What If Anakin KILLED Obi Wan on Mustafar

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Today we’ll find out what would’ve happened had Anakin killed his master Obi Wan Kenobi on Mustafar. Before we begin this, special thanks to our Patreons, Voice Actors, and everyone else of the Pente Patrol Team. If you want a chance to win in our next giveaway watch to the end of the video and I will tell you how. Our story begins on the fiery world of Mustafar where master and apprentice look each other down. Their gazes were fierce. Obi Wan didn’t want it to come to this, he never wanted any of this pain or suffering for Anakin. Obi Wan still believed there was good in his apprentice, but he had been sent to Mustafar to complete a mission. Obi Wan stood opposite sides of Anakin. His apprentice had just done the worst thing he’d ever seen him do. Obi Wan knew about Padme and Anakin but it was a secret they didn’t talk about. Obi Wan knew without being told, but he never betrayed Anakin. All he knew is that Padme made him happy, and as long as Anakin was happy Obi Wan was happy. Obi Wan had just watched Anakin choke his wife until she passed out. Padme was alright, she was still breathing and alive, but she was out cold on the ground. Obi Wan couldn’t believe this. Obi Wan knew how much Padme meant to Anakin and for Anakin to have no control over his own actions, it showed how far Anakin had fallen. He was lost, the boy he trained was gone. At this point, here on Mustafar Anakin Skywalker was no more. Obi Wan looked into the eyes of Darth Vader. The two of them paced around each other talking to each other and the words that came out of Anakin’s mouth were heart wrenching. He was establishing a new empire for himself, built by him. He was consumed by madness and power. He’d abandoned the ways of the Jedi and far worse committed himself to the way of evil. Anakin and Obi Wan were spaced out as they continued talking. But Anakin spoke an absolute, to which Obi Wan responded with an absolute of his own. A moment later two lightsabers ignited and Anakin leapt backwards as he engaged his master. Years of patience, head butting, love, friendship, guidance, learning was over within moments as Vader swung to kill. He was incredibly fast. Obi Wan and Anakin had danced this dance before. They sparred with one another all the time and it made each of them better. They knew each other better than anyone else in the galaxy, and Obi Wan would be the beneficiary of that. Anakin was never patient as a duelist, very rarely would he be able to find that patience. When Anakin did have patience he was a deadly duelist, but Anakin here was no where near that level of patience. Obi Wan blocked every swing that came his way. The speed between these two was more impressive than the speed between Sidious and Yoda back on Coruscant. Obi Wan was pushed to the edge of the platform as he held back Anakin, doing his best to avoid being pushed into the fires below. Anakin pushed harder and harder as Obi Wan swung his way out of the danger zone as he pushed Anakin back and moved himself around. Obi Wan was then smacked in the face with Skywalker’s boot. Obi Wan flipped back and landed upright as he looked at Skywalker who slowly walked down the stairs. His condescending behavior was that of an overly cocky individual ready to kill. Anakin dragged his blade across the ground as he pulled it up and swung down on Obi Wan’s block. Obi Wan tumbled back more as he prepared to enter combat again with his former pupil. There was one thing for certain, Obi Wan may have been able to beat numerous foes over the years but the most important duel of his life was against someone who had not just the physical edge on him but the force edge as well. Obi Wan kept backpedaling avoiding being hit as the doors behind him opened. Obi Wan stepped into the hallway as Anakin followed with a heavy pursuit. Skywalker’s eyes began to glow under the disarray of the darkness. Two lightsabers lit the darkness of the corridors and then from behind the glow of the lightsabers Anakin’s glowing yellow eyes. Obi Wan looked into them as he dodged a strike made by his former apprentice. Obi Wan looked back as steam piled out of the wall. Obi Wan swung back as the two of them interlocked in the middle of the hallway. Their blades matched each others and they were stuck in gridlock, face to face. The two of them had nothing to say all they could do was look at each other. Obi Wan focused on the duel, as Anakin pressed down harder and harder, knowing that he had the edge. Anakin shoved Obi Wan back into the wall and swung as viscously as he could. Obi Wan ducked and fell out of the way as Anakin took a massive swing and cut through the wall. Obi Wan pulled himself around and jumped back to his feet, to which he was kicked in the face again. Obi Wan got his ground again as he and Anakin began fighting in a lit hallway where their blades shattered the lighting that surrounded them. Vader pressed his assault as Obi Wan looked at the man his apprentice became. Obi Wan shoved back and then moved into his defensive position. Anakin violently used the force to throw Obi Wan off of his feet and into the door behind him. Obi Wan smacked his head back against the door as the door opened after having Obi Wan hit it. Kenobi rolled back as he regained his footing, but there was a glaring issue for Obi Wan. He was extremely dizzy. There was a chance he’d obtained a concussion. Vader didn’t care though. He stepped forward again and swung at the noticeably weaker Obi Wan. Each time Anakin his Obi Wan’s blade his body contorted to the way the blade dragged. Anakin shoved his former master over a table as Obi Wan tumbled onto the ground. Obi Wan knew it was over, there wasn’t a chance he could stop this monster. Anakin rounded the table in the middle of the room, stepping over the bodies of the separatist leaders as he reached out his hand. Obi Wan was lifted off of the ground as he began to gasp for air. Kenobi looked at Anakin as he rounded the corner and stood adjacent from Obi Wan. Skywalker used his other hand as he ripped obi wan’s lightsaber out of his hand and placed it on his own belt. Obi Wan floated in the air as his legs stretched below him without touching the ground. Obi Wan instead of feeling the pain, surrendered himself to the force. In his mind memories played over of all the good times he had in his life. Obi Wan closed his eyes as Anakin started to walk forward, talking about the fall of the Jedi. Obi Wan’s memories took him from Qui Gon, to Anakin, to all his friends on the high council, and his memories faded back to Satine. She was the final one on his mind and as everything came full circle Obi Wan focused on Satine. Anakin kept speaking, trying to get Obi Wan to respond, but he didn’t say a word. Anakin’s anger grew, he finally bested his master and never was able to feel to triumph of his master’s defeat. Obi Wan spoke to who he was seeing in his final moments, he said the words I love you, but not to Anakin, to the woman he loved. As in Obi Wan’s final seconds of life he starred into the eyes of Satine. Not a ghost nor a vision, just the most pleasant memory he ever had in his life. Their hands interlocked and their gazes stuck on one another, as if not another soul existed in the entire galaxy. Anakin heard Obi Wan say the words I love you and his eyebrows stretched down as he jabbed his lightsaber through Obi Wan’s chest. The Jedi Master was released from the force as he fell to the ground lifelessly. Anakin looked down with pride as he saw Obi Wan’s dead body lay before him, this proved to Anakin that he was unbeatable. His ego was larger than life and yet something happened. Obi Wan’s body slowly disappeared into the force. Anakin jumped back. Was it a force projection? Was it a vision? Anakin was incredibly confused he didn’t know what had just happened. He kicked the robes and they were empty. Qui Gon did one final thing for his apprentice, he brought him into the force with him. He believed that Obi Wan was deserving enough of this. Anakin turned around and walked out of the room quietly. Anakin wanted to feel triumph and victory but he looked around and felt none of it. His eyes lost their tint of yellow and Anakin looked around. He saw all the death everywhere and while he’d been accustomed to death because of the clone wars, this was tragic. Anakin stepped over a couple of bodies and thought about what he did to Obi Wan. Maybe he should feel better about beating Kenobi in combat. But he couldn’t think about that at the moment. Anakin ran out of the room and over towards the ship his wife arrived in. Anakin found C-3PO carrying Padme into the vessel and behind him was R2-D2 climbing into the ship. Anakin looked at them as he grabbed his robe off of the ground and looked at Obi Wan’s. Anakin’s mind flashed back to the interior of the facilities where Obi Wan’s robes just floated to the ground and the body disappeared. Was the light side more powerful than the dark was the only thought that played through his mind. Anakin walked into the ship as he wrapped his robes around himself. Anakin told C-3PO to prep the ship and head towards Naboo. Padme would be taken to the medical facilities on the planet. Because she was a former Queen, she would get the best care. Mustafar was also closer to Naboo than Coruscant so it naturally made sense. Anakin sat with his wife in the back of the vessel as he placed his hand on her head, she was alright, but she needed medical attention. Anakin was still a bit crazed, he still believed he could best Palpatine, he still believed he was the most powerful being in the galaxy, but the silence of the ship made him return to his thoughts with a different perspective. Anakin kissed Padme’s forehead as she lay their breathing. Anakin stood and walked throughout the ship to the bridge. He would sit down and think about everything that had come and gone during his time. All the people he killed. He would finally save someone from death, but with silence in his mind he thought about what he’d done. He was crying before Padme got there, as he starred off the balcony overlooking the lava river. There was a lot of divisiveness inside of Anakin’s heart. Anakin would look at the droid he constructed, C-3PO sat quietly with a stupid little grin on his face as he carried out his orders. R2 on the other hand rolled up next to Anakin and sat himself down quietly. Anakin placed his hand on R2’s head and thought for a moment. He was in a deep state of thought as the ship entered hyperspace. On the other side of the galaxy Yoda fell to defeat at the hands of darth sidious. Yoda was able to escape, he and Bail Organa headed to Polis Massa, the agreed meeting location for after the duels. But after several hours it was more than obvious that Obi Wan hadn’t won his battle. Sidious knew Anakin won his battle, but he didn’t know where Anakin was. He wasn’t sure of the location of Skywalker. Sidious was disappointed that Vader would jut leave his location without permission from him. There had to be a reason for it. Palpatine wasn’t aware that Padme had left Coruscant, as far as he knew she was still in her residence, and he was going to have the clones make her death look like a suicide of some sorts. The entire intention was to push Anakin to the dark side, and blame the Jedi for it. It was a long shot but with how hot headed Skywalker was, there was a chance he would just openly believe it. On Naboo Anakin carried his wife to the secret medical facility for royals. The Medical facility was buried into the side of the mountain under the theed palace. The facility was completely hidden from everyone. The only people who could access it were workers and the royalty the needed to use it. Because Naboo elected its royalty, there were a select group of people who could continuously use it. Senators didn’t have access and neither did the local government officials. And while Palpatine was the chancellor, he wasn’t a royal so he didn’t have access to it, let alone knowledge of it. Anakin didn’t know about it until C-3PO told him about where they were going. When the ship landed in the hanger Padme was immediately taken down into the depths of the facility, Anakin was allowed because he was married to a royal. In the bottom of the facility there were numerous amounts of medical droids and they all got to work immediately. Anakin stayed by his wife’s side throughout the entire process. For Palpatine he was losing patience. He couldn’t contact Anakin, and the only lead was the ship that was still on Mustafar. When Palpatine went to mustafar he couldn’t find Anakin, just his ship. Anakin was seemingly gone and Sidious was extremely pissed off. Anakin would eventually have the distinct honor of being present for the birth of his children, Luke and Leia. For Anakin and PAdme it was the names they both chose, there was no disagreement. They didn’t expect twins, but now they had twins. Padme was in an obvious amount of pain and she was still upset with Anakin but after giving birth she was taken by the medical droids and put to rest for a little. She was given medicine to ensure that she recovered healthily. Luke and Leia were taken into another room so that they could also be taken care of, up to royal standards at least. Anakin was seated alone. He thought about everything that had transpired, and so he took a walk. C-3PO and R2-D2 watched as Anakin stood up and walked out of the room. There were a lot of thoughts going through his mind at the moment. Anakin walked through the massive halls of the Temple. Anakin walked over to a shoot out of the main temple, it was a little room that was open and stood above the massive waterfalls. It was were Qui Gon Jinn was laid to rest. Anakin walked out across the pathway and looked down. He saw the green grasses and heard the water flowing behind him. Anakin leaned over the railing and thought momentarily. Anakin had his robe over his head and under the robe were the deceiving thoughts of a broken man. The heart of Skywalker was disgruntled and torn apart. There was little to say about the effects this could have on not just him but the galaxy. Anakin thought back on everything, especially because his wife was safe. He looked into the eyes of every single person he killed, the slaughter of innocents inside of the Jedi Temple. The memories were full of pain, how could he have done that so easily. He showed no mercy and killed them all. There wasn’t even a hint of regret. Anakin looked over the edge as he felt sick in his stomach. The memories of little boys and girls slaughtered in the temple they were raised in. They weren’t even given a fighting chance, the 501st was so elite that there was nothing that they could do, not even a hope in the galaxy that Cin Drallig or the Temple Guards could save them. Maybe had Anakin not killed Cin Drallig so easily the 501st could’ve been stopped. But he woke up the temple to its darkest hour. Anakin placed his hands over his face as he let out a terrible scream. Sure Padme was alive but at what cost, who had to suffer so that she could give a perfectly normal birth. There were no complications, Padme was perfectly fine. Then Anakin realized the errors of what he’d done. Anakin thought to what Obi Wan said, even in his final moments he was still able to tell him that he loved him. And sure in Obi Wan’s mind he was saying it to Satine, Anakin didn’t know that. Obi Wan would’ve said it to Anakin as well. Skywalker let out a terrible scream as it echoed over the entire valley below him. He couldn’t believe it, his stomach twisted into knots as he fell to his knees. Anakin’s eyes watered and he breathed in shallow breathes. His heart broke into a billion pieces as he sobbed. He hadn’t ever felt so weak, so broken. He created so much pain, it was all a lie. Everything Palpatine did, it was a deception and now Palpatine had control over the entire Senate. The entire Republic was now an empire and it was because Anakin gave him the power to do that. Anakin’s entire body felt fragile and as he looked through his hair towards the small room they buried Qui Gon in he thought he saw someone. Anakin got up from his feet as he ran over to see who it was. Skywalker wiped tears away from his face and pushed the hair out of his eyes as he ran over and looked at the empty chamber. Anakin stepped over to where qui Gon was buried and placed his hand on the char that was left from the last funeral. Anakin spoke aloud as he apologized to Qui Gon for failing, he was supposed to bring balance to the force and he seemingly failed. A voice crept over Anakin’s back as Skywalker turned around to hear the voice of qui Gon Jinn. The voice told him that he believed that Anakin would be able to overcome his greatest failure, defeat his demons, and bring balance to the force. Anakin cried out asking how could he, if all he did was bring destruction down on everything he knew. Jinn told Anakin that things would sort themselves out, but Anakin needed to bring balance back to the force. Skywalker lowered his head as his heart sunk into his chest. Obi Wan’s voice was then heard, as Obi Wan told Anakin that there wasn’t anything he couldn’t do. Anakin whipped his head around as he looked at the ghosts of Qui Gon and Obi Wan standing side by side. There was total belief in Skywalker, they both knew he could do it, but he had to trust that he could do it. Especially by himself. Anakin looked down at his hands and then to his belt, he had two blades, he still hadn’t gotten rid of Obi Wan’s lightsaber. Anakin had finally come full circle. Maybe if Obi Wan didn’t show up this would’ve happened sooner. But the madness that Skywalker possessed on Mustafar withered away as he realized that the power he had meant nothing without the ones he loved. It was a shame it took him so long to understand but everything did make sense now. Anakin looked back up to see if Qui Gon and Obi Wan had anything else to say but they were gone. Skywalker knew what he had to do, especially if he wanted to create a better galaxy for his children, this would be the fight of his life. He wasn’t just fighting for Padme, no he was now fighting for his family and for the galaxy. The entirety of balance was on his back, because if he could defeat Sidious then there was a possibility that the galaxy could find peace and balance. Anakin walked forward as he made his way to the hanger bay, he was going to find Sidious and he was going to kill Sidious. There wasn’t going to be anything to stop him from doing so. Anakin intended on being back before Padme awoke. Were there any fears for Skywalker, sure he was about to fight the face of evil in the galaxy, alone. Anakin loaded up into one of the several N1 starfighters in the hanger. He then whipped the ship out of the hanger bay as he pressed its accelerator all the way forward and launched into the atmosphere. Anakin closed his eyes as he pressed the hyperdrive in and jumped to hyperspace. Anakin sat quietly inside of his star fighter as he thought about everything. Again going through the emotions of the days that had passed. Anakin was still so very distraught, but he knew more than anything that he had to be focused, he needed to be ready. The ship floated through hyperspace as thousands of voices cried out in pain and terror. Just memories, just memories, Anakin told himself that the memories couldn’t hurt him, but he needed to avenge them. He couldn’t come at this like Mustafar Skywalker or Temple Vader, he needed to be Anakin Skywalker. Not the Jedi nor the Sith, just the man meant to bring balance to the force. His only objective was to sow peace into the hearts of the galaxy. Anakin arrived at Coruscant and looked at the massive blockade surrounding the planet, it was almost robotic, there was no sign of life, Anakin pulled his ship around the fleet to the surface of the planet. Anakin knew he was safe, he was specially selected from all the Jedi and he was protected from Order 66, and he knew this as he pulled the ship down to the senate building. The N1 landed and Anakin exited the star fighter as he looked around and noticed swarms of Coruscant Guardsmen coming towards him. Skywalker didn’t budge he just looked at them. He knew that they were here for him and what would they do, he didn’t know. He stood in front of them with his hood raised. Commander Fox greeted him with a salute and told him that the Emperor was expecting him. Skywalker nodded his head as he stepped forward. The presence of Vader was demanding, and while Anakin knew what he was doing, playing the part of Vader was empowering. The clones stood aside as Vader’s boots echoed throughout the halls as he marched towards the same room that everything changed. Vader stepped forward, the room had been cleared from the dead Jedi and the window was replaced. The Coruscant Guard followed Skywalker to the room, but when he entered he used the force to close the door behind him. Sidious looked up from his desk and cackled to himself, telling his apprentice he was wondering when he might show up. Vader looked at Sidious from under the robe, presenting yellow eyes as he knelt before his master. Sidious grinned, asking if Vader understood the gravity of his actions. Vader didn’t speak a word. Sidious told Vader that he disobeyed orders, and the proceeded to ask why Vader would do such a thing. Vader didn’t speak as he looked at Sidious from under his robe. The dark lord of the sith was fed up and turned around and shot lightning at Skywalker. Vader took out his lightsaber and ignited it as he blocked the lightning. Sidious looked at Skywalker and demanded that he stand down. Vader didn’t hesitate as he rose above Palpatine, being much taller than his master as he looked down at Palpatine from across the room. Sidious saw this as a challenge for power, a challenge to the right to be the true Sith Lord, and without hesitation he ignited his lightsaber and said the words so be it. Vader twisted his blade up as it covered his face in his traditional form of combat. Sidous leapt forward swinging his blade violently at Skywalker as he darted back and pulled his blade around and clashed with his master. Sidious and Vader toiled with one another, this would be a battle of offensive speed. Obi Wan versus Anakin was about offense and defense, but this here would be a battle of precision with a lightsaber. Sidious jabbed forward as Anakin pulled out Obi Wan’s lightsaber and ignited it to block the strike from Sidious. The dark lord cackled asking if Anakin had really killed his old master just to fight his new one with the same lightsaber. Anakin held himself together, he knew that Sidious was trying to throw him off balance by angering him. The Coruscant guard outside the room could hear the comotion as they started to bang on the doors trying to get in. Sidious bounced off furniture as he landed next to Anakin swinging his blade at Skywalker. Anakin ducked under and brought both blades together as he swung against Sidious, Anakin for the first time claimed the offensive power, swinging both blades with each other as he pushed back against sidious. The dark lord was in fear, as he rolled back. Blocking each lightsaber that came his way. Sidious leapt backwards as he seized the high ground and looked down at Anakin from his height, Anakin remembered something Obi Wan talked about a lot, it was the advantage of the high ground. Anakin hesitated as he stepped back and looked at Sidious, the dark lord laughed, Anakin spun around in a circle as he launched Obi Wan’s lightsaber at Siidous. The dark lord jumped down but he looked up to see Anakin leaping towards him. Skywalker and Sidious caught each other as their blades twisted in each other’s hands. The screaming of their blades was outrageous. Skywalker looked down at Sidious as the dark lord could feel the power of the chosen one lining up against him. Sidious felt fear for a moment as Anakin doubled back he pulled Obi Wan’s lightsaber out of the wall and caught it as he brought it around against Sidious. The dark lord kicked Anakin in the stomach and saw his advantage rise as he leapt into Anakin, Skywalker fell back and rolled under the blade as he kicked Sidious in the jaw, the Sith Lord jolted back as Anakin rose to his feet, Clashing with his right hand blade with Sidious. The two of them looked at each other. Anakin then brought the second blade around as he smacked Sidious’ arm with it. The dark lord cried out for a moment as Anakin used his other blade to cut Sidious’ lightsaber in half. Skywalker started to swing violently as he cut at Sidious. Palpatine tried his best to defend himself as he shot lightning at Skywalker, but as Anakin blocked the lightning he threw it back into Sidious and then with both of his blades, he jabbed and cut a Sidious was thrown apart and his body was torn into pieces. Anakin looked down as the Coruscant Guard breached the room. Anakin moved back into defense as the clones opened fire at him. Anakin blocked their shots and then sheathed Obi Wan’s blade as he pulled Commander Fox with the force and shoved his lightsaber into Fox’s stomach, telling him that this was for Fives. Anakin threw the body to the side as the Coruscant Guard pilled in through the door. Anakin blocked all their shots and then with the force pulled them down and around. Some of the clones being pulled in front of blaster fire and other ones being thrown through walls. Skywalker leapt across the room and got into close quarters as he reignited Obi Wan’s blade and cut through the clones that surrounded him. They all cried out in pain as they dropped to the ground dead. Anakin looked out, the halls echoed with blaster fire. Skywalker raised his hood and made his way back to the N1. The troops weren’t aware of who’d done this so as Anakin made his way back to the ship he was left alone. Skywalker entered the ship and made his way back to Naboo alone. Over the coming days it would be revealed that Anakin Skywalker killed the Emperor of the galaxy and there would be a Hitlist put out for him to be killed, alongside the rest of the surviving members of the Jedi Council like Shaak Ti, Yoda, Coleman Kcaj, Oppo Rancisis, and Obi Wan, who no one knew was killed on Mustafar. Skywalker would take his children and his wife to her private estate on the far side of the planet, tucked away in some allies. Anakin would reside here, in the quiet peaceful landscape of Naboo. As for Padme, she would reunite with Bail Organa and Mon Mothma as they would begin to work on fixing the republic. Without an Emperor the Empire was lost, so the politicians had to come together and work out all the issues. Yoda would retire to Dagobah and he would stay in hiding, the other Jedi Masters, unaware of Anakin’s betrayal would see him as a hero for killing the Emperor and extinguishing the Sith forever. And while it was unknown at the moment that Maul had survived, Anakin would suffer in silence while raising his children. Though an old teacher would make his presence known to Anakin and he would guide Anakin to finding the peace he needed. That teacher was Obi Wan Kenobi. While Qui Gon could’ve done it, it was Obi Wan who wanted to make sure that Anakin would find peace, even after what he did to the Jedi. Ahsoka would eventually find Anakin on Naboo and the two of them would learn of the fate of the other and what had happened since the fall of the republic. Without a strong empire though there would be no reason for quarrel. Ahsoka would be proud of Anakin for coming full circle to learn the path of inner peace. As for Padme she would help the republic find itself for the first couple of years after Order 66, and when the republic found itself a new democracy she would return to Naboo to raise her children with Anakin. The Jedi would be removed from the kill list and Anakin would never be found by public officials. While Anakin would struggle with his inner turmoil for years and never be able to escape the nightmares of Order 66, he would eventually find peace, and as his children grew he would teach them the ways of the force. Luke and Leia would grow into incredibly exceptional force users. And as for the remaining Council members they would restart the Jedi Order without the Empire trying to hunt them down and kill them. It would take generations until the Jedi would earn their respect back in the public eye. But when they eventually did they would help sow peace. Maul and Ahsoka would have one final run in with each of which Ahsoka would best Maul, and sow the end of the sith into the history books forever. And that is our story …. Again special thanks to Benjamin Wells, Icy Raptor, Apollo, Madmana Studios, Anakin003 & Gort for supporting the channel! Let’s hit 2k likes so that we can see “What If Yoda Killed Sidious” If you wanna see a What If, let me know down below I do read all of your comments! Check out the Twitch, Discord Community, and Patreon if you want to be apart of the community or support me in other ways! (Talk bout story)
Channel: Pente Patrol Star Wars
Views: 58,264
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anakin, revenge of the sith, star wars what if, star wars what ifs, star wars episode 3, star wars revenge of the sith, star wars the clone wars, the clone wars, clone wars, skywalker, Obi Wan Kenobi, Obi-Wan, obi-wan, obi wan kenobi, obi wan vs anakin, anakin vs obi wan, anakin kills obi wan, star wars, ppsw, lightsaber, lightsabers, baby yoda, sidious, palpatine, yoda, anakin skywalker, skywalker saga, mustafar, star wars animation, starkiller, duel of the fates, battle of heroes
Id: 0rLwAL6yRXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 52sec (1852 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 30 2022
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