Luke Skywalker Vs Darth Sidious

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oh young Skywalker you will die this is not going to go the way you think how you doing guys we are finally back with another Star Wars versus video in today's video we will be pitting Luke Skywalker before his Exile against Darth cius at the end of the rise of Skywalker we will be breaking things down in each category and we'll do our best to see who ultimately is more powerful now Legends Luke Skywalker versus Legends aridus is another awesome video I would love to make I just got to catch up on my legends lore a bit so comment if you'd like to see that in this video I'll be using a good amount of speculation as these specific versions of these characters don't have a lot of screen time little tidbit for you guys before the video starts palatin became so powerful at the end of the rise to Skywalker because he absorbed race Force Power and Ben's Force Power he was able to drain their Force Power due to their diead and the force to put it into perspective Ray M chlorine count is on par with Palpatine because she's a the direct descendant of his and Ben's is likely a lot higher because George Lucas said Anakin had twice as much potential in the force as Dar cidus and even if Ben only has one and a half times as many mclan as Palpatine he still has a lot so Palpatine possibly quadrupled his connection to the force I would say tripled maybe because they both were living afterwards the thing is even with all of his years of experience he only had like 5 minutes to adapt to this surgeon power so he doesn't know how to control it as well as Luke does later on once we get onto the fight I'll be using cidus basically as a much more powerful version of who he was during the original trilogy and the prequels basically in the rise of Skywalker he had all the abilities he had earlier but he was able to use them more effectively because of his Surge and power before we get into the different categories I've noticed many of you are Darksiders who haven't sworn your legion to the Sith so let's change that please like this video And subscribe and turn on your notifications please check out my other channel as well well and be sure to subscribe and turn on your notifications for that channel too the first category for today is Weaponry Palpatine carries at least one gold hilted red lightsaber he's been shown to use two but seems to prefer one I've come to that conclusion because in his two most important duels he only uses one lightsaber he typically hides them in his sleeves the problem is in the rise of Skywalker he doesn't seem to have a lightsaber on him I think in the comics he might have had a lightsaber on EXO but for most of the movie he couldn't use it because he was decrepit and old because he wasn't expecting to use a lightsaber I don't think he would need one but I also don't know that he got rid of it the thing is he prefers use the force over a lightsaber so I don't know if he does have his lightsaber but I'm going to assume he had one close enough to the point he could reach it because Palpatine is always prepared and he had vast resources on exigal I think he has at least one probably two lightsabers there he also had the force as a weapon which is its own category later on he also can use his environment as a weapon by utilizing the force once again of course Luke Skywalker has a standard lightsaber hilt with a green blade he has a cybernetic hand which is stronger than a natural one Luke also has a vast array of force Powers at his disposal he's also good with a blaster but doesn't carry one at this point in the story Weaponry goes to palpin by a decent margin for having two lightsabers the next category is intelligence and battle like H Palpatine is very intelligent he's been shown to be capable of long and short-term planning he's able to manipulate those around him very well his political strategy is near unparalleled in Star Wars he might not be the best battle strategist though during the prequels he's playing both sides and doesn't create battle strategy so those aren't what I'm going based off of during the Galactic Civil War he's able to set up traps for the Rebellion during the Return of the Jedi but they suffer one of their worst losses due to his overconfidence in his plan battle strategy wise he's proven to be not the best even with his vast resources Luke has never been ch to be extraordinarily smart but he's fairly intelligent he's able to understand people very well he's able to use his powers very effectively in battle he's able to lead well he fights in many battles as a member of the Rebellion a general by the end of it to be more specific he hasn't carried out any exceptional strategies but he's able to use what he has to in battle and he finds many ways to come out on top a few examples would be how he took down an AT-AT by wrapping his legs with wires to trip them and The Empire Strikes Back I don't think he came up with this strategy he did however effectively use it he also is able to use a force projection to distract kylo Ren and the first order so the resistance could Escape he did this knowing it would cost him his life but he knew his presence would engulf kylo with rage and provide enough of a distraction for the resistance to escape palpin winds intelligence by a good margin and Luke wins bad like H by a good margin now let's talk about their armor Palpatine wears a standard Sith cloak over some typical Star Wars robes Luke wears his white Jedi robes with a brown cloak armor is going to have to be a draw his neither opponent has any now on to experience and knowledge Darth cidus was Apprentice to Darth pagus he learned extensively about lightsaber combat and horse powers he knows much about Sith magic and the less combative nature of the force as well he knows much of Sith history and he even knows of the legendary Sith power Essence transfer this means after he is killed his Essence can transfer to another body and he can live on Dar cidus doesn't fight in very many battles however he does train for decades with pagus in Canon we don't know what his training was like though later on he fights his Apprentice Darth Maul and his Apprentice saaj o press in 2V1 and beats both while likely holding back for most of if not all of the fight later on he kills Kit Fisto aen Kar and C tin in seconds when those Jedi along with mace Wu attempted to arrest him I think it's worth noting he likely caught them off guard he then loses to mace Wu in a duel but puts up a good fight he fights Yoda and he loses the lightsaber duel but the fight ends up being a stalemate later on he easily Tores Luke who was unarmed before he was betrayed by Vader Luke Skywalker fights in the Galactic Civil War for 4 years he trains briefly under Obi-Wan then learns from Yoda after that he is largely self-taught as he learns from ancient texts and holocrons he fights Darth Vader multiple times beating him the last time even if Vader was probably holding back Luke confronts the emperor on the second death star he destroys countless dark Troopers easily in the Mandalorian Luke destroy snoke in a fight we know this because of his quote from kylo keep this in mind snoke was created to be the perfect vessel for Palpatine imp palps uses Jean spacing to create him we don't know what force Sensi is blood created snoke but he's pretty powerful he was then trained by Palpatine not as ath though he isn't as powerful a city as Force connection wise because cidus couldn't transfer his Essence into snoke without his body failing Him Luke easily defeats the Knights of Ren including their leader who was a force user who wielded a lightsaber and went toe-to-toe with one of Luke's students in a duel he does kind of lose to kylo when he destroys the temple but I think Luke was very caught off guard at that moment and he held back and it was a very brief fight also and he was just kind of outsmarted too he also fights Sith cultist easily he knows extensive amounts of Jedi history and the force he knows a good deal about the Sith as well Luke is an excellent fighter no doubt but he hasn't fought as good of Fighters as Palpatine has experience and knowledge go to Darth cidus by a large margin let's discuss their Force Powers Darth cidus has showcased Proficiency in almost every Canon Dark Side Force Power he's excellent at Force choking his enemies we haven't seen him use Force Crush but those two abilities go hand in hand so we definitely can use it he's a master of telekinesis and was able to throw Senate pods with ease in Revenge of the Sith he can obviously use Force push or pull easily he's also capable of using Force telepathy and has near unparalleled Force precognition he can conceal his presence with the force easily well enough for his identity as a Sith to go undetected by the Jedi for decades he was exceptional at Force augmentation he was able to move at blinding speeds while making up for his older age by increasing his strength as well he hasn't demonstrated Force stasis but I wouldn't be shocked if he could use it because he has many abilities that allow him to manipulate the movement of objects basically if Palpatine is able to throw choke lift crush and move anything or anyone I think he could stop most things from moving he was probably the greatest Sith ever when it came to use of forc lightning he shocked the entire resistance Fleet on exigal and even when Ry had the power of all the Jedi she struggled to block the power of Pal's forc lightning in the Canon Comics he was capable of burning people to Ash with his Force lightning though it is worth noting it would be much more difficult to do this to a force user due to their durability I don't think he can use Tut to Menace because I think only Sith can distribute physical energy like Force lightning while only Jedi can absorb it in Cannon I could be wrong Luke Skywalker has used many Force Powers these powers include Force choke which he could use very well while Luke was very skilled at telekinesis and force pushing things he didn't pull down a star destroyer that was one of the many stories from the legends of Luke Skywalker novel a Canon book which had many tall tales and stories of Luke Skywalker which all for varying truth he did however easily destroy the brick Hut R was in during The Last Jedi with a single Force push Luke was efficient in force crush and he could easily crush a Dark Trooper like a tin can and he could use Force precognition by the end of his training on deoa though I don't think he uses that power too much he could conceal his Force presence like cidus he regularly used Force augmentation in battle like any other Jedi he like cidus could likely use War stasis and he probably knew how to use tutaminis we don't see him use it but with the amount of holocrons and ancient texts he has read he most likely has learned the ability I think he can use Force telepathy I just don't know to what degree exactly we know he can because he sens Vader's emotions and red kylo's mind while he slept Luke also has the power of force projection which he uses at the end of The Last Jedi very well he does die after using it but he was also cut off from the force for 6 years this power allows him to project His Image wherever he wants to in the Galaxy I do think it's possible and likely he has more Force Powers we haven't seen an Cannon yet but in this fight we will have him use powers he has used and Powers he likely knows how to use as I stated earlier Palpatine had immense power in the force nearly unparalleled but once he absorbed Race's power and kyos he was on a different level Luke is a Skywalker they have the most most powerful bloodline in Ola Star Wars period George and other higher ups have said Luke has virtually the same potential as Anakin I think maybe slightly less which means Anakin Luke and Leia have the highest potential of any Star Wars characters as I also said earlier Palpatine probably tripled his connection to the force and Luke has twice the amount of a connection to the force as Palpatine originally did so Force Powers go to Darth cidus by a good siiz margin next up lightra skills and styles this is one of the most fun categories of them all G cius mastered all seven forms of lightsaber combat he primarily used the seventh form jyo juyo is a very aggressive offensive oriented lightsaber form it's very acrobatic and involves a lot of force augmentation this form is very unpredictable and intense the user must draw upon their Dark Side emotions to fully use it juio demanded its user to constantly utilize the force Palpatine was also an excellent practitioner of J Kai which was when an individual used two lightsabers at once as we established earlier he seemed to prefer using one cidus kills three Jedi Council Members in seconds cidus contends with mace Wu and Yoda in a duel he also defeats Maul and Savage soundly he's one of the best dualists of his era in Legends Luke Skywalker mastered all seven forms of lightsaber combat and created his own eighth form now in Canon we don't know exactly what forms he uses just before his Exile he uses forms one 1 3 4 and five throughout the original trilogy by the time of his Exile he's likely mastered old seven forms this wasn't too crazy of a feat synic and every Jedi Battle Master has done this so ad Yoda and likely most if not old Grand Masters before Him Luke was The Grandmaster of the order and spent decades uncovering Jedi knowledge so I do believe he mastered all seven forms of lightsaber combat he most likely used form five the most then form three then form four if I had to guess this is largely going off of the Mandalorian form 3 sors Su was a defensive oriented form the user needed to be calm and focused it wasn't flashy it had controlled but calculated movements it was designed to deflect Blaster bolts and per lightsaber attacks form for ataru was an aggressive and acrobatic combat style ataru could be used to defend against incoming projectiles but it was best used in open spaces and attacking ataru focused solely on offense and ending the fight as soon as possible it needed Speed and Agility and utilize acrobatics such as jumping strikes and summer Sals form four was often needed to be used along with Force augmentation and then it would Tire the user greatly unfortunately form five the gem so focused on defending with strong blocks and parries then immediately countering with counterattacks and reposts it was made for lightsaber on lightsaber combat not for deflecting blasters which it did well form five is a very demanding lightsaber form Luke defeats Vader and snoke before Ben Solo's turn he was definitely the best lightsaber duelist in the Galaxy I'm giving both categories to L Skywalker by a good margin he has a more balanced blend to forms than cidus although cidus has displayed more impressive Feats of swordsmanship now on a physical prowess Dar cidus is really really old like about 117 years old he does have a new body but it was very broken down over time when he absorbs kylo's power and Rays he definitely isn't in his physical prime so as we established before he uses Force augmentation to increase his speed strength durability Etc he's blindingly quick when dueling he's a good amount of strength as well he's very agile he's fairly durable and he's a good endurance Luke Skywalker is 46 just before his Exile so not young but not a grandpa exactly he uses Force augmentation as well but doesn't need to rely on it as much as city is does because of the latter's advanced age Luke has great endurance able to last with the best of the best he also is very durable as he's able to continue in fights despite taking heavy hits like he did with the wamp on Hoth he is really strong and his cybernetic hand helped in this aspect during his training on deoa his physical strength is put to the test and he prevails he is very fast and agile his quick reflexes are depicted by his expertise in flying he's also bad BS above most of his opponents in fights when it comes to speed physical prowess goes to Luke Skywalker by a good margin how they compare palpa wins five categories Force powers and intelligence he won by a good margin Weaponry he won by a decent margin experience and knowledge he won by a large margin Luke wins four categories physical prowess he won by a good margin lightsaber skills lightsaber Styles and bad like H he won by a good margin while armor was a draw let's set up this fight we'll take dar cidus just before he fights Ray and the rise of Skywalker and put him up against Luke Skywalker before Ben Sol those conflicting emotions troubled him this fight will take place on exigal both will Dawn their typical attire and Luke will use his lightsaber that he created during episode 6 and Palpatine will have what he likely has on exicle a couple of extra lightsabers in this scenario Palpatine just threw Ray and kylo into that trench Luke walks into the throne room through a portal both are fresh and ready to fight Luke walked slowly through the portal Skywalker you survived Palpatine said with disuss looks like we're both in for a surprise I watch you die Luke said the dark side of the force holds secrets you Jedi could never dream of Palpatine said well I guess I'll have to finish when my father started Luke said before he ignited his emerald green blade and prepared to fight you will try and you will fail along with your pitiful friends from the resistance Palpatine said he then pulled his lightsaber Hill to him with the force and ignited it its Scarlet blade glowed on his face under his dark cloak he for screamed and jumped towards Luke flying through the air like a black and red arrow Luke blocked the Sith Lord's thrust and parried it Cyd slid his blade at Luke's legs back and forth but Luke was too quick he jumped over each strike before he back flipped away cidus growled and summoned his second lightsaber to his hand igniting it he crossed the two blades and lunged at Luke again cackling cidus pressed Luke back back with a Relentless onslaught of strikes Luke began a blade lock with cyas they stared each other down Luke pushed cidus back with the strength of his blade Luke switched to the offensive and went for overhead attacks and quick slashes from the sides cities had a tough time defending against such precision and Grace luk spun his blade around before attacking cyas he easily cut the hilt of the light saer in Cy's left hand cyas dropped it now that it was useless they continued to fight cyas went on the attack again but Luke was too fast he dodged and ducked under each strike cidus jumped and flipped all around Luke but even his most precise hits were knocked to the side with ease sometimes Luke moved so fast all CID could see was a green Whirlwind of fire surrounding him Luke Struck at cyas but cyas blocked pushing Luke's blade up cidus twirled his blade down and up again and stabbed at Luke Luke ducked under this Force pushing the ground beneath cyas caving it in cidus fell but quickly returned to his feet Luke and cidus both twirled their blades and just before the blades met Luke's blade slashed the lightsaber hilt of Dar cidus rendering it useless Luke then effortlessly Force pushed cidus into his throne cyas went flying through the throne he was in pain and covered in rocks as cidus recovered Luke slowly walked over cidus growled in pain from his bruises and this pain further fueled him he grabbed Luke with a force and threw him so far he couldn't see him through the fog cious sigh in relief as he made his way to what he thought might be the dead body of Luke Skywalker he sensed he was getting closer and said you've already lost why hide face your destiny and die like a true Jedi through the fog he saw Luke igniting his blade he walked closer and saw Luke's blade glowing in the foggy Darkness they saw each other C's ripped stones from the floor of the temple and threw them at Luke Luke dodged and ducked undermost he cut some of the stones in half that were too close for comfort but whether it was through the slicing of his blade or the quickness of his reflexes Luke managed to avoid each Stone Luke threw some Stones back and then said my turn Luke used the force to lift the ground cidus stood on he quickly raised cyas and the stone he stood on 30 ft in the air then he crushed all the stones Cyd stood on with so much strength it turned into dust and force pushed him to the ground as cidus Rose to his feet Luke lifted all the stones and dust around them at once and threw them at cidus cyas got hit by some dust and rocks at first then cyas used the force to divert most of the Rock rocks and dust enough cidus yelled as he for choked Luke and picked him up with the force Luke dropped his lightsaber and Rose High into the air grasping in his throat cidus released the grip he had on Luke's throat but he used for stasis to keep Luke from moving now you will die the same way your father did cyas said as he raised his hands and shouted the most intense Force lightning he could summon Luke yelled in pain and cidus cackled seam Rose from the body of Luke this was pain he hadn't been close to it almost 30 years finally I can finish what your pathetic father prevented all those years ago cyas said Luke's eyes began to close as he began to calm he then thought to himself and remembered all the pain cidus caused to billions he thought of how he manipulated and killed his father he thought of how he destroyed the Jedi and the Republic he opened his eyes fully and resisted the for stasis and sent a shock wave that crushed the statues and poles around them Luke fell but caught himself landing on his feet with a hand on on the ground too Luke and cidus both struggled to regain their footing Luke stood up first and pulled his lightsaber to him and approached cidus when their eyes met Luke ignited his blade once again holding it in front of him now you will experience the full power of the dark sight cyas said as he shot blazing hot Force lightning at Luke Luke blocked the Force lightning from Cy's left hand with his lightsaber while absorbing the lightning coming from his right with his own hand using two to menus cidus growled using all the power available to him so Luke sent back all the Force lightning shot at him along with a powerful force push cities landed hard but slowly got back up he looked at Luke who stood in front of him cidus shot Force lightning at Luke but Luke used War speed to avoid it he threw object at Luke but Luke would just avoid them eventually Luke stood in front of cyas still avoiding each attack palpating growed in anger and Luke looked up and use the force to cross the ceiling above them and bring it down on them you fool you'll kill us both Cy snarled no just you Luke replied cyas caught the ceiling and dispersed most of the rubble but some still fell on them with the Brie crashing all around them cidus watched as Luke multiplied all the Lukes ran around cidus creating a storm of green cidus was confused but he saw the one real Luke approaching him cidus shot forc lightning at Luke which he blocked with his lightsaber Luke held his lightsaber to the side his hair blew from the wind that was created by the lightning Luke being exhausted and strained went down to one knee still defending against the lightning until he quickly reached out with the force pulling the emperor towards him and stabbing the Sith Lord through the chest Luke took a hit from the lightning during this move and collapsed along with cyas Luke Rose to his feet and left cidus looked at the falling ceiling as Luke threw it far away cidus died and a huge wave of energy released destroying the ancient Sith Shrine Luke Skywalker wins but why you may ask well with Luke being the better dualist he naturally would have disarmed cyas eventually cyas had over whelming Force Powers so much so that even Luke struggled to contend with him in a Force battle but I don't think cidus was quite powerful enough to kill Luke by force choking him or any other lethal moves I think Luke would have kicked out at the last minute Luke had a few aces up his sleeve one he still had his lightsaber two while he was less than half the age of cyas he had more fighting experience and three his power force projection in my original ending for this Luke projected himself while palps was knocked down so Palpatine wouldn't realize it wasn't the real luk luk then the real Luke crushes the ceiling and stabs cidus in the chest from behind but that wasn't very honorable and was unluk likee so I changed it I think eventually Luke would use his power a force projection and that along with his battle experience and his lightsaber will get him a victory in any scenario I think this fight would be close I think Luke would win six out of 10 times but I could be wrong since we don't see much of prime Canon Luke Skywalker please tell me in the comments what you thought of this video and who do you guys think would win also comment if you have any video suggestions I always love to hear what you guys got to say if you're still here check out some of my other videos and my other channel the link will be in the description anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this video please like And subscribe also turn on your notifications if you haven't and I'll see you guys later [Music] bye
Channel: Star Wars Danger
Views: 2,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9KTC-cJs_iI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 19sec (1459 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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