What I Was REALLY Thinking - KSI vs LOGAN PAUL Press Conference

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so ever since our [ __ ] press conference finished I've been getting tweets instagrams the law every [ __ ] minute probably what were you thinking during that press conference well I haven't watched this press conference back since it happened because three honestly I didn't enjoy doing it it was the one of the few YouTube events I felt really frustrated gern and like Fergana says you didn't have control yeah no [ __ ] a Norwood your [ __ ] Rogen me like anyone who is in this situation with a crowd like that was people who own professional fighters who on try not make fresh players and I'm trying to ask questions it's like trying to rob a bank when someone's already set the alarm off Lynn you haven't got a [ __ ] brain so I just did me best but I didn't feel like it came out the way I wanted it to that being said there were some [ __ ] entertaining moments I'm gonna [ __ ] watch it and I'm gonna shoot from there be brutally honest here I just want to say straight off the bat you have no idea how loud they were like I've been in Wembley when there's been like thirty forty thousand people you're in a massive open space or the sound just travels up basically and like you're so enclosed it makes it feel a trillion times louder than Wembley Stadium like everyone who walk on that stage would have felt something because those [ __ ] in that crowd were so loud so before Jay comes out I'd walk past Jake and Logan backstage and I know as an interview are the best thing you can do to get good answers is to get people warmed up to you but I have 0% chance of that because Logan knows everything a [ __ ] setup up in the bus and be quite honest I do think what he did was [ __ ] terrible but at the same time I'm trying to do a [ __ ] job here it's almost like WWE whatever we think about each other let's put that aside for the next half an hour I've got work with these lads and try and get answers out with them as best I can and I just looked at them dead in the eye said let's have a good show that's it you know what I'm saying walks on stage announcers Jake Paul coming to the stage it's chase Paul hey boo instead she's a [ __ ] that's crazy I thought you guys are a desease team so I'm stood behind the [ __ ] podium there look at a jig who is getting so much abuse like few people in their lifetime will ever have that many people screaming at them like that like literally you have to go back the one used to [ __ ] chop people's heads off you know I mean with people who come out bring out your dance this is the level of hatred he's dealing with and honestly I'm sitting there thinking you handled it well all of these music performances he must do must have [ __ ] sucked I'm in good stead for this because he just acted like it was no big deal and Fair Play it doesn't mean I like his videos but I respect that thank y'all for coming out tonight thank y'all for coming out tonight to the show he gets it he gets it to show you see what I'm saying so when I was walking towards him he was making eye contact with me and he knew what we he was on my site to some extent I felt like re I can work with this kid which in this situation is [ __ ] helpful you know I mean I was grateful for that nobody throwing anything people were throwing a lot of Cher was doing me [ __ ] headed Deji walks in smacks the [ __ ] microphone off of the table I'm like guess I better pick that up then cuz neat [ __ ] else is gonna on this stage I found myself doing a lot of jobs I was production I was security God I was a nun so I was [ __ ] wouldn't beat I don't mind it but like it's stressful and then you got to try and get a nun some of these loves well at this point I was cringing I was just like oh yeah this isn't good Nicole how I want it is it it's going the way of the earlier what I thought I've got very little chance of getting anything at this point in dead she's just not listening to the word I'm saying people are throwing stuff it was I'd gone from making a documentary about Kanye West to they say I was just thinking like what am i doing well [ __ ] Jay Paul for cheap or watching well I was really panicking inside know because they'd just been non-stop like chanting and I the problem is is the only press conference most people have seen is the McGregor mayweather ones which were nothing like a proper fight Prescott on account of tree I want everyone in this arena to scream at the top of your lungs [ __ ] them Mayweather's so now everyone things like you just gotta like go up there and shunt like a [ __ ] cheerleader or something you know I'm trying to ask questions now a dead she's just screaming boys I'm like what have I done yeah a lot of people are saying that you were talking chair chair to get the dead she fight cuz it's an easier fight it's not true literally he couldn't hear a [ __ ] thing I was so [ __ ] loud so loud he stopped throwing [ __ ] cuz everyone's gonna go home alright alright chick me and Jake watch you having a laugh yeah it was weird like I actually thought the kids seemed alright we fail that G dad she's just laughing hysterically I love like [ __ ] you guys just be a dick just keep this going it was I'm looking back at it now and it wasn't as bad as it felt like up there I felt like I was dying I just I just felt like I was dying on stage did you know and you're a comedian and you've got no jokes and that was basically what it felt like partner oh that really struck a chord by the way when he said about his training partners I looked across daddy's trading partners look like they wanted a rift chase [ __ ] head off bit dull and ksi are actually training they trained for the Weller fight they know what to think about Jake as he does his homework I've noise like he pays very close attention to is bizarre with him when he started rattling off things about the sidemen I was like oh you you are paying attention to [ __ ] yeah he's not just going in blind I have to admit right Angie said home of zero what the champions like it's just quite amusing because he's obviously thought about this ship before Arnold to fix boxing gym we trained edgy and that's it genuinely right I'll [ __ ] hate myself right now because I do a lot of people be like are you supporting Jake I'm not a [ __ ] team deggi right he's obviously like me me not saying I'm best mates the by any [ __ ] means bought Jake dealt with the hate the [ __ ] so [ __ ] well on that I was I was impressed with that anyway he's still just like [ __ ] do you think he's deliberately just like [ __ ] God Almighty I think this is where I get annoyed so I'm getting hit them directed a lot I'm quite a calm dude but like when I start losing it it really goes quickly Tom do you think that Jake is deliberately putting bare minimum videos up to make it look like he's not training so he's got excuses or Jesus like he's trying to hide it from you know I just hoping to fight better than he can dress I was literally nothing to do with a question asked like for anyone just slugged me I'm watching this but right and it felt like and car crush when I was there what people don't know son is how loud the crowd was and having to keep these two characters cool here and not just screaming at each other [ __ ] me I tried me [ __ ] best like I really [ __ ] I've had so much hatred from the logger and [ __ ] fans after obviously I let that gwaan and I'll get lighten them in a book you know I'm clearly trying to be [ __ ] fair what's your opinion so far of all of the footage you've seen of Deji sporran [Applause] condom I'm getting annoyed at that point the footage of daddy spine he gets hit in the stomach one girl and he drops to the ground what do you say I think at this point I'm like let's rub this tough football like I just got sick and tired I thought I got a couple of decent answers there this is the best I'm gonna [ __ ] me let's do the [ __ ] face I'm looking at the paper there and I'm not even reason I'm looking to try and make it look like I know what the [ __ ] I was like what the [ __ ] this is in the blood the party they did it gloves are off with Johnny Nelson I was like that's what I should have done like I know these youtubers back Johnny Nelson's a legend but I know these lads like I know the stories I can read up on me like I could have done a [ __ ] great gloves are of misses just like I put in any air of God laughter you're the bigger guy if you don't win it's not not even more humiliating for you since Teddy is clearly smaller than you you're still wearing there's zero percent chance for you there's your purse as I check the heels oh I did and you know as I literally thought meself there nice shoes actually like I quite like the thing about Jake is he's got [ __ ] money so he wasn't wearing like tacky [ __ ] have you faced the lobby and the suit is questionable but the shoes were theses I love how beauty by highlighted me [ __ ] eyes going down checks if he's actually wearing totally straight away you can't know check out the shoes there's 0% chance at that she went to spite his old trainer knows it his brother knows it the side man when when Jake's going off yes a in the side man fatale kicked them out the house I feel like he's scoring points cuz he's coming with with [ __ ] now he's turning those [ __ ] in there questionable half-truths like why did they kick them out the house did that actually happen but especially since Jake was more hit I felt like he came out not the winner in the eyes of the crowd but I feel like people watching her home would feel like he saw an edge the press conference here let's do a faceoff right now what annoyed me here a little bit this straightaway as soon as the face-up comes like every [ __ ] and their dog or onstage like I can handle this you lot to stay the [ __ ] away I'm big enough to make sure that these two lads don't but the problem is he's the fear the fear everyone has in him that what if my guy gets smart or whatever like I don't know I didn't it was there was gang mentality and it sort of annoyed me a little bit no I wanted to [ __ ] them I slapped that [ __ ] by the end to be honest really I mean the other point what you saying but I'm looking at him like how the [ __ ] do you expect me to control this lot of [ __ ] crazy bastards in the crowd I'm not [ __ ] god I can't just be like Bruce Almighty do you not I mean they're gonna do what they're gonna do I'm telling them they're just not [ __ ] listen to me and if the lot listen to me I'll give you the [ __ ] mic and see of you about look I've always quite interesting that Jeff didn't look at him first time around he almost like ignored him completely like I've seen that tactic used by John Jones actually he does seem to like get under people's skin a bit [Applause] I knew he was going to turn at that point I [ __ ] knew he was gonna because there's no fear in Jake Paul towards dodgy I don't think there's any fear from Deji either but he didn't back down to the challenge I stopped feeling so many people gathering round and edgy looks like he's just ready to [ __ ] go like at this point and obviously it's not dead she and Jake I'm worried about it's the [ __ ] another 20 [ __ ] dudes around one stage because once one [ __ ] [ __ ] goes that's it the whole stage is gone and all the [ __ ] press conference is finished I was so stressed out at that point I was like I think I'm ready to go home here they're telling me at this point get these [ __ ] off stage which frustrated me a bit I felt like the production team sort of give me a mic because they would have all been get paid but like yeah you wouldn't do our jobs for us like I felt like I could have done with a bit of [ __ ] help at this point like I was just out there on me [ __ ] or and on stage and having the Corral every con to get them off the [ __ ] thing coming to the stage the Challenger Logan Paul introduced in Logan to the sage was bizarre to be honest because like five months ago he did what he did I mean the video slate man [ __ ] sick little [ __ ] freak do you know that you know MD you are insight you've shown your true colors to everyone now [ __ ] my most popular video ever and then Garry is I'm [ __ ] introduced in this ditch like I know the world is weird do you know what I'm saying I've got to say decent suit there's nothing else the level of hate he got when he came out was [ __ ] incredible like because of what he's done in the past thing I feel like Jay got here but like Logan's hey it was just like once-in-a-lifetime like you basically have to be a [ __ ] PTO's and serial killers you don't you see their vans getting transported from like prison tack or they don't get this kinda [ __ ] like I'm on stage and even I'm a bit like taken aback by it like [ __ ] me it was written all over him that he was struggling with it you know what I mean and I don't actually blame him for he probably deserves it for what he did a little bit but like I say it pedo serial killer type level he didn't actually kill anyone you know what I'm saying it was a bit extreme but maybe it'll do him some good you know I'm an eagle wise at that point may Logan we don't look each other's direction there's no eye contact me just nothing like and just by that you can I just tell he's seen the [ __ ] video I made about them and good do you know I mean I think there was a lot of things to set my video he should have heard I was comfortable with her I'm absolutely fine with that it was the crowd that was that was weird children I mean the reigning defending you to top of the world this is way I just want to be in and out some on our [ __ ] love that type of ship building someone up and feeling the crowd get hype when you talk in a nice there's something about the power of spoken word like you just can't [ __ ] match it and someone who dreamt of being like a sports commentator getting to announce like a champion even if it is a YouTube champion to a crowd of people who are posing as that as you'd say in the words and that a [ __ ] feels electric like it feels something special when it's going good it feels great when it's going bad it feels [ __ ] terrible when JJ comes out make no mistake like they were there for him every single person apart from one apart from one girl it was like towards the front she was dropping the Logan Mavericks I know whatever I was like she had the t-shirts everything she was like [ __ ] Deji [ __ ] JD like she was like ride or die like if you could have one fart like that thing you are safe alive shield my everything very plato and JJ comes out way in the blond wig and I'm like [ __ ] how like no one's taken none of you this time he owned that entire room at that point and like I knew he was gonna go in straight away has already suffered enough we lost the Croatian in the semi-final we had truck come over last week now we got you this week Logan it was just shook he's looking at me sort of like what the [ __ ] happening girlfriend now [Applause] Chloe Bennet what's up babes [Applause] Norvin sat in his chair slumped like body language not aggressive not a fight I just just take and everything not a word to say by everyone in the room is chat in his girlfriend's a ho like there's a public ridicule of Logan Paul this was not a press conference at this point and there wasn't a [ __ ] thing I could do about it you really think anyone I'm [ __ ] big voice I'm a big block / ksi is loved by these people in this room listen they're not listening to [ __ ] from anyone else the train is gone dude I mean he's team he's the train driver and I'm on the platform all the B parts do you know what I mean and Logan is in [ __ ] coach just dumb for the ride and wherever he goes there's nothing he can do about it apparently you only have 85% of your testicle let me give her the extra 50 I'm trying to keep a straight face at this point but change is just going in and the thing is people were saying like oh you should have stopped them I'll give Jake and edgy both a chance to open their sort of set their stalls and see what they want to say before we answer questions i was expect-- and Logan just jump in at some point and it started up from self against who JJ I wasn't expecting I just get the part and still not end up in the final movie my song ended up in the final movie when where were you oh yeah deleted scenes at that point I looked at Logan I'm thinking all right he's laughing it off but he's gonna come back with something soon I was wrong Logan's looking at me repeatedly now he's starting to look at me like come on like stop this stop this I'm thinking dude like this is this is your press conference you press conferences especially ones this childish or ones that are just a [ __ ] talking contest you know I mean and I'm gonna get there but like do you have to interrupt them icon in there of JJ I'm not the [ __ ] opposition you are you're the opponent everyone has my back and no one has yours besides your ludicrous mom delusional diets so this point we're saying a whole entourage of log and pause guys he had some big [ __ ] dudes with them I'm not even get a lot even I was like yeah this kicks office is gonna be a [ __ ] bloodbath yelling cuz there's a massive [ __ ] one person it wasn't massive was Logan's dad who seemed to be the most anxious to get [ __ ] started like he seemed to want to fight straight away and you're looking like dude like you shouldn't even be here I mean like JJ and Daddy starts probably sat with his [ __ ] slippers on to the home was watching TV like he's not getting a lot this is not a place for parents yeah and like he ended up being not like embarrass and dad but I'm sure I'm sure you wouldn't mind loss at one run before the little girls who like kissing that was that was the stinger that was that was but and the thing is it was a genius move from JJ goes straight at the time cuz it's like he almost makes it even worse because he's not getting anything from Logan he's just sat there and he knows his dad stuffed enough to [ __ ] try and argue it's just easy pickings for JJ he just runs rings around I probably should have tried to step in a bit more at this point I'll accept that I didn't realize how long it was but I was like because I kept motion and JJ like all right what's lets get shot down but then when his dad gets up I'm like oh his dad's gonna go back and forth um now I guess I've just gotta [ __ ] let this hop and you know I mean what - dumb ass children [ __ ] that was really hard not the best though laughing do so I'm saying at this point you can't really go I'm saying right lads that we're gonna do some questions now is that genuinely wanted to ask these two some questions you know I mean I'm like I'd literally prepared for this like days beforehand like with questions I wasn't I wasn't just coming in and making it up like I really thought about what I wanted to ask him I had some like pointing questions but for everyone sitting they say and all you just let go like and what about like yeah I'll let it go a bit too long I'll accept that but like I wasn't trying to not ask log and a question deliberately our [ __ ] spend time think any of these questions [ __ ] you when I said I wanted to do some questions that I think JJ probably could have done as a favor and suddenly I understand like he was hell-bent on winning this this exchange verbally and destroying Logan mentally he wasn't trying to help him he was trying to destroy Logan but Logan wasn't helping himself oh and he was getting gunned down at this point and he looks at me and no one else in the room would have seen that but it was weird it was like you know in a movie where something s'mores down and you say something in slow motion and it's like the heel up that is enough I seem like defeat in his eyes I got and I don't mean that he's gonna lose the fight I just mean he knew he was [ __ ] and he's like can we [ __ ] it can help me out of it yeah like the things that really annoyed me the most about the first time I ever seen a local video was the suicide forest was his treatment of someone in a vulnerable position you know it was almost like you know when it fast-forwards through like months at a time or whatever and all of a sudden you're like at the next point and I'm like I'm looking down on this guy now physically literally looking down on him and he's looking at me for help and I'm looking at him like almost feeling sorry for him to be honest we in like and some people be like Joey my [ __ ] how these like he's supposed to hate this guy and I [ __ ] still am disgusted in his actions but it was almost like he became human for a minute there was like I'd built a slide up in my head of a piece of [ __ ] and then to see him in a in a real moment of like actually he's just a lot who got lucky on social media he was a party quite a bright kid at school or whatever thought he was funny wanted to push the limit [ __ ] up and actually is capable of being bullied like anyone elses and it was interesting the same on the receiving end of it in person because it's one thing to see a lot of twits hating you it's another thing to be in a room where one of the best [ __ ] talkers on YouTube and ksi is [ __ ] roasting you all his fans are there pointing and laughing at you calling your dad a [ __ ] pedo and like I don't know it was just surreal I did try and step in like I genuinely did but at that point it was just too late Logan was done something happened in Logan's brain which told him like a last thing I want now is questions cuz if I was prying and poking and challenging him and not in the same way as JJ would but he doesn't know that I don't think he could handle any more he was he was done at that point he looks me in the eyes oh I'll give him one thing he really showed us the respect of that which means that the video I made about him had some form of impact on him in some way it just makes you think about things differently when you read into people more you know what I mean because you've solved and I'm not one for putting hate videos out there but I've been affected by suicide before and I took real issue what he did I know you respect what I said in that video whether he admits it or not on the video I don't give a [ __ ] I can tell by the way you look at us I know in some respects us I just wish I'd gotten the chance to do a real interview there's things I wanted to ask for the Battlement of YouTube you know I wanted it I wanted to gave Logan a chance to address some things and not be a [ __ ] do you know what I mean and out it's just disappointing because I want to put my name the things I'm proud of and that was painful at the end like to be honest fear final thoughts after the press conference I think Logan is used to be in the Alpha he's clearly he was a bright kid in school from everything I've learned about him when I was doing research further questions he's obviously an amateur wrestler so he was used to the grind he's a very hard worker there's things about him that could make him good in a boxing ring but we've got no idea if he's got the hand eye coordination it'd be good one thing we do know is despite having all that and going against ksi ksi wasn't enough we in school dropped out of a college and I you know he was he had issues but he made his name play in FIFA and in theory and when you say that and you'd look at the size advantage Logan should be in theory the battle boxer ball there's something special about JJ and in a mental battle for whatever reason he just seems to have the edge he's controlled the thing I like about JJ's personality is in chaos in in a [ __ ] storm he is calm and I've watched him sparring and videos that haven't come out yet way he's taken on a big [ __ ] dude and he just went as a storm and lands the killer floor and knocks this kid clean oh and I feel like in the previous two press conferences Logan lost his cool he was the one who put his hands on JJ first he was the one who walked now and in this boxing match keeping your cool is gonna be absolutely [ __ ] necessary to win and that's why I think JJ's got the edge right now I feel like Logan has come up against someone who can just do everything Logan can do but better if Logan wants to win this fight he's gonna have to take JJ out of his comfort zone and I don't know how he's gonna do that but he has the size advantage it's gonna be a really interesting fight for me this I'm really really interested obviously I think JJ is gonna win but it's gonna be interesting because also JJ has that size issue to deal with it Logan the younger in Logan and the emotion and Logan is something he's going to struggle to control in this fight because once again you're gonna have a [ __ ] crowd screaming at you JJ in your face connecting you know it's gonna be so interesting that's all I've got to say for now obviously I'm gonna stay a cover in this fight and hopefully do the commentary so if you want more on the case I versus Logan Paulette then stay subscribed to the true Jordi YouTube channel thanks for watching and I'll say as later
Channel: True Geordie
Views: 5,003,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: KSI, Logan Paul, Jake Paul, Deji, ComedyShortsGamer, Boxing, Fight, Press Conference, Vlog, Logan Paul Vlogs
Id: ncyuyGb0ooA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 26sec (1526 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 21 2018
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