What if Count Dooku was CAPTURED in Attack of the Clones?

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what if K Dooku was captured by the end of attack of the Clones what would happen then let's find out so in this timeline where koku is captured several things happened that deviated significantly from the original timeline here the attempt on P Amidala's life was actually successful which led to Anakin going to Tatooine earlier and saving his mother at that point in the story Anakin received a transmission from Obi-Wan saying he's going to Camino after which having saved his mother from the tuscans Anakin 2 goes to Cino and from there together Obi and Anakin track Jango fed to Geonosis and actually managed to leave Geonosis after finding out about the droid army being built there and following their escape from Geonosis an Obi-Wan arrived at corusant and informed the tesler and the Dei Council of the droid army being built on Geonosis and the Clone Army PR on Camino and as a result Palpatine who by this point had attained emergency Powers approved the use of the Clone Army and then the Jedi with their clones attacked Geonosis and here unlike in the original timeline obiwan and Anakin would attack Dooku together and ultimately with Master Yoda's help they would manage to capture K Dooku and now with all that being said let's see how Dooku's capture would alter the fate of the Galaxy so Dooku after being captured and being brought to corand wouldn't reveal anything to the deedi still remaining loyal to cyas and their cause upon being questioned Dooku would simply tell obiwan that he told him everything he had to say on genosis and as for the Death Star plans that Dooku had with him he would manage to destroy them when he was sure that he was going to get captured but anyways despite Dooku's capture the Clone Wars itself still needed to happen so serious and Grievous would end up leading the Seer dis Alliance themselves without Dooku's help which as you will see soon enough led to the Clone Wars going in an entirely different direction and the reason for this was General grias while being a fearsome presence on the battlefield lacked Dooku's political Acumen at diplomat atic finesse this changed for Supreme Chancellor Palpatine seally Dar cidus to take a more active role in orchestrating the war and as the first year of the Clone Wars raged on in this manner many things deviated from the original timeline battles were more brutal less strategic with the separa this Alliance relying increasingly on overwhelming Force rather than cutting tactics and as a result the Jedi Order found it easier to adapt to this style of warfare and in the midst of all this chaos Anakin Skywalker Jedi Knight at this point was assigned it to gruda pan Ahsoka tan their partnership initially met with skepticism due to Anakin's unorthodox methods soon flourished into a formidable team and that combined with pal Amidala not being present in his life Anakin that took a different turn in this timeline however anak's relationship with Chancellor Palpatine more or less remained the same but palpa slowly planting the seeds of doubt and ambition in the young de's mind just like in the original timeline although here here it would be a little less successful and also unlike in the original timeline here C's plans would be met with a very serious hardle not too long into the war because as the Clone Wars continued to fracture the Galaxy nabo emerged as a critical Battleground with tension mounting between its surface dwellers and the gunin rumors emerged that the gunin are conspiring with the separate chest to launch an assault on thed the capital of nabou anyways as a result of this hanin Skywalker along with obiwan Kenobi and aoka Tano were dispatched to nabo to address this loming crisis so side note something similar happens in the original timeline as well but there Anakin and BME are s to resolve the issue instead of Anakin obiwan and Ahsoka anyways upon arriving ined the Jedi would find out through jar jar Bings who by the way is still the representative of the gunin in the Republic Senate that the disturbing rumors about the gungans or their leader of G Leoni siding with the seares are true and then following this rebolation by jar jar the Jedi H with jar jar head on over to auto ganga the gangan city where they find BOS Leoni the leader of the gungans rallying his troops for an attack on theed under the influence of his Minister Rish L however the Jedi would soon realize that something is off with Leon's behavior and quite quickly just like in the original timeline the Jedi would discover that both Leon is being mind controlled by a necklace given by his Minister rlu anak can then uses the force to remove the necklace freeing Leoni from loose influence however in the ensuing confrontation Lou unleashes a squad of Commander Droids on the Jedi and stabs Leoni leing him incapacitated but unlike in the original timeline here Lou would be killed by Anakin before he could escape and then following this with Leoni unconscious and unable to command jar jar Bings accidentally towards Leon's crown and is mistaken for the gungun leader due to their striking resemblance and also just like in the original timeline hankin and here Obi-Wan decide to use this to their advantage having jarar continue the impersonation to prevent the gungan Army from marching on theed meanwhile General Grievous delegated by cidus to oversee ru's plan arrives on Nabu so side note in the original timeline it was Kuku who was behind rushu but in this timeline Kuku is captured so cyia ends up aiding Grievous to oversee the whole thing anyways Grievous expecting to lead a coordinated assault with the gunin is met by jarar disguised as Leoni jarar then enters a meeting with Grievous and though scared this act by jarar by sty foric nooga and Obi-Wan to implement their plan to isolate Grievous by disabling his Droid forces that were with him and eventually as grias became increasingly suspicious of Leon's Behavior he uncovered the deception that he wasn't actually speaking with Leoni however by this point it was too late for the cyborg General because soon after figuring out that he was being played grias was met with his surprise attack led by Anakin Ahsoka obiwan and the gunan forces and to make matters worse Grievous would also find that his Droid forces had been deactivated leaving him alone to defend himself and with no way to run away the Jedi along with the gungan forces then engage Grievous in battle the combined might of the Jedi and the gungan Army proved overwhelming for Grievous and His Four lightsabers despite his formidable combat skills Grievous found himself out maneuvered and ultimately captured so side note this happens in the original timeline as well but Dooku was able to get Grievous out of the messy God self into but that won't be happening here anyways with General Grievous capture on a major victory for the Republic would unfold under interrogation Gus would try not to say anything but the Jedi poers would prove too much for the Cyborg and just like CAD Bane under the Jedi Mind probing Grievous would reveal all he knew about his leader Dar cidus whose identity he never knew and also the location of key serous leaders the likes of nude gunary and Commander trench to name a few examples and this will lead to a series of strategic raids by Republic forces this Swift action about the Republic as a result of grievance as help would result in the decimation of the subst leadership and a consequent deactivation of the Droid armies across the Galaxy and so the Clone Wars which had Prav SC Systems would come to an abrupt unexpected anticlimactic and strange end in this timeline all thanks to jarar and the gunin so meanwhile Chancellor palpa in or dar syus found himself in a precarious position his meticulously late plans for Galactic domination were in Jeopardy and also with the oppus defeated and the war over the galactic senate or at least a good portion of it began to call for Chancellor Palpatine to give up his emergency Powers this Palpatine maintaining his facade of a concerned and benevolent leader did he relinquished his emergency Powers while still maintaining position as the Supreme Chancellor of the Galaxy also one thing that went in Palpatine's favor would be many the set and the Republic arguing that in order to keep themselves safe the Republic does need a standing army and that the creation of the Clones should continue and Palpatine but of course agreed to this and so the Clones would stay around as with the possibility of executing Order 66 however with the immediate threat of the subus gone and with most of the Jedi back on corusant Palpatine realized that he needed to engineer a new conflict to further his ultimate goal of establishing the Galactic Empire and as luck would have it very soon a new opportunity would present itself before Palpatine due to his all Apprentice Mo so no long after the Clone Wars ended Mandalore just like in the original timeline became the focal point of Galactic tension and this was due to Darth Maul and surise press with Darth Maul defeating previousl in combat and claiming the dark saber and with it the mtle of Manor's leadership his rule was met with resistance however particularly from batan CRE who refused to accept the non Mandalorian as a ruler and with some likeminded mandalorians batan form their resistance setting the stage for civil war on Mandalore so suff first to say the situation on Mandalore was pretty volatile this happens in the original timeline as well but what would again deviate heavily from the original timeline here would be the fate of satin cre so that's as satin cre the former leader of man laor and Obi-Wan Kenobi's friend managed to send a message to the Jedi pleading for assistance and despite the Jedi council's reluctance to intervene in what they as an internal Mandalorian Affair Obi-Wan driven by his sense of Duty and personal feelings for saen decided to act in the original timeline Obi-Wan went to medor alone but here due to the completely different circumstances Anakin Skywalker sharing a strong bond with his former master and understanding the stakes involved decided to join him in this unction Mission and so soon enough the two Jedi stly arrived on Mandalore and embarked on a daring rescue operation the two Jedi disguised themselves as mandalorians and used using this disguise they eventally managed to rescue satin from our captors however despite their successful rescue and extraction of satin Mandalore remained firmly under Mo's grip so the only difference here is that I like in the original timeline satin is rescued from Mandalore but where it deviates more significantly in the original timeline is what happens next so in the original timeline after Mo takes over Mandalore cyia Bas a personal visit kills Sur press and takes Mo prisoner because cyia saw Mo as a rival at that point but in this alternate timeline cyas senses an opportunity in this chaos and because of this in this alterate timeline Palpatine hor cidus when demand L and approached Mo with a proposition that deviated significantly from the original timeline instead of confronting a defeating mole cus offered to reinstate him as his Sith Apprentice cus does this because at this point he sees no other option to take his plan forward and mo aware of Palpatine's cunning yet seeing an opportunity for greater power cautiously accepted s's offer saat press's brother however remained deeply distressful of palatines sensing these s lers deeper more Sinister intentions anyways following More's acceptance of C's offer cus with a voice as called as the void of space at dress Mall Lord at mall your eyes as the leader of medor presents us with an unprecedented opportunity the time has come to cast a Galaxy into chaos once again and Ma holding the dark saber with a steady grip responded with a nod of curiosity what do you command my master the's eyes glinted with a manipulative glimmer as he outlined his plan you will rally the Mandalorian systems had your other allies to vage war against the Republic they are weakened and fractured from the Clone Wars unprepared for more conflict hearing this small size fered with understanding and ambition the mandalorians yearn for battle and they will eagerly follow my lead to war W said cious to reveal more of his Insidious plot this war you will unleash will serve as a diversion a grand spectacle to Blind the Republic and the Dead Eye from our true intentions under the guise of this conflict we will extend our reach from the shadows and prepare to seize control over the entire galaxy hearing cyia say this Mo noted his mind racing with strategies I will Marshall our forces the Republic will not know what hit them bador will lead this Crusade against the Republic's faltering might pleas with Mo's resolve added remember Lord mole this war is but means to an end our ultimate goal is to shatter the Republic and the Jedi and establish a new order ruled by The Sith cidus then went over many aspects of his plan but as always cidus kept his true intentions hidden from Mo cidus does feel that MO is a Revival even in this timeline but given the circumstances cus so no other option than to create another war with the help of Darth Maul as for Maul he do of course knew that cidus was simply using him as nothing more than another tool but mul craved for more power and believed that he could outsmart his old master and so he decided to go along with serious's plan at least for the time being and on top of that Mo also knew that he had surage for not strong enough to defeat cidus so mo didn't have much of a choice here that to join cidus so not long after he knew Mandalorian War erupted across the Galaxy with Mo strategic genius his allies like the Huts the pikes Syndicate at the black Sun along with the madalorian fierce Corbat press making them a formidable adversary to The Republic and so because of cs's mechanics the Republic again found itself dragged into war and in the heart of the Republic in the grand Senate chamber Chancellor Palpatine played his part flawlessly rallying the galactic populace against the threat posed by Mandalore and his allies under his guidance the Republic military prepared for war again many the said would also applo Palpatine's decision to keep the the Clone Army around because had the Clone Army been decommissioned after the Clone Wars The Republic wouldn't have an army to defend itself against Mandalore so this would gain Palpatine a lot more support in the Senate and would also help quiet many of the voices that were against him and so the Mandalorian War began with the Jedi again leading the Clones against not only mandalorians but also the Pikes black sun and the huts and then amidst this growing conflict Palpatine contacted mole for a clandestine meeting Palpatine discussed many things in this meeting but mainly Palpatine told Mo the following Lord Mo the time has come to execute the Final Phase of our plan invite the Jedi to Mandalore under the guise of Peace negotiations this will be the perfect opportunity for you to expose my true identity to the Jedi and manipulate the fools into attacking Supreme Chancellor Palpatine M understanding the depth of C's mechanicians agreed As You Wish Master the Dead Eye will fall into our trap and the Republic will see them as traitors M responded letting cidus know that he is aware of what cidus is most likely trying to accomplish here anyways later on Mandalore Maul following C's orders extended an invitation to the Jedi Council for negotiations an offer that would be cautiously accepted because MW up stated that he was only willing to negotiate the Jedi and no one else which led to suspicions in many of the republics of russal arms but despite this hoping to end the war Yoda mvu shapi and obiwan went to Manor representing the da Council to meet with Mo for negotiations and later as the Jedi Council Representatives stood before m in the grand h of sundari the atmosphere was charged with a mix of Suspicion and cous hope Maul standing cautiously with the dark saber in his hand initiated the talks with a direct address to Master Yoda Master Yoda for years now the Jedi and Sith have danced around each other but today I offer you a truth that could change the course of the Galaxy Mo began his voice carrying a weight of sincerity mixed with malice Joda wise and un moved replied speak you will but deceive us you cannot see through lies we can Mo nodded acknowledging Yoda's wisdom indeed Master Yoda then you'll see the truth in my words Chancellor Palpatine the very heart of your Republic is none other than Darth cidus my former master and The Mastermind behind all of our suffering a mmur run through the dead ey assembly but it was Willi one who stepped forward his PA with Mo making him both very and deeply invested in the Revelation M your words are a heavy accusation what evidence do you bring to support them mo of course have no problem presenting evidence because cidus himself had instructed Mo to do this with the flick of his hand Mo activated a h protector displaying classified Communications recording s cious orchestrating the war and holograph TRC meetings between cityas and various separatist leaders here is your evidence Kenobi Not only was I privy to my Master's plans but I have also been a porn in this grand scheme You' have been fighting in the shadows for the true enemy has sat among you guiding the Republic to its Doom that I absorbed everything more presented with shock and realization M's words how could you have been so blind echoed hauntingly in the chamber more than continued I know well the nature of the set betrayal is in our blood City intend to discard me as he has others before but I refuse to be a footnote it has rise to power with your help I can destroy CS before he enacts his final plan and before any of the other J I could speak Mau responded to Mo and what do you propose Mau asked skepticism lacing his voice a temporary Alliance more proposed help me remove cities from power in return I will ensure the new Mandalorian war ends once the this is gone you will leave mandal Lord to me I seek only to rule my people not to get continue this endless conflict across the Stars missu skepticism was evident as he considered Mo's words and how do we know this isn't another layer of cz's manipulation what Assurance do we have that you won't turn on us at the critical moment Mor's expression then turned grave because Master vindu cidus himself orchestrated this meeting he ordered me to invite you under the guise of Peace negotiations and to reveal his identity as Dar cious he had disappeares your every move heing this that council members exchanged troubled looks the way of most revulation settling over them like a shroud will want again step forward his voice steady yet filled with concern and if he take this evidence to the Senate to expose Palpatine as cious M shook his head a bitter smile touting his lips palatin has the senate in his grasp after leading the Republic to victory in the Clone Wars his influence is unassailable there is nothing we could say that would convince the fools in the Republic Senate that Palpatine is cious ji carel then fell silent the Nority of their predicament ding on them they realized that they were caught in a web of deception so intricate that every move seemed anticipated by their adversary then what course of action remains to us Shak the asked her voice tanged with frustration Mo lean forward his eyes glinting with a mix of defiance and cunning serus expects us to play into his hands to react predictably but we can use his anticipation against him we must act in a way he cannot forese use the element of surprise to our advantage and how do we do that Obi-Wan interrupted more size and swept across a room capturing the attention of each Jedi council member with a serious gaze I have devised a plan one that even cious might not anticipate a strategy that will unfold in due time and when it does the Galaxy will feel its impact Obi One never the skeptic pressed further and what is this planned Mo how can we prepare for something we know nothing about M's demeanor shifted a flicker of fear passing through his eyes quickly messed by determination I cannot divulge the specifics not here not now there's a risk cious might be listening in ways we cannot anticipate the dark side is with him making it dangerous for us to speak openly of our intentions Yoda sing the undercurrent of fear in MO not to slowly sense your fear we do Mo a dangerous path this is be prepared Jedi I do not know how exactly but if you don't let go of your arrogance cidus will destroy you all of you all reiterated pointing at the ji mes before him his voice carrying a weight of urgency when the moment arriv you will know y frown the Strategic implications running through his mind prepar we will but don't trust alone this Alliance hangs a thin Trend it seems M acknowledged y sentiment with a nod trust is a rare commodity in these times yet I assure you when my plan is set in motion the benefit to us all will be undeniable the Jedi Council though veryy recognized the necessity for action with the fate of the Galaxy at stake and the dark shadow of city is looming the Jedi had little choice but to prepare for an unknown battle as the meeting concluded the Jedi dispersed each member lost in thought over the forcoming conflict the alliance of maul was Frau with uncertainty but it presented a chance to end cious as tyrrany once and for all and later after arriving at the temple the tedi council all members of it those not on corania Holograms met in secrecy to plan their next moves also since no one outside the council was made privy to the revelations on mandal or an A Skywalker at this point knows nothing of it anyways in this meeting Master Yoda was the first to express his unease the set have been ploting in the shadows for over a millennium proceed with caution we must a direct assault on Palatine do more harm than good it will the council members understood the depths of y's wisdom the intricate web W by the S required a careful and precise approach to dismantle M Vu who always AV voice the strategy pointed out the following MSE information though valuable comes with its risks yet we cannot afford to ignore it cs's reach has indeed infiltrated deeper into the Republic than we feared touching the Senate the Judiciary and even its military also side note do keep in mind that Maul never knew of Order 66 until it was executed so even at this point neither Jedi nor Mo would have any way to find out about that anyways as meeting went on it became clear to the Jedi Council Members that like Mo said going after cidus or Palpatine through the senate or directly would both be things the dark lord has planned for and then breaking the silence kiad MTI highlighted a critical concern acting on most intelligence might be exactly what cus wants however in action would allow his machinations to proceed unchecked the deedi master said hearing this obiwan kenoi shared his Insight focusing on the personal Vendetta M held against cus while we cannot fully trust mole we shouldn't underestimate his desire to see cus fall this personal vandetta could be leveraged to our advantage Master Yoda after a moment of contemplation said the following the future is cloudier than ever yet it is clear that cs's Reign must end the path to achieving this remains to be discovered but unfortunately their discussions on the matter would have to wait because the Jedi Council needed to submit a report on their negotiations with Mo and they had to present this report to the Supreme Chancellor Palpatine and so no long after their short meeting J Obi-Wan Ma and Shakti went to the Chancellor's office to deliver their findings on Mandalore the conversation would have looked normal to an outsider but the Jedi at this point know that Palpatine cidus and cidus knows that the Jedi knows this but in this situation neither could Act without the other making the first move so with this silent understanding in their minds Yona would tell Palpatine that Mor said he would accept nothing short of a complete surrender to stop the Bloodshed here during this palpa expression remained composed though a hint of surprise flickered in his eyes surrender to him you say this is the most audacious demand what did the dead ey Council propose in response to this cus asked M Vu maintaining his turn demeanor replied chor we understand the gravity of the situation surrendering to Mo is not a viable option for the Republic however we believe that through diplomatic negotiations we can find way to avoid further destruction hearing this palpa nodded his eyes betraying no hint of his true intentions at TR in the wisdom of the Dei order to handle this delicate matter with care the Republic must not bow to the demands of extremists Contin your negotiations and May the force guide you towards a peaceful end to all of this Palpatine said the conversation then continued with both parties dancing around the unspoken truth of Palpatine's dual identity the J spoke of peace and the need for continued vigilence while Palpatine emphasized the Republic's Reliance on the Jedi for stability anyways no long after this the meeting ended full following with the Jedi walked out of Palpatine's office for a moment Yoda turned around to look at the sth and the 00y old Master saw nothing out of the ordinary what met y's gaze was an old man who had a look of concern on his face and so the meeting between the set and the Jedi ended with neither having made a move to destroy the other just yet also following the meeting Obi-Wan despite the council not wanting it spoke with Anakin Oban knew how close Anakin was to the chancellor and figured that Anakin should not be kept in the dark on what was going on as said could land Anakin in danger obiwan figured Anakin there is something we need to discuss obiwan began his voice betraying a hint of urgency what is it Master Anakin responded sensing the gravity of Obi-Wan Stone Obi-Wan hesitated knowing the information he was about to share could shatter Anakin's trust in one of the most influential figures in his life but despite this ob one continued it's about the tassler and what we've discovered on Mandalore heing this Anakin's expression shifted from concern to confusion the chancellor what about him Anakin asked following this Obi-Wan recounted the events on Mandalore to Anakin explaining how Mo revealed trans for palpating through identity as star cius the S Lord they have been searching for Obi One then went to describe the evidence that Mo provided the Strategic manipulation of the Galaxy and the delicate position the Jedi now found themselves in and he can listen to all this in disbelief and having had all this said the following that's impossible Obi One MO is trying to deceive us he is trying to destroy the Republic from within by causing distrust between us and the Senate Obi understanding Anan skepticism responded I knew you'd find it hard to believe I struggled with it myself but the evidence more provided is undeniable we've seen the manipulations the orchestration of War Anakin you need to see past a Persona Palpatine has presented to us and consider the possibility that the sit may have been hiding right before us the conflict with an Anakin was immense he respected Obi-Wan yet his loyalty to Palpatine who had been a guiding figure in his life made him resistant to the idea how can we be sure Mo isn't play as this could be another one of his tricks Anakin argued grappling with the Revelation ob one then plac ah hand to Anakin's shoulder a gesture of solidarity I understand your doubt Anakin but consider everything we've observed the Chancellor's push for extended PO is his unusual interest in the Jedi particularly you this is not about discrediting a mentor but about facing a harsh truth for the sake of the Galaxy The Mention Of Palpatine's interest in him made an in pause he recall moments when Palpatine's advice seemed subtly aimed at driving a v spe be him and the dead eyee and this realization forced seeds of Doubt to take road with an Anakin's mind think about an Anakin who stood to gain the most from the Clone Wars who was positioned to accumulate unprecedented power Obi-Wan pressed hoping to break through Anakin's initial denial the logic of obi's argument coupled with his own uneasy feelings about certain decisions Palpatine had made started to erode head against disbelief the pieces of a puzzle he hadn't realized for scattered before him began to form a picture that was unsettling if what you say is true what are we going to do hankin as Obi-Wan the reality of the situation beginning to Dawn on him obiwan side a MST of relief and sorrow in his eyes the counselor is devising a plan Anakin but we must Tred carefully and Anakin I must ask you to be very of the chancellor Anakin didn't say anything to this simply nodding in response and this would bring a small amount of peace to Obi-Wan but from this point on Obi-Wan kept his former Apprentice close by as much as he could just to make sure that Palpatine doesn't try anything as for Sanu and Apprentice she too stayed close by Anakin wouldn't tell ahoka what Obi-Wan told him but they would have a discussion on how Anakin believes that things are not what they seem anyways a little while later in the quiet of the Jedi Council Chambers Mayu Yoda obiwan and now Anakin conv to deliberate their precarious situation Oban broke the silence expressing concern over their Reliance on Mo's plan which remained shrouded in ambiguity we must acknowledge the risk of depending too heavily on mole his intentions while seemingly aligned with ours are ultimately self- serving obiwan said and Anakin still wrestling with the shock of Obi-Wan's Revelations about Palpatine added the following and what if Mo's plans played directly into cs's hands we could be walking into a trap we cannot escape and hearing all this ma Vu realizing how they were discussing the same things again and again suggested a radical course of action ween need to consider taking control of the Republic ourselves if syus is indeed Palpatine the Senate may be compromised Beyond Redemption our primary duty is to protect the Galaxy even if it means stepping into a role we have in the field for a millennia since I know a thousand years before the Clone Wars the position of supreme Chancellor was always held by a Jedi anyways at M's words a heavy silence fell over the room the notion of the ji Council assuming control over the Republic was FR with moral and ethical implications challenging the very principles the ji stood by Yoda who had been listening intently closed his eyes the weight of the moment pressing down on him after a long pause The Grandmaster spoke his voice heavy but for boing consider carefully be must this can be a path to Darkness the Jedi protectors we are not rulers and yet if the S controls a republic we cannot protect it as we have so side note the Jedi being able to take over the Republic is something that Palpatine himself talks about in the plago novel The Following is what Palpatine says specifically weakening the Republic without weakening the Jedi could provide them with justification for a coup they have the numberers to succeed delatin says this to Darth plagas in the book so the Republic is weak in this timeline and if the Jedi to try they could overthrow the Senate which like Palpatine MWI and the other Jedi knew but as it turned out the Jedi wouldn't have to take such a drastic measure just yet because as they for having this discussion all the Masters received an extremely urgent transmission that had to do with planetary security apparently fleets of ships had exited hyperspace corad and they seem to be there for a crown assault on the capital of the Republic anyway soon enough these forces were identified to be those of Mandalorian Pikes huts and the black son all of whom Mal controlled by the time he had gained control of Mandalore and hearing this the Dei Masters realized what was possibly happening Yoda was the first one to say it out loud this was his plan it seems so what's happening here is that Mo having figured that going along with sirus's plan would most likely lead his Doom decided to Rally all his forces and launch an attack at cidus himself every other plan M Toto fully led to him being destroyed by sirus's hand so in the end Mo decided that if hea was going to go down he might as well take cidus with him and mo of course couldn't share this plan with the Jedi because Mo believed that the Jedi would not see reason and would never agree to this but now Mo had essentially forced the Jedi to take on cious with him anyway soon enough M forces made their way towards the CATE building much like Grievous in the original timeline and soon M's forces specifically the Mandalorian super Commandos are attacking the Senate building making their way over to Palpatine's office led by Maul and sa de press Mo of course did not know how this crazy plan would turn out but the way Mo so it it was either this or letting cidus destroy him like he did with many meanwhile back at the Jedi Temple as the situation on course un escalated rapidly the Jedi Council received and an aspor transmission from mole as the council members watched the Hologram F her to life really mole flying by the press and the elite Mandalorian Commandos the arent in's voice was evident as he addressed the Jedi Masters Jedi M began his gaze piercing through the Hologram the time has come for us to end this together we have a chance to defeat cyas here and now my forces have entered the Senate building and we are close to confronting cus sensing the lack of trust the Jedi had in him Mo spoke again trust is not a luxury we can afford at this moment but no this I seek Vengeance against cus not just for my own sake but for the galaxies this is our best shot to rid the Galaxy of his tyranny my only aim is to see cious fall join me Jedi and together we can end his train of manipulation and fear this is what I offer if I fail he will destroy you and the Republic I say that Jedi because serious's plan was always to make you look like traitors and he will achieve that regardless of whether you help me or not he will convince the Senate that we were in this together you had to submit a report on our meeting before the Senate didn't you and you had had to lie in that report didn't you Jedi that's all cities would need to turn the Republic against you he will destroy you I apologize for putting you in this position Jedi But ultimately our enemy is the same and he needs to be destroyed I do hope you make the right choice Masters Mo said before ending the transmission having heard all this Obi-Wan as y the following what should we do Master meanwhile after making the transmission to the Jedi Maul and his forces were effortlessly making their way through the course on guard towards trans for Palpatine and as he made his face through the Grand Corridor of the Senate building most mind was consumed not just with the strategy of the imminent confrontation but with a deep burning need for Retribution against cidus every step closer to Pal's office intensified the memories of Abandonment and the agony cyas had inflicted upon him most thoughts were roling of Vengeance and pain cidus had not only discarded him as if he were nothing but had also been the architect of his deepest sufferings but at least that is what Maul believed and as far as Maul was concerned In This Moment his purpose was crystal clear to destroy Dar cidus this was not about seizing power or altering the course of the Galaxy instead it was deeply personal for Mo cidus had turned Mo's life into a living Nightmare and now the S Lord would pay for his betrayal yet am miss the storm of Vengeance sliver of Doubt crept in but the Jedi HD his C to Arms Mo quickly dismissed the thought while the that I supported would have bolstered his chances he resoled that with or without them C's tyranny must end Mo knew that facing cus alone was a daunting task but the possibility of death was a small price to pay to R the Galaxy and himself of City as's Dark Shadow Asal approached the Chancellor's office flanked by savaj press at his Elite Commandos M Sol hardened this was the moment his entire life had led up to every betrayal every battle every loss had prepared him for this cious would no longer control's Destiny or the destiny of the Galaxy today M would either become the instrument of serious's downfall or die trying Mo's mind once clouded by the pain cious had caused was now focused singularly on the task at hand the dark side sged within him a tempest of power and anchor ready to be Unleashed this a small stest to write the final chapter in The Saga of his tormenter and he would not falter so soon after mold than his forces stood in front of the door to s's office and then they walked in and soon enough they found the the leader of the Republic staring out the window in his office his gaze directed towards the battle that was unfolding outside and then without even turning around Syria spoke Lord mole he began his voice calm I do not recall ordering such an action from you he said Mo centrance was as pratic as the turbulent thought Rising through his mind your orders no longer bind me CS Mo declared his voice a mix of defiance and hatred this is where your Reign ends here and this cious turned SL slowly with the SAR smile playing across his lips they calm before the storm so you believe you can undo me Lord Mo spare me your tones more spat I stand here not as your Apprentice but as your executioner ca's laughter filled the room executioner a bold claim but remember it was I who taught you everything you know about the dark side yet I did not teach you everything I know Lord Mo cyia said as the were hang in the air i s of une began to take hold of Mo the realization that he was about to engage in a battle that could very well be his last was sobering yet the burning desire for vengeance pushed any fear mad into the back of his mind a small face down cyas the omous hum of the dark saber filled the chamber cidus with his characteristic unsing calm a praise M and his chosen weapon the dark saer symbolizing most's claim to power beyond the sit a defines as a very order C is represented the dark saer a relic of conquest and Authority cidus mused his voice dripping with disdain but does it is trying to challenge me Mo hearing this Small's grip on the dark saber tightened a mix of anger and resolve flashing in his eyes the moment was fraud with the gravity of his journey a path marked by betrayal resilience and a Relentless pursuit of power yet as C's astounding words echoed in the spacious chamber a realization don't on more the true essence of their conflict was it about the symbols of power they wielded but the Mastery of the dark side itself the very teaching cidus had imparted to him and so acknowledging the need for a weapon that truly represented his Evolution and the dark teachings that had shaped him M deactivated the dark saber securing it at his side and in his place Mo summoned a new double-bladed lightsaber this is the instrument of her undoing cidus saage standing a silent vigil beside Mo ignited his own lightsaber in solidarity with Mo cidus observed the scene before him his interest peaked by the display of defiance and unity a new creation and a bond of blood and darkness serus acknowledged his gaze shifting between mol and saage very well let us see if the student and his kin can surpass the master said said following this cidus raised his right arm and corresponding to the movements of Cy's arms all of the Mandalorian Commandos that were with M and saat began Rising into the air until moments later all of their necks snapped when cidus closed his fist following this cidus let go of their bodies and all the Mandalorian Commandos fell to the ground dead isolated now with all cious small and surv remaining the atmosphere tends to a near breaking point now cus in toned his voice cold and calculating we are free from interruptions let us conclude this long overw lesson Lord Mo M and saage then exchanged a brief glans and spoken agreement passing between them following this mold with his new double way lights ever ignited moved with precision and speed H by years of training and battle saas wielding his own twinblade of lightsaber with brute strength complimented most technique with sheer force creating a formidable assault against cidus cidus for his part welcomed their challenge with a twisted sense of anticipation his soul lightsaber came to life The Clash of lightsabers filled the chamber with a deadly light show the sound of energy meeting energy punctuating the air the battle was intense with Mo and Savage coordinating their attacks to break through C's defenses Mo's strategy was clear to use Savage's strength to create openings that exploit them with his own deadly position but cidus was no ordinary opponent his Mastery of the dark side allowed him to anticipate and counter their moves pushing them back with powerful seres of the force as the battle progressed it became evident that cus was simply testing them drawing out the fight to savor his eventual Victory yet M's VOD refused to yield their attacks grew more desperate more aggressive as they saw to overwhelm sirus's defenses in a crucial moment as surv l a powerful overhead strike cidus sidestepped with Supernatural speed Savage overextending from his mighty swing found himself exposed and cidus seized the moment he played found his Mark slicing with Precision through Sis's defenses and into his chest the hulking figure of op press faltered his saber slipping from his grassp As Cities of lightsaber cut deep a fatal strike that would extinguish the brut's life Mo witnessing the fall of his skin felt a surge of grief and Fury with savad's end M dies to his past per severed fueling a rat that burned with the intensity of a star going Supernova M attacked with renewed Vigor his twin Blaze spinning in a mes pricing Dance of Death serious medm with equal ferocity the Dual was a tempest and mold at its eye moved with a singular purpose to Avo saage and end dark cus but as the Dual reached it set it cidus Unleashed his full might his eyes glowing yellow with the power of the dark side with a snar of contempt he thrust his hands forward sending arcs of lightning to small the former Apprentice Kony Toronto C's Fury conal St electric tendrils and buop him most cream pierced the chamber as electricity CS through his body sering flesh and spirit alike he fought to remain conscious to keep standing but the power was overwhelming but as Mo's body began to succumb the sound of boots Ur in the corridor outside cus more materially distracted by the sound of approaching footsteps shifted his Focus away from the defeated mole causing mole to collapse under the floor his bodies csed and trembling from The Assault outside the office the dead Masters May Sindu Yoda kiar Mundi Obi-Wan Kenobi shaki and anaka Skywalker prepared to confront the darkness they had come to Vanquish their presence was a testament to the gravity of the situation a unified front against the shadow that had loomed over the Galaxy for far too long sirious however assessing the identities of those who had approached allowed himself a thin smile he knew this moment was inevitable a culmination of years of manipulation and deceit the Final Act was about to begin as the doors to his office burst open cus turned to face the Jedi his posture EMB boing the Cal before a storm the Jedi entered lightsaber strong their expression is a mix of determination and caution and if any doubt remained in anyone's mind if Palpatine was truly serious the sides of the Dead Sal press the barely alive mole and the Crimson saber Palpatine held in his grip but all those suspicions to rest so cidus standing against the remnants of his confrontation with mole teed to the Jedi and said the following Master Yoda do what do I owe the honor of this unexpected visit Yoda she gaze and wavering replied know your true nature we do surrender you must the smirk on C's face widen and has his away the Jedi before him acquisition is most grave Master Yoda Miss Vu then Ste forward his lightsaber humming with a dangerous glow your manipulations end now Chancellor surrender and the Senate will decide your fate I am the Senate palpating declared in a malicious Stone Anakin s Del now struggled internally the chancellor had been a mentor a friend but the evidence said the actors of the M standing before him were irrefutable yet his voice when he finally spoke was conflicted Chancellor if there's any truth to what they say You Must Stand Down cs's gaze then shifted to Anakin a gleam of interest in his eyes ah Anakin you're loyalty is touching but misplaced the Jedi have become too powerful too entrenched they fear the power I represent a power you Tobe could wield if you so choose hearing this ma Vu again spoke up this ends now Chancellor Vu declared his voice echoing with authority stand down or we will be forced to take you down bans response to this first they said Minister grin it's treason then he hissed and then in a swift fluid motion that belight his apparent age Palpatine Unleashed a powerful forc push a wave of dark energy emanating from his very being the Deni Masters got off guard by the S Display of Power for hardle backward crashing into the wall behind them with a force that knocked the breath out of their lungs in the brief moment of chaos and disorientation that followed Palpatine seized this opportunity his hand darted to a cal button on his desk pressing it with calculated ease the action triggered a Galaxy white transmission from the Chancellor's office a pre-recorded message a Sinister order that had laid dormant until this pivotal moment Execute Order 66 this was the transmission palpitate sent out to the Galaxy to every single clone and upon receiving this transmission across the Galaxy clone troopers turned on their Jedi commanders who were leading them in the battle against the mandans this by the way was still going on in the outer rim of the Galaxy W couldn't pull all of his forces to Cor sound without alerting cious so many Jedi and many mandalorians were at the outer rim and as soon as Order 66 was executed the Jedi were fighting both clones and mandalorians the mandalorians were fighting both Jedi and clones and the Clones were fighting both Mandalorian and Jedi so this was the situation that unfolded upon the execution of dis order but as the Jedi in Palpatine's office processed the gravity of what was happening Palpatine ceased a moment to make his escape with a burst of dark energy cus broke the window in his office and left Out Below a republic shuttle filled with clones which palpin had sensed approaching moved to intercept him the sub's timing was impeccable his fall was broken by the shuttle into which he landed the CL AB the shuttle already under the influence of Lord 66 recognized him not as palpa but as Lord cityus now they welcomed him without question their loyalty to The Republic and the now superseded by the programming that compelled them to obay the S every command and so the shuttle escaped with cidus and back at the Chancellor's office the ji Master stood alongside a mold utterly confused so what would happen now well that would be discussed in the next part of the series titled what if mold attack corant but before you leave if you want to support the channel on patreon do check it out link is in the description where for $1 or more a month you can get early access to videos and access to exclusive content that wouldn't be seen on the main channel for months anyways goodbye have a good day and stay high rated
Channel: StarWarsQuill
Views: 18,735
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star wars what if, Dooku Captured
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 18sec (2778 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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