If You See a Spot on a Banana, Throw It Away Immediately!

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[Music] don't split before you watch all of this if you see a banana with this mark throw it away immediately what could be so bad bananas they're delicious nutritious and potentially malicious wait what was that last part how could one little banana do any harm whatsoever well what if I told you that these days some of them can easily send you to the hospital yeah you'll definitely want to know about this so please keep watching and don't forget that we have so many extremely important and useful videos like this one coming out every day on the bright side of life so be sure to subscribe and ring that notification bell so that you don't miss a thing but back to bananas the first huge i opening case of this potassium pak fruits potential danger happened back in 2013 it started out innocently enough a 29 year-old UK woman had just bought a couple of bananas like we all do from time to time she noticed white fuzzy spots on one of them but figured it was just mold on the peel however as she was peeling the banana to eat it get ready for this she spotted tons of little spiders not only in the banana itself but on her table and floor yeah pure nightmare fuel the woman acted quickly and took the bundle back to the grocery store for a refund she also had to call pest control since her house looked like something straight out of a horror movie the exterminator informed her that these were Brazilian Wandering Spider z-- which according to the Guinness Book of World Records are the most toxic spiders in the world in fact their venom is 30 times more potent than that of a rattlesnake apparently these deadly spiders often hide in banana bundles after they get sorted thankfully no one was bitten but the family still had to leave their home for three days until it was absolutely safe again of course the incident made a lasting impression on the family and the woman even confessed that she was afraid to ever buy bananas again and who can blame her that would be utterly traumatizing bad pun warning yes that banana had lost its appeal hey don't blame me now unfortunately this isn't the only case of its kind out there just one year after that the story repeated itself when a father of two from Staffordshire England bought some bananas and put them in a fruit ball next to the window after a couple of days he saw a terrifying scene of white patches all over the windowsill and curtains with tons of tiny spiders on them of course he immediately called pest control who once again told the family to leave the house right away they were allowed to return only three days later even though the experts couldn't identify what type of spiders they were since they were way too small they suggested it could have been Brazilian Wandering Spider 'he's but come alive this was all five years ago surely this banana invading spider dilemma has been solved by now right not at all in May 2017 a 30 year old English woman also became victim of this horrendous experience when she was about to peel her banana and noticed a white egg sac on it this sac suddenly broke open releasing hundreds of spiders that started crawling on her hands and arms the rest of the story is the same the woman and her seven month old son had to leave their house for three days so that the exterminators could get rid of all the deadly spiders and guess what kind they were yep the Brazilian Wandering Spider Hey don't they even check the visas on these spiders coming from over there but that's not the most horrifying story venomous spiders can not only be on your food right there in plain sight but also hidden among it in July 2018 a Connecticut woman found the infamous and extremely deadly Black Widow in some prepackaged grapes she bought at the store what's even worse the woman and her son were halfway through the grapes when they made this terrifying discovery thankfully nobody was hurt but just imagine the situation and something like this can happen to anybody well as bone-chilling as all this is experts say that finding spiders in your fruit is actually a good sigh huh excuse me apparently they're just the result of pest management practices try to use fewer chemicals on food and spiders can help out with that but still who wants to bite into some fruit and get a mouth full of spiders I'd rather prevent that from happening altogether wouldn't you so what can you do in this case simple carefully inspect fruit and veggies at the store before you buy them if you see any strange white spots on them or even on the fruits around them don't even think about putting them in your grocery basket in general picking the best bananas depends on what you want to use them for keep in mind that green bananas ripen slowly well already ripe yellow ones can go Brown pretty quickly and don't forget to look closely for any brown spots or damage from handling these are good signs as well but enough about bananas let's split oops sorry didn't warn you about the pun there are tons of other amazing fruits that can turn out to be awful once you get them home so how do you pick them correctly ah don't worry I've got all the tricks you need starting with number one apples when you buy apples you definitely don't have to worry about finding spiders there at least there haven't been any well-known cases of something like that happening still if you unknowingly pick a rotten apple or one that has mold on it you can get sick and if just one of your apples has Maul it won't be long till this mold spreads to other perfectly fine ones so it goes without saying don't buy or eat moldy apples secondly if you see any holes in the apple don't get it they're caused by mold or insects and can make the exposed flesh inside the apple moldy as well good apples should be firm to the touch full colored and have a nice smell number two pears when it comes to pairs by two of them so you have a pair oh we're talking about the fruit sorry with pears everything depends on when you're going to eat them if you want ripe pears right now press a finger into the top of the pear where the stem joins the fruit if it's soft then you found what you need but be careful like most fruits already ripe pears can go bad pretty fast so the sooner you can eat them the better if the pears you're about to buy are soft anywhere else that's a bad sign of overripe fruit that shouldn't be consumed however if you're planning to eat them after a few days or so the top should be hard that way they'll reach their full ripeness in a couple of days just in time for you to enjoy them number three oranges again oranges are pretty safe from any unpleasant eight-legged surprises actually they can even be used as a spider repellent but as far as consuming them goes you'll want to stay away from too soft and moldy oranges there's also a big misconception of picking oranges by their color this isn't always accurate since ripe oranges can regrain instead pick a firm smooth and thin-skinned product brown patches on oranges aren't bad either they're just a sign that this product is from a warm and naturally humid region so it's your call whether you're gonna buy this type or not number four grapes let's try to forget about that traumatic black widow incident and take another look at grapes well you know the answer to the most important question yes there's a very slim possibility of finding a spider there but it really doesn't happen that often so if you still find grapes appealing wait a minute I thought that was bananas that had a peel here's what you should know first of all the color is one of the best flavor indicators the sweetest green grapes are yellow green and the best red ones are predominantly red as for black grapes it's better to choose richly black ones and just like with pretty much any fruit grapes need to be firm and mold-free that's it if you follow these simple rules you'll have perfectly sweet grapes on your table at all times number five peaches now peaches are delicious and all but it can be hard to pick the best ones the first clue of a good peach is a vibrant color the only red flag here is lighter parts with green ones which means that the peach was picked way too early and won't taste as good as a ripe one the second clue is the firmness the juicier the peach the more ripe it is just like with pears you have to press on the top if it starts to give then the peach is ripe and the most important thing is no mold that's true for any fruit you want to buy as you've seen today what may seem like mold could be a dangerous spiders home and even if it's not you still shouldn't eat or keep mouldy food so be careful and make sure to double check everything before buying and consuming the product but how about you have you ever seen any of these weird spots on your fruit and do you know any other ways to spot potentially dangerous produce please tell us in the comments below if you found this video informative don't forget to give it a like and share it with every you know and for more Brightside in your life just click subscribe and join the family see you soon [Music]
Views: 3,192,247
Rating: 4.7712665 out of 5
Keywords: dangerous fruits, spiders in your fruits, dangerous insects, banana, pick apples, grape, peaches, oranges, pears, spots on banana, dangerous food
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 25 2018
Reddit Comments

This is questionable content. But, I'm allowing it under the belief that these bananas are acting maliciously of their own accord by harboring spiders.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/FunkyFortuneNone 📅︎︎ Feb 15 2019 🗫︎ replies
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