2025 US & UK Carrier Groups vs 2025 Chinese & Russian Carrier Groups (Naval Battle 87) | DCS

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hello valued viewers I hope you're all doing very well and after eight years in this Cinema nearly 5 000 videos and fights welcome to the most important battle so far 2025 Russian and Chinese carrier strike groups versus U.S and UK carrier strike groups we've done something similar before August 2021 U.S and UK Carrier Group vs China and Russian Carrier Group here but back then we didn't have the technology to do a modern version of it the aircraft were 1990s aircraft the sensors and Radars were 1990s at air missiles when 1990s the ships and the ship's missiles were all 1990s we've been working incredibly hard for the last 20 or so months it's now March 2023 we've now got the units in-game to run the 2020s version modern 2020 ships with 2020s weapons with 2020 Radars with 2020's planes it's been a hell of a lot of work and there's lots of people to thank like CH or rad and a whole bunch of other guys but here we are the biggest and debatably the most important will ever do first we'll do the briefing it will be incredibly complicated and it will take some time because there are so many variables to go through here then we'll do predictions and then we'll do the fight first overview Russian carrier strike group has one CV because netsup which is now actually sailing again it's out of dry dock and it's been modernized six gorshkov anti-ship frigates 24 fourth gen Fighters MiG-29 KR most modern Naval fighter they have plus humans total seven ships 24 AI aircraft plus humans Chinese one CV type 003 fujian their most modern and their third carrier two Cruisers type 055 the Chinese call them destroyers the West call them Cruisers four destroyers type zero five two D so the type zero five five and five two t are their most modern fighting ships with hypersonic weapons 25 fourth gen Fighters air-to-air j15b and 24 4th gen anti-ship three a Wax Plus humans giving seven ships and 53 AI aircraft plus humans USA one CV Gerald Ford class two Cruisers Ticonderoga CMP four destroyers Ali Burke flight three three squadrons first Squadron 25th gen Fighters f-35c next 24th gen fa-18f Super Hornet and finally 20 more Super hornets and his ship with three a-waxes plus humans in super Hornets total seven ships and 63 AI aircraft finally UK carrier stroke group consisting one CV Queen Elizabeth class six destroyers which is as many as we have at the moment of type 45 class and a complement of 24 5th gen Fighters f-35b total seven ships and 24 AI aircraft plus humans the battle geography here is Bullseye the separation between coalitions is 220 statute miles here is the U.S Carrier Group UK Carrier Group Russian Carrier Group Chinese carry group now we're going to go into the details there are lots to go through so please get a coffee get a beer whatever your thing is I think I'm going to do escort ships first two Ticonderoga cmps this is a modernized type of Ticonderoga which would be used in Modern Combat featuring 45 sm-2 surface-to-air missiles 32 sm-6 surface to Air and surface-to-surface missiles 16 sm-3 block 1 incredibly expensive but effective anti-ballistic anti-hypersonic missiles that will be needed today Tom Hawks will be used today and 64 essm enhanced sea Sparrow missiles incredibly effective ship four Ali Burke flight 3 modernized versions of the Ali Burke 32 sm-224 sm-616 sm-364 essm obviously they have guns and seaws as well we're just going through the main missiles today their job today is to protect the carrier on board the carrier are the three squadrons that we've already looked at let's look at loadouts first F-35 sieve armed with sidekick mod allowing six futuristic aim 260 long range air-to-air missiles and nothing else it will be in self configuration with no exterior pylons and a radar cross section of 0.005 meters squared meaning it can be seen at about 20 miles second Squadron Super Hornet air to air 12. aim 260 long-range missiles and a couple of sidewinders not stealth but still marginally low visibility and finally Squadron 3 and his ship featuring four agm-158c larasm Andy ship long range stealth missiles as well as close range defense weapons three a-wax that they're sharing between their two blue Coalition carrier groups and that is the U.S carrier group Next British Queen Liz class carrier defended by all six of UK's type 45 destroyers armed with 16 Aster 15 close range surface-to-air missiles and 32 Aster 30 medium to long range surface to msrs and each have eight anti-ship Naval Strike low visibility missiles her Air Wing is 617 Squadron 24 f-35bs f-35bs can only carry four missiles in their internal if they want to remain stealthy they have got four meteors they will otherwise be instead of configuration with the same radar cross section as the f-35cs all AI today are going to be set the same maximum skill level and to fire at the maximum range of their missiles which is how it is long-range missiles are designed to be used and they will all return to base once they are out of the main missiles they will not purposely go into dogfights or do stupid unrealistic things at least if they follow my orders they will ought to be banned they will not have time to reload and go back up before the fight is over on a blue Coalition there will be humans as well they will start 15 miles behind their carrier they must Buzz to carrier to simulate taking off from it and they are armed with the same aircraft you've seen from the AI so you've either got f-35bs as shown or super Hornets as shown for the Americans next red Coalition Russians like I said because netsup is now finally out of dry dock after Catching Fire for about 30 times no one knows what her modernized configuration is so we've had to model her before she went into doc five years ago so it's actually a slightly older one the best we can do she is protected by six incredibly powerful modern gorshkov frigates armed with 24 long-range Sams the 9m96m otherwise known as the s-350 complemented by short-range Sams 32 of them 9m100 also and his ship eight caliber missiles 3M 54t and four p800 Onyx supersonic anti-ship missiles very small but potent vessel is something I worried about today and her Air Wing 24 MiG-29 KR is their latest naval aircraft they will be Fielding Russia's most modern slightly futuristic weapon the r-74 airmer we will study the missiles a bit more before we set off and to r74s with her humans as well which will be mig-29ks as well and finally we've got the Chinese the second largest carrier group today we have our analog for the zero zero three fujian class carrier her escort ships are gonna be two Cruisers and four destroyers the Cruisers are considered the most dangerous vessels in the world at the moment type zero five five Destroyer incredibly dangerous vessels if they live up to their public quotas featuring Sam's long range 72 of them hhq-9 Bravo their equivalent of the sm-6 and 24 close range hhq 10 Sams the anti-shipping missiles they have 16 yj-18 anti-ship missiles capable of just shy of Mark 3 on speed up and the brand new yj-21 eight of them ballistic Hypersonic missiles capable of Mark 10 and 4 0 5 2D if you like a smaller version of the zero five five forty of the long-range Sam's 24 of the close range sounds 16 of the yj-18 Supersonic and ship missiles her airing consists of basically all of the j15s that China actually has at the moment or 50. 25 are going to be air-to-air and 25 are going to be anti-ship the air-to-air 8 pl-15 long range air-to-air missiles and close range po10 high off bore sight missiles and the anti-shippers are stripped down because they're struggling with their weight to take off and they have just two yj-12 long range supersonic anti-ship missiles let's study the air-to-air missiles a little closer China will be using pl15 with a quoted range of 122 nautical miles and Mark IV America will be using aim260 with a predicted range of 135 nautical miles British are using meteor range 108 nautical miles about Mark IV and Russians modernized Ada r77 and 103 nautical miles which of the missiles is better but it's really hard to say on paper it's aim260 we've done a competition and slightly coming out on top was meteor because it works slightly different with an air breathing engine also there are a series of close range biom missiles but they're all pretty similar for today we won't go through them finally we'll go through air launched anti-ship missiles the Chinese will be launching the yj-12 a non-stealth high velocity mini mark IV long range missile well the Americans have gone a very different way they will be using the lorazem subsonic munition of about the same range but very low visibility some ships can Intercept lorasms in the Sim some can't which leads us on to the all-important predictions guys in terms of testing I have tested every weapon here in isolation and they do work fine I've not however in my testing allowed the missiles to actually hit any Target so I at this point know as much as you who's actually going to win it's really important that I stay unbiased like that I hate it when YouTube is script their DCS matches we want it unscripted whatever happens happens even if it's embarrassing that's what we stick by guys the air War the stealth Fighters should have the upper hand so as long as they can stay enough airborne and don't fire all their missiles out they should be able to dispatch of the Russian and Chinese air fleet My worry is possibly the anti-shippers from the ships and the aircraft if they get their Hypersonic missiles off they may get through because I think all the Aegis systems will be taking out the fighters too and firing at them it's possible that if the aircraft don't get close enough for the American and British ships to use their anti-air missiles that's the one they should be able to shoot them all down but yeah it's all about I guess who has Sam's left at the end if Andy shipment sales get out I think the British destroyers are going to save us all based on the performance that we indicated this last exercise with it I was actually very impressed with its capability to handle multiple targets at once I think they may end up being clutch for us I think stealth rules the day uh having stealth airplanes will give us great advantage in the air War the only thing that could you know box it all up is going to be uh a whole bunch of airplanes are firing at the same Target then they're just wasting missiles and that kind of happened because all of the anti-shipping today is done by AI they make the decisions who they're going to shoot at it's possible they might be stupid Ai and shoot all their missiles at one Destroyer or they might be good Ai and deconflict their targets beautifully you never really know um the airwall is going to be won by the blues they've got 5th gen Forces versus fourth gen aircraft we all know that's gonna happen we've done enough of these however I am really really worried that we're gonna get the blue I'm not gonna try and be unbiased obviously as well in terms of who I want to win obviously I want to the blues to win I'm really worried about the idea of China and Russian carrier groups that they've both been like sincere Inception which is to overwhelm the Hostile carrier group at the beginning by lobbing their giant ripples of SuperSonic and or Hypersonic missiles I'm terribly worried they're going to get through and they're going to smash our carrier groups and that's it it could all be over in three minutes guys we have absolutely no idea there's a lot of stake there's a lot of national pride at stake here we've modeled everything as best we can to unclassified data obviously there's a lot we can't model the ew systems but we've done it as best we can any final comments before we push the big green button it pays mid-server I think the British anti-ships are going to pull America down to be honest the Asters really do not do very well with the um and ship missiles coming against them yeah I'm worried about that as well welcome in viewers oh on the red Coalition is Simba red fire Dead Drop and bird on the blue Coalition is damp someone down there Cannonball I think push Violet and fly matrix it's got some mod problems so he's going to help me watch there's gonna be so much happening at once that I will only be able to show you a fraction of what's going on so Matrix is going to be in the background helping me trying to tell me what's going on best of luck everyone three two one go here we go guys right gonna start trying to look at the carriers as quickly as I can this is an American supercarrier with the first Squadron up of F-35 seeds next is the British Queen Elizabeth class with type 45s Russians we have because netsov big 29 is about to take off with uh balls for spriggins finally China with something's gone up something's just fired standby okay YJ 18s have gone up right so they've already seen them okay these are supersonic up to Mark III and yj21 we've now got hype wow that was quick we've now got Hypersonic two-piece missiles in the air these are capable of up to Mark 10. they will hit the carrier 200 plus miles away in basically like 30 seconds there are now 16 anti-ships missiles this is what I feared the big carrier groups firing the big missiles quickly oh that was quick so there'll be the type 055s firing those there they go look and the type zero five twos can also fire the yga teams let's look at the progress they're halfway across the battlefield already they're going for the British why are they going for the British they're not even closer now this is a thing about AI you don't know what's going to happen until you put it in viewers and I'm worried they've detected that the weakest the Russians are firing the Russians are now firing firing something yes look Trails they're firing p800 Onyx supersonic Onyx at the death going for the Americans so the red coalitions have talked to each other the Russians have decided to go for the Americans the Chinese have decided to go for the British now why they made that decision they do have information they do know about the other carry on what is capability Asters are up from the British two people Chinese are foreign ownership at both fleets it looks like the Hypersonic the farther through each Fleet right also splitting this the less the supersonic massages as well as a Hypersonic right sorry viewers I was wrong uh it looks like yeah my major said this now splitting right okay 40 sounds out no sorry oh God the chance of keeping up with these events is minimal right here's the big battle at the moment viewers what are the Asters going to be able to do can I intercept they're dropping down now this was missed this was screwed look it's not capable oh dear and we were worried about this right this guy's coming in at Mark I don't know seven or something looking at those numbers a big mark over there sorry British that lives wow it got intercepted oh what's happening oh please be nudged please be nudged some of the air-to-air missiles are out first as well on the blue side of Chinese Roger sm-2s firing sm-6 and sm-2 I've got to see whether these hypersonics get through they're getting intercepted they are getting intercepted well CHS has updated the ship to the slightly more modern Asters and it's showing now right yj21 is intercepted I really thought that was about to be overviewers and that was going to be it for the British oh right can the Americans intercept the yj-21 well we know they can because we've already run a similar situation but things are much more complex now viewers there are a lot more things happening in the air aim260s out from old cannonball yes sm2 and sm6 just haven't even bothered firing sm-3 they do a threat assessment of yours and if they don't think they need to fire sm-3 they won't fire sm-3 right first bit of craziness is done next we've got meteors going out from aif35 so far no planes have been shot down obviously ranges that they're being shot at are roughly 100 nautical miles or so what are these oh here come okay so YG 18s are going for the British Onyx are going for the Americans plus a couple of Onyx going for the British interesting uh We've also got aim 260s happening America needs a two-piece uh split missile they can go 130 odd miles and a couple of seconds for a breather and a bit of water if the blue forces can fend off these anti-ship missiles it means that the Reds will be fairly depleted on their stock of ownership missiles that would give the blues the upper hand if they can deal with this first wave 100 my only slight pushback on that is I'm slightly worried that the blues are going to use all of their Sams doing it they've already used no only 19 Sams only 19 Sams and they've got hundreds of them yeah there's a second wave of the Hypersonic ones coming out from the Chinese Fleet but there's only two that I could see so far Roger Roger I know there's a few more being launched most of our view is gonna have to be in the map I'm afraid viewers because there is so much important things happening okay I'm watching the first meteorologist so I'll get important air breathing on the size engine fine weapon pill 15 in the Chinese shop po15 and that's not humans that's AI shooting at 107 miles look at this guy and fly to Battalion with aim260 but the most important thing is this right now and we're getting our first air-to-air kill oh yeah no no yet smash big 29 Down there's a wave of uh the wave of Sam's out from each of the fleets intercepting the uh cruise missiles inbound yep I see right so it looks like yeah this is why Jay is another 21. just like these 18s are getting intercepted by the Americans pretty easily kind of British intercept them though look at that it doesn't look like the Americans are intercepting the inbound supersonic cruise missiles in there to the Northwest they are intercepting the Hypersonic ones inbound from the West though Masters out for um another problem is British don't carry a huge amount of asters as compared to the Americans that's a slight worry come on intercept that sucker we cannot let one of them get through another meteor strike maybe really good weapon viewers really good weapon you see it won our little competition or it came second to the r37 actually but okay Lots the Americans are about to be swarmed Now by this is what I'm worried about these are p800s I've actually never tested these Against The Americans I'm hoping hoping hoping they can be intercepted yeah sm-6s has almost now come on don't can make out any individual targets my radar is completely cluttered yeah it's gonna be a problem today you didn't even get some nuts on the non-stealth missiles on your radar oh up here I'm just going to get through there's one in sofa but I think there's a missile on essms are out the essn s are now out thank God these missiles are excellent at uh close range defense against this type of missile come on hit them hit them hit them Onyx down brilliant if you look at that viewers America is defending itself let's have a quick look at the fleet that is what an American Carrier strike group do viewers their offense is in the planes their defense is in the ships they're gonna turn look at those missiles turn they're helping the British those ones are helping the British the British are weaker are they are probably the weakest carry groups oh oh oh something's got through on the bridge side no holy [ __ ] I got Timber if you sucker yes oh guys that's close loads of meteors going at the top bit a lot of them have failed to track for reasons probably because they were fired so long ago that the target they were going to track is no longer alive this guy's doing a thing up here right we've survived so far if blue can survive for the initial barrage from Red there's a dang good chance of blue winning here so far red have lost one J three j15 for MiG-29 blue have lost one F-35 which I'm actually surprised about but it's possible in situations this complex you know think how hard it is to operate sorry I'm missing the kills viewers but there's very little chance of me catching all of these kills okay we've got a temporary break in the uh anti-shipping so let's watch some of this now guys just evaded that missile he did a thing which fooled its which upset the sensor why are there two m260s heading towards me and myself yeah there are um there's something someone for any fired you there were 44 000 feet they're down to a thousand knots fly they won't catch you up don't worry oh fighting error again mistakes are gonna happen today viewers there is so much happening here I can't really blame okay 10. that's natural 10 red jets down what's doing the most work the meteor or the thing I don't really know one thing you'll notice is that blue have managed to push beyond the Bulls towards the red Fleet so they're taking down the red Fleet very very effectively excellent that's the beauty of fifth gen versus fourth gen the fifth gen have made it way past Bullseye now the AI guys that one problem is they're getting an ATM and getting shot by Sidewinder type missiles that's a them problem I'm afraid viewers I did specify them not to do that but they won't always listen to my orders I call it the Maverick code some of them just go Maverick and do silly things like that would that happen in real life maybe probably not maybe I don't know words and stuff right we've got some more YJ 18s coming in at some point the British are going to run out of asterism ever so worried about that viewers trying to look at a big picture here we've got some flanking humors which is great work going on this guy's flanked all the way up here and he's now zapping out his zappers supersonic very sexy plane that's just coming for these uh YJ 18 supersonic anti-shippers wow 3 3 5's been shot down in the Malay of missiles that's been going on I think we've done a single 18 you're right we've just reached the limit of what the AI can handle now viewers there's so much going on from so many different angles it just can't figure out what to do what am I supposed to do 260 chasing this guy down what is he is a MiG-29 eight mig-29s down and seven j15s down incredibly efficient killing from the blues as we'd expect with these type of missiles so far the blue Falls have been very effective to shooting down the anti-ship incoming missiles brilliant all those mig-29ks are incredibly kinematically strong viewers look at them beat an aim260 it's traveling at Mark II both traveling in Mark 2 right now are you roughly I'm never gonna find you stock it's so big but just keep it smacked well done do you know which what you're shooting down do you know where he is um oh yj-12s I think yeah he's west of the bridge there he is he's shooting down no you're shooting down p800 those onyxes and they've got a damn good chance of killing the Americans socks here he's found non-stealth Onyx missiles here and he's shooting them down with his missiles good work sockington really good use of a jet look at this guy just goes in a world of pain it's getting chased by insatiable meteor hold on drop oh the British is a p800 going to sneak under the radar I know there's a lot of Air Combat viewers but air combat will happen what's really important is the ship combat it's going for the carrier as well oh yeah smack it in the face face we've still got plenty of missiles Pang oh that didn't hit come and get that guy he's got all my missiles off there because I am very low on fuel well done you've done a whole load of meters now there is the problem with the big 29k it does not carry a lot of uh Go-Go juice British are cutting it fine an add-on of ours adder's got all the way over the American Carrier Group look at that crazy stuff going on there essms good blue is defending themselves well okay if you saw what uh see what I did in myself yep you got a thing he's flies down got here in that I've no idea how because it's not stealth yet and he's put things on that there that's all I will say right all carrier groups are safe and hopefully the Chinese are starting to run out of missiles soon socket recepting War missiles yeah she was suck but I'm doing the things viewers every time he shoots one of these down he's saving his Carrier Group many Asters which are very expensive and not numerous wow look at it Bend look at it Bend come on sock good shot bird oh unlucky sock a couple of Misses there's another one coming after yeah it's very hard job for these missiles to accept my three missiles on the day everyone's on the day oh it's impossible for them to get a fire solution bunch of asses on the way I want him that's frustrating look ah failed the British are layering their launches and they're not launching them in one big wave I've got they've got more rasters out now the short range versions run my beautiful missiles run Autumn Flight news missiles should be tracking on data links so even without flight in the game they're gonna track as long as the other a rats can see the say wax which I well assume it counted I don't know distance is a pretty big today all right guys try and find out why there's a merge look this is what happens when AI gets confused viewers it goes into dogfight mode and just does stupid stuff unfortunately um I know much about that and therefore we're going to lose to British the f-35s for the British who've gone nuts never mind you know what as long as they're killing they're just going to accept the losses oh even though it doesn't have a gun he's going into a dog fight ladies and gentlemen I give you the British oh it doesn't have a gun how about that uh good killer you see they're just getting shot by uh IR missiles that's annoying come on m260s perform better must do better cab MX is in Telly Roger over there in a second and the answer tracking smack yeah there's no way I can intercept this it's so fast yeah all right scratch it the problem is you can only get mark one down the deck and It Go Mark three so leave it to the ships then the tracking flight choppy one third of red a box about to go down if they lose a box the ships can't fire their planes can't fire nothing happens everything in 2020 is is based on a-wax and uh Over the Horizon radar smack well done 20 Reds down 13 Blues down there are a few more internship missiles coming out from the red side but they're not coming in waves they're coming in individually or as pairs which makes it a lot easier for the defender forces to uh to intercept them yeah so I suspect that the Chinese initial fire rate is retailed right off they're probably getting short great I'm happy with that see look at these stealth's viewers they're just running into dogfighters oh it's frustrating always frustrating hey Violet when you reload can you go after bird in the south sure lots of 617 Squadron getting shot down which is Annoying It's all about the war at the end of the day 24 Redstone 14 Blues down uh the blues are fired 450 missiles thereabouts the Chinese have fired about I don't know 150 missiles Fox 2 on an incoming missile where is he there is sock huh oops that is valued viewers is sock you can be brilliant or you can be really stupid I think you're gonna get away with it so I think you're gonna get away with it come on get away with it he's got away with it don't shoot another one huh he shot another one at him got him he's down all right that was an F-35 huh yep British Fleet is still engaging the incoming anti-ship massage so they're doing okay at the moment Roger like you said they're only coming dribs and drabs now which is kind of nice meteor was chasing minks down 16 migs destroyed only eight left in their entire Air Wing damn priority Target bird 242 for 135. and wiggle these little fin viewers I'm wiggling at you I'm wiggling at your American Carrier Group okay the American F-35 is hard working properly the American efforts are rtb you can only two have been shot down the others have gone back and landed like they're supposed to it's just a British for some reason I've got some Maverick in their blood which I'm not happy about po15s they're on mass look at that bunch of po15s out it must mean that the Americans are out of f-35s and they're on to their non-stilt super hornets and I'm right the RT the f-35cs rdb as they were supposed to be super Hornets are going in Red Tails lots of missiles but they also are dangerously non-stealthy now low observability but against an ausa radar it's not a huge help in these scenarios I know just the Chinese Fleet have stopped launching their aircraft so if the Hornets can deal with these uh j15s at Rebel at the moment just Northwest of bulls then should leave the Chinese Fleet open Roger I also see the Russian carry group are now out of p800 Onyx and they've gone back to p700 shipwrecks they're firing out okay Americans still got so many missiles they're taking down these with ease they're helping each other the British are helping Asters and the Americans are returning the favor here's the thing Super Hornet oh first red tail of the days down but they are pumping out 260s in response crazy Maverick British pilot going nuts likes if you play with swords going in for a dogfight with a gun he doesn't have and he's dead and rightfully so he's a knob once you can go defensive 17 mig-29s down only seven left in their Arsenal attract son of a Beat only six Russians are left plus human I'll chase that sucker down defeated oh oh more stupid Maverick F-35 is getting too close for their own good so far I don't see the blue having launched any anti-ship missiles yep um the Americans buy them from their airplanes which haven't taken off yet and the British need to get within 130 miles for a Naval Strike missile so that could be anything up to about two hours from now 30 miles I've got to do yeah we won't be going that far half of the British F35 has sacrificed themselves like idiots but you know what they've done their kidding they've taken out the Russians there are only four Russians left Chinese are still whacking their supersonic missiles they're out of yj-21s there's no more hypersonics but there is SuperSonics left and they will keep firing them sure 13 British down only three Americans down well done Americans flying properly we take a leaf out of their book today I think how are the Red Tails doing now Red Tails are doing well only three down someone's Landing who's Landing okay yep the um the super early or whatever they're called f-35s are landing on the supercarrier who's winning so far viewers who's winning he reads about uh two two billion cheaper everything is modeled here for latest Wiki prices viewers inflation adjusted two million related for cost so far four million the blue have lost or used whatever but no ships have been sunk on either that's where the big money is no ships have been sunk on everything it's got the stealth it's because the British stealth's getting shot down I mean three AI migs left in the battle and they're probably rtb yep the the remaining AI mig-29s are out of fuel and rtb so there's just a couple of humans left uh defending in the north now that could come to bite them in the bottom I'd assuming if many of my humans have got any kills for the lulls it's very hard to get a kill in a battle like this fly's got four kills what the hell where did that come from four kills no and one loss that's not bad Sox got a Kill uh push has got a kill I've had load of them were off kill hold on guys man of the match fly so far I don't know how he's done so well and killed much of dogfight F-35 big 29 let's drop drops against an AI is a human that would be he's found himself though the cable they're dangerous they are they've gone Road the British Mother's gone Road drop and they're all going into dog fights it's been out maneuvered by the MiG-29 which probably would happen in real life whoa I had to win the dockwise didn't it guys it's used all these missiles like viewers so he's on guns vertical scissors lateral scissors oh oh fine he's coming back around fighting is all over you looking cheap suit quite a few uh internship missiles inbound to the American Fleet and it looks like they're engaging with shorter range of missiles now yes it's going out look at that viewers es7 is going out quick look at the ships look at them send them all out one's got a hit there we go maneuverable Little Things look at them all yes it sounds a really good closer into the fence you can see them earning their money they're expensive because there's so many of them 64 per ship still these guys are locked horns in a dogfight oh I wins for something yep as the SSM is making absolute mince meat so just the U.S Fleet might be out of standard missiles no a csm-2 Mr coming up from the northern lot oh yeah you're right I mean they're going for the shipwrecks the shipwrecks these don't pose much throughout the USA like the 1980s 1990s missiles they're supersonic 1.4.5 but by today's standards that's pretty hopeless flies guys three times fox 3 how did fly get there look what he's got he's got over sneaky carrier fly rtb now the question is where would I guide would I go because he thinks he's fired on a cold to the a-wax there's a good chance that a-wax post Doppler radar might actually not be able to see it we're gonna have to see all this stuff's modeled uh someone is chasing you for like definite things are happening right let's follow those uh missiles to see whether they're gonna track actually I hope they I locked the Air Max but I missed destroyed well done from the wind range I could lock the downer FX I think you have found it Leo actually no fly yeah but I thought I'd fight on the North one ladies and gentlemen I'll give you fly look at this guy doing a thing look a sock did you oh you ran into a Russian down there did you I mean a Chinese man I did j15 well done sock good fighting good defense because he could have snuck around and wasted all of our missiles now there's bullseye look how far blue is still for the whole match blue have been past the bullseye but they are out of stealth Jets now the British are either dead because they're idiocy or their rtb the Americans have just run out there oh what happened you shocked you shot that guy look well done uh fly also a box number two about to go down the good Lord so I've been to give them three but that is second a box down well done fly good use of a live rtb if you can save that airframe because you've got boys who are unhappy with you very very unhappy how do you feel about it sorry it's in my side and like I said those mig-29s are a lot faster than fly can you get away in Fat Amy who knows who knows even red found him Reds have done brilliant air-to-air today they've just done so well against the still Fighters which are genuinely hard to kill even if you get them close they're still still affects the missiles foxtus would more likely kill me when the radar got it yeah most stealth kills have been done with boxes look at that hop ite The Fat Amy versus this time a Chinese flanker part of media but it didn't work AI versus AI dogfight if you're wondering why these guys are killing the producer killing with guns it's because I forgot to remove their gun ammo because I'm an idiot they're not supposed to have guns a little things like that will happen sometimes look at that for a dogfight viewers that's really good dog fight looks like the British fleets have learned not to try and intercept the ownership missiles at extreme range they're holding their ammunition until they get closer quite a human bound to the US but they're dealing with as well mostly with the essms now bird 119 for 138. I'm gonna try and shoot the stealth download viewers they've got to 29 miles away they've got to 29 miles away fly Run schnella schnella Fly strong button while it's coming to do a thing well is that an energy shipper still no engine ship is up come on now I have few problems Andy shippers are taking off like uh uh but Andy ship was taking off that's good red smash we've got this question oh slightly awkward human or human I love a bit of human on human sandwich all but has Violet seen a thing the question is has Violet seen a thing oh yeah I'm dead oh good meteor Violet Violet it's the furthest person in 50 miles from the carrier Violet I suggest go and take those anti-shippers out yo I'm Bingo feel uh I don't know the 19 miles the boys of Court fly up to 19 miles look at him run his little fat Amy yeah they got me to out of fuel I have 100 pounds if you left ah I see no ship launched anti-ship missiles from the Reds now apart from possibly one right so there's a couple of three more inbound on the U.S Fleet though so the Chinese are out of anti-ship missiles but now they've launched their anti-ship Squadron which are gonna launched these yj-12 supersonic missiles yeah will they get in range is the problem people like damper out there who might be able to take Dapper's been found via hhq-9v wow that's just impressive though I'm lucky yeah wrong place I can't wear this allowed though yes you did right things are hotting up we are 35 minutes into the simulation American anti finally some punch from the blue side aha someone's uh had a good look at this guy is it gonna track yes it is so the British Fleet have funded off the ship launch extension ship missiles by the looks of things yep well done and I think the U.S Fleet have done the same by the looks that really could have gone either way guys it's failed sm-6 will not fail though saga's continuing his mission for anti-misselling should I uh defend the American or the British that's so tough to know so probably apparently yeah American Fleet I think we can actually expand to lose the British I hate to say it we can't stand to lose the um Simba Simba's founder if you have a human whimper but can you track his stealth missile no he's gonna have to go ACM the problem is the stealth it messes those missiles up like I said those kills against the British Mavericks were done with heat Seekers oh but Simba's met his match in that very expensive missile very capable and I'm a glider I'm not sure we can beat it this thing's been Guided by the a-wax so even if he uses curvature of the earth there's not a lot he can do to Beat It remember you guys get an sm6 Ranger pretty much dead unfortunately there's not much we can do about it but you'll have to know that uh fly died anyway I wasn't even going after you anymore human on human action going on yeah yeah third one violet it looks like there's very little by way of red nto uh at defense aircraft at the moment I think they're all dead I think apart from humans all air-to-air is dead now what matters for the Chinese is getting their anti-shippers up of which they've got a whole Squadron 24s 48 supersonic missiles they can fight which could easily destroy either of these carrier groups Birds uses non-step his non-railer guided missile first wave of esfms is out against the Chinese Fleet pilot is going very slow what's going on there ah well it did a thing right I suggest you get back in an airframe and um go and take down those anti-shippers Blues you gotta the rasm is the rasms are out value viewers this is America's punch over three million dollars per pop they are still anti-ship missiles for the radar plus section has model Reserve 0.05 meters squared they can be seen by some ships but not others now how many one two three four five like 20 Airborne now these guys fired them the Super Hornet they've decided to launch I haven't specified what to launch up and they've decided to launch at the Chinese seeing them as the biggest threat which makes sense because the Russians are done there's no they've got nothing left there the remaining mig-29s are landing now look I am land oh they even get out of the airplane but some correlation costs spread have lost 30 million billion dollars worth of Hardware Americans have lost nearly six billion dollars in Hardware but that's still small money to losing a carrier a carrier is like seven billion dollars each or something so that's still a small change right now this sort of hornet is now shooting at the anti-ship as an about damn time these guys will fire when they decide to fire I thought they were going to fire 160 miles and I don't know why they've taken so long but they leave much longer they're not going to get a missiles out I'm afraid that is their decision to make psych's taking up defensive position around blue flute it's pretty much just his red tail taking them all out now it could also fit to give him lots of aim260s that's the good news but it's rtb drops back an action all AI aircraft air-to-air pretty much gone apart from two super Hornets so the only AI aircraft air-to-air two Red Tails this guy here who's attacking the anti anti-ship missiles around just before they got shot look at that viewers timing they were waiting they were waiting to tease us okay games back on YJ 12's in the air mark IV missiles just as they get smashed out of the sky one two see the power of everything here the power of modern that supersonic missiles and the power of aim260 futuristic missiles different Tech in play here fast non-stealthy slow stealthy who's gonna win the race these guys are Superfluous to requirement now they can die in fact it will save space on the carrier whoa things hotting up again guys oh my God what's all that this stupid Hornets just spammed all of his m260s out ladies and gentlemen I'll give you this crazy red tail at what I don't know a thing I guess uh lorasms are approaching bullseye look at this look at that for a shot what a snipe and it's guiding what a freaking snipe viewers gotta watch that make contact surely there we go look at that fire took that wrong place wrong time you just copped like a 150 mile shot oh but he does it ladies and gentlemen fire okay so it's about in range of all these incoming yj-12s all right do a thing yep you got it stockings in Washington now how well is sm6 gonna do miss I saw an sm-6 Miss see that there it is they missed they got through sock they got through the m262 do you get some sixes they're too fast it's now sock come on sock defend your country and defend it well come on can he do it is aim 260 good enough to tackle a mark foreign one down two down three down sock well done you so get a medal making up for his earlier Cocker well done I was not sure America could actually defend itself from those from all of those together we saw them missing whole bunch more sm6 is going to have what why do 12s are out again and they're turning around and evading the m260s this time whoa shock you've got another Bunch coming in do a thing China is not out of the fight yet and they are just pissed off can I get a bra I can't I'm not um neutral figure it out copy okay and these guys are Superfluous they can die or our viewers it's not over till it's over this one got to be our best naval battle so far kudos to the amount of work that's gone hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of hours I know to you they just like a bunch of pixels on the screen but it's the background Tech that's been worked and worked and worked and tested and worked and tested and worked and tested to not Perfection it'll never be perfect but it's pretty dang fine right now and giving us the best battles possible hey these guys are doing their thing fired at 146 for ten I just saw them pop up on radar lorazems look at this viewers they're stealthy but they they're not invisible like an F22 you get close enough to it you will see it and so this guy's gone in found him gonna start hitting him but oh a legacy this thing is going to get here him talk about a friggin multifaceted friggin battle see the British Fleet we've still got plenty of asters taking out the very expensive and effective larasms as some of the rasms got through some got shot down by fire dad who's doing defensive duties now come on some yjs have got through onto the U.S Carrier Group can it defends more SMS out all the amount of missiles are all modeled by the way value viewers nothing's cheating here well done sock that loss dealt with but you've got more coming in FYI laurasms are now 40 miles from Chinese Carrier Group fire dad is in he's found in common as radar as uh Electro obstacle system just gonna go and do a thing but can he do a thing well enough it's a question why j-12 is coming out yep you got him so nothing going on the top really up here these boys are doing a thing but they're just sniping these boys really and Russians are essentially out of it sock found missiles Fox threes go and stop is he off radar or is he not showing us notching so I had noticed earlier that there was there was a wave of four of the larasms heading for the Russian Fleet so there may be some on the way there but smashing rasms you're smashing the residence bird how could you seals come on no they're almost all of the ransoms are dead hang on I think we might have a gummed up American Carrier Matrix when was the last time you saw anyone take off from the American side I couldn't couldn't exactly tell you oh Joe can you do me a favor keep an eye on the American Carrier I think they gummed up I need to find out which one it is and then I'll go and strafe it to shoot it I think someone's got some of them got past me cap okay only four made it past you so let's see how this goes and they're being taken out they're being overwhelmed now yep yeah there's an F-18 on cat one which is holding things up there is an F-15 called cleanup or something like that can go in there for strafing uh operations only Roger we've got a gummed up super carrier here viewers when you put the 60 planes on like oh that's where I look they can't land they're just going around in the circle all right what I've done is we um Supply our own Unblocker aircraft which Matrix is going to come in shortly an F-15 which can go in I like when testing right Los surviving a little rasm at the front nine miles camber catch it I think it's gonna run out of fuel bird you got a Tony Winky pretty much how you viewers put him off Master MX will die in the next 30 seconds go a little heatseeker go oh you don't oh you don't bird oh Adam run no stop cutting us get through you're still future still let's go for the carry on it's going for the freaking carrier oh it's gonna get through Morehead mashed I couldn't get it they couldn't get it and there's more coming through oh that goes down last seven oh heavens carrier is dead yeah Chinese carrier is dead it was one fair and square guys watch the loss of the carrier group be destroyed guys the money didn't update these are programmed to go for the largest tonnage guys and that is the largest tonnage look at them we'll go for it get through the Sea Whiz well done well done no that's it guys well fought by everyone it was a really hard battle antonyms going because they might go for some other ships oh that's the best we can possibly do probably ever oh look at that Harpoon to start to come out from American ships ah look at these viewers they're old harpoons coming out from I don't even know what I don't know what mopping up with going for other ships in the carrier Fleet yes look at this they've even realized to carriers dead and the other ones are going to type oh the tide points are down wow look at load's gone I was just thinking she's thinking yeah all right so there's one more Miss I'll die uh and I'm pausing guys I'm gonna let the scoreboard update right he even tried to go evasive look to get away from the missiles type zero two down oh guys guys guys oh what a battle guys what a battle how many times could redder won that they were miles just I mean a few miles away from getting a Hypersonic on a British or American Carrier and I would just picked at the last minute the interesting thing is you can keep running the simulation from scratch and it will actually have different outcomes each time because there are so many variables and even some randomizers in there scoreboard says 61 red aircraft lost to 35 blue aircraft lost five ships lost to no blue ships lost weapons I don't have a totalizer but let's say 400 red red missiles fired and oh my God the most we've ever fired was a thousand nine hundred American weapons fired they fired lots more missiles including 500 Sams taxpayer cost equivalent US Dollars inflation adjusted 12.14 million to Reds and that was China these numbers are too big now that's diffusion and her escort type 55s blue bear in mind he didn't lose any ships cost a lot American stuff and British stuff just costs a lot 6.2 billion let's talk about bragging rights don't read into this too much but for bragging purposes fly six kills Violet four kills push three kills when I'm post shock two kills although we killed about 10 anti-ship missiles and that would have taken a good big effect in the war but two clears but again he would have killed about 1090 ship missiles but all the boys today guys got kills so well done you lot that's it viewers if you put these carriers as best as we can model them to public information against each other the Blues by the skin of their teeth will win very happy that I got the first FX for free Hornet oh you didn't I thought they would intercept me first but I sneaked through the South more or less picked one by one everyone who got eight inches close to me and around the last three adjusts wrapped in the direction to the avex I was about to say that's the beauty of the 5th gen stealth but you did it the first one with a hornet all fair and square you weren't invisible yeah and after that and thought okay they know what I'm planning to do so I jump into the lightning afterwards and what allowed him to get so far while him being sneaky but the most important thing was what they call the fog of War when something this big is happening everything starts to break down human brains start to break down systems start to break down AI starts to break down as it does in real life so that's how we managed to sneak a guy through that's a really interesting part of the conflict the other side of that coin in the cap is that our screens were completely full of jamming I couldn't pick out individual targets half the time I was after him I knew he was out there but because I was getting bra calls but I couldn't find him because I'm just so full of jamming 100 True to real life in real life it would be done by Growlers we don't have area of perfect jamming we only have personal Jammers but again that's what you would see in real life the entire Air Wing on each Coalition would have their Jammers blazing away which means it's almost impossible to Target anything so absolutely I actually fired most of my 10 missiles home on jam and killed three free AI yeah on a 2ai and Simba all of these weapons we're looking at today have a home on Jam ability but it's extremely unreliable way of firing a missile and so you'll get lots of Misses Sark wants to bring up the idea on the blue side of Defense in depth there are various layers to the defense platform of the blue side that we engage today at different ranges having like your Fighters having a couple Hornets as defense against missiles versus having your long range surface-to-air missile systems medium range and then short range and then guns it really really works out if you're having a coordinated Iron Dome kind of effect with that like layers of the dome right kind of like an onion yeah the casters are really good too whoever made that point beforehand I think that was a key for the bricks we've upgraded the Asters to have anti-ballistic properties as per in real life although they don't have the sea scepter or their proper anti-ballistic missiles yet apparently there's been a mod to real life Masters to give them anti-ballistic capability and you've seen that today viewers uh that's probably the biggest best Naval one we'll ever do there's nowhere ready to go with it now we've done it we've modeled everything that we can model that's it a bit of an end of an era already but pretty awesome I hope you enjoyed that and we'll see you later
Channel: Grim Reapers
Views: 408,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DCS, DCS World, GR, Aircraft Carrier, China, US, UK, Russia, Mig-29, J-15, F-35, Lightning, YJ-21, Hypersonic, Supersonic, Missile, Naval Strike Missiles, LRASM, AGM-158, P-800, Oniks, Naval, Battle
Id: x5dEGUYSau8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 7sec (3427 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2023
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