Could US, UK, Israel & Jordan Stop 350 Iranian Drones & Ballistic Missiles? (WarGames 214) | DCS

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unbelievable third wave one left done hello valued viewers I hope you're all doing very well today's viewer request is from this person here and it's absolutely no surprise at all I would love to see a video about what happened last night in the Middle East Iran attacked Israel with up to 200 Shad drones 120 ballistic missiles and 30 cruise missiles so here is our version today for once we actually have the proper map yay so you can see the borders shown in purple we have Israel here we have Lebanon here we have Syria here we have Jordan here and this is a bit of Iraq the real missiles and drones were of course fired from Iran 600 miles to the east which we don't have so today we'll be firing them closer to Israel at nominal military targets as ever we've had to change things around a bit but it should still be a good show so first 120 ballist missiles are going to be fired 250 mi from a Target in Israel on the west coast here again it's a nonoccupied area then 5 minutes later 170 whoa error I've just changed that it is now 200 200 Shad drones will be fired from this area here in Syria reason being that they would take about five or six hours to get from Iran because they fly slow so I've only put them about uh 90 miles out instead they will be fired at a different Target at this military Air Base Ramat David here and finally you can't see them but 30 cruise missiles will be fired from just behind those drones again 5 minutes after start total 200 Shad drones 30 cruise missiles subsonic cruise missiles 120 Hypersonic ballistic missiles the ballistic missiles are not the right type they're actually Chinese DF 26s but they will be close enough for today the Shad drones are pretty much the actual Shad drones being fired the cruise missiles are the wrong types of cruise missile but they're roughly about the same flying at about the same height and about the same speed we as a coalition of Israel us UK and Jordan have to stop that so first how do we stop the ballistic missiles in reality from what I've read they were mainly stopped by Israel's indigenous systems Arrow David sling maybe a bit of iron d and maybe a bit of Patriots site from America and we do actually have those systems in DCS but I've had very mixed results maybe I'm not setting them up quite right but either way I can't get their anti-ballistic features working properly so I'm changing the roleplay today instead all of the defense against the ballistic missiles will be done by USA here is the layer defense layer one sm3 up to about 400,000 ft sm6 up to about 100,000 ft sm2 up to about 100,000 ft pack three that's Patriot up to about 990,000 ft essm up to about 50,000 ft Iron Dome if it comes into play up to about 30,000 ft I think and finally cram up to about 6,000 ft the defense against the drones and the cruise missiles as per real life is 99% going to be aircraft the us today will field Hornets the UK as per real life will have typhoons or Euro Fighters Israel today will be Fielding Eagles f-15s and Jordan will be Fielding f-16s as per real life guys as you know uh we can only model so much at a time because we don't want to crash the server so what's going to happen first guys is I'm going to ask you to not be in your aircraft Iran will fire its 120 ballistic missiles and will let the US Carrier Group here sailing right next to the coast try and defend the US carrier group will have one carrier four early Burks and and four Tao Cruisers in addition they will have a patriot site near the area that will be targeted with pack three missiles the attack will finish after about 6 minutes at which point phase two will start that will be the 200 drones and 30 cruise missiles at that point please spawn in your aircraft note you will have awac support from the American Carrier Group today at that point please take off get to ster point one as quick as you can and start shooting down finding and shooting down cruise missiles and drones in terms of the drones and cruise missiles there is 230 of them today they will all be attacking ramar David here which is defended by a large Iron Dome site the Iron Dome site will have just over 100 missiles as well as three seams so those defenses can take down about 120 drones SL missiles that means we need to take down 110 drones and cruise missiles which is quite a tall order uh that's it guys it's pretty simple it should be pretty spectacular probably as per real life in the videos that we've seen let's make some predictions phase one can the 120 ballistic missiles be intercepted by the carrier group and the Patriot I've tried it several times on single player and I get different results each time I have absolutely no idea what's going to happen especially as we put this in multiplayer but any thoughts I think on the whole the system will do quite well I think you're probably looking about 90% Effectiveness I think as long as ships can fire fast enough they should be able to take them down we've modeled them as Arley Burke 3 and Tao CMP so the best us has got which is probably what they have in the area okay guys and then comes our part can we take down half of the uh 230 drones and cruise missiles whatever problems that throws at us there are always problems that throws at us when doing things like this but they're going about uh 90 Mi at 150 knots that'll be about half an hour we've got half an hour to do it if you run out of ammo guys because you are representing a Lar larer Force you may do whatever you want you can go in with guns or you can respawn and do the flight again whichever you think will be most effective I don't know what the answer to that is uh but predictions can we stop enough drones and cruise missiles those are some big shoes to fill considering that in their real Attack they're claiming uh us and Israel claiming that they shot down between 95 and 99% of them so I think with the amount of people we have here we could probably pull it off I suspect to be honest our biggest threat is going to be ourselves I know that sounds silly but shooting down friendly fighters in an environment like this with the missiles that we have is very easy so we got to be really careful not to shoot at each other guys but I'm aware it can get difficult that's it viewers um stand by welcome in viewers today's Pilots will be Simba Matrix Grump drop me tog saber dark Cannibal and maybe Strider will join us hello boys AO hello hello right viewers um here is the horrendously unrealistically bunched um ballistic missiles it's just if I do it like this because you can see it all sorry about the scoreboard it's in small mode at the top right uh because of the amount of stuff being fired I will do my best to say what's happening in terms of numbers but what you need to know now is there are 120 erections giggity of ballistic missiles in pseudo Iran about to be fired I think those are the most erections I've seen in my life cap you're right Grump and you're a big viewer of this type of thing so mhm yeah just saying lovely day oh there we go first Alo up 40 50 48 48 missiles on F first Salvo be followed shortly by Salvo 2 and that's kind of a pretty sight missile will will reach 10 times the speed of sound next Salvo going up it's going to be a bit laggy for a while for obvious reasons 96 missiles airor now missiles splitting up a bit to take slightly different paths costs irrelevant today because they are the wrong type of missile there they are 120 missiles airborne right let's get the map set up and let's have a look at the car force and the Patriot at the military Target missiles re-entering atmosphere 300,000 ft they are 2/3 way and we have response layer one defense up sm3 effective range 450 sorry effective ceiling 450 ,000 ft really impressive this off also sm6 up that's Layer Two also sm2 oh my God everything's gone up 120 defense missiles so much happening as always happens in this type of scenario sm3 going into B missile difficult to know what to watch let's kind of put ourselves in the pack here can someone keep an eye on the target please to let me know if anything gets through very hard for us to see everything got it yep interceptions on the F10 M Patriots firing wow that was quick yeah Patriots 150 self-defense missiles fired look at that viewers look at that freaking unbelievable amount of Firepower on this agis I guess it could say it's representing unsure ages yeah Patriots far look at that oh one almost got through it's about 10 on the way oh my God I'm going to try this going to get through oh no no no no no no 6 5 4 3 2 1 oh I think they almost we got them nothing no I don't know very close though wow we intercepted about 500 ft from the target viewers freaking unbelievable I saw two hit a building oh hit building let me have a look here comes the next wave I don't think they did R unless it's desn I'm not seeing any buildings on far and the building will be on fire must have us intercepted it right above nice okay second wave is being taken down earlier so hard to to see what's going on viewers 5 4 one's getting through one's getting through oh my God no the building got hit you're right the building got hit damn Dam it yeah so that's number three three all right I'll Trust you guys to count it 466 self-defense missiles fired freaking unbelievable battle I'm going to try and watch the rear one viewers it's kind of hard to know how to film this to be honest unbelievable third wave one left done is that the lot third wave is done that's so impressive 120 missiles how many got through Grump three we had three and looks like the vehicle has been destroyed all right 98% we're intercepted 2% leakage or 2 and a half% leakage all right guys before you spawn in your planes I just got to make sure these drones and everything gets fired uh so just stand by a second vehicle despawned yeah it's all on purpose guys to save memory yes and the cruise missiles are also in right you may spawn into your aircraft guys we've got F-15 F16 F18 and Euro Fighter viewers we have Israeli f-15c playing f15i 200 drones have been fired uh the 30 Cru missiles have been left off the scoreboard but they are 100% there because you you can see them Euro Fighter tranch 4 playing Euro Fighter tranch 4 we've got uh Legacy Hornets playing Super hornets and possibly F35 C all right f16s punch it I couldn't find find a Royal Jordanian Air Force skin so I'm generic livery P myself on autopilot for the moment so everyone's Airborne uh the drones are droning along at 140 knots to do to do 90 Mi that is about half an hour let's have a look at the addition of the Iron Dome is now spawned in I've got 100 or so missiles here plus three cams first responder looks like it's going to be the f-15i a quick rundown of the scoreboard so far viewers red have fired 150 uh air to ground missiles which is going to be the ballistic missiles and the cruise missiles 200 drones 350 of everything Blues have fired 477 missiles 183 sm6 36 sm3 154 sm2 60m and 44 pack three and we've just fired meteor wow you guys got neck quick preservation of life is important friendy avoiding pry fire is Paramount I don't know how you're going to do that I'm going to rely on you to be mature humans cost to America and her allies $ 1.7 billion and that is modeled correctly all the fox 3 is going in good job fox 3 heyri on require for those uh cruise missiles cruise missiles can be considered a priority because they're obviously far much faster than the drones Fox Street three nice right first meteor was about to strike nine air to a missiles fired so far boom first one down ladies and gentlemen I give you the British meteor well European meteor sorry three drones down oh a rare Miss Unfortunate use of a 3 million pound missile got some old 1990s missiles which are perfectly effective every missile we've got today is perfectly effective against a drone obviously they have no defensive measures at all I say that the am missed physically missed not seen that before a120 CS are having problems no they're not they're fine it was a fluke I'm heading in we're all heading in drops taking oh now here interesting drop is going for the fast 500 not cruise missiles that's a harder Target got one shot very good guys the boys are otherwise clearing up oh uh didn't set the scoreboard up with the Drone kill so we don't know how many we've killed but we can visualize that pretty easily down two Fox 2 is going for intercept up dark merge saber merge do good things make sure you don't shoot a friend very these missiles will chase friends unfortunately that's how the fox 3 Type missile is designed to work viewers always a very good chance of Friendly Fire right we merged in right I want to shoot that guy there but I got a friend very close very dangerous I'm going to have a pop and I think that's enough de confliction o WR B oners crossed pretty sure that's worked oh lost track anyone else having a problem get radio radar tracks on them yeah you have to get quite close yeah you really do don't you I'm sorry wind just St do what you see fit he Splash one box three flash two box three Fox three flash three four whatever already [ __ ] missed with the side one what a knock right got to get stuck in now uh where's the helmet seeing these sons of [ __ ] hard yeah I B Spike 16 Fox three splash three Splash 4 on one Spike something cap Spike you're a fighter side winders side winders uh don't seem to work well you serious oh going say that they working on the F15 just fine you need to get you need to get very close to godamn it oh my god um Min a problem there I found a new way of getting them dver F three on group of three Spike bu Spike bu yes three damn missiles aren't working oh no lost a plane streetable Guys stre Winchester one F three doing The Honorable thing right how are we doing St merge you're all merged with everything I just thought Fox stre all right now I have to worry about these meteors coming in hitting friendly M yep just getting my radar off of you gotta simra Grump and Strider emerged around an area where there's few drones FY you in together I'm already flipping 180 watch out here's my concern viewers what he's going to do yes Matrix has taking out cruise missiles that's that's nice drop box three Cru Cru missiles been taken out oh that was an interesting shot Splash one where are you Grand oh there you are down ball Spike 16 I didn't think your Miss was going to catch up grum you're a bit far ahead Matrix is shooting at some here oh there's a missile on me right run away shooting his missile surprisingly difficult look at the amram chase that missile down viewers no good bu Spike 18 bu Spike 18 right I better scramble and go for those khes box two Oh No track got to get closer yeah I've had get less than a mile huh my side wers aren working on my x-ray model no they worked on the F15 same missile uh the F-15 only got nine M you on gr all right right you have more threats around you [Music] grump fr the fire front the fire that's a meter yeah no there's plenty of uh Cruis Miss between you and the uh me yeah i' got a bad feeling about that get L get L break L you K it dr's clean no no I'm not yeah wind p on me there's some mountains on your right it' be great to get behind them yeah you get behind those mountains you're fine I got to go back in my copit pretty much out running any anyway oh no right there's a guns kill uh the um is firing right watch out for friendly fire from Iron Dome it does not discriminate either finally clean come on IR do do your freaking job your one job oh God one's got through down oh should giv it laser where's the lasers God damn it one got through that is magga disappointing don't know how we got through it Jack's absolute disappoint come on come on come on okay got all of them apart from one one cruise missile got through that's a shame there was some confusion in the Iron Dome there I don't know if you saw it viewers I was trying to watch it as best I could it fired at the wrong targets and fired at friend and everything AP from that one missile but it took the rest out all right we need to start getting our head back in the game now we've got a lot of drones to take down see where roughly 20 M out but I'm going to wait till I get close so I don't H everybody that's yeah I've been doing the same right going and watch the boys a bit drop more more more to you are merged with a lot of drones that is all Simba's going for the rear with his beloved BG yeah said that beloved BG missiles coming out from dark huh get mixed results with amram today aren't we yep I prefer faring head on I doesn't like hitting them sidewards for some reason I head on or rear with am sidewards I'm getting dubis results at best Hey cap you know what's helpful yes saber can I yes I would like to know Master arm Master arm always hopes gun is pretty good yep good gun kills on the F15 oops oh you are testing friendships me I'm the one that got sh okay [ __ ] need a boo boo uhoh [ __ ] otion saber fox 3 * 4 two on radar does not pick up any of these guys cool canb fox 3 you notice that too yep I don't even know what altitude they're at line up 2 half th000 ft shot yeah my rider is only picking up friendlies where is this missile missile warning there some warning as well just hope the best it's probably meor maybe they are only allowed to use um I gued missiles in real life or something cuz recing this Friendly Fire is a freaking nightmare d a good killer Miss God Dam it oh I've gone out the back I've gone out the back huh I may have something chasing me view there's a missile doing some really interesting circles oh missile on me fun mhm all over the lake and yep The Hornet can't see crap ha four missiles ditch for meet yours ditch super cat best cat Roger um now we did get a the bog radar working last time we did this you remember guys you had to been in a certain prf but I can't remember exactly what it was oh I see him though oh this is a dangerous theater viewers a dangerous dangerous theater well I had a lock and then somebody decided to fly behind one and my radar decided to lock him after that that was probably me sorry it's probably the same ones I can see right is it out in the middle of nowhere correct is it away from friends that's a drone firing at 2 miles God damn it a VI fighter disappeared go away you fighter thank you and box three one mile yeah it's a dead drone viewers it's a dead drone right uh dark flare just in case drum for Simba go for it uh I was going to say you know there's a way to get rid of those derous rwr tones that we're hearing yeah just shoot down the uh thing shooting you what it turn off uh well I mean Cannonball shot me down I did oh sorry about that where Jackie Target with a mate positive ID folks positive ID I had a drones are impacting the target oh you serious Iron Dome is just simply not firing today no they're not there they're not there yet it's all right the drones haven't got there yet God damn it this chaotic and a mess just oh God please don't be me again just had four bloody meteors come straight for me again and I'm dead oh giving up right thank you dark all right I'm just going to watch you guys for a bit cuz I just keep getting shot wow you shot three humans down dark I gent my first I've only fired two missiles they are and you got two kills 11 miles 11 miles from the target we've got time to do damage guys let's go boom boom boom the your Mouser is terrible for this oh yes and the flight control mod oh oh no you got one not going to be long before I start calling you off because the patri because the uh another friendly fire oh good Dodge scump not that sucker God damn it te watch your fire we're at the point where we're firing more at friendlies and that was a cannonball guns are doing um guns are doing a sterling job and they're not friendly firing good shot solid lock and I maintained the lock all the way through so that missile just went off on its own mhm balls jealous of uh dark's friendly friendly kill numbers switch targets so you got to be careful shot to well done good job to he's doing it right he's at the back where there's no humans Do's firing iron Do's firing here we go right viewers if I were you I would not be anywhere near the front iron will shoot you down it will do it oh [ __ ] it be more than happy I'm faring right in front of me IR Dome is working don't be near the front don't be near the front you'll tie iron Do's radar and missiles up and you'll get shot down right I've given 100 missiles viewers let's see if that's enough I have the boy shot enough down who was that that would be the Iron Dome Matrix yeah it's going to happen guys they firing Fox three missiles I wouldn't bother respawning at this point guys um obviously it's in the terminal phase now last missiles are l Dr all I can see your friendlies over there God this radar yeah beautiful intercepts being done I mean this is right in Iron Do's envelope viewers and uh avoiding Matrix at the same time total uh blue Coalition Hardware used so far 2.3 billion excluding Iron Dome cuz I forgot to set Iron Dome up with the looks of it two more salvos of drones to get through guys remember that part where you said don't fly between the iron in the drones I wouldn't if I were you people don't listen you know my thoughts on people I wanted a better view view is important guys I'll give you that really curious this how people are getting locks on these things it sounds like an f8 no know talk been doing I've been watching to S so it's a thing I'm using visual mode ah how you got I'm trying to as well but I got a direct I I've got my eye my my face directly on this thing and it doesn't look at it probably in Notch filter if you're uh nope that's what I'm trying to say it's a speed filter speed gate you have to have a velocity you can't it's hard hardcoded into the radar you have to be closing on it at a decent rate or like you need like probably like 150 kns of differential and speed oh you've only got half a dozen more to go yay okay you're free from Iron Dome for a bit good shot nine losses six of which friendly fire uh which in it's not that bad considering you know we didn't we didn't fire any humans it was purely m function of the missile or the function of the missile left it mind them coming in once they're shot down you may land whoever's still alive boom boy drips you're trying to get shot by Iron Dome he is he's in a British plane so who get shot it's not possible Matrix already got hit H let to take that back you landed you landed didn't you Matrix jump that's it wait we stand at the end of the runway we did our bit which is great there was 100 Iron Dome missiles plus a few se round bullets which means we've killed between us 120 or 130 I forget now 130 drones and Cru missiles amazingly one cruise missile got through Iron Dome just got foxed by it for some reason and four ballistic missiles got through so in all about I don't know 1 or 2% 2% got through 98% were intercepted yes there was six Friendly Fires viewers but don't look into it too much that's what happens when you fire pop three missiles into a theater they would change their mind at the last minute but that could have been a lot worse and three people were shot down by Iron Dome I note or crash or something else happened to them right you may go land at Iron Dome to celebrate guys what questions does this bring up well in real life if you've got four Air Forces out shooting down drones as happened in real life how do you stop Friendly Fire because a lot of those friendly forces blue forces were firing am Rams I suspect I guess and they can't stop those Aram from locking on to Friendly so my suggestion is maybe in real life the air forces would had fire zones affected so that they could only operate in certain areas but I know what do you guys think I would say use Fox One mode on the a they'd have had um awax a lot more awax sport for me I would have set them all out with side winders only so they couldn't shoot down their friends by accident I think the Fidelity of the real world radar uh is a little bit better than what we have modeled going after drones so that's definitely true when the grim reapers if we didn't somebody have somebody crash on Landing mhm yep someone's ordered to crash on Landing you kind of ped falling off yeah it's crazy how that happens but you know my hair is feeling a lot nicer yes you got that you're lucky be careful with those spikes in front of the runway wait the approach light yeah yeah I have problems with those that was total stats viewers 477 Sams required the plus 100 iron do so that's 577 122 am Rams and all meteors required 36 side winders and all aams required a million gun bullets required few planes lost but is a gri mission so we'll allow that it cost $3 billion or $2.7 billion do the defense but genuinely only four missiles got through in our simulation so I'm pretty happy with that any final thoughts boys this may have been mentioned before but stick some Stingers into a uh rocket pod maybe that yes why not it's a cheap way of doing it guys that's this is just on serious note there's just one more point that I thought when I saw the real news and that is when you fire all those hundreds of drones each one I think it's 22 ,000 or dollarss sorry and each one's getting shot down realistically probably by a side Wonder M or X which is what half a million dollars that's a very high exchange rate for shooting down those drones I know you have to shoot them down right but that's an expensive way of doing it isn't it but it is yeah boom beautiful there's a quad Mount m139 m149 thing with the four mounted six barrel Min guns anyway viewers that's our rendition I hope you enjoyed it and bye-bye
Channel: Grim Reapers
Views: 69,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DCS, DCS World, GR, Iran, Iranian, Israel, Israeli, F35, F-35, F-16, F16, F15, F-15, F-15i, Attack, Strike, Ballistic, Missile, Cruise, Drone
Id: EnFUjtacbaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 57sec (2217 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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