What Happens If You Spend 100 Hours Playing Video Games

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alrighty you cleared a week out of your schedule and nobody and nothing can bother you for at least four days you're gonna play video games for a hundred hours straight but first some more prep you head to the grocery store throw a whole crate of energy drinks in the cart some quick easy snacks no time to cook a dozen bag of chips a box of pastries frozen pizzas another creative energy drinks whoa you're serious huh let's go home now the world of magicians and wizards awaits oh yeah need to get your gaming spot ready make it as comfortable as possible even the slightest inconvenience will be critical in 100 hours drinks and snacks within reach check phone in airplane mode done don't want any distractions perfect you're all set for your four-day gaming marathon hey where you going to bed i already opened the chips okay fine probably want to bank up on as much sleep as you can you'll soon be going without rise and shine hit the shower get a hearty breakfast in you and let's do this you turn the game on your heart races in anticipation everything's going great the first few hours fly by the game pulls you in you're no longer you sitting there in your comfortable 21st century house you've turned into a magician who travels through villages and towns helping people fight an ancient evil with every new mission you complete more crop up and side missions galore you've got stuff to do for days this will be a piece of cake five hours in you've changed a few positions in your chair it's time to stretch out a little wow that feels great doesn't it it's like the old gear has been lubricated it's time to get back in the game but your stomach doesn't agree it demands food with its loud er but we're not putting the game on pause you have to take down hordes of orcs with one hand and shove chips in your mouth with the other but there's nothing that a great wizard can't cope with 15 hours okay gotta take a little break to throw the pizza in the oven and answer nature's call while you're waiting for that pizza you crack open your first energy drink with your mana fall you're ready to dive back into this fantastical adventure hour 25 you're looking more and more like a person under hypnosis than someone enjoying a video game quest after quest dungeon after dungeon your character is getting stronger but the real you has almost completely lost your strength your eyes close momentarily but wait you've got two boxes of mana potion i mean energy drink let's go 35 hours of play hey why isn't your character moving are you still there uh oh fell asleep after all well i guess this marathon is over but where did you go wrong turns out what keeps you awake eventually makes you pass out in slumber caffeine yeah it raises your energy and concentration levels at first but it also wears you out not to mention all those carb heavy foods a dangerous combo that'll have you feeling a lot sleepier than before but what if i told you that playing 100 hours is real there's even a world record for the longest gaming marathon one person played for 135 hours let's see how he was able to set that record okankaya was able to play online for over five days it all began when his wife gave him a guinness book of records kale looked at the video game marathon section and thought well i could do that so he started preparing he came up with a strategy and strict timetable borrowed his son's playstation and broadcast his attempt he was also pretty lucky that his boss let him turn the office into a record-breaking headquarters the rules for setting this record allow a participant to rest for 10 minutes every hour these minutes can be accumulated and then used for a full long break that was key okay used this time for snacks bathroom breaks and even snuck in some two-hour naps but still setting a record like this is extremely difficult after 24 hours without sleep a person becomes groggy and irritable our hand starts shaking we make bad decisions even your perception of the world changes if you continue the marathon and stay awake for another 12 hours you'll start to feel extreme fatigue and even problems with speech 48 hours without sleep can turn you into a real life zombie your brain will actually fall into micro sleeps you doze off for 30 seconds without even realizing it after 72 hours without sleep you can hardly think clearly anymore even a simple task like pouring water into a glass will be impossible for you plus your sleep will take some serious damage that can't be fixed by a healthy eight-hour sleep that's how important these few hours were to ocad but as he said himself sleep wasn't the main problem he faced around the fourth day of the game he started feeling pain in his fingers and hands he doesn't have any blisters or bruises left but he still had to bandage a few fingers during the attempt and the most critical detail of all in all the 135 hours of gaming the record breaker had only three cans of red bull he used other tricks to stay awake he drank ice cold water and maintained optimum fluid levels in his body not only that he was constantly exercising without distracting himself from the game this helped keep his muscles and heart in good shape as kaya said he didn't push himself to the limit he stuck to his original schedule he ate stretched a little and went to the bathroom like clockwork and if he felt tired he would just rest another key to setting the world record is the environment the attempt was quite public so many people could follow his progress online everyone supported and cheered him on even his family had a positive attitude about his crazy stunt the only thing his son was worried about was dad hogging the playstation for so long thanks to his planning and dedication this man was able to break the previous record of 120 hours and set a new one 135 hours and 50 minutes by the end of the marathon okankaya was in 29th place in the game's leaderboard about 5.1 million players were in the game at that time when asked if he would like to repeat the marathon he said there were still many challenges ahead and he was going to make an attempt again but there's another exciting record in the gaming world carrie swaddecki went through an incredible marathon of 138 hours playing just dance she's been setting dance records for four years in a row she broadcasts the entire attempt online and raise money for charity now swadeki a teacher from bakersfield is enrolled in the hall of fame of video games in ottumwa iowa yep radar's hometown
Views: 1,038,868
Rating: 4.8869076 out of 5
Keywords: bright side, brightside, bright side videos, gaming, video games, experiment, gaming experiment, gaming marathon, single-player game, online games, bad for you, gamers, online gaming, gaming addiction, video game culture, bright side what if, what would happen if, strange what if questions, best what if questions, craziest what if questions, video game records, Guinness World Records, records for playing video games, gaming world records, video game marathon world record
Id: v1aIQAttIUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 19sec (439 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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