taught him some ways to interweave through the code without breaking the trust of the Council. This lesson of course came after Windu finally trusted him. That was a big thing for Mace, was his desire to have trust with his peers, students, and fellow Jedi. Obi Wan would be there with Maul when he was knighted by the High Council. Despite the Sith having been dead since he became a padawan, the moment he became a Jedi Knight, it felt like the Sith were truly dealt with, and truly extinguished. Chancellor Amidala in the months prior to the end of the war would discover a plot by accident that would lead to the mass arrest of Kaminoans and the imprisonment of Nala Se and Prime Minister Lama Su for their crimes against the galaxy. It was heinous to believe they could have a plot to turn the Grand Army of the Republic against the senate or the Jedi or whoever. Everything blew up in the Kaminoans faces, and while the deaths of Dooku and Sidious would never be uncovered, because they were covered up by Grievous who learned about their deaths on Stygeon Prime, the newly reformed Republic would reach for the future. Anakin and Padme had a long talk about how they would continue forward, and Skywalker decided he would remain a Jedi, but spend his time with her and their family. Of course keeping it a secret. This kind of mentality did make its way into Obi Wan’s mind as he had himself a fling with his favorite politician in the galaxy. He and Satine had some destress time and even concentrated their relationship, in secrecy. Though it was much easier due to Satine not being apart of the republic as a Mandalorian, and the fact that Mandalore constantly had to deal with little uprisings of Mandalorians. Obi Wan had a totally valid reason to spend months on end outside of the Temple. Anakin did catch one eventually and then he couldn’t believe his master. But when children eventually got involved with Obi Wan and Satine, it was time to setup playdates with Luke and Leia and Astrid. Maul eventually became a Master to a Twi’lek Jedi padawan named Daesha Numa, and took her training as seriously as he could. He believed it was his responsibility to become a Jedi Master after everything the Jedi Order did for him. His eternal gratitude would have him working endlessly, with joy, to be the best Jedi version of himself. Though nothing would compare to the happiness Maul finally achieved as a true Jedi Master in the healing galaxy. And that my friends is our story …. Again special thanks to GalavantGaming, Tristen, Darth Revan, Pimp Daddy Bane, The Last Je’daii, Apollo, weewoo670, Anakush Dankrunner, CT7567, OzoofOz, Darth Nox, The Eternal Padawan, Johnny Nguyen, Sans the Skeleton, JediSloth, MrYeetGamer, Lord Kallig, YounglingSlayer 66, Madmana Studios, Anakin003, Fordo’s Legacy Star Wars, Lemon Knight, Rex the Wolf, The Man with three first names, DarkSaint46, Baron Joshua, & LordDeadwing for supporting the channel! Let’s hit 2k likes
Channel: Pente Patrol Star Wars
Views: 54,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: darthmaul, starwarsrebels, starwarstheclonewars, theclonewars, clonewars, starwars, obiwankenobi, kenobi, obiwan, sith, sidious, maul, darthvader, ppsw, starwarswhatif, starwarswhatifs, whatifobiwan, whatifdarthmaul, whatifanakin, anakinskywalker, jedi, deathstar, mandalore, satinekryze, mandalorian, deathwatch, savageoppress, darthsidious, vader, skywalker, skywalkersaga, pentepatrol, tatooine, benkenobi, lukeskywalker, leiaorgana, hansolo, chewie, chewbacca, originaltrilogy, prequeltrilogy, jediorder, sithempire, galactic empire
Id: GrMai6-TBqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 4sec (1864 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 15 2023
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