How Yoshikage Kira Wins Where Jotaro Can't

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while Yoshi kagira might not have the best matchup chart against the top tiers of his own franchise I think he's capable of doing very well against other franchises that have certain limitations for their scaling this is sort of continuing off of my J against one piece video but I feel that I should make the point on its own also for the fact that this video is about Kira it's also going to be on matchups as I don't think I need a whole video to talk about them now Yoshi Akira stand is Killer Queen its primary ability is the power to turn anything into a bomb if you're unfamiliar it's not the same thing as attempting to blow up the character with explosives it fundamentally Alters the property of the object or being to be of the same essence of a bomb in killer Queen's case the object or being again is exactly who or or what they are but whatever they are the property of bomb is also added to their title from a logical standpoint you can understand this ability through the concept of essential properties now an essential property of a thing is a characteristic that it must have an order to be what it's supposed to be a triangle is a triangle because it has three sides if it had one more it would not be a triangle anymore you get the idea now the essential property here is the explosiveness or the fact that this thing will explode when Killer Queen presses down with its thumb because of this Killer Queen ignores things like durability where it lets a character take hits durability is again you know like this resistance to external forces that would affect the thing in question but killer que turning them into a bomb is essentially redefining the properties of whatever is in question it's not an interaction between two forces like a punch meeting your body or a kick deflecting an energy blast being turned into a bomb is the new nature of that object or that entity's being so here's an example right Vegeta gives Yoshi kayak Kira one free shot against him hello Kira I'm Vegeta and I'm the Prince of all sayans and you get the idea all right so Kira nods Killer Queen makes its way over to Vegeta Vegeta can't see it he plants the bomb he's now Vegeta is the bomb as he was before and then he blows him up now obviously this won't work against the character that's like faster than Kira that's trying to fight him you know uh We've seen how that works in the show for characters faster and stronger than Kira and Kira gets folded every time but there are an extremely large amount of characters in fiction that A Jojo character will be faster than with that in mind Kira could do a lot of damage and by you know like a lot of damage I mean completely atomized like they don't exist anymore the issues that come with him is the fact that I guess more so he's not travel speed fast and he's only combat SL reaction speed fast so let's bring up a versus that we had before when someone of high caliber lost and how Kira could work around that same scenario jro versus kizaru the fight that had started this premise essentially now Jor while having the ability to stop time and generally be faster than borolo he didn't have the attack potency required to effectively damage Bor as is and Admirals in one piece get to the point of continent level durability and strength and for the most part that doesn't really exist in a franchise like JoJo's Bizarre Adventure but Kira is a specific pocket of the series where he has a hack ability that help him press forward into a battle like this without the chance of being on the losing end of a standstill because he has the power to ignore kizaru's durability and turn him into a bomb effectively ending the scenario and winning the battle but like jotoro again Kira comes with a similar set of limitations that will affect his ability to go about all these types of fights firstly there's his range now while joto and Kira have similar range in terms of combat as they're both close combat stands joro has the ability to stop time so even in a case where Kira could just blow someone up just off of making contact he most likely can't Dodge larger objects or blast that joto could after the range issues come with the travel speed issues because while Kira could defend himself at a close enough range if his opponents were to just destroy the general area around him and strike fear into him or something along those lines like oh I'm going to bury you it just might work you know so for example let's say Kira was going against a world class fighter from franchise you know let's say it's a higher end I from Naruto while joto could do things like stop time and move out of the way of a fireball Jutsu or you know destroy the ground underneath him to obstruct the blast of sorts Kira most likely wouldn't consider options like that as he's never been the one to use his stand strength in the way that joro has especially considering that joto just has the stronger stand also I haven't mentioned sheer heart attack and bites the dust due to practicality and function because see sheer heart attack being the one that's exploding puts its strength into question due to the fact that it hasn't necessarily given me a reason to believe that it can also negate durability like sure Kira's primary bomb works as is and I don't have to question that because that effectively turns you into the bomb but sheer heart attack in this instance is still the one that's blowing up and as for Bites the Dust well I'm not expecting for a Kira to have hayo around for every battle possible as that's just extremely odd so yeah in the same way though that Kira ignores durability other characters in JoJo have their own things that define what area of characters are most likely not able to beat them it plays out so normally to considering that there's just not a lot of people that like having versus battle that you know require that more extra effort because it's usually with a franchise like Jojo you get characters where it's like okay they stomp or you the other character Stomps that's it flat out for example Rohan kishibay I take Rohan Kishi against a lot of close- range Fighters I let's say more General to just like general fiction rather than just you know limiting it to Jojo because some characters are really fast but he can also ignore durability to through rri en codes and double up by subduing the Enemy by writing certain commands in there to work for him or let's get another person you know Vanilla Ice right and his stand cream large amounts of space that also ignore durability and keeps him safe from getting hurt he's better set against a lot of characters that are capable of extreme capacities of durability that also are more more likely to win a battle of attrition against someone like joto and while yes you know in a fight joto probably has a better battle IQ than Vanilla Ice can handle his emotions better he does a lot better than someone like vanilla ice what happens when you're supposed to fight against a larger character like some sort of giant Mech or susano even with joto being better than Kira and star Platinum being stronger and probably being able to beat Kira and Killer Queen almost like 99% of the time even while tired who would you rather have in a fight against someone with extremely high durability Andor takes up a lot of physical space I know that a fight like hashirama send you for example just seems unfathomably possible for a lot of characters but who would you want to go for the guy who can stop time and hit really hard of course it's like the stopping time is a very busted it's it scales above explosion and all that but there's that or the one who can blow up whatever tree hasham would grow with just one touch just one touch explosion boom it's matchups everyone matchups say a lot for these now I will say there are more of these iffy matchups with characters that are on paper extremely strong but due to their Feats or lack of information they're only capable of so much it doesn't just stop at Feliz it doesn't just stop at Killer Queen enrio pooi for example in his Maiden Heaven stage of evolution the stand disc are they still exist now while they do still exist Does that mean he's capable of removing stands or memories from his opponent because if he could then a certain matchup like hashirama that we just mentioned changes extremely because he would be able to Blitz and then remove his ability to function entirely that would make enrio pooie a generally better choice than almost every other stand user even with the fact that if joto had the chance of one-shotting enrio pooie and stop time he would have been able to but that hinges on the idea that you know that pooie is also able to do the stand disk thing it hasn't been proven that he's capable of doing so it's just an idea that makes sense as it's a stand Evolution gold experience R Willam still had the ability to give life uh not many or if any at all stand evolution like they don't really lose their primary ability Chariot requim lost a lot of what it we knew about it originally but then again that's an unfinished stand that's kind of the point KIRO retained his original abilities he just gained another one uh that was sort of like that was an evolution of sorts so logically speaking and additionally you know thematically consistently speaking too he shouldn't lose his disability but that itself is a debate now you would think that he is capable of a lot with that in mind and you're like you know what maybe he's also better set for a lot of other matchups too but again this is like a caseby case basis and I can't really make a matchup chart for these types of things and a lot of these versus things kind of have to go on with the idea that you're approaching it as is but certain things are going to be consistent if a character is weaker than joto in terms of strength and they're also lower speed he's most likely going to in the fight if they're close in terms of attack and durability but jro still has the speed he probably could also win the fight very possible Kira in general is going to scale over the concept of physical durability because he negates that and Vanilla Ice sort of in the same ballpark because he removes that space it's just how certain things work and I also want to go as far as to mention gold experience requim too because while gold experience requim isn't capable of the most physical strength possible it has a better standstill than a lot of other franchises and a lot of other characters but when you want to get rid of something entirely and just outright win the fight and use that in combination with your speed let's say they have comparable speed then picking Killer Queen over gold experience requim for a specific matchup that you want to use would work and it would make sense it just sounds wild but again it is a case-by case basis it doesn't mean that killer queen is going to be stronger than gold experience requim it just means that this is a probably better set fight for this character whereas gr would just cut to a standstill there's also the potential of you you know like how exactly gr wants to use with lifegiver ability and like oh let's say it creates specific toxins and yada yada yada there's a whole thing about gr versus Goku but that's there and it exists it's a stand still yada yada yada but someone like Kira negates durability and he's while he's not faster than Goku at all like you know it's like if given the chance to could he destroy Goku in one shot it's like the signs are pointing to yes and I think that's one thing I have to I want to get across because while I do want to do something like another uh ranking the strongest stands a lot of that stuff works with in the context of Jojo specifically but I'm also kind of sure that you know certain abilities will scale over in a general retrospect and uh logic and time stop and y y y manipulation of that will most likely scale over in most fights rather than picking the guy who negates their ability and that does make sense but these types of things require more Nuance that I don't think is used us when talking about this type of stuff but yeah the general idea is yes kiroshi KAG is a very strong character my thing is I do want to see more I guess comments about how would this and this go because it's really interesting off of how their powers are and also I might consider doing more equalized videos because certain things like Jojo characters versus jjk characters it's you're like okay in in terms of their actual skill sets wow they're really strong and comparable to each other but JoJo characters are just so much faster to where the fight isn't the fight anymore if that was an equalized area and they're just comparing abilities and skills hand to hand combat all that heads up that says more for the dialogue and more for the versus in general I feel like that says more altogether about what these characters are capable of but I do understand that people are like oh okay I'm I'm not trying to equalize anything Let Them Fight as is but at the same time it's like okay well this is a speed Blitz and the fight's over but yeah please tell me what your thoughts on about like more equalized fights and just I guess stuff involving these certain characters because we do have a large amount of characters that are strong it's just that a lot of these battles get easily cleaned up due to speed alone or just maybe polarizing amount of strength alone like someone fighting Goku for example like okay that dude's going to punch right through the Planet even though he can't breathe in space and that would be counterintuitive for him but just like oh yeah he just punch right through him and destroy everything it's like what would you want to see as a viewer tell me I'd love to know thank you all for watching this is a more I guess more discussion based video about power scaling entirely and Yoshi Kira's skill set and yada yada but yeah tell me how you thought about it hopefully I'll see you all in the next one until then peace out and Godspeed
Channel: Kaleb I.A.
Views: 30,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kaleb I.A., Kalebia, kaleb ia
Id: iyUuEH7buhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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