What I'd Carry If The Shield Plus Didn't Exist

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let's imagine we live in a world where the shield plus doesn't exist this is not a world that I want to live in by the way but we will pretend here and so I'm going to give you three different options three of the best that I personally like for concealed carry the most and then I'm going to tell you at the end which one I would actually carry we're going to start with the FN reflex now if you like concealed carry content you're looking for your first gun or you've been doing this for a really long time pistol reviews rifle reviews all that kind of stuff I do all that right here on this channel over 500 videos so I'd love to have you join the community make sure you subscribe down below and hit your notifications [Music] thank you the FN reflex is the new kid on the Block you can get them with or without an optic this one has the high Vis site up front white dots in the rear front and rear saturations you have that fde color that FN does really well they also make these in Black you have the one slot rail right here magazine release which is reversible and easy to get to and that fairly aggressive grip texturing that FN uses which is helpful like really helpful on this pistol because overall size this thing is pretty small and one thing that they did with this gun is they redid the trigger so as opposed to their 509 series which has that old hinge design that I'm just not a huge fan of they went with an internally Hammer fired gun by the way you have 11 and 15 round magazine options it's a 15 round magazine if you're curious and I've also done a full review on this gun if you want to check that out but here's the trigger you get to the wall a little bit of take up boom brace reset right there so it is really a an overall decent design and it's probably my favorite trigger so far that effin has done now that's not saying a whole lot for the striker fire guns again I'm not a huge fan of the 509 series or their hinged design triggers and so you know it's just it's just me it personally I just don't think they're 509 series trigger is that great there are things you can do with that but I'm just talking straight from the factory but I think for size weight and capacity they did a fantastic job and it's a decent shooting gun all right FN reflex we got a little bit of rain so we're gonna see how they do out here with the weather low and to the left all right now one thing I forgot to mention is I will talk about the cons so when we when I actually pick a winner at the end I'll tell you the reasons that I didn't pick you know certain guns on this list okay but we still got two more to cover and the next one is the spectracom now we could also place the p365 XL in this role but I just really like the spectracom basically it is a custom p365 straight from the factory you see the lightning Cuts up here you have the porting up here you have the of course comp right from the factory nothing's threaded on it's milled into the slide you have all these different cutouts on the slide you have the custom slide serrations it is Optics ready and it has the day night sights x-ray sites that bright green dot up front blacked out tritium rear you have the tin gold barrel and Trigger flat face hit the wall boom it breaks super predictable it's not the lightest trigger but it is very predictable brakes reset right there magazine release of course and then their lxg laser engraved grip when it comes to the best feeling gun in this size range this Takes the Cake this and the XL feel the absolute best for my hand size it is absolutely perfect and that does translate on the range with the Specter comp better I would say than the F and reflex you also have compatibility with the X macro as far as your magazines so the 18 round X macro mags will work and of course I'm carrying it in a toaster oath this will accommodate the optic and eventually I will put some kind of optic on here because that'll make it even better by the way there's your viewport so you can see your brass down in the chamber this one is a awesome shooter dude I got to get a red dot for this one too but when it comes to feel in the hand this one still is at the top for me personally it's absolutely perfect it shoots good and it's a relatively low recoiling for these size of guns so on all the Specter comp has been a fantastic options and really a staple in my concealed carry rotation but it's not the only one matter of fact the last gun that we're going to talk about here is the Smith and Wesson equalizer this is Light Years above what they did with the shield EZ so you have more aggressive uh front and rear slide serrations you actually have notches here in the rear to Aid in charging up the gun but this is the easiest gun to manipulate without all of that and so they made it even easier because it's an internally hammer-fired gun you have a full slot rail up here you have standard white dots from the factory at least on this version but it did come with the EPS carry which is a fantastic Red Dot I'm going to leave the the Red Dot out of the conversation but all three of these you can get a red dot for them [Music] this is actually a good test for these guns dude it's gonna suck to clean can you help me clean [Music] such a nice shooter dude feels good in the hand that 15 round mag is pretty much a full-size grip I do feel like you tend to kind of work yourself too much with your trigger finger so you really got to kind of watch that but all in all it's a nice Gun Man all right it also has grip safety not a huge fan of that but the grip texturing feels really good they calmed it down quite a bit and I think they've reached a really good balance here with the grip texture it also has the advantage that he uses Shield plus magazines so I'm not cheating here I'm just telling you it uses the shield plus mag so you have 10 13 and 15 round mags that'll work with the gun it's got a good feel in the hand and it's got some weight to it too and that translates to its shoot ability on the Range because it does help to soak up that recoil pretty well on this gun foreign right there so you can see your brass down in the chamber and overall this has been a fantastic gun the trigger it's not bad get to the wall breaks again very short travel very predictable reset you can almost hear it right there so this one's got a lot of good features we got the effin reflex and we have the spectracom and so the first one I'm going to toss is the F and reflex I recently took this to the range again and even in my full review of this gun I I said I need more practice with this and my first set of shots were fantastic I was like oh yes I've I've mastered the reflex and then my subsequent shots after that I was just a little bit all over the place um and I'm not even going to say that it's a gun but I'm really good at shooting these smaller guns and so I look for consistency in that my abilities it's not like with these guns I don't rate it on you know how many holes can I punch in the same exact spot but I do look for a consistent pattern especially when I'm aiming Center Mass and I just don't feel like I'm there yet with this gun it is a little bit Snappy it's a little bit smaller a little bit lighter but I think this thing would really benefit if I had the milled version and put an optic on it I really think that it would help with the accuracy with this gun and you got to think sometimes the way you personally see the sights on a gun sometimes the way a gun feels to you it just doesn't work as well now one thing about it when you look at the trigger right and you look at the reach right here it's a good design because it forces me personally anyways to almost have to pull it directly from the center so I don't I don't really find myself over compensating because of the reach so it's a pretty good design there I think because it moves around a little bit more in my hand I find myself readjusting more with this gun and I'm just not quite as confident with it as I am some of these others The Equalizer it's a little bit different it's a little bit wider of a grip if you look at it right there but the trigger is set so far back that I don't have that issue and because it is a if it fills the hand better I feel like it doesn't move around as much in my hand under sustained fire and so I'm able to keep a very constant grip and keep my trigger pulls consistent each and every time the Specter comp same way it's got a relatively small grip they put the trigger out forward just a little bit but again it does such a good job of just keeping the gun locked into your hand and of course that lxg laser engraved grip helps as well but overall it's got a very natural point of aim and I feel like I can stay very consistent so we're going to take the reflex and we're going to move that out of the way so both of these guns shoot really well I think I like the trigger better on the specter.com I also like the fact that it has the cop strength from the factory helps to keep the muzzle down on this gun this is a very flat shooting gun when it comes to these micro nines it's it's really impressive this one does a good job of soaking up the recoil but I feel like there is a little bit more muzzle rise to it not much this one also has a little bit more weight um but it's still a decent carrying gun inside the waistband now both of these guns benefit because if you get like a contour type of holster where it's got an overall short design it allows you to throw a shirt or jacket or something like that over them so they're good winter time carries as well or if you just want to you know not carry inside the waistband for the day so both of them benefit from that as well both of them have a very natural point of Aim so when you pull it up out of a holster boom On Target this one of course I'm looking at the dot and it's just it's right there man so it's really a tough decision and so I I think the equalizer value-wise is a better overall value uh the Specter comp again one thing I'll say about it it's just very expensive and so although I do like what they've done with this gun I like the comp and I like the additional features that they put on this one I think this is just an overall better value so if I were to look at it from you know a decent budget type of standpoint I would go with the equalizer assuming the shield plus doesn't exist of course because this is just a really fantastic gun if budget wasn't so much of a concern though the Specter comp is where it's at and again I Gotta Throw an optic on this thing and it might it'd probably be even a better of a shooter I don't really know but all I know is this thing is a freaking tank and so I I really love it I just think it's a little bit too much and so I believe that the equalizer for a second best option to the shield plus currently is the best carry gun and the one I would carry if the shield plus didn't exist now if you like this video maybe you'll like one of these other ones that I'll leave a card to and if you like what I do here consider joining the channel love to have you big thanks see you in the next one and as always hold them down foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Hegshot87
Views: 13,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shield plus vs, shield plus vs x macro, best carry gun 2023, best first gun, m&p equalizer vs shield plus, shield plus vs equalizer, is the spectre comp worth it, p365 vs shield plus, shield plus vs spectre comp, m&p shield vs, best carry gun in 2023, best first conceal carry
Id: GE44s1K4Ic8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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