The Life Of Every Hokage (Naruto)

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[Music] the life of every hokage from naruto the hokage is the kage of konohagakure a title bestowed on the village's leader the hokage is generally regarded as the strongest shinobi in the village there have been seven hokage in the village's history welcome to the amagi in today's video we're going over the life of every hokage before we begin we publish a new video every day so be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos the amagi's reach stretches beyond just this channel so if you're a fan of us please consider subscribing to our other channels and following us on all of our social media help us reach our goal of passing 100 000 followers on all of our accounts by the end of the year and with that out of the way let's get into the video overview the hokage position was created shortly after the creation of konoha by hashirama senju one of the village's founders he intended the title to be given to his co-founder matara uchiha but the village's population instead selected hashirama as the first hokage matara feared that hashirama's selection was the first step in making the hokage office an extension of the senju clan's authority a fear hashirama denied despite this all of the villages hokage have traced back to hashirama in some way the second was his brother the third was a student of both his brother and himself the fourth was a student of one of the third student the fifth is his granddaughter and another student of the third the sixth was a student of the fourth the seventh is a student of the sixth and the son of the fourth the hokage typically selects their successor if they die or are otherwise incapacitated the next hokage is instead chosen by the daimyo of the land of fire with the advice of his committee the konoha council the jonine commander and a representative of the onbu this choice must be then approved by konohas jonin if one of the hokage's predecessors is still alive they may return to office rather than select a new hokage as when the third came out of retirement following the fourth's death the hokage's inauguration is a major event in konoha with most of the village attending the new hokage is granted a ceremonial howery on the occasion the same woman has embroidered the haury for all seven hokage once they assume the duties of hokage their face is carved into the hokage rock and they usually move into the hokage residence the hokage's office is located in the administrative section of the academy hokage are responsible for most of the village's day-to-day affairs such as assigning the village's ninja to missions or securing funding for the village's projects and personnel the hokage spends most of their time in the village only traveling abroad for events of vital importance to konoha each hokage typically lives according to the will of fire a philosophy that holds that kodoha is a family and that the hokage is chiefly responsible for protecting that family the workload of the hokage can be quite formidable as such retired hokage may continue to oversee certain sections of the village or if not that will advise the current okage on request over a decade after the fourth shinobi world war the workload of the hokage has expanded tremendously due to the expanse of growth that konohaka kure enjoyed after the war as well as the hokage's duties becoming nearly that of a pseudohead of state in the land of fire as such until his schedule lessened the seventh hokage would be swamped with paperwork and other appearances all over the village turned city to the point where even his massive chakra reserves would be depleted and he would also be unable to spend time with his family temporarily forming a rift between him and his eldest son first hokage hashirama senju was a member of the famed senju clan he himself was hailed as the god of shinobi for his unmatched ninja prowess hashirama sought peace for the shinobi world and to that end founded konohagakure with his clan his childhood friend and rival madura uchiha and the uchiha clan he would later become the first hokage of konohagakure although he wasn't able to achieve peace during his lifetime his legacy and vision of the world would continue to shape the village and the entire shinobi world even after his death background hashrama was born during the warring states period the eldest of bhutsuma senju's four sons hashirama and his brothers grew up on the battlefield waging constant war with the senju's rivals the uchiha during his infrequent downtime hashirama met a boy his own age named madura the two quickly developed a friendly rivalry be it skipping stones or urinating in rivers with hashirama typically winning their contests ashrama didn't approve of this practice of sending children to fight and die believing it would only increase the bitterness between the senju and uchiha thus causing more deaths after the deaths of their brother kawarama and later itama hashirama and his remaining brother tobi rama decided a new shinobi system would need to be implemented to end the cycle of child deaths a system that would require an alliance between the senju and uchiha like hashirama matara was also a shinobi who had lost brothers on the battlefield together they imagined a world where children like themselves wouldn't need to fight and where their brothers would be safe from harm as a precaution hashirama and matara didn't divulge their family names but nevertheless discovered each other's identities hashirama was a senju matara was an uchiha it was their duty to kill each other hashirama set his duty aside unwilling to take his friend's life matara however decided the dreams of a peaceful world were impossible and therefore ended their friendship so that they could kill each other without reservation over the following years hashirama and matara continued to meet in combat hashirama could never bring himself to kill someone he still considered a friend and madara could never defeat hashirama's superior abilities in time both madura and hashirama became leaders of their respective clans under hashirama's leadership and extraordinary ninja prowess the senju began to best the uchiha clan until at one point hashirama had both madura and izuna at his mercy however unable to find the resolve to kill his childhood friend hashirama tried to convince madara to unite their two clans to make their childhood dreams a reality a mortally wounded izana convinced madhura otherwise and they retreated prompting hashirama to send a ceasefire request although sammuchiha found the offer increasingly tempting madura was unwilling to accept after toby rama killed his last remaining brother izuna this did not stop some uchiha from defecting to the senju out of self-preservation racked with grief matara made one final stand against hashirama and the senju and was summarily defeated toby rama attempted to kill madra to finally end the fighting but hashirama stopped him knowing that would only renew hostilities between the senju and uchiha at modera's suggestion hashirama offered to kill himself in order to achieve a peaceful resolution as he was about to end his own life matara stopped him moved by the gesture and ascented to peace the senju the uchiha and all their affiliated clans came together to found a village of peace where children would never need to die in battle hashirama and matara rekindling their childhood friendship called the village kona hagakure the other countries would soon follow konoha gakurei's example and build their own hidden villages although hashirama created much of the village's infrastructure with his wood release abilities it was his wish that matara become hokage the village's leader and protector at tobirama's insistence the hokage position was opened up to a vote by konoha's villagers and it was hashirama that they elected into office hashirama wanted moderate to become his advisor so that he could improve his standing among the villagers and someday succeed him as second hokage matara felt that that position would inevitably go to tobirama which would in turn end badly for the uchiha with his position in konoha rapidly diminishing matera decided the village was a failed experiment and abandoned it intent on someday returning to face hashiram in battle yet again true to his promise matara eventually attacked tonhagakurei on multiple occasions after countless fights and with the ninetales under his control modera challenged hashirama to one final contest the nine tails his power as well as hashirama's efforts to capture and contain it devastated the landscape carving out what would later be called the valley of the end hashirama spent the duration of their battle trying to reason with matara but madara continued fighting until he was too tired to keep even his sharingan active this enabled hashirama to distract him with wood clone while the real hashirama stabbed him in the back madura collapsed and before dying noted how much hashirama had changed from when they were children in the aftermath of the battle tobirama hit away matara's body and hashirama's wife mito sealed the ninetails within herself in order to contain its great power to kona's benefit for a time things were peaceful hashirama helped train one of toby rama's students he resent saudi toby he got to spoil his first grandchild tsunade he locked away the scrolls of seals the kinjutsu it contained no longer necessary in the world he'd made but the peace hashirama worked so hard for started to unravel at some point takigakure sent kakuzu to assassinate him although he defeated kakuzu other wars began to break out and it was during the first shinobi world war that hashirama eager to form a lasting peace with the other villages convened akage summit so that he could share the tailed beasts konaha had acquired with them thus balancing power amongst them but cooperation would not be so simple as hashirama intended it to be first by tobii rama's demand that other villages pay for the tailed beast they've received then by the first kazukage's counter request of money and territory in lieu of a tailed beast as unrest began to grow hashirama shared his fear that any agreement they made would only be temporary but also that future generations could forge a lasting unity ultimately hashirama's wish for peace would not come to fruition during his lifetime and he died while konohagakuri began to flourish before his death he passed the title of okage to tobi rama and instructed him not to mistreat the uchiha konoha crush orochimaru invades konoha so that he can kill his master hirosen sarutobi who is now the third hokage because orochimaru wants hirozen to experience the same thrills of fighting a teacher as he is he reincarnates hashirama and tobirama recognizing hirozen and seeing how old he's gotten hashirama realizes how long he's been dead tobyrama meanwhile realizes they've been brought back with the impure world reincarnation and therefore will have no choice but to fight hirosen orochimaru suppresses their personalities and forces them to attack hirozen struggles to land an attack against hashiram and tobirama their coordination and responsiveness offering him few openings the few attacks he does land are merely regenerated by the reincarnated bodies because killing orochimaru will not end the impure world reincarnation he then uses the only option he has left after creating two shadow clones he has a clone capture each of the deceased hokage and used the dead demon consuming seal on them with their personalities restored hashirama and tobirama apologize for being such troubles to him just as hirozen apologizes for the fate he has sentenced them to he pulls the souls from their reincarnated bodies feeding them to the shinigami 4th shinobi world war climax at the request of sasuke uchiha orochimaru releases the souls of the first four hokage from the stomach of the shinigami so that he can reincarnate them after taking in their surroundings hashirama and tobirama are excited to meet minato the fourth and take him as a sign of konaha's continued prosperity hashirama asks who the fifth is and is informed that it's his granddaughter tsunare hashirama accordingly worries about the village's current fate sasuke asks the former hokage about the history of the village specifically with regards to the uchiha clan from toby rama's comments hashirama realizes that toby rama didn't follow his instructions to be understanding of the uchiha which greatly angered him when toby rama prepares to attack sasuke in order to protect the village from one of the last uchiha hashirama uses force to stay his hand the hokage are told about recent events namely the outbreak of the fourth shinobi world war and the reincarnation of modera uchiha tobirama wishes to go and help konoha's forces in the war effort and asks for hashirama's help although orochimaru has perfected his control of the impure world reincarnation hashirama is still strong enough to break free if he chooses instead of doing that however he decides to tell sasuke about his work to create konoha and the dealings of the uchiha as that is why he has been reincarnated in the first place hearing hashirama's history and reflecting on his own experiences sasuke decides he doesn't want konoha to be destroyed as is madura's current intention orochimaru releases the hokage from his control so that they can help in this goal and they set out for the site of the allied shinobi forces battle with the ten tales although worried by modera's current plans hashirama is at the same time curious how modera managed to survive their last encounter and looks forward to seeing him when they arrive on the battlefield matara sensing hashirama excitedly asks for a chance to fight him but hashirama replies that he'll need to wait entering sage mode hashirama uses sage art gate of the great god to bind the ten tales then assists the other hokage in erecting a barrier to confine it because he must stay with the barrier hashirama creates five wood clones to act on his behalf four lead an attack against the ten tails minions while the fifth engages matara matara is uninterested and offers to continue waiting until the real hashirama is available when obito uchiha arrives on the battlefield hashirama realizes that matara is forcing him to use the samsara of heavenly life technique to revive him he creates six additional wood clones to go after madra and stop him obito is able to resist moderate control and instead seals the tent tails into himself becoming its jinchuriki birth of the ten tales with his new power obito rips down the barrier easily shrugs off another gate of the great god and tears through one of the wood clones before it has a chance to respond the clone is able to retain its form for long enough to create branches that restrain obito allowing one of toby rama's shadow clones to use mutually multiplying explosive tags when this fails to have any effect hashirama decides to get personally involved madura however is done waiting and forces hashirama to fight him hashirama tries to convince him to postpone but madura won't hear any of it while he engages matara his remaining wood clones provide what support to the allies they can and keep hashirama apprised of how the battle against obitua is going after obito creates the tantales giant tree form matara explains to hashirama the tree's function in the eventual implementation of the infinite tsukiomi needing to communicate this to the rest of the alliance hashirama has ino yamanaka telepathically link one of his wood clones to the rest of the alliance which now includes tsunade and the other current kage after saying hello to his granddaughter the clone relays his message and employs them not to give when feelings of futility begin to grow amongst the alliance's ranks hashirama shares his memories of the first kage summit with them helping to rally them all and ultimately defeat obito the original hashirama meanwhile manages to pin moderate with multiple gate of the great gods and surrounds him with wood dragons to prevent him from escaping naruto uzumaki arrives to help seal modera thus ending the war but madura implements a final trump card before they can do so successfully forcing obito to restore him to life with the samsara of heavenly life technique the full return of his original power allows moderate to break free of his restraints and in the confusion quickly immobilize hashirama with chakra receivers madra is able to fight off several other immediate attackers but his revival has left him without his eyes diminishing his senses he approaches hashirama and absorbs his senjutsu chakra so that he can find targets based on their chakra signatures before he leaves matara notes that the plan for pc mentioned to hashirama so long ago is about to be achieved as sasuke is about to go after matara hashirama still unable to move offers to give him a jutsu that can be used to cancel out the senjutsu chakra madra has taken sasuke asks why hashirama would trust him in uchiha to which hashirama replies that he resembles moderate's brother izuna and that maybe that likeness will remind modera of the kind person he used to be before izana died in the end sasuke fails and the infinite tsukiomi is cast with the whole world the reincarnated hokage excluded getting wrapped into god nativity of a world of trees kaguya otsutsuki strikes sometime later the chakra receivers disappear restoring hashirama's mobility he reunites with the other hokage and they try to figure out what they can do to break the infinite tsukiomi they are met by the spirit of the sage of the six paths who recruits their help combining efforts with the spirit of the other dead kage they summon team seven madura and the tailed beasts back from kaguya's dimension hashirama approaches madura who is too weak to get up and is in fact dying from his ordeal matara uses his remaining moments of life to admit that hajirama's method of peace was right all along hashiroma forgives him and says that they are still friends despite everything which madra uses his last breath to say isn't so bad hashirama and the other kage are returned to the pure land by the sage of six pats as his soul ascends hashirama wishes sasuke and naruto luck hoping that they have a better experience together than he and matara did legacy the fact that only hashirama possessed the ability to use wood release and related abilities of controlling tail beasts and self-regeneration made his dna highly coveted after his death in the anime kono has sanctioned several attempts to research and reproduce hashirama's power but all met with disastrous failure and further study was forbidden orochimaru exhumed hasherama's body for his own experiments where he infused 60 child test subjects with cells harvested from the remains in the hopes that one would prove able to use wood release only yamato survives the process danzo shimura had a work relationship with orochimaru and had his right arm infused with hashirama's cells in addition to granting him increased chakra levels and limited wood release abilities it extended the amount of time he could keep izanagi active with his different sharingan and increase how often he could use koto amatsukami kabatu yakishi continued urochumaru studies eventually learning how to create an implant that would grant whoever received it access to hashirama's power the only recipient of this implant was madura enhancing him beyond his prime matara uchiha took his own sample of hashirama's dna during their fight at the valley of the end which he applied to his injuries afterwards to accelerate his recovery decades later towards the end of his natural lifespan the mixing of hashirama's dna with his own would evolve his sharingan into rinnegan using this dna sample matara created a mindless clone of hashirama with which he was able to produce a substance that could heal injuries and replace lost limbs tsunade later does the same this same substance would be used in the manufacture of the white zetsu army in the anime roots saw this as a means to create an ultimate weapon researching for years to create gozu teno in the anime hashirama's dna became so highly coveted that samples were acquired and sold on the black market in the land of silence a large part of hashirama's legacy was his philosophy of the will of fire which became increasingly common amongst konoha's ninja in the years after his death future hokage in particular were expected to fully adopt the philosophy in time even members of the ichiha clan began demonstrating signs of the will of fire with hashirama claiming itachi uchiha's dedication to the village was even greater than his own personality hashirama was an excitable man with a boisterous personality he loved meeting new people having friendly competitions and gambling headstrong and often impulsive it fell to others such as his brother toby rama to be more responsible or realistic about things that hashirama had gotten carried away with when taken down in this way or even when simply presented with information that troubled him hashrama could do a near immediate about-face going from laughing to sulking these moping periods were typically brief though and he'd quickly go back to his usual high-spirited nature later generations upon meeting him tended to remark that neither extremes of his personality were very fitting for a man called the god of shinobi despite the first impression he made give hashirama was capable of being serious when it came to matters that were important to him he spent years opposing the practice of sending children to war and dreamed of a shinobi system where a child could be around others his or her age never needing to grow up prematurely on the battlefield to that end he became very devoted to konaha upon its foundation as it was the realization of his dream for peaceful childhoods he wanted the rest of the village to cherish what konoha represented just as much as he did encouraging them to regard every villager as part of one large family that should always look out for each other as hokage his job was to protect that family at all costs even if that cost was his life this philosophy known as the will of fire would become a cornerstone of konoha teachings for decades after his death the will of fire is demonstrative of hashirama's general optimism when it came to other people he believed a village first loyalty would naturally break down the mentality that shinobi had to look out for their clans hashima lived by this philosophy long before konoha's founding having no qualms about killing himself if it meant peace between the uchiha and the senju clans in fact his entire goal of gaining more power was to have enough just to stop violence one example of this was he believed if the two most powerful clans during the warring states period were to join forces there would be no other shinobi clan to stand against them and would stop selling their services effectively ending the warring states period he always saw the best in others either trusting that they acted in good faith or that they could through non-violent means be reasoned with he was humble not above lowering his head to his fellow village heads or claiming inferiority to those he'd never met but whose actions he approved of if nothing else hashirama was kind placing the needs of others before his own he was even willing to take his own life if it would help create a world where his friends and family wouldn't need to die unnecessarily it was on these points that toby rama disagreed with hashirama most ardently as tobii rama felt that hashirama should have a greater value of himself and a greater suspicion of others it was similarly on these points that hashirama was at his most forceful asserting his views over tobyramas though tomi rama did not often agree he knew better than to oppose his brother hashrama is also well balanced on this regard as he didn't exert his force over toby rama over past actions that cannot be changed such as when finding out toby rama seemingly mistreated the uchiha he expressed anger but didn't exert his force as it didn't do any good hashirama had a lifelong friendship and rivalry with madra uchiha eventually considering him a brother as children they would spend much of their free time together talking playing and planning for a future that they weren't sure would ever come both were willing to oppose their own fathers by refusing to kill each other but only hashirama kept up this refusal into adulthood even as enemies hashirama would go out of his way for madura restraining himself and tobi rama so as not to hurt himself and indulging moderate desires at his own consequence when they were able to rekindle their friendship by making konaha hashirama placed a great deal of trust in moderate by desiring him to be hokage believing it to be the best way for moderate to recover from the loss of his brothers when this ultimately failed hashrama respected manora's opinions and dissatisfaction with the village but would not permit him to move against konoha killing him in the end with sadness and reluctance in order to protect what they've made together despite everything hashirama considered matara his friend to the very end second hokage tobi rama senju was a member of the renowned senju clan who together with his elder brother and the uchiha clan founded the first shinobi village konohagakurei throughout his lifetime tobirama would work tirelessly to achieve political stability and implement the institutions that made the village system work thus ensuring konoha's continuity and prosperity after his brother's death he would earn the title of second hokage background tobirama was born during the warring states period and was the second of bhutsuma senju's four sons he and his brothers grew up on the battlefield waging constant war with their rivaling clans especially the uchiha after the deaths of their brothers kawarama and later itamatobirama and his older brother hashirama decided a new shinobi system would need to be implemented to end the cycle of child deaths a system that would require an alliance between the warring clans at some point in time it became apparent that hashirama got into the habit of disappearing into the forest for extended periods and as such tobirama accepted his father's assignment to follow hashirama and find out what he was doing from tracking hashirama tobirama discovered that he was meeting with a boy named matara a young uchiha after tobirama reported this to his father budsuma pressured hashirama to lead matara into an ambush to be carried out by himself in tobirama upon springing the trap however they were met by matara's family who had similar plans and while their fathers clashed toby rama fought uzuna uchiha matara's younger brother hashirama and matara were able to negotiate a temporary ceasefire allowing all of them to walk away without bloodshed in the years following their families would continue to clash hashirama against matara and tobirama against izuna on one occasion tobirama even mortally wounded izana hashirama by then the leader of the senju tried to use izana's fate to broker peace between their clans but matara at eason as behest refused his refusal increasingly became the minority view with individual uchiha siding with the senju in growing numbers after isen has succumbed to his injuries matara racked with grief made one final stand against the senju and was summarily defeated toby rama attempted to kill amadora to finally end the fighting but hashirama stopped him knowing that would only renew hostilities between the senju and uchiha matara offered to surrender if hashirama would kill himself or tobirama hashirama agreed to take his own life and as he made preparations he instructed tobirama despite his protests not to seek retribution matara ultimately withdrew his request and agreed to peace the senju the uchiha and all of their affiliated clans came together to found konoha a village of peace where children would never need to die in battle although hashirama was optimistic about the village's future tobirama remained realistic about how that future would be achieved knowing that it was not enough to simply bring all these clans together he believed that the uchiha madra in particular threatened that future when hashirama wanted to give matara the position of hokage tobirama forced him to open the selection to a democratic process rather than appointing a leader leading to hashirama's election instead tobirama would continue to act as the voice of reason throughout hashirama's tenure during the first kage summit hashirama wanted to give konoha's tailed beasts to the other newly formed villages for free but tobirama insisted that the villages pay for the tailed beasts they received under hashirama's leadership the new system of ninja villages achieved peace for a time eventually toby rama started training his own three-man team consisting of heroes in saratobi homura mitocardo and kohara uttatane techniques he had created such as the shadow clone technique and summoning impure world reincarnation he outlawed their use no longer being needed but peace would ultimately be temporary as matara challenged hashirama's authority and the two fought at what would become the valley of the end when mataro was killed in the battle tobirama took his body in order to study the sharingan and then buried it in an unmarked grave conflicts would start emerging elsewhere in the world and it was during one of these that hashirama would die before his death he passed the title of hokage to tobirama and left him instructions to not mistreat the uchiha tobirama's role as hokage included helping konahan's shinobi transition from valuing their clan above all else to valuing the village and everyone in it to this end he created such institutions as the academy the on-boo and the tuning exams while largely successful enough that other villages adopted the same organizations the uchiha resisted their loss of autonomy already wary of the uchiha because of its history with matara toby rama created the konoha military police force for the uchiha to run publicly as a sign of trust but primarily so that the uchiha would focus their energies on something beneficial others however would come to see this as a way to marginalize the clan like hashirama before him tobirama tried to foster good relations with the other villages he planned an alliance between konoha and kumogakurei but during a formal ceremony he and the second reikage were attacked by the gold and silver brothers and left near death during the first shinobi world war team tobirama as well as danzo shimura torifo akamichi and kagami uchiha found themselves surrounded by kumo's kinkaku force with no way for all of them to escape tobirama volunteered to act as a decoy in place of hirozen as he departed he passed the title of hokage to hirozen before being killed by kinkaku konohak rush orochimaru invades konoha so he can kill his master he resents saratobi because orochimaru wants hirozin to experience the same thrill of fighting a teacher as he is he reincarnates hashirama and tobirama recognizing hirozin and seeing how old he has gotten hashirama realizes how long he's been dead tobirama meanwhile realizes they've been brought back with the impure world reincarnation and therefore will have no choice but to fight hirozin orochimaru suppresses their personalities and forces them to attack hirozin struggles to land an attack against hashirama and tobirama their coordination and responsiveness offering him few openings the few attacks he does land are merely regenerated by their reincarnated bodies because killing orochimaru will not end the impure world reincarnation hirozin uses the only option he has left after creating two shadow clones he has a clone capture each of the deceased hokage and then uses the dead demon consuming seal on them with their personalities restored hashirama and tobirama apologize for being such troubles to him just as heroes and apologizes for the fate he has sentenced him to he pulls their souls from their reincarnated bodies feeding them to the shinigami fourth shinobi world war climax at the request of sasuke uchiha orochimaru releases the souls of the first four hokage from the stomach of the shinigami and then reincarnates them after taking in their surroundings hashirama and tobi rama are excited to meet minato the fourth and take him as a sign of konoha's continued prosperity when toby rama scolds rochimaru for his repeated use of the impure world reincarnation orochimaru instead blames toby rama for creating it in the first place he also blames toby rama for a number of his other actions as hokage such as the konahan military police force that helped foster uchiha dissent hashirama reprimands tobirama for not honoring his instructions to treat the uchiha fairly when sasuke threatens to destroy konoha tobirama feels validated in his treatment of the uchiha and prepares to attack sasuke but hashirama forces him to stop when they're told of mahara uchiha's reincarnation and participation in the ongoing 4th shinobi world war tobii rama could not be reasoned with and only arochimaru's refined control of the impure world reincarnation stops him tobirama is forced to stand by and listen as hashirama explains his personal experiences of moderate and the uchiha and adds some of his own experiences after hashirama's story ends from listening to the four hokage sasuke decides he doesn't want konoha to be destroyed as is matara's current intention orochimaru releases the hokage from his control so they can help in this goal and they set up for the site of the allied shinobi forces battle with the ten tails toby rama arrives in the battlefield shortly after minato and compliments his speed once all the hokage gather they combine efforts to erect a barrier around the ten tails to confine it tobirama must stay with the barrier in order to keep it active so he watches as sasuke and the allies attack the ten tails when obito uchiha appears in the battlefield and prepares to revive matara toby rama creates two shadow clones to go after matara munito once again beats him to the punch cutting down obito before matara can be revived birth of the ten tales chinchiroki not only was matara's revival not his intention but minato's attack was too late obito seals the tails into himself becoming his chinchoriki with his new power obito rips down the barrier allowing the hokage to finally join the fray while trying to decide how to proceed obito cuts through toby rama and one of hashirama's wood clones while the clone restrains obito tobi rama tells everyone to evacuate the area while he uses mutually multiplying explosive tags the attack has no effect and hirozin and minato engage obito while toby rama regenerates once restored he sends shadow clones to redirect a truth seeking ball that's been attached to munito back to obito having earlier branded him with a flying thunder god seal tobi rama minato sasuke and naruto uzumaki coordinate efforts to attack obito with flying thunder god mutually instantaneous revolving technique but obito emerges without damage what's more from observing that minato has not fully regenerated an arm loss to obito tobirama theorizes that obito's truth-seeking balls can nullify the advantages of the impure world reincarnation and all other ninjutsu in a blind gamble gamakichi attacks obito with the starch syrup gun which actually seems to have some success tobi rama and naruto separately realize that obito is vulnerable to senjutsu after naruto enters sage mode toby rama teleports him above obito so he can attack with a weakness discovered obito traps the alliance within a barrier so that he can wipe them out with multiple tailed beast balls toby rama and minato decide that they can't teleport all the balls away in time but naruto comes up with a way for him and minato to teleport the entire alliance to safety impressed by their combined efforts tobirama assists them after they enter tailed beast modes by teleporting them to obito for another attack obito blocks at this time and counters by creating the ten tails tree form the tree's roots start tearing through the allies and after fending off some roots toby rama teleports naruto sasuke mineto and hirozin together to figure out a new plan naruto and sasuke with hashirama's encouragement lead the alliance in their attack while toby rama busies himself with teleporting shinobi to safety when they need it although obito is defeated and the ten tails is removed from his body matara is successfully restored to life while matara prepares to become the tent tails next genchurki tobirama launches a desperate attack to stop him moderate pins him with multiple black receivers and they share their mutual contempt for each other using what little mobility he has tobirama attacks him with heavenly weeping to distract matara while sasuke attacks him from behind matara blocks the attack and over tobirama is pleased to stop mortally wounds sasuke matara leaves and tobirama can only watch as sasuke's life fades shortly afterwards kabuto yakushi arrives in time to save sasuke once he's well sasuke removes the black receivers from toby rama's body and has him teleport him to naruto's location to face modera otsotsuki strikes despite their efforts naruto and sasuke cannot stop matara from initiating the infinite tsukiomi tobirama and the other hokage being the only ones unaffected converge at the location of a powerful chakra signature but only find matara's lower half tobiarama contemplates using the impure world reincarnation on madura to ask him what happened but they are stopped by the sage of six paths combining efforts with the spirits of the other dead kage they summon team seven matara and the tailed beasts back from kagia's dimension matara dying has some parting words with hashirama after which the sage returns all the kage to the pure land as his soul ascends tobiraba encourages hashirama to entrust the future to sasuke and naruto legacy although toby rama created the konoha military police force with the intention of pacifying the uchiha clan it only exacerbated their feelings of marginalization and in effect cut them off from positions of influence in konoha dissatisfaction with kona grew among the uchiha for decades following eventually culminating in the uchiha clan downfall tobirama would also be responsible for creating several vital institutions for konoha such as the academy the on-boo and the tuning exams which would help guanaja bond many of the clans together to fight for konoha and would also help the village foster relationships with others these institutions were so successful that other villagers began implementing their own versions of them in their own nations his invention of the kinjutsu summoning impure world reincarnation would play a major role in the fourth shinobi world war and ironically would allow toby rama as well as the other to see sokage the ability to assist the allied shinobi forces in the war after they were reincarnated by orochimaru at the behest of sasuke uchiha the reincarnated madra uchiha himself begrudgingly admitted he was thankful to toby rama for inventing the technique while fighting the reincarnated hashirama senju personality tobirama was a stern man who spoke bluntly about most topics never sugar-coating facts or the matter at hand he had a pragmatic approach to life believing that many of the world's problems could be solved through well-defined rules and laws though his words would often come off as rude or insensitive tobi rama himself was relatively calm and composed rarely getting riled up or reacting emotionally it was this that allowed him to act as sort of a counterweight to his older brother hashirama and his ideals when hashirama would get carried away with headstrong optimism it fell to tobirama to mediate and force a more realistic alternative in order to achieve these idealistic goals hashirama was typically disappointed by toby rama's intervention but he usually agreed with that much protest but hashirama would at times push back against toby rama often because toby rama's methods were becoming too forceful hashirama's rare displays of anger on such occasions were enough to make tobirama back down despite how often he needed to undermine his brother and his personal opinion that hashirama was something of an idiot tobirama greatly loved and respected him and if anything wanted hashirama to respect himself the same way he and others did tobirama was a firm believer in the will of fire a philosophy that held that all villagers of konoha were part of a family as hokage it was tobi rama's responsibility to protect that family and any who threatened konoha were subject to his rarely seen but unbridled rage he modeled his own leadership after both hashirama and bhadra uchiha trying to strike a balance between hashirama's indulgent nature and matara's ruthlessness in order to protect the village tobirama wished for the villagers with their disparate backgrounds to move away from the tendency to only think about their clan and instead think about the village as a whole it was for this reason that he came into conflict with the uchiha so frequently and he felt they too often valued their own desires over others he believed matara was the worst example of this tendency although tobirama truly hoped that the konaha military police force would help the uchiha focus on the village he was not surprised when they instead took it as an intentional slight this in turn led them to plan a coup against konoha and then this planned coup brought about their near extinction despite this seeming prejudice against the uchiha toby ramo was perfectly happy to cooperate with any uchiha that could overcome their curse of hatred he cited kagame uchiha as a prime example of this transcended uchiha though they only knew each other for a short time toby rama and minato namakazi the fourth hokage got along superbly their mutual respect for each other seemed founded on their similarities both of them famously moving and thinking quickly on the battlefield while their actual personalities were quite different tobirama was nevertheless amused by minato's quirks such as his complicated names for techniques notably the spiraling flash super round dance howl style 3 with minato's son naruto uzumaki toby ramo was more frustrated than anything else naruto did not address him with the proper honorifics and failed to recognize him as the creator of certain jutsu such as the flying thunder god technique which naruto instead believed to be minato's creation third hokage heroes in saratobi was the third hokage of konohagakure a disciple of the village's two previous hokage heroism was a powerful ninja hailed as a god of shinobi though he was only ever directly the teacher of the sunnin generations of konohashinobi benefited from his wisdom during his lifetime background hirozin was born the son of sasuke saratobi the saratobi clan was one of the first clans to settle in the newly created konohagakure where hirozen struck up a friendship with the shimura clan's donzo shimura hirazan was part of the first generation of ninja produced by konoha and he homura mirokaro and koharu uchitane were placed under the tutelage of tobi rama senju hirozin early on displayed prodigious talent in the ninja arts earning him additional training from hashirama senju the first hokage at the same time donzo became jealous of hirozin's skills and started a one-sided rivalry in an effort to surpass him during the first shinobi world war tobirama by that time the second hokage led a team consisting of hirozin homura koharu danzo kagami uchiha and torifo akamichi during a mission they started to be pursued by kurogakire's kinkaku force an enemy that somebody would need to distract and inevitably die at the hands of in order for the rest of the team to escape he risen volunteered to be the decoy boasting that as the strongest of their group he stood the best chance of surviving the encounter nevertheless he asked donzo to look after the others toby rama volunteered himself instead and before going to his death he appointed hirison as the third hokage in the anime hirazan permitted danzo to create root a more ruthless subdivision of the onbu under donzo's exclusive control shortly after he became hokage in order to balance the shortcomings of his empathetic rule for years he had ignored roots questionable foreign ops its abduction of children and the actions it took against konoha personnel here isn't included at some point hirozin married biwako and they had a son ossima and at least one other child who became an anbu hirozin also started leading his own team of new academy graduates consisting of jiraiya orochimaru and tsunade though he was close with all of his students hirozin had the highest hopes for urochibaru a genius like himself who after the deaths of his parents was only further motivated to have a deep impact on the world hirozin led konoha's forces through the second and third shinobi world wars in the anime his choosing to end the third shinobi world war by sending a peace treaty with iwagakurei despite the losses konoha suffered incensed danzo prompting hirozin to step down as hokage against the village's protests hirozin had long hoped that herochimaru would succeed in mesokage but despite his best efforts he could never convince him of the will of fire that konoha was a family that the hokage had to risk everything to keep safe unable to choose a rochimaru here isn't considered jiraiya as his successor but jiraya did not believe he was responsible enough he risen ultimately settled on jiraiya's former student minato namakazi who had proven himself time and time again during the third shinobi world war hirozin assisted minotaur with the transition of power by advising him on how to handle individuals and other village matters he even retained some of his own onbu several of which he assigned as security while kushina uzumaki the jinchuriki of the ninetails gave birth despite their precautions the ninetales escaped and attacked the village hirozin led the village's defense until minato arrived to remove the nine tails to a safe distance heroes and followed and cut off by the adamantine ceiling chains could only watch as minato and kashina gave their lives to seal the ninetails into their newborn son naruto minato did not have time to tell heroes in how the ninetales had escaped instead using his final moments of his life to ask konoha via hirozin to think of naruto as a hero who saved the village and not the container of the monster that killed so many heroes and did so but the villages proved unable to follow minato's wishes prompting hirozin now the village's hokage once more to outlaw any mention of the nine-tails an effort to protect naruto from their misguided hate he also gave naruto his mother's surname in order to hide his relation to minato from minato's enemies hirozin eventually started investigating a number of disappearances throughout konoha in the anime he followed a lead provided by kakashi harake which ultimately led him to discover that orochimaru was behind it all hirison was dismayed not only by hirochimuro's role or that he was experimenting on those he kidnapped but also his reasons to create an eternal youth and immortality technique he attempted to apprehend a rochimaru but could not bring himself to strike down his favorite student and allowed him to escape from examining what a rochimaru left behind a young boy imbued with hashirama senju's wood release was discovered and over the years this boy became one of hirozin's top ombu operatives in the anime the boy was previously discovered by donzo and hirozen negotiated the boy's release into hiroson's care because minato never had the opportunity to explain the cause of the night tales attack konoha's leadership came to suspect a member of the uchiha clan was responsible due to the sharingan's ability to control the nine tails the uchiha resented this suspicion and began planning a coup d'etat something reported to hirozin and the konoha council by itachi uchiha here isn't attempted to peacefully resolve the conflict but negotiations consistently stalled donzo eventually stepped in without hirozin's knowledge and ordered itachi to slaughter the uchiha hero then only learned of the mission afterwards when hitachi reported its successful completion before needing to publicly leave the village as a criminal in order to hide konoha's involvement in the uchiha's destruction itachi asked hirozin to look after his younger brother sasuke the only uchiha who he could not bring himself to kill here is an agreed in the anime hirozen also promised not to change the village barriers formula enabling hitachi to sneak in from time to time to watch sasuke from afar donzo's role in the uchiha's assassination was not something hirosen could abide by and as such he ordered root be disbanded about five years after the nine-tailed fox's attack on the village hirozin had a disagreement with his son asama leading the latter to leave to pursue his personal interests prologue land of waves when naruto fails the academy's graduation exam yet again hirozin takes naruto's instructor irika umino aside and advises him to be compassionate towards naruto because of his lack of parents something irika had similar experiences with when naruto shortly afterwards breaks into the hokage residence and steals the scroll of seals and also defeats hirozin with the sexy technique heron has no choice but to mobilize a search party to apprehend naruto from observing events hirosen learns of naruto's manipulation by mizuki and watches as irika finally shows kindness towards naruto by protecting him from mizuki he calls off the search party when it becomes clear that naruto will return but heroes and worries that naruto's learning of the multiple shadow clone technique from the scroll will risk the nine-tails escape from his body from his concern over the ninetales as well as his disappointment that one of naruto's first accomplishments as a ghanian is to invent the harem technique here is an assigns kakashi harake is naruto's team leader so that kakashi can guide him appropriately as well as look over one of naruto's teammates sasuke ochiha despite kakashi's efforts naruto remains obstinate complaining to heroes in about how easy their first d-rank mission was when naruto is unwilling to listen to the explanations of how missions are assigned according to rank and skill level both of which naruto has little of at the moment hirozen agrees to give the team a c-rank mission escorting to zuna to the land of waves tuning exams heroism calls together the village's jonine team leaders and informs them that konoha will be hosting the next tuning exams an opportunity for their ghanian charges to be promoted the tuning he asks that these joni and assemble who believe their students are ready for the challenge of the exam submit their students names he begins with the team leaders of the academy's most recent hirozin is called the forest of death during the exam's second stage by its proctor ankomirashi she reports rochimaru's infiltration of the exams and his warnings to not call off the exams due to his appearance suspecting that rochimaru is after sasuke uchiha he risen has no choice but to allow things to go as planned he watches the preliminary matches noting the growth of not only naruto and sasuke but all of konoha's genin once the preliminaries conclude he presides over the assignment of first round matchups in the finals before they adjourn in the month prior to the finals hirozin grows increasingly worried not only is he unsure of what rochimaru and his underlings are planning but it's also apparent that one of the hidden rival villages is conspiring against konoha as well possibly in tandem with urochimaru what's more hirozen does not believe that he nor anyone else in konoha for that matter has the skills necessary to meet orochimaru in battle to clear his head he visits his grandsons konohomaru's class and is reminded of how important protecting the village and its citizens is to him when the finals begin hirison sits and watches with the fourth kazukage the only other kage whose village has representatives competing hirozin as host remains pleasant towards the kazukage and tries to assure him that there are no issues when the schedule for the finals increasingly does not go as planned konoha crush the last match of the first round of the finals is interrupted by an invasion of konaha he risen is taken hostage and separated from his bodyguards by the kazukage heroes and tries to negotiate with the kasikage until he realizes it's actually orochimaru in disguise orochimaru wants to fight and kill hirozen his former teacher and has his followers erected barriers that the onbu cannot come to hirozin's defense hirozin is glad that nobody will interrupt them and removes his robes revealing his combat attire underneath orochimaru decides he wants hirozin to share in the experience of fighting one's predecessors and as such reincarnates the first and second hokage the hokage greet hirozin in the brief moments before orochimaru suppresses their personalities he is an attacks but he has difficulty overcoming their defenses and he must summon enma to help block the first wood release he and edma try to strike orochimaru directly but the hokage block him despite failing to reach rojimaru hirozin is able to plant exploding tags on the hokage's leg but their reincarnated bodies caused them to quickly regenerate realizing he has few options left hirozin prepares to use the dead demon consuming seal orochimaru takes him by surprise before he could do anything by removing his own face revealing a new body the completion of his research and the same fate he has planned for sasuke hirozin is disgusted by the levels orochimaru has sunk to and his own responsibility in allowing herochimara to escape years earlier in order to rectify the mistakes he's made at long last heroism makes two shadow clones that first catch the two hokage and then use the dead demon consuming seal to remove their souls the hokage's personalities return to them briefly and they apologize for the hassle they've caused just as hirazan apologizes to them for the prison he sends them to their souls are consumed by the shinigami orochimaru is amused by the defeat unaware of what's happening and bids heroes in to try the same on him he risen and enma disarmed him of his kusanagi and hirozin starts performing the seal on him when orochimaru senses his soul's removal he summons the kusanagi back to him causing it to lodge and here is in despite emma's attempts to intercept it although stabbing heroes and has stopped the removal of his soul orochimaru cannot move in order to finish here isn't off orochimaru encourages him to die but here is then doomed to die anyway for invoking the shinigami ignores him instead trying to muster up the strength to finish sealing ochimaru after an hour passes with no progress hirozen accepts the fact that he won't be able to complete the seal he decides to do what little he can to put an end to orochimaru's plans and protect the village he has the shinigami seal orochimaru's arms preventing their use as orochimaru curses him he risen dies smiling hoping he will see orochimaru again in the next life 4th shinobi world war climax orochimaru releases the souls of the first four hokage from the stomach of the shinigami an act that also restores his arms at sasuke uchiha's request he then reincarnates the hokage here is in worries that orochimaru now plans to use him to destroy konoha but is instead questioned by sasuke about the uchiha clan downfall hirozin confirms the truth of what hitachi uchiha did and explains that he only did so on the condition that hirozin would keep sasuke safe in the aftermath from hearing what has transpired since his death sasuke killing gonzo shimura and matara uchiha emerging to start the four shinobi world war heroes and feels guilty that things maybe could have been avoided had he taken different actions while he was alive hearing from the hokage and reflecting on his own experiences sasuke decides he doesn't want konoha to be destroyed as is matara's current intention orochimaru releases the hokage from his control so they can help in this goal and they set out for the site of the allied shinobi forces battle with the ten tails when they arrive the hokage erect a barrier around the ten tails to confine it hirozin must remain within the barrier to maintain it so he can only watch as obito uchiha seals the ten tails into his body becoming its chinchiroki birth of the ten tales chinchiroki with his new power obito rips down the barrier finally allowing hirozin to participate in the fight from obito's display it's obvious to hit risen that he is stronger than even the first hokage he therefore personally engages obito so that nobody else needs to put their lives at risk taking advantage of the fact that he's already dead to analyze obito's tactics by observing obito's truth-seeking balls he theorizes that they're similar to the third tsuchikage's kaketota in that they are a combination of multiple nature transformations he also postulates that the truth seeking balls have limits in the duration of their malleability but his upper body is destroyed immediately after that it takes heroes in a great deal of time for his body to regenerate when he finally does he summons enma has him transform and then quickly saves naruto uzumaki from the ten tales tree forum's chakra absorbing roots when orochimaru later arrives in the battlefield they join together to help the allies in the counter-offensive against obito first by blocking and cutting back more and more of the tree's roots and branches and then by assisting in pulling the tailed beasts from obito's body their combined efforts succeed and obito is defeated the allied shinobi forces are shortly afterwards attacked by toby with everyone too tired from their prolonged fighting to defend themselves hirozin and four of his shadow clones arrive to help counterbalancing toby's elemental attacks with their own toby withdraws once the infinite tsukiomi is about to be cast having completed its job of distracting the allies kageya otsotsuki strikes as the world is wrapped up by god nativity of a world of trees here is in unaffected because he is dead tries to free tsunare but fails he and the other hokage converge at the location of a powerful chakra signature but only find mataruchiha's lower half from which he merges the sage of these six paths combining efforts with the spirits of the other dead kage they summon team seven matara and the tailed beasts back from kagi's dimension with the world saved the sage returns all the kage to the pure land as his soul ascends here is in entrusts the future to team seven legacy hirozin is only one of many konohan ninja to die in the village's defense during the konoha crush however a special ceremony to mourinho is held which many of konoha's ninja attend jaraya does not opting to reminisce about heroes and privately asama while not always agreeing with his father's ideals has managed to see him in a better light as a hokage and a great father two years after the funeral shortly before asuma's own death hirozin is quickly replaced as hokage by tsunade who during her early days in office notes how many find shinobi the village produced under hurizen's guidance and makes a point to continue his practices during her own term as jaraya was nearing his end at the hands of pain one of his regrets was his failure to save his teacher when naruto becomes hokage years later he lives by the will of fire just as hirozen did personality hirozin is a firm believer in the will of fire which holds that all people of konaha are a family and that the hokage is chiefly responsible for that family's well-being throughout his tenure hirozen lives up to the will of fire by being available for konoha's villagers and shinobi during their time of need making decisions to the betterment of as many people as possible and providing his wisdom and guidance whenever he can his delicate thoughtful approach to not only issues within the village but also his interactions with foreign powers has given hirozin the reputation of being soft something the konahawk council spends much of its time trying to rectify nevertheless hirozin's kind and pacifist ways are valued widely by konoha's residents and even his rival kage and for those reasons his eventual death is regretted by many however hirism was not entirely known for his softness as he allowed danzo to form an anbu faction of his own to handle the dark side of konoha's actions although he loved all of konoha hirozin held his students especially dear believing they were the village's future and as such must be cultivated and protected he favored hirochimaru seeing him as a prodigy similar to himself whose contributions to the village could someday be greater than his own even when orochimaru increasingly went astray and then finally defected from konoha hirizon could never abandon his attachments to orochimaru instead blaming himself for not being a better teacher when he is reincarnated he reflects on his life and finds it similarly flawed he feels responsible for danzo's taking on of the village's darkness believing danzo would not have turned out so badly had he had been more willing to make the difficult decisions himself he believes that some of the villages and even the world's problems could have been avoided had he led with a firmer hand hirizon's own son asama was defiant towards hirozin's philosophies during his youth but he eventually sees the merits and valuing future generations after hirozin's death despite his reputation and responsibilities hirison is somewhat lecherous he and jiraya bonded over their shared desire to spy on naked women he falls victim to naruto's sexy technique on more than one occasion and suspects he would be defeated by the harem technique as well taking to young girls was his favorite hobby fourth hokage minotau namakazi was the fourth hokage of konohagakure he was renowned all over the world as konoha's yellow flash he died during the nine-tailed demon fox's attack sacrificing his life to seal a part of the nine tails into his newborn son naruto uzumaki early life minato entered konoha's academy with the dreaming of earning the villager's respect and recognition by becoming hokage when kushina uzumaki moved to konoha she was placed in the same class as minato minato was immediately drawn to her bright red hair finding it beautiful minato was a natural prodigy as a ninja the likes of which only appears once in a generation when he was added to a ghenian team under the leadership of jiraiya jiraiya took a special interest in minato and took him on as his apprentice teaching him many of his own signature abilities in time minato's exceptional skills led jiraiya to believe he might be the child of the prophecy someone who would someday save the world years later after they graduated and became ninja kushina was kidnapped by kumogakuri forces konahan mobilized its ninja to retrieve her but only minato noticed the strands of red hair kushina left behind to mark their path minato acting alone rescued her from her captors on their way back to konoha minato confessed his admiration for her hair and her strength causing kushina who would previously believe minato unreliable and even girly to fall in love with him konoha's yellow flash minito and kushina were a couple from the time that he rescued her and with his love kushina was able to keep the nine tails sealed within her at bay they eventually married from observing a tailed beast ball minato began a three-year process of creating the resengan the height of shape transformation he would spend the rest of his life trying to combine it with his own nature after proving himself an accomplished and responsible ninja minato was placed in charge of his own team consisting of rin nohara obito uchiha and kakashi hatake in the anime the third hokage gave minato the special task of helping kakashi overcome the bitterness caused by his father's death and remind him of the humid element of being a ninja minato gave his team a bell test upon his formation in order to teach them the value of teamwork minotau often held back less against the prodigious kakashi than with rin and obito so they couldn't obtain bells without teamwork unfortunately kakashi realized this but only used obito and rin as a means to an end to obtain the bells nonetheless he passed them because they accomplished the goal of the test by working as a team although he did encourage them to improve their teamwork afterwards a message that obito and rin took to heart but fell on deaf ears with kakashi when konoha became involved in the third shinobi world war minotaur's obligations became split between training his students and helping the war effort during a mission to kusakakurei to destroy the kanabi bridge minato transferred leadership of the mission to kakashi who had recently become a jonine while he headed to the front lines he met up with the surviving and outnumbered konoha ninja and single-handedly wiped out the opposing iwagakure forces in the anime his victory in this battle against a thousand ninja convinced the third suchikage to accept a peace treaty when he rendezvoused with his team afterwards he found kakashi and rin surrounded by iwan in obito already having been lost he rescued them helped them complete their original mission once they recovered and returned to konoha with them to mourn obito minato's competing obligations would later repeat the tragedy of obito's death while he was away on another mission rin was kidnapped by kiragakurei and died during kakashi's attempt to retrieve her minato encountered a of kumogakurei a number of times during the war during their first meeting minato and a fought with their speed with minotaur proving the faster he received orders to retreat before their competition could resolve but he lingered to complement a and his brother b a jinchuriki like kushina he encouraged a to take care of b and remember he was a person a pursued minotaur so minato moved against b threatening to kill him if a didn't let him and his team go minato was confident he and a would someday meet as kage fourth hokage for his performance during the war minato was chosen over orochimaru to become the fourth hokage he taught the flying thunder god technique to the hokage guard platoon to better aid them in their duties of serving the hokage at any given time in the anime he also tried to help kakashi now an anbu emerged from the darkness he'd fallen into after obito and rin's deaths during the gradual transfer of responsibilities from the third hokage to him the third to restore kakashi's value of life by tasking him with protecting kushina during her pregnancy as a jinchuriki the strain of childbirth would weaken the seal keeping the ninetails sealed into kushina for that reason special precautions had to be taken the child would secretly be delivered in a remote location outside the village with barriers around the area and several honbu guards as extra protection minato was not greatly worried about the birth and in fact gave kakashi the day off in gratitude for his good work he and kushina had already decided on a name for their son naruto after the main character of jiraiya's first book hoping that their naruto would be just as determined as the character and thus its author jiraya tried to convince them to make a different choice since that would make him naruto's godfather but they insisted that this was a good thing naruto was born on the night of october 10th only moments after the birth minato began making preparation to restore the nine tails weakened seal but he was interrupted by the arrival of a masked man otherwise known as tobi toby killed the anbu guards and midwives and took the newborn naruto hostage threatening to kill him if minato didn't back away from kushina minato immediately took naruto back from him yet discovered explosive tags had been placed on naruto minato was forced to teleport a way to keep naruto from harm allowing toby to escape with kushina he found a safe place for naruto and teleported to kushina in time to save her from being killed by the nine tails extracted from her body by toby he reunited mother and son before heading out to protect the village minato returned to the village in the early stages of the ninetales attack on konoha arriving just in time to teleport away a tailed beast ball before it destroyed the hokage rock he attempted to reach the third hokage so he could inform him of what happened but was interrupted by toby who tried to warp him away minato reacted in time to escape but toby pursued him because toby was controlling the nine tails actions defeating him was of prime importance in order to save konoha minato initially struggled to successfully strike him but after several failed attacks he finally hit him with a resengan and branded him with a flying thunder god seal allowing him to teleport to toby whenever he wanted then he used a contract seal on toby to release the nine tails from his control forcing him to flee no longer being controlled the nine tails began retreating from the village though it continued to attack the konoha ninja that pursued it as it prepared another tailed beast ball minato once again arrived in time to stop it this time by dropping gamma bunta on top of it he had gamma bunta keep it restrained while he gathered the chakra needed to transport the nine tails to naruto and kushina's location the farthest from the village you could get kushina restrained it and erected a barrier so that it couldn't escape when they decided what to do already dying from the nine tails removal kushina offered to have it sealed back into her so it would die with her minato rejected this believing the ninetails power would be needed in the future if and when toby struck again remembering jiraiya's words about the child of the prophecy minato decided to believe that naruto was that child and that he would someday save the world to prepare naruto for this minato would make naruto the nine-tails nude genchuriki so he could make use of its strength because the ninetails chakra was too immense to seal into an infant minato used the dead demon consuming seal to cut its chakra in half sealing the yin half in himself realizing what they were planning the nine tails tried to kill naruto but minato and kushina used themselves as shields with his last ounce of strength binato summoned geratora gave him the key to the seal he would use on naruto and sent him to jaraya meanwhile kushina told naruto how much his parents loved him which minato seconded he sealed the nine tails yang half into naruto weaving kushina's chakra into the seal that she could someday assist naruto with learning to control the nine tails and its chakra he mingled in some of his own chakra too programming it to activate if the seal was ever about to break so that he could restore it seeing the third hokage nearby minato communicated to him a final request for the villagers of konoha to think of naruto as a hero and not the container of the monster that caused so much death and destruction with that his soul was consumed by the shinigami ending minotaur's life payne's assault during his fight with pain naruto is nearly tempted by the nine tails to remove its seal this activates the safeguard minato placed on the seal causing his imprint to appear within naruto's subconscious and stop him minito says that he isn't happy to see the ninetails again but at the same time admits that its actions have allowed him to see his son naruto picks up on this and never having known his parents identities is overjoyed to meet his father the nine tails keeps threatening to kill minato while they talk so he and naruto relocate naruto is angry that his own father would seal the nine-tails within him and punch his minato out of frustration which he understands and apologizes to naruto for he quickly gets over it noting that as the son of the fourth hokage he can handle it minato's time with naruto is limited so he does a quick rundown of the things he has already observed through naruto that pain has destroyed konoha and killed jiraya despite what he's done minato suggests that pain is only a symptom of the shinobi system and that he's being taken advantage of by toby naruto is overwhelmed unsure if he could forgive pain or do anything to stop the cycle of hatred that produced him but minato responds that he has faith in naruto he restores the nine-tailed seal before disappearing power in the anime when naruto nearly loses control after his clone absorbs the ninetails chakra minato appears before him again to restore the seal once again minato voices his confidence in his son and his ability to overcome any adversity the fourth shinobi world war climax at the request of sasuke uchiha orochimaru releases the souls for the first four hokage from the stomach of the shinigami so he can reincarnate them after taking in their surroundings the first and second hokage are excited to meet minato the fourth and take him as a sign of the village's prosperity minotaur says he does not know since he died before the third hokage did when sasuke talks to the first hokage minato detects naruto's chakra and is glad to sense that he has gained full control of the nine tails from listening to the four hokage sasuke decides to side against toby and matara uchiha in the ongoing fourth shinobi world war the hokage are allowed to help as well and they set out for the site of the allied shinobi forces battle with the ten tails minato eager to see naruto arrives first just in time to warp away the ten tails beast ball saving naruto and the allies he introduces himself to sakuraharano and asks if she's naruto's girlfriend sakura becomes angry and hits naruto due to his answer reminding minato of kushina when the other hokage arrived they jointly erect a barrier to confine the ten tails some time later toby appears above the ten tails and begins reviving matera which the alliance focuses its efforts on preventing minato cannot leave his position or the barrier will fall so he sends a shadow clone to help because toby is still branded with the flying fender god seal from the last encounter the shadow clone is able to teleport to him and strike him down it's only after he attacks that he realizes toby is his old student obito uchiha the attack ends up coming too late and obito seals the ten tails into himself becoming his jinchuriki after obito destroys the barrier the first and second engage him to determine his new abilities leaving minato to get everyone else to a safe distance birth of the ten tails jinchuriki minato joins the offensive against obito he can no longer teleport directly to obito because the flying thunder god seal has disappeared from his body so he must engage him directly just before they clash obito having just now struggled to control the ten tails power finally masters it and strikes at minito he severs minato's right arm and plants a truth-seeking ball on him which toby rama teleports away before it detonates minato ii naruto and sasuke coordinate their efforts to attack obita with flying thunder god mutually instantaneous revolving technique but obito emerges without damage what's more minato's arm is not regenerated indicating that obito's truth-seeking balls can nullify the advantages of the impure world reincarnation obito traps the alliance in his own barrier and prepares to destroy them all with a barrage of tailed beast balls with little time to act naruto forms a plan he and minato link their respective kurima's chakra which teleports in all of the allied forces that naruto had shared its chakra with and lets minato teleport them all out of the barrier minato is very impressed by naruto's quick thinking and says he wishes he had more of a chance to talk to him naruto explains there's no need as he's already met kushina and heard everything minato is moved to tears with pride having learned that obito is susceptible to senjutsu minotaur prepares for an assault while naruto enters sage mode they both then enter tailed beast mode and attack with a combined resengan breaking obito's defense and forcing him to manifest the tantale's tree form they evade the tree's roots but minato's chakra levels are severely depleted he is forced to keep his distance and watch as naruto leads the allied shinobi in another assault against obito when the alliance starts to strip the tailed beast from obito's body minato helps naruto pull the fragments of kurama's chakra obito's taken and ultimately they succeed obito is unable to move after his defeat and kakashi moves in to kill him minato stops him having sensed obito's change of heart while he was moving kurima's chakra while naruto and the allies leave to confront matara minato and kakashi stay with obito obito reflects on his actions and decides he's done terrible things which he wants to make amends for by using the samsara of heavenly life technique to revive those he's killed while he is forming the hand seals black zetsu emerges from the ground and takes control of his body minato and kakashi are confused so obito explains he has been forced to revive matara instead black zetsu also tries to take obito's rinigon to deliver to matara minito and kakashi move to stop it but can't do anything without harming obito before black zetsu assumes full control of his body obito pleads with minaton kakashi to destroy the rinigon at any cost right before minato can attack yinquirma alerts him to naruto's loss of yankurma he is soon brought to minato's side with sakura performing emergency life support and gara explaining that the only chance of saving naruto's life is if he's given yin kurma just as minato starts the transfer black zetsu intercepts him and takes ian kurima for itself matara arrives immediately afterwards now the ten tails new jinjuriki and intent on taking obito's rinnegan minotau enters sage mode and attacks him alongside kakashi but they are easily repelled and minato loses his other arm before matara can take what he wants obito reasserts control of his body and with some help from kakashi escapes with naruto and sakura using kamui might guy arrives ready to give his life to defeat matara with his energy and arms gone minato can do very little to help directly but at least he can give guy an opening he instructs rock lee to throw one of his flying thunder god kunai at matara's truth-seeking balls which minato teleports in order to catch several and escape with them allowing guy to initiate his assault minato meanwhile teleports to the hokage rock where he remains with the inert truth-seeking balls he later witnesses the other's failure when the infinite tsukiomi is cast and konoha's villagers are entwined by the god nativity of a world of trees he attempts to cut some people from the tree but has no success as another branch simply forms and imprisons them again kaguya otsutsuki strikes minato returns to the battlefield and reunites with the other hokage the only ones unaffected by the infinite tsukiomi as they try to figure out what they can do to help the four hokage are met by the spirit of the sage of the six paths who recruits their help combining efforts with the spirits of the other deceased kage they summon naruto sasuke kakashi sakura matara and the tailed beasts back from kaguya's dimension minato congratulates naruto on finally ending the war and wishes him a happy 17th birthday happy with his son's prospects for the future minato and the other kage are returned to the afterlife by the sage of six paths with minato silently promising to tell kushina everything that had occurred legacy after minato died the third hokage reported to the villagers minato's last request that naruto be regarded as a hero very few were able to separate their hatred of the nine tails from naruto prompting the third to forbid anyone from speaking of the nine-tails hoping that the younger generation would not blindly hate naruto as the rest of the villagers did he had also concealed naruto's relation to minato in order to keep him safe from his father's enemies and otherwise did his best to give naruto a comfortable life for years naruto did not know of his parents identities neither did most of konaha even when he was not aware of his relation to minato naruto still greatly admired the fourth hokage considering him a hero who gave his life for the village and becoming overjoyed whenever their similarities were remarked upon before naruto left konohada begin his training with jiraya he looked at the fourth hokage's face on the hokage rock and asked him to look after him after learning that minato was his father naruto took pride in it and felt it was his responsibility to make his parents sacrifices worth it with minato's death the third was fourth to resume his position as hokage a role he filled until his death never being able to find a replacement of mirato's caliber minato himself became regarded as the village's hero and indeed one of the greatest ninja konaha had ever produced so much so that villagers would regret his death whenever tragedy struck the village because minato was never able to tell anyone what happened during the night tales attack villagers came to their own conclusion and the uchiha were suspected of the act creating ill will that would culminate in the uchiha clan downfall jiraiya recognized that minato would not have sealed the ninetails into his own sun unless he had a good reason and that minato intended naruto to gain control of the ninetails but he could never conclude why after the end of the fourth shinobi world war his student kakashi harake became the sixth hokage and his son naruto became the seventh hokage several years after the war minato had two grandchildren both who inherited his prodigious talent fifth hokage tsunade is a descendant of the senju and uzumaki clans and is one of konohagakure's sani she is famed as the world's strongest kunoichi and its greatest medical nin the repeated loss of her loved ones caused tsunade to later abandon the life of a shinobi for many years she's eventually persuaded to return to konoha and take on the mantle of the fifth hokage where her skills prove invaluable to the village background tsunare is the granddaughter of hashirama senju and mito uzumaki because hashirama was the first hokage of konohagakure tsunade is called princess hashirama doted on tsunade when she was very young because she was his first grandchild and found her deviants and her adoption of his own gambling habits highly amusing tsunade inherited his necklace when he died after she graduated from konoha's academy tsunare was teamed with orochimaru and jiraya under the leadership of hirozen sarutobi when jiraya failed to acquire a bell during the team's first bell test tsunade teased him prompting her to criticize her flat chest despite this remark jarya had a certain interest in tsunade from their first meeting which only increased after her breasts developed when she nearly killed him for spying on her while she bathed he was forced to be more discreet about his interests tsunada's younger brother nawaki dreamed of someday becoming the hokage so he could protect konoha their grandfather's legacy on nawaki's 12th birthday tsunade kissed his forehead and gave him hashirama's necklace in the hopes that it would help him achieve his dream he died the next day a casualty of the ongoing second shinobi world war thus returning the necklace to her tsunade began advocating for the inclusion of medical nin on all four man squads in order to avoid further deaths like nauki's hirozen the third hokage agreed with her arguments but could not dedicate resources to the necessary implementation due to the ongoing war dan kato on the other hand shared her views and as their relationship developed he confided with her his dreams of becoming hokage so he could bring change to konoha and protect his loved ones from death tsunari kissed his forehead and gave him hashirama's necklace in the hopes that would help him achieve his dream although their team under hirozen's leadership had been disbanded tsunade orochimaru and jiraiya continued fighting during the second shinobi world war during one such fight in amegakure they were the only three to survive an encounter with hanzo for which accomplishment hanzo dubbed them konoha's legendary sanin in the aftermath of the battle jaraya opted not to return to kanaha so he could train with the ame orphans tsunade would go on to make her own independent contributions to the war frequently counteracting chiyo of tsunagakure's poisons though tsunade's actions are said to have won the war for konoha sunare was unable to prevent dan's death and her failure to stop his severe blood loss caused her to develop haemophobia with dan's death hashirama's necklace returned to sonata once again convincing some that the necklace was cursed to kill anyone who wore it other than tsunade tsunade herself became convinced that achieving one's dreams was impossible and that to be hokage was a fool's job she therefore left konoha taking dan's niece shizune with her to train as an apprentice due to her haemophobia tsunade retired from any direct involvement in medicine or combat instead relying on shizune whenever a need for either came up search for tsunade tsunada hits a jackpot while playing the slot machines in tenzaku quarters she takes this as a sign that something bad is about to happen and makes immediate plans to leave the city but shizune convinces her to visit a local castle before they go while they're there the castle is destroyed by a snake orochimaru's way of saying hello tsunade immediately notices the damage to his arms and guessing he wants her to heal them preemptively refuses orochimaru's assistant kabuto yakushi explains that they've tried all other options and that only tsunade can help she asks how his arms were damaged to which orochimaru responds that the damage was received while he killed heroes in saratobi tsunade becomes enraged and threatens to kill orochimaru but he peaks her interest when he offers to revive nawaki and dan kato tsunade asks what he would do if his arms were restored orochimaru replies that he would destroy konohagakure which is what he was trying to do when his arms were damaged in the first place shizune tries to convince tsunade to help her kill her ochimaru and kabuto but they decide to leave instead giving tsunade a week to decide while having dinner later they are found by jiraya jiraya asks her to become the fifth hokage which she refuses upsetting jiraya's companion naruto uzumaki tsunade recognizes naruto as the jinchuriki of the ninetails and starts remarking on what a waste it was for the fourth okay to give his life saving konoha from the nine tails she reflects further that all the past hokage have wasted their lives for the village and concludes that only a fool would ever want the title naruto who has his own dreams of being hokage is enraged and tries to attack tsunade jaraya holds him back but tsunare agrees to fight him outside the restaurant tsunade easily outmatches naruto using only one finger for offense and defense but she's unsettled by how similar his resolve is to nawaki and dan's when she's distracted by this naruto attacks her with an incomplete resengan which she once again avoids only using a finger she berates darya for teaching naruto the rasengan at all declaring it cruel to let someone as untalented as him believe he can master something as complicated as the resengan naruto vows to complete it in three days prompting tsunare to make a wager if daruto can master the resengan in a week she'll give him the first hokage's necklace if she can't she gets his wallet naruto agrees tsunade and jiraya have drinks later jiraya guesses that orochimaru made some offer to tsunade he doesn't ask for details about the offer but he promises to personally kill her if she does anything to endanger konoha she claims not to care about the village so jiraya reminds her of how important the village was to nawaki and dan he further notes how similar they particularly nawaki are to naruto tsunada keeps tabs on naruto as he trains but by the end of the week he has failed to master the resengan and the intense training leaves him bedridden shizune pleads with tsunare not to accept the rochimaru's deal and when this fails she tries to use force prompting tsunare to knock her out she meets with draya again and drugs his drink knocking him out and when he wakes up the next morning making it difficult for him to use chakra sunare meets with orochimaru and agrees to heal his arms on the condition that he would leave konoha alone orochimaru agrees she approaches him apparently to heal him but kabuto notices that at the last moment she has killing intent and stops her orochimaru questions why she would deceive him to which she replies that she knew he was lying about sparing konoha although she desperately wants to see nawaki and dan again she knows they wouldn't want to be brought back at the cost of koroha's safety something naruto has reminded her of orochimaru and kabuto state that they'll force her to heal his arms causing her to attack them they draw her away from the city and kabuto a medic nin tries neutralizing her but she heals all the debilitating damage he does unable to stop her through conventional means kabuto slits his own wrists and coats her with his blood paralyzing her due to her phobia jiraiya shizune and naruto eventually arrive to help shizune looks after tsunade as she shudders from the blood while jiraya fights orochimaru and naruto fights kabuto naruto is quickly defeated by kabuto as is shizune when she tries to face him afterwards kabuto approaches tsunade and tries to restrain her which she is unable to fend off in her condition naruto stops him in attacks with an incomplete resengan but misses causing kabuto to start commenting on his lack of talent just as tsunade did the week before naruto persists and after making a shadow clone to help him he is able to strike kabuto with a perfected resengan kabato is defeated but as his last act he severs naruto's heart muscles tsunade tries healing him fearing that he'll die just like nawaki and dan did she succeeds and in a brief moment of regained consciousness naruto claims the necklace he's won orochimaru decides to kill naruto and attacks with his sword of kusanagi tsunade uses her body to block the attack her way of protecting naruto konoha's future hokage orochimaru keeps trying to attack him which tsunade keeps using her body to block her resolve to protect naruto eventually overcomes her fear of blood allowing her to go on the offensive she kicks orochimaru activates creation rebirth to heal all the damage she's received and declares her acceptance of the position of 5th hokage she jiraya and orochimaru each summon katsuyu gamapunta and manda respectively when manda proves too elusive for katsuyu and gamabunta tsunada uses gammabunta's sword to pin manda to the ground with his mouth shut she then delivers a series of punches to hirochimara's face forcing him to escape with kabuto before he leaves he warns that he has other ways of fixing his arms having used so much chakra during the fight sunata's younger transformation fades after the battle but it is restored before naruto wakes up naruto expresses his concern that she isn't qualified to be fifth hokage being vastly inferior to hirozin tsunade challenges him to a fight and once again outmatches him using a single finger rather than defeat him however she kisses his forehead to symbolize her faith in his achieving his dreams just as she once did for nawaki and dan sasuke recovery mission when they get back to konoha the villagers start making preparations to officially place tsunade into office before that can happen naruto has soon out to heal the damage to the minds of kakashi haruke and sasuke uchiha she also looks the damage to rockley's spine although she's the only one who can fix it she confesses that there's a 50 chance he wouldn't survive the procedure and recommends he give up on life as a ninja after thinking it over lee tells her plainly that being a ninja is his dream which she cannot argue with in the anime sunada tries to improve his chances of survival by studying one of kabuto's jutsu and in doing so she improves lee's odds to 58 percent lee ultimately survives the procedure being hokage comes with a heavy workload especially in the aftermath of orochimaru's konoha crush which left the village understaffed for this reason when tsunare is informed that sasuke has defected to orochimaru shikimaru nara only recently promoted to tunin is the highest ranking ninja she can assign to lead the sasuke recovery team she allows him any guinean he can recruit for the mission although she recommends naruto's inclusion after the recovery team leaves tsunare is notified of the konoha special mission platoon's defeat by the sound 4 sasuke's escorts having already suspected the team of ghanian won't be enough she requests tsunagakure's support so that orochimaru a mutual enemy of both villages can't gain sasuke's sharingan she's also informed that lee despite still recovering from his surgery has also gone off to lend support despite the best efforts of the recovery team li and suna's three sand siblings are unable to stop sasuke from joining forces with the rochimaru tsunare sends the medic corps to retrieve the recovery team's members and tend to their injuries tsunare by studying the nara clan medical encyclopedia is able to cure choji yakimichi of the three colored pills side effects tsunade is later approached by sakura harano who wants to be taught medical ninjutsu seeing that sakura has something she wants to protect naruto and sasuke tsunade agrees mizuki tracking mission makes plans to take naruto away from the village to train him in the anime naruto must remain in konoha while jurai is off investigating and it's up to tsunade to keep him preoccupied with other missions so he won't go after sasuke by himself when during one of these missions the legendary stupid brothers escape from prison tsunade convinces them to surrender with a quick display of genjutsu and her strength the appearance of strange visitors in the anime tsunade learns that rock lee and might guy are being impersonated by mandai and pacha deciding to have fun with the two tsunade pretends to believe their disguises and has them do many arduous tasks for her the workload horrifies the two and eventually drives them away from the village in naruto's footsteps the friends paths sakura progresses rapidly under tsunade's tutelage in the anime ino yamanaka also asks to train with tsunade from seeing the rivalry that exists between sakura and eno and how competition drives them each to do better tsunade agrees however she teaches eno only the medical ninjutsu and not the additional skills she teaches sakura believing that it would be better for ino to focus on her clan's hidden jutsu about two years after naruto leaves konoha to train with jiraya tsunade proposes to suna's fifth kazukage that their two villages hold a tuning exam publicly the exam will demonstrate the alliance that now exists between their two villages secretly the exam will hopefully draw out akatsuki who are after jin shiraki like the kazukage the kazukage agrees and the two villages split responsibilities for the exams she sends kakashi harake to invite amegakura to the exams with instructions to investigate rumors that ames leader hanzo has been overthrown ame accepts the invitation and kakashi is unable to uncover anything but both are convinced that something unusual is happening in ame the first stage of the exams is completed in konoha without incident before the examinees and proctors relocate to sunnah for the second stage tsunade warns the konoha personnel to be alert for attacks on the kazukage the kazukage is indeed attacked during the second stage forcing the exams to be cancelled prematurely performance reports on the remaining participants are sent to their respective villages to decide who would be promoted to chunin tsunade promotes the members of team 8 team 10 and team guy she also promotes neji hyuga to jonine because of his role in protecting the kazukage kazukage rescue mission tsunade is informed of naruto's return to konoha after two and a half years of training she shares this news with sakura and together they welcome him back tsunade has naruto and sakura reform team 7 under kakashi's leadership while trying to find a mission to send team 7 on that naruto won't complain about tsunade receives a report that sun's 5th kazukage has been kidnapped by akatsuki tsunade decides to send team seven to lend assistance in the kazukage's rescue in full awareness that ikatsuki wants to capture naruto too she isn't initially concerned but when she suddenly wins the lottery she takes this as a bad sign and sends team guy to provide additional support a few days later they received news that the kazukage was successfully rescued and that team 7 and guy will be returning to konoha shizune questions the wisdom of sending naruto into battle with the akatsuki to which tsunade replies that because both naruto and the kazukaki arjun churuki naruto was the single best person for the mission naruto shippuden the movie the demon morio races an army of stone warriors in an attempt to take over the world tsunade sends most of konoha's forces to fight these warriors she also sends a team consisting of naruto sakura neji hyuga and rock lead to guard shion a priestess who can stop morio tenshi bridge reconnaissance mission when she gets back to konoha sakura shares intel she's received of an opportunity to meet with a spy in arochimaru's ranks what may serve as an opportunity to find sasuke ochiha kakashi is left bedridden after the mission in sunnah requiring that new members be assigned to team seven to go meet the spy she's in a once again questions naruto's inclusion on the team believing it would be safer to keep him in konoha tsunade insists that naruto is one of the few people she can trust with the mission with absolute certainty and that besides it's a personal matter for him and he wouldn't allow himself to be excluded tsunade is shortly afterwards summoned before the konoha council with whom shuzhine has shared concerns and who also believe that tsunare is deploying naruto irresponsibly tsunade repeats her earlier reasoning adding that akatsuki will inevitably come for naruto and if he keeps getting sent out on missions it'll make it more difficult for akatsuki to locate him the konoha council relents after tsunare promises to be held solely responsible in the event that her decisions and or naruto's capture in danger konoha they do however insist on including one of danzo shimura's underlings sai on this new team 7 which tsunare agrees to tsunare also assigns an onbu codenamed yamato to lead team 7 partly so you can keep an eye on psy but also because his wood release will help naruto keep the nine tails under control although the new team 7 does intend to meet sasuke they fail in bringing him back to konoha naruto and the others are not deterred however and vow to try again which tsunare approves 12 guardian ninja in the anime tsunari sends team 7 to investigate some grave robberies near the fire temple when they return they report that the robbers whoever they are have a seeming interest in the graves of members of the 12 guardian ninja because sai was injured during the investigation the fire temple allows sora to fill in for him tsunade receives a confidential message that sora's past and unusual powers pose a risk to the fire temple meanwhile tsunada has danzo taken into custody on the suspicion that he's betraying konoha to amegakure when she interrogates donzo's apparent ame contact the kanaha council informs her that the man is a double agent who has reported that the grave robbers may be after sora the councillors recommend that sora be either confined or eliminated while tsunade tries to decide what to do sora attacks her but he's driven off by the arrival of susane and naruto the grave robbers soon afterwards arrive in konaha erecting a giant barrier around the village while earthen zombies attack while most of konoha's forces go on the defensive tsunade sends asa masara toby to retrieve sora sora eventually starts rampaging through the village with the nine tails chakra he has and tsunade prepares to confront him but naruto ends up dealing with it once the grave robbers are all defeated sunate pardons sora for his actions and allows him to leave konoha akatsuki suppression mission tsunade receives increasing reports of akatsuki activity in other countries she can't do anything until they enter the land of fire but nevertheless starts making preparations once she receives news of akatsuki's attack on the fire temple sunare mobilizes 20 platoons to find the akatsuki members capture them if possible and if capture is impossible to eliminate them although one of the 20 platoons is able to find the ikatsuki members hidan and kakuzu both elude capture and asuma saratobi is killed a funeral is held in konoha while the remaining 20 platoons continue the search awesome as students on team 10 leave konoha to join the search and avenge him which tsunade tries to stop citing among other reasons that they need a fourth member kakashi volunteers to accompany them and tsunare is forced to relent tsunade is aware that they'll need backup and starts looking for candidates she has sakura tell naruto that if he would like to go he'll first need to complete the new jutsu he's been working on he does indeed complete it and the akatsuki members are ultimately defeated tsunade afterwards performs an autopsy in kakazu's body examining the damage that naruto's new rasen shuriken did to it from the cellular damage kakazu received tsunade concludes that the rasen shuriken is as dangerous to naruto as it is to his opponents and therefore should not be used again three tails appearance in the anime tsunade receives a dying onbu's report about one of orochimaru's bases she puts kakashi in charge of team 8 and sends them to investigate because the mission has the chance of meeting sasuke tsunade tries to keep naruto from finding out about it he finds out anyway so tsunade allows him and the rest of team seven to provide backup their teams later report encountering the three tails which tsunare decides must be dealt with in order to prevent it from falling into enemy hands she then sends them instructions for a seal to place on the three tails some konoha personnel to help perform the seal as well as part of katsuyu to provide additional assistance hirochimaru's forces repeatedly interfere with the ceiling so tsunare has some onbu take over the ceiling while the others return to konoha she later loses contact with the onbu and the three tails disappears leading tsunade to suspect ikotsky's involvement itachi pursuit mission jiraiya visits tsunare and reports the rumors that orochimaru has been killed by sasuke they share these rumors with naruto and sakura who suspect that sasuke is making moves against his brother itachi uchiha of akatsuki naruto proposes that they try and locate itachi so that they can in turn find sasuke despite how unsuccessful previous attempts to capture katsuki members have been tsunade approves the formation of a combined eight-man squad to find hitachi jiraya visits tsunade later with the news that he's discovered the location of akatsuki's leader though he refuses to go into more detail until she meets him for drinks while having sake jiraya shares news of amiga kura's ongoing civil war which the akatsuki leader is rumored to be behind because amegakura is in a delicate political situation jiraya must infiltrate the village by himself to confirm before konoha can take direct action tsunade feels guilty for always relying on him to do dangerous work like this and reflects on happier times before orochimaru's apparent death and when he was still their friend as jiraya prepares to leave tsunade instructs him to be sure to come back alive fearing what his death might do to her later shizune senses that tsunade is worried about jaraya and tries to reassure her that he'll be fine tsunade replies that he won't be back which is a new tactic she's trying she's betting on the one thing she doesn't want to have happen relying on her bad luck to prevent her bet from coming true naruto shipped in the movie the will of fire hiroko a former friend of the sanin declares the start of the 4th shinobi world war due to how he makes his announcement the other villages come to believe that konoha is aiding hiroko's schemes and so start amassing against konoha when tsunare tries to defuse the situation kakashi confides in her that he met hiroko many years ago and was branded with a mind controlling technique that will force him to go with hiroko knowing that this will happen soon and that hiroko will at some point try to take his sharing on kakashi asks tsunade to place a seal in him that will activate his mangekyo sharingan when hiroko tries to do so thus killing him and preventing the war tsunade complies and once kakashi is gone she declares him a missing nin to keep his plans a secret she forbids anyone from going after him but naruto ends up ignoring her six tales unleashed in the anime konoha receives reports of an attack on the tsuchigumo clan and as a consequence their forbidden technique is at risk because the returning eight-man squad is closest to the tsuchigumo clan's location tsunare sends katsuyu to intercept them and give them their assignment to protect the tsuchigumo payne's assault fukusaku a former teacher of jiraya reports to senate that jaraya died while investigating the akatsuki leader payne tsunade summons naruto to her office so that fukusaku can also tell him the news who they expect will have greater difficulty naruto is indeed upset and blames tsunare for his death saying that she should not have let him go sakura tries to stop him from storming out but tsunade lets him go sonari makes investigating payne's identity using the information jaraya gathered top priority she has shizune examine the animal path's body she has ibiki mourinho interrogate the prisoner jiraya captured shikamaru nara decipher the coded message jurai left behind when shikamaru tries objecting to the assignment tsunada ignores him leaves and once she's alone she cries for jiraiya knowing that paine will be coming for him naruto goes to mount myunboku to train with fukusaku the investigations into payne's identity continue but none are completed prior to payne's assault on konoha tsunare sends orders for naruto to be recalled to konoha but she's stopped by the konoha council who feel that naruto is safest where he is tsunade becomes angry with both counselors and berates them for lacking even the barest faith in naruto's ability to save himself the counselors are affronted by how she handles them and leave but tell her to do what she wants sonata heads to the roof of the hokage residents and summons katsuyu who she instructs to divide and attach to all of konoha's villagers so that tsunata can heal them remotely as katsuyu's divisions spread throughout the village tsunade starts to fully appreciate the extent of the damage that payne's attack is doing when she senses through katsuyu that kakashi has died she destroys a nearby spire out of frustration payne's diva path eventually finds her as her anbu bodyguards move into protector tsunade recognizes the diva path as an orphan that jiraya once trained the diva path asks tsunade where naruto is which she refuses to reveal the diva path blames konoha's past action for the contemporary dire state of the world and tsunade's refusal to cooperate with akatsuki for the attack on the village tsunade is unmoved but pain is able to find out where naruto is through other means before leaving the diva path states that it will show konoha the pain that the rest of the world has known for too long the diva path leaps into the air and tsunade tries to follow as it destroys konoha with shinra sun transfers all of her chakra to katsu to use in keeping the villagers safe when the dust clears tsunare finds the village gone she confronts these six paths of pain and vows to personally defeat them the asurapath attacks her which naruto newly returned destroys in order to save her naruto asks tsunade to trust payne's defeat to him and has gamakichi take tsunade to sakura having done all she can and with all her chakra gone tsunade's youthful transformation fades and she falls into a coma fourth shinobi world war countdown after tsunare regains consciousness many days later she's immediately embraced by shizune as she eats to replenish her chakra reserves tsunade is told of all that's happened while she's been unconscious naruto's victory over payne toby of akatsuki's declaration of a fourth shinobi world war the formation of the allied shinobi forces kakashi discusses these matters with him and also thanks her for waking up in times that he would not need to make her replacement as hokage once she's done eating she convenes a war council to discuss konoha's strategies for the upcoming war and any preparations that will need to be made a few days later tsunare travels to kumokokura to meet with the other heads of the alliance and discuss topics of broader importance chief among these is what to do with naruto and killer b whose capture toby started the war for the alliance's other leaders have already decided to send them into seclusion which tsunare strongly disagrees with believing that they'd be invaluable on the battlefield the fifth kazukage quickly disagrees reminding her that naruto has the tendency to be reckless for his friends which in turn would place him at too much risk knowing she was overruled tsunade reluctantly agrees that naruto and b are sent to the island turtle in the anime after meeting with the other heads of the alliance she requested that b teach naruto to achieve control over the nine tails in the event they would have to be deployed which a approved as they move on to other matters sonar takes particular interest in equipping the logistical support and medical division with enough supplies naruto the movie blood prison when naruto is accused of trying to assassinate the fourth reckage tsunade orders he be imprisoned in the blood prison despite his claims of innocence tsunade is fully aware that naruto did nothing wrong but needs to follow through in order to draw out a conspiracy rooted in the blood prison once the conspiracy is exposed tsunami leads konoha's forces in rescuing naruto from his wrongful imprisonment road to ninja naruto the movie the tsunade of the genjutsu world wears glasses is flat-chested and is fairly responsible whereas the real tsunari looks younger than her age this tsunare looks older than her age power in the anime tsunare sends team 7 to investigate the massacre of the tonica village when team 7 reports kabato yakushi's use of the impure world reincarnation tsunare sends them all available backup paradise life on a boat in the anime sunare sends sakura to benisou island to collect medicinal herbs for the war effort she later refuses konohamaru sarutobi's request to join the allied shinobi forces fourth shinobi world war confrontation most of the alliance's leaders head to the battlefield when the war begins but tsunade and the fourth reikage remain at the allied headquarters to discuss tactics coordinate troop movements and process new intel on the first night of fighting they receive reports that naruto and b have escaped the island turtle the reikage takes tsunade with him to head them off she leaves behind one of katsuyu's divisions in case she needs to be contacted about anything once they locate naruto and b the reikage blocks their process and tries to convince them to return to the island turtle naruto implores tsunade to let them pass but she explains that she must do what's in the best interest of the entire allied shinobi forces naruto's continuing abstinence prompts the reikage to decide to kill him so that akatsuki can't capture him tsunade cannot allow this and steps in observing that naruto's new nine-tails chakra mode indicates his unprecedented control over the nine tails something that may never be replicated in future ginchuriki of the nine tails the best course she argues is to let naruto use his new power to try and win the war the reikage is not openly convinced by tsunades bees or naruto's words and appears willing to fight but when naruto is finally able to get past him the reikage doesn't pursue when tsunada and the reikage return to the headquarters they're informed that the white zetsu army is cultivated from the dna of hashirama senju tsunade is upset by the continued use of her grandfather's abilities and what else toby might have used them for but believes naruto may be able to root out zetsus that have infiltrated the allied forces 4th shinobi world war climax naruto using shadow clones does indeed help defeat the zetsu army finding those that are disguised defeating those that aren't and helping capture any remaining reincarnated forces the apparent victory is cut short by the sudden appearance of the reincarnated matara uchiha who proceeds to decimate the fourth division wishing to join the battle sunada has mabui transfer her to the site of madras battle with the fourth division using creation rebirth to heal the damage that the transfer does to her body the reikage joins her and they arrive in time to save the fifth kazukage and the third tsuchikage from modera's attack tsunada heals them and after being joined by the fifth mizukage the five kage face off with matara confident they can defeat him they tell one of naruto's shadow clones to entrust matara to them and then go defeat toby elsewhere sanade initially takes a supplementary role during the battle healing the other kage's injuries and replenishing their chakra as needed she is surprised when madara is able to use her grandfather's wood release which they eventually discovered to be due to a cloned graft of hashirama's face that has been implanted in matara's body matara senses that tsunade is descended from hashirama and decides to kill her first because she is so much weaker than her ancestor she acknowledges that she did not inherit alipashi roma's natural gifts but does have his will of fire which drove her to create the ninja art creation rebirth strength of a hundred technique after activating the technique she joins the other kage and attacking him moderate is unimpressed but tsunare is nevertheless able to punch through his body giving the kazikage a chance to try and seal him matara eludes capture and uses susano's sword to stab tsunade madra assumes she's dead but tsunare removes the sword from her body and attacks him with it convincing him that maybe she did indeed inherit something from hashirama he in fact admits that all the kage have posed him some challenge but claims that it's only because they outnumber him five to one in order to make things fair he creates 25 wood clones five for each kage to fight the wood clones each use susano and fight the kage into the night despite these superior forces against them the kage are able to combine forces against the original matara impressing him enough to use susanoo's complete body form before he can use it to destroy the kage the impure world reincarnation is released and matara's soul starts returning to the pure land matara uses the remaining moments before his soul departs trying to finish off the kage tsunade takes responsibility for blocking his attacks expecting that her creation rebirth will heal the damage but she runs out of chakra and is left at modera's mercy she is saved by dan kato's spirit transformation technique his soul having also been released from the impure world reincarnation sonata uses the little time that they have apologizing to him for abandoning his dreams for so many years after he died but that she now tries to keep his dreams alive in her capacity as hokage he thanks her for continuing his dream but tells her that the greatest service that she can do to him is to stay alive as she herself is his dream he kisses her forehead before vanishing and transfers all of his chakra to her though tsunade is rejuvenated matara has used this time removing the impure world reincarnation users control over him thus allowing him to stay now free to do what he wants matara decides he's lost interest in the kage and states his intentions to go after naruto the kage try and stop him and thus fulfill their promise to naruto but madra defeats them all and leaves them near death tsunade despite being bisected in the battle is able to summon katsuyu she asks katsu to bring the other kage closer to her so she can try and save their lives tsunare is later found by orochimaru suigetsu hozuki and kareen tsunade has almost used oliver chakra on the other kage and now lacks the energy to even speak after assuring katsu that he wants to help orochimaru has korean replenish tsunade's chakra and as sweetgetsu assists katsu with putting tsunade's halves back together tsunade reluctantly thanks to rochimaru when she's restored and notes a change in him a change that might have saved jiraya if it had happened sooner orochimaru departs leaving tsunade to finish healing the kage birth of the 10 tails ginchiriki once all the kage are healed the kazukake transports them to where the allied forces are fighting along the way katsuyu informs him of what's been happening up until now as they near the battlefield a reincarnated hashirama senju contacts all of the allied powers after briefly saying hello to tsunade hashirama reveals the purpose of the god tree recreation now looming over them to cast the infinite tsukiomi much of the infantry is thrown into disarray from fear of what will happen but when the kage finally arrive they rally their forces against the god tree tsunade locates sakura and teams up with her to summon a large segment of katsu which dissolves across the battlefield so tsunade and sakura can constantly rejuvenate everyone as they fight although they aren't able to cut down the god tree the allies are able to help naruto defeat toby real name obito uchiha naruto leaves to fight madra leaving the rest of the allied forces to fight another zetsu tsunade lacks the chakra necessary to participate in the fight much less continue performing medical ninjutsu for this reason when the kazakh brings naruto to her in need of emergency life support sunara sends sakura to help him kaguya otsotsuki strikes despite the allied forces efforts they are unable to stop madara from casting the infinite tsukiomi trapping the world in a dream sonata dreams of a konoha where dan is hokage where nawaki and jiraiya are still alive and where orochimaru never defected from the village in the anime while waiting to join dan for a kage summit she reads a novel written by jiraya titled jaraya shinobi handbook the tale of naruto the hero despite her telling him that she had no interest in it earlier in the novel konoha went through much less upheaval the fourth hokage and his wife survived the nine tails attack on konoham and the uchiha clan downfall never happened naruto and sasuke eventually released the infinite tsukiomi freeing tsunade and the rest of the world and thus ending the 4th shinobi world war kakashi hiden lightning in the icy sky kakashi is appointed the 6th hokage after the 4th shinobi world war ends yet a year after the war is over he still has yet to officially accept the duties of the office tsunare continues to carry out all the responsibilities until he's ready but also pressures kakashi to make a decision kashi requests that she wait until he completes his mission to guard the tobiishachimaru on its top secret maiden voyage the tobiishachimaru ends up being hijacked by the ryuha armament alliance during its voyage and the hijackers threaten to kill the passengers if konoha doesn't release their leader gaario from the blood prison in kusakakurei they also stipulate that naruto not be involved after being informed that kakashi is aboard the tobishachimaru sunare summons konoha's available personnel with the exception of naruto while trying to plan what to do tsunade is contacted by the third tsuchikage who informs her that the secret tobi shachimaru is visible from several countries including its own iwakakure although she assures him it is bound for kusa he warns her that he will need to destroy it if it threatens his village which would complicate the relationship between konoha and iwa tsunade shares this threat with one of the hijackers ryo but does not deter him having few options left tsuna decides that the ship must be destroyed before iwa is forced to intervene she has ino yamanaka tell kakashi to do what he can but also warn him of her decision she leads the assembled available konoha ninja to the blood prison to be on hand in case the worst should happen kakashi ultimately crashes the tobishachimaru just outside the blood prison thus averting an incident with iwa however several passengers died during the hijacking and the entire incident has been an embarrassment to konoha tsunade is outraged by these developments and orders kyo the highest ranking hijacker to survive taken into custody kakashi intervenes asking that he be allowed to pass sentence on kaio instead sanate allows it on the condition that kakashi make it his first act as sixth hokage which he agrees to after the war tsunade studies the material that white zetsu are made from and from her research is able to create prosthetic arms for naruto and sasuke though sasuke declines his the last naruto the movie two years after the fourth shinobi world war tsunari oversees the evacuation of the land of fire's citizens to a fallout shelter to escape the crashing moon naruto ultimately prevents the disaster the announcement of which tsunade happily listens to sakurahiden thoughts of love riding upon a spring breeze tsunade meets sakura for drinks partially to congratulate her for her recent work with the konoha hospital but also to try and convince sakura to take it easy as she's been working harder than she needs to sakura changes the subject by asking how to gain men's attention when tsunada can't offer her any specific advice sakura asks that tsunade bet against her love life hoping for tsunata's bad luck to play in her favor sakura later meets with tsunade for drinks again where she shares rumors that someone with sasuke uchiha's appearance and chakra signature is conspiring against konoha the appearance is easily faked but the chakra signature has sakura stumped she asks tsunada if it would be possible to reproduce someone's chakra signature by gathering large amounts of skin and hair that naturally fall off tsunade deems the idea plausible sakura is reassured and tsunade tells her she's happy to help but she reminds sakura that she's retired and that she should try to figure out things for herself konohahiden the perfect day for a wedding tsunade attends naruto's marriage to hinata hyuga yamato runs around prior to the ceremony making final preparations which tsunare occasionally offers advice on new era in later years tsunare continued to stay close with naruto watching his growth as both a family man and the 7th hokage she also came to know naruto's children especially terrifying boroto with her temper while scolding him 12 years after naruto's wedding while a five kage summit was being held in konoha tsunade and the other retired kage visit the third tsuchikage to as tsunare puts it get drunk and complain about things mitsuki's disappearance arc in the anime when two chunin gate guards were attacked by unknown assailants the village was put on lockdown tsunade soon after returned from her trip to meet with naruto about the events she then joined him when eno probed a guard's minds for answers learning that mitsuki had left willingly with the attackers when tsunade asked who the boy is naruto revealed that mitsuki was in fact a rochimaru's son tsunade was furious that naruto would permit an offspring of the men who killed the third hokage live in konohaka kure let alone keep it a secret from her naruto rationalized this on the grounds that orochimaru's conduct had changed from before and that his aide in investigating the otsotsuki is invaluable despite this noting the unpredictable nature of orochimaru the meeting ended with deeming the otoborn boy as a threat as the council and hokage continued to talk about how to best deal with this tsunade concluded that it was a waste of time to discuss the merits of naruto's decision to allow mitsuki into the village and they should focus instead on how to deal with the current situation as tsunade continued to keep worried about mitsuki quiet and the council from taking drastic actions questions continued to build up on mitsuki as naruto and shikamaru still felt the situation didn't make sense for mitsuki to betray them they began wondering if the enemy's goal was mitsuki himself because of his unique background they then received word that one of the guards was recovering and would soon awake to give them answers when shikadai contacted his father via phone he revealed that iwakakure was taken over as part of a plan by onoki knowing that they couldn't act hastily kakashi and tsunade were sent to meet with the other great villages to get their support on engaging this personal matter time slip arc in the anime when a grown-up sasuke and naruto's future son boruto were sent back in time shortly after sasuke's defection the two bumped into jiraya and naruto after jiraya framed the two for his discovered peeping but tsunade arrived and resolved the situation sonata asked about boruto and sasuke's arrival and sasuke claimed that they were traveling performers who utilized ninjutsu during their performances still somewhat suspicious tsunade ordered naruto and jaraya to guard boruto and sasuke proclaiming that they recently defected genning as well as konoha still recovering from an assault during the tuning exams they needed to remain on their guard at all times they couldn't afford to let strangers walk into their village later tsunade assigned all the konoha genin to clean up the bath house to make up for the commotion naruton jaraya caused there days later after sasuke and boruto completed their mission to defeat urashikiyotsutsuki sasuke used his sharingan to erase tsunari's memories of the actions to protect the timeline cara actuation later after the defeat of victor and the fall of his company they learned that the elder was in league with kara they were horrified to learn a victor's attempt to recreate the god tree sonata asked if it was possible victor was the head of kara which was noted to be unlikely following an investigation of the company they realized kara had spies through the world in light of this news the question of whether or not to close the gates to the village came up ow ark in the anime tsunare attended the memorial service for the fallen people of the fourth shinobi world war there she gave a speech to honor those people and voice her condolences to the victims families kawaki arc in the anime tsunade aided shikomaru's coordination efforts in preparation for ishiki's invasion abilities like other students of the third hokage tsunade is an exceptionally talented shinobi her skills became well known following the second shinobi world war when dubbed by hanzo as asanin alongside jiraya and orochimaru tsunade's skills are popularly held as the reason for konoha's victory during that war and in the years following became known as the world's strongest kunoichi despite being rusty tsunada's skills easily outclassed kabuto yakashi's when they battled with him having to rely on using a military ration spill to continue battling and use her fear of blood against her to gain the upper hand upon overcoming this she fought orochimaru one-on-one and defeated him near single-handedly she would later go on to become konoha's fifth hokage and was responsible for saving countless villagers when payne decimated the village in part two even the likes of maduro uchiha admit that tsunare was worthy of being akage chakra and physical prowess as a descendant of both the senju and uzumaki clans tsunade inherited their life force and physical energy enabling her not only to battle the likes of madara uchiha for over half a day without exhaustion but even survive being bisected and retain consciousness long enough to heal others before being healed herself her reserves of chakra are immense enough to heal several thousand shinobi during the final battle with obito uchiha she also has excellent control over her chakra after the second shinobi world war she started gradually storing her chakra into the strength of a hundred seal on her forehead when the seal is released tsunade has access to all the accumulated chakra totaling a so named hundred times her usual chakra levels although she normally uses this extra chakra to heal injuries or perform her other jutsu she can also transfer the chakra to others either to replenish or amplify their own tsunade teaches her students saka rahara know how to build up chakra in her fists and release it on contact with a target causing severe damage tsunade presumably uses this ability herself but it isn't always clear when since she is very naturally strong enough to lift gamabunda's sword and was noted by hashirama to have possessed immense strength even when only a few years old her physical accomplishments whatever the cause include splitting the ground with only a finger and breaking six of jiraiya's ribs both his arms and rupturing several of his internal organs she even broke through susano in absolute defense with only a few hits tsunade believes that it's vital for a medical nin to avoid injury as they cannot perform their duties if anything happens to them to a certain extent her unnatural strength helps her in this regard as opponents may avoid getting near her so she cannot strike them at the same time though tsunade is regularly injured in combat even going so far as to place herself in harm's way in order to protect her allies this is all because tsunare deems her creation rebirth ability a reasonable exception to the avoid injury tenet as she can receive serious damage and still survive even without the creation rebirth tsunade's ability to endure injury is quite impressive as she can survive several mortal stabs to the chest and remain able to perform jutsu after being bisected ninjutsu tsunada can summon segments of katsu a slug from the shikotsu forest in addition to fighting alongside tsunare katsu can use her divisions as a form of long-distance communication or to move and shield tsunade's injured allies should her allies be a distance away she can send katsu to their location by linking with katsu tsunade can monitor those that katsu has attached to remotely healing them and replenishing their chakra as needed tsunade's natures include lightning fire water and earth as well as yang and in the anime yin release she isn't seen directly using any of these natures in the series although her body pathway derangement is suggested to use some amount of lightning chakra she injects her chakra into an opponent scrambling their body's electric signals so that commands to move their hand instead move their leg and so on in addition to her other skills the anime shows tsunara using some amount of space time ninjutsu funjutsu and barrier ninjutsu transformation technique despite being in her 50s tsunade's transformation technique makes her appear as if she were still in her twenties she readily alters what age she appears to be in order to avoid her gambling debts tsunade's unique transformation seems to be permanent as she can maintain this form without exerting any effort even when injured or asleep the transformation dispels when she runs out of chakra reverting her to her natural appearance medical ninjutsu tsunade is hailed as the world's greatest medical nin able to identify elements at a glance and treat conditions that other medical nin deem impossible to cure her skills are enough that orochimaru believed that she could reverse the necrosis-like effects of the dead demon consuming seal amongst other things she healed the psychological damage of tsukiomi fix the damage to rockley's spine when he was deemed a helpless case and counteracted the effects of the three colored pills with instructions from the nara clan medical encyclopedia her medical prowess was again demonstrated when she near instantly healed shikomaru's severe chakra depletion after he came into contact with a root of the god tree the chakra cloak surrounding him noticeably reacting to her treatment undoubtedly the pinnacle of tsunata's medical prowess is her creation rebirth which draws on her vast chakra supplies to instantaneously heal any wounds she receives because it requires no hand seals to perform she needs no conscious effort on her part once active and could heal any damage no matter how severe her chakra level is permitting orojimaru describes it as a form of immortality that even he is envious of despite how useful it is in battle creation rebirth is a double-edged sword the body's cells can only divide and be created a set amount of times so whenever tsunada uses the technique she shortens her lifespan because of this she only uses it in very desperate situations tsunade's skills extend beyond the typical medical ninjutsu she earned fame during the second shinobi world war for being the only person able to make antidotes for the poisons of tsunagakere's chio similarly she can make sleeping potions that are undetectable even to the most skilled ninja she is knowledgeable enough to perform autopsies and examine damage on a cellular level following the fourth shinobi world war she studies the material that the white zetsu army is made of and learns how to make prosthetic limbs from it in the anime she researches kabuto yakushi's yin healing wound destruction and uses what she finds to raise the survival rate of rock lee's medical procedure due to her vast medical knowledge tsunade was primarily responsible for setting up the modern system of medical nin though she exempts herself from many of the laws that govern them due to her creation rebirth 6th hokage kakashi hatake is a shinobi of konohagakure's haruke clan famed as kakashi of the sharingan he is one of konoha's most talented ninja regularly looked to for advice and leadership despite his personal dislike of responsibility to his students on team 7 kakashi teaches the importance of teamwork a lesson he received along with the sharingan from his childhood friend obito uchiha after the 4th shinobi world war kakashi becomes konoha's sixth hokage early life because his mother died when he was very young kakashi was raised during his early years by his father sakumo sakuma was famed throughout the shinobi world having saved konoha on at least one occasion kakashi in particular revered his father during one of sakamoto's missions after kakashi was enrolled in konoha's ninja academy sakamoto made the decision to save the lives of his teammates rather than complete the assignment the mission's failure had disastrous consequences for the land of fire causing many in konoha including the teammates he saved to vilify him for abandoning his duties disgraced sakumo committed suicide seeing what his father went through and determined not to make the same mistakes kakashi decided that following the shinobi rules must always take priority in the academy kakashi earned top grades earning him recognition as a prodigy and the best of his generation ultimately he became very popular amongst his peers with his talent soon being recognized at age five kakashi graduated from the academy at the top of his class in a single year upon becoming a genie he and his classmates rin nohara and obito were teamed together under the leadership of minaton namakazi in the anime minato gave the team a bell test at its formation assigning the three to take the two bells he kept on his person minato often held back less against the prodigious kakashi than with ren and obito so they couldn't obtain any bells without teamwork however kakashi realized this only using obito and rin as means to an end to obtain the bells nonetheless minato passed them because they accomplished the goal of the test by working as a team minato did encourage them to improve their teamwork afterwards a message that obito and rin took to heart but fell upon deaf ears with kakashi team minato would go on many missions during his career but kakashi's devotion to the rules often made him difficult to work with obito already jealous of kakashi's natural talent and popularity was frequently at odds with him and this behavior at age six konoha officials allowed kokashi to compete in the tuning exams with his team which he passed by defeating might guy and became a chunin third shinobi world war konoha eventually became embroiled in the third shinobi world war as part of the war effort team minato was assigned to destroy the kanabi bridge and kusagakure in order to cut off iwagakura's supply line minato was needed on the front lines at the time leaving kakashi recently promoted to joni at age 12 in charge before embarking on the mission minato and rin gave him presents to celebrate his promotion obito forgot to get him anything shortly after entering kusa they encountered an iwa scout mahiru kakashi tried to eliminate him with his new jutsu chidori but the attack speed left him vulnerable to counter-attack forcing minato to step in save kakashi and kill mahiru himself before leaving them minato advised kakashi to not use the chidori again kakashi rin and obito continued further into kusa they were eventually found by mahiru's teammates kako and taiseki who kidnapped rin in order to find out about what their mission was obito immediately suggested that they rescue her but kakashi elected to abandon rin believing that it was more important to finish the mission before concerning themselves with her safety obito refused to go along with this and went off to save rin by himself before he left he told kokashi that sakumo had been a hero and that although it was bad to abandon one's mission it was worse to abandon one's teammates akashi began carrying out the mission alone but ultimately decided that obito was right and went to join him he arrived in time to save obito from taiseki with his white light chakra saber which he inherited from his father taiseki turned invisible and tried launching a sneak attack on obito kakashi protected him but his left eye was badly damaged in the process in that moment obito awakened his sharingan and used to kill taiseki they then entered the cave where rin was being held drove off kako and released rin from the genjutsu he had placed her under kako retaliated by forcing a cave in and kakashi due to his damaged eye was struck in his blind spot and had difficulty avoiding the fallen rocks before he could be crushed by a large boulder obito pushed him out of the way becoming trapped himself unable to get free and knowing his injuries were too serious to survive obito decided to make his last act giving kakashi the present he forgot to give him earlier his sharingan to replace the ai kakashi lost after rin transplanted obito's sharingan into him kakashi confronted kako his white light chakra saber was destroyed during the ensuing fight but he succeeded in killing him with chidori due to the sharingan's heightened vision kakashi was finally able to handle its speed he went back to where obito and rin were but ewa reinforcement soon arrived and started constricting the rebel obito asked kakashi to take rin away and keep her safe which he did leaving obito behind as the iwa nin started surrounding them kakashi attacked them for as long as he could holding them off until minato eventually tracked them down and finished off the rest minato assisted them with destroying the kanabi bridge and then returned with them to konoha to mourn obito's death despite many from the uchiha clan being against kakashi wielding a sharingan as he had no blood ties to them fugaku uchiha the uchiha head chose to honor obito's dying actions and let kakashi keep his gift during a later mission rin was kidnapped by kirigakurei kakashi was eventually able to rescue her and started taking her back to konoha along the way rin revealed that kyrie had sealed the three tails into her body with the intention to once she inevitably lost control of it have it unleashed on konoha and destroy the village from within in order to prevent this from happening rin begged kakashi to kill her but he refused unwilling to break his promise to obito to protect her and hoping to find some other solution when kirin caught up with them and made false efforts to retrieve her kakashi fought them off with his renamed chidori the lightning cutter during one of these attacks rin jumped in front of kakashi's attack dying by his hand so konoha would be safe the trauma of this caused his sharingan to evolve into a mangekyo sharingan shortly before kakashi passed out he was later found by konoha reinforcements but none could explain the slaughter of all the kiri forces anbu career because he'd lost two teammates in such a short time span his role in rin's death and his failure to honor obito's last request by protecting her kakashi began dropping into a depression in the anime many believe he killed rin on purpose to prevent her from leaking information earning him the nickname friend killer kakashi many especially those in anbu believed he would kill a comrade without hesitation if it was for the sake of completing the mission he would also spend his days avoiding friends and former classmates and at night he would be haunted by dreams of himself killing rin again minato the new hokage tried to help kakashi emerge from the darkness he'd fallen into after obito and rin's deaths by assigning him to the anbu kakashi did well in the onbu eventually becoming a captain and the leader of team roh however his successes were owed to his cold behavior and his ruthlessness in combat signs that he was still upset by rin's death minato therefore tried a different tactic assigning kakashi to protect his wife kushina uzumaki during her pregnancy kakashi carried out his duties faithfully muttering kushina from the shadows whenever she left her home during his time off he would visit rin's grave and obito's engraving to tell him his regrets and how life was going without them during the nine-tailed demon fox's attack kakashi and many of konoha's other young ninja were prevented from helping defend the village instead being confined within a barrier to keep them safe minato eventually saved the village from the ninetails but at the cost of his and kushina's lives after which danzo shimura approached a grieving yankakashi hatake noting that it was hirozen sarutobi's orders for the children even high-ranking ninja like kakashi to not help battle the nine-tails ultimately preventing kakashi from possibly saving his sensei and his wife convincing an emotional kakashi that the third was not the best for the future of the village kakashi agreed to join donzo's root division and spy on the hokage for him during a mission kakashi encountered another root member code named kinoe who was able to use wood release knowing that wood release was unique to the first okay kakashi broke into the hokage residence to see what he could learn about this anomaly the third caught him but freely gave him the information he wanted konoha had tried to recreate the wood release powers in the past but abandoned the project for killing too many test subjects the third then mused that the ninetails might have been defeated and minato saved had the research been successful from this meeting with the third it became clear to kakashi that the third was not the ineffectual passion this leader danzo had made him out to be moreover donzo had not used quinoa to try and stop the tails attack realizing he had picked the wrong side kakashi told the third about donzo's plans to assassinate him and the following day personally lured out the assassins of whom kinaway was with kakashi easily defeated him but chose to spare his life in the belief that he would become a valuable ally in the future kakashi attempted to resign from the anbu afterwards for working against the ogaga but the third insisted his service was invaluable and made kakashi his right-hand man from investigating a series of disappearances kakashi provided a lead and it was discovered that orochimaru was behind the wood release research that produced kinoe in the anime kakashi attacked rochimaru when the third hokage failed to apprehend him but he was paralyzed by rochimaru's killing intent and orochimaru escaped kakashi followed him once he regained his composure but he was captured by the iburi clan who were loyal to orochimaru kinowe their ally convinced them to let him interrogate kakashi once alone he confided that danza was making his own plans against hirochimaru and with help from yukimi helped kakashi get free kakashi later planned to use yukimi to capture orochi maru since she was of great importance to him later kakashi explained that yukimi's blood could temporarily bestow orochimaru with the iburi clan's smoke transformation allowing him to slip across the border overhearing that yukimi slipped away and returned to the cave rochimaru ultimately killed most of the iburi clan before escaping yet again but kakashi recognizing that quinoa's relationship with yukimi is much like his relationship with rin was helped keep her safe kakashi decided to leave and not report anything about the iburi or root's involvement kakashi continued to investigate rochimaru over the following years eventually locating one of his secret labs three years after the latter's defection while there he was attacked by kinoe who danzo had sent to take his sharingan kakashi tried to reason with him by stating that friendship should take higher priority than the mission when kinoe accused kakashi of violating that creed by killing rin kakashi enraged overpowered him in order to bring him before the third hokage before they could leave one of orochimaru's snake experiments escaped its test tube and attacked the duo as kinoe was taken captive kakashi managed to slay the creature while saving kinoe the creature's corpse began emitting a poisonous vapor which quickly infected kakashi kinaway got kakashi out safely and having accepted kakashi's words gave kakashi an antidote and chose to abandon his misu whilst leaving kakashi a message about it when kakashi woke up he knew danza would punish kinoy for insubordination and ask the third for help with the third's permission kakashi forced his way into root headquarters and stopped donzo from applying a cursed seal to kinowe as root forces started to surround them the third showed up to personally authorize kakashi's actions and further negotiated kinoi's release from root kikashi added kinoe now with the new codename tenzo to team roh two years later itachi uchiha was added to team roh kakashi and itachi were at one point assigned to observe a meeting between konoha and the land of woods when the land of woods pranja group tried to betray the konoha forces kakashi and itachi moved in and defeated them although kakashi was impressed by itachi's abilities he warned him against his merciless approach and encouraged him on the importance of friends some time later itachi asked akashi if dead friends requests should be honored which kakashi said they should itachi was eventually promoted out of team roh and replaced by yugo uzuki shortly afterwards team ro was sent to the uchiha clan's compound with orders to pacify a brewing rebellion only to find the entire clan dead when news emerged that hitachi was responsible and that he had killed his best friend shisuiuchiha in pursuit of power kakashi lamented his failure to have a better influence on itachi because of what happened with hitachi the third hokage felt that individuals with kind hearts did not belong in the anbu he therefore thanked kakashi for his years of service and relieved him of his duty returning him to the standard forces over the years he was placed in charge of several teams of academy graduates but none ever demonstrated the teamwork he considered to be so important in the anime he started worrying that his own methods were too harsh but from seeing how his former underlings that he had previously failed prospered due to his teaching his faith was reaffirmed prologue land of waves kakashi is assigned as the leader of team seven comprised of naruto uzumaki sasuke uchiha and sakura harano the third hokage explains that he is selected for the team in order to keep an eye on naruto the nine tails jin churiki and in the anime to help sasuke cope with life after the uchiha clan downfall during his first meeting with team 7 kakashi is unimpressed by them finding them all to be too self-interested he nevertheless gives them a bell test as he has for all the previous teams he's been assigned and tells them to take one of the two bells on his person naruto launches a first attack before the test officially begins kakashi stops him easily but is nevertheless amused kakashi reads ichaicha paradise during the test convinced that he won't need his full attention or both of his hands naruto and his shadow clones fail to take a bell and sakura who focuses on looking for sasuke is defeated by one of kakashi's genjutsu akashi then goes and finds sasuke expecting the same outcome as naruto and sakura but finds sasuke was waiting for him kakashi is forced to go on the defense and when sasuke uses the great fireball technique he must close his copy of ichaicha but still manages to defeat sasuke kakashi gathers them together afterwards and tells them they've failed explaining that had they worked together rather than individually they might have succeeded in acquiring a bell they convince him to give them another chance after lunch but kakashi demands that naruto not be fed he secretly watches them as they eat and sees sasuke and sakura give naruto food against his instructions needing naruto in top form if they're going to get a bell kakashi feigns anger when he approaches them but tells them that they passed the test for placing the team's well-being above the mission parameters team 7 completes a number of d-rank missions which naruto believes they're overqualified for he complains to the third hokage about this and is able to secure a c-rank mission escorting tazuna to the land of waves shortly after leaving konoha kakashi notices that they're being pursued by the demon brothers he pretends to be killed by one of the demon brothers attacks so he can observe them stepping in and neutralize them once team seven can't hold them off anymore after restraining them kakashi confronts tazuna on why the demon brothers were trying to kill him tezuna confesses that assassins have been hired to kill him so he can't build a bridge that will free the land of waves from the tyranny of gato although this is an a-rank assignment that team seven being only ghanian are unqualified for they decide to help to zuna anyway because tuzuna confessed his country is too poor to afford an a-rank assignment when they arrive in the land of waves they are met by zabuza momochi a former kirin recognizing how formidable zabuza is kakashi uncovers his sharingan and engages him leaving his students in charge of protecting to zuna kakashi initially does well against zabaza defeating zaba's water clones with his own when zabaza succeeds in trapping him in a water prison kakashi instructs team 7 to leave him behind an escape with tizuna naruto ignores him and with the help of sasuke is able to release him kakashi thanks them and resumes his fight with zabaza copying his ninjutsu and using them against him just as he is about to finish off zabaza zabaza is seemingly killed by a young hunter nin and his body is taken away team 7 continues on to tezuna's home but kakashi must be carried having exhausted himself due to overuse of the sharingan while recuperating kakashi starts to find zabaza's death suspicious and worries that he might still be alive in case this is true he shows team seven the tree climbing practice in order to improve their chakra control which will be useful if zabaza does indeed return after a week of rest kakashi has recovered and all of team 7 has mastered the exercise naruto is tired from the training and is allowed to keep sleeping as they resume their bodyguarding up to zuna when they arrive at the bridge to zune is working on they find zabuzza and haku the hunter nin from before waiting for them haku traps sasuke in his demonic mirroring ice crystals which zabaza blocks kakashi from helping him escape from once naruto arrives to lend sasuke assistance kakashi engages zabaza in combat having learned from his previous encounter zabaza coats the area in a thick mist so kokashi can't use his sharingan because of this kakashi sticks close to tazuna knowing zabazo will come for him eventually zabaza does indeed attack and kakashi is badly injured by zabaz's kubikiri bocho while defending tazuna while reeling from his wound kakashi senses naruto using nine tails chakra fearing that the seal containing the beast is weakening kakashi decides to finish the battle quickly he summons his nin ken and has them track down his blood which is still on zabaz's kubikiri bocho once they locate him they pin him down while kokashi attacks with his lightning cutter just before he hits zabuza haku steps in in front of him and takes the attack instead as his last act haku grabs kakashi so he can't get away allowing zabaza freed from the nin ken to try and slice through him in order to get kakashi kakashi pulls away sets down haku's body and angered by what's happened proceeds to debilitate both of zabo's arms gato then arrives to kill them all zabaza included with a horde of mercenaries zabaza kills gato first and kakashi scares off the horde with his multiple shadow clone technique zabuza dying from his injuries asks kakashi to place him next to haku kakashi complies and after he passes buries them both their mission complete team 7 returns to konoha traveling by way of the great naruto bridge that tezuna finished building tuning exams team 7 resumes its series of uninteresting missions but kakashi is nevertheless pleased by their development despite their only recent graduation from the academy he recommends that they enter the tuning exams he neglects to tell them that they must enter as a team not wanting any of them especially sakura to feel pressured to participate he is therefore glad when they all independently decide to take the exams and wishes them luck several days after the exam start kakashi arrives to watch team 7 in the preliminary fights there he is informed that sasuke was attacked by hirochimaru during the exams and branded with a cursed seal of heaven kakashi warned sasuke that he will be disqualified if he uses the cursed seal during his match sasuke avoids doing so and kakashi takes him away afterwards applying the evil sealing method to prevent the cursed seal's use after sasuke passes out from the procedure orochimaru confronts kakashi explaining his plans to acquire sasuke's sharingan for himself kakashi readies his lightning cutter to defend sasuke but orochimaru decides to leave confident sasuke will come to him willingly someday kakashi afterwards realizes he would have been killed had they fought kakashi takes sasuke to the hospital to rest places him under the guard of anbu and returns to watch the remaining preliminary matches having promised sasuke that he'd tell him all about the other combatant's abilities after the preliminaries end kakashi returns to sasuke to find el the anbu dead killed by kabuto yakushi he tries to capture kabuto in order to learn more about orochimaru's plans for sasuke but kabuto escapes kakashi is afterwards tracked down by naruto who asks kakashi to help him train for the exam's final matches in a month having already decided to train sasuke kakashi refers naruto to ebisu instead in order to give sasuke an alternative to the curse seals power kakashi spends a month teaching him the chidori training runs long and they end up arriving late for sasuke's match against gara of suna gakure when naruto tries to warn him about gara kakashi instructs him just to watch sasuke's performance and is amused by how quickly naruto's concern for sasuke becomes jealousy of his abilities konoha crush the tuning exams are interrupted by an invasion of konoha and most of those watching the finals are rendered unconscious by a genjutsu kakashi is among those who dispel it and he starts fending off invading otogakurei forces when he notices sasuke going off on his own to fight gara kakashi locates sakura and sends her naruto and shikomaru nara after him to provide assistance he summons pakun to help them follow sasuke the fighting rages on until kakashi and his fellow defenders eliminate all invaders in the area except for gaboto and baki who opt to flee rather than continue fighting kakashi and the others then converge on the site where the third hokage fought orochimaru but discover that he's died in battle kakashi attends the third's funeral a few days later he arrives late having visited the memorial stone beforehand to reflect on those he's lost search for tsunade shortly after the funeral kakashi notices cloaked individuals traveling around konoha suspicious he follows them but keeps up appearances that he is only meeting sasuke for lunch while waiting for sasuke he strikes up a conversation with awesome asari toby and kurana yuhi quietly alerting them to the men and cloaks when sasuke arrives and the cloaked men leave kakashi sends asuma and kuranai after them however kakashi starts to become concerned so he cancels lunch with sasuke not explaining the real reason and joins asuma and kuranai he arrives in time to save them from kiseme hoshigaki and itachi uchiha respectively hitachi advises kisame to keep his distance from kakashi stating that his fight with kakashi would take too long he also states that his own fight with kakashi wouldn't take any time at all he immediately attacks which kakashi only barely blocks with a water formation wall he then gets kuranai away from hitachi's clone great explosion and when he looks back at hitachi catches a glimpse of his mangekyo sharingan he orders asuma and kuranai to shut their eyes while he is attacked with tsukiomi subjecting him to three days of torture in a matter of seconds he is able to remain conscious to kiss him a surprise and using information earlier provided to him by jiraya guesses their purpose for being in konaha they are members of the akatsuki after the ninetales within naruto hitachi orders kisame to capture kakashi to see what else he knows and to kill asuma and kuranai kisame is stopped by mike gai and they retreat at which point kakashi passes out guy takes kakashi back to his home and puts him to bed where he remains comatose until tsunade the new hokage comes to konoha and heals the damage to his mind sasuke recovery mission kakashi is not done recovering when he is given a mission assignment a consequence of konoha's lack of manpower following the failed invasion before leaving he stops by the hospital where sasuke has been staying after his own encounter with itachi and finds sasuke in the middle of combat with naruto as sasuke is about to clash his chidori with naruto's resengan kakashi catches them both and flings them apart kakashi starts questioning sasuke about his apparent intentions to kill naruto but sasuke leaves rather than be lectured kakashi also notices jaraya nearby and assuming naruto learned the resengan from him asks if that was a good idea jiraya asks the same about teaching sasuke the chidori kakashi asks jaraya to speak with naruto while he speaks with sasuke before he goes he assures sakura that he'll set things right kakashi locates sasuke and ties him to a tree in order to force him to listen to what he has to say he starts by trying to discourage sasuke from avenging the uchiha clan insisting that even if he's successful it won't bring back those who are already dead sasuke retorts that kakashi doesn't understand what he's going through and offers to kill the people most precious to kakashi only for kakashi to reply that those very people are already dead sasuke is surprised and puts up less resistance so kakashi tells him that taking revenge for those that he's lost is not worth also losing those he still has namely naruto and sakura to that end he encourages sasuke to start using chidori for its intended purpose protecting friends rather than attacking them he unties sasuke and leaves for his mission intending for what he said to sink in when he returns tsunade informs him that sasuke has defected to orochimaru and that naruto and a team of genin were sent after him upset with himself for not spending more time defusing sasuke's angst kakashi goes after him fearful that he and naruto may kill each other he summons his nin ken to help him track sasuke and naruto eventually finding the latter unconscious at the valley of the end because it's raining he can't find sasuke's trail and besides naruto needs medical attention he takes him back to konoha and releases him into the care of the medic core with sasuke gone to orochimaru naruto decides to start training with jiraiya and sakura trains with tsunade having no students to lead anymore kakashi resumes his prior mission schedule mizuki tracking mission in the anime kakashi returns from mission in time to help round up escapees from the konoha strict correctional facility cursed warrior extermination mission in the anime kakashi is sent to the land of birds as backup for naruto 1010 and neji hyuga as they investigate the cursed warrior he takes command of the team and eventually defeats nagare and hokushin with a relative ease tsunagakura's support mission in the anime kakashi is sent to spy on the takami village in order to investigate rumors of an uprising there he finds the entire village abandoned he is later part of the reinforcement sent to sunagakura to help deal with the four celestial symbols men only to discover that naruto's team already successfully completed the mission in naruto's footsteps the friend's paths in the anime about two years after naruto leaves konoha to train with jiraya another tuning exam is held kakashi is sent to amiga kure to invite its ninja to participate a mere pretext for him to investigate rumors surrounding the village he is stopped at the village's entrance but is able to arrange a meeting with hanzo who is actually conan in disguise and delivers the invitation although he appears to leave ame afterwards kakashi sneaks back in to see what he can find out it immediately becomes apparent to him that although ames ninja don't know the identity of the intruder they are aware that someone has infiltrated the village kakashi decides to go back to konoha rather than risk causing an incident kazukage rescue mission kakashi is the first person to greet naruto when he returns from his two and a half years of training with jiraiya naruto gives him a copy of ichija tactics as a present which kakashi wastes no time starting to read as naruto goes off to see sakura jaraya warns kakashi that akatsuki will be making a move in the near future after naruto and sakura have had a chance to catch up kakashi reforms team 7 and gives them another bell test unlike last time taking the bells from him is the real objective kakashi also decides to take the test seriously by uncovering his sharingan and closing his copy of each of tactics as with last time naruto launches a first attack before the test officially begins but this time it nearly succeeds kakashi is impressed by this and other signs of their improvement but by nightfall they still haven't taken a bell tired of this naruto tries spoiling the ending of each tactics forcing kakashi to cover his ears so as to not hear it and shuts his eyes so as to not read naruto's lips this allows naruto and sakura to each take a bell while team 7 tries without success to find a mission to go on that naruto won't complain about word reaches konoha that akatsuki has kidnapped gara the fifth kazukage and the jinshuriki of the one tale team seven is sent to suna gakure to lend assistance in rescuing gara when they arrive in sunna kakashi is attacked by chio who mistook him for his father but her brother ebezo cleared up the confusion before the attack could connect to kakashi's great relief at the close call team 7 gathers what intel they can on gara's kidnappers and leave to go after them chio volunteers to escort them since they aren't familiar with the country around suna while on route to an akatsuki lair they are confronted by itachi uchiha while they fight him kakashi notices that something is off about hitachi noticeably his lack of use of the mangekyo sharingan the reason for this is discovered after naruto seemingly kills him with a big ball rasengan they were only fighting a doppelganger team 7 arrives at the akatsuki lair shortly after team guy does who were sent his back up by tsunade after team guy takes down the barrier over the entrance team 7 moves in and finds gara's body with his kidnappers deidra and sasuri daedra takes gara's body and flies off which naruto and kakashi go after leaving sasuri to sakura and shio naruto makes repeated failed attempts to rescue gara prompting kakashi to encourage patience while he prepares a new ability once he's ready kakashi uses kamui on daedra but his aim is off and he succeeds only in removing one of daedra's arms this creates an opening for naruto to take gara back which data responds to by creating a suicide bombing clone to cover his escape kakashi uses kamui again to warp the explosion away after they regroup with chio and sakura chio gives her life to revive gara team 7 and guy attend her funeral in sunagakura before returning home kakashi is unable to walk due to overusing his mangekyo sharon gun forcing mike guy to carry him guy's choice of carrying kakashi by piggyback deeply disturbs their students tenshi bridge reconnaissance mission during her fight with sasuri sakura learned of an opportunity to possibly meet with sasuke in a few days time kakashi must remain in bed while he recovers and therefore cannot go in his place team 7 is led by an onbu codenamed yamado who kakashi once knew as tenzo before team 7 sets out yamato tsunade and jaraya meet with kakachi to discuss naruto's deteriorating control of the ninetails power a katsuki suppression mission although team seven was able to meet sasuke he was too strong for them to capture and bring back to konoha once kakashi's done recuperating he calls them before him and is introduced to psy who is effectively sasuke's replacement on the team they speak only briefly but both approve of each other kakashi believes the best way to match sasuke would be for naruto to create a new jutsu before he can elaborate further they are interrupted by the arrival of asuma saratobi and the rest of team 10. when their students leave to have dinner asuma lingers behind to discuss something with kakashi only to change his mind when kurunai yuhi comes looking for him to help naruto create a new jutsu kakashi first establishes what his nature is wind with that settled kakashi trains naruto and how to learn to use the wind nature ordinarily such training would take months or years but naruto by training alongside hundreds of shadow clones can do the same training in a mere fraction of the time with kakashi's instructions and training grounds created by yamato naruto quickly masters how to use the wind nature the next step is more difficult for him combining that nature with the rasengan because kakashi and minaton namakazi both failed to combine their natures with the resengan kakashi can't offer naruto any tips and can only watch as he tries to develop something when they receive news that asuma died in battle with members of akatsuki they take a break to attend asuma's funeral because he can be of no further assistance to naruto kakashi leaves yamato in charge of watching over him kakashi meanwhile volunteers to help team 10 avenge asuma shikamaru nara having previously come up with a plan modifies it to take akashi's presence into consideration once they locate the akatsuki members hidan and kakazu kakashi hides until kakazu is driven to use his earth spear at which point kakashi pierces him through the heart with his lightning cutter kakazu who has more than one heart fends kakashi off and uses the elemental masks of his earth grudge fear to put team 10 on the defensive needing to separate hidan and kakazu if they're to have any chance at victory shikamaru takes a vial of kakuzu's blood that kakashi's secretly collected and leads hidan away shikamaru is able to trick hidon into using the blood to curse kakazu destroying the second of his hearts in time to stop him from stealing kakashi's angered by the loss of two hearts kakazu prepares to kill kakashi in team 10. his attack is blocked by the combined efforts of naruto and yamada who arrive with sakura and sai to lend assistance kakashi summons pakun to lead sakura and saito shikimaru in case he needs help while everyone else prepares to attack kakazu naruto having finished his jutsu volunteers to face kakazu alone his new wind release rasa and shuriken is temperamental however forcing kakashi and yamada to rescue him when it fails on its first use it succeeds on the second time destroying two of kakazu's hearts and putting the last one on the brink of failure kakashi is deeply impressed by the rasa and sure again and tells kakuzu that the previous generation being surpassed by the next was perfectly natural kakashi then finished him off with a lightning cutter three tails appearance in the anime kakashi leads team 8 on a mission to investigate one of orochimaru's recently discovered bases during their investigation they're attacked by guren one of orochimaru's subordinates who traps them in her jade crystal labyrinth technique team 7 eventually arrives to lend assistance and helps them escape but while going after guren they come across the three tails kakashi requests additional assistance from konoha and once it arrives they attempt to seal the three tails guren and her team interrupt them and the three tails gets away but guren's team is defeated they are then recalled to konoha with anbu sent to seal the three tails in their place itachi pursuit mission news reaches konoha that sasuke has killed the rochimaru realizing that this is a good opportunity to try once again to reunite with sasuke kakashi combines teams seven and eight into an eight-man squad with their mission to either find sasuke or his assumed target hitachi they split up and look for leads on either uchiha with kakashi providing one or more of his nin ken to those without any particular tracking ability none find anything until witnessing co they converge at its epicenter and can detect sasuke's trail faded battle between brothers as they near sasuke's location they are intercepted by akatsuki member toby they make repeated attempts to kill or capture him but every attack passes through him without sign of damage zetsu eventually appears and reports to toby that itachi has died in battle with sasuke no longer needing to distract the eight-man squad toby disappears before he goes kakashi notices that he has a sharingan kakashi sketched the area and notices itachi's amaterasu in the distance they rush there hoping to reach sasuke before toby does but they are too late and cannot rediscover his trail six tales unleashed in the anime katsu meets with them as they return to konoha to give them a new mission helping the tsuchigumo clan protect its forbidden technique kakashi sends yamada with team 7 to complete the mission while he returns to the village with team 8. payne's assault back in konoha kakashi is informed that jaraya has died while investigating the akatsuki leader payne he is present when the news is shared with naruto who was too distraught to be of assistance and needed some time alone before he died jarria sent a number of things to konaha that would help them against pain including an encrypted message shikamaru is able to properly console and get naruto to help him decode it who realizes that the key to its decryption must be each of each tactics kakashi having the only copy is asked to read specific passages aloud which makes him extremely uncomfortable nevertheless the message is deciphered pain attacks konoha soon afterwards while some of the six paths of pain draw attention to themselves others avoid conflict and try to learn the whereabouts of naruto who had gone to mount myobuku to train kakashi guesses this tactic and goes searching for one of the latter group in doing so he finds the diva path and by confronting it he is able to save irika umino kakashi tries to corner the diva path so he can destroy it with his lightning cutter but repels him with shinra tensei payne recognizing that kakashi is a dangerous opponent sends the asura path to help the diva path kakashi struggles against both due to the shared vision of their rinigon but their clashing jutsu at least attracts reinforcements attentions choza and shoji akamichi crippled the asura path while they arrive from careful observation of the diva path's abilities kakashi notices a brief cooldown period between its jutsu to take advantage of this kakashi plants chains under it and has choza and choji attack it from opposite sides when they're deflected by shinra tensei they grab the chains and restrain him giving kashi an opportunity to attack with his lightning cutter before he can land the blow the asura path uses itself as a shield giving the diva path time to counter it defeats all of kakashi's reinforcements and binds kakashi in the rubble anticipating that kakashi will interfere if allowed to live the divapath propels a nail at his head to kill him and leaves kakashi however only pretends to be dead warping away the nail at the last moment with kamui when choji wakes up kakashi sends him to tsunade to tell her everything they've learned about the diva path abilities the still functioning asura path fires a missile at shoji in an attempt to stop him forcing kakashi to use kamui again to warp away the missile this depletes his chakra reserves and causes his death after dying kakashi finds his father sakumo waiting for him he entreats kakashi to tell him about his life with which kakashi complies he concludes his story by saying that he understands the choices sakamo made when he was alive and he is proud to be his son just then a light envelops kakashi a sign of his revival before kakashi returns to the living plane sakamot thanks him for putting him at peace at long last allowing him to continue to the afterlife kakashi wakes up surprising those nearby he is informed of what happened when he was dead such as that pain destroyed the village and that naruto upon returning defeated pain as naruto returns to konoha kakashi goes to meet him and carries him back where his victory is celebrated by all the villagers past arc the locus of konoha in the anime a traveling musician visits konoha as it starts rebuilding seeing the musician reminds kakashi of team seven's encounter with hanare of the journey village five kage summit naruto reflects on sasuke with kakashi and sakura while he does so word reaches them that donzo shimura has become the new hokage and that donzo's first degree has been to allow sasuke's disposal as a missing nin something tsunade had never permitted naruto insists on trying to reason with danzo which kakashi warns him will not work when this indeed fails naruto decides to talk with the fourth reikage instead who has made it his goal to personally kill sasuke despite the travel limitations in place due to the approaching five kage's summit kashi and yamato agreed to accompany him kakashi neutralizes the ombu assigned to keep an eye on naruto and yamato plants his transmission wood on team samui in order to follow them to the reikage when they find the reikage in the land of iron kakashi the only one amongst them that the reikage recognizes asks that naruto be allowed to speak with him the reikage permits it but even with his and yamato's support he refuses naruto's request to forgive sasuke's recent work with akatsuki and leaves them they state an inn nearby while deciding what to do where naruto is confronted by toby having expected him kakashi and yamato attack and restrain him though he points out that he can escape whenever he wants rather than do that he tells him about sasuke's motivations to take vengeance on konoha for forcing itachi to kill the uchiha clan they doubt what he said regarding the uchiha clan downfall but toby is unconcerned leaving once he's finished saying to naruto what he wanted to afterwards kakashi encourages that the three of them keep what toby said between them until they knew more and if what toby said was true naruto decides the only course of action left is to speak with sasuke himself his attempt to locate sasuke is interrupted by the arrival of sai and sakura the latter of whom tells naruto she loves him kakashi doubts this is the real reason for coming all the way to the land of iron which one of psy's ink clones confirms after sakura and her entourage leave the rest of the kona hot 11 have decided that it's their responsibility as sasuke's former friends to kill him before he sparks a war a burden sakura has taken for herself before they can go after her they are met by gaara and his bodyguards who tell them about sasuke's attack on the summit and toby's declaration of the fourth shinobi world war gara also shares the five kage's requests that kakashi represent konoha going forward owing to danzo's behavior during the kage summit naruto is overwhelmed by all the developments going on and passes out kakashi leaves naruto with yamato and has sai's ink clone guide him to sakura so he can stop her the clone dissolves along the way which it explains to be because sakura knocked out the original sai kakashi catches up with her in time to stop sasuke from killing her with chidori kakashi tells sakura that she doesn't need to take responsibility for sasuke since he as sasuke's former teacher is much more to blame for the team's growing rift and current dire situation he asked sasuke one more time to let go of his thirst for vengeance but sasuke laughs in his face having been too corrupted by toby to be reasoned with any longer as he prepares for battle kakashi remarks that he finally understands what the third hokage went through with orochimaru sasuke uses his susano to fire an arrow at kakashi which he warps away with kamui sasuke is enraged by this use of an uchiha ability and threatens to make kashi suffer when he does so sakura approaches from behind to kill him but ultimately cannot and kakashi tired from using kamui can't reach her in time to save her from sasuke's retaliation sakura is saved by naruto kakashi tells naruto to take sakura away naruto thinks that kakashi is going to kill sasuke naruto instead restrains kakashi and fights sasuke himself from the clash of their chidori and resengan as well as the following conversation naruto and sasuke decided to temporarily suspend hostilities until later when they and only they will face each other in battle kakashi agrees to these terms but insists on being allowed to eliminate toby with kamui when he comes to fetch sasuke toby stops him telling him it won't work and leaves with sasuke fourth shinobi world war countdown when they get back to konohakashi meets with the konahawk council and tells them all what had happened including donzo's death at sasuke's hand because konohan now needs another hokage kashi reluctantly agrees to be the appointment he is brought before the fire daimyo but before anything can be made official they receive news that tsunare has woken up from her coma therefore rendering the proceedings unnecessary he meets with tsunade later and thanks her for waking up before he got stuck with any real responsibility power in the anime kakashi is part of a force sent to hacho village to help the rest of team 7. kakashi confronts kabuto yakashi who gets away by distracting him with reincarnated ninja later kakashi meets with the village leader di sonasu who kakashi recognizes as an old partner of orochimaru he trails disonasu to a meeting with kabuto who is trying to resurrect the amanohoko a fight breaks out when kabuto notices them and at the conclusion of which naruto defeats the nine-tailed naruto clone they are afterwards able to deactivate the amanohoko though kabuto himself escapes once again paradise life on a boat in the anime as konoha starts preparing for the looming war kiba inuzuka asks kakashi to train him kakashi provides his ninken to kiba in his place believing that they'll be more useful to him later kakashi receives an apparent distress signal from mike gai who is escorting naruto to the island turtle kakashi rushes off to lend assistance only to be told on arrival that the sos was sent accidentally when guy was struggling with seasickness unneeded kakashi returns to the village 4th shinobi world war confrontation kakashi is appointed as commander of the allied shinobi forces third division in the anime he requests that gai be his second in command the third division is mobilized ahead of the other divisions in order to be on hand for any eventuality while seeking out nikotsky force they notice and head towards one of the surprise attack divisions distress players the third division arrives in time to save them from the reincarnated gari pakura haku and zaba zamamochi haku and zabuza recognize kakashi in sakura who is also in the third division and ask how naruto is doing kabuto their summoner ends their conversation short by suppressing their personalities so haku and zabaza use their last moments to beg kakashi to defeat them zabaza uses the hiding and miss technique to hide his and the other's movements putting the third division on the defensive kakashi is able to analyze their attack strategy and formulate a response but the other reincarnated members of the seven ninja swordsmen of the mist appear on the battlefield before kakashi has a chance to put his planet into action despite mounting casualties kakashi sticks to his original plan he sneaks up on zabaza and attacks him with lightning cutter intending to dispel the heavy mist like the last time they fought haku shields the attack and zaba zakat akakashi threw haku with his kubikiri bocho kakashi avoids injury and attacks with another lightning cutter this time hitting zabaza and also connecting enzo and nara's shadow to his with zabaza immobilized and haku damaged both are bound by the ceiling team kakashi upset by how zabaza and haku were used for akatsuki's purposes takes up the kubikiri bocho and promises to live up to his reputation as the copier of a thousand jutsu with the mist gone the swordsmen seemingly retreat kakashi takes his opportunity to allow his team to rest and recuperate the next day in the anime kakashi defeats jinin akibino and later teams up with guy to keep jinpachi munashi and kushimaru kuri-rare busy until they are also sealed by the time he helps sai seo fuguki suikazon only three reincarnated shinobi remain part of the white zetsu army then arrived to fight the third division but they're met by one of naruto's shadow clones sent to lend assistance with defeating the remnants of akatsuki's forces fourth shinobi world war climax kakashi and gai eventually leave the third division to join the original naruto and killer bee in their fight with toby arriving in time to stop toby from capturing naruto seeing that toby has six reincarnated genjiriki kakashi theorizes that they each possess one of these six paths techniques just as the six paths of pain did from fighting them however none of them use any of these six paths techniques leading kakashi to believe that toby doesn't have the energy for it toby can at least still use their tailed beast's powers so he forces the four tails and six tails to enter tailed beast modes unable to do anything against such large opponents kakashi and guy leave them to naruto and b after naruto is able to free the four tails from toby's control toby forces the other jinchuriki to enter tailed beast modes as well as five-tailed beast balls bear down on them kakashi considers trying to use kamui it ends up not being necessary as naruto by entering his own tailed beast mode deflects their attacks and subsequently frees them from toby toby is forced to recall the tailed beasts into the demonic statue of the utter path which he uses against naruto b kakashi and guy fighting continues on into the night with neither side emerging victorious when a light descends on the reincarnated ginchuriki a sign that the imperial world reincarnation has been cancelled toby takes drastic actions and prematurely initiates the ten tails revival when they realize what toby's doing kakashi and the others focus on destroying the demonic statue before it can complete its metamorphosis into the ten tails toby defends the demonic statue from all their attacks and as ever is himself seemingly impervious to damage with everything passing through him after an exchange of attacks of which kakashi blocks toby's with kamui kakashi notices some slight damage to toby's mask having a theory about this he has gai and naruto help him test it and is ultimately able to confirm attacks warped away with kamui at the same moment that toby is impervious will damage toby thereby suggesting a link between their abilities kakashi asks where toby acquired a sharingan to which he replies it was on the same mission to the kanabi bridge that kakashi got his own kakashi is troubled by what this might mean but doesn't overlook the important fact they now have a way of fighting toby kakashi secretly uses kamui on naruto's shadow clones to send it to kamui's dimension which when toby retreats there to escape the real naruto's attack attacks toby and destroys his mask when they see his face gai and kakashi recognize toby as obito uchiha kakashi is devastated to discover that the friend whose death he's mourned for over a decade is actually alive kakashi asks obito why he never returned to konoha to which obito replies it's because kakashi allowed rin nohara to die obito assures kakashi that he doesn't blame him for the world's flaws before attacking him with fire release blast wave wild dance obito is soon joined by a reincarnated madra uchiha who decides to take naruto's nine tails and killer b's eight tails before the ten tails is revived kakashi meanwhile tries to question obito moore who ignores him and instead uses his own kamui on kakashi kakashi figures out how to use kamui to return prompting obito to try and kill him naruto blocks the attack and vows not to let his teammates die naruto's words remind kakashi of the obito he used to know inspiring him to join the offensive again after the nine tails replenishes his chakra kakashi lets obito send him to kamui's dimension where he attacks obito's body parts whenever they transport there to avoid naruto's attacks he then uses kamui to return only to witness the ten tales complete its revival obito and matara attach themselves to the ten tails focusing its destructive power against kakashi and the others just as they're about to be killed the combined allied shinobi forces arrive to help deflecting the ten-tails-tailed beast ball sakura heals kakashi before they join the allies coordinated effort to restrain the ten tails but it breaks free by transforming many die in the ten tails counter-attack but another coordinated assault successfully removes the ten tails from moderate and obito's control now free to act on its own the ten tails prepares to use tenpenchy kakashi attempts to stop it with kamui but obito intercepts him and takes him to kamui's dimension when they get there kakashi lunges at obito with the lightning cutter but stops short of actually killing him with it when obito accuses him of having a guilty conscience kakashi tries to explain the circumstances of rin's death but obito was already aware that she chose to die that fact alone convinces obito that the world as is is not worth protecting accepting that obito's mind can't be changed kakashi attacks in order to protect the world that the obito he used to know cared about after a prolonged exchange kakashi pierces obito's heart with a lightning-infused kunai obito escapes and kakashi similarly badly damaged collapses birth of the 10 tails jinshuriki as kakashi treats his wounds he catches brief glimpses of what obito sees due to their common sharingan his fight with naruto and sasuke akashi ponders obito's persistence in trying to convince naruto that his actions are justified and concludes that obito himself is not actually convinced that they are he returns to the battle just after obito's defeat prepared to personally finish him off but is stopped by a reincarnated minatona namakazi having sensed the same misgivings in obito that kakashi did minato convinces kakashi to try yet again to speak with him kakashi acknowledges that rin's death is proof of a flawed system that may not be possible to fix but he believes that naruto should be at least given a chance to try since he still has friends to empower him obito decides to put the same faith in naruto that kakashi has and in order to make up for all that he's done prepares to use the samsara of heavenly life technique to revive everyone that has died because this will cost obito his life kakashi tries to convince him to find another way to make amends but obito replies that he doesn't deserve such an easy solution as he's performing the technique however obito's body is taken over by black zetsu kakashi and minto are confused by what's happened so obito explains that he's been forced to revive matara instead black zetsu then attempts to take obito's rinagon but the presence of kakashi aminato prevents it from safely doing so it decides instead to fully take control of obito's body so they can't attack it without damaging obito ii as they wait the demonic statue of the outer path is summoned by matara from obito's body kokachi tries to use kamui on it but succeeds only in removing its right arm obito briefly regains control for long enough to implore kakashi to destroy his rinagon so moderate can't acquire that too just as kakashi and minotaurs psyched themselves up to do so they are met by gara and sakura who are working to keep naruto alive after matara removed the nine tails from his body gara asks minato to seal his half of the ninetails chakra into naruto in order to save his life black zetsu intercepts the transfer and takes the nine tails for itself modera now the ten tails jin triticy soon arrives to see what's taking black zetsu so long blac zetsu attempts to go to him but obito reasserts control over his body and forces it to stay obito decides that he will help save naruto he first steals fragments of moderate chakra and then instructs kakashi to send naruto and sakura to kamui's dimension he plans to go there to join naruto but his own kamui is slow enough for moderate to stop him kakashi by using kamui on obito at the same time that he uses it on himself is able to accelerate the teleportation and allow him to get away the attack that misses obito nearly kills kakashi but he's saved by guy aware of how few options they have guy decides to use the eight gates released formation over kakashi's protests because guy's time is limited kakashi minato gara and rock lee combine efforts to neutralize as many of matara's truth-seeking balls as they can kakashi carried by gara warps away a part of a defensive wall matara erects around himself in the end guy badly injures madura before he collapses but fails to defeat him matara is stopped from finishing guy off by naruto's return who obito successfully saved naruto and sasuke team up against madura putting him on the defensive and making him desperate for the rinnegan in obido's possession having no other options matara takes kakashi's sharingan and upon implanting it in himself uses kamui to go after obito sakura is teleported back shortly afterwards obito's attempt to save her she prepares to treat kakashi's eye but naruto steps in and uses his six paths chakra to restore kakashi's original eye as they wait for madara's inevitable return kakashi reminds them of their first lesson as team seven the importance of teamwork matara eventually returns black zetsu using his control over obito's body to teleport them back kakashi watches as his students attack matara but aren't able to stop him from casting the infinite tsukiomi kaguya otsotsuki strikes while the world around them falls to the infinite tsukiomi sasuke uses his own rinigon to shield naruto sakura and kakashi from its effects when they emerge they find matara has bound the world's population with god nativity of a world of trees and trapped them all within perpetual dreams matara confronts them and insists that he has ended all conflicts and that only team seven as the only remaining opposition would seek to renew the cycle of death that plagued the world for centuries as he's talking matara is stabbed from behind by black zetsu who transfers to him from obito's body to convert him into kage otsutsuki black zetsu's true master kaguya the origin of chakra now has access to the chakra supplies of everyone trapped in the infinite tsukiomi she wants team seven's chakra as well so she transports them to one of kaguya's dimensions a sea of lava sasuke saves naruto from falling in the lava kakashi grabs sakura ties himself to an unconscious obito with a scroll and pins obito to a wall in order to do the same the heat causes the scroll to burn up but naruto sends a shadow clone to catch them unable to continue kakashi only watches as naruto and sasuke fight kaguya sakura and obito once he wakes up lend support but kagia keeps shifting dimensions in her attempt to defeat them kagia eventually moves them into a dimension with powerful gravity limiting naruto and sasuke's movements while she attacks them with all killing ash bones prepared to give his life to lend what little assistance he can kakashi stands in front of sasuke to take the attack while obito does the same for naruto although they are unified in their willingness to die obito decides it's too soon for kakashi and uses kamui on the attack bound for him leaving obito unable to save himself obito's body dissolves but his spirit returns shortly afterwards and inhabits kakashi obito feels that kakashi will become the next hokage and wishes to reward him by letting kakashi use his two mangekyo sharingan with his mangekyo kakashi is able to manifest susano he first uses it to save sakura from kaguya and then uses kamui shuriken to save naruto and sasuke when kagia creates an expansive truth-seeking ball to finally kill them all kakashi realizing that this is their last opportunity forms a plan of attack kakashi pierces through her with kamui lightning cutter naruto uses shadow clones to exhaust some of her countermeasures and kakashi uses kamui on the rest sasuke moves closer to an order to place a steel on her sakura punches her when she tries to escape kaguya is defeated the tailed beasts are removed from her bodies and she is trapped alongside black zetsu with six paths chibaku tensei the sage of six paths summons them all back from kaguyu's dimensions and congratulates them for their victory as his spirit leaves kakashi's body obito apologizes for everything he did when he was alive but kakashi states that he's glad they rekindled their friendship before the end the sage of six paths explains how naruto and sasuke can end the infinite tsukiomi but sasuke has one intention before that killing the tailed beasts and the five kage kakashi is dismayed assuming sasuke is still after revenge sasuke replies that he only wants to change the world for the better making hard decisions like this so the world won't get embroiled in another war too exhausted to do anything himself kakashi stays behind with sakura while naruto and sasuke leave to fight the sage of six paths uses his last moments to talk with kakashi remarking that the centuries of hate may be on the verge of ending due to the love naruto displays for everyone the following day kakashi and sakura locate naruto and sasuke at the valley of the end where the sage's words have proven true naruto has convinced sasuke to give up his intention sakura heals their injuries and they proceed to end the infinite tsukiomi and in the end the 4th shinobi world war upon returning to the village kakashi attends the mass funeral for the casualties of the war in the wake of the village recovering from the war kakashi succeeds tsunade and becomes the sixth hokage although he is dismayed with the amount of paperwork soon after in the anime he offered naruto the chance to become a jonine at the cost of him spending two years studying blank period in the anime kakashi and tsunade stopped by the konoha military police force from exposing the identities of everyone connected to root in the aftermath of the group disbanding in order to avoid suspicion among villagers thinking each other were former members kakashi heden lightning in the icy sky nearly a year after the war kakashi has yet to officially take on the duties of being hokage feeling he's unqualified leaving tsunare to continue managing konoha's affairs kakashi later leaps for a mission in the land of waves there kakashi oversees security for the toby shachimaru's maiden voyage as the ship prepares to take off kakashi spots someone sneaking aboard discovering it to be might guy who has always wanted to fly kakashi finds somewhere out of the way for them to ride out the trip during the voyage the tobiishachimaru is hijacked by the ryuha armament alliance who demand that konoha release their leader gario from the blood prison vowing to kill the hostages and destroy the tobiishachimaru if their demands aren't met kakashi summons his nin ken to seek out the explosives planted around the ship and confronts the hijackers kyo remotely kills two hostages with ice forcing kakashi to surrender to prevent more from being killed gai soon appears to fight the leader of the hijackers ryo keeping him busy so that kakashi can free himself from his restraints without being noticed kakashi is prevented from helping guy by the appearance of kaio aware that the armament alliance was originally motivated by the death of kaio's innocent son kakashi tries to point out that the armament alliance's actions now threaten the innocent passengers kaio is upset by kakashi's observation and attacks with ice release earthen consecutive chains of ice creating a hole in the ship that starts sucking out kakashi guy and the passengers before he falls from the ship kakashi notices kaio's mask has come off who he recognizes as the woman he helped before kakashi guy and the passengers are saved by sai who takes the others to safety and kakashi back to the tobiishachimaru when kakashi returns rayo is threatening to allow a sick child to die believing it's a fair trade for the death of kaio's son kakashi attempts to stop him but is immediately bound by chains of ice that kaio planted on him earlier kakashi reasons with kyo and convinces her to let sai take the child to a doctor kakashi is afterwards locked away while breaking out he concludes that the hijackers plan to turn the passengers into human bombs kakashi confronts rayo about this and kyo unaware that this was intended is aghast kaio attacks kakashi and removes the chains of ice so he can fight back but he stops short of killing her when he realizes that's what she wants out of regret for her actions the damage tobi shachimaru starts rocking violently flinging rio from the ship and then rises into the air uncontrollably threatening to suffocate everyone aboard kakashi and kaio puncture the helium sacks keeping the ship afloat and kyo attempts to control its descent with her ice when she runs out of moisture with which to make ice kakashi leaps from the ship into a storm cloud using purple electricity to produce rain he is saved by the third tsuchikage who delivers him to the ground kakashi watches as the konoha 11 recapture prisoners escaping during the armament alliance's breakout and feels that the generation will someday replace his own kakashi feels that he as hokage would like to watch over things until they're ready konoha's ninja searched the crash tobi shachimaru treating the passengers and taking kaio into custody tsunade threatens to have her executed since she is the highest ranking conspirator to survive the failed jailbreak but kakashi requests that he be allowed to pass sentence instead what would be his first act as hokage kaio will stay at the blood prison for the rest of her life acting as warden by using her chains of ice on the prisoners both tsunade and kaio agree to these terms with his status as hokage and naruto's testimony kakashi pardons sasuke and releases him from prison he and sakura sees sasuke off as he leaves konoha to wander the world with kakashi requesting him not to cause too much trouble shikomaruhi then a cloud drifting in silent darkness the shinobi union that emerged after the end of the fourth shinobi world war created an unprecedented peace between the ninja villages two years after the end of the war that peace is threatened by the emergence of the land of silence kakashi sent sai and a team of anbu to the land of silence to investigate but all go missing the last communique suggests the land of silence's leader gengo must be behind it all in order to protect the shinobi union's interests gengo must be assassinated a task shikamaru nara volunteers for akashi assigns to anbu rau and soku to assist shikamaru on what is otherwise to be a top secret mission naruto becomes concerned when shikomaru fails to return from his mission and barges into kakashi's office demanding an explanation kakashi attempts to maintain the mission's secrecy but eventually relents even allowing other konoha personnel to go to the land of silence shikimaru is rescued and when he returns to konoha kakashi gives him a week off the last naruto the movie two years after the four shinobi world war kakashi attends a five kage summit to discuss the imminent crashing of the moon shortly after he returns to konaha hanabi hyuga is kidnapped by toneriotsotsuki kakashi sends the hanabi rescue team to save her he also gives them a special clock that counts down to the moon's collision asking that they stop it if toneri is in any way connected in the following days meteors increasingly rain down on the world and the kage decide that the moon must be destroyed when sasuke returns and injured hizashi hiyuga to konoha hizashi reports that hanabi and by extension her rescuers are on the moon kakashi reports this to the other kage who decide to delay the moon's destruction in order to give naruto and the others a chance to save them naruto ultimately succeeds using the nine tails to carve a mission complete message into the moon's surface sakurahiden thoughts of love riding upon a spring breeze after separate attacks are made on homura mitocaro and the land of fire's daimyo kakashi assigns sai to intervene kakashi believes that kido sumaki might be somehow involved so recommends that psy focus on him a few days later sakura returns from a visit to suna gakure with rumors that sasuke had been plotting against konoha neither he nor sakura believe it's really sasuke so he assigns sakura and ino yamanaka to look into the look-alike as the rumors start spreading kakashi attempts to contact sasuke to ask if he knows anything but his inquiries are not answered kakashi informs sakura that the reikage is contemplating a kage's summit on the rumors and the possibility of hunting down sasuke sai eventually reports that his investigation is apparently the same as sakura's so kakashi combines them into the ino sakusai konohahiden the perfect day for a wedding kakashi is invited to naruto's marriage to hinata hyuga he plans to go but worries that naruto and hinata's friends might not be able to attend due to their mission assignments he therefore gives everyone an assignment to bring a gift to the wedding thereby ensuring that they will all be available on the day of the wedding kakashi greets foreign guests such as killer bee and the fifth kazukage sasuke shinden book of sunrise kakashi informs naruto sakura and sai that more than a hundred kumo and kirishinobi have gone missing and learns from sakura that a few konohashinobi are missing as well sai informs kikashi that he had been in contact with sasuke whom kakashi had previously asked to lead the investigation into the disappearances due to that only his ocular powers can cancel genjutsu and kumogakurei and kirigakure had agreed to cooperate in the investigation kakashi surmises that a genjutsu user captured the missing shinobi and is using genjutsu on them to attack the hidden villages the village is then attacked by intruders and kakashi orders his former students to join with shikomaru choji and ino in order to help stop the intruders whom he later learns are some of the missing shinobi once the shinobi are defeated and captured kakashi sends a message of the incident to sasuke who is traveling to the land of lightning and stops at a village in the land of hot water sasuke in turn sends a letter about his suspicions about the dark thunder group being involved kakashi has yamato meet with sasuke to exchange intel on the situation hikashi receives a message from sasuke that he captured the true culprits chino and nawaki and yugakure after sasuke drops him off in another village kakashi arrives to meet with the two but explains he received a good word from sasuke about them rather than putting them in prison he is offering them a chance to atone by working for kumagakurei and kirigakurei which they accept new era on the day of naruto's hokage inauguration he fails to show up having been knocked out earlier with no time left to wait kakashi has konohamaru sarutobi impersonate naruto so that the festivities can proceed as planned retired from active duty kakashi continued to assist in village matters and advised his successor academy entrance arc in the anime when learning about the mysterious attacks in the village kakashi begins investigating the incident and learns that it involves a root project upon reporting his findings to naruto at the hokage office the two discussed the investigation with shikamaru realizing the culprit plan to unleash nue on the village now that it was nearing completion kakashi went in search of the rogue student arriving at senju park kakashi immediately severed the creature's tails resulting in the spontaneous emergence of dozens of smaller tails which it used to steal chakra from size men after saving them kakashi organized the team to hold off the creature as naruto arrives kakashi stops him from fighting explaining that the creature's intention was to gather enough chakra to produce a powerful explosion to destroy the village as the shinobi attempt to subdue the beast it teleports away much to kakashi's surprise kakashi deduced that while this creature was a summoning it uniquely existed normally in a separate dimension leaving others unable to follow it konoha shinden steam ninja scrolls on the day of the kage summit in konoha kakashi leaves for the land of hot water with gai and mirai sarutobi later the group arrived in the land of hot water there they found annual festival slash competition where a town was split between two beliefs on its origins some believing that there is a cat spirit and others believed it to be a dog spirit mirai stopped the chaos by producing a fire release in unison with a genjutsu to form a cat dog spirit which told the town's people to stop the feuding when gai believed the genjutsu to be a demon and attacked it he accidentally knocked down the main wall that split the town thereby convincing the villagers that it was a sign for them to truly come together afterwards kakashi applauded mirai on combining the signature skills of her parents during a stop at an inn they met a young orphan named tatsumi who despite having no money was determined to visit all the hot springs in the land in memory of her late mother at mirai's request it was agreed that the little girl could join them on their trip later during the trip tatsumi and mirai snuck off in the hopes of a nearby hot spring rumored to let people talk with loved ones from the past kakashi and guys soon found them learning that the rumored hot spring was a ruse conceived by remnants of the near-forgotten jashin cult to restore their former glory and power akashi along with gai and mirai swiftly defeated the fanatics later it was revealed that kakashi and guy's vacation was in fact a cover for their working with the land of hot water to uncover the truth behind the missing girls graduation exams arc offering his services as a proctor for the upcoming graduation exams kakashi disguised himself as sukiya a freelance reporter who interviewed various students to better understand their respective nature after classes kakashi met up with boruto who helped him meet with the students as boruto was amazed that his classmates all had plans for the future some as ninja and some decided to pursue goals outside ninja work kakashi noted that while the world had become in less need of ninja ninja skills can prove valuable in other fields he also noted that regardless one must always decide on goals if they wish to grow as individuals later talking to irika in his office irika suggested that kakashi not be too hard on the students come to final exams kakashi clarifies that even in peaceful times they can't allow students with contemptuous attitudes to become shinobi and as such will be as challenging as ever during the practical test of the exams the students were left awe-stricken that the sixth kokage was to be their head proctor it was explained that while shino abarame anko mitarashi and konohamaru sarutobi would be evaluating the student's respective performances in a 24-hour field combat ultimately only one student could pass that student would be the one who takes a single bell from kakashi's hip while others were annoyed by this kakashi insisted that they had already had enough shinobi in this era of peace as the test began many of the students began to scramble boruto soon found kakashi and attacked hard but the legendary ninja easily saw through his tactics while admitting that boruto was truly a genius well above the rest of his generation he still lacked a very crucial aspect to deserve being a ninja quickly pinning the uzumaki down kakashi explained that a ninja with no resolve will only doom themselves and that boruto is solely responsible for his classmates becoming so lazy and carefree to prove his point he revealed himself as sukiya from earlier showing how well he knows boruto as boruto continued to struggle free from the sixth hold his fellow classmates provided enough distraction for him to escape later having listened to the nature of kakashi's words but also to the encouragement of his friends boruto conceived a plan to save the captured classmates and pass the test realizing the true nature behind it boruto designed a group of salt in kakashi but he quickly saw through the facade easily repelling the entire class's group assault on him however this was a trick that drew kakashi into a group string light formation deeply impressed kakashi attempted to repel them with a lightning burst but the students refused to let the technique be broken even when knocked to the ground ultimately time ran out before anyone could get the bell despite boruto's plan failing kakashi passed everyone cheerfully noting while they actually had zero chance of taking the bell they succeeded in the true goal of the test teamwork and loyalty naruto shinden parent and child day when konohaka kudai began a new holiday parent and child day kakashi discovered that the constantly traveling sasuke had returned to the village and was struggling to connect with his daughter realizing that sasuke hardly knew anything about his daughter since he had been away for most of her life kakashi decided to help out using ideas from his icha icha series soon realizing that these ideas were better suited for a romantic couple as they only succeeded in further estranging sasuke from his daughter and even making sasuke more furious at kakashi the retired hokage suggested asking sakura for advice since she knows her family better versus momoshiki arc as investigations on kagia continued it was discovered that her creation of the white zetsu army was an extra precaution for a looming threat sometime after attending a village meeting with naruto kakashi attends the finals for the tuning exams in konoha alongside gai and irika when the stadium is attacked by kinshiki and momoshiki otsutsuki kakashi helps rescue spectators in the arena mitsuki's disappearance arc in the anime after the defeat of the attackers and konohankakura's recovery from the attack a kage summit was held kakashi and the other retired kage were in attendance to discuss the still looming threat of the otsutsuki the next morning when two tuning gate guards were attacked by unknown assailants the village was put on lockdown kakashi joined naruto and his advisors when overseeing eno probe one of the guards minds for answers learning that mitsuki had left willingly with the attackers when naruto revealed to the others mitsuki was in fact orochimaru's son much outrage followed from learning that naruto would permit an offspring of the men who killed the third hokage live in konohaka kure let alone keep it a secret naruto rationalized this on the grounds that hirochimura's conduct had changed from before and for his aid in investigating the otsotsuki despite this noting the unpredictable nature of rochimaru the meeting ended and deemed the otto-born boy as a threat as the council and hokage continued to talk about how to best deal with this kakashi voiced his overall approval of naruto's actions noting that naruto would never do anything he thought would bring danger to the village and that the elders wouldn't even consider letting the boy in the village had they known the full story to begin with kara actuation arc in the anime kakashi felt a bad error about him worrying that things were going to get difficult for him kakashi's fears were soon realized when boruto approached him for help he got ibiki morino to transfer shojoji from prison to a police facility to face off against boruto while ibiki was concerned by this kakashi promised to take full responsibility as shojoji reminded kakashi of the terms of their agreement kakashi swore to keep his word to reduce shojoji's sentence but that also meant that shojoji would have to actually defeat boruto during the match shojoji's wind release shield of the wind count proved to be as powerful against boruto's attacks as previously this prompted boruto to use his new compression resengan it was able to overpower shojoji's defenses and swiftly defeat him as kakashi commended boruto for coming up with the alternate plan to condense his resengan rather than expand it boruto collapsed as his long hours of training caught up to him still impressing kakashi with boruto's capacities kakashi brought boruto back to the hospital to recover upon his awakening kakashi applauded boruto's accomplishments but warned him of the dangers of his new technique noting that the compression resengan comes with great recoil that can cause great strain on his arm it is not a technique that boruto should use often later victor president of the land of valley's premier medical and research company was defeated and revealed as a member of kara while kakashi voiced his horror at victor's attempt to recreate the god tree it was also revealed from an investigation that victor's laboratory had scriptures relating to shojoji's intel vague information of a vessel and secret knowledge that should only be known by the five kage realizing that kara had spies throughout the world the question of whether or not to close the gates to the village came up kakashi voiced his opinion that closing off from the outside world would stunt growth au arc in the anime kakashi attended the memorial service for the fallen people of the fourth shinobi world war kawaki arc in the anime following jigen's attack on the village the archives were soon broken into and data was stolen kakashi began his own investigation he soon found team 10's genie and trying to find the culprit as well impressed by how quickly they had found the culprits hideout he decided to work with them soon they found the culprit koji kashin who had made an escape as he snuck into the crowd kakashi realized that he went underground into the sewer he decided to go alone after determining the foe was too dangerous for the genie along the way shigedai informed kakashi that the sewers have been opening at the thunder rail kakashi realized that the sewer and train were both a diversion for koji's true objective he arrived before koji at another archive site which housed physical data on a scroll not yet digitized from before the fourth shinobi world war kakashi fought koji who retreated later shikurai voiced his theory that the reason why koji was able to slip past the sensing barrier unnoticed was because he was a former konahan nin kakashi agreed that it would also explain why he was after the scroll later kakashi aided shikomaru's coordination efforts in preparation for ishiki's invasion personality since his early childhood kakashi was very independent and self-confident at times even appearing arrogant and condescending despite that kakashi was very perceptive and intuitive quickly realizing the situation for what it was after his father's death kakashi became more stern aloof and cold towards others following all the rules to the letter chastising any who disobeyed them and being willing to abandon his comrades to finish missions as an adult kakashi typically has a relaxed and almost bored attitude not prone to getting too worked up about anything or by anyone despite his increasingly growing reputation in prowess as a ninja kakashi has shown no signs of arrogance and is rather modest about his abilities he is habitually tardy showing up late when it suits him using excuses that convince nobody and later leaving for equally poor reasons though kakashi wants others to believe this is how he always acts he only does so for matters that aren't of particular importance in truth kakashi is a rather solitary and matter-of-fact person he is still just as apathetic as he was during his youth often speaking bluntly about sensitive topics and occasionally ignoring his fellow classmates whenever he passed them by he is alone for most of his spare time spending hours visiting rin o'hara's grave or the memorial stone where obito uchiha's name is engraved he tells them about his life recent events in konoha and others they knew but mostly he shares his regrets that they could not be with him or that their deaths were his fault in the anime after rin died kakashi went through a period of post-traumatic stress disorder having nightmares about her death and growing depressed whenever others mentioned her over time kakashi comes to accept that rin chose to die so his guilt instead became more about his broken promise to obito this fact causes obito's apparent death to weigh more heavily on him compounding the regret he feels about what his personality was even hours before obito seemingly died kakashi feels that had he cared more about teamwork and friendship in the same way that obito did obito's death may have been avoided thinking it would ease his pain minato convinced kakashi to join the onbu during his time in the anbu however kakashi gained a reputation for his cold-bloodedness obito's apparent death profoundly changed kakashi more particularly he became committed to teamwork and always places teammates well-being above the missions he believes goals can be accomplished more efficiently together asking for help whenever he needs it providing help whenever it's requested of him and praising allies when they deserve it an abuse of one's teammates is the only thing that can make kakashi cast aside his normally stoic demeanor causing him to attack without mercy or his usual sense of sportsmanship he expects his prospective students to demonstrate this same devotion to teamwork which none until team 7 were able to do despite the high failure rate despite the high failure rate the third hokage agrees with kakashi's choice to require it kakashi becomes fond of all of team 7's members even sasuke ochiha to the point of blaming himself for sasuke's criminal acts and the team's growing rift over it through part two he holds out hope that sasuke will correct his behavior and for his patience he is able to see team 7 reunified when part 2 ends might guy has considered kakashi as rival ever since they first met in the academy despite his father's warning that guy might someday prove stronger than him kakashi didn't think much of guy at the time kai took this as a challenge and began striving to earn kakashi's approval so as to show that his perseverance could be just as good as kakashi's natural genius when gai would suggest contests to test how their abilities compared kakashi would respond with indifference only fueling guy's desires to defeat his cool hip and trendy personality at the start of part 1 kakashi's score is 50 wins and 49 losses though even when guy takes the lead the score difference remains the same considering that their competitions range from eating contests to rock paper scissors the score isn't truly representative of anything kakashi eventually comes to consider gai one of his closest and most reliable friends and by the end of the fourth shinobi world war he acknowledges that guy has surpassed him in the following years during his role as hokage kakashi continued to dutifully work to progress the village at the same time he still believes that even in times of peace no one should become a ninja without appreciating the importance of it when he first meets his students on team 7 kakashi claims to have many hobbies none of which he chooses to share at the time he is known to be an avid fan of the icha icha series of novels he always has one of the books with him and he regularly reads it even while talking to others naruto uzumaki identifies ichicha as one of kakashi's few weaknesses which he's able to take advantage of during a bell test by threatening to spoil the ending of the newest book in the series forcing kakashi to shed his eyes and ears and thereby leave himself vulnerable although most people he knows are aware of how much he likes ichiichi kakashi is seemingly uncomfortable sharing the books with others to the point of growing embarrassed by the presumably adult content when he's forced to read passages aloud one of the strongest ninja konohankakura ever produced kakashi has earned recognition on sight by various high-level ninja a prodigy kikashi showcased highly advanced skill from a young age evidenced by his rapid rise through the ninja ranks his prowess is said to rival an entire country the s-rank members of akatsuki acknowledge his might he outmaneuvered hitachi uchiha albeit he couldn't use his monkey kyo sharingan at the time fought kisa mehoshigaki and kakuzu to a standstill and was deemed a major threat by payne after kagia's defeat kakashi's combat prowess continued to increase despite the loss of his sharingan due to no longer needing to passively expend chakra because he could not deactivate it like an ugiha against koji kashin one of kara's strongest inners kakashi was able to pressure the foe into retreating in general kokashi is very versatile with advanced proficiency in countless areas including mastery of all three main ninja skills naruto uzumaki says kakashi is smarter than shikomaru nara has a better sense of smell than kieva unizuka is more adept with the sharingan than sasuke uchiha and has better taijutsu skill than rock lee each of whom are well known for their high capacities in their respective areas kakashi's genjutsu prowess is able to use basic techniques to major effect for intimidation and distraction kakashi's combat and tactical prowess are so revered that many foresaw his rise to hokage's status years before it happened however the sage of six paths believed kakashi's greatest strength is as a teacher leader and friend all of which prove vital in kage otsutsuki's defeat chakra and physical prowess originally by his own admission kakashi's chakra reserves were average he could only use the lightning cutter 4 times or kamui 3 times per day at the same time he makes up for it with superb control requiring no more than the minimum required amount to perform his technique even able to do so with a single hand however by part 2 kakashi's reserves increased to a considerable size shown when he used both techniques repeatedly during the final battle of the fourth great shinobi war with only minor strain and exhaustion in later years his reserve allowed him to create and maintain four collective massive walls for a few days and casually uses purple electricity numerous times kakashi's taijutsu can take various approaches in close combat his time in the on-boot enables him to suddenly approach enemies from behind unnoticed by even other ombu also his ongoing competitions with mike gai make him just as comfortable attacking from the front striking with blazing speed and debilitating precision to quickly defeat multiple enemies kakashi is able to open at least one of the eight gates he is strong enough to wield kubikiri bocho with one hand for extended periods of time unfazed has reflexes sharp enough to block attacks he's unable to see and has immense speed that allows him to perform hand seals at unreadable rates ninjutsu kakashi primarily relies on his great skill and knowledge of ninjutsu over the years due in large part to his sharingan he gained a vast arsenal reputed to have copied over a thousand techniques which led to his moniker as copy ninja kakashi with this arsenal combined with years of experience kashi can handle almost any situation in various ways he is also well versed in funjutsu impressing orochimaru kakashi has his own personal pack of nin ken which he raised since they were puppies in the anime he is shown using them during the third shinobi world war in the field he can summon one or more of his ninken to fetch things for him restrain targets or deliver messages more commonly he uses them for tracking picking up trails or seeking out targets he doesn't know where to look for nature transformation kakashi can use all five basic nature transformations as well as the yin release and yang release he can use water release without a nearby water source and is able to produce massive offensive and defensive structures with earth release he can move underground for sneak attacks or produce multiple intricate walls to defend himself or large areas from attack years after the four shinobi world war kakashi learned to convert his earth release techniques into quartz improving the quality of his techniques in this way negates its weakness to lightning-based nature attacks by absorbing and dissipating opposing techniques he is shown using fire release to launch a massive fireball kakashi's natural affinity is lightning release which he can channel into weaponry to increase its cutting power after failing to infuse the resengan with his lighting release he instead created the chidori a collection of lightning chakra in the hand that can pierce most targets that it's thrust into once he famously split a bolt of lightning with his chidori earning the name lightning cutter other techniques of this nature include lightning hounds that he can manipulate to attack with lightning clones that paralyze opponents on contact and lightning cords that are even capable of cutting through tailed beast chakra arms by his tenure as the sixth hokage he created a new signature technique the lightning release purple electricity which allows him to release a surge of purple lightning to produce a variety of effects attack from afar augment his physical strikes and release a burst from all around him sharingan kakashi received his sharingan during the third shinobi world war from obito uchiha a replacement for the left eye he'd lost shortly beforehand the sharingan became his most identifying feature in the years since such that he is widely known as kakashi of the sharingan with the sharingan kakashi can accurately reproduce any movement he sees his own physical skill permitting take in a heightened amount of visual information and perform the sharingan's broad category of genjutsu because he isn't a new chiha he can't activate the sharingan and it rapidly drains his chakra whenever he uses it leaving him bedridden after extended use as such he keeps the eye covered when he doesn't need it in order to prevent this despite his handicap he is still noted to have impressive prowess wielding it as noted by itachi uchiha kakashi loses his sharingan during the fourth shinobi world war to matara uchiha when obito died with both his sharingan his spirit briefly returned from the afterlife and inhabited kakashi's body during which he channeled both of his eyes dojutsu power into kakashi granting full usage of their abilities mangekyo sharingan kakashi gained a mangekyo sharingan when rin nohara died its design appears as three triangles wrapping themselves around the pupil similar to a pinwheel he was able to maintain it over a decade though he was steadily suffering at side effects with each use such as bleeding eyes and deteriorating vision with his left mangekyo kakashi can use the long range variants of kamui remotely forming a barrier around whatever he looks at to warp the target to kamui's dimension eventually he learns how to send himself to the dimension and to a new location from it kokashi initially had trouble aiming kamui properly and hitting his targets he improved to the point where he can use it on fast moving projectiles when he first starts using kamui it requires some amount of preparation and has a huge drain on his chakra each time is performed he also becomes able to perform it faster enough that opponents may not even notice that he used it at all after kakashi loses his sharingan his body is temporarily inhabited by obito's spirit allowing him to use both of obito's mangekyo in addition to the long-range kamui he'd already had he becomes able to use its short-range variant allowing him to make his body intangible so attacks face through him by combining this ability with his lightning cutter kikashi can bypass all defenses and eliminate the possibility of being countered while attacking having a dual mangekyo kakashi can manifest susano which has been honed into its complete body form it can be used for flight defending others with his large size and even has the intangibility of kamowi extended into it it can manifest either swords or shuriken to aid him in battle the latter of which can produce kamui shuriken in order to warp away whatever they cut in addition kakashi received some of the six paths chakra allowing him to use the mangekyo sharingan and its abilities for repeated and extended use with no effect on his health or eyesight intelligence part of kakashi's usual approach to combat is to rely on the body replacement technique and clone techniques thereby keeping himself out of harm's way while he observes an opponent and their abilities even when he doesn't use this system of misdirection and decoys he remains alert to any unexplained or unexpected occurrences coming up with theories for their causes when they arise and exploiting them if they prove true which they usually do once he identifies an opponent's weakness kakashi can quickly formulate a plan to take advantage of it efficiently utilizing each of his ally's unique skills to that purpose such plans while often elaborate and unorthodox are typically highly successful and very low risk making kakashi invaluable as a leader he has also proven himself a very talented teacher able to push his students development by months if not years in just weeks through various innovative methods seventh hokage naruto uzumaki is a shinobi of konohagakuri's uzumaki clan he became the jinchotiki of the nine tails on the day of his birth a fate that caused him to be shunned by most of konoha throughout his childhood after joining team kakashi naruto worked hard to gain the village's acknowledgement all while chasing his dream to become hokage in the following years through many hardships and ordeals he became a capable ninja regarded as a hero both by the villagers and soon after the rest of the world becoming known as the hero of the hidden leaf he soon proved to be one of the main factors in winning the fourth shinobi world war leading him to achieve his dream and become the village's seventh hokage background naruto was born on the night of october 10th to munito namakaze the fourth hokage and kushina uzumaki the second gen cherokee of the tails he was named after naruto musasabi the protagonist of jaraya's first book which made the sani and his godfather the third hokage made special arrangements for minato to preserve kushina's seal containing the nine tails when she gave birth to naruto in a remote location escorted by midwives and on bu a masked man toby tracked down their location however and killed the midwives and on bu and captured naruto forcing minato to quickly rescue him and teleport him to a safe house with minato gone toby captured kushina and released the nine tails from her using it to devastate konoha minotaur saved kushina and left naruto in her care before he went to protect the village eventually defeating toby and freeing the ninetails from toby's control returning to naruto and kashina's location minato realized the only way to stop the nine tails was to seal it within naruto believing that his son would someday need the fox's power to defeat toby when he returned since the ninetails chakra was too immense to be sealed into an infant minato sacrificed his soul to split the fox's chakra in half sealing the yin half within himself and the yanghaf within naruto after telling naruto how much they loved him minito and kushina succumbed to their wounds from protecting their son from the nine tails and passed away orphaned not having any parents or anyone else to provide for him naruto received monthly income from the village in order to afford daily necessities he grew up not knowing who his parents were receiving only his mother's surname as hirozen wanted to protect naruto from his father's enemies minato's dying wish that narato be regarded as a hero was honored by very few who could put aside their pain and losses caused by the disaster while the majority of konoha having no knowledge of the circumstances surrounding his birth openly ostracized and resented naruto for containing the beast that devastated the village and took so many lives some even viewed naruto as the nine tails himself soon the third hokage forbade anyone from mentioning the nine tails hoping that the younger generation would not blindly hate naruto as their parents did however naruto's peers emulated their parents hatred of him despite not knowing why this social isolation caused naruto to crave acknowledgement which he would gain by pulling pranks on the day of his enrollment in the ninja academy naruto first met hinata hyuga who was being picked on by three bullies despite not knowing here naruto immediately came to her defense but was outnumbered and knocked unconscious and the bullies damaged his red scarf when naruto awoke he now thanked him for helping her and returned his scarf to him but he let her keep it he was unaware that the girl's growing affections for him began from that moment onwards in the academy naruto became a student of irika umino who acted as a surrogate older brother to keep him in line and help him work harder naruto also met his classmate sasuke uchiha and tried to befriend him since he was alone as well jealous of sasuke's skills and popularity however he developed a one-sided rivalry in his pursuit to prove himself just as good as if not better than sasuke wishing that someday sasuke would accept him as an equal naruto also grew close with the owner of ramen ichiraku tayochi and his daughter ayame being welcomed as their favorite customer prologue land of waves failing once again to graduate from the academy a disappointed naruto is advised by one of his instructors mizuki to steal the scroll of seals and learn a technique from it in order to graduate as naruto struggled to learn the shadow clone technique iruka umino tracked him down and realized that naruto was tricked by mizuki into stealing the scroll mizuki attacked them and told naruto about the nine tails sealed within him claiming that erika hated him because of it when irika risked his life to protect naruto however he saw through mizuki's lies and used the multiple shadow clone technique to defeat him prompting irika to happily grant naruto his graduation from the academy naruto would also later befriend konohamaru saratobi grandson of the third hokage and teach him several perverted or useful techniques naruto was eventually assigned to team seven partnered with sasuke uchiha and sakuraharano under the leadership of kakashi haruke during their first meeting naruto shared his love of ramen his hobbies and his dream to become hokage to test their qualifications kakashi gave the team a bell test stating that whichever of the three takes one of the two bells on his person will officially become genin instead of hiding like sakura and sasuke naruto tried to take the bells from kakashi by force only to be easily defeated hung upside down from a tree and tied to a wooden post in an attempt to steal lunch after sakura and sasuke fail as well kakashi explains that the goal of the test was to use teamwork to do together what none of them could do by themselves he is persuaded to allow them to try again after lunch but instructs sasuke and sakura not to feed naruto they feed him anyway needing him in top form if they're to work together kakashi sees this and because they care more about the team than listening to his instructions allows them all to pass after a series of uneventful d-rank missions naruto is able to secure a c-rank mission for team 7 escorting to zuna to the land of waves soon after leaving konoha they are attacked by the demon brothers naruto is paralyzed with fear forcing sasuke to step in to disarm them and protect azuna until kakashi can capture them tezuna confesses that assassins have been hired to kill him but he couldn't afford the bodyguard detail he needs although the mission is now a-rank in nature far beyond the skill of ghenin team 7 decides to continue with it angered by sasuke's taunting of him naruto cuts his hand to bleed out the poison he received earlier vowing to never waver again when they arrive in the land of waves and are confronted by zaba zamamochi naruto is overwhelmed by the battle between kakashi and zaboza before he's knocked aside by zabo's water clone remembering his vow naruto regained his confidence and teamed up with sasuke to free kakashi from zaba's water prison in the end zabaza is seemingly killed by haku allowing team 7 to escort tazuna back to his house kakashi finds zabaz's death suspicious and decides to train the team in case he returns he has them perform the tree climbing practice in order to improve their chakra control which will help them against zabuza naruto becomes frustrated after several failures and asks for advice from sakura who herself mastered it from the start now rapidly improving naruto competes with sasuke to finish the training each determined to outdo the other one day naruto encounters haku albeit unaware of his true identity and they each discuss their dreams and desire to protect those precious to them after haku leaves naruto finishes the training with sasuke but is left exhausted so team 7 leaves him behind the next morning as they resume their escort duties naruto awakens and arrives to assist team 7 in fighting zabaza and haku but unaware of how haku's demonic mirroring ice crystals work he joins sasuke within the prison naruto cannot break free with his shadow clones and sasuke cannot melt the ice with his fire as haku moves in to kill naruto sasuke uses his body as a shield to protect naruto and seemingly dies enraged by sasuke's apparent death naruto unwittingly accesses the nine-tails chakra for the first time allowing him to destroy the ice mirrors and defeat haku breaking his mask realizing his opponent was the boy he met before naruto calms himself he's asked by haku to kill him since he feels of no further use to zabuza before naruto can do so haku immediately stops him and goes off to save zabaza from being killed by kakashi sacrificing his own life when zabaza refuses to appreciate this naruto angrily scolds him stating that haku gave up his life to save someone precious to him touched by his words zabaza using naruto's kunai killed gato and many of his henchmen before he himself dies sasuke soon awakens and when their injuries heal team seven leaves for home via tezuna's newly constructed great naruto bridge tuning exams team seven resumes its series of unremarkable missions for their performance in the land of waves however kokashi decides to enter them in the tuning exams taking place in konoha which greatly excites naruto because they've only recently graduated from the academy the three feel they must give strong showings to prove themselves when they enter the exam hall the team is met by rock lee who challenges sasuke to a fight naruto tries to attack lee and jealousy but is easily swept aside the fight is interrupted by might guy after which naruto notes that the bandages around zli's arms signify his arduous taijutsu training during the exam's first stage the participating ghenin are given a written test the goal of which is to cheat without getting caught unaware of this naruto struggles to answer the questions so hinata hugo who's seated beside him offers to let him copy off her paper despite the temptation naruto declined hinata's offer claiming that he isn't the type to cheat and they might be disqualified if they're caught before the tenth question can be given the genin are presented with the opportunity to forfeit naruto refuses to do so declaring his refusal to give up and his goal to still become hokage his determination to face the tenth question despite the potential consequence inspires the rest of the genie to do the same so they passed the first stage it is later noted that he was the only one to hand in a blank sheet though this did not prevent it from passing for the second phase teams enter the forest of death with the objective of obtaining a set of two scrolls one of which they're given at the start naruto becomes separated from his team and is attacked and swallowed by a giant snake he manages to kill it and regroups with his frightened teammates against orochimaru angered by sasuke's sudden cowardice and resignation naruto engages orochimaru using the ninetails chakra defeats his giant snake and taunt sasuke before rochimaru suppresses the nine-tails chakra rendering naruto unconscious after he awakens team 7 continues its search for the second scroll which they eventually gained by defeating team obero allowing them to pass the second stage in the preliminary matches of the exam naruto was pitted against kiba inazuka and his dog akamaru believing the match to be an easy victory kiba and akamaru overwhelmed naruto with many high speed attacks so naruto tricks kiba into knocking akimaru out of the fight by using the transformation technique shocking all spectators naruto then disorients kiba by farting in his face and defeats him with the naruto uzumaki combo which he invented from watching sasuke's lion combo when neji and hinata's match begins naruto is enraged by neji's ruthless tirade against hinata and cheers hinata on to defeat neji although hinata is defeated naruto wipes up her blood and vows to defeat neji in the finals during the month of training naruto first meets jiraya who knocked out ebisu naruto's original teacher and trains under the sanying to improve his chakra control recognizing naruto as the nine tails jinchotiki jarya removes the seal orochimaru had placed on naruto to ease his control and begins teaching him how to use the nine tails power by summoning toads to accelerate naruto's slow progress daraya pushes him off a cliff causing naruto to enter his subconscious and meet the nine-tails working past his fear he bravely demands chakra from it as rent for living in his body the nine tails complies and naruto summons gamabunta although he exhausts himself and ends up in the hospital where he's visited by shikamaru nara after talking he and naruto stop gara from killing rock lee in the next room and listen to gara's story of his childhood which naruto finds very similar to his own gara prepares to kill them but mike guy intervenes and forces gara to retreat on the day of the finals naruto meets hinata at the third training ground and expresses his doubts about his upcoming match against neji hinata reassures naruto that he never gave up because he always had the strength to overcome his own failures admiring him for it reinvigorated naruto thanks hinata and tells her even though he first thought she was weird he likes her now facing neji in the first match of the finals naruto began by creating shadow clones to overwhelm nedji's with sheer numbers deeming naruto a failure who could never defeat a genius like himself negi easily defeats naruto's clones and seals his chakra with eight trigram 64 palms determined to prove neji's ideals about fate wrong naruto tapped into the nine-tails chakra and revitalized clash with neji when the smoke cleared neji emerges and naruto lies defeated this however was only a shadow clone and the real naruto burst from the ground beneath nenji defeating him with an uppercut before he's declared the winner naruto tells neji that creating clones was once his shortcoming and that negi needs to stop believing in inescapable fate when sasuke finally arrives for his match with gara naruto is envious of sasuke's improvements but is later put to sleep along with most of the audience commencing the konahawk rush konoha crush sakura wakes up naruto so they can pursue sasuke who is pursuing gara himself they arrive in time for naruto to kick gara away before he can kill sasuke partially transformed into shukaku gara knocks sakura unconscious and binds her to a tree forcing naruto to battle him with little success naruto relates to gara's painful life as ajinchotoki but he's not willing to let anything happen to sakura and sasuke determined to protect his friends naruto creates an army of shadow clones to relentlessly batter gara forcing him to fully transform into shukaku to which naruto responds by summoning gamabunta gara puts himself to sleep to give control of his body to shukaku forcing naruto and gamabunta to figure out a way to end the jutsu they do so by transforming into a giant fox the nine tails in the anime to restrain shukaku allowing naruto to awaken gaara with a solid punch to the face shukaku's influence disappears but gara regains control and traps naruto with his sand naruto escapes by tapping into the nine tails chakra and headbutts gara when he's close enough destroying shukaku's form exhausted from the fight the two leap at each other for one final exchange and naruto punches gara claiming victory naruto and gara fall to the ground unable to move slowly crawling towards gara naruto explained that he also suffered a painful and lonely life but was later saved by having friends to that end he will do anything to protect them even if it means killing gara understanding naruto's true strength gara retreated with conqueror and tamari with a new outlook on life while naruto passes out from exhaustion and is returned to konoha with sasuke and a rescued sakura a few days later team seven attends the third hokage funeral search for tsunade jaraya is tasked with finding tsunade a candidate for fifth hokage and convinces naruto to accompany him by promising to teach him a technique stronger than sasuke's chidori stopping at an inn in shukuba town naruto was approached by kisame hoshigaki and hitachi uchiha of akatsuki who intend to capture the ninetails when sasuke shows up and furiously attacks hitachi naruto gathers the ninetails chakra to help sasuke but it's absorbed by kisame samehara jiraya soon arrives and drives off hitachi in kisame but sasuke is left mentally and physically damaged by hitachi might guy appears and takes sasuke back to konoha but not before giving naruto a spare green jumpsuit to prepare for the next encounter with akatsuki naruto begins learning the rasengan completing two of its three learning steps taking a break from training naruto and jaraya eventually found tsunade and her assistant shizune at a restaurant when tsunade refuses the offer to become hokage and insults all who held the title an angry naruto challenged her to a fight and attacked her with an incomplete resengan only to be easily defeated impressed by his progress however tsunare makes a bet with naruto if he can master the resengan in a week he gets the first hokage's necklace if not she gets his wallet naruto agreed and spent the week trying to perfect the resengan but has no success and collapses from exhaustion once he recovers naruto heads out with jiraya and shizune to stop tsunade from a meeting with orochimaru they arrive to see tsunare who never intended to aid arochimaru in the midst of battle with kabuto yakushi when tsunade is incapacitated naruto fights kabuto in her place and eventually defeats him with a perfected resengan which he formed by using a shadow clone naruto collapses almost immediately afterwards his heart muscles torn by kabuto but tsunade successfully manages to heal him gives him the necklace he wins and accepts the position of hokage after orochimaru and kabuto are defeated naruto and the others return to konoha tsunade confidently believing naruto would someday become a great hokage naruto the movie ninja clash in the land of snow the movie begins with a heroine previously unknown in the naruto continuity princess foon princess gale in the us version foon's nemesis mao challenged her group with an army of undead soldiers his dark intentions seemed to prevail that is until princess fun and her cohorts shishimaru brit and sukuyaku unleashed the power of the seven-colored chakra upon him they saved the day and naruto watching from afar couldn't have been more elated as it turned out naruto was actually watching the scene in a movie as was the rest of team seven however the audience of the movie began to throw objects at the team for making so much noise whilst arguing with the cinema manager as the team is forced to leave the theater without being able to see the ending suddenly the actress who played princess foon yuki fujikaze passes by on horus being chased by armored men on horses as well as naruto sakura and sasuke managed to easily defeat the attackers it turns out that they were actually stuntmen disguised as bodyguards led by yuki's manager sandayu asama as kakashi comes to inform them of this misunderstanding he reveals that he had sent them to watch it as preparation for the next mission to escort yuki while the crew made the next movie in the land of snow as it turned out yuki was actually the princess of the land of snow koyuki kazuhana the land had been taken over by her uncle doto kazahana and his three-man team of rogue ninja when she was a child doto wanted yuki's crystal necklace in order to unlock the land of snow's treasure which yuki's father the daimyo had hidden before being assassinated as many citizens doubted she had survived apparently kakashi was responsible for her rescue during the day of the revolt sunday would eventually find her on stage one day and considered himself lucky to have become her manager after the discussion the director would decide that the filming would continue intrigued by the idea of having a real princess play the princess in the movie eventually dota would arrive with his team and some ninja subordinates by train after melting the ice that covered the tracks to an old railway system as sun daiyu who leads a group of 50 samurai attempt to charge after them the mortar mounted compartments release huge waves of kunai massacring the entire brigade sandaiyu clinging on to life passes away after telling yuki not to cry for him suddenly doto's blimp manages to capture yuki and flies away but not before naruto manages to cling on with the kunai attached to a rope as the two are taken to his mansion kakashi sasuke and sakura eventually regroup with them after various battles between team vii and the rogue ninja resulting in the death of all of the latter and nare doto succeeded in obtaining yuki's crystal necklace only to discover that the treasure of the land of snow is a generator designed to melt the snow and thus bring spring to the snow country after a confrontation with sasuke and naruto dota was then killed by naruto with his resengan in a manner reminiscent of princess fun's defeat of mao involving rainbow chakra with the rogue ninja all gone yuki decided to resume her position as the princess of the land of snow which would eventually become the land of spring after the technology behind the generator was perfected despite being a princess yuki intended to continue her role as an actress at the very end of the movie naruto who had desperately wanted an autograph from the actress was given an envelope from sasuke afterwards who received shocked looks from the other members of team 7 including naruto himself inside the envelope was a signed photograph from yuki the picture was of a bandaged up and apparently unconscious naruto in the hospital who is receiving a tender kiss on the cheek from the actress at the end of the credits the crew that had made the princess foon movie said cut and all cheered in unison land of t escort mission with konoha having a shortage of jonine due to orochimaru's failed invasion tsunare was forced to use genie for more dangerous missions than normally allowed team seven minus kakashi who was assigned to another mission was given the assignment of escorting a member of the wasabi family through a dangerous annual race along the way they met an arrogant teenager named idate who openly showed his hatred towards ninja upon arriving in the land of tea and meeting the wasabi family's leader jirocho team 7 was shocked to see idate again and learn he was the man they were assigned to escort they encountered aoe rokusho who betrayed konoha to join amegakurei after barely surviving aoe's attack idata explained how after he was failed by ibiki himself for the tuning exams away tricked idate into stealing a special scroll and the sword of the thunder god from the village being able to relate with idate in both being taken advantage of and the need to have others recognize him naruto helped idate regain his self-worth and continue the race while managing to catch up in the race away appeared again and used the thundersword to initially overpower team seven but thanks to sasuke fighting oy and weakening his sword with his chidori naruto was able to break it when they clashed and defeat aoi with his rescend gun with the danger overcome idate was free to continue and win the race for the wasabi family while returning to the village team 7 was escorted by ibiki himself sasuke recovery mission naruto visits a recovering sasuke at the hospital but he's immediately challenged to a fight to which naruto eventually agrees the fight escalates quickly culminating with naruto using resengan and sasuke using chidori kakashi arrives and deflects their attacks into opposing water towers before they can clash naruto unknowingly doing more damage than sasuke distressed by sasuke's behavior sakura informs naruto of the cursed seal satsuke received from rochimaru though naruto assures sakura that sasuke would never abandon konoha for power unfortunately sasuke does just that and naruto joins the sasuke recovery team in order to bring him back he promises a tearful sakura to do so before he leaves on route to sasuke the team encounters members of the sound four each of which battles with a member of the recovery team while naruto engages kimimuro overwhelmed by kimimaro's taijutsu skills naruto is saved at the last minute by rock lee who volunteers to fight kimimaru while naruto heads after sasuke naruto finally meets sasuke at the valley of the end his pleas for sasuke to come back to konoha and warnings that rochimaru will take his body fall on deaf ears naruto starts attacking him ready to take him back to konoha by force if necessary undeterred sasuke responds by tapping into his cursed seal and landing a series of heavy blows on naruto it becomes painfully clear to naruto that sasuke is fighting with an intent to kill so naruto utilizes the nine tails chakra to overpower sasuke naruto says that sasuke is like a brother to him and that he'll do anything to protect that bond sasuke vows to sever that bond but acknowledges naruto as an equal by putting on his forehead protector they continued trading blows with naruto eventually manifesting a fox-shaped cloak and sasuke entering his cursed seal's second level naruto clashes his resengan with sasuke's chidori and within the dome of resulting energy they trade final blows sasuke punches naruto and naruto scratches sasuke's forehead protector when the energy dissipates naruto lies defeated but sasuke spares him and continues his way to rochimaru leaving his scratched forehead protector behind kakashi and pakun arrive late and failing to retrieve sasuke leave with naruto in the hospital naruto once again promises sakura to bring sasuke back one day soon after jiraya arrived with an offer to train naruto for preparation against orochimaru and akatsuki in three years and to give up on sasuke as he's no different from rochimaru naruto accepts jiraiya's training but refuses to give up on sasuke satisfying jiraiya as in the manga naruto later departs with jaraya to begin his two and a half years of training after making a determined gesture at the fourth hokage statue naruto the movie legend of the stone of galel the movie revolves mostly around a special mineral called the gelal stone which has a strong and mysterious power there was once a clan that could control the stone's powers but they were destroyed because of the wars for the stone a battle was taking place at night on a desolate seaside beach between tsunagaki ninja and soldiers wearing bulky suits of armor despite their best efforts these sand ninja are slowly overwhelmed by the sheer strength of their mysterious opponents the timely arrival of reinforcements led by conqueror angara turned the tide of battle with conquerors slicing apart a suit of armor with his puppet angara dispatching a large number of enemies with his signature sand waterfall imperial funeral however when gara orders the san nindu shinee flair at the retreating enemies a large warship is revealed with its own arsenal of heavy weapons much to the san shinobi's shock and curiosity of its appearance the ship then opens fire with its guns and gara's sand armor barely manages to protect his comrades as its artillery shells relentlessly pounded the beach naruto uzumaki shikamaru nara and sakura harino are in a mission to capture a lost pet ferret and deliver it to its village naruto comically refers to the creature as a cat for the remainder of the movie but while on their way to return the animal they're attacked by a mysterious man clothed in night armor he too is accompanied by these strange armored soldiers from before the three fight him but gets separated when naruto the knight and the pet ferret all fall off a cliff shikamaru and sakura only realize afterwards what has happened and immediately go to look for them before they can what appears to be an earthquake stops them in their tracks until they realize that it isn't an earthquake at all but the movement of a giant mechanical moving structure sakura and shikamaru split up to search for naruto naruto wakes up to find himself bandaged as well as right next to an equally wounded unknown man they have been taken in by a very peaceful caravan of nomads that own a number of foreign animals including ostriches and rhino an old man goes on to inform naruto that they are in fact the village that hired the leaf ninja to return their pet ferret named narugoy the ferret also seems to have a great interest in the unknown man much to the despair of the elder while healing the man seems to have a flashback dream that depicts what happened to him as a child his home was invaded and destroyed while he hid seemingly the only one left alive he's almost found but in the last moment he's spared and manages to live kahiko and his granddaughter emina go on to explain to nara to how their clan once originally had a country but it was destroyed a very long time ago by some kind of disaster and that nerugui is proof of it they also tell them how narugoy is in fact older than the clan elder having been looked after by the clan for generations as naruto looks for an explanation from temujin the knight only asks naruto but his strange power that is actually his chakra temujin appears to not know what chakra is even if he can wield a similar power demujin simply tells him that he's there to build a utopia and then goes on to invite naruto to join him naruto promptly refuses only for the ostrich he's rioting to run away on its own still looking for an explanation from temujin naruto follows him as he sneaks away from the caravan after risking his injuries to save one of the caravan's children from falling from a tree temujin claims that his death has been repaid and continues to leave meanwhile shikomaru infiltrates the mechanical structure and finds what appears to be a lab with children and capsules they're overlooked by a pair of women kamida and ranka with similar armor to what temujin had been wearing whom operate a machine that makes bulky soldiers from before the two discussed the gilal stone something that shikamaru has never heard of he's almost caught but manages to flee at the last moment naruto discovers that temujin has gone missing and goes to head after it when kahiko comes to him saying how nergui has disappeared again as his mission was to deliver the pet to the village the group was headed to he still has to complete it the clan elder even goes as far as saying that he should have hired sand ninja instead even though he returned the ferret to its owners naruto still must go and find it again meanwhile sakura comes across an abandoned campfire and finds the caravan's trail naruto goes on to find temujin again who has no gui with him he comically tells him to hand over the cat demogene finally reveals his name and they find themselves in front of the large vessel from before they go inside revealing the structure to be very advanced in technology and a sort of european like cathedral on the inside there temujin introduces naruto to his master haido dressed in what appears to be a bishop's robe haido goes on into detail about their goals and again extends the invitation to join them naruto claims that he can't join them because he's going to be hokage but offers to spread the peace that they wish for nerugui appears on temujin's shoulder instantly showing a dislike for haidou hydo starts thinking when they mention a caravan they move out when an overheard announcement tells them that the fleet that was sent to the land of wind has been annihilated temujin and naruto head on to find the ship that had attacked the sand ninja beach with all kinds of metal parts in the sand once they investigate the vessel naruto discovers kankuro among a room filled with unconscious children amidst the rubble cronkite immediately attacks temujin explaining how the ship had been wiping out land of wind villages naruto demands an explanation but all temujin can reply is noble sacrifices for the greater good before they battle they're interrupted by kamira and ranka who konkaro angara take on kamera uses a kind of mind control that seems to be genjutsu meanwhile ranka transforms herself causing her to have several gorilla-like traits as well as large lightning attacks after a hefty battle gara manages to distinguish ranka's lightning and kill her but komedo manages to flee by growing bat-like features wings included during the commotion naruto is separated from temujin the movie shifts to the caravan being attacked by one of haido's followers known as fugai after destroying most of the wagons and killing most of the livestock she questions kahiko about where the gelal stone is thankfully who should step in but shikamaru and sakura who claim to have seen her flare they already managed to take out the soldiers fugai goes on to take on wolf like traits and manages to escape shikomaru questions the elder about the gilal stones but he doesn't want to talk they start to leave saying that they need to find a friend when kahiko asks if their friend is naruto they find out that naruto is with him the elder goes on to ask the two for help through a series of flashbacks we discover how temujin met haidau after his village was destroyed we also discovered that temujin actually has a gelal stone inside of him causing his eyes to appear the red color they are after getting word that the caravan from before has information temujin returns to what is left of it only to be captured by shikamaru naruto has managed to find shikamaru and sakura and the three stay with the caravan people who have managed to escape and are currently hiding in a cave there they questioned temujin to find out what haida wants with the gelal stone kahiko claims that the stones only cause harm but temujin reveals that he has a stone inside of him the elder goes on to question temijin about a book and about their clan confusing temujin he tells them that only members of the royal family of their clan could bind the stones with their bodies temujin being one of them he then tells the royal family left and crossed the ocean taking the book of galel with them demojin hasn't come to a new land in fact he has returned home kahiko tells him that he doesn't know of the stone's origin but they do know it was a mineral that their clan was able to refine and use as they pleased it was very powerful so much so that an entire civilization was wiped out in a battle over it afterward the few remaining clan members sealed it away in an attempt to keep it from happening again the only reason they didn't destroy it was because the only ones who could were those of royal blood determined after the tale temujin tells them that he only wants to achieve his dream of a utopia he manages to escape he was free the whole time and kidnaps kahiko to make him lead him to the galil mines they don't know where the mines are but neregue manages to lead them to it tamagene and the elder find the ruins and journey deep into them to find the entrance into the mines to leave ninja tried to save kahiko only for haidou and his entourage to appear shikamaru tries to stop haido to question him only for haida to claim he only wants peace and that he's going to create a utopia shikamaru ironically states that they are doing the exact opposite naruto angrily asks him if he even cares about his fallen comrades whom heido only claims are noble sacrifices temijin grimly agrees after naruto tells him that dream so that friends are nothing the elder finally triggers a mechanism that seals him and temujin into a passageway in the mines haida reveals that he possesses the book of gel-el before smashing naruto into a wall like it was nothing and follows them kamera and fugai attack but shikamaru and sakura hold them off to allow naruto to follow haidou temujin and kahiko find themselves in the chamber of ceiling and find a picture that appears to be one of despair the elder tries to reason with temujin but temujin doesn't wish to hear it kahiko then reveals a knife meanwhile kamida toys with shikamaru as she flies around he is unable to get a lock on her shadow but then he suddenly spots konkuro on the far side of the ruins as fugai chases after sakura she is unable to lose her even after sakura blinds her finding a crystal structure that creates echoes sakura uses herself as bait so fugai will howl and triggers the crystals to collapse on top of her shikimaru fills the whole area with lions with explosives most of them are fake just pieces of paper so kamina cannot fly about just as kamida thinks she knows what he has in store konkaro suddenly launches one of his puppets to automatically trap and kill her after wounding temujin the elder has his blood on a dagger and he tries to pierce a seal on the door only for hideout to interrupt just as haidou finds the mayan's ki nerugui tries to stop him the ferret is killed by a barrier around him and a gelal stone falls out of his mouth tamajin stands in front of the elder as haida is about to kill him temujin claiming that there is no reason to kill him tamajin suddenly has a bit of deja vu just as naruto appears haido tells temujin to kill the both of them but temujin has had enough and refuses haido then claims that he is useless no different from his parents deja vu happens again and temujin finally realizes that haida was the one who murdered his parents haidou goes on to turn into his own kind of creature then captures temijin and extracts the gala stone from him the elder begs naruto to stop hydo naruto encourages temujin to get up as he fights even going so far as to use resengan but haidou has managed to tap into the mine and heals all of his twisted limbs naruto still wishes for temujin to help him and just as haida goes to finish them the fake soldiers go and protect both of them the souls of the children emerge as the soldiers are destroyed and temujin finally realizes his wrongdoings combining both resengan and the gelal stone temujin and naruto managed to kill haido but in the process they accidentally destroy the key to the mine the walls start to crumble around them as the mind spirals out of control shikamaru sakura and conqueror all managed to retrieve the children from the machines only for the ruins to start collapsing they cannot control it but there is a way to destroy it if temajin puts his hand on the seal from before he can summon a time-space continuum only royal blood can do it and the one who does will end up sacrificing himself naruto tries to stop temujin from doing it for temujin to knock him out he says doing it is the only way to atone for what he's done temijin goes into the collapsing mind to the seal and activates it all is quiet ashikamaru sakura kankuro and gara can only watch as everything in the void's way begins to be devoured naruto remembers sasuke as he's faced with demojin's death as temujin waits for his fate suddenly he finds himself floating as a line of naruto clones have clutched onto him sakura almost goes into the void herself to see where naruto is only at the last moment a burst of the galel escapes causing the landmass to start moving when it finally stops they find kahiko who claims that he feels even better than ever thanks to the gel-el he is even joyously reunited with a still-alive nerugui the wastelands have now turned into an oasis as all the children awaken temujin awakens realizing that he's still alive with naruto still clutching his arm they find the picture of despair from before and it wasn't one after all in fact it was one of hope later they all gather at the ocean where temujin and the others all gather and prepare themselves to leave back to the land that they came from they're aware that it's one with lots of conflict but temajin wishes to help where he can temujin's eyes have now turned back to their original bright green and much to the elder's disappointment again naragui has chosen to go with them as well as they leave naruto stands on a cliff and shares a sign with temujin promising each other to never give up naruto the movie guardians of the crescent moon kingdom naruto uzumaki kikashi hadake sakuraharno and rock lee were assigned to a b-rank mission to protect the prince of the land of the moon michiru during his world trip other escorts had been hired but had quit due to being treated poorly the land of the moon is a very wealthy nation so michi tended to buy whatever he wanted and had a very materialistic world view his son hikarusuki also acted much in the same manner which irritated naruto on the dock of the ship naruto was eating a few bowls of ramen while hikaru was playing on his game boy sakura leaves to do something as hikaru approaches naruto he snaps his chopsticks in half in hikato's presence hikato carelessly proposes naruto being his vassal naruto gets bewildered and cautious by this hikaru explains naruto that he'll give him anything he desires naruto refuses his offer because of enslavement hikaru keeps insisting that naruto accepts but arthur gets annoyed and tells him to stop looking down when people and grow up hikaru gets disappointed and this and shoots a toy arrow at the back of his headband causing naruto to turn red and become terrifyingly enraged and nearly becoming one-tailed trucker in the process naruto in a rage snaps his suction cup arrow in half have hikara becomes frightened and attempts to flee but naruto grabs him being fed up with his attitude and explains that he doesn't care if he injures him claims it'll be worth it and punches hikaru in the head causing him to cry naruto informs him that he can't do things as freely as he thinks sakura then runs in an art of hurting a kid naruto is punched into the water during the trip the caravan stopped at a circus when hikaru took a liking to a rare saber-toothed tiger chamu which was featured there michio ended up purchasing not only it but the rest of the circus as well placing it under the team's protection hikaru attempted to befriend the tiger but found that it disliked humans he lost interest in the circus and during the sea voyage when a storm hit he appeared unconcerned about the animal's well-being causing naruto to become disgusted at his lack of value upset by naruto's view of him hikaru went up to help chamo get to safety and naruto saved both of them after they were washed overboard the next day naruto sakura and lee became friends with hikaru after returning to the land of the moon the team found that their country had been taken over by shabadaba one of the nobles and a former friend of michiru having hired three powerful ninja to a system shabadabba had disposed of the king and planted it the same with michiro nikaru remaining heirs to the throne he ordered the military forces to kill them all but the team was able to escape with the help of some soldiers still loyal to the king escaping to a hidden cave michoud found that his father was still alive but sakura although able to heal his petrified arm was only able to keep him alive for a little while the king revealed that he had suspected that something like this would happen and that he'd arrange for the journey to keep michoud out of harm's way before dying the king told michiru and hikaru that people are truly important in life not material goods during an attempt to escape the country by boat the three ninja hired by shabba dabba attacked disabling nara tokashi sakura and lee with reaction dealing poison that slowed their reactions the prince was captured but the emergence of naruto's fox chakra allowed him to repel the attacking ninja before the prince's son could be taken at the castle shabadapa's reasons for taking over the country were revealed to be purely material the same things mitchu had considered important as he intended to use the nation's wealth for himself rather than the people michoud was disgusted by shabadaba's attitude and realized the truth of what his father had said shabadaba decided to put him to death by a drawn-out hanging he had biggie do balance on a board of wood not strong enough to support his weight while wearing a noose ensuring that sooner or later he would fall and be hanged with the help of the circus michio had purchased earlier kakashi's team made a rescue attempt with hikaru and the rogue soldiers infiltrating the palace by disguising themselves as members of the circus one by one kakashi and his team fought individual battles kakashi fought the many soldiers in the courtyard while each of the ghanian fought one of the ninja lee wielded a pair of nuchaku that had the ability to connect to other stabs hidden in his leg weights creating weapons such as a long staff and a chain whip after being defeated briefly naruto unleashes fox chakra once again and blew ishidate away he killed his opponent kongo using reverse lotus sakura was able to dispatch her poison and genjutsu using opponent karembana by shattering a chandelier to locate her by watching where she moved which subsequently killed her with one punch it turned out karenbana had worn too much perfume which helped sakura locate her opponent while in a genjutsu for smelling the perfume naruto fought against ishidate the leader of the three ninja while helping hikaru reach his father hikaru shot an arrow severing the rope around michoud's neck and naruto's shadow clones caught the prince and his father ishidate was enraged and attempted to kill naruto but shabadaba ordered him to deal with michiru ishidate powers up his petrification glove to the fullest as shabadaba continues to tell him which target to pick in ranged by his constant bickering ishidate accidentally petrifies shabadaba in the penultimate scene naruto his leg disabled by his opponent's strange petrification technique wrote on michigan's shoulders to attack with his resengan which then reflected the light of the moon in such a manner that it grew and took on a crescent shape creating the crescent moon resengan he hit ishidate with this attack sending him flying and destroying shabadaba's stone remains killing them both after ishidate's death michitu took the throne of the country and promised to rule as his father had done while starting on a diet beginning weight training and once the country settles down he was going to pick hikaru's mama amayo as kakashi was immobilized due to overuse of the sharingan his team decided to take a vacation in the land of the moon he recovered two weeks later kakashi had regained his strength and the team departs as the saviors of the crescent moon kingdom king michoud decides once again to try reconnecting with his wife now knowing what he shouldn't do gutsy master and student the training in the anime shortly after leaving konoha jiraya and naruto discuss the fact that naruto will need to learn how to counter genjutsu if he hopes to be a match against sasuke the next time they meet naruto practiced with gamariki to dispel genjutsu but he struggles with it and his chakra keeps hitting gamariki who doesn't appreciate it naruto follows jiraya to the genjutsu tree village to try a different approach but they discover the village has been taken over by kandachi they free the villagers and then attack kandachi who naruto eventually defeats with his newly created big bal resengan as they leave afterwards jiraya is pleased by how similar naruto is to minato namakazi and hugs him which naruto is bothered by in naruto's footsteps the friends paths two years into their training naruto's control of the nine tails chakra has improved significantly jiraya tries to give him more access to the nine tails power and uses gerotora to weaken naruto's eight trigram ceiling style seizing the opportunity the nine tails mocked naruto for his inability to save sasuke using naruto's negative emotions to force him to enter a version 2 form with four tails not in control of his body naruto attacks jiraya and nearly kills him before he manages to suppress the nine tails naruto has no memory of what happened and jiraya doesn't tell him instead shifting naruto's training to other pursuits including keeping his anger in check so that the nine tails won't flare up again kazukage rescue mission naruto and juraya return to konoha after two and a half years of training where naruto becomes surprised by tsunade's newly formed statue on hokage rock he greets his old friends afterwards he gives kakashi a copy of each of each of tactics as a gift he catches up with sakura whom he's become taller than he gets back into a competition of sexy techniques with konohamaru saratobi only to be violently reprimanded by sakura kakashi reforms team 7 with them and gives them another bell test but unlike last time taking the bells from him is the real objective as with last time naruto launches a first attack before the test officially begins but this time it nearly succeeds despite their improved abilities naruto and sakura were still unable to get a bell through conventional means and it was only by naruto's threat to spoil the latest ichi novel that they distracted kakashi long enough to take the bells while team 7 tries without success to find a mission to go on that naruto won't complain about ward reaches konoha that ikotski has kidnapped gara the kazukage team seven is sent to suno gakurei to assist in rescuing gara on their way to sunna naruto explains that gara was kidnapped because he's a jin churky of the one tale just as naruto is the jinchuriki of the ninetales upon arrival in sunna naruto defends kakashi from chio's assault when she mistakes him for his father team 7 gathers what intel they can on gara's kidnappers and leave to go after them chio volunteers to escort them since they aren't familiar with the country around sunna naruto promises a recovering conqueror to rescue gara before they leave while on route to an akatsuki lair they're confronted by itachi uchiha who traps naruto in a genjutsu sakura and chio release him allowing naruto to team up with kakashi and defeat itachi with a big ball resengon the itachi is discovered to be an imposter so they continue on to the akatsuki lair meeting up with team guy who takes down the barrier over the entrance that team seven can get in they find gara's body with his kidnappers deir and saseri daedera flies off with gara's body with naruto and kakashi in pursuit leaving saseri to chio and sakura naruto enraged makes repeated failed attempts to rescue gara before he's calmed by kakashi who uses his new mangekyo sharingan to distract deira with kamui naruto retrieves gara's body but seeing it drives him over the edge he furiously attacks daedara and beats him mercilessly into the ground discovering that it was a clay clone naruto slips into his two-tailed form in rage but is returned to normal by kakashi via the chakra suppressing seal daedara escapes while naruto and kakashi regroup osakura chio and team guy sakura attempts to revive gara but the removal of shukaku has caused him to die naruto breaks down in tears and angrily lashes out at chio saying she had no right to make gara not only ajinchuriki but also lose his life because of it as atonement and with naruto's aid chio sacrifices her life to revive gara as the jutsu nears completion chio voices her faith in naruto's ability to save gara and to become hokage naruto greets garo when he awakens and a few days later team 7 and guy attend chio's funeral in sunna before returning home naruto and gara shake hands gara using his sand as a sign of their close relationship naruto shippiden the movie the opening scene in the movie shows naruto fighting a monster only to be killed by it the setting then went back to a few days prior where a man named yomi attacked a shrine to retrieve the spirit of morio a demon who attempted to destroy the world to create his thousand-year kingdom since he was lacking a body yomi offered his as a temporary substitute until they could retrieve mario's original one sealed in a different shrine the only threat to mario's plan was a priestess known as shioin who could steal his spirit away once more he raised a stone army from their slumber to attack the rest of the world while his forced subordinates went to murder shihoy they were given special chakra creatures to enhance their strength to deal with the threat konohaka kore sent out many advanced teams to stall the stone army naruto uzumaki sakura haruno neji hyuga and rock lee were sent to garchihoin and deliver her to the shrine where mario's body was sealed they fended off her four would-be assassins who exhausted themselves in a failed attempt to kill naruto shihon told naruto of his upcoming death while initially skeptical her assistant taruho explained that she hun could see the future and that all the events happening in her visions are 100 true as they headed for the shrine the group was ambushed once again by yummy's four subordinates and split into two teams lee killed this opponent by eating an alcoholic candy to get him in a drunken fist while naruto was kept busy by his nenji told sakura to escape bushihoen unaware that his two opponents were actually just one man and a puppet to distract him and let the remaining ninja catch up with sakura and shihoyun sarita was then shot with an anesthetic jutsu by the remaining ninja and xihon was killed this turned out to be a ruse the dead shehun was actually tauruho who transformed himself into a copy of her to trick them into thinking that they had killed the real one she hoyten explained that her power worked by allowing her spirit to jump back in time at the moment of her death thereby allowing her to avoid it by having someone die in her place naruto insisted that he would not die and would likewise keep shioin safe thanks to lee neji realized that the remaining three ninja must keep replenishing their chakra to battle effectively naruto was sent on a head with xihon while sakura and lee tricked their opponents into wasting their chakra on futile attacks when they ran out of chakra and had to replenish it nenji disabled the final ninja who was providing the chakra leaving the other two powerless against lee and sakura at the mountain temple where mario's body was kept naruto and shehun found the stone army waiting on the first attempt to get past the army both naruto and shihon fell off a cliff afterwards naruto came up with the plan and promised shion that he would protect her naruto then held the army back using shadow clones while xihon headed inside the temple to begin the sealing ritual yomi was already inside he had terracotta soldiers attack her before the light slashed and killed her yomi tricked xihon into beginning the technique with him inside the barrier allowing mario's spirit to reunite with his body eventually kakashi tamari and others came to the fight and destroyed the remaining army after naruto came to rescue her she broke into tears saying that all the people who sacrificed their lives were a waste mario then burst free from yummy's body to the air and naruto started fighting him yomi died and his body fell into the lava swallowing down mario's words about her mother's actions and she hoins power not letting him fuse into her and about to see her prediction of her death come true she used her power to shield naruto from being stabbed changing naruto's fate intending to kill herself and morio in order to protect him naruto stopped her seconds before her death reminding her that he promised to protect her after he inspired her to live they let their chakras and emotions go and used naruto and shihon's super chakra sengon to finally destroy mario creating a volcano where the shrine used to be in the process with morio gone naruto as she won what she intended to do now she replied that because mario was a demon caused by the evil thoughts of men it was possible that there could be another mario someday because of this she would pass her power on to other living priestesses that would suppress demons like mario indirectly asking naruto to father her child she asked if naruto would help her much to everyone's shock misunderstanding what she said naruto happily agreed tenshi bridge reconnaissance mission during her fight with saseri sakura learned of an opportunity to meet with a spy in herochimaru's ranks in a few days time hoping it will lead them to sasuke kakashi is left bedridden from his fight with daedra so yamato leads team seven as his replacement replacing sasuke and the team is sai whom naruto already encounters earlier and dislikes declaring him an inferior version of sasuke sai is happy for this distinction and proceeds to degrade sasuke for defecting from konoha forcing yamato to use his wood release to break up their fight naruto is constantly exasperated by psy's lack of empathy and his ridicule of sasuke but resolves to work with sai if it means saving sasuke yamato disguises himself as sasari and goes to the tenshi bridge to meet the spy while naruto sakura and sai hide nearby the spy kabato yakushi begins telling yamato about orochimaru's organization but they're interrupted by the arrival of orochimaru who teams up with kabuto to fight yamato having intended to kill sasuri team 7 comes to his aid and orochimaru recognizing them taunts naruto about sasuke naruto is enraged and strikes him using his version 1 form to make his attacks more devastating naruto's rage intensifies as he submits to the nine-tails influence he destroys the tenshi bridge and eventually advances to his version 2 form while fighting orochimaru naruto is soon forced back to the destroyed bridge where unable to tell friend from foe he unknowingly attacks sakura when she approaches him yamato restrains naruto with his wood release and suppresses the ninetails influence but its chakra leaves naruto's body badly damaged after sakura heals him naruto wakes up unable to remember what happened but is surprised by the devastated landscape when they realize that sai is missing yamada reports that he's joined with orochimaru and kabuto on the way yamato secretly takes naruto aside and tells him that he is the one who attacked sakura he encourages naruto to use his own strength instead of the nine tails in order to protect his loved ones the team locates sai whom yamato has placed a trace on at orochimaru's lair and capture him restrained sai asks why naruto is determined to save him naruto replies that his bond with sasuke is too precious to be broken and that he'll do anything to protect it intrigued psy switches sides helping them capture kabuto and then searching the base for sasuke on naruto's behalf while he's gone yamato goes through his belongings and finds evidence that sai has been assigned to assassinate sasuke when they find psy he explains that he truly does want to help retrieve sasuke and in fact has already found him naruto and sakura are speechless to see sasuke again sasuke reacts with indifference to them but naruto remarks that he can't become hokage without saving his friend to demonstrate that they mean nothing to him sasuke quickly neutralizes them all as naruto struggles to avoid the temptation of using the nine tails sasuke suddenly appears in naruto's subconscious using his sharing gun and suppresses the ninetails he then prepares to kill them but is persuaded not to by orochimaru and leaves without further comment naruto is upset at having failed once more to bring sasuke home but is reminded by sakura that they need to become stronger and team 7 returns to konoha naruto shipped in the movie bonds a mysterious group of ninja from the land of the sky made a surprise attack on konoha this was because konohan nearly destroyed the land of the sky during the second shinobi world war the group began attacking konoha and causing mass mayhem was sora in flying using a winged mechanical device and bombarding the village a boy had come from a very long way to inform konoha that his village had been attacked and that he was looking for his sensei who was currently in konoha so that he could go back with him to heal the injured at the village a three-man team consisting of naruto sakura and hinata were sent to accompany the boy amaru and shino his sensei to halpomaru's village the team traveled through a forest full of eerie beasts and poisonous animals via small rowing boats down a river a sora nin scout suddenly appeared in the sky sakura hinata and shino hid by the riverside with naruto and amaro hiding under water until the soren in had passed while underwater amaro dropped his scalpel a present from his beloved sensei and swam down to get it as he tried to resurface he became caught in the reeds after freeing amaru from the reeds and helping him back under the boat naruto noticed that amaru was in fact a she due to her breasts and corset naruto blush before a poisonous piranha-like fish bit him and he fainted later on naruto woke up still blushing partly because amari was sucking the poisonous blood out of a wound on his thigh thus saving naruto naruto asked if she was a she and suggested that amaro had feelings for her sensei which he was slapped for meanwhile at konoha the soren retreated because they were out of chakra to continue flying so konoha sent another special team to search for their base sai approached the ships they were using as a base near a beach on one of his ink bridges to attract their attention and to gauge their abilities while shikamaru and kakashi hid behind some rocks near the shore waiting for the fourth man of their team shino to infiltrate and damage their base atarochi martyr's layer orochimura had become even more ill because the body transfer technique he used was close to its expiration kabuto was attending to him and told sasuke that these sora nin were attacking konoha to which saskari pled that he didn't care orochimaru ordered sasuke to capture and bring back to him a man who would be able to help him perfect his reincarnation technique naruto and company finally reached amaru's village and found that the village had been badly attacked with some parts now in ruins and with the inhabitants nowhere to be seen omaro ran around trying to find some villagers before she unknowingly triggered a trap which sent a volley of kunai flying towards her her sensational rushed to block the attack to protect her but was hit in the process naruto sakura and hinata hurried to the scene but it was too late and shino died of his fatal injuries after amaru came to her senses they continued to look for villagers with sasuke now on his way to the village later on naruto sakura and hinata decided to search for villagers without amaru eventually sakura met up with naruto who was looking at ruins in the distance they went together to explore them and found themselves in front of an evil monster calling itself the zero tails which identified itself as a version of a tailed beast that fed on the darkness of human souls and had somehow taken over amaru sakura proved to be no match for the beast and fell unconscious the creature sent that naruto had a huge dark power inside of him so it taunted naruto and coax him to use that power by saying that he cannot save anyone without it this made naruto remember his failure in saving sasuke and became emotionally unstable which caused him to enter his initial jinchotoki form his three-tailed state and finally his four-tailed state after fighting with the monster for a while a seal on naruto given by jiraya came off and reminded him of how the tailed beast chakra hurt his friends causing him to immediately turn back into normal naruto pleaded with amaro to ignore the darkness in her heart which finally resulted in the beast being defeated sakura woke up in naruto's arms and slapped him to fill the awkward moment they decided to split up with naruto continuing to search for villagers and hinata and sakura were returning to konoha to get help amaru who was supposed to go with sakura stayed behind to help naruto they found some old ruins that shino had mentioned earlier and entered them shino was inside unharmed and spoke of conquering the world with the power of darkness amaru excited that her sensei was still alive ran to hug him naruto noticed that something wasn't right and shino laughed mockingly at amaro for trusting him shino explained that he had been researching the power of darkness for about 15 years then he had finally found it in konoha he claimed that all he needed now was a secret scroll with the reincarnation technique written on it he then transformed into a muscular youthful form and naruto charged towards him only to be outmatched again and again with naruto becoming more and more injured shino in his body revival form tried to convince naruto to use his nine-tails chakra with amaru distraught and in tears while shino and naruto battled ever since she was small she had had a strange illness and no one liked her fearing that they would be infected only shino had dared to care for her and managed to cure her naruto told her not to throw her feelings away while the evil shinno jeered at her she finally admitted her love and feelings to her sensei to which shino merely laughed naruto attacked him and managed to land a hit although it didn't seem to affect shino sasuke appeared suddenly striking shino with chidori senbon which attacked his cells and forced him to revert back to his normal form he then explained that hiroshima needed help with the reincarnation technique to shino who gave sasuke a scroll saying that it would be enough help shino then fled the scene with sasuke pursuing him naruto told amara to go find the villagers while he went after sasuke he found sasuke in a room and asked what he was doing there which sasuke ignored in the same room was a cocoon absorbing dark chakra shino had fused with the cocoon and attacked naruto and sasuke all of their counter-attacks proved useless as any chakra they used was absorbed by the cocoon and rendered harmless using tentacles as his arms shinnou grabbed hold of both of them and began draining their chakra sasuke activated the first level of his cursed seal releasing his evil chakra and naruto who had understood sasuke's plan turned into his initial ginchuriki form and sent a large amount of chakra into the zero tails and managed to break free with his shadow clones before using tornado or sengon after escaping himself sasuke ascended to the second level of the cursed seal before using chidori katana to cut the beast's power the creature began rampaging after regaining control of itself having now completely absorbed shino amaru found hinata and the villagers in a cell and managed to free them all before finding a flying lifeboat for them to escape in naruto rushed out of the ruins and ordered amaro to go she refused but sasuke then threw her into the boat by force naruto also forced sasuke onto the lifeboat using a resengan melding a few words to sasuke as he fell before flying away using the wings from his cursed seal form remembering how jaraya had once said that naruto had the will power to never give up he created a large amount of shadow clones and began destroying the ruins using the guts rescengon soon the whole ruin had been destroyed with the resengan leaving naruto to fall down to the sea amaru saw naruto from the boat and grabbing a pair of sora in wings flew to catch him upon reaching him she removed the wings to grab him and they fell together jiraya suddenly appeared with gamabunta and caught the two saving them later on naruto woke up in amaru's arms sasuke returned to orochimaru and gave him the scroll who then asked if something good had happened sasuke ignored the question going off to train while remembering naruto's parting whisper of i'll definitely bring you back to konoha akatsuki's suppression mission once kakashi is done recuperating in the hospital he assembles naruto sakura and sai to discuss their failed mission to retrieve sasuke kakashi believes that the best way to match sasuke is for naruto to create a new jutsu as the training began naruto discovers that his nature is wind and learns to use the wind nature ordinarily such training would take months or years but kakashi advises that naruto by training alongside hundreds of shadow clones can do the same training in a mere fraction of the time after some struggling naruto approaches asuma who is also a wind type for advice kakashi's instructions and the training grounds created by yamato naruto quickly masters how to use the wind nature the next step is more difficult for him combining that nature with the resengan like kakashi and minato namakazi before him naruto fails several times in trying to combine his nature with the resengan his frustration evokes the nine-tails chakra at times which yamato suppresses with further advice from kakashi naruto finds his solution using two shadow clones one helps him form the resengan and the other adds his win nature when they receive news that asama died in battle with members of the akatsuki they take a break to attend awesome's funeral akashi leaves team yamato in charge of overseeing naruto's training so he could help team 10 avenge osuma having finished his jutsu naruto and team yamada went to provide assistance arriving in time to save kakashi and team 10 from kakazu naruto engages kakuzu alone with his newly created wind release rasan shuriken though it dissipates on his first use and naruto is rescued by kakashi and yamato the technique succeeds on the second time destroying two of kakuzu's hearts and putting the last one on the brink of failure kakashi finishes off kakazu and they return to konoha the rasa and shuriken injures naruto's arms after use and he's forbidden to use the technique ever again when they visit ichiraku ramen naruto has a hard time eating while his arm mends so sakura opts to help before the responsibility falls to sai then to kakashi as they leave afterwards they are met by konohamaru who demonstrates his sexy girl on girl technique naruto approves but sakura is disgusted and violently reprimands him three tails appearance orochimaru instructed kabuto yakushi along with team guren to take a young boy named yukimaru to a lake tsunare finds the location of hirochimura's hideout and sends kakashi as temporary leader of team 8 to locate it then tsunare sends yamato sai and sakura to help them along with naruto who meets them along the way team kakashi and kuranai follow guren and discover that the thing they were after was the three tales the guardian group is yamato tenten kiba and li well the fighting group is naruto kakashi sai and shino just when the ceiling was almost complete yukimaru angered by the apparent death of guren empowered the beast to break free of his restraints the three tails went on a rampage attacking everyone nearby and crushing nurari kigiri and kiho its attempts to attack yukimaru however had no effect it was only through the use of the wind release toad oil flame bullet that the beast was driven away the ceiling attempt was left to anbu members and the remaining konoha ninja returned home toby and datara confronted the beast it was later sealed in the ceiling statue naruto shibadan the movie the will of fire the film concerns the potential outbreak of a fourth shinobi world war when ninja with kaka genkai abilities begin to disappear from kumugakurei iwagakare kirigakore and sunagakuri team kakashi is sent on a mission to follow the tracks of the missing kakagenkai wielding ninja which leads them to mount shumisen located between the land of earth and kusagakade sai who was flying on his ink bird is attacked by a bird which attacks with explosive tag like feathers naruto disobeying kakashi's orders to continue with the mission runs towards where i fell saying he will not abandon sai there chimera-like creatures attack them which they defeat quickly though naruto is injured in the process back at konoha kakashi gives a report on the mission to tsunade while worrying that the next ninja targeted will be him tsunare seems to not care so much telling kakashi to relax at the hospital kokashi gives naruto his bells which they use for their first drill together and tells him to fix them because he crushed them konoha onboard sent him out shumisen by tsunade to search the area for tracks of the missing kekagenkai ninja there a mysterious ninja along with his followers absorb their chakra with his mysterious technique using their earth nature affinity against them that night the same mysterious ninja the mastermind and antagonist of the film known as hiroko projects his image of the skies of the five great ninja villages introducing himself as a shinobi of konahagakurei he states that he has taken the kekai genkai of the four missing ninja using the chimera technique and that he plans to gain the fifth and final kakagenkai which will make him immortal by doing so he declares the fourth shinobi world war konohaka kure is believed to be behind the incident as by the way hiroko introduced himself it seems that konoha is using or working with hiroko rumors circulate that they're preparing a rebellion with the other nations amassing troops that lay into fire's border threatening invasion the fire daimyo orders tsunade to apprehend those who are responsible and prove konoha's innocence in the event of failure the orlando fire will be forced to destroy the village in order to preserve world peace tsuna is awaiting gaara at a secret meeting place to discuss what shall be done however on the way there gara and his sunuga ninja are attacked by a bird-like creature which traps them in an avalanche meanwhile hiroko states the chimera technique alone can only absorb a maximum of four kekai genkai and that certain conditions most importantly the light of an annular eclipse which is two days away is required for the absorption of the fifth and final kakagenkai which will make him immortal that night hiroko appears before kakashi in a dream activating a puppet curse he had placed at him 10 years ago planning to steal kashi sharingan kakashi asks unary to allow him to go for the sake of the village before he leaves kakashi asks tsunade to place a special seal on him which will automatically activate kamui when hiroko attempts to absorb him the same night shikamaru is visiting asama's grave while kakashi is visiting obitos kakashi asks shikamaru to tell nara that he's leaving the village and not to follow him ask akashi let's hiroko take over his body naruto sees him and chases him shikomaru stops him and tells him kakashi told him to say at the hokage's office tsunade orders the konoha 11 to stay away from kakashi labeling him as a missing nin for the sake of the secret mission after the others leave sunada tells chikumaru the truth trusting that he will do what he needs to do as the leader meanwhile sakura comes back to rescue naruto from the cell that shikamaru put him in and they leave the village to rescue kakashi the konoha 11 are sent to retrieve them the next day tsunagakare is lining up troops and weapons at the border of the land of fire thinking that konoha attacked gara their kasikage when naruto and sakura follow kakashi the konoha 11 meet with them and try to bring them back naruto reveals what kakashi once told team 7 during their bell test it is true that in the world of ninja those who break the rules and regulations are regarded as scum but those who abandon their comrades are even worse than scum which changes the minds of some members however the scene is interrupted by ichi who was sent by hiroko to stop and or delay them using his chimera snakes team guy stays behind to allow the others to pass through the first gate knee and her chimera nindog stop them at the next gate and team 8 stays behind to lay her while naruto and sakura and leader team awesome a pass as naruto sakura and team 10 reach the next gate sun appears riding the bird that fires exploding feathers team 10 is still following the original mission and tries to stop naruto and sakura however sai appears on his ink bird using a flash bomb to create a distraction and takes naruto and sakura with him leaving team 10 behind to fight san at this point rock lee and neji defeat ichi using front lotus eight trigrams palms revolving heaven while tenta distracts him and team 8 defeats knee using secret technique insect sphere inside a trap that shino built while kiba and hinata delayed her team 10 gains an advantage over saan with shikamura binding him with his shadow and eno using the mind body switch technique to take over his mind to tell him that they're after naruto nakakashi they also ask him where kakashi is headed however son breaks out of the mind body switch technique he then summons ichi and knee uses the chimera technique on them and himself and the three become a huge chimera which seems to be a combination of all their respective chimera beasts possessing all their abilities meanwhile hagar is thinking of what jiraya said while aiding in the recovery of gara and the sunanin he has told gara that he believes kakashi or even naruto will defeat hiroko and it's up to gara depending on whether he believes in naruto's strength or not as the war between konoha and suna is about to begin with ground combat troops and heavy artillery from both sides facing each other jiraya appears above gamabunta and gives to suna the proof that gara is still alive at that moment gara moves where naruto sakura and sir headed and stops them he says that naruto's will is not what kakashi wants and naruto begins to fight gara gara states that naruto is too idealistic and that he doesn't have the power to make his goals become true however naruto strongly stays by the belief that as a fellow comrade he cannot allow kakashi to sacrifice himself naruto breaks through gara's shield of sand and punches him the rest of the members of the konoha 11 arrive to aid team 10 and they bind the chimera beast with the help of tenten by sending their chakra to the chains that were holding the beast they asked shikomaru to go and stop naruto saying sakura shikamaru meets gara who tells him that he felt when naruto feels in battle shikomaru continues on meanwhile naruto reaches the final gate and realizes that this is the place they came to on their past mission naruto goes to kakashi and tries to stop him but kakashi walks on with no response when naruto grabs his arm he sees the seal on his wrist and sai tells him what it is shikamaru who has finally caught up to them reveals that tsunade placed the seal on him so that they may defeat hiroko at the sacrifice of kakashi kakashi passes through the final gate before the temple as naruto sakura-sai and shikamaru approach the temple naruto hears hiroko's voice and questions why he did this and hiroko answers by telling his story he claims to have been a former friend of the sonian but he was not a skilled shinobi like they were he was developing the chimera technique a jutsu that would allow him to create a synthetic body by combining several separate ones after the third shinobi world war he was shocked when he saw kakashi not only because he had survived the battle but because he had received the sharingan a kekai from the original user obito uchiha this gave hiroko the idea to steal kekai genkai to become more powerful like the sannin however the hokage found out about his research and hiroko was forced to flee as kakashi reaches the temple hirogo appears from the shadows of the temple and welcomed kakashi seeing it as the only way to save kakashi naruto sakura and sai try to defeat hiroko although shikamura tries to stop them hiroko using his 4k genkai storm release dark release steel release and swift release defeats them with little effort he then steps into the temple with kakashi naruto stands up deciding that he cannot give up shikamaru tries to stop him saying that he must protect the unborn children of konoha the king naruto states that he'll protect them too and that he loves konoha for its shinobi who will sacrifice themselves to save one another however deciding who will be sacrificed from the start isn't what naruto wants and naruto believes that there is no future for the children if konoha becomes a place like this as naruto walks away shikimaru sees osuma in him and protects him from surrounding barrier tags with his shadow sewing technique he states that naruto has inherited the will of fire trusting the future of konoha to him naruto enters the temple where hiroko begins the absorption at the beginning of the eclipse suddenly kakashi's mangekyo sharingan activates and the space inside the slime created by the chimera technique begins to distort naruto trying to save kakashi creates shadow clones and breaks into the slime with multiple resengans and pulls him out kakashi wakes up asks naruto why he's here with him and then sighs the plan failed hiroko is still alive and he states that the eclipse hasn't ended yet and releases a large amount of chakra reducing the surrounding area to rubble when hiroko summons the chimera beast that the konoha 11 were keeping restrained shikamaru sakura and sai fight the beast while naruto kakashi face hiroko shikomaru notes that hiroko's weak spot is his chest which is still hollow as it is the space that hiroka wants to assimilate kikashi into as the chimera beast begins to gain an advantage over them the other konoha 11 are have to help choji uses his multi-sized technique to become a giant and attacks the beast followed by kiba and akamaru's fang passing fang which destroys the beast's wings then from the sky hinata and edgy appear and attack the beast with 8 trigram 64 palms lee kicks it into a mountain and tenten finishes it off with their twin rising dragons covering its body with a large number of kunai with explosive tags attached and detonating them meanwhile hiroko is gaining an advantage over naruto and kakashi easily absorbing their techniques the big ball resengan and lightning cutter hiroko gives naruto a taste of his own attack where sengon and returns kakashi his lightning cutter as a last resort naruto forms the wind release rasen shuriken and carries the impact into hiroko's chest hiroko tries to absorb and copy it but cannot combine the high level of shape manipulation with the high level of nature transformation as the rasan shuriken's impact occurs the chimera dies as ten-ten makes her explosive tags explode in his final moment hiroko in his original form asks kakashi what he did wrong kakashi tells him that he used others to overcome his weakness and only tried to become perfect himself hiroko says that's the way that strong ones think and that he did not have any comrades suddenly hiroko sees his old friends tsunare jaraya orojimaru the third hokage and some others appear before his eyes and they tell him that they were there for him kakashi tells him that if he had tried to bond with them they would have helped him and they shouldn't have tried to do everything by himself hiroko then tells kakashi that was what kakashi tried to do this time abandoning his comrades kakashi said that he and hiroko made the same mistake as they were both lost hidako asks him if he has finally made a connection and dies kakashi looks over to see most of the gang cheering for naruto he then says that naruto has long surpassed him gara appears before the sunanin army and tells them everything has been solved and to withdraw tsunade and jarya talk about how they've been saved and that the kids are completely different than they were at their age they end the conversation with the conclusion that they're getting old and a decision to leave the future in the hands of a young generation in which they can freely put their faith into the movie ends at mount shumisen with kakashi talking about obito he smiles at naruto after seeing the similarities between the two naruto takes a smile at something creepy and random the konoha 11s surround them on various parts of the rocky ledge each giving their input on kakashi's sexual orientation upon seeing this kakashi hardly denies their assumptions but not before naruto panics and flees from him kikashi then chases after the fleeing naruto trying to explain that it's a misunderstanding itachi pursuit mission news reaches konoha that sasuke has killed the rochimaru realizing that this is a good opportunity to try again to reunite with sasuke kakashi combines team 7 and 8 into an eight-man squad with the mission to either find sasuke or his assumed target itachi when they split up to search naruto because he's a target of akatsuki is given a protective escort in the form of hinata yamato and bull their group encounters kabuto who offers them intel and akatsuki and its members his thanks to naruto inspiring him to overcome orochimaru after absorbing his remains kabato then escapes tale of jiraiya the gallant after regrouping and kiba inuzuka detects sasuke's trail naruto creates shadow clones to search the area faster one of which encounters hitachi itachi repels naruto's attacks and insists he only wants to talk he asks naruto what sasuke means to him and what he will do if sasuke ever moves against konoha naruto replies that he's sasuke's brother a better brother than hitachi is and that if sasuke ever attacks the village he will defend it without killing sasuke itachi is happy with this answer and gives naruto some assistance for this purpose a special crow that he stores within naruto's body hitachi left and naruto continued his search eventually finding sasuke as they near sasuke's location they're intercepted by toby of akatsuki who prevents them from progressing and who is invulnerable to their attacks faded battle between brothers as the group continually tries to attack toby he dodges the attacks with ease naruto tries several times to attack him with his resengan but without success toby attempts to use a hidden jutsu to attack the teams but fails at it eventually zetsu comes to tell him about sasuke and itachi's fight toby leaves when he receives the news that sasuke has killed hitachi and teams seven and eight try to reach sasuke before he does unable to find where toby has taken sasuke they are forced to return to konoha naruto shiba den the movie the lost tower yamato now uzumaki sakura harino and sai are assigned on a mission to capture mukade a missing nin they all have chakra blades which are used to attack they set out for the once glorious historic ruins of roran a city with once thousands of towers and is located in the middle of the desert after bypassing his puppets they corner the missing nin mukhari's goal is revealed to be to travel to the past and take over the five great shinobi countries with the power of the ryumyaku an ancient chakra flow hidden deep underground in rorong he unleashes the power of the riyamyaku which is seen to have been sealed by minato's flying thunder god kunai a light envelops naruto and yamato who were trying to stop mukade sakura attempts to follow them into the light but sai stops her from getting sucked into the ryumyaku by catching her on his ink bird while she cries out naruto's name minuto namakaze 20 years prior to the present is now seen at konoha and jaraya shows minito that he's completed the resengan then the young shizune my guy osma saratobi and kakashi haruke are seen waiting in a long line at the grand opening of ramen ichiraku heroes in saratoga has heard of henro kuzn's evil plans and sends minato namakazee shibi abarame choza akimichi and upon minato's request kakashi hadike to put an end to his plans when naruto awakens he meets a mysterious young girl who immediately runs away upon seeing him naruto later comes in contact with a masked guy who rescues him from the puppet army he tells naruto that he too is a konoha ninja opening a part of his match to show the konoha sign in his head protector and tells him to leave the city naruto agrees to do so nevertheless when he's about to leave rora naruto remembers what happened before he lost consciousness and decides to look for the others instead later he realizes that there's a festival going on and spots the young girl he previously encountered now realizing that she is the queen of roran zara when she greets the excited crowd who is calling for her joyously someone pushes her back causing her to fall naruto rescues her and then they introduce themselves to each other after sarah mistakes him as a bad guy naruto asks whether there are people who are after her the young queen immediately disagrees with it saying that naruto has seen for himself the crowd was very happy to meet her later naruto meets miyato again and the queen's palace minotaur scolds him for not keeping his promise but naruto tells him that he has no choice and tells him what happened to him seeing the circumstances minato and his team revealed themselves and that time naruto remarks that minato looks a lot like the fourth okay shibi tells naruto that it's impossible as for now the ruling hokage is still the third but choza disagrees saying that as naruto is from the future it is possible that minato really is the fourth minato simply replies that there's no point making life less interesting by knowing things that they shouldn't menito then tells naruto the condition at roron and tells him that he should be able to go back to his time after he defeats mukade after that he gives naruto his flying thunder god kunai telling him that it's a specialized kunai that will allow to transport to naruto's place if he uses it it's later revealed that mukade traveled to the past six years before naruto did and that by this point he's changed his name to henrokuzon and serves as the minister of roran sarah refused to believe that arma kuzan is planning to overthrow her but soon hesitates after naruto points out the fact that there is indeed someone who is after her life sarah much annoyed leaves the place minato tells naruto to protect her as he continues on the mission naruto agrees when sarah is walking alone along the palace corridor someone strikes her from behind and takes her into a dark room filled with a large group of people they insist sarah to return it much to her confusion naruto enters the room to her aid only to discover that the group is actually a group of women and children they don't mean to hurt sara in the first place walking along the city suddenly a child from the group says that sarah is said to have been a puppet princess only to be schooled by the leader of the group sarah then asks her about the rumor to which she says that it's quite true she then tells sarah that most the men in roran were enlisted to work for the city by the queen's order to which sarah replies that she never gave such an order and from her palace that people seem happy to see her the leader then tells that no one is actually happy while staring at the crowd who was calling for sarah the group realizes that a puppet has taken over sarah's place and greets the crowd much to her shock naruto notices that there's something wrong with the crowd and reveals that the joyful crowd are all puppets that are controlled by ryumyaku's chakra with a puppet of sarah herself appearing in the balcony above sarah then realizes her minister's evil doing she then promises that she would rescue the people used by him naruto and sarah find the center of unrakuzan's evil plan they infiltrate the factory and find all the men who are chained and forced to work to produce puppets confronting on rokuzan sarah orders him to release the people there to which he laughs and says that sarah is a puppet princess he then confesses that he has killed sarah's mother samaru the previous queen because she had seen through his plan and refused to work with him now as sarah is no use to him anymore he is going to kill her and take over the world naruto tells sarah that he will protect her the puppet ninja force which is under on rokuzon's control can attack using ryumyaku's chakra and are able to throw kunai naruto is seen using his chakra knife to attack them later on rokuzon is seen to be a giant puppet as he's able to use parts of the towers of roron to repair himself from any attack which is part of his regenerative technique with the power of the riyamyaku shibi and choza are not able to defeat him as he keeps regenerating himself shibi then passes a message to naruto and minato who are guarding sarah and the citizens to go to the garden which is the source of the ryumyaku on account of honor kuzan being unable to reach it because it's heavily defended when battling on rokuzon naruto uses resengan much to meenato's shock naruto is easily defeated by unrakuzan and minato comes to his rescue just before anrokuzon deals the final blow minato then tells naruto to follow the citizens while he is holding back on rakuzan from reaching them naruto agrees but then asks himself why he always follows minato's orders meanwhile minito is able to locate onro kuzon's weakness but only finds that he cannot match the speed of his regeneration andru kuznet is able to get past him and aims to kill sarah who is planning to seal off the rimyaku for good minito then meets naruto and tells him that he already figured out how to defeat on rokuzon and he needs naruto to perform a sengon for him when naruto says he does not have enough chakra left minato tells him that he will lend him his chakra naruto says it's impossible that the only people who are able to perform the saint gun are jiraya himself in the fourth hokage minato smiles and tells naruto that he's also able to perform mercengon while effortlessly forming ira sangha before naruto he then hands over his or sanga naruto and forms another forming a new resengan as he tells naruto that similar chakra tend to synchronize with each other enhancing their powers sarah seals off most of the ryumyaku in time making andra kuzan unable to use his regenerative technique minato goes off and tells naruto that this is the time to attack him naruto succeeds in hitting him anra kuzan says this won't be over as the floor crumbles he falls down into a pool of the ryunyaku sara is still seen on the crumbling floor naruto manages to catch her but falls in along with minato yamato who is now holding onto kakashi comes and uses his wood release to catch naruto sarah and minato minato asks naruto to give his kunai back to completely seal out the ryumyaku a bright blue light shines as minotau seals the ryumyaku naruto and yamato's bodies begin to glow minitos says since anrokuzon is dead his spell wore off which means that naruto and yamato will return to their time when yamato meets miato he bounced to him and states that it's an honor to be able to meet him naruto is about to tell yamato that minotaur is the fourth hokage but is interrupted by minito who says that it's time to say farewell in order to prevent history from changing minato says that it's best to erase everyone's memories when naruto asks me to tell whether he has soon to tell him minato replies that they're out of time naruto then begs him to tell him now because they may not have another chance minitor says that he is sure that one day they would meet again and at that time naruto would know what he wants to say naruto begins to ask miato if he can possibly be his father but minato interrupts him and tells him that if he ever had a son he wishes that he would grow up into a ninja like naruto sarah then tells naruto that she'll never forget what naruto taught her while naruto and yamato begin to fade sarah smiles at naruto and utters his name for the last time in the present time the ryumyaku that was unleashed by mukade fades away sakura is seen on size inc inkberg crying out naruto's name when the light fades naruto and yamato appear but asmiato had said they have no memory of what happened to them outside the ruins the team is approached by a young girl who resembles sara who claims that she felt a disturbance in the rimyaku the girl says that she's the daughter of the former queen of roran which was destroyed during the war the girl bears a konoha chakra blade and tells him that her mother received it from a hero in a dream naruto then notices that his own chakra blade is missing as the girl and her people leave the ruins naruto claims that he has a feeling he saw her in a good dream sakura then grabs and pulls on naruto's ear and yells at it for being a pervert six tails unleashed team yamato are assigned by tsunade to go and protect hotaru on her way to tsuchigumo village when the team finds the fort they saw tanby who had been viciously attacked by the four-man bandits sakura stays and heals tanbi while naruto sai and yamato follow utakara and otaru naruto catches up with urakata and hotaru but urekada attacks naruto with some of his soap bubble ninjutsu after urakada learned they are not attackers he entrusts the protection of otaru to them when they reach the hidden village naruto leaves the village with a suspicious feeling because of the way that the villagers looked at hutaru naruto and his team arrived and managed to loosen one of the water whips holding udokada both parties began to fight but the leader of the anbu appeared and discussed the situation with yamato as the group's part ways hotaru begins hurting from an injury sustained during the earlier altercation urakada has naruto collect medicinal herbs when naruto returns he witnesses what was done to hotaru's back where her clan's kinjutsu was put udokata voices his absolute disdain for people who selfishly take advantage of people's loyalty only to treat them as tools when tanby insisted that no true master would do such horrific things without a way to undo them udakada wondered if the same was true for his master udakata resolved to find sorugi again to learn some answers about his late master hotaru initially refused the idea to destroy the kinjutsu feeling that it would make her grandfather's efforts for nothing but urakata made her see that she couldn't restore their clan with such a destructive technique while willing to accept this decision as a final act she offered one other possible solution to search for a man named shiranami it was then decided that naruto would attempt to find the man in two days while preparations for removing the kinjutsu were made when naruto uzumaki sought out shiranami the magaki leader who believed the latter was an ally the magaki group ambushed naruto and used the infinite embrace to drain his chakra angered at being deceived naruto unleashed the nine tails chakra and broke out of the infinite embrace afterwards naruto tracked shiranami back to hotaru's village where it's discovered that shironami took control of the villagers this technique the villagers attacked udokata and naruto and they were also confronted by the magaki group just before things got work the rest of team yamato arrived while hunting for hotaru yamada sai and sakura were fighting the villagers and the magaki group while naruto and utakara were trying to save hotaru from shiranami in the end naruto and utakata managed to save otaru and team yamato parts ways with hotaru and urakada hotaro and urakada decide to leave hotaru's village and travel around while utakata trained hotaro to make her stronger before the beginning udakara decides that he wants to confront the kirigakurei anbu unit and tells hotaro to stay behind he attempts to make contact but is unable to do so he soon discovers the mask of one of the anbu units that was left behind after discovering the mask he reaches the conclusion that the kiri anbu were killed and utakada is confronted by akatsuki member payne who appears to be the one behind the attack payne tells him he's here to capture the six tails udokata puts up a fight but in the end is captured by akatsuki payne's assault as naruto contemplated his meeting with hitachi he was called to the hokage residence to hear some somber news his master jiraya was killed by payne the leader of akatsuki grief stricken naruto blamed tsunade and spent the day mourning his teacher's death depressed that jaraya could not see him become hokage after being comforted by irika and shikomaru naruto helped to decipher jiraiya's dying message and eventually they succeed understanding that dry has bought him time for his own fight with pain naruto went to train with the toads of mount myoboku to learn senjutsu naruto trained to harmonize with nature a process he sped up by using a limited number of shadow clones he rapidly progressed through the training stages and attained a perfect sage mode which jiraya was unable to do news of payne's assault on konoha reached them and they began to mobilize for battle as naruto fukusaku gamaken gamahiro gamabunta and gamakichi were summoned to the center of konoha the group was confronted by the six paths of pain who had just destroyed the village after destroying the asura path before it could attack sunade naruto told her to make sure everyone left the battle to him after a brief skirmish with animal path naruto and the toads defeated the animal preda and human paths before running out of senjutsu chakra naruto revealed that he had two shadow clones waiting back at mount myobuku to revitalize him with natural energy naruto went back on the offensive dispatching the healed preda and naraka path before the diva path regained its full power pain killed fukusaku and used the opportunity to capture naruto pinning him to the ground with naruto restrained payne opened up his reasons for ikatsuki their plan for the tailed beasts and the peaceful world he wanted to create though naruto rejected his notion that using a weapon to force peace he could offer no alternative before payne could depart with naruto he was attacked by hinata hyuga declaring her love for naruto and vowing to protect him she continued to fight against pain before she was subdued and critically wounded believing hinata had been killed and enraged naruto erupted into his six-tailed form resisting the first hokage's necklace's attempts to quell the transformation and destroying it the nine tails attacked pain forcing him out of the village to get close enough to his actual body to use chibaku tensei trapping naruto within the small satellite the technique was not enough to stop the nine tails however as it simply progressed to eight-tailed form to force its way out of the satellite meanwhile within his subconscious naruto was tempted by the ninetails to open its seal to save him from the pain of not having pain's answer for peace however before naruto could minato appeared having left some chakra within the seal in case of an emergency to protect his son overjoyed at meeting his father but angered that he would condemn him to a life as a jinchuriki naruto listened to his father encouraging him confident that he would find a way to break the cycle of hatred after repairing the seal minato disappeared and the newly inspired naruto prepared to resume his battle with pain confidence restored naruto was greatly relieved to learn that not only had hinata survived but nobody was injured during his rampage after clever use of shadow clones naruto destroyed the diva path with a resengan defeating the last of payne's six paths using one of payne's black receivers naruto followed the chakra signal to nagato and konan's position confronting nagato naruto listened nakato's story that turned him into pain and came to understand why he made the actions he did despite not forgiving him he told nagato that he would not kill him and he would instead try to create a better world that their teacher wished for moved by naruto's determination to create a better world nagato decided to put his trust in naruto and sacrificed his own life to revive all the people he had killed in konoha naruto helped conan retrieve nagato and yahiko's body for burial and amagakure and konan left naruto a bouquet of paper flowers symbolizing their new alliance naruto then created a memorial for jiraiya and left the flowers and a copy of the tale of the utterly gutsy shinobi by a rock with the kanji for teacher shi while the exhausted naruto walked back to the village he was found by kakashi who carried him the rest of the way upon arrival naruto was greeted as a hero by the villagers his dream of acknowledgment being realized at last five kage summit sakura informs naruto that tsunade fell into a coma and there's nothing they can do to bring her out of it while they talk they approach by tazuna and inari who have come to help rebuild konoha they ask about sasuke which naruto avoids going into detail about as so to spare them and sakura a discussion about sasuke's defection after tezuna and inari leave they receive news that donzo shimura has become the next hokage and that he has ordered sasuke to be killed as a traitor naruto and sakura approached sai to ask him how they can convince danzo to change his mind but sai is unable to help omoi and karui of kumogakurei overhear them talking about sasuke and they ask for information about him wishing to kill him for his role in akatsuki's capture of killer bee naruto leads omoi and kurui away to spare sakura payne but refuses to reveal anything about sasuke instead naruto allows the kumo nin to vent their anger by beating him to which karui obliges until sai stops her and the kumon in retreat recovering later naruto asked yamato and kakashi to take him to the land of irons that he could ask the fourth reikage to pardon sasuke upon arrival the reikage rejected naruto's request even with kakashi and yamato's assistance and berated him for defending a criminal naruto went to a local inn to ponder his next course of action but was soon confronted by toby who wanted to understand nagato's change of heart naruto ignored the question and demanded to know his plans about sasuke toby told him about the sage of the six paths the uchiha clan and the truth about the uchiha clan downfall all of which now drove sasuke along a path of vengeance against konoha and anyone else who would dare cross his path naruto insisted that he could still get through to sasuke but toby laughed and left saying naruto and sasuke were fated to fight again while naruto was practicing his sage mode's sensory abilities to locate sasuke he was interrupted by the arrival of sakura rock lee kiba and sai sakura attempted to dissuade naruto in his attempts to bring sasuke back to konoha by falsely telling him that she loved him however naruto knew she was lying and he rejected her confession and her proposal to abandon sasuke stating it had nothing to do with his promise to her after sakura's party left sai's inc clone revealed that the rest of the konoha 11 had decided to kill sasuke themselves to prevent another war while sakura planned to kill sasuke herself at psy's unintended insistence gara who attended the five kage summit that sasuke attacked arrived and revealed toby's declaration of the fourth shinobi world war telling naruto how they would be fighting sasuke to protect naruto but he did advise naruto to consider for himself what was the right thing to do after hearing that most of his friends have turned against sasuke who now wanted to unleash his vengeance on just about everyone naruto hyperventilated and passed out when he awoke he was told by yamato that kakashi went to stop sakura from dealing with sasuke using a shadow clone as a decoy naruto escaped from the inn and followed kokashi arriving just in time to save sakura from being killed by sasuke he tried once more to reason with sasuke sympathizing with his pain and acknowledging hitachi's sacrifice however sasuke was unmoved and declared his resolve to destroy konoha and severed the uchiha's connection to the shinobi world naruto then clashed his resengan with sasuke's chidori realizing that everything in his life he could have easily gone down the same path as sasuke despite his jealousy of him he had come to like sasuke and was glad to have met him undeterred sasuke gave naruto two options kill or be killed naruto chose neither toby and zetsu arrived and prepared to depart with sasuke naruto resolved that if he and sasuke were to battle again they would kill each other but he was willing to accept it as he would shoulder sasuke's hatred alone sasuke vowed to kill naruto first and left with toby and zetsu while naruto and his teammates returned to konoha with the captive korean naruto explained the situation to his friends and asked to fight sasuke alone determined to get stronger for their upcoming battle naruto the movie blood prison a discusses a box with omoe karui samui and mabui and suddenly gas covers the room knocking everyone out then a hooded figure leaps out attacking the sleeping reikage only for the figure to stop right before killing a when a is seen above the figure the figure dodges and is able to fight equally with a in the battle a is able to destroy the hood revealing the hooded figure as naruto to uzumaki taking advantage of his shock naruto escapes as team samui and mabui wake up a tells them to summon killer b in kona hagakura sunade states that naruto is wanted for attempting to assassinate the leader of kumogakade the reikage and killing jonine from kumogakade and iwagakare showing wanted posters of naruto from iwakagore and kirigakore to team kakashi naruto and sakura refused the claims but tsunari states naruto will be placed in the hozuki castle like criminal containment facility also known as the blood prison in kusakakurei naruto attempts to escape only for yamato to encase him and tsunade takes away his forehead protector when naruto arrives at the iozuki castle muui the head of the prison quickly places the fire release heavenly prisoner at naruto sealing his chakra naruto learns this the hard way after using his shadow clones naruto quickly collapses from the pain caused by the seal naruto was later taken captive by marui who was working for muy when naruto was brought to a lab muay realizes that the naruto taken was a clone while the real naruto was hiding he used the chance to escape but the pain from the seal made him pass out after being caught he was taken into solitary confinement when in solitary confinement here's a mysterious voice saying that if you can defeat muy the seal will disappear naruto then after being released attacks muy but the seal causes naruto to collapse and he's taken back into solitary confinement during the fight muay questions naruto's devotion to his home wondering why he bothered being loyal when artha's released he is looked up to by the rest of the prisoners naruto later attempts to escape again by knocking out one of the guards and taking his clothes when his shadow clone fools everyone as he's able to get to the edge of the island where ryu zetsu tells him to stop naruto refuses to listen and he jumps into the whirlpool he nearly drowns but ryuzatsu saves him naruto thought she was a boy but later sees that she's a girl and that it is her mission to kill muy and stop the box of ultimate bliss she reveals that muy even sacrificed his son muku to the box and that muy set naruto up she asks for naruto's help to destroy the box naruto agreed in the next day naruto challenges moy again but is defeated and taken to solitary confinement when naruto is confined ryuzetsu attempts to stab muy only to reveal that she attacked marui marui forms an alliance with her saying he's not really on muy's side and that he's just on the side that benefits him the most when arthur was asked to leave the punishment room he uses a clone to gather some natural energy because he intends on using sage mode naruto and riyazet super tend to fight engulfing the entire courtyard in the fight while marui forces prisoners inside to fight as well creating chaos in the chaos marui performs a technique in the sky while naruto tries to find the box just before he's able to destroy the box he is captured by muy muy extracts some of naruto's chakra allowing the box to revive naruto is able to escape mooji then reveals that his wish is to bring back his son the box grants his wish opening up and allowing a grown-up muku to walk out muku then impaled muay with his own hand and knocked out kazan muku then transformed into satori when all chaos breaks out naruto enters sage mode and then tried to use the big ball resengan on the box of ultimate bliss to destroy it but fails naruto is then engaged in combat with satori but fails because he's unable to touch satori he summons gamabunta to combat satori but they can't attack him due to their moves being predicted beforehand eventually naruto runs out of sen jutsu allowing the satori to attack naruto this forced kamabuta to defend him causing gamabunta to be defeated satori then attacks naruto again but he is saved by killer b naruto is amazed that killer b and all his friends have gathered here as naruto wonders why this is happening tsunade reveals that it was naruto's mission to destroy the box and that no one believed that naruto really committed any of the crimes it was also revealed that marae was a friend of bees and he was the mysterious voice naruto decides to attain sage mode once more and tells killer bee and the others to distract satori while he does this naruto is able to realize that satori cannot read the minds of people but he can read their fears allowing naruto to fight satori evenly in sage mode naruto attempted to end the battle by creating a larger sengon with two clones however satori impales him with ryuzetsu in the way naruto is able to wake muay up and he uses his shadow clones to hold satori's wings pushing sadori back and therefore allowing muy to weaken it naruto uses this time to free himself in ryuzetsu and defeat satori by firing a wind release rasan shuriken returning satori back to normal muku kills both his father and himself and apologizes to ryuzetsu for not keeping his promise the prisoners attempt to escape but are stopped by naruto's friends after capturing all the prisoners sakura tries to heal a dying naruto but has no success until ryuzetsu revives naruto by using her kekai genkai with the cost of her life in the aftermath muay and ryuzetsu were shown to be buried next to each other naruto then ties ryozatsu's bandana around her gravestone promising to cherish the life she returned to him and re-quoting what she said about being a guiding light by protecting the things people cherish power the reborn team kakashi is sent out on a mission by tsunade to a location known as the hole to investigate an incident where tanika village's people had been killed elsewhere sakura and naruto who are at the hole's water spring encounter kabuto yakushi who uses tiny specially created snakes to create a clone of hedon using his dna and the water in the hole which possesses special properties kabato then reveals that he has reincarnated several shinobi a fight ensues between the two sides as yamato and sai rejoin their teammates as team kakashi continues to battle kabuto hedon and the reincarnated shinobi naruto gets swallowed by a giant snake created by kabuto but manages to escape using shadow clones accidentally ingesting kabuto's clone snakes in the process when naruto resurfaces kabuto retreats using the reincarnated data as a diversion while revealing a village guard's corpse in the mouth of a snake after the attack naruto and sakura join up with shiseru yamato and sai in going with the rest of the guards while yamato and sai investigate kabuto's motive for destroying the village sakura and naruto follow shiser to doku's house plagued by vivid images all day mina approaches naruto and begins repeatedly saying get out later di sonasu visits their home and to everyone's surprise the tonic village head is with him however mina alerts everyone to the fact that there had been something strange about her grandfather and it's revealed that he had been reincarnated as a fight subsequently breaks out when kabuto makes an appearance naruto begins writhing in pain rushing towards him mina once again begins shouting get out eventually forcing the tiny snakes out of his body the snakes then form a clone of naruto in his four-tailed version two state the nine-tailed naruto clone tries to attack doku and the orphans when mike guy and rock lee arrive to repel it the rest of the konoha 11 arrive team asuma helps sakura and kakashi and team kurenai helps naruto the beast grabs naruto to absorb chakra which the nine tails gladly shares hinata tries to defend naruto but is sent flying after the beast absorbs naruto's chakra it grows in size and starts to devastate the hacho village even firing a tailed beast ball in far away missing yamato sai daedra and hidan who are fighting outside the village doku tries to save naruto who is still unconscious while inside the underground hall in the tonic village naruto unconscious and strangled by snakes meets the ninetails again in his subconscious while the nine tails tries to control naruto doku calls him but gets shouted instead doku asks naruto what burden a powerful person carries and made naruto choose the reason why he desires to be powerful seeing flashbacks of his comrades of konoha and also sasuke leading the seal inside naruto to gain strength again doku gives naruto his forehead protector stating that he believes in him while inside the hall kabato along with two reincarnated puppets approaches with tisanasu revealed to have engineered tonica's destruction dusanasu also praised naruto about defeating payne the one who scarred him and left him powerless before kicking the boy repeatedly dusanasu prepares the summoning of the power by putting the remaining iron bars while naruto enters sage mode naruto faces off with the clone while daedra uses explosive clay to create a diversion and chase naruto while naruto relentlessly attacked the clone he learned that there is more than power as yamato restrained sanasu he activated the caesar opening the area where naruto faces the clone draining the lake as an obelisk rises and creates a storm naruto tried to stop dusanasu from ascending the tower only to face his clone after he absorbed some of the tower's power and transformed into a hydra tailed fox monster absorbing the power within the amanohoco the nine-tailed naruto clone mutated into a hydra tailed version of the ninetails whilst sending disonasu to his death overpowered naruto almost gave in to the ninetails offer for power when minato's voice urges the boy to control the tailed beast as naruto is engulfed in a six-tailed chakra cloak in the nine-tails image over time as he starts to lose against the clone the nine tails starts to take over naruto's body and assumes a seven-tailed jinchuki state while yamato tries to restrain it by that time mina is able to get through to naruto regaining control as he assumed a new form to save shisu after telling doku to go forward and stop the amanohoko as doku realizes mida's melody could stop the caesari he attempts to recall the tune minahummed to change the sounds in the caesarea to deactivate the tower naruto uses his new power to destroy his clone as the amanohoko recedes into the ground the children celebrate with naruto 4th shinobi world war countdown as naruto was about to eat at ichiraku he was suddenly summoned back to mount myoboku by fukusaku he learned from the great toad sage's fortune that he would meet an octopus and would battle a young man with powerful eyes when gerotora was summoned to give naruto the key to the eight trigram seal naruto knew he would need the nine tails power for the battles to come and accepted the key naruto was sent back to ichiraku where some of the villagers asked for his autograph naruto was unaware that the five kage were planning to keep him for participating in the upcoming four shinobi world war for his safety tsunade gave naruto an s-rank mission on a remote island in the land of lightning with yamato mike gai aoba yamashiro and other konohan nin as security once on the island naruto met killer bee the genchuriki of eight tales and requested a train under him after marveling at b's mastery of his tailed beast b refused as he was on vacation despite naruto's best efforts to impress him however when motoi heard naruto bumped fists with the he took naruto to the falls of truth where b trained to control the eight tails following moto's instructions naruto sat on the platform in front of the waterfall and closed his eyes to see his true self dark naruto who berated naruto on how quickly the konaha villagers changed their opinions of him and exclaimed that the ninetales liked him better inside his mind naruto fought his dark self but found that they were evenly matched breaking out of the meditation naruto questions motoi about bee's history in order to learn about how to conquer his inner darkness naruto reminisced about how b and gara changed everyone's opinions about them and began to doubt if the konoha villagers sincerely trusted him after witnessing bee save motoy from a giant squid and resumed their friendship and inspired naruto returned to the falls of truth and confronted dark naruto again with naruto now having faith in himself dark naruto began to weaken as he asked for his reason for existing naruto answered by hugging him accepted dark naruto as a part of him while thanking him for pushing him to become a better person dark naruto finally relented and faded b led naruto and yamato to a special room in the secret temple behind the waterfall where naruto was prepared to fight the nine tails for its chakra within his subconscious naruto unlocked the seal and engaged the ninetails in battle using sage mode though he appeared to have the upper hand and drained the ninetails chakra the fox instantly planted its own hatred within its absorbed chakra consuming naruto just before naruto was completely consumed the spirit of his mother kushina uzumaki appeared naruto believed that kushina was the nine tails in disguise earning a hit on the head and an immediate apology from her who hoped that he did not inherit her short temper realizing kushina was his mother he tearfully hugged her and the love-filled reunion purged the nine-tailed hatred within his drained chakra with renewed confidence from hearing the story of his parents naruto battled the ninetales once more with his mother's assistance naruto successfully weakens the fox long enough to separate it from its chakra attaining the nine tails chakra mode naruto imprisons the emaciated and infuriated ninetails within a new stronger seal apologizing to it as it faded into darkness afterwards naruto learned from kushina about his heritage the truth behind the nine-tails attack on konoha and how his parents gave their lives to protect him naruto told his mother that he could finally understand what a parent's love felt like and that he didn't blame them for what happened instead feeling glad to be their son as she fades away kushina tearfully hugged naruto thanking him for letting her and minato be his parents in the real world naruto demonstrated his nine-tails chakra mode to b and yamato before sensing kiseme hoshigaki of akatsuki hidden inside his samehara via his negative emotions when kisame attempted to escape naruto used his blinding speed to quickly smash him into the wall though he gets his foot stuck yamato helps naruto out while b pursues kisame and they regroup to see kiseme's defeat by guy kiseme is restrained for interrogation though he breaks free of his confinements through sheer will and summons sharks inside a water prison to eat him alive shocked by kisame's suicide naruto observes that even those in akatsuki fight for their comrades they examine the intel that kisame was trying to send which turns out to be booby trapped they are each caught in a water prison and are trapped alongside a shark another shark meanwhile is able to escape with kisema's intel after they escape naruto is tasked with evacuating the giant animals onto the island turtle's shell and logging the island's ecology as part of his official s-rank mission he remains unaware that it's a ploy to keep him away from the war road to ninja naruto the movie the movie starts with a flashback to the nine-tailed demon fox's attack which then flashes forward to the present timeline where the eight members of akatsuki who are meant to be dead are actually alive and are battling the konohashinobi and this in turn unsettles sakura shikamaru states that there's no point wondering why the dead are back alive and quickly comes up with a counter plane but naruto quickly attacks akatsuki head on forcing the rest of the konaha 11 plus sai kakashi and guy to attack the battle continues until naruto is caught by kakuzu tsai frees naruto by cutting part of kakuzu's arm off causing the ikatsuki to retreat naruto and his friends return to the village where most of naruto's peers are congratulated by their families all of whom promised to write a recommendation letter for the promotion of becoming a joanie although sakura has a little fight with the family who embarrass her in front of the others as naruto returns home he passes many families making him reminisce about his mother and father causing him to feel lonely later while eating at ichirakuram and he meets with irika he then asks irika for a letter of recommendation of his own but irika refuses as naruto is only a genian and must become a tuning and rise to the ranks just as minito and all the other joni did naruto is saddened by his lonely lifestyle and so storms off saying that no one seems to understand him and also that he doesn't like the extra magma on his ramen which adds to his present state of mind and causes him to feel lonely he meets sakura who had an argument with her family and also stormed out grabbing naruto's hand and telling him to go on a date with her while sakura complains about her family toby appears in front of them and after a small scuffle he then activates the limited tsukiomi naruto and sakura are absorbed in a flash of light and later they find themselves still in the same park they were before with no signs of a fight or toby they run into their friends including sasuke which surprises both sakura and naruto but with different personalities and to add to the confusion no one knows who toby is they realize they're in another world where sakura's father was the fourth hokage who saved the village instead of minato and in this world naruto is named menma instead as naruto and sakura return home sakura is happy for the new freedom she has while naruto hurries home to his apartment hoping to see his parents only to find he doesn't live there meanwhile in the present toby reveals that the dadakotsky members in the beginning were only zetsu clothes in the genjutsu world a man in a mask meets toby and they agree to work together elsewhere as soccer is looking through her dresser she finds a fourth hokage coat that naruto's father once wore in the present causing her to once again realize that in this world it was her father who was the hokage she then meets sasuke who gives her a flower and flirts with her naruto and sakura meet in the morning to try and gather more information of their current world although sakura enjoys this world as she has more freedom and is well loved by the village thanks to her father's actions naruto on the other hand wants to return home as fast as possible naruto and sakura meet sunade and shizune who tell them that a masked man attacked kumogakade and killed their jinchiroki which naruto and sakura believed to have been toby they then meet naruto's parents who are alive in this world minato says that jiraya died finding the red moon scroll that was said to help save the world sonata lets naruto and sakura join minito and kushina on their mission while kakashi and guy return sakura is shocked at finding out who naruto's parents are while naruto is angry that toby would dare to make copies of his dead parents and he swears to break the genjutsu while sakura is still enjoying her life she wonders how naruto is doing while naruto attempts to ignore his parents he sees an album showing him how his life would have been if his parents had been alive in the morning sakura notices that this world's kakashi and guy have switched personalities with kakashi showing more excitement and displaying a positive attitude and guy complaining about having to do two missions back to back with a tired uninterested attitude while naruto isolates himself from his parents at every turn they soon locate where jiraya hid the scroll but as the group stops arrest naruto charges ahead until he's confronted by the appearance of gamabunta kamahiro and gamaken they refused to listen to naruto and the group who explained their reason for being there and attacked them with an army of frogs naruto attempts to enter sage mode but while trying to gather enough energy kushina interferes and tries to protect him from gamabunta but a shot of acid burns her leg as a result naruto gets distracted and is unable to enter sage mode minato then saves both of them quickly and is able to get the scroll dispelling the summoning technique as sakura heals kushina naruto still attempts to brush off his parents causing minato to say no matter what naruto does they will always try to save him as that's what they naturally tend to do as parents kushina then awakens and hugs naruto causing him to break down in tears and finally accept them as parents they return to konoha where tsunade locks the scroll and the village is safe until the night when a red moon will appear when they can use the scroll to fulfill said prophecy as naruto and sakura walk home together naruto quickly runs home saying that he has something to do leaving sakura alone sakura now finds her home too lonely and wonders if naruto's always fell this way as she walks downtown she sees happy families only making her more sad she then realizes that this world sasuke is just a flirt as she sees him flirting with a group of girls and decides that naruto was right on his decision to quickly break the genjutsu as she walks to naruto's home to try to find a way to break the genjutsu she sees how happy naruto is and wonders if they really should leave sakura later meets naruto and asks him if he wants to stay although he denies it he later thinks to himself that he truly does not want to leave at that moment an explosion occurs at the hokage's office where the masked man from earlier asks for the scroll they brought back he overpowers minato kushina and tsunade and then naruto and sakura arrive they realize that this was the man tsunade was talking about and that he knows toby he overpowers naruto and sakura and kidnaps sakura in exchange for the scroll he then uses great spiraling ring destroying a large part of konoha and then leaves as naruto decides to save sakura but mirito and kushina try to prevent him in fear of him dying showing that the two parents in this world are different from naruto's real parrots he takes one of minato's kunai and the scroll leaving with sakura's father's hokage coat sakura is tied up and meets toby who is a ghost saying that they're in an old training ground that minato and jaraya used naruto arrives but is attacked by the other masked man asking for the scroll naruto is unable to fight properly as his stomach acts up the masked man then takes the time to summon the nine masked beasts and is about to kill naruto when the akatsuki arrives and saves him this akatsuki was hired by tsunade to help naruto and they deal with the masked beasts while naruto attacks the masked man hitachi saves sakura and toby decides to escape instead the ikatsuki defeats the masked beasts that turn into nine fox kits while naruto chased the masked men into the training grounds they then fight naruto uses sage mode and uses the wind release rasa and shuriken to counter the mass man's great spiraling ring it ends in a draw but the attack destroys the masked man's mask showing that he is menma this world's naruto menma informs naruto that the pulsating inside his stomach must be korama's reaction to the black nine tails within venma menma then called back the defeated masked beasts and summoned koram's counterpart the black nine tails naruto was unable to attack while the akatsuki retreat taking sakura with them not wanting to be manipulated by the sharingan again korama takes a truce with naruto to work together allowing him to summon korama out of his body in the battle naruto is barely able to win but toby reveals that this was his plan to have naruto and menmo fight as doing so would have the two foxes fight and weaken korama as he possessed manma kurama warned naruto if he looked into mahmoud sharingan it would be all over for toby plan to extract korama out of naruto the same way he extracted it from kushina 16 years ago as menma overpowers naruto the latter tries to use the scroll when he notices the moon is turned red but manmah cuts the scroll causing naruto to look into menma's eyes naruto's memories are a race but sakura rescues him before korama is extracted from him naruto in an amnesiac stupor stares at the destroyed red moon scroll which brings back memories of his training to learn the rasengawa jaraya and how his father was the one who invented the technique naruto is able to break free of the genjutsu just in time to save sakura and then defeats toby the same way his father did breaking the limited tsukiomi tobi using his ghost body attacks again until minito and kushina arrive toby decides to give up and exits the genjutsu world just as naruto and sakura are enveloped in a bright light preparing to return to their world as well but beforehand naruto thanks minito and kushina who quickly go to assist menma who's returning to his original state as their son naruto and sakura returned to their world where naruto's hokage coat breaks down since it's only part of the genjutsu world and not real naruto and sakura tell sunada and kakashi of what transpired and they set out more guard patrols since toby was easily able to enter further in the village than they imagined shizune also brings up the topic of the letters of recommendation from the beginning of the movie to which sunada replies that she has no intention of promoting any of naruto's friends to jonine as they both return home naruto watches sakura as she meets her parents happily hugging them he approaches her asking her out on a date but sakura tells them that they just came back from the longest date ever much to naruto's shock as naruto goes home he sees erica in his house waiting to apologize to him afterwards naruto happily jumps roof to roof through the village while quoting that the road of the ninja is one who endures after the credits the sign in ichiraku ramen where it says menma is changed fourth shinobi world war confrontation naruto returned the falls of truth with b to start practicing his nine tails chakra mode specifically learning about how to use tailed beast balls since the tailed beast balls couldn't be made without nine tails cooperation naruto tried to create the tailed beast resengan as a workaround while struggling to balance the jutsu's composition he sensed a distant source of the nine-tails chakra naruto left the falls of truth to investigate and was met by a contingent of konohan nin amongst them irika umino eruka tried to convince him to go back to his training but naruto bypassed them and from entering sage mode since the ongoing 4th shinobi world war naruto became angry that they would try to keep the war a secret from him and they wouldn't let him help erika apologized yet still made an effort to restrain him naruto escaped and found a self-repairing barrier preventing him from leaving by himself b at erika's request decided to join him and together they broke through the barrier shortly after the nine tails pulled naruto into his subconscious berating him for squandering its chakra and calling him naive to think he could stop the war by himself when the ninetales failed once again to tempt naruto with power the fox went off to claim that his attempt to put an end to hatred was futile using his history with sasuke as proof naruto responded by pinning the fox down refuting that it was the only one who was being naive and confidently exclaiming that he would find a way to deal with sasuke and end the war before he leaves naruto also promises to resolve the ninetails owna hatred someday unnerving the fox on their way to the battlefield naruto and b were met by the fourth reikage and tsunade both intent on stopping the jinchuriki b tried to convince the reikage to let them go and when that failed naruto tried to get around them but the reikage's lightning released chakra mode was too fast for that the reikage became increasingly aggressive in his determination to stop naruto and b from joining the war effort going so far as to threaten to kill naruto if it would keep akatsuki from capturing the ninetails first b and then tsunade joined naruto in arguing to allow them to fight which the reikage relented to once naruto dodges his maximum speed on tsunade's orders shikaku nara contacted naruto and informed him about akatsuki's white zetsu army and the accompanying impure world reincarnations naruto nb soon afterwards encountered a squad of seeming allied forces but with his nine-tails chakra modability it allowed him to detect them as disguised as zetsu he quickly defeated them and sent shadow clones to various other battlefields to lend assistance naruto and b soon ran into the reincarnated itachi uchiha and nagato they greeted naruto and briefly caught up on what had happened since their deaths but were quickly forced to attack by their summoner kabato yakashi nagato advised naruto and b on how to counter this jutsu while hitachi between his own attacks recalled the crow that he planted in naruto during their last meeting itachi activated the koro amatsukami of the crow's mangakyo sharingan to release himself from kabuto's influence itachi joined naruto and b in fighting nagato first by neutralizing the rinigon summoning and then saving them from being killed by nagato nagato his personality now suppressed tried capturing them with chibaku tensei which the three combined efforts to destroy while nagato was distracted by their attack itachi sealed him with susano his personality restored nagato used his last moments to apologize and put his faith in naruto afterwards itachi destroyed the crow it's koro amatsukami too valuable to let fall under the wrong hands he left to find kabato so he could end the imperial world reincarnation but not before telling naruto to let his friends support him and leaving sasuke's reform to him a shadow clone arrived at the site of the fourth division's battle with various reincarnated kage naruto was able to land a sneak attack on mu allowing the third tsuchikage to steal him before he could say anything the tsuchikage went to help gara fight the second musical gay leaving naruto and the third reikage along with the other members of the fourth division like the fourth reikage the third was very fast easily dodging most attacks the few attacks that did land had almost no effect his body's natural defense was too high and the reikage offenses allowed him to break through every attempt to contain him when naruto noticed that the reikage had a scar from his fight with the eight tales years earlier he contacted it via b to ask how the reikage received the scar upon hearing the eight tails answer naruto surmises that the scar was self-inflicted confirming it as he manipulates the third into piercing his own body the third is sealed and naruto regroups with the tsuchikage and gara who had already defeated the second mizukage as naruto and b continued onwards naruto's shadow clones started arriving at various locations 4th shinobi world war climax shadow clones arrived at all the remaining battlefields securing impure world reincarnations weeding out the zetsu that had infiltrated the alliance's ranks and defeating any other remaining zetsu victory seemed near when the sensor division detected a new threat near the fourth division moo who split himself before his ceiling and the reincarnated matara uchiha shocked by this revelation they all wondered who the masked man toby really was moderate gave them little time to discuss it and attack them immediately he cut swathes through the fourth division's ranks and used his rinnegan to avoid the clones the tsuchikages and gara's counter-attack wishing to eliminate them all at once matara dropped a meteorite on them while the survivors regrouped matara tried to summon the ninetails although it failed the fox sensed the attempt and offered some chakra to help fight matara preferring naruto over the uchiha the shadow clone used the nine tails chakra to counter modera's nativity of a world of trees with big balls spiraling serial zone spheres though the extended fighting left the clone exhausted afterwards madara moved in to capture it but was parried by the arrival of tsunade the fourth reikage and the fifth mizukage the five kage vowed to deal with matara themselves and asked that naruto should instead focus on defeating toby the clone dispersed just as the real naruto converged on toby naruto and b clashed with toby's reincarnated jinchuriki styled like a six paths of pain during the fighting naruto referenced another matara and asked who toby really was realizing his lie was exposed toby refused to accept any particular identity believing it to be irrelevant naruto was not satisfied with this answer and vowed to break toby's mask b entered tailed beast mode to clear the surrounding forest that was giving him a naruto a disadvantage against the reincarnated genchiriki he then tried to seal the jin show to keep but toby had them enter version 2 forms to escape the last second the increased strength of the jinchuriki caused difficulties for naruto and b toby taking advantage of the situation nearly captured naruto but was blocked by the arrival of kakashi and guy their arrival balanced out the two sides so toby had the four tails and six tails enter tailed beast modes as well the four tails captured naruto in his mouth allowing it to communicate with him the four tails introducing itself with the name of son goku was angered to be controlled by toby but it doubted naruto would be any better since humans had always sought to control it and its fellow tailed beasts naruto insisted he was different and son goku touched by his desire to help it told him how to release it from toby's control naruto managed to break out of its mouth locate the black receiver and remove it son goku thanked naruto for his help but explained that it couldn't actually be saved as it was still bound to the demonic statue of the outer path before it was pulled back into the demonic statue son goku gave some of its chakra to naruto and wished him luck toby having lost the use of one-tailed beast forced the others to enter tailed beast mode so the battle could be brought to an end the ninetales remarked that naruto couldn't possibly win without its help naruto stated that he was not up for taking its chakra by force at the moment and that he would figure something out however naruto's earlier determination to help son goku move the nine tails reminding it of the many selfless things naruto had done during his life and the perseverance he always displayed the nine tails no longer wanted to oppose naruto and instead offer to join him as a partner asking only that naruto call it by its name kuroma naruto entered his own tailed beast mode and went to save kakashi and guide deflecting the other five beasts tailed beast balls the kuruma avatar fought the beasts in close combat forcing them to combine their tailed beast balls into one against it kuroma countered theirs with a single one of its own tailed beast balls and naruto then used the avatar's tails to grab and remove the beast's black receivers from the contact naruto was able to interface with the other beasts who introduced themselves and like son goku gave him portions of their chakra toby recalled the beasts back into the demonic statue and though irritated remained confident in his eventual victory as he faced off with naruto b kakashi and guy by the time knight fell however toby was still unable to defeat them a light eventually descended on the reincarnated jinchiriki that b had kept restrained allowing them to return to the afterlife and signaling that hitachi had finally defeated kabuto with his options running out toby deposited the benihisago and the kohaku no johae which contained portions of kurama's chakra into the demonic statue which combined with a fragment of the eight tales gyuki's chakra he'd acquired previously was enough to start the revival of the ten tails naruto b kakashi and guy started focusing on destroying it but were constantly stopped by toby and his peculiar teleportation and intangibility abilities from the fighting however kakashi noticed that toby's abilities were seemingly linked to his own kamui to take advantage of this kakashi had one of naruto's shadow clones attack toby and just as the clone was about to be destroyed by one of toby's attacks kakashi used kamui on it without toby noticing naruto then attacked the tailed beast ball which toby escaped by retreating to kamu's dimension he found the clone waiting for him there and it destroyed his mask with a resengan when they saw his face guy and kakashi recognized toby as their childhood friend obito uchiha whom they'd long thought dead obito declined to explain his actions to them and instead attacked which attracted matara who escaped the release of the impure world reincarnation to their location seeing madura naruto asked what happened to the kage to which the elder uchiha replied that they were in bad condition when he left them from that and the conversation he overheard between matara and obito particularly their manipulation of nagato naruto attacked in a rage matara reflected him and then tried to capture him and b so the ten tales could be revived in its complete form naruto split his attention he and b fighting matara's wood dragon with their tailed beast modes and one of his shadow clones trying to help kakashi get over the revelation that obito was alive obito tried to convince naruto of the futility of resistance naruto insisted that protecting his comrades was always worthwhile no matter how hopeless things may seem his words brought kakashi out of his slump enabling him to start fighting obito on his own an energized guy who created an opening for naruto and b to attack the demonic statue with a combined tailed beast ball the attack came too late however and the ten tales was revived naruto b kakashi and guy regrouped and coordinated an attack but the ten tales was too powerful and matera and obito once they linked themselves to it were able to deploy its powers effectively just before they could kill naruto and the others the combined remaining allied shinobi forces arrived to help shiikaku nara communicating to all them from the alliance's headquarters staged an offensive to restrain the ten tails although it failed it was effective enough that matara and obito had the ten tails destroy the distant headquarters killing shikaku and everyone else stationed there the allies made individual attacks against the ten tails but none had any effect at the same time the ten tails started raining wooden skewers all over the battlefield killing many when one was about to hit naruto hinata shielded him with her body and negi shielded her with his own dying nedji collapsed on naruto's shoulder asking him to be more careful in the future since many lives hinata's particularly now depend on his with his last breath he thanked naruto for calling him a genius all those years ago naruto was deeply distraught by neji's death which obito tried to use as an example of the needless death that the resistance caused and that could be solved in the new world he wanted to create hinata brought naruto back to his senses by reminding him of all the people who had given their lives to protect him and whose memories he could be insulting if he had given up now as naruto thanked her he took her hand and coded her with some of kodama's chakra naruto shared kurama's chakra throughout the allied forces increasing their strength and protecting them from harm they all maneuvered into a formation that shikaku was able to communicate to them before he died and then taking the form of a bird in memory of nedji successfully removed the ten tales from obito and matara's control forced to fend for themselves obito sought out naruto criticizing him for wasting his energy protecting others naruto replied that protecting them actually gave him strength motivating everyone within earshot they then sensed that entails about to attack which kokashi tried to stop with kamui obito intercepted him and they teleported away leaving the others to endure the 10 tales 10 penchi korema's chakra protected everyone but it faded in the aftermath naruto was left quite beaten up requiring sakura to heal him when the ten tails attacked with another tailed beast ball the allies mustered what little defense they could before it could reach them however the tailed beast ball was suddenly teleported away and naruto's reincarnated father minato namakazi appeared at naruto's side the first second and third hokage arrived soon afterward and along with minato erected a barrier around the ten tales to confine it sasuke arrived shortly after two at whose request the previous hokage were reincarnated by hirochimaru and who now opposed obito amara their fellow rookie nine had set aside their differences with sasuke for the time being and joined forces in launching an attack against the ten tails on size advice naruto sasuke and sakura all summoned their signature animals naruto calling on gamakichi in order to focus directly on the ten tails itself naruto and sasuke successfully damaged the ten tails arm with a combined scorch release halo hurricane jet black arrow style zero but it merely removed its arm to prevent the flames of sasuke's amaterasu from spreading before they could attack again obito returned landing on top of the ten-tail's head and seemingly about to use the samsara of heavenly life technique to restore moderate to life while everybody focused on stopping obito naruto couldn't help but notice the hand sails he was using were different than what nagato used minato tried to cut obito down but discovered that it was too late as he sealed the ten tails into his body becoming its jinchuriki birth of the ten tails jinchuriki obito used his new power to destroy the barrier forcing the hokage to put the energy they were using towards the barrier to the fight instead because they had immortal bodies they launched the first attack so the others could learn what they could about obito's new abilities but they were quickly defeated naruto and sasuke engaged him as well but were nearly killed saved only by naruto using his chakra arms to link to minato so he could teleport them to safety just as before naruto and sasuke combined their attacks having minito and the second hokage coordinate teleport so the attack could connect obito's truth seeking balls dissipated much of the attack and the damage he did incur was quickly regenerated from the development and some of the previous exchanges minato concluded that obito was able to neutralize ninjutsu gamakichi wanting to make some final contribution to the fight before he was forced to return to mount miyoboku attacked with his starch syrup gun minato took this opportunity to try and reason with obito reminding him of his former dream to become hokage obito berated the title and those who had held it as he had surpassed them naruto was insulted not only because this was a slight against his father but also because he hadn't abandoned his dream of being hokage like obito did the second hokage teleported him to obito and he attacked with the resengan which successfully damaged obito naruto noticed that gamakichi's attack wasn't neutralized and realized that he was vulnerable to senjutsu with a weakness discovered obito trapped the alliance in a barrier and began charging multiple tailed beast balls that he would use to wipe away everyone within its confines minato noted that he wouldn't be able to teleport them all away in time so naruto came up with a different approach he linked his chakra with minato and remotely restored the alliance's chakra cloaks networking everyone in with minato's flying thunder god technique allowing him to teleport everyone out of the barrier minato did so and was afterwards very proud of his son saying he wished they had more time to talk naruto replied that it was not necessary since he already met his mother and that she explained everything naruto and minato each entered tailed beast modes with naruto merging his with sage mode in order to imbue their shared resengan with senjutsu the second teleported them to obito and they attacked but he blocked it with his truth seeking balls to move ahead with his plans obito created a replica of the god tree the first step in performing the infinite tsukiomi the tree started absorbing chakra from those nearby until they die a fate that naruto nearly succumbed to until he was saved by the third hokage obito pointed to the growing number of casualties as further evidence that naruto should stop resisting an argument that naruto was increasingly having trouble ignoring sasuke unmoved by obito's words used susano to hack through the tree and then mocked naruto for giving up naruto was reminded of his desire not to lose sasuke or anyone else for that matter and reinvigorated joined sasuke in the offensive although their senjutsu enhanced tailed beast mode and susano could compete with obito they were individually unable to defeat him obito continued trying to convince naruto to stop but he ignored him sasuke then coated his susano around naruto's tailed beast mode granting the kurima avatar a sword and armor sensing that it was the final exchange obito created a sword and shield out of his own truth-seeking balls naruto created a resengan in each of the kurama avatar's tales which his friends from konoha guide in a coordinated assault obito's shield destroying it as soon as naruto and sasuke sliced through obito with their sword the tailed beasts then began to emerge from the uchiha's body giving naruto and the combined allied shinobi forces the opportunity to pull them out the tug of war for the tailed beasts linked naruto's consciousness with obitos naruto reminded obito of his earlier claim that he was nobody and set out to prove to him that he was obito uchiha specifically the obito uchiha that kakashi used to know naruto pointed out their similarities how both were orphans and that because of that they wanted to be hokage obito agreed that they were similar but that was the reason that he was trying so hard to convince naruto that he was right and insisted that the world he wanted to create was a better one because his vision of the future was clear whereas the future of the current world was ambiguous naruto argued that was the point and that uncertainty when faced with comrades was worthwhile and offered obito's hand so they might see what happened together the allies successfully removed the tailed beasts from obito and he fell to the ground defeated minato and kakashi insisted that obitobia left to them while naruto and the rest of the alliance should focus on madra they did so joining forces with the first hokage against him but right before he could seal them matara put one final failsafe into effect he had black zetsu force obito to revive him matara quickly neutralized the first fended off naruto sasuke and sai and then went after the free-tailed beasts naruto entered tailed beast mode and assisted them with fighting him off they were initially successful but when matara reacquired one of his rinagon he easily defeated them with limbo border jail sealing them all back into the demonic statue including bees gyuki and naruto's kurma the removal of kurama from his body caused naruto to pass out and placed his life in immediate danger his uzumaki heritage prevented him from dying instantly but he required constant medical attention from sakura in order to keep him alive on the advice of kurma right before it was extracted gara took narato to meenato so that minato's portion of kurima's chakra could be sealed into him saving him makashi sent naruto and sakura to kamui's dimension so that she could continue performing life support without interruption obito soon arrived to help her having overcome both black zetsu and matara in order to acquire minato's half of korama and give it to naruto as his form of penance while on the border of life and death naruto was met by the sage of six paths hagaromo otsotsuki he explained his past conflicts with his mother kageyotsutsuki and the conflicts that emerged between his sons asura and indra his son's conflict had continued through these centuries with their chakra reincarnated every generation in new individuals to fight anew naruto was the current reincarnation of asura while sasuke was the reincarnation of indra naruto was not greatly surprised having sensed something like that when he met sasuke during the five kage summit because of madras aims for the world hagoromo asked if he and sasuke could join forces to stop him a task he was only encouraged by from the tailed beast's positive words concerning naruto he gave naruto the six paths yang power half his chakra and the six path sage mode to help him in his goal when naruto woke up he had obito send him back to the real world there he stopped matara from killing might guy and use hagoromo's power to stabilize guy's life force from using the eight gates released formation surprised by naruto's sudden increase in power matera was hit by naruto's sage art lava released rasen shuriken which was fueled by goku's chakra and instantly cut down the giant tree obito created earlier when sasuke arrived naruto entered six paths sage mode and they started overwhelming moderate realizing his window was closing matara went after kakashi and took his mangakyo sharingan using it to follow obito sasuke appeared shortly afterwards sent by obito so mataro wouldn't kill her she could do nothing about kakashi's eye so naruto used hagoromo's power to restore the one he lost years earlier matara soon returned having both his rinnegan and black zetsu in control of obito's body naruto and sasuke immediately resumed their attack but matara had an easier time with them he rose into the sky reigning chibaku tensai on them to keep them busy while he projected the infinite tsukiomi on the world while naruto destroyed the remaining satellite-like constructs sasuke shielded him sakura and kakashi with susano from the infinite tsukiyomi's gaze he let them out once the illusion was finished casting and they emerged to find themselves alone with the rest of the world being wrapped into matara's god nativity of a world of trees as matara confronted them and started explaining how he had saved the world he was stabbed in the back by black zetsu black zetsu then transferred to modera's body from obitos and forced him to absorb the world's chakra converting him into a woman that naruto and sasuke recognized as kagi otsotsuki kagia otsotsuki strikes kangia detected that naruto and sasuke as the reincarnations of asura and indra and also that her son hagoromo had given them the power to defeat her not wanting to further the damage to the world that their fighting would cause she shifted them all to one of her dimensions placing them above a sea of lava sasuke summoned his hawk garuda to save himself and naruto but ignored naruto's pleas to save sakura kakashi and obito too since only he and naruto were vital to the fight kakashi was able to briefly stop their fall but the heat burned up the scroll he used to save them and it was only naruto's sudden discovery that he was able to levitate that saved them from the lava he left a shadow clone to hold onto them and then engaged kagi at creating an opening for sasuke to attack sasuke's attack failed and naruto must save him from the lava with their attacks ineffective in the environment such a hazard naruto and sasuke discussed what to do kaguya appeared behind them and paralyzed them binding them with black zetsu while she started absorbing their chakra black zetsu took the opportunity to expand on the history earlier given by hagaromo painting kagaya as the victim of her sons hagaromo and hamura blac zetsu had for centuries been manipulating others towards the outcome of reviving her and only then had it finally succeeded it encouraged them to bask in the embrace of their oblivion but naruto refused breaking himself free with sasuke needing to take drastic action naruto used his ultimate jutsu sexy reverse harem technique kaguya was so distracted that she was nearly sealed but she recomposed herself in time to shift dimensions again freezing naruto and sasuke in place because naruto and sasuke were only a threat to her when together kagi has sent sasuke to a different dimension while she focused on naruto walkagia manipulated the ice dimension against him his shadow clone explained to kakashi sakura and the now awake obito that his and sasuke's powers were both necessary to defeat her obito offered to use his kamui to try and explore kaguya's dimensions to find sasuke to give obito an opening naruto used naruto region combo to overwhelm kagia forcing her to retreat to another dimension to get her bearings when she did so obito infiltrated the dimension kagiya went to with sakura and the shadow clone the shadow clone faced her so she wouldn't notice them while they look for sasuke kagi returned to the ice dimension and resumed her fight with the army of naruto's clones this kept her preoccupied until obito returned with sasuke increasingly frustrated kagi has shifted them to another dimension with powerful gravity to immobilize naruto and sasuke while she attacked with their all-killing ash bones kakashi and obito used themselves to shield the attack with obito then using kamui to protect kakashi leaving obito unable to defend himself naruto tried to heal the damage to his body but even hagoromo's power couldn't save him while sasuke fought kagia obito thanked naruto for reminding him of who he was and made him promise to become hokage for both their sakes naruto agreed and obito's body crumbled black zetsu ridiculed obito for living an insignificant life and dying an insignificant death enraged naruto severed kagiya's arm in the sleeve of which black zetsu had been hiding and then pinned it to the ground with his truth seeking balls naruto and his shadow clones attacked kaguya with sage art super tailed beast rasen shuriken on impact the tailed beast's chakra within her began reacting and kagi started losing control of her form she was able to reconfigure herself and prepared an expansive truth-seeking ball to destroy them kakashi interfered using susano a last gift from obito to make an opening for naruto and sasuke she tried to escape but sakura punched her to keep her in place allowing naruto and sasuke to trigger six paths chibaku tensei the tailed beasts were removed from her mater was spat out and she was entombed in her own dimension not wanting black zetsu to scheme for her release again naruto made a point to trap it with her but not before telling it that he spoiled brat like it has no right to compare itself with the men and women who truly shaped shinobi history team 7 wondered how they would return to their world sensing their need hagaromo combined the efforts of the dead kage to summon them the tailed beasts and moderate back hageromo thanked them for saving the world as did the tailed beasts for saving them naruto happily greeted his original kurma asking if it missed him to which the flustered fox denied after matara died from his ordeal naruto met with minato who as day broke wished him a happy 17th birthday as hagoromo returned minatos and the souls of the other dead kage to the pure land minato voiced his pride in naruto and promised to tell kushina everything about him the other kake also gave words of parting which naruto tearfully accepted with all threats gone hagaromo explained that the infinite tsukiomi would be released if naruto and sasuke combine their chakra sasuke agreed to this but first he wanted to kill the kage and destroy the tailed beasts believing both were inhibitive to world peace when he was unwilling to back down from his threat the tailed beasts moved in to stop sasuke but he captured each in their own chibaku tensei hagoromo recognized that as a continuation of indra's feud with asura but lacked time and power to do anything about it sakura tried to reason with sasuke but he knocked her out and left naruto followed after him promising to hagaromo that he would bring him around finally and end the centuries-long feud naruto and sasuke end up at the valley of the end where they fought years ago sasuke stated his willingness to bear the world's burdens by himself and live independently of the past neither of which naruto believed were possible or at least wise he tells sasuke it's impossible to do everything alone like he plans to pointing to the missteps hitachi made and their own successful teamwork against kagia sasuke replies that he only wants to remake a better world one where he can like hitachi before be solely responsible for the difficult decisions that must be made so nobody else needs to this is what he believes a true hokage to be naruto insists he will be hokage not sasuke because sasuke is still going against what hitachi wanted from him and they start fighting after a brief exchange of blows reminiscence of their fight years ago naruto and sasuke started trading punches with their tailed beast mode and susan oh respectively sasuke chastised naruto for not attacking him with an intent to kill but naruto like last time was unwilling to do so not wishing for either of them to go without the other naruto then clashed his tailed beast ball with sasuke's susano supported chidori producing a large explosion that does noticeable but not debilitating damage to their respective avatars each therefore powered up their avatars sasuke by channeling the captured tailed beasts into a susano and naruto by merging his avatar with the avatars of two shadow clones the two met attacks once again creating a gigantic explosion that stripped away their avatars and left them with too little chakra to use practically they instead resorted to taijutsu kicking and punching each other into the night as the two neared exhaustion kuruma mustered enough chakra for naruto to make one last attack but sasuke absorbed it having expected this naruto delivered a solid punch finally irritating sasuke over the endless repetition of their fight kuroma gave the last of its chakra to naruto who used it to make a resengan to counter sasuke's chidori both woke up later to find that much of the valley of the end had been destroyed and that they had each lost an arm and that neither could move sasuke reflected that naruto had been a constant obstacle to his goals but that he was also the only person who had never given up on him naruto's usual response that they were friends didn't convince sasuke since it obviously went beyond so naruto elaborated that he experienced pain if he didn't have sasuke sasuke was odd knowing full well that naruto had experienced various misfortunes in his life smiled through all of them and yet would suffer without sasuke when they woke up the next day sasuke admitted defeat for the first time in his life as he came to accept that naruto was just as vital to him as he was to naruto kakashi and sakura eventually tracked them down and sakura healed them though she couldn't do anything about their missing arms once they were able to walk they returned to where the allied shinobi forces were all trapped dispelled the infinite tsukiomi according to hagarom's instructions and sasuke released the tailed beasts with the war over naruto returns to the village where he attends a mass funeral for participants of the war in the anime while recovering from his injuries gara and a approach naruto and thank him for his effort during the war shikimoto later brings naruto to the academy and meet with uruka and kakashi who are considering on promoting naruto as a jonine however because he never got to retake the tuning exams naruto has to complete two years worth of studies much to his dismay however naruto is cheered up as erica offers to help him blank period months after the war sasuke was pardoned for his crimes on the good word of naruto and kakashi who had been selected to become the sixth hokage just before sasuke left konoha to wander the world he was met by naruto who returned to him his forehead protector kakashi hiden lightning in the icy sky nearly a year after the end of the 4th shinobi world war naruto and sai were sent to the land of waves to capture gario leader of the ryuha armament alliance once they located the alliance's hideout naruto launched an assault with multiple shadow clones although he was still missing an arm he had learned how to perform one-handed hand seals he easily dealt with most of the alliance's members but was briefly stalled by the ice release of gario's bodyguard naruto distracted the bodyguard with a shadow clone for long enough to apprehend gario at some point within the next two months naruto received a prosthetic arm to replace the one he lost during the war while eating at ramanichiraku one day he saw kikashi walking by and asked him when he would officially take on the responsibilities of hokage he tried to convince kakashi by listing the many shortcomings of tsunare unaware that she was standing right behind him she angrily knocked naruto unconscious kakashi finally accepted the hokage position shortly after the mission involving the ryuha armament alliance and the blood prison shikamaruhidem a cloud drifting in silent darkness naruto ran into shikamaru early one morning and they discussed their heavy workloads for the shinobi union since naruto's assignments were given to him by shikimaru he took the opportunity to complain shikamaru explained that naruto a prime candidate for an eventual hokage position needed to get used to it naruto later discussed what shikamaru had said with sakura having sensed there was something shikomaru was keeping from him sakura reminded naruto of all the work shikimaru did to prepare naruto for becoming hokage and that it likely had something to do with that naruto was aware of all that shikamaru did on his behalf but wondered if it was worth chikamaru's trouble a few days later naruto was approached by tamari who was worried about shikamaru's recent behavior and now asked where he was naruto didn't know and was troubled to find that neither did choji or ino he finally asked kakashi who admitted under pressure that shikamaru was on a secret assignment to the land of silence naruto joined tamari's team of tsuna ninja to go to the land of silence to provide assistance to shikamaru they interrogated the locals upon arrival and learned that shikamaru had been captured by the enlightened ones they attacked the prison where shikamaru was being held and successfully freed him enabling him to complete his mission by taking the country's leader gengo into custody afterwards naruto demanded that shikomaru never keep anything from him again otherwise their future hokage advisor relationship would be very problematic shikimaru agreed and apologized while shikomaru returned to konoha naruto and several under konoha and tsuna shinobi remain in the land of silence to help the country recover from gengo's control the last naruto the movie the film starts off with the explanation of kaguya otsutsuki consuming the chakra fruit the birth of the ten tales the sage of six pads stopping the beast and creating the tailed beasts it then moves over the battles between asura otsotsuki and indra otsotsuki tamara uchiha and hashirama senju and the ending conflict between naruto uzumaki and sasuke uchiha before enrolling in the academy a young hinata hyuga is seen being bullied by boys over her biancagon calling her a monster which causes her to cry naruto shows up and tells him to back off proclaiming he'll be the future hokage however the boys outnumbered him and easily beat him up and tear his red scarf hinata thanks naruto for his efforts and naruto lets her keep the scarf since it's ruined unaware that this was when the young girl's affections began for him some time later at the academy irika umino tells his students to write down the name of the person they would want to be with if the world was to end that day the naruto tries to act tough towards sakurahara now she ignores him for sasuke while hinata is unsure whose name to write she sees naruto making a paper plane with this paper which leads him to be scolded by irika naruto goes on to state that he has no friends or family and that the world isn't going to end seeing this hinata happily writes naruto's name on her paper in the present time two years after the fourth shinobi world war hiyashi hyuga accompanied by two subordinates met with panerai donariotsutsuki outside konohaka kure asking for an answer to his earlier proposition and stating the fate of the hugo clan depends on hiyashi's answer he declined to nary's offer engaging in combat hizashi is overwhelmed by his puppet army and trapped in a cave in konoha naruto is invited to teach academy students taijutsu much to the joy of the young boys this lesson is interrupted by a crowd of young girls that greatly admire naruto much to his confusion ino choji and shikamaru spot this noticing how popular he's gotten since the war he has since then received various gifts from konoha villagers and abroad from young women spitting with him as hero of the world later konohamara meets with naruto and wishes to take him to his late grandfather's old storage shed claiming that there's something for him elsewhere in konoha hinata knits a red scarf in remembrance of the one naruto used to wear back in the academy so she can give it to naruto at the rene festival as a personal gift of love when she confesses her love for him she is later found by sakura who encourages her to give him the gift and win his heart meanwhile the five kage sixth hokage kakashi haruke fifth kazukage gara fifth mizukage methurumi fourth reikage a and third tsujikage onoki have an emergency meeting in regards to the threat of the moon which is revealed to be falling out of orbit and onto the earth they deduce that if nothing is done soon the moon will break apart and crash into the earth and kill all life on the planet at night he not have finishes her gift for naruto and attempts to give it to him but her shyness stops her from doing so hanabi hugo playfully encourages her to give it to him while warning her sister that there are various girls after him now as well she meets naruto sakura ino and choji at ramunichiroku just as she sits down to eat three kunoichi show up and start being affectionate towards naruto after seeing this hinata decides to leave to which sakura tells naruto to walk her home however he doesn't understand why he has to given her powerful abilities sakura catches up to hinata telling her that naruto is very dense about love due to not having anyone in his life express it for him and assures hinata she'll be able to win him over if she's confident enough meanwhile various puppets secretly invade konoha and raid the hyuga estate kidnapping hanabi in the process on the outskirts of the village sai paints a portrait and spots one of hanabi's captors flying overhead and follows behind after a quick chase sai was taken down by a blast back in konoha in front of naruto's home he now practices her confession but is interrupted by naruto's arrival after noticing a scarf around naruto's neck he not a stomach growls this notions naruto to invite hinata to eat ramen in his apartment but runs off embarrassed much to his confusion as hinata sits on a park swing she begins to cry saying she's happy for him and thinking that she's lost her chance to be with him just then toneri appears before hinata claiming that he came for her she is rendered unconscious by taneri who affirms the strength of her chakra of homura as naruto shows up and gives chase naruto is able to save her from her kidnapper but the scarf she knitted is ripped as a result of her chakra being distorted taneri leaves a message that the end of mankind is approaching and he will return for hinata as he leaves naruto and hinata witness a meteor crash outside the village with hanabi captured by toneri naruto hinata sakurasai and shikamaru are deployed by kakashi to go and rescue her to accommodate for the mission shikimara was given a special clock only held by the five kage which apparently counts down the time till doomsday as the group followed taneri's trail courtesy of sai hinata finds hanabi's kunai and puts it in her bag where naruto sees the ripped scarf they eventually find a cave with a secret path towards teneri's location hinata is unable to use her biakugan due to the lake distorting her vision for an unknown reason naruto proceeds to make sure his scarf is not wet proclaiming it to be special to him leading soccer to state that it can't be that important and hinata feels upset sai realizes that the water is incapable of making them wet they'd then dive into the lake only to discover it's a genjutsu set by toneri they are all trapped in their own memories from the past as naruto recalls his fight with kieba inozuka in the tuning exams hinata's scarf begins to wrap around naruto and her memories flood into his causing him to remember her fight with pain her confession of love to him her writing his name on her paper in the academy and he not it in sakura's talk about giving him the scarf naruto is left utterly bewildered by how much she's loved him for so long before it can sink in sakura dispels the genjutsu placed on everyone as they descend further hinata is found by toneri who calls her the biakugan princess and announces his desire for them to be married hinata refuses demanding the safe return of her sister taneri then reveals that he's taken her sister to biakugan and if hinata agrees to his proposal he will spare both hinata and hanabi's lives and eventually return hanumi's biakugan while sakurasai and shikamaru fight against the gatekeeper of the spring naruto comes back to protect hinata and fights teneri only for the two to realize toneri is a puppet the tanari puppet explains he will return in person to hear hinata's answer now knowing taneri is targeting hinata naruto proclaims he will not let hinata out of his sight now having realized his own romantic feelings for her as well with this hinata notices naruto isn't wearing his scarf anymore the team arrives outside the cave seeing an artificial sun inside the moon they make their way to an abandoned shinobi village of the otsotsuki clan at some point teneri takes hanabi's biakugan which he remarks is incredibly pure after he implants them in his own empty eye sockets awakening the ten saigons sealed by homura's descendants over the last millennium he tells his guards he will go after hinata but not until his eyes are adjusted as naruto and hinata spend more time with each other she remains humorously oblivious to his love for her as hinata runs into a spider web she screams having naruto rushed to her and he picks the web out of her hair making her blush he not asks why naruto took up his scarf to which naruto states he feels fine without it naruto then falls down some stairs and hurts his back with naruto unable to reach his bruised spot hinata proceeds to rub ointment on his back which leaves naruto rather pleased as they search the ruins shikimara realizes taneri's plan and that he is the orchestrator of the falling moon with hinata's arrival a monument of the clan awakens for her revealing a puppet which calls her the biakugan princess and shows her a version of hamada hamada awakens her late in hamada chakra transfers his own and orders her to stop tanari as only she can destroy the intent saigon as she is the biakugan princess and that toneri a member of the otsotsuki's branch house has misinterpreted his celestial decree when hinata awakens she tells the others what she saw was nothing later that night naruto follows hinata to a pond seeing her knit away at the scarf naruto consoles her when hinata thinks she's a horrible big sister since she just nits a scarf rather than spending more energy to find her sister naruto disagrees recounting the amount of time and energy she's been putting into finding hanabi when hinata thanks him for his reassuring kindness a flustered naruto accidentally reveals his newfound feelings for her leaving her greatly shocked however the tender moment is interrupted by toneri's arrival this time hinata freely goes with toneri after giving the refurbished scarf to naruto before having his chakra drained by toneri naruto chased after him and hinata only to be shocked by hinata not denying tanery's statement that they would soon be married the resulting explosion of naruto's vast chakra destroys a massive part of the moon and shreds he not a scarf yet again leaving her heart broken as tanery's assault on naruto forcing him to put her into a slumber back on earth the various hidden villages defend themselves against the crashing meteorites as they protect civilians all over from teneri's genocidal assault as rock lee and others fail to completely destroy a huge meteor sasuke arrives and saves konoha from certain doom revealing he rescued hiashi sasuke then declares he'll defend konoha since naruto is away and gives the konohan ninja a much needed break elsewhere as naruto is being healed by sakura she notes his injuries are quite serious naruto might have seen out his name and sakura notes that he's finally realized his feelings for her back on the moon at teneri's palace taneri marvels that he not as beauty as she sleeps wanting to know more about her he reads her mind only to find that she's only thinking about naruto much to his confusion and jealousy when she awakens she finds her sisters safe but even while in her komoto state hanabi grabs hinata silently begging for help taneri arrives and gives hinata a vast army of puppet maids to do her bidding and gives her a tour of his palace here taneri tells her about his clan and how they would use the 10 saigon against their enemies this case being mankind who used chakra as a weapon and thus intends to wipe them out as perhaps celestial decree after showing hinata the mausoleum of homura and having dinner taneri requests yunata to make him a scarf like she made naruto and orders her to never question his plans to destroy earth again later upon seeing a floating island in front of his castle taneri explains that it's a temple of hamura and it comes nearby his castle once a year during the arena festival he later takes her to the floating temple after hinata asks that she personally pay homage stating that hamada must be happy for her offer hinata realizes that she couldn't find the ten saigon somewhere in the moon but finds a hidden location with her bialkugan while toneri rests from his inability to control the ten saigon hinata attempts to destroy the ten saigon altar as per hamburger's request only to be stopped by toneri angered by her lies and betrayals taneri destroys her scarf in a jealous rage proclaiming he knew full well she made it for naruto he then brainwashes hinata by placing his green chakra sphere within her body so that she will still go through with getting married meanwhile following a three-day recovery process naruto awakens and becomes depressed about hinata's choice leading shikamaru and sai to scold and make fun of him in hopes of reigniting his drive only to fail shigemaru then takes naruto to sakura revealing that she was severely weakened due to saving his life in hopes that she can restore his fighting spirit something he admits saiyan himself are nowhere near capable of sakura talks with naruto and helps him realize that hinata truly loves him stating she noted the feelings he had for herself were just another way to compete with sasuke but naruto's feelings for hinata are far more genuine and deeper than they were for herself and he not his love for naruto is far more genuine with newfound strength naruto leads the charge into toneri's moon base naruto's team invades the palace and split up sai and sakura are going to rescue hanabi while shigemaru and naruto go after hinata as shikamaru holds off to neri's puppets naruto arrives just in time to stop tanari from kissing hinata angering taneri who leads her to the room of rebirth to humiliate naruto teneri forces the brainwashinata to attack him but he manages to remove the orb in her body after toneri pulls hinata towards himself he tries to put another green orb in her body but his latest ten saigon pulsation allows united to escape from taneri and after apologizing to him she leads naruto to the energy vessel with their combined efforts they are able to destroy the vessel revealing numerous biakugan sealed inside which stops the moon from plummeting to the earth after regrouping with everyone sakura presents hinata with the remnants of her scarf to which naruto reveals he knows it was for him after seeing her memories despite being ruined naruto happily takes it which leaves hinata on the brink of tears of joy just then shikomaru notices the doomsday clock has began again for some reason back on earth a and killer b use a massive chakra cannon to destroy the meteors headed for earth and upon learning of the moon still approaching intend to use the cannon to destroy the moon kakashi is then told by hiyashi that he is certain that toneri took his daughters to the moon after observing kurama battling on the moon hiyashi's theory is confirmed despite now being informed that naruto and his team are on the moon a wishes to destroy the moon regardless the other kage are against this angry that a once again has a weapon of mass destruction secretly hidden away and order him to wait an hour as they feel naruto can't stop the moon given his actions during the previous war meanwhile at the destroyed energy vessel a furious toneri manages to unlock the tent saigon allowing him to continue his view of the celestial decree taneri then summons a giant golem that battles korama as he unlocks the 10 saigon chakra mode he captures hinata throwing her in a cage so she can watch him kill naruto who he has grown to despise as a huge duel then ensues toneri reveals his newfound power to slice the moon in half near the end of the fight naruto grasps the last remaining shred of the scarf hinata had made for him and seemingly redirects and channels his chakra shroud into the scrap in his right fist and delivers a devastating punch which is enough to de-power taneri and pin him against a wall with his defeat korama uses this chance to destroy the golem with a tailed beast ball and allows hinata to retrieve hanabi's biakugan despite his defeat taneri refuses to give up and summons all the biakugan eyes around him to grant him power to kill naruto by draining his chakra but hinata stops him from absorbing his chakra anymore with teneri unable to maintain his form and being about to burn in the sun naruto saves him with the hour up a prepares to fire the cannon but b refuses to kill naruto and the others much to aids frustration luckily korama writes on the moon a mission complete symbol much to the fox's annoyance as he admits his penmanship is terrible signifying everyone is safe and the disaster was averted a global declaration is made that naruto hinata shikamaru sakura and sai have saved the planet from extinction it's revealed that before returning to earth and saving to neri that hinata took taneri to the site of hamada's soul and the truth is revealed to him seeing this toneri apologizes for his actions and chooses to stay on the moon to atone for his sins and promises that the moon will never approach earth again despite hinata and naruto offering him a place on earth later hinata asks naruto about his scarf he was using earlier to which he reveals it was knitted by his late mother for him before he was born which is why he was so protective of it leaving he not a relieved and embarrassed by her actions as they all head home on hanabi's request naruto proclaims that hinata he wants to spend the rest of his life with her which moves her to tears as they leave through the portal a glimpse of their future lives together is shown and is followed by them seeing past versions of themselves with naruto's past selves wearing the red scarf she needed all while running out of the cave hand in hand as the portal falls apart he now falls but is caught by naruto who tells her not to let go to which she happily states she never wants to and they then fly out of the cave leaving the others behind at the exit while floating in the sky with the moon behind them they lean in and share their first kiss the movie ends with a series of flash forwards of naruto and hinata's wedding it further flashed forwards to them having a peaceful morning with their two children boruto uzumaki and himawari was amaki who playfully order their father to play with them instigating the happy family into a snowball fight sakurahiden thoughts of love riding upon a spring breeze when naruto and hinata were out on a date in konaha they ran into sakura sensing that sakura was overworking herself they invited her to join them but she declined one day while naruto was teaching a class of academy students how to spar he noticed sakura who was wandering around konoha feeling distressed sensing that she needed a distraction naruto insisted that she help him which took her mind off recent events as thanks sakura informed naruto of something she'd avoided telling him there were rumors that sasuke was trying to destroy konoha she didn't believe the rumors were true but nobody had been able to get in touch with sasuke to confirm naruto pointed out that sasuke must not be worried by these rumors otherwise he would respond to the messages he'd been sent sakura thought this was a good point and was put at ease when naruto and hinata later learned that sakura had been captured by keto tsumiki they joined with kakashi in going to rescue her on finding her however they discovered she had already defeated kido they congratulated her on her victory konohahiden the perfect day for a wedding naruto and hinata decided to get married and invited their friends and family because his parents were dead naruto asked irika to attend as his father which erica happily agreed to on the day of the wedding though naruto kept his real father in his thoughts looking upon minato's face on the hokage rock with admiration as he and hinata were about to walk down the aisle new era shortly after their wedding naruto and hinata had a son and two years later they had a daughter during the years naruto was constantly busy leading to him never taking the tuning exams despite being a genie naruto was selected to succeed kakashi and become the seventh hokage on the day of his inauguration boruto accidentally destroyed himowari's toy leading to naruto stepping in to defend his son from himawari's gentle fist strike but he ended up taking the blow instead rendering him unconscious he ended up missing his own inauguration forcing konohamaru to impersonate him during the ceremony as hokage he hosted a kage summit in konoha in which sasuke and sakura attended alongside the for kage and their bodyguards during the meeting sasuke reported that a threat greater than kagiya might exist somewhere which naruto and the other kage decided to keep the information between themselves to avoid causing any panic academy entrance arc in the anime naruto partakes in the entrance ceremony at the academy which leads him to being mortified after boruto arrives and damages hokage rock after the incident naruto learns from the kaminarimon company president that boruto is having a positive impact on his son leading to naruto smiling later as a mysterious presence continues to cause people in the village to randomly attack the citizens naruto decides to begin an investigation which uncovers that victims are having their chakras severely drained to the point of hospitalization in the anime as the mysterious attacks begin to happen more throughout the village naruto's efforts to uncover the truth begin to exhaust him and being insisted by shikamaru to go home and rest upon arriving he learns that boruto was acting very strange recently once confronting his son about his new attitude boruto insisted that he had finally manifested his biakugan leading them to talk to hiyashi upon arriving at his household hiyashi like naruto had doubts that boruto had awakened the biakugan deciding to test boroto hanabi faces boruto which concluded that boruto hadn't manifested the dojutsu afterwards naruto talked with hiyashi about his grandchildren after assigning sai to investigate the attacks in the village he returned home late and confided in hinata about his ineptitude in interacting with his children believing it to stem from his growing up without parents some time later naruto saved civilians at the konoha purification plant as boruto decided to check on his hospitalized friends realizing that his son was conducting his own investigation on the attacks naruto dragged boruto to the surgery room showing his son what was becoming of the victims of prolonged rampages while hoping to sway boruto into staying out of this matter it only strengthened boruto's resolve shino then appeared encouraging naruto to have faith in his son as the teacher himself was recently saved by boruto's efforts while still weary naruto decided to trust shino's judgment while having dinner with his family and mitsuki naruto abruptly departs to handle a matter involving strange chakras spreading across konoha soon after sai discovered that the culprit behind these attacks was sumira kake naruto learned from kakashi that sumire's intention was to unleash the gozu tenno on the village later when sai found sumire she unleashed the nue naruto soon joined the unit to fend off the creature but kakashi warned naruto not to get too close having realized that the endgame of this creature was to amass enough chakra to produce a powerful enough explosion to destroy the village while the barrier team worked to keep the creature at bay it suddenly teleported away as naruto attempted to find the creature with sage mode kakashi deduced that the creature works differently than normal summonings existing naturally in its own separate dimension upon sumirai turning herself in sai and shikamaru notify him that it's due to boruto appealing to her genuine love of her friends in the academy making naruto relieved that he decided to admit her in the first place later he informs boruto that while he must look to the welfare of the entire village and does not have absolute say he promises to help sumire ultimately it was decided to pardon her and let her return to the academy later naruto sent a clone to meet up with sasuke giving him the research on the gozu tenno sasuke quickly deduced that this was an attempt from donzo to recreate kageya's technique before sasuke departs he asks naruto to apologize to sakura for his continued absence leading to naruto feeling responsible for it sarah uchiha arc in the anime when himawari became sick due to a fever naruto hurried home worried about her in which boruto pointed out that his hokage cloak is inside out when naruto and boruto began fighting over what himowari should eat hinata became angry and kicked them both out of the house due to them being noisy naruto then invited boruto to eat with him at ramen ichiraku to try to bond with him in which he accepted as they ate naruto told his son all the precious memories he had in the shop such as being acknowledged by irika hanging out with team seven and going on his first date with hinata on the day of the five kage summit in konoha moegi and udon notified naruto that boruto had vandalized the hokage rock before boruto could do any more damage naruto catches and stops him afterwards he gives his son a lecture about how the whole village is his family the ordeal leads naruto to arriving late to one kage meeting which he apologizes for as boruto's graduation exam from the academy was approaching naruto used a shadow clone to help him train meanwhile the real naruto received a report from sasuke about a boy with a sharingan after he consulted with kakashi about it naruto decided to accompany sasuke to a meeting with orochimaru leaving behind a shadow clone to manage konoha in his absence he made a point to leave the village before boruto could come see him off though he asked shikamaru to apologize to boroto on his behalf while on his way to the rendezvous point naruto sensed that he was being followed by sarah uchiha and chocho akamichi he initially tried to ignore them but eventually decided it would be better to confront them than to let them continue coming after him when he arrived to speak with them however he found them being attacked by the same boy from sasuke's report although he was pleased they were able to hold their own against their attacker naruto decided to get personally involved when he saw the boyhead among gekko sharingan the boy could do nothing against naruto's nine-tails chakra mode so he fled with a creature's space-time ninjutsu because the boy was apparently after sarita naruto allowed them to come with him so he could keep them safe while having lunch naruto told sarida about what her father was like growing up and informed both sarita and chocho in what ways they take after their parents sarida was not only interested to hear about sasuke but also found that she got along quite well with naruto as they got close to where they were supposed to meet up with sasuke sarida used the bathroom as an excuse to sneak away from naruto and chocho so that she could see him first naruto followed and on arrival was reprimanded by sasuke for bringing children with him sarita explained that she came without permission as she wanted to know if sakura was her real mother sasuke ignored the question which only upset her and caused her to storm out naruto tried to comfort her but his assurances that sasuke meant well did not improve her mood before he could continue he sensed the boy's return and defended sarita as the boy and his father shin uchiha attack sasuke assisted in fighting off shin and his son but shin was able to manipulate sasuke's sword and used it to stab naruto naruto continued attacking shin despite his injury though he tried to use being impaled by the sword to win sympathy kurama ridiculed naruto for allowing himself to be stabbed at all but assured him that it wouldn't kill him sakura suddenly arrived to lend assistance and landed a fatal blow on shin forcing shin to escape and took sakura with him unable to detect where shin had taken sakura they continued to orochimar's lair orochimaru informed them that shin was an old experiment of his that he had since lost control of naruto noticed sarita sneaking off with suigetsu during arochimara's explanation and followed them listening in a sweet getsu ran a dna test that suggested sarita's real mother was actually kareem not knowing what the truth was naruto was upset first with sasuke for the secret he had seemingly been keeping but also with sweetgetsu for being involved he approached sarita to discuss it with her but she lashed out at him believing he had been a knowing participant in the lie that sakura was her mother when she tried to insist that having no blood relation to sakura meant they weren't family naruto took a firm stance he wasn't related to most of konoha's villagers yet he still considered them his family because they were important to him in the same way sakura and sarah were family because they were important to each other sarita realized how much she loved sakura and decided she wanted to help rescue her she reunited with the others and they head out for shin's hideout using sasuke's rinagan they were able to reach where shin took sakura only to find sakura referring fine on her own fighting him with the numbers growing against him shin called his sons actually his clones to assist but they turned against him and killed him because he always mistreated them the clones then turned their attention to naruto and the others which naruto engaged with his own shadow clones because they were only children he frightened them into surrendering by manifesting kurama after learning that sakura indeed was her biological mother sarita reconciled with her parents much to naruto's happiness then they all returned to konaha with shin's clones being delivered to the konoha orphanage school trip arc in the anime to improve relationships with other villages and symbolically show the warring era was over naruto set up an official class trip for the academy to go to kirikakure working out the details with chojuro he also got a tour guide for the class graduation exams arc in the anime as academy classes began preparing for their graduation exams the various students were interviewed about their future goals alongside a parent naruto however was unable to join his son as he was busy discussing matters with orochimaru about his research on donzo's old experiments azuro chimaro delivered promising results to aid sasuke in his own investigations while shikamaru voiced his still limited trust in orochimaru naruto was more relaxed about orochimura roaming the village on boruto's first day as a genin naruto managed to get some time to have breakfast with his family and see boruto off to be assigned to his team after boruto left shikamaru went to naruto's house to collect him and inform him of his various duties for the day later on naruto was in a field testing a number of shinobi's skills in barrier ninjutsu to better protect the village with mirai sarutobi as his escort for the day when boruto and his teammates came to him he was thinking that they want to change teams but was pleasantly surprised when they instead wanted their team denomination to be changed to team seven genning mission arc in the anime as the recently promoted ghanian began to prepare for their first missions naruto prepared to present them as it was customary while boruto was bragging about how easy it will be naruto sternly warned him not to be so cocky he presented team 7 with a d-rank mission to aid the green banks village who were being attacked by bandits for their crops naruto stressed that the team should show teamwork to complete the mission vyakuya gang arc in the anime when the biakia gang began conducting heist throughout konoha their act of distributing their stolen wealth to the poor began gaining much support for many of the villagers leading to a protest breaking out after the group fooled the villagers into believing the kaminariman company was corrupt after shinobi determined the leaders of the protest were being manipulated by genjutsu and freed them naruto and his clones appeared before the crowds and began quelling them with his speech straight after naruto headed towards the land of fire's border where he apprehended gekko who had used the riots as a distraction to steal the magnum opus from the ninjutsu research center naruto shinden parent and child day after announcing parent and child day shikamaru took care of naruto's paperwork allowing him to spend time with himawari despite being sleep deprived naruto accepted his daughter's wish and began searching for a kurama doll with her after being joined by kiba during their unsuccessful search he bought himawari a shukaku doll to which she enjoyed later with himowari going to bed with hinata naruto approached boruto and apologized for not having spent any time during the holiday with his son he gave boruto a custom shuriken as a present and the two decided to spend the remainder of the evening training together boruto naruto the movie in the ruins of kage otsutsuki's palace sasuke uchiha is battling a mysterious shinobi after recovering a scroll that kagya had hidden away many centuries ago after sasuke narrowly avoids a powerful attack using amenochikara another shinobi with a similar appearance reveals himself having watched the battle from afar intrigued by sasuke's possession of the rinnegan during a mission to capture a panda bear boruto uzumaki shows off his newly mastered shadow clone technique and declares the animal as a panda but sarah uchiha argues it is a bear because they're childhood friends and rivals and that she is always watching him boruto feels the need to look good in front of sarita boruto gets in sarah's way as she moves to capture the panda slash bear and he uses shadow clones to subdue the panda slash bear and sarita is angry at boruto for getting in her way mitsuki tells her to leave everything to boruto because as the son of the 7th hokage and the grandson of the fourth okage boruto might become the next hokage causing sarah to angrily reply she will be hokage konohamaru shows off his kote and captures the bear with the shadow imitation technique and then shows it to the kids and creates a resengan which leaves them in awe but it veers off course and accidentally destroys a local farm when they report to naruto uzumaki who insists that boruto address him as seventh rather than dad in his office boruto insists the mission was so easy he could have done it on his own and naruto lectures him on the importance of teamwork this angers boruto who instead argues on how his father focuses more on hokage duties than their family boruto warns naruto to be at himawari's birthday party or else he will never forgive him kotasuke comes into the office to ask for naruto's permission to use the kote in the tuning exams but naruto refuses on the ground that the instrument defeats the purpose of the exams which is nurturing new ninja after the scientist leaves borato tells naruto this is not the lame era naruto grew up in before storming out of the office boruto visits kataska to get new software for his video games and the scientist asks him if he's planning on entering the tuning exams to which boruto says no however boruto is surprised when katasuke tells him that the hokage will be in attendance for the exams boruto later meets up with shikudai nara and inojin yamanaka to play video games before he is joined by sarita and mitsuki who informed him that konohamaru sent them to give him his application to the tuning exams boruto says he doesn't plan to participate and mitsuki says they need a three-man team or else they can't apply when boruto replies he doesn't care sarah becomes angry and tells him that her dream is to become hokage and he is keeping her from getting closer to her dream boruto retorts that he doesn't plan to participate in the exams because he doesn't want to be hokage and tells sarita that if she plans to be hokage she better be alone for the rest of her life or else it'll cause great problems to the people around her inojin asks boroto to help him and she could i beat the boss in their game and boruto gives him his data to make the game easier but this only upsets them that borto is cheating and they leave which confuses him realizing that boruto is just upset at his father for spending less time with him sarita tries to cheer him up by suggesting that they entered the exams to show off their amazing skills and impress naruto remembering that naruto will be watching the exams boruto agrees when asked by boruto if her father will come watch her entering the exam sarita says she doubts it while talking about sarah's father mitsuki comments that his parents told him only sasuke can fight evenly against naruto before they can ask mitsuki about his parentage hinata and himawari arrive to pick boruto up to prepare for himowari's birthday party when boruto learns that naruto sent a shadow clone as a stand-in for himowari's birthday party boruto lashes out at his mother as she tries to tell him that naruto's job as hokage is very difficult but is important for the village boruto further retorts that naruto must have been lucky to have experienced the joy of having no parents which upsets hinata and she tells him that unlike naruto boruto does have a father here borota however replies that it's not about him but himawari before walking away he goes to naruto's study and finds his father's old tattered jacket and after declaring it to be uncool he throws it out of the window in a fit of rage thinking naruto is at the front door boruto is ready to punch him before he sees that it's sasuke instead who has returned to konoha to warn naruto of the threat he encountered in another dimension hinata informed sasuke that naruto is still at the office and he turns to leave while boruto realizes that sasuke is his father's rival and he starts to admire him sasuke finds naruto's old jacket in the middle of the street after boruto threw it out the window having taken the jacket with him sasuke meets with naruto in his office returning the jacket and discussing a scroll he obtained from kagi's abandoned castle but needs help deciphering because not even his rinigon can help sasuke says he met boruto and the boy has turned out to be just like naruto who insists that boruto reminds him of how sasuke was like when he was younger however naruto retracts that by saying boruto is not like either of them because he has never had to work hard as a ninja and the pristine condition of his clothes serve as an example they then make a bet on whether the nature of a shinobi has changed in regards to boruto to which sasuke says it hasn't and naruto says it has after leaving naruto's office and on his way home to see his family sasuke is attacked by boruto whom he easily defeats by getting behind the boy and tripping him boruto asks uncle sasuke to take him as a student because there is someone he wants to defeat unimpressed sasuke asks borato if he can perform the resengan to which boruto says no and sasuke tells boruto that he can't be a student if he doesn't know how to use the technique boruto then goes to kona hamaru in the middle of the night to ask him to teach him how to perform the resengan and konohamaru agrees due to his belief that it would be an honor boruto however is dismayed to start the training with a water balloon and then a rubber ball but after konohamaru tells him the hard work his grandfather went through to create and perfect the resengan boruto goes through several days of training unaware that sarita is watching him the whole time finally boruto is able to perform the resengan and shows it to sasuke who notes that his is much smaller compared to his many predecessors boruto interprets this as sasuke being disappointed and in frustration throws the tiny resengan at a tree and it disappears halfway from impact which sasuke watches with interest before he runs off sarada who had been watching from afar approaches her father and tries to encourage him to accept boruto as sarita speaks on boruto's behalf sasuke says he never said boruto failed and he was going to accept boruto as a student which makes sarah very happy sasuke looks back at the tree and silently notes a divot in it that was caused by boruto's resengan boruto goes to katasuke who comforts him as boruto explains that training didn't produce any results katasuke gives him a kotei which he says can create arizong and boruto accepts it without hesitation and doesn't tell naruto sasuke knowing they'll disapprove the next day boruto creates a standard sized resengan and shows it to sasuke who notices the kote on boruto's forearm knowing boruto is using an instrument sasuke voiced his suspicions about boruto being able to create a larger resengan in one day borito replies his talent as nothing like naruto's and sasuke says he was hoping that wasn't the case before he starts to walk away this angered boruto and he reminded sasuke of their deal of becoming a student if he learned the resengan and sasuke agreed to take him on as a student as part of their training sasuke starts teaching shuriken jutsu to boruto while taking a break and sitting by a bonfire one night boruto asks sasuke to tell him about naruto sasuke described naruto as a stubborn loser who went around ranting he would be hokage but boruto says he wants to know about naruto's weaknesses sasuke tells him that naruto was full of weaknesses and a good for nothing but he overcame them in order to become the hokage he is now and boruto needs to know who naruto was back then rather than who he is now on the first day of the tuning exams as sarita prepares to meet with her team she comments to her mother's sakura that she is in a higher spirit since her father came home after so long sakura blushes and is embarrassed and sarita says she can see these things from her mother before taking off sakura then insists that sarita is the happiest sarah meets with borato who tells her that he plans to learn about naruto's weaknesses through his training with sasuke so he can defeat his father sardis told him that they need to become tuning before they can face against naruto and they're joined by mitsuki as they show off their applications for the exams in kumogakari momoshiki and kinchiki extract chakra from gyuki and attack him with his own tailed beast ball before throwing killer bee into a ravine and leave him to die deciding that this was not enough chakra to satisfy their needs momoshiki and kinchiki begin making their journey towards konohaka kure after the two foes left killerby managed to swim to the surface with the aid of gyuki for the first test the gunning teams are required to answer a true or false question on the fifth volume of a novel series about ninja strategies knowing sarah to read the series boruto asks her if she knows the answer but she says she was unaware of a fifth volume sarda asks borotel what her father would likely pick and when boruto picks false sarah picks true because she wants to take a different path than her father as they first proceed with the test they are at first led to believe that they answered incorrectly when they find themselves falling down a pit with a lake of ink at the bottom sarita uses a wire attached to her kunai to keep her and boruto from falling in the ink while mitsuki grabs sarah's hand boruto notices a second lake of ink in the false section leading everyone to deduce that anyone who falls in the ink is disqualified regardless of them getting the question right they pass the first round upon hearing this naruto reacted calmly but shikomaru pressed him to reach out to boruto boruto is unsure whether to use his kotei because it is deemed a form of cheating and he doesn't want to disappoint everyone but when he receives a congratulations from naruto via email after winning the first round boruto gets agitated that naruto didn't at least send a shadow clone back to his training with sasuke boruto struggles with shuriken jutsu and complains to sasuke that it saared a specialty due to her being sasuke's daughter and a new jihad sasuke creates multiple shadow clones and explains its naruto's specialty but hard work makes it possible for others to learn it in the second round boruto sarita and mitsuki and the other competitors are to fight each other and compete for flags borato and his team split up with boruto staying behind to protect their flag and sarita and mitsuki going to steal other team's flags boruto faces another ghanian team who nearly overpower him with the multiple shadow clone technique and is seemingly about to get his flag in desperation to win his father's recognition boruto uses his kote to use water release and then lightning release defeating his opponents he radios for sarah to finish it and sarita uses her sharingan to see through again due to the team placed on their flag and was able to retrieve it winning the second round somewhere to scolds boruto about him not being happy but then she gets in front of his face and comments his eyes are bluer than naruto's causing him to blush and get embarrassed when mitsuki comes between them naruto who had been nervous about the outcome of the second round was overjoyed upon learning from shikamaru that boruto passed sasuke visits naruto and asks if the scroll is deciphered and naruto says it won't be long naruto then says he heard from konohamaru that sasuke is training boruto and naruto hints his sadness at not being able to train his own son but says sasuke was right about the nature of a shinobi never changing sasuke agrees and leaves later that day after returning home boruto is surprised to see his father come into his room but is then happy and touched when his father personally congratulates him and voices his pride in him naruto initiates a fist bump but boruto simply smiles to avoid his father seeing his kotei and after naruto leaves boruto gets overly excited that his father is proud of him in the third round boruto fights yorui but defeats him with the shuriken and the aid of his cote sarada easily defeats her opponent and gets embarrassed when her mother proudly cheers for her from the audience naruto sits with his wife and daughter rather with the other kage when his son is matched against shigedai boroto seemingly wins after shigedai surrenders due to being trapped by boruto's multiple shadow clone technique but naruto senses something is wrong and after asking hinata to use her biakugan he deduces that boroto use a kotei to cheat meanwhile the skrull is deciphered and sasuke quickly goes to war naruto disappointed that his son has been cheating naruto confronts boruto deems she could die the winner and disqualifies boruto by taking away his forehead protector and tells borato that he will lecture him when he gets home enraged boruto lashes out at naruto for when does he have time to lecture him and boruto blames naruto for everything that's happened soon after the two shinobi that sasuke fought appear and proceeded to attack the arena which creates chaos naruto tries to get boruto to safety but is knocked out of the arena by momoshiki sasuke saves sarah from falling debris and is attacked by kinshiki boruto tries to attack momoshiki with his kotei but all of his attacks end up getting absorbed through momoshiki's rinigon leaving him scared and defenseless naruto grabs his son as shikamaru tries to restrain the two enemies but fails as momoshiki absorbs his power naruto and sasuke team up to protect their children and sasuke informs naruto that they can't use their jutsu on the two and naruto realizes he is their target after introducing themselves mamoshiki and kinchiki explain they intend to retrieve kagi's scattered chakra and cultivate it into a new cinnabar penisa which will grant them eternal youth and supernatural phenomena sasuke deduces the skrull forth told the arrival of the two and kage was forming a new white zetsu army to fight against them revealing that they are a threat greater than kaguya that sasuke's been searching for momoshiki and kinchiki also intend to capture naruto with the intent of extracting kurama and using his chakra for their own use momoshiki creates a tailed beast ball that is amplified by the jutsu he collected and is about to attack everyone with it sarita is fearful of momoshiki's monstrous strength and falls to her knees prompting boruto to create a shadow clone to protect her naruto and sasuke combine susano and korama in order to shield themselves from the attack but naruto asks sasuke to take care of boruto and sarita sasuke guards the children when naruto tries to stop the attack although naruto stops the attack he is ultimately captured before he disappears naruto gives his son a warm smile and boruto shouts out to his father before he falls unconscious when boruto wakes up in the hospital he finds his mother being healed by sakura after she tried to save his father feeling guilty for how badly he treated his father boruto goes into naruto's office finds his father's old jacket and puts it on boruto calls himself uncool and sasuke comes in agreeing sasuke tells him that everyone at the exam scorned him and that he got his headband taken away from him and he is no longer a ninja he also comments that if it had not been for his sister who adores him and his mother who worries about him boruto would be in the same situation as naruto has been in the past boruto asks how his father was able to do what he did and sasuke tells him he can ask naruto later because he can sense naruto's chakra meaning naruto is still alive and sasuke intends to rescue him boruto asks sasuke why he would bother with someone like him and sasuke replies boruto is a strong shinobi with the potential to surpass naruto and further elaborates that boruto is not only his best disciple but a bigger loser than naruto because boruto hates to lose sensing that naruto is in another dimension sasuke activates his rinigon to teleport himself to naruto's location and rescue him the four kage ally with sasuke and the mission to rescue naruto and sasuke lets borutogo with them hinata refused to let boruto go out of fear for his safety but when boruto put on sasuke's scratch for hit protector she remembered how naruto was like when he was younger and she decides to trust him and asked him to take care of his father naruto is bound by the otsotsuki pair who tried to extract kurama's chakra from him but momoshiki complains that it's taking so long naruto replies that ninja don't like taking things easy and they look up to see the other kage charging at them the four kage engage in battle against kinchiki and momoshiki while sasuke and boruto rescue naruto who asks about boriton why he's wearing the jacket and sasuke says many things happen but boruto has become a shinobi naruto apologized to boruto for not being there for him but boruto says it was all right and he just wanted to hear stories about him knowing their ninjutsu would be absorbed by momoshiki everyone decides to fight him with taijutsu kurozuchi and chojiro initially captured kinchiki with sasuke's help and then he fought momoshiki with gara and darui seeing sasuke fight momoshiki kinshiki broke free and unleashed a destructive blast around him to throw everyone off although it left him injured to everyone's horror momoshiki turns kinshiki into a chakra fruit and swallows him which increases his strength and makes him undergo a drastic physical change sasuke and naruto team up to fight against him and manage to overpower momoshiki for a short time with taijutsu before naruto is briefly imprisoned by boulders and sasuke is severely buried by momoshiki's lava chakra naruto comes to sasuke's 8 with his tailed beast mode and becomes enraged at seeing his friends so badly hurt but is relieved to find that he's okay and can still fight after being healed by koram's chakra they manage to gain the upper hand when naruto combines koramo with sasuke susano which increases korama's chakra and they cut momoshiki's magma creature in half however after momoshiki is defeated katasuke uses his device on momoshiki in an attempt to finish him off but momoshiki absorbs all of his attacks and restores his strength momoshiki captures the other kage in a shadow jutsu and binds naruto to attempt to extract kurama once again but intends to kill the other kage sasuke protects boruto from momoshiki's attacks and tells boruto to use the vanishing resengan boruto doubts that it will actually work but sasuke encourages him to trust his master boruto launches his percent gun at momoshiki who is knocked down from the impact and frees naruto on the kage in an effort to finish momoshiki off once and for all naruto lends his chakra to boruto while sasuke distracts momoshiki long enough for boruto to create a giant resengan boruto uses a shadow clone to ambush momoshiki and take out his renegon before boruto launches his attack on momoshiki and destroys him with his right arm severely burned as a result after the battle naruto and sasuke sit by each other and sasuke declares he won their bet to which naruto agrees from this experience boruto and naruto reconcile their differences after the battle boruto posed for a photograph with naruto sasuke and the four other kage one morning hinata is knitting boruto's jacket but boruto tells her it looks fine the way it is and reminds naruto they need to leave after leaving home boruto and naruto fist bumped and asked the other to do their best as they left for a mission and for work respectively for his role in defeating momoshiki boruto has become a hero and received lots of attention although sarah remained angry at him for cheating despite boruto's many apologies to her boruto sarah mitki are sent on a mission to capture a bear that is running loose in the village when asked by sarita if he now wanted to be hokkage boruto tells her that he doesn't want to be hokage and he will protect her if she becomes hokage causing her to blush deeply boruto further says he wants to be a shinobi like sasuke and he will follow his own ninja way as sarah stares at him in amazement and blushing at him noticing from afar sasuke and sakura are both smiling watch the children konohamaru is chased by a wild bear and boruto sarda and mitsuki jump from the hokage monument and into the air as boruto prepares to launch a resengan after successfully defeating the wild bear borotoa asks misky who his parents are mitsuki replies that he is the son of orochimaru shocked sarita asks if orochimaru is his mother or father to which mitsuki says it doesn't matter and boruto angrily demands to know who rochimaru is who is watching them from a building above chocho arc in the anime when the two lead actors of a popular tv drama received a death threat naruto assigned team 7 and team 10 to protect them mitsuki's disappearance arc in the anime when two guards were attacked by unknown assailants the village was put on lockdown maruto and his advisors then oversaw ino probe uo's mind for answers learning that mitsuki had left willingly with the attackers when naruto revealed to the others mitsuki was in fact orochimaru's son much outrage followed prompting naruto to give his rationale on why he accepted mitsuki into konoha later naruto was informed that boroto and sarida left the village to find mitsuki leading to him dispatching team 10 to retrieve the pair when naruto learned that the attackers were on route to the land of earth he contacted kurotsuchi who promised to investigate the matter herself and return the kanaha ghani in pursuing mitsuki while discussing mitsuki's apparent betrayal konohamaru insisted he'd be the one to bring his student back which naruto reluctantly agreed to naruto later attempted to contact kurotsuchi but was told she wasn't available leading to him becoming suspicious something was happening in iwagakure later naruto's fears were proven correct when shikadai contacted his father via phone revealing that iwagakurei was taken over as part of a plan by onoki knowing they couldn't act hastily naruto talks with the other officials and decides he would join shikamaru in meeting with the other daimyo to get their support on engaging this personal matter in getting approval naruto and an escort moved out and allowed his son's peers to come with him upon arriving at the village naruto applauded konohamaru's work during iwa's internal struggle naruto stayed in the village and attended onoki's funeral prompting him to say the tsuchikage left behind a grand legacy and lesson about perseverance after returning to the village while personally applauding boruto and sarada for loyally supporting mitsuki whose own efforts were revealed to have saved iwa he was still reluctantly forced to strip the team 7 gennin of their shinobi status as punishment for deserting the village later kurotsuchi's gratitude and recommendation convinced naruto to reinstate them konohamaru's love arc in the anime due to konohamaru spying on asaki a complaint was filed against him prompting naruto to place him under house arrest one tale escort arc in the anime after sai delivered a sealed shukaku and a tea kettle to naruto as a result of gara being unable to protect it in the land of wind from urashikiyotsutsuki shukaku explained that it only made it to konoha due to boruto acting as a decoy against their pursuer informing shikamaru that he was going to the scene sasuke approached the pair and told them that it wasn't necessary as sasuke had earlier protected boruto and forced uroshiki to retreat three days later naruto and gara discussed the incident in his office afterwards naruto had a shadow clone see the kazukage off at the thunder rail station some time later naruto brought shukaku to his house until an official safe house had been decided on later on that evening naruto had a telepathic meeting with some of the other tailed beasts to discuss how to handle being targeted as a result of guarding shukaku naruto got to spend time with his family before escorting shukaku to its safe house time slip arc in the anime naruto was notified that urashiki was on the move again being even more indiscriminate in his stealing of chakra while pleased that all of the five great shinobi nations were on alert and willing to share all intel shikimaru voiced his concern about mirai's sudden disappearance and also wondered what their enemy's true goal was for gathering chakra later naruto decided to have the ghanian test new surveillance equipment designed to follow their location during the test urashiki was spotted in the area this prompted most of the konohan nin in the village to engage while shikimaru stayed in the hokage office to help protect naruto urashiki managed to get hold of a device that allowed him to travel into the past prompting sasuke and boruto to be sent back alongside him to the time period shortly after sasuke's defection a teenage naruto and jaraya encounter the pair who were disguising their identities and their occupations as traveling performers as they were foreigners tsunade has naruto and jaraya look over them spending time with boruto naruto was intrigued by the things he was told and allowed him to sleep at his apartment the day after cleaning up a bath house together urashiki targeted naruto failing at extracting koram's chakra uroshiki instead captured him and trapped boroto sasuke and jiraya in a rock prison before retreating using a cave as a hideout urashiki forced naruto's seal to emerge and used his chakra in an attempt to forcibly extract kurama's chakra from within naruto urashiki's actions caused kurama's chakra to leak out forcing naruto to undergo his version 1 transformation arriving to rescue naruto boruto attempted to reason with his father but naruto had since completely lost his common sense and attacked boruto jaraya managed to subdue the nine-tails chakra with the seal and sasuke forced uroshiki to retreat afterwards jiraya offered to train naruto and boruto to prepare them for urashiki the following day naruto began working with boruto to synchronize their chakra to create a new cooperation jutsu under jiraiya's guidance after boruto left to clear his head sasuke approached naruto with food from jiraiya and told naruto about how a friend struggled for years to help him after he lost his way but he never gave up until finally succeeding which renewed naruto's conviction continuing his training the next day the pair was approached by sakura who had found sasuke's note from the future and questioned why sasuke's name was on it before shortly leaving with an answer naruto and boruto resumed their training which ultimately left them exhausted they were approached again by urashiki who subdued the pair jiraya and sasuke joined the fight deciding the foe's newest technique was too dangerous sasuke tackled himself and urashiki over the ledge and into a river to let his allies escape while tending to jiraiya's wounds the group tried to figure out how to deal with urashiki boruto realized that in the fight the blood splattered on urashiki was drying much faster than boruto's after engaging the foe again to test a theory they concluded that uroshiki's technique lets him warp into the past by several seconds giving him a pseudo-clairvoyance from his experiences urashiki attacked the konohanin again where jiraya contained everyone in his summoning toad mouth bind during which naruto unleashed a continuous barrage of clones on urashiki while he easily countered the assault with his technique urashiki inadvertently poisoned himself from the acidic vapors of the great toad's belly far sooner than the konoha nin due to his repeated time warp once jiraya released the summoning naruto and boruto then proceeded to knock out urashiki with a rasengan assault enraged uroshiki awoke and consumed all his accumulated chakra and his eyes leading to him undergoing a transformation that strengthened him jiraiya and the two genuine were quickly overwhelmed by urashiki's continued assaults even with the aid of the returning sasuke urashiki deliberately held back on naruto hoping to anger him enough to unleash the nine-tails chakra his efforts ultimately succeed when jaraya took a hit that was intended for naruto triggering the transformation boruto however managed to reach naruto and together they were able to perfect their new collaboration technique with the combined effort of jiraya and sasuke the two kids were able to plow through uroshiki's final attack and obliterate him after the battle both naruto and boruto lose consciousness due to their exhaustion days after naruto and boruto recovered at the konoha hospital he was upset to hear that boruto and sasuke would be leaving now that their mission was complete before they left naruto gave boruto a gift sasuke used his sharingan to erase everyone's memories of the events to preserve the timeline on seeing the sharingan naruto had what appeared to be a brief moment of recognizing sasuke before losing consciousness upon their return naruto was approached by sasuke who explained the recent situation he and boruto had naruto was amazed at such a tale later while visiting jiraiya's grave to pay his respect he was approached by boruto who decided to share with naruto the gift of a special ramen given to him by his past self some time later sumire was officially transferred to the scientific ninja weapons team naruto reached out to the land of iron and requested an exchange student to take sumere's spot on team 15. shikamaru was concerned about his experimental move of mixing shinobi with samurai but naruto insisted it would help close the gap between the two later naruto attended his father-in-law's birthday impressed by boruto getting past his aversion to mushy feelings to suggest a regular family photo mujina banned its arc in the anime naruto set up a mission for team 7 to infiltrate hozuki castle to verify the information about the mujina bandits offered by kokuri in exchange for protection after losing contact with mujo the prison warden who is working with konohagakure naruto sent sai and a team to investigate ultimately they succeeded in returning kokuri to the village to question him about the mujina bandits before letting the man go free at the hokage building naruto hosted a kage summit during which the kage bickered about topics concerning konoha leading to kurozuchi demanding konohan disclose all of its confidential information as villages proof to peace by the next summit and said iwagakurei would leave the five great shinobi country alliance if they didn't afterwards the summit ended naruto was then told by shikamaru that the reason why koratsuchi was acting the way she was was because she was being pressured by the earth daimyo to invade the land of flowers for the crops they had to offer and expressed sadness that kurotsuchi didn't tell them as he believed that the shinobi union would have definitely aided her when it came to food scarcity and other issues and the potential of another war remembering the casualties of the last war and not wanting to use and introduce the next generation to the horrors of war naruto found hope however when shikamaru said they could negotiate with her so the invasion wouldn't happen unfortunately in the next kage summit naruto's revelation of kurotsuchi's true intentions only caused darui to angrily threaten to kill kurotsuchi and to make things worse naruto and sasuke's strength were being used as a boon for kurozuchi's cause as they had the power to take over the continent and the imbalance in strength between konoha and the other villages was thus immense despite naruto's attempts to ensure konoha would not try to take over the world shikimaru responded by paralyzing and threatening to crush kurotsuchi's neck much to naruto's horror and fury quickly naruto used his chakra to break free of shikamaru shadow and angrily put shikomaru in place before attempting to plea for peace but he could not sway kurotsuchi or darui who made it clear they would go to war if the invasion were to occur furious about the outcome naruto angrily confronted shikamaru when they walked home and was rebuffed by his friend who told him to think with his head and start responding harshly enough several months after the hozuki castle mission naruto discussed katasuke being under mind control with sai anibiki and had them continue their investigation while shikamaru hand of kotasuke afterwards mira saratobi informed naruto and team konohamaru successfully captured the mujina bandits much to his joy as shojoji was discussed naruto told everyone they had to hurry up and handle the missing nin shikamaru then informed naruto of his upcoming meeting with the fire daimyo ekyu maruka which naruto had forgotten was later during the day during which he discussed financial matters with ikyu kara actuation arc later in the anime team 25 and sasuke were sent to investigate the information extracted from the captured shojoji about kara's existence in amegakure upon their return they learned that kara had long ago abandoned their facility there and were performing biological experiments they also learned that they were in fact civilians who sympathize with kara and its goals naruto was concerned to learn that amiga kure was in shambles as it had yet had to make any recovery since the 4th shinobi world war he was determined to help out the village naruto learned that victor the president of the land of valley's premier medical and research company was a member of cara who somehow obtained a sample of the first hokage cells naruto was greatly concerned that team 7 was defeated by two inners upon seeing boruto in treatment he was certain that boruto would be fine afterwards naruto discussed with his advisors on the next move shikomaru offered to use his connections in the land of valleys to get permission to investigate victor's company three days later it was approved for naruto to send mugino and konohamaru to stealthily investigate later naruto sent team 10 on a joint mission with team shinki to retrieve urashiki's puppet he later listened to shikadai's report on the mission which greatly concerned and disturbed him after boruto recovered from his new training naruto gave his son permission to return to the land of valleys to return the wedding ring of their recent client's husband to her following the defeat of victor and his amoral experiment naruto received a report on the events upon konohamaru and mugino's return konoha leadership discussed how to handle kara having learned influential figures like victor were associated with the organization and finding evidence in their investigation that kara had spies all around while many considered closing off the gates to konohagakure to stop the flow of information naruto was torn on this valuing the new peace between the village and the rest of the world after talking to various officials in the village and witnessing boruto and his friends work on an experiment to improve wireless communications naruto decided not to close the gates as it would deter cooperation with the outside world instead deciding to reinforce security sasuke retsuden the uchiha descendants and the heavenly stardust at some point naruto started suffering from an illness as a result of being jinchiraki and was suffering damage to his chakra pathway system that would eventually strip him of his ability to use chakra altogether to prevent this sasuke took on a mission to the land of ridaku to find the polar particles that the sage of six paths once used to cure himself of the very same illness naruto himself doesn't make a direct appearance but it is hinted the condition has impaired naruto's ability to perform his duties as shikamaru was exhausted from having taken on naruto's workload naruto has expressed his wish that the children do not know about his condition au arc in the anime naruto attends the memorial service for the fallen people of the 4th shinobi world war later naruto joins his son in a sparring match at the training hall to test out katasuke's new invention that was fitted on his arm during the match naruto defends himself from boruto and uses the invention to absorb his son's techniques before defeating him with a single kick afterwards at the hokage's office naruto informs boruto of the technology he used against him which angered boruto before naruto could explain himself sasuke arrives and interrupts the conversation calming boruto down by pointing out the need for them with the coming danger of enemies like the otsotsuki clan naruto also admitted to knowing about boruto's mark on his right palm which was another reason naruto approved of the development of this advanced weaponry while boruto still insisted that they should rely solely on ninjutsu like in the tuning exams naruto noted that the tuning exams were to test one's growth as a ninja where now they are in a battle for survival katasuke then arrived to retrieve his prototype to which naruto assigned team konohamaru a c-rank mission to escort the lead scientists back to the lab in ryuben city while boroto stormed off in a huff naruto asked his ghanian teammates to watch over him should anything happen with his mark as konohamaru failed to report from his mission naruto contacted boruto's team at the scientific ninja weapon team's lab who were nearest to konohamaru's last reported location he instructed them to search the area but be careful and not recklessly engage any foes while shikomaru reminded him that team konohamaru were all very capable for their age naruto insisted that he was more concerned about the possibility of them running into the organization kara as konohamaru's mission was to investigate a mysterious airship kawaki arc when konohamaru and mugino went missing while on a mission to investigate a state-of-the-art crash blimp naruto assigned boruto and his team to find them as they were closest to their last known location when team konohamaru returned to konoha with kawaki naruto decided he was most suitable to monitor kawaki and held a kage summit to discuss the situation following the kage agreeing with naruto he took the boy to his house during which he foiled kawaki's attempts at fleeing there kawaki attempting to escape but naruto intimidated him into submission his escape attempt resulted in himowari's vase being destroyed naruto intervened when boruto and kawaki began fighting and later overheard kawaki speaking of his hardship as a result of his comma afterwards naruto took kawaki to yamanaka flowers to pick a new vase where he hugged kawaki after he had a panic attack some time later naruto and boruto sparred he defeated his son even while boruto used his comma naruto offered for kawaki to try sparring with boruto next time but kawaki declined as he couldn't use chakra prompting naruto to insist that all can learn to do so and that having strong rivals will help when in accomplishing great things later boroto decided to take kawaki's offer of learning what he knows about their comma deciding to do so through sparring the two children quickly activated their respective marks while boruto kept up in hand-to-hand combat kawaki's usage of his method put boruto on the defensive kawaki then launched a blast at naruto with the intent of him absorbing it like previously only for boruto to instead damage his hand naruto called off the match and told the two to perform the seal of reconciliation the event made their marks react and caused boruto's hand to instantly heal before pushing the subject naruto was alerted of an intruder naruto told his son to take himawari away while he stayed with kawaki certain that the intruder was after him his assumption proved correct as they were quickly met by delta she demanded naruto hand over kawaki to her and kawaki confirmed her identity as an inner from kara naruto instructed boruto to protect himowari and kawaki to protect himself fighting her naruto initially outperformed her with taijutsu but she began making use of her shinobi ware to launch sneak attacks and absorb his resengan naruto entered his six-path sage mode but delta was eventually able to stab him and pin him down he tried to discern her motives for wanting kawaki but she saw through his deception and noticed he was already healing considering naruto to be a monster as well while naruto was continually forced to hold back in fear of the spectator's safety he continued to gradually wear down his foe leading delta to use her eye beams against naruto to combat his regenerative ability eventually delta targets himawari leading naruto to blocking the attack with his body but is uninjured as kawaki sacrificed his right arm to block the attack enraged at her tactics and unable to get information about who jigen was from her the two resume their fight naruto deduces that there was a limit to how much tracker her eyes can absorb prompting him to overpower and defeat delta with his super ultra big ballroom sangong defeated delta's body self-destructed forcing naruto to flee the vicinity with the children later when bringing kawaki to katasuke to repair kawaki's arm the scientist informed him that the technology in kawaki's body was too advanced for him to handle finding an alternative solution naruto gave kawaki one of his prosthetic arms and channeled some of his chakra into kawaki to make it work shocked at how sincere naruto was at being nice kawaki asked to learn ninjutsu which naruto agreed to and began training him quite a while after delta's defeat while naruto and kawaki were at his house he notices kawaki in distress resulting in his comma creating a portal which jigen emerged from wanting to take his son back naruto attempted to attack but was repelled away and impaled by chakra draining rods activating his chakra mode naruto kicks jigen away from kawaki jigen then proceeded to activate his comma fearing for the hokage's safety with jigen's power entirely above deltas and capable of either killing or severely injuring naruto kawaki stepped in and submitted agreeing to go back willingly with gigan if he spared naruto while jigen agreed to the terms naruto refused to comply jigen responded by teleporting himself and naruto to another dimension as jigen attempted to strand naruto there he was attacked and stopped by sasuke being away from konoha and free to fight with all their power the pair engaged in battle with jigen leading sasuke to deducing their opponent's fighting style involved shrinking himself and his rods pressuring jigen the kara member tapped into his kama and grew a horn upon seeing jigen's development sasuke revealed how he resembled an unknown otsotsuki member and that jigen had ties with a juvenile ten-tails as sasuke also revealed that jigen's goal was to drain the entire planet of all its chakra the two shinobi decided to fight with their full power despite their strong avatar forms and teamwork jigen plowed through their defenses as he swiftly wore down and pummeled his foes he restrained the pair with rods and decided to keep naruto alive because of kurama in him while killing sasuke due to his renegade space-time ninjutsu accepting the truth naruto had his clones hold off jigen while he convinced sasuke to escape despite his friend's protests jigen revealed he was after boruto uzumaki for his coma and sealed naruto into a giant pot which he shrunk leaving naruto trapped within the foreign dimension afterwards boro stood guard over the pot during which boruto and kawaki used their kama to transport naruto's unconscious body out before killing the kara member returning to konoha they were all taken to the hospital for treatment as naruto made a quick recovery he was impressed to hear of the ghenin's work and joked that rebellious ghanian seemed to still be a thing the group was informed by ino of shikidaya being taken hostage by amado though he wished to speak to shikamaru he was glad to learn of naruto's rescue and revealed he wished to defect to konoha offering intel ankara jiggan their ten tails in the otsotsuki after naruto gave his word as hokage not to go back on the deal provided his intel was good amado began explaining all he knew he revealed how the otsotsuki have since before recorded history been traveling from planet to planet harvesting each's chakra for the sake of evolving itself while destroying the planet in the process using the ten tails to do so he revealed that jigen himself was turned into an otsotsuki from being branded by his comma of ishiki amado also revealed to have sabotaged the blimp to free kawaki and likewise ensure that sasuke would get the intel obishiki amato's glasses begin beeping his glasses were taken off revealing a holographic projection of jigen talking with his accomplice koji kashin who intended to kill jigen as naruto was intrigued by koji's techniques and battle tactics amato insisted that naruto accept his request to officially join konohagakure with full amnesty and protection in order to hear more of his secrets to which narato agreed amado carried on his explanation sharing what he knew of jigen the otsotsuki and kama he stressed how a full rebirth of the otsotsuki must be avoided and claimed he'd teach them how to kill an otsutsuki when jigen's death triggered ishiki's resurrection in his body amado explained this also erased kawaki's kama to avoid duplicates leading shikomaru to realize that without any remaining kama ishiki was vulnerable to a permanent death after amado was officially made a citizen of konohaka kure made aware of his rights and limitations he warned them of ishiki's immediate focus on rebranding kawaki he advised naruto against taking the fight to ishiki and stressed that he had to protect kawaki against being rebranded naruto took his advice and ordered a civilian evacuation as ishiki would seek kawaki in konoha naruto was against boruto staying to fight him but were interrupted by alert of ishiki's arrival naruto ordered boruto to join the evacuation as he went to confront ishiki ishiki was surprised to see naruto had escaped but demanded kawaki when naruto refused ishiki began shrinking various targets in the village to destroy it naruto activated his six-path sage mode but ishiki easily overpowered him sasuke soon joined the fight leveling the battlefield he then launched his sword at ishiki as ishiki attempted to shrink it it was revealed to be boruto transformed as naruto was horrified by his son's arrival boruto activated his comma transporting himself and ishiki to another dimension naruto and sasuke followed through the latter's rinnegan as the konohan nin faced down ishiki he decided the best way to get kawaki was to present sasuke and naruto's corpses to the village the fight quickly resumed with naruto and sasuke's teamwork managing to push ishiki on the defense as he began shrinking all their attacks however ishiki demonstrated a new technique manifesting and manipulating massive black cubes that separated the duo realizing he was running out of options kuroma asked naruto if he was really willing to sacrifice himself to stop ishiki naruto confirmed it and kurama offered a last-ditch strategy that would have a high risk in naruto's death accepting his duties as hokage naruto faced ishiki and took on a new form of baryon mode korama explained to naruto that the form is like nuclear fusion consuming all their respective energy and that he must be careful not to make any unnecessary movements or thoughts the new form baffled everyone with its sheer power naruto quickly began overwhelming ishiki constantly countering and dodging the foes various assaults soon after the strain of baryon mode began catching up as naruto began to tire kurama noted this form gradually drains away all life forces including narutos however it would also drain ishikis with each contact meaning they would just have to keep pressuring ishiki until his already diminished lifespan ran out as ishiki began getting desperate he took advantage of naruto's chakra connection to kawaki through the ladder's prosthetic arm from this he teleported kawaki to them with the goal of rebranding kawaki before his time ran out as kawaki tried to escape ishiki he opted to use kawaki's love for naruto against him assaulting the downed hokage despite naruto's insistence that kawaki forget about him kawaki ultimately showed himself an attack using the ninjutsu naruto taught him ishiki easily negated it and branded kawaki again only for it to be revealed as a shadow clone finally ishiki's time ran out and he crumpled to dust sasuke then asked naruto about his new power but before he could answer boruto being controlled by mamoshiki suddenly stabs sasuke's left eye naruto attempted to help fighting momoshiki but collapsed feeling heavy as lead and passed out inside his subconscious naruto had a final conversation with kurama he told the kitsune that he had no ill will to korama despite the loss of his parents as naruto was prepared to die and voiced his concerns for the village korama revealed that naruto would awake soon and be fine as it was korama's life that was gambled from using baryon mode kurama assured naruto that it never actually lied to naruto but knew the hokage wouldn't risk korama's own life so he hid the truth as kurama's life began to fade it warned naruto that he would lose all access to koram's chakra and abilities meaning he would have to be more careful from now on naruto desperately reached out for korama before waking up to see boruto sasuke and kawaki standing over him with sasuke's rinagon and kawaki's coma gone it was up to boruto to use his mark to bring everyone back with aid from kawaki upon returning to the village naruto was relieved in the anime shortly after returning naruto was examined by sakura and katasuke for any remaining traces of kurama's essence and capacities the tests found nothing confirming that quran's death would considerably drop naruto's abilities and fighting potential naruto admitted that koram's power had felt like cheating and despite the void left behind he chose not to wallow on it believing that koramo would make fun of him over it in the anime naruto received confirmation that boruto's comma was accelerating and decided to inform boruto himself he vowed to do everything in his power to save boruto when kawaki returned his prosthetic hand naruto offered to make him a genie tuning re-examination arc in the anime following ishiki's attack naruto requested shikamaru to reorganize the tuning exam that momoshiki interrupted in an interview he explained it was intended to boost morale and promote more capable tuning the night after the first exam naruto visited boruto who was struggling as he embarrassed himself during the last exam naruto expressed confidence in his abilities and told him to do as he normally did he acted as a proctor during the second portion of the exams evaluating the ganning's abilities at the end of it he explained that those who advanced to the final round would participate in one-on-one fights kodak later naruto and shikamaru decided to indefinitely take boruto off active duty while deciding on how to deal with this comma helping him pass time with various interviews from the media about his victory over ishiki after amado finished restoring kawaki's arm he talked to naruto about the remaining kara threats amato explained that once all the active inners are gone the various outers will cease to function he also noted that the ten tails seat of kara must be dealt with quickly to protect the planet and has likely been moved since ishiki's defeat but fortunately there are methods for space-time travelling besides ninjutsu finally amato explained the looming danger of the last inner code despite proving incompatible with the kama as a vessel he survived the process to be imbued with its power also despite his modifications granting him might that far exceeded jigen's code's fanatical devotion to ishiki let him avoid being disposed of even agreeing to limiters being placed on him by a motto as such code would inevitably seek out and kill all who were responsible for ishiki's death hearing such a threat naruto requested chikumaru to set up a kage summit naruto participated in a video conference with the other kage reviewing the intel they had on code his goals and how to prevent them he confessed to not fully trusting a motto but was willing to continue collaborating with him on account of his contributions so far the issue of ishiki taking over boruto was brought up and naruto swore to handle it as hokage should the need arise he later approached a motto to deal with boruto's kama amato sympathized with him having been a father himself years ago and provided him with pills he developed as a means to defeat jigen as the biakugan originates with the otsotsuki he theorized that weakening it might interfere with akama's progress amado also warned him that this would be a stop gap measure and warned him not to let his wife and daughter near it as boruto was given the pills and explained the nature of them naruto was horrified at how recklessly boruto decided to take them boruto insisted that he already came to terms with how his life was at risk so he was willing to take any help available flash forward in the wake of konoha's destruction four years after the otsotsuki attack on the village kawaki tells boruto he will send him to where he sent the seventh hokage did you enjoy your video be sure to check out these other great videos from the amagi and make sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos [Music]
Channel: The Amagi
Views: 203,979
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Naruto Uzumaki, Hokage, Kakashi, Seventh Hokage, Konoha, Minato, Kushina, Sasuke, Tazuna, Orochimaru, kurama, naruto, Hagoromo, Namikaze, Konohagakure, Uzumaki, Jiraiya, Rin, Obito, Madara, Uchiha, Hashirama, Sharingan, Senju, clan, Shinobi, sasuke, shippuden, anime, manga, itachi, team 7, Akatsuki, death, past, powerful, clip, clips, scene, history, backstory, episode, the amagi, war, battle, show, series, entire, online, full, free, youtube, first, Naruto, Team 7, Sakumo, Rin Nohara, Kusa, Mahiru, Anbu, Hinata, Part 2, updated
Id: 5oO5t7qwkR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 426min 57sec (25617 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 26 2022
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