What If a Rusty Nail Poked Your Foot?

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what would a world without cats look like what happens if you swallow gum it's the random questions like these that keep me up at night maybe you two so today I'm here to answer them and if I miss any of your most burning questions in today's video then ask away down in the comments I'll be sure to cover them the next time for now let's start with number one what happens if you drink too much water turns out water intoxication is a real thing and it's very serious your kidneys can only process 27 to 33 ounces of water an hour if someone drinks more than that then it can cause swelling in their entire body including the brain classic example of too much of a good thing can be bad number two what happens when you swallow gum I bet your mom told you not to do it because that gum would stand your stomach for seven years but that's not actually true it's only five no not really most gum today is made from natural or synthetic polymers most commonly boodle rubber sure your saliva enzymes and stomach acid can't break it down but the muscles of your digestive tract and move it along and eventually gum exits your system in a day or two in the normal way and if he can blow bubbles doing you know that well hey we'd like to hear about it okay and moving on number three what can happen if you step on a rusty nail well you'd most likely scream at the top of your lungs because of the sharp intense pain but what would happen next you've probably heard by now that getting injured by any rusty object can lead to tetanus tetanus is caused by bacteria known as bebeto ah you were paying attention no really it's known as Clostridium tetiny which is commonly found in soil dust and animal feces all ideal places for rusty objects to be found may be - the animal poo but who knows anyway when this bacteria enters your body through the wound it releases a powerful toxin that affects your nervous system and leads to stiff muscles difficulty swallowing and spasms but don't worry a tetanus shot kills the bacteria in no time number four what if gravity something got turned off things that aren't attached to the earth in any way would fly off into space yes including people and animals trees and most buildings would stay put because they're rooted in the ground so you could probably hold onto one of those but that wouldn't keep you out of trouble because our planet itself would most likely break apart into chunks and float off into space since it's only held together by gravity too so it's just not your day number five what if all cats just disappeared you're lazy sleepy feline friend is actually a really important member of the global ecosystem without cats earth would quickly become overrun by rodents mice and rats would spread disease wipe out ground nesting birds and probably destroy green supplies so it might be true that we feed the cats but without them we'd have less food ourselves don't tell your cat this though it'll only inflate his ego that much more number six what would happen if the earth lost oxygen for five seconds hold your breath since oxygen in the air protects our skin from UV light we get sunburns right away also oceans would evaporate because water is one-third oxygen not to mention all concrete buildings would collapse because oxygen is an important binder in these constructions the sky would also turn black even during the daytime since there wouldn't be enough particles to scatter blue light ooh that was a scary one number seven what if the internet stopped working for one day a whole day without cat means my worst nightmare but seriously a day without the internet would really hit the financial sector credit cards and online banking would stop working because banks wouldn't be able to access and verify information also the stock market would most likely shut down and you'd have to say goodbye to online shopping adding to this problem transportation says traffic lights that are run by computers rely on the internet for updates yeah it'd be a major ordeal by the way can you go a whole day without using the Internet let me know down in the comments you neither huh number 8 what if you didn't wash your hair for a year well obviously your hair would get really greasy and probably smelly too also since the skin of your scalp won't be protected by any products your hair will become home to dust and other pollutants in the air like soot but that's not the worst part no no no the absence of regular washing will lead to scalp inflammation which will most likely result in dandruff so scratching your stinky dirty head would become your new not so favorite pastime hmm maybe skipping on the shampoo for that long isn't the best idea after all number 9 what would happen if you ate 50 boiled eggs in one sitting ah you saw Paul Newman do it in Cool Hand Luke 2 didn't you well if you manage this stuff so much food in you then you'll obviously feel really full since fifty eggs have about 3800 calories it takes a lot of time for your digestive system to break down eggs and you definitely wouldn't feel very good afterwards and get ready for the worst hydrogen sulfide gas you've ever experienced or simply speaking farts I don't know about you but I'd rather not find out what that would be like number 10 what if the earth stopped spinning twice as fast the most obvious consequence would be our day lasting not 24 hours but only 12 and the day already feels short enough as it is right but that's not all hmm the surface of our planet would become quite unrecognizable since Indonesia and most of the northern part of South America would go totally underwater Africa would also split into two separate islands this is all because the planets centrifugal force would increase leading to the water level at the equator rising by 328 feet all this water at the equator would result in a huge rise in humidity that would cause a permanent band of fog to appear also we'd have much more severe hurricanes that would spin in increased speeds - mm not something to look forward to now is it number 11 what if we all jumped at the same time there are over 7 billion people on our planet and their combined weight is roughly 800 billion pounds now that's pretty hefty so could all that mass affect the earth in some way if we all jump simultaneously science says no all of our liftoffs and impacts would cancel each other out resulting in zero net force on the earth all right then I guess it'd be a waste trying but still I wonder if it'd be loud number 12 what if we had no moon without the stabilizing effect of the moon our planet would start to spin more quickly even faster than that scenario I just told you about this would lead to two things first a day on earth would last only about eight hours which would mean there would be more than let's say a thousand days in a year second our climate would cheese drastically resulting in extreme temperatures and seasons and of course since there'd be no moon to pull down on them with its gravity there'd be a big drop in the difference between high tide and low tide levels the loss of gravitational pull from the moon would also cause the core of our planet to shift a bit creating different natural disasters like earthquakes and volcanoes but alas we have our big bright moon up there to keep everything in order so which of these answers impressed you the most sound off in the comments below be sure to give this video a like share it with your friends and click that subscribe button to always stay on the bright side of life
Views: 6,766,958
Rating: 4.7919297 out of 5
Keywords: what if, water intoxication, swallowing gum, our planet, what if gravity stopped, what if cats disappeared, lost oxygen for 5 seconds, no internet, online banking, what if you didn’t wash your hair, Earth spinning, rusty nail, tetanus, tetanus shot, no Moon
Id: kXTLt2HrKG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2019
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