What If Argentina Used Her Aircraft Carrier During The Falklands War? (Naval Battle 73) | DCS

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hello valued viewers I hope you're all doing very well today's viewer request is Cap did you realize that during the 1982 Falklands conflict Argentina had a serviceable aircraft carrier she never used it but what if she did use the carrier how would that look mid 1982 the British imposed an exclusion Zone with a radius of 230 miles you can see it marked out here Argentina was prohibited from entering the exclusion Zone during the hostilities we'll remember that the Argentine Cruiser the general belgrano was sunk by British submarine while at the edge of the exclusion Zone 230 miles away this action is why of course Argentina didn't use her Navy for the rest of the conflict before we go any further let's do some research and find out which aircraft carriers were active in the theater as usual our research has been done by our friend Raven you can find his Link in the video description if you want to check him out he's also going to start doing some after action reports from these war games which should be interesting so 1982 Argentina had one aircraft carrier the ARA the intercinco de Mayo they purchased this ship from the Netherlands where it was hn LMS Coral Dorman who in turn purchased it from Britain it was a British ship HMS venerable it was a Colossus slash Majestic class carrier designed in the 40s and built in the 50s in 1982 sheiku carry up to 24 aircraft a mixture of A4 Q Skyhawks and S2 tracker anti-submarine aircraft and seeking helicopters during the Falklands conflict only eight a4s were on board the carrier Argentine Navy a4s were equipped with Legacy aim-9 Sidewinders along with unguided bombs and it was the a4s from this carrier that sunk the type 21 HMS Ardent in the Falkland sound during the San Carlos Landings though they were not flying from the aircraft carrier at the time they had moved to land bases and this carrier was called into port for safety out of Interest as she returned to base HMS Splendid a British submarine almost attacked her next the British had two aircraft carriers in the theater first the flagship and our biggest carrier HMS Hermes a centaur classed carrier again designed in the 40s and built in the 50s during the conflict she carried 800 Naval Air Squadron consisting 15 C Harrier FRS ones the frs1 was the first variant of the sea Harrier an air superiority fighter and number one Squadron RAF consisting six Harrier ground roll threes these were used for attacking positions on the island and 10 seeking helicopters Hermes was operating at the limit of their aircraft's range to keep her safe from exasset anti-ship missile attack the sea harriers were using a man 9 Lima side wounders and the blue Vixen pulse Doppler radar the Harrier gr3s could carry two aim9s but were primarily used for close air support and ground attack probably wouldn't be used for ship contact and the second British carrier of course HMS Invincible relatively new at the time built in the late 70s served until 2014. at the time she was carrying eight sea Harrier FRS ones and 12 seeking helicopters she was actually approved for sale to Australia prior to the conflict hm is Invincible was more modern but smaller than Hermes so those are our carriers so the question was what if the Argentine carrier attacked the British well what would have happened in real life is of course if she had entered the exclusion Zone she would have been spotted relatively easily she would have been attacked by British submarines and turned around or possibly even sunk that's a pretty boring outcome what if the submarines didn't get her for some reason why don't we just ignore the submarines well then probably British would have used both of their carriers to attack the one Argentine carrier the problem is then we've got one 1950s Argentine carrier versus one 1950s British carrier and the 1970s 1980s British carrier with the British carriers operating more than three times the amount of Fighters and bombers than the Argentine carrier based on the research we've just seen well there's no point of simulating that obviously the British with those numbers and that Superior technology are going to win so that's pretty much the end of the video if you want to go full realism the British just would have won more carriers and they had more aircraft on their carriers but you guys want to see a fight so we're going to bend reality now and create a relevant but much more interesting and fair fight so what we've done to create a more fair and interesting fight is this we've got one Argentine carrier strike group against that we've got one British carrier strike group an invincible class we're going to pretend that the Hermes strike group stayed north east of the island for safety numbers of aircraft as well have changed rather than operating the actual numbers of aircraft at the time we're going to operate at the limit of what these carriers could carry they're both in the 20 000 tongue class they could both carry a maximum of 24 aircraft the argentines have crossed into the exclusion Zone and Bullseye is set 170 miles from the center of the islands and HMS Invincible has sailed out to meet her let's first look at the British 1. Invincible class carrier a border are 24 sea Harrier FRS ones all are Ai and set to Max skill level the first 12 to take off will be air-to-air aiming to gain air superiority so the air to ground could go in afterwards playing them today are actually more modern av8b harriers kinematically though they're more or less the same they are carrying as they probably would do in real life four Sidewinders the slightly more modern side wonders than they actually carried in real life They Carried Lima models in real life here they're carrying the next step up the mic model however the real sea harriers had air-to-air radar the blue Vixen post Doppler radar the av-8b does not so that will help to nullify the advantage of the slightly better missiles also they have a gun it's a different gun to what they see Harry has had but it's going to be near enough the sea harriers would also usually operate with two fuel tanks but they're just not needed in this case after that 12 anti-ship sea harriers each equipped with two one thousand pound unguided bombs and a couple of sidewinders and a gun for self-defense now it's true that c harriers did actually carry the British anti-ship cruise missile the Bae Sea Eagle but that was not until after 1985 so until then it was unguarded Munitions they are going to take off they are going to seek out shipping and they're going to destroy them escort today for Leander class frigates old ships for the time and they were scrapped pretty much after the conflict you may ask where were the more modern ships the British had at the time not modded in game unfortunately so we'll just have to use Leander these ships today will be controlled by humans so it's up to them what they do with the ships hence this strange starting Arrangement finally today's humans playing as a British we have Violet and cannibals say hello guys hello guys hello guys the humans today are going to start Airborne 25 nautical miles behind a carrier that will simulate them taking off they will have infinite respawns and they are not taking off from the carrier because they will cause problems with the AI you guys have a choice you can either fight as air to air with the same Loadout or air to ground and that's the British 80 miles away is the Argentine carrier and her Fleet we don't actually have the veante Cinco de Mayo but we do have a ship of the same class a majestic class carrier known as h mass Melbourne actually Australian but for all intents and purposes the same ship it has a single catapult launcher the same weapons and the same capacities on board her are 24 Skyhawks again the first 12 are a superiority Fighters with four aimline Papa five the best I had at the time Sidewinders and a fuel tank and two Cannon once they've taken off the next 12 will take off which of course are anti-ship and to ship are equipped with weapons of the time a couple of sidewinders for self-defense two dumb one thousand pound bombs and a fuel tank and a s score four Condell class frigates again originally British then sold to Chile then sold onto Argentina so it's weird we're actually fighting five British ships today but that's the world they are actually modified versions of the Leia under frigate they look relatively similar as you can see and of course Argentine humans we have fire and Simba say hello guys hello hello guys again 25 nautical miles back infinite respawns for the same reasons and yep you guessed it you can either be air to air to begin with with the same air-to-air Loadout or you can be air to ground that's the fight it's pretty simple it's nice to have a low-tech 1980s fight for once no long range cruise missiles no Airborne Radars and whatnot so it's going to be a lot different to what we're used to seeing which brings us on guys to predictions based on what you've seen here who do you think is going to win it looks surprisingly evenly matched I wouldn't want to guess neither would I I'm gonna say the British have it in this one are just clearly though you're going to be Argentine I know I'm biased obviously because I'm British but I'm pretty sure the British would thrash what you've got here is a 1942 designed carrier from Argentina manufactured early 1950s with you know that type of Weaponry what you've got here the British is the state of the art for the time carrier built in late 70s with late 70s guided Weaponry is a massive change although the carriers are about the same size you've got a much more modern carrier the escort ships are pretty much going to be the same a super old kind of 50 ships in terms of the aircraft they're carrying more or less the same weapons but the harriers are going to have a slight Advantage kinematically they're a lot more powerful than the Skyhawks also the missiles are slightly better as they were in real life the Lemurs were better than the Papas so I can't really see a way that the British can lose this but we've had so many upsets I really don't know so standby and welcome to the simulation a couple of things first of all we've had a change of Staff because a couple of more guys have turned up so on the red side the Argentina inside it's now going to be fired at Matrix and Alexa is going to turn up Matrix remember um you're going to be enable Commander first of all before you get into your first plane and then shift over against Blues we're going to have Cannonball Violet and Simba and Simba you're going to be the Tactical Commander first of all uh second point if I sound very slow and Dopey today I do apologize I've just started volunteering again for the under fives at church and immediately I've got ill again and that's just how it works and there's something about the planes taking off which I'll talk to you about as I go anyone not ready to go apart from Alexa three two one go good luck everyone right let's have a look at the British AI taking off first of all eight of us Invincible with her C harriers or our best Panama for them if I get those leanders moving uh Simba Roger it's going to be interesting to see who has the best launch right an invisible class or a single steam catapult Majestic glass Percy Harrier up just go and have a look at The Majestic class already they're slightly behind first Skyhawk is getting into position blast deflector raising and there goes the first Skyhawk now Valley View is an important thing the harriers take off the ship fine the Skyhawks I can only get the first four to take off the other 20 will not take off so what I'm actually going to do then is spawn them in above the carrier at a couple of hundred feet at the correct timing so what I've done is I've timed how quickly we've got these guys take off they take off every 90 seconds so after that amount of time has gone times four I'll spawn the next four in then the next six minutes I spawn the next four in then the next six minutes I spawn the next forward that's the best we can do and it will work out about right of course we've also got the Condell class frigates I think that's Matrix moving them into position one AI Skyhawk up one AI Harrier up we've got Violet Cannonball Simba moving in Fast and we've got fire dad uh Matrix is still controlling ships and Alexa's not in yet so if it doesn't immediate deficit with the Reds but as soon as you can Matrix get in your air and help them out second AI is up on the Harris so the harriers can launch quicker it holds about 20 seconds quicker ski ramp over a single catapult you'll know which one of the humans because they don't have the correct skins on as you can see they have the aviate these skins on because I forgot to get them to download the skins distance between fronts of 50 nautical miles [Music] see Harry is 15 000 feet we've now got three uh two Ai and one human Skyhawk up ten thousand feet and three hundred knots distance between fronts now of 40 nautical bars now in real life this Harrier would pretty much be just about seeing this guy with their blue Vixen radar but they do not have Radars the aviate bees do not so that is one difference that they will have they do however have information coming back from the ships their ewrs aboard the carriers and aboard leanders which is going to help them find the targets okay Alexa is in and Matrix is in it's now three human three V3 humans see harriers 14 15 000 feet fired out doing something different and the Skyhawks still at ten thousand feet it's up to them they will choose their own altitude for this fight third AI aircraft up and fourth taking the catapult in front of now 18 nautical miles they'll pretty much start seeing specs now of the other aircraft progress check for AI Skyhawks up four AI harriers up distance between fronts now 11 miles they can definitely see each other now if I look press the G button you have your gear down do not play with your gear down thank you I didn't know I had my care down happens to all of us five AI see Harry is now up combat is beginning circling around each other who's gonna see who first no missiles fired both sides have all aspect Seeker heads on their missiles so they can fire head on but it's not always that easy neither these aircraft have particularly warm engines as compared to a modern fighter mergers and a dogfight here and when we go firing aspect Violet merges first missile of the day oof on an AI Target all AI is set to Max skill level today by the way it's a mess here that's a miss again good shot I didn't shoot anybody they just went into the water embarrassing yeah I snapped rolled the safe War so hard it just went right in got it coming over the top foreign so far two Skyhawks down for no harriers down I may have bitten off more chicken chew we'll see our Violet's on Fire Two Sky Hawks now for Violet well done didn't sound a freaking chance AI on AI here let's even fight missile out from the Harrier it's you another Skyhawk down wow this is all going very much one way cannonball's got a missile out it's a bad missile four Sky Hawks down for no Harrier losses so far remember all skill levels set the same and humans are roughly about even what can Alexa do this guy's gonna be in serious trouble the next four will be coming out on the mark of 12 minutes which will be six minutes since the last aircraft took off which will be the correct timing that's all out kind of get a vector to the closest Target nope you're gone you've got to figure it out let's go down five Skyhawks down and goes Alexa who can see who first that's problematic selector smacked in the face by AI did not see that one coming well here comes Matrix and Matrix it that's six Skyhawks down for no losses Chicago's really struggling and AI are now closing on the surface Fleet 20 nautical miles away Skyhawks in somewhat of a trouble here it's now Matrix facing off against Violet Cannibal and Simba these guys have detected the defenses of these ships and I suppose they're going into an orbit there I I otherwise four more AI have taken off that's eight AI up now and the next batch coming in okay here come the next four uh Skyhawks On Queue ah spotted the Argentine Fleet yes you have sir right this is all freaking one way so far but again you never know the tables can turn now will the Skyhawks pop that Harrier fear not good Dodge from Matrix this elevated brilliant see the second one smash golden Cannonball just better flying from the harriers today okay let's see what the arrow can do AI now heading out to meet Violet Cannonball and Simba and they will be short of sidewinders now remember only four each AI going for Violet oh Violet in the face not see that one coming oh she's still going that's our Violet Moon she doesn't care about freaking Sidewinder Warheads welcome Simba see Simba's in a Tango now foreign still going somehow fear not for long Alexa back in play Cannonball coming into support or or good flare and Dodge from Cannonball square and dogfight guns too much cool stuff happening all at once there's another missile out don't know who for oh and violet finally run out of engine yep Simba's trying to locate his bad guy Cannonball still in his merge he's Winchester he just has guns thing is I didn't get any warning on my rwr why would you oh yeah I miss her doesn't create any electromagnetism happy Cannonball horizontal scissors lateral scissors down into vertical scissors can't quite get his sixth though gonna run out of Sky see Simba still merging with his guy same problem on our maneuver the A4 the A4 is a Nimble SOB much less power but it's still pretty dang good aircraft when you're getting in a low range tangle we're gonna miss all out and a miss cannibal flares and Dodges show although he has been heavily outmaneuvered and he's in trouble another more players good Dodge how many missiles does that guy have oh cannonball's got two on him wouldn't want to be there and they if over the Mad missiles spending is starting to take off at the ground starting to take off okay guys uh right uh Simba person but they're still fighting they're still fighting see Harry's getting the legs on this guy hook I get the angle for a shot nope just cannot get that angle and this guy who's got a lot of players that's a tough dog fight Simba can't win his dog fight either and new uh it is yes 18 minutes so the next four are in now Simba's fired boom simple Winter's dog fight there will be many more cannonball's dog fights hunting up it's almost achieved a solution what can the Skyhawk do can't get a solution and an overshoot Matrix and Simba are in a dog fight now woof did not see that come in Matrix oh I popped the wrong thing apart sword puffing chest instead of flare don't do that Simba right Skyhawks starting to take down harrier's finally it's taking a while plenty more to go steal the Cannonball dog fight persists I don't think either have got any missiles left to not have a radar assisted gun sight so it's a nursing site only the hitting is quite difficult and with both of these planes plus side here is firmly on that Skyhawks six now I agree it's just a matter of time for one of those bullets connects one of those rounds connects it was a true Royal Navy Sea Harry he'd be vipping but uh takes quite an experienced pilot to do that Cannonball is being converged on there is no doubt about it at this point fresh uh FRS ones coming in still going on what's Happening oh a thing is happening and missile's been fired Cannonball is now in the midst of four Skyhawks and somehow still alive got plenty of players up rounds to take one of these down at some point he must have dodged seven Sidewinder so far quite the display and here come to see Harrier reinforcements missiles foreign versus AI right in the middle of the map the 1v1s oh oh Harry just took one down oh lots are going on now dodged and dodged lots of dodging going on here we're evading I should say Miss elevated this none of these missiles are the best missiles they would all be spoofed by flares pretty easily you didn't see it coming boom Skyhawk down Superior Fighting by the British here look at that trade and a Dodge powerwolf did not see it coming again geez massive mode in the middle here what to watch come out and it's a oh my goodness someone died I don't know who it was and Matrix didn't see it coming oh it's an absolute melee mess in the middle here uh three AI harriers have survived and three AI Skyhawks have survived and they battle on aided some good AI dogfighter they were doing pretty bad before but now they've gotten to the stride they're really fighting quite well the next batch of AR about to spawn in producing themselves down to Cannon now here comes Violet with a fresh plane missile oh the Skyhawks are starting to win now they're now taking down more of the harriers Skyhawks are doing really really well Violet's coming in it's part of someone Miss and here well done by look bringing it back for the harriers now it's three harriers versus two Skyhawks things really hotting up here about 20 miles new a4s spawning in next six minutes inside out someone on someone to kill another C Harrier down there's now two Skyhawks versus two sea harriers but reinforcements are coming in while it's an aggressive merge players missile unlucky oh is that a thing no it's not a thing Andy shipper in right the anti-ship have got through they've gone right through the middle oh oh things happen oh violet Oh shot around ain't your ship down awkward things will happen in the heat of battle someone's about to save uh Violet's ass here yes they have the Skyhawks down it is anti-ship anti-ship now at a Argentinian anti-ship around things are really hotting up here first anti-ship scoring uh got in on the Argentinian vessels things are definitely going on here there's one more one more air-to-air Skyhawk alive Winchester fighting against AI who is fighting against anti-ship left in the anti-ship look they've seen the anti-ship and they're going forward and they will prioritize the ownership where they can freaking air to where shouldn't have got so close mate now a dog fight with the anti-ship aircraft who are trying to break out this guy's dead boom last air-to-air Skyhawk down fire dad is doing qra scramble to shoot down the anti-ship remember they will fart you couldn't fire there's too many flares in here hurry here God how are the tables is freaking turning now the Skyhawks are really chewing their way through to harriers I'm not sure there's really anywhere to air at a harrier's left although fire dad has let an anti-shipper get through the network he's got to atone that again just can't get a solution too much you aren't here to lock in the Skyhawks just fire it oh man there's a lot the folic good Dodge great Dodge any for guns I thought it's taking on the world in the middle oh look who snuck through can Alexa stop that Andy shipper I don't know this Fight Continues while they're still chasing a man down but look what's happening look what snuck through the defense got some radio control guns on those modified Landers is it enough to stop this guy too many things too many things too many things too many things did we get a launch Friday he's trying and trying trying but those players are just too powerful release is not bombing Alexis found okay Lex is depending against this guy feed the pressure on Alexa just don't let him bomb the fight's going well for the Skyhawks in the middle I would say probably the Skyhawks are winning this battle miss good flaring sir what a freaking exciting battle see Harry is running back in the anti-shipper and he's now being shot at by the radio control guns he's not dropped his stores yet so he's still with threat fire dad's firmly got this guy on the run I don't think he's gonna be dropping your bombs soon as this happens boom no dodgy an emerge in the middle here I hit him but I didn't kill him Roger as long as he's not bombing then you're doing your job get back in do it again okay now the harriers now the harriers have taken the middle ground again it's switched Skyhawks win then Harry is win the Skyhawks win he Skies out now yeah is out of luck basically now it's the harriers that are winning and in fact look how many more units the Harry is up and everything's done fair I'm spawning these guys in at the rate that they would launch so it looks like overall the harriers have just done more killing and B they've been spawning quicker would have been taken off quicker which I know they have because I've timed it they take off 20 seconds quicker per plane the ski ramp is slightly faster than the single uh steam catapult so it's now all about the humans can the humans defend the ships in time it's about fire dad Matrix and Alexa and here come probably the last set of a force at 30 minutes in oh this guy's coming for another bombing run can someone pick him up can take a lot of thousand pound bombs to kill a carrier especially an old style carrier it's happening hits are happening he's hit but did the bombs go I have no idea my goodness that is they missed my two feet those are two freaking feet that's freaking unbelievable oh no but this guy's got three fire dad run out of missiles and he's got through I'm not sure we can be stopped now he's on his side nothing can stop him now cannon firing 5 000 feet those guns just aren't as good as modern seaways hits bombs drop I don't know what's going to happen are they they're gonna hit it bombs got through on target that's two thousand pounds of bombs and is setting up explosions and fire and kerosene's burning and is down oh Argentinian carrier destroyed it's now all about Pride can the argentinians do some damage can they get a bomb through on HMS Invincible it seems unlikely being under this amount of pressure the defense just wasn't quite strong enough to keep those sea harriers out pilots and emerge as well it tends to be pretty much whole life missile out right past your face can't get that solution he plays oh good kill Simba look at that gun kill that's an anti-shipper as well so well done okay more anti-ship is coming into doing to ship stuff but the carriers down so just going into a dog fight which he is his dog fight with Matrix and settle their differences another aviate coming in it is a anti-shipper Violet's very heavily merged to be Winchester though indeed uh do a thing question mark Blitz that's fine Fox 4 do it this guy's going in he's gonna be a former come Dale horse frigate oh hits that's fine and he's off well done Violet good defense Matrix still after this guy but he is full of players missile did not guide it was put up by flirt that's a hard thing to kill or gums more guns oh hits from Matrix more hits yeah he's got to be down he's got to be down he took a whole bunch of 30 Mike Mike hits he's a pilot kill I'll check himself down doing it good kill though defended the fleet there's a thing going on bombs dropped and I didn't see where they went so a Condell class frigate has been destroyed three more frigates left oh argentinians has anyone got through on the British no one managed to get through on the British it is it is a wall of freaking Harry as they just killed so many I don't think any more argentinians are gonna spawn and well they can't anyway because the carrier's Dead uh use your lives you've got now Reds and then you're done try and make some good use of your lives Violet doing what she does hunting down the lost man let's have a look at kills while we're here Violet Moon top killer very nice Cannonball Simba Matrix [Music] okay there is one Ai anti-shipper and he is going for he's going for broke can he make it through I highly doubt it oh more bombs going down oh we got hit it's another Condell hit second Condell dead awkward oh third Condell hit they're making mince meat of the Argentinian Fleet uh where is violets oh boy let's found the anti-shipper will has found the prey and the ship has anti-ship has had to go defensive that'll stop him getting through oh no more spawned well that's the problem value views because I had to spawn them in like this I'd be honest I didn't think the cavity would be dead by now never mind just let them carry on why the heck not can't do anything to stop them uh four more Skyhawks have just spawned in guys I guess they're the last spawn might as well run it to the dang end Cannibal's diving after a ship pretty beefy guns on those Landers gonna go around oh Wise Choice sir while it's still fighting quality have you got any weapons at all got guns okay the last uh aviate B has taken off the last AI finally right can these guys make it through now they've slipped through they may have just slipped through the net look at their altitude they've slipped through because of their their attitude I think I just didn't see him it's because he's an anti-ship as well he's got no interest in shooting other anti-ships down oh violet oh Violet just got shot out by that guy his dog fights just go forever I like it good Solution by that come on come on not quite not quite there Matrix has merged with an anti-shipper now this is interesting valued viewers even if they get through you won't count it because their carrier was already blown up but just out of interest and there's a bit of rowenge I wonder I wonder and we've got a matrix kill on the hurry up boom defending the fleet immediately merged with another one sending defensive Alexa up to the north taking care of whoever the heck was up there there's a missile from fire dad well done Violet of course destroying him well done can she stop the anti-shippers now that was the question I've only got 83 left in the gun okay things happening here oh big old merge here so the way spoofed by the flares problem with these old sidewinders just get a spoofed by all the flares everyone's finding missiles off but this guy's just putting so much heat out compared to the heat of his engine I think that was a friendly Kill ah I won't win the war Gents oh nibble with that oh see how yeah see Harry came in that was not going to be okay that's your life last life guys you cannot respawn Alexa you're in your last life um come out to the map now and watch the last four anti-shippers sneaking around the edge at 500 feet in real life I'm pretty sure that'd be picked up harriers you can keep spawning because you've still got your carrier I would suggest going for the anti-shippers Alexa versus three harriers oh no it's just not quite there with the timing Alexa you're out you're watching cubby last element to go through is these four anti-shippers that have somehow snuck around without anyone seeing apart from violent mood of course Violet Moon seen them to kill her hello similar can I help you with the thing did you very clearly and distinctively tell me Alexis full gamertag you gotta say it real loud though Alexa power off ah okay okay does it work we'll know in the comments section I prefer Alexa order 100 pounds potatoes confirm oh the Argentinian fleet's just getting decimated now yeah when I say cotton socks one more Condell left would not want to be any set of ammo would not want to be Condell right now but as a bit of face saving four anti-shippers have gone through and HMS invincible now this is interesting because this did actually happen in real life um a4s did actually get through uninvincible when uh north of the island on I forget in which day they did even fire their missiles and missiles were destroyed and they were destroyed but technically this did actually happen can Violet catch up I don't think so even at 500 knots I have visual going to Simba Wimber do a thing oh I'm still a ways out but I have visual can you be the hero that's the question one Afghan ammo your life they could probably reload but a game not so much no I think I was wrong but not our gun ammo all right they're definitely down to one Condell now it is cannibal going to finish the last condel off I would add a little bit of lead Max Speed about 23 knots bombs away very hard target to hit with unguarded bombs has he got the eye of the tiger no he hasn't that was close I did a little bit of damage got an eight percent yes you did you nicked him you nicked him Violet moon is diving down on this suckers she hasn't got the speed Harry too draggy but Simba not so much Simba 10 miles and they are a break oh only 10 miles from Invincible which is pretty much gonna have a line of sight now I'm surprised she hasn't started firing her own missile oh look at that cedar out cedart really interesting looking missile look at that actually a pretty decent missile so you don't shot down um a4s they shot down I think anti-ship missiles as well in the real conflict and that is going to be one engine shipper down there's not much you can do to obey that funking old Warhead and another one do zippers work for him she can defend herself she's a 1970s carrier Simba merged Timber doing it do his job making one of them but once got by him what's gonna happen now One's Gonna buy him and here comes the Sea Dog it's a real chubber of a missile I'm a fan of C dot oh nice and that leaves just one body left the Simba's merging with and see that is out dead hold on guys pausing now end of game solid thrashing by the British as to be honest I thought it would be they've got a better carrier with better weapons the frigates were the same uh the planes were about equal in terms of maneuverability and kinematically but the missiles were a bit better on the blue side as they were in real life in terms of Pilot's skill it seemed about even on either side about the amount of kills and stuff but at the end of the day they just swarmed also the launch rate is really important the launch rate of the invincibles 20 seconds per plane faster than the Argentinian carrier it's going to make a massive difference uh so it's probably how it should have been uh thoughts from my guys yeah it really wonders expected yeah yeah pretty much the way I thought I would go absolute whooping wait wait wait wait there were a lot of people who said it was a even fight I thought I thought well everyone now everyone's like nope that's the way I thought it would go no I thought it would be a lot more even because we ate four in the aviate I thought were closer in capability for air-to-air they were an eight-fold Shuffle A4 was shot a lot of um as you'll see back in the video most of the sea harriers were shot down only about about 10 are live at the end so they shot 20c areas down but but the fact is 30 Skyhawks were shot down so the rate was gonna two to three or three to two and December and I land on the Invincible going in okay Violet wants to land and this guy wants to go and bomb the Condell so let's do that I'm not sure if you can hit a movie Ship we will find out it was nice doing um it was nice doing a 1980s one guys about all the long-range guided missiles and all that stuff oh we've got some evasion from the Condell it's gonna make it super hard to hit hitting ships with unguided bombs is incredibly difficult thing to do as they found out in World War II bombs away look at that roll he's putting a massive roll on it and good Dodge skipper but it's literally how well they were doing in World War II they would they were doing all this dodging and evading to put the bombs off it worked or it did take some damage pilot did you land on the Violet first Carrier Landing don't screw it up BSI BSI I think great I think three she's little oh that was close [Music] okay you're aboard a little break well done Violet have you enjoyed that and we'll see you later
Channel: Grim Reapers
Views: 165,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DCS, DCS World, IL-2, Sturmovik, Arma 3, GR
Id: _KsEE9HyCjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 57sec (2997 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 24 2022
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