What If Obi Wan SAVED Darth Vader

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hello welcome back to the space cool and today we're going to find out what would have happened had Obi-Wan saved Darth Vader before we begin this video special thanks to our patreons voice actors and everyone else part of our Penny Patrol team what a chance to win a free lightsaber in our giveaway watch the end of the video I'll tell you exactly how you can win our Story begins in the shrouded of Darkness on the moon in the outer rim Vader tracked Obi-Wan down to this planet after he went to jabim the two had been dueling here for several minutes Obi-Wan at the moment was buried under thousands of pounds worth of rocks and boulders Vader piled them on top of him for the sole purpose of burying him alive fitter left he didn't have time to wait Obi-Wan out as he turned away Obi on the other hand was running through memories he was thinking about the two children he was protecting Luke and Leia the children of Anakin Skywalker they were what brought Obi-Wan back to this level it was a tantalizing experience for Kenobi he spent nine years in the desert forgetting about the life of a Jedi And yet when he was called to come back he felt more like a Jedi than ever before when he saved Leia he realized what he had to do from here on out oh we're looked up above him as he kept his hand above his head he pushed up with his hand and the boulders cleared the way as Obion yusuforce propelled himself up the side of the hole that he was currently in he grabbed his lightsaber and sensed for Vader he was nearby Kenobi ran between the rocks and leftover mountains he got closer and closer to the sounds of heavy breathing Kenobi picked up speed as Vader stopped in his tracks to ignite his lightsaber in time to stop obien's blade from killing him Obi-Wan Invader tossed and turned as her blades collided again and again Obi-Wan switched from his mastered form into the more aggressive form four Vader was pushed into a retreat as he stumbled backwards holding as much ground as he could defending himself from Obi-Wan's assault was more difficult than he'd ever expect Kenobi swung with his blade upwards pushing Vader off balance and then he swung his hand around with precision as he launched Vader from his feet throwing him into the side of a mountain nearby Obi-Wan stepped forward and closed his eyes he allowed the forest to rise next to him as he did several rocks and boulders lifted up from behind him as the use of force Propel the little pieces of hardened sand at Vader Obi-Wan knew Skywalker all too well sand was absolutely his weakness Obi-Wan stepped forward as a sheer magnitude of rocks of Boulders and everything between were hard at Vader as he groaned in pain when Obi-Wan stopped he ripped his blade out and around and collided with Vaders for Vader he couldn't believe it he spent every waking moment in the last nine years since Mustafar thinking about beating Obi-Wan he'd been training for this moment ready to kill Kenobi and yet here he was on the back pedal against the master of Defense Obi-Wan invader then United his brothers again on the battlefield as her hands grabbed a hold of each other's they held hands while they swung at each other their bond as former master and Apprentice showed in this moment and then obien shoved away from his grip and he turned his lightsaber around and began to shove back into the hilt of Vader's chest piece harder and harder with each swing Vader began to Tumble backwards and as he did his mask fogged up and his breathing got tense Vader's patience began to shorten as he took a violent swing at Canobie Obi-Wan at this point was going by muscle memory so many times did Anakin made the same mistake just for Vader to be the full imagery of failure of a student OBU and sidestepped quickly and dragged his blade up Vader's back as he tumbled to the ground Canobie looked around at his Fallen Apprentice as he waited for Vader to stand up again Obi-Wan was fully in his element swinging his blade around as a master of his craft he looked at Vader and watched him slowly grow to his feet as Oprah leaned into the force and threw Vader from his feet tumbling into the other side of a rock Kenobi was ready he twirled his lightsaber once more ran towards Vader leaping into the air and slashing down colliding his Blade with Vader's mask revealing a piece of the man who used to be Anakin Skywalker on the inside as obuan studied himself back he looked down there was a very human-like groaning from the spoke that's fled Vader's mask and he looked and as his confidence soared his heart shattered he looked down at Vader and saw a single eye from Anakin Skywalker looking back obon's heart broke into a million pieces because this wasn't Vader obien beat Vader on Mustafar this was Anakin Skywalker the same man that Obi-Wan said goodbye to on Coruscant before The Purge before the Battle of Grievous before the end of the war this was his best friend looking at him Vader stumbled to his feet as he looked at Obi-Wan Kenobi let out a weak breath as he said Anakin's name The Man Behind the Mask said in agony sadness and Terror that Anakin was gone he was all that remained Obi-Wan saw it Anakin Skywalker wasn't dead he was in there somewhere he was still a part of the suit he hadn't fully given up yet a woman's mouth trembles he apologized to Anakin for everything the real Anakin Skywalker didn't blame Obi-Wan because it wasn't Obi-Wan's fault for his Descent of the darkness could he been better for sure but Anakin didn't want Obi-Wan to live with a life full of guilt for his only Apprentice being a failure Anakin told Kenobi that it was not Obi-Wan's failure Obi-Wan did not kill Anakin Skywalker albril looked as Anakin's eyes lost their purity the tears on the side of his cheekbones dried and the red lining filled out the outer layer of his eyes and yellow filled the middle as he told Obi-Wan that he killed Anakin Skywalker obuan's tears sat in his eyes and looked at Vader Darth Vader returned Obi-Wan held back his breath as Vader continued saying that it was the same way that he would destroy Obi-Wan Kenobi couldn't live with abandoning Anakin here he looked at Vader and demanded to know how this could happen Vader stepped forward angrily raising his lightsaber ready to kill Obi-Wan then again asked Anakin what Palpatine told him Vader stopped he looked at obiola's shock in his eyes he'd spent years repressing his Fall From Grace he spent every waking moment telling himself that he wasn't deserving of a life of Happiness Vader's anger grew but the Anakin inside cried Obi-Wan asked if Palpatine told him about Padme Vader stare could destroy a star system as he glared at Obi-Wan Vader almost asked why obien said that name why did Obi-Wan say her name Obi-Wan could tell based on Anakin's reaction that there was something left of Anakin Obi-Wan came to a hunch though he knew that the quickest way to Anakin was Pat may but he was curious what he knew Obi-Wan knew about the funeral and how it was a setup for Padme it was said that she died before giving birth but only Obi-Wan Yoda and Bales knew the whole truth Vader tried to sound tough as he asked Obi-Wan what he meant obuan studied back Vader was a bit too close for comfort as he told Vader that Padme survived Mustafar and even more than that Obion paused if he told Anakin about the children he could either sway Vader or he would have to kill him Vader demanded to know what happened his impatience soared as his eyes of Anakin came through again Obion told Vader that his children were born they were alive Vega's eyes lost their tent as he stumbled back his disbelief couldn't be matched he had no clue how to understand or even conceptualize what Obi-Wan had just said to him Anakin came through again as he asked Obi-Wan to repeat it Obi-Wan didn't lower his guard but he continued and told him that Padme survived and then gave birth to Anakin's children Anakin was shocked at the notion of a survival that his master lied about even more than that was the birth of not just one but multiple children though part of Anakin didn't want to believe this it was too good to be true it was a setup or or something that Obi-Wan was trying to do so they could kill him Anakin demanded their name Obi-Wan didn't set her as he said the names Luke and Leia Vader's lightsaber fell to the ground and then slowly after the metallic husk of Vader tumbled to the ground his knees planted into the dust clearing a path around the ground that he fell on Vader's hands fell before his face and then he let a terrible howl of pain mixed with the vocalizer of his mask and Anakin's actual voice Obion see this blade as a tear fell down his face all the memories of the children came back and the death of Padme sat at Forefront in the front of his mind Obi-Wan's still skeptical and Vader didn't step forward though on the other side Vader's eyes filled with tears as he thought back on his Fondest Memories of he and his wife before her death it was one of the few places of Anakin Skywalker that never died he couldn't let go of this memory it was too pure Padme and Anakin were talking it was after the Battle of Coruscant it was one day before Order 66 in the death of everything Anakin knew Padme and Anakin were talking on her high-rise luxury apartment the sun was setting and the breeze was perfect to the touch Padme was elegant with her flowing hair and her glimmering smile her eyes looked like the stars and her voice as soft as an angels Anakin and her stood in the balcony with each other their hands interlocked as they stood in silence just admiring the perfect view of one another Anakin stresses were gone he wasn't thinking about Palpatine the Clone Wars the Jedi or anything he was living in this moment with his wife a song was played and the two of them shared it close slow dance with each other just with their arms around each other as they braced each other padme's head was perfectly aligned with Anakin's chest and his head nestled gently on her head she poised the question to him what should they name their child while the technology was up to the standards and they could know what their child would be or the fact that there'd be two of them they didn't want to know so Anakin asked what she thought of names Padme smiled she had come to the names of mind but she wanted to hear what Anakin's thoughts were Anakin snickered as he told her that he hadn't much time to think on it the two of them continued the slow dance with a little giggle Padme then told Anakin that if their child were to be a girl then they should name her Leia it was such a beautiful name Anakin could remember the chill that fell down his spine when Padme said the name Leia it was a perfect name for a little girl and Anakin told Padme that it was Padme was enthralled to hear that Anakin liked the name that Padme came up with and so she then asked what about for a boy Anakin made some joking names more exotic names for rhodians or twiliks all getting little Giggles from the two of them Anakin then suggested that they stay with something similar not too close but something kind of close to Leia of course the idea that twins would be involved wasn't really a concept in their minds so Landa was the first name that Anakin said Padme gave a questionable hmm as Anakin adjusted the name for a boy to Luke padme's arms tightened around Anakin's back as she told him that it was a perfect name for a boy Anakin looked down and then he was taken away from this beautiful memory the breeze disappeared and is breathing stiffened he was back in the suit it was just a memory of a life that he couldn't live Anakin spoke out from one of the suits he told Obi-Wan that it was true then Obi-Wan got closer he could feel Anakin's broken heart as Anakin said that it was the names that they came up with before everything happened Obion bit his lip as he looked at Anakin still covered in the suit of the dark lord Obi-Wan told him that they could still make things right there is a chance for Change and that chance for change could make everything right Anakin under his breath said that things would never be made right Obi-Wan stopped walking towards Anakin the suit began to rise as Anakin told Obi-Wan as he looked through the hole in his ask that Padme would never come back from the dead his children would never look at him the same way they would as if he was Anakin Skywalker Oberlin looked into Anakin's eyes imploring with Anakin to join him to come back to the light because together they could take on the emperor they could make things right in the galaxy Anakin's metallic suit creaked and croaked as he stood to his feet he looked down at obien from across the way Anakin's eyes still had tears in them Vader stepped forward as he told Obi-Wan that there was no we anymore Obi-Wan prepared for the fight to commence as Anakin stopped he told Obi-Wan that he would make the right of his own wrongings that instead of being Vader he would free himself and die as Anakin Skywalker because no pain was worse than having to be away from his wife better step forward and held his hand towards Obi-Wan who was still hesitant obien placed his hand on Vader's glove as he monitored the motion of the lightsabers on his Hilt and on the ground Anakin looked into the eyes of Obi-Wan and asked one thing he asked that Obi-Wan promised to raise his children and tell them of who their father and mother were obon's eyes melted with tears he looked at Anakin from under the mask it was the same confident smile that Anakin Skywalker used to wear the Jedi one Obi-Wan student his best friend Anakin looked at Obi-Wan and told him that this was a path doing what needed to be done because it was his actions that caused all of this to happen Anakin would hold himself responsible and then from there all the wrongs could be made right everyone smiled at Anakin it was like after nine years of Silence nine years of assuming he was dead and thinking the same of the Anakin that ravaged the entire Jedi or to the ground it was like not a moment had passed since the last time Anakin and Obi-Wan said goodbye and so with that just as her last time master and Apprentice parted Leia's Anakin place his hand on top of Obi ones and said to him goodbye old friend May the force be with you Auburn looked at Anakin as he pulled his lightsaber to his side and stumbled away clearly watched as the breathing was no longer Audible and The Stumbling across the Pebbles and rocks was no longer visible the sound of the Imperial shuttle taking off could be heard as Obion looked over and watched it Fly Away Kenobi had to get back to Tatooine to make sure Luke was okay he had a feeling within the force that Reva had found the communication device left on jabeem luckily for Obi-Wan when he returned he was able to find that Luke was safe and Reva had a change of heart she made a change that saved the life of Luke Reva was very distraught and so Obi-Wan even after the distressing evening he had came down to her side and helped her Obi-Wan was inspired though whether Anakin succeeded or not Obi-Wan changed him Obi-Wan gave the most evil man on the world and the Galaxy the hoped to become something more and while he could not have Anakin back himself Anakin could have himself back before he drifted away into the cosmos of the force within the coming days baru and Owen would break out into a massive argument and Peru would decide that Obi-Wan should be responsible for Luke because it was evident that the two of them were not capable of taking care of Luke Revo almost killed both of them and then almost killed Luke in the process it wasn't worth the pain of trying to fight off another Inquisitor obien was now left with Luke and so he decided that he should go to Alderaan to see if he could have a talk with Bill Organa on the moon of Nur instead of the Fortress increasitorious Lord Vader waited silently inside of a suit the entire inquisitoris was being brought down to the meeting room the grand Inquisitor was assuming that it was over the third sister but when Vader walked into the room and the doors closed he knew was over Vader didn't hesitate he reached out and ripped the fifth brother off of the floor and ignited his own lightsaber into his body they didn't stop there the inquisitors tried to fight it off but the grand Inquisitor knew that it was not a fight that they could win he got down on his knees and plays his lightsaber before him Vader slashed and cut through the inquisitoris as they fought for their lives made her snap necks and backs and his with his bare hands and carried on as if he hadn't Vader carried on as he looked down at the Grand Inquisitor after killing off the entire inquisitorious hello later in a way respected this he knew it wasn't worth the pain of fighting instead he opted for the painless death Vader lifted his blade and slashed down crushing the body of The Inquisitor under his lightsaber Vader turned and continued out of the building with the inquisitors Dead the last threat to Vader was Sidious and now he was going to Coruscant on autorun Obi-Wan had the joy of running into Leia again she was so excited to see Lola and then she was happy to see Obi-Wan after that Kenobi had a conversation with bale about what happened and Bale suggested that Luke and Leia be raised together obien had permission to stand Alderaan with them but they would put him up in a separate apartment inside the city and he could carry on living his life that way and from time to time he'd be able to work with Luke and Leia on the force but for a short while it would just be uncle like interactions and then they would begin their training eventually Obi would agreed to these terms because they weren't really hard turns to come to terms with because he now got to spend time with both Luke and Leia they wouldn't be in any danger and he would have to be what it would have been for him had Anakin been their father and uncle there was really perfectly fine with having Luke well originally he and his wife only wanted a daughter they didn't mind the addition of Luke they could pamper another child and it would be fine plus it would make it easier to explain to Leia and Luke that they were siblings on Coruscant Vader walked into the office of his master cease was surprised he was in the middle of a meeting with the highest military members of the Imperial military thrawn Tarkin krennic you Lauren just to name a few of the high-ranking officers on Deck it was an entire Imperial military structure in front of him Vader didn't really care for the pleasantries and so he ripped them apart before Sidious could react in any way thrawn's head with thrown from his body some necks were snaps some inaudible screams and some more lightsaber slashes over here Palpatine Rose from his desk demanding to know what had gotten into Vader but then Vader slashed through Palpatine's desk and walked forward the royal guard in the room panicked but before they could go anywhere or do anything Vader snapped their spines leaving them paralyzed alive enough to wallow in their deaths for serving the most evil man in the Galaxy city is shot full with lightning as a crash innovator's suit the dark lord threw as much lightning as he could invader's lightsaber flipped out of his hand as he cried out in agony cities was Furious as he let all of his anger pile into this lightning Vader fell to his knees as he groaned in pain his suit began to shut down in different locations cities laughed and then Vader Rose this expression was priceless to Anakin as his breathing stuttered and his suit began to die on him Anakin was functioning through his usage of the force the machine was no longer operable Anakin stepped forward defining the odds as he reached out his hands and wrapped them around celise's throat the Dark Lord's eyes shot red as Anakin clenched his metallic grip crushing seduces windpipe in the process the lightning stopped and then silence filled a room as Anakin removed his helmet and fell to his knees next to his Dead Master Anakin's eyes looked out across the city it's the same time of day as it was during his memory of Padme the same one where they decided on the names of their children Anakin put his hand up to the glass and shattered it so that the thin chorus on Breeze could touch his face one last time as a glass shattered Anakin fell over and found himself on the ground looking at the lights of the skyline he took off his helmet one last time as a smile rang across his face he brought balance to the force and he hopefully gave his children a better future by ensuring their Galaxy was ridden of the Sith Anakin close his eyes and instead of dying Qui-Gon took him into the force releasing his body from being stuck to a human form inside the suit within hours the ISB would launch a full investigation to the depths of the entire military structure the emperor and Vader along with the deaths of the inquisitorius the Empire would have to find a way to resolve this issue and it would cause a lot of tension within the Imperial Senate the Empire wouldn't necessarily return to the whale of the Republic but without Palpatine the slow crushing of freedom and rights would come to an end the empire was slowly draining people and taking away their rights and that would all come to an end with the death of Palpatine on Alderaan Bale would continue to be a voice for the Empire but Obi-Wan would continue to be the adventured filled Uncle for Lou book and Leia once Luke got acclimated to his new lifestyle he Leon Obi-Wan would go into the forest on Great Adventures hikes camping trips anything under the sun was possible on these trips obien would tell them all about everything they would hear stories about Anakin and Padme Ahsoka and the Clone Wars it was all up in the air the children would never know about what Vader did but they would know that their father brought balance to the force and while he couldn't be around for their youth he'd always be around because of Qui-Gon Jinn Anakin would be able to come and visit his children and his former master in the form of a force ghost the children of Skywalker would have the same opportunity to learn from the force and they would with the Empire losing militaristic support and the Death Star never being constructed peace would find its way to the people of the Empire while happiness would fill the hearts of the Skywalker children and that of Obi-Wan Kenobi too and that ladies and gentlemen is our story again special thanks to Benjamin Wells icy Raptor Apollo Mad Men Studios anakin003 and Gore for sporting Channel listed on the likes on this video I got some videos coming out this week that I think you guys are gonna like if you crossovers check out the community Discord the twitch and the patreon if you support me in other ways if you want to learn how to win it freelance if you're going down below there's a doc you click on the doc you write your name on the dock and don't pay attention to the comment section I know how to spell words and I don't give away things on telegram on my phone number that's not me it's a scam artist tell them to off that's not me um I give away all my video or I give away all my um my gifts or my my giveaways during videos um so next one will be a 50 000 subscribers hit that subscribe button if you wanna if you want to win a free lightsaber let's talk about our story um this one was emotional I'm not gonna lie I almost cried while writing it I this is this was really emotional right um now now there's a lot of things that we can talk about here and it's a relationship between Anakin and Obi-Wan um it's the relationship for Anakin's children uh but I want to do something unique here uh what I think you would expect me to do is have Anakin Obi-Wan team up and they get to go and do Jedi things and Anakin just wouldn't do that he just wouldn't I think etiquette at this point knew his life was over and I think I think he would have taken the hero's exit I think he would have taken the Epic sacrifice of a true hero I think it would have gone out like a badass I just there's there's not a doubt in my mind that Anakin himself would not want to go out like a bat like he would want to go out like about us right he doesn't have any life his wife is gone yeah he has his children yeah he he has his children but he's in a mask he is Darth Vader he is the scariest person in the Galaxy children are not going to want to see that and I think he would know that I think Vader would know that and yeah subconsciously yeah he could probably get a better suit but Vader is scary like he's a scary dude like I know I know he watched the movies and we've been around with Vader for 40 years but like imagine like walking into a hallway and seeing that dude just looking at you like you are going to go from zero to 100 I want to quit this job as fast you can he just has that effect on people okay he's like six foot five he's bulkier than a mountain and he moves at the speed of a Starship when he walks with with poise so he's scary and children aren't going to see that as oh my God that's my cool dad no they're gonna see that as that's the devil so I think I think the children of Skywalker were better off because of this and I think it worked out perfectly because Qui-Gon brought Anakin into the force now I didn't have that intended that was something I just happened to write in because of the way that Anakin died I knew that Anakin would die in a self-sacrifice I knew that was a direction I wanted to go but Qui-Gon saving him I did not have in the original script it was just Anakin dies while having a nice little pretty sunset that reminds me of padman he dies kind of Happily and that's the end of that um but then I was like well qui-gon's around you know Obi-Wan brought Anakin back into the force so why can't Qui-Gon do that so I think why young would do that and it's kind of the same effect that you know and same effect that that uh happened to Anakin in the original trilogy so kind of a call back to that um the the most emotional part for for me almost while I was reading this especially was the Goodbye old friend and May the force be with you um that that that just hit home I mean as George would say it's like poetry it just Rhymes and it just rhymed um like poetry because it Rhymes Like poetry um but uh no honestly I mean I I like I like the story I'm pretty fond of it it's a very emotionally pulling story and you know you guys know how much I like emotional pulling stories in the last two videos have been rather political so I figured I might hit you in the throat with a nice soccer punch to the throat on a Sunday afternoon we're having a great day and you come on and you're like oh my gosh I want to cry now so I hope you all enjoyed I love you all spread the love and always remember my friends May the force be with you [Music]
Channel: Pente Patrol Star Wars
Views: 68,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star wars what if, star wars what ifs, star wars shows, pente patrol, ppsw, Star Wars, Obi Wan Kenobi, obi wan kenobi, obi-wan, obi wan, kenobi, obi wan kenobi show, star wars obi wan kenobi, Darth Vader, darth vader, vader, Vader, anakin, anakin skywalker, Anakin Skywalker, skywalker, Skywalker, obi wan vs darth vader, obi-wan vs darth vader, kenobi vs darth vader, star wars, kenobi vs vader, kenobi versus vader, what if star wars, lightsaber, lightsabers, disney, disney plus
Id: p7okbx_mcAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 37sec (1417 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 06 2022
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