The Canik MC9 Update I Didn't Want To Do

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uh Houston I think we got a problem so I'm currently working on a number of comparisons the first one is a six gun comparison where I'm basically taking my beloved Shield plus and I want to see what the best shooting micro 9 is on the market because we've added some new ones there's also some others that I wanted to revisit do thousand round reviews and so the Canik mc9 was going to make the first round of cuts when it comes to these comparisons that I'm working on and so essentially we're at the range it starts to rain and it's like a light to medium rain they have these 55 gallon drums right and so you can use them as a marker for your firing line or you can set guns on them ammo whatever and so I essentially from what I remember I pretty much had them all just like this all right Mike we got six carry guns and you can go in whatever order you want it's a beautiful thing all right once you read them off tell them what we got Mike come on come on hurry up laughing I have no clue what model Mike you're not taking this serious breech faces right here on the left hand side of the gun now one thing I did notice with the Canik under dry normal conditions is when you go to lock the slide to the rear you get to about right there where you think it's going to stop and you really got to crank back on that thing to get it back to the rear also and it really wasn't even an issue I didn't think is when you were firing it almost felt like the slide would sometimes jump back into battery you know it wasn't a smooth kind of transition you know once the rounds ejected strip a new one boom go back into battery but I didn't have any issues so I didn't think anything of it all right uh failure to feed we're within 100 rounds by the way this fateful day if you will uh I pick up the Canik fire fire fire and then all of a sudden I have a dead trigger yep so it's like not going fully into battery and I got a dead trigger it didn't reset the striker either and that's a live round huh [Applause] there it goes so notice let me show you something oh [Laughter] so notice the striker indicator is not reset yeah so it's not kicking it back far enough to reset the striker but you have the live round right yeah right there yep same thing same thing yep foreign but I have a live round in the chamber so it was enough energy to slide back eject the round pick a new one up but not reset the striker so I'm like okay that is uh that's pretty weird because if you drop the striker right right now it's dropped you only got to pull it back like there I mean that's not even enough check it out that's not even enough to eject around so I'm like how could it not reset the striker so maybe it did reset the striker the protrusion just wasn't showing that it had to you know I'm just thinking like you know what could have possibly happened so what I did is I took this apart and I looked at the firing pin and the striker itself so all Striker fire guns now have this one piece uh basically Cup right here that keeps water out of the striker channel so then this has enough energy the firing pin to strike the primer okay and this one's intact there's no issue with that so I'm like okay there was a little bit of oil I mean a very small amount of oil on this but not nearly enough to slow down a gun like that and again I've only noticed these issues this issue specifically when it started raining so I don't think it was oil so I started looking at some of these other Strikers right you have a Glock on your left an m p on your right the only thing I did notice if you look closely and I don't know if this has anything to do with it but you see how they've notched this out right here compared to the other two which are basically solid they have a a flat side it looks like but they are essentially solid whereas this one is notched out so I'm like well maybe it doesn't have enough force or inertia to be able to overcome a little bit of water also this is open and so the spring is exposed and so if this comes back and water is just sitting somewhere in here it comes back boom it fires everything's good and then it picks up water and eventually gets in there that could be the problem because neither one of these this is the m p the white one neither one of these are open on the top so maybe that's the culprit maybe that's what's going on I really don't know but I could see that possibly having an impact because we're trying to keep things out of the striker Channel but that may allow some things in and so this is more of a service announcement right if you have a can it you may want to be aware this is one example so what I'm going to do is I'm going to clean this thing out completely the striker Channel right here make sure there's no residual oil on this thing whatsoever and then I'm gonna pour water on it this is another recommendation from baby Bae is a friend of mine by the way um I'm gonna pour water on it let it sit I'm gonna pour water on it again let it sit and then try to fire it instead of dunking it because that's not really what was happening it was just constantly getting rained on I'd shake it out right load it up fire boom we were having those issues so the Canik mc9 up to this point has let me down because every other gun we were running ran perfectly fine no issues at all and they were all sitting in the same place same water same conditions so we're going to take this thing back out The Saga of the mc9 continues but this has made an impact on how I feel about this gun as of right now and the only thing I can truly judge is my experience with my gun okay if you like this video maybe you'll check out the original mc9 video that I did or the comparison to the shield plus remember that I was in retrospect thinking the gun is perfectly fine but now we've had some issues so if you want to check those out or the other 500 videos that I have on my Channel Make sure you do that and subscribe join the channel see you on the next one and as always hold them down [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Hegshot87
Views: 14,417
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best carry gun 2023, best first gun, best 1st gun, best carry gun, best carry gun for, best cow, best conceal carry gun, shield plus vs mc9, canik mc9, m&p shield plus, canik mc9 vs shield plus, shield plus vs, canik mc9 vs, best first carry gun, canik mc9 issues, canik mc9 mete vs, canik mc9 vs shield
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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