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everyone has my testicle beforehand right and no one has yours the [ __ ] is what were your sperm oh yeah you've been [ __ ] my diet for ages what's up babes boys and girls to fight is nearly upon us destroy you destroy my industry you know offensive Joe weather but again bro I'm not Joe weather all right you know boys the girls is fully kicking off in it it's getting personal it's getting a bit spiteful and I just do have a few things I need to say to you lot so get yourselves comfortable because we are gonna be brutally honest with this one all right so let's go right north ron shipp come on now today we're gonna begin with the London press conference now obviously the LA one was all right but I feel this is the one that was the most significant why did Logan walk out of this press conference Logan Oh for me right at the beginning here when they enter onto the stage I'm pretty certain is experiencing the same feeling that I had when I walked onto that stage for mine and JJ's way pretty much the whole crowd was team ksi and when all of them are just booing and just shouting absolutely disgusting abuse at you I don't care who you are you can be as tough as anything but you feel it we've had truck up all for last week now we got you this week obviously JJ's come prepared you got a new girlfriend now oh let me so-oh-oh real bad the crowd then chant she's a ho they are savage I remember when I was doing my weigh-in in my boxes and the little kiddies at the front and like where is your [ __ ] whether it's Thai they they don't know back and I don't think Logan realized just how savage it's English audiences data at M precedes that absolutely go in on Logan and like I said before when ksi is in that environment in front of a crowd he absolutely thrives mark my word stop what the [ __ ] is going down oh he's gone is it the right thing to do or just bloody embarrassing nah I don't know because if he stays in and tries to answer questions the crowd is just gonna continue booing throwing [ __ ] at him and it's just not gonna really get him anywhere running away though you know I mean for me that's just giving JJ so much more confidence mentally now we're moving on to the face to face pair sign Logan sit down and have a chat and I actually think this is so good because if proper gives us a chance to see how they interact when they're forced to just talk to each other well what do you think when he called you out um do you think it was a joke I did I did what cuz I just come from a athletic background and I'm not used to a youtuber calling me out for something that I'm like really good at so you kinda insulted yeah yeah first I thought he was joking bricky era all right now ah I know Logan he is an athlete he comes from that background way more than I ever have but overlooking JJ in the way that he initially is here it's just risky because the thing about JJ right when you see JJ you know throwing the punches they're not done with the most perfect technique however he believes in himself so much that he just makes whatever he has work so over look at him it's a dangerous move low-key boy all right you'd be well you got the job done yeah yeah I destroyed weather what do you think of that yeah you destroyed well I destroyed whoa all right whoa ksi straight up he'd be me fair and square was the better performer on the night by a mile however the facts are I literally dust up out of my hands on my head through hardly any punches and he was able to hit me with whatever he wanted to yet still he didn't put me on the ground and he didn't knock me spark out so I dare no my I'm Way better right now didn't I ever was so I would hope so because I'm not go well err I'm not JoEllen oh whoa but Logan what you mean by you're not Joella you try to say I'm some sort of I know prison lower-class scum okay I know I didn't perform on the noise I was borderline dog [ __ ] all right we all know it however I tried so hard I just didn't perform on the night - shut up Logan with you I'm not Joe Weller [ __ ] off this for me isn't mental my indoors I would hope not it's your boxing match you want to go pro ha you suck how would you expect to do that but I don't how do you know that cuz your match against Joe Weller was embarrassing well when you hit past Joe even said joe said 'hey you don't hit hard he said you don't hit hard obviously it's gonna say that I destroyed them and obviously he doesn't want to admit that he is the weaker opponent i I disagree I think Joe Ehlers a level-headed guy who understands what he got into and I don't I think I think each other over his head his way over there so Logan's still bringing up where I said that JJ wasn't really a very hard hitter okay um JJ is under the impression that I am pure ly saying this because he destroyed me and I'm just too over my head to admit that he was the better opponent now I find this interesting because literally the day after the fight I came out and admitted on the night JJ was the better performer he deserved the win and I've said it multiple times he did that doesn't take away from the fact that I'm also honest when I say he wasn't the hardest hitter I've ever faced that's yet again me being open with you guys I'm just an athlete and I know Joe Weller said he was an athlete too and look I don't know I know but the kids not an athlete like he's just not that's that's not how earth but in no offense to Joe well there but again bro I'm not Joe whether I say again mate oh we get it you figure my massive [ __ ] you know you saw the sparring day you did not the guy down look pretty good you know he got fast hands palek though Palin you through a lot of hands there and didn't need to he wasn't really posing that much of a threat but you love hands I do get this sense that JJ is really trying to see much some mystical like calm and composed sort of like who you know I mean I do anyway think it's getting to Logan he can't quite work out where this confidence is coming from even all JJ has really done he's beating me it's not exactly likely he says it himself he hasn't got this huge background that can back up this confidence that still JJ has this confidence he has this self belief you want to knock him out he's a puncher oh yeah I'm gonna knock him out really yeah yeah yeah oh yeah obviously he's gonna say yeah I'm hundreds ain't gonna knock him out he's going down and all that stuff but it's not for me it's gonna be tricky for JJ to knock Logan down in a way that ends the match well you may knock him down but I don't know if he's gonna be able to you know knock him out sort of thing obviously if he catches him flush on the chin he does like most people if they're caught in a sweet spot you're going down whereas I do think Logan how heavy is physicality alone what we've seen he will have harder knockout power I think and you're gonna be worried you're gonna be in the fight and you're gonna be like oh [ __ ] this is this is recent fight this is happy this is a boxing which can I can I handle this guy yeah again JJ is using this sort of like or I'm planting these seeds in your brain almost brainwashing you into thinking you've already lost you know it's good are usually when you've got your fighters together you can sense [ __ ] okay you know guys try and create that that's what I'm saying I thought so so can you sense any [ __ ] no I feel like he believes himself that's why I'm impressed and he just does like oh we see when we did our thing and I was like mate you're a pretender you're acting all that stuff well I genuinely believe that lighthouses skis that it's done gaming all his life and never done a bit of exercise gonna somehow turn it round and become this fighting beast but he did he did and I think the fact that he has changed his life around in that sense is giving JJ so much confidence and he probably does feel like you can take on anyone right now and believe that he can genuinely win round one body shots lots and lots of body shots on my name for that body man it's open it's always open yeah I remember in our fight it was actually around my fingers round 2 that JJ started going to my body he would fry it by almost like dropping his arm and throwing it like almost like an uppercut to the body but it would leave here so open so if like Logan can clock on to that and throw like the counter like left hook as he drops that that right hand for the body I think little things like that will see Razzie fro JJ off and that is where the technique of JJ could fold him but that's what could let him down the problem is you're gonna get the loser is gonna get bitched on every time he walks in the street they're gonna talk about the fights it's gonna suck for you yeah I it's not that bad honest honest opinion and before the fights like [ __ ] if I lose that's it I am gonna be mugged off constantly but the funny thing is right whoever does lose in this scrap it's honestly about how you deal with it because if you come out a lot ah yeah it wasn't fair I should have won or you know you're an Abed about it then obviously people are just gonna take a piss at you but if you do with it like a man and deal with it with respect and just honesty then from my experience I've actually connected with my audience and even people that hated me um on a much deeper level oh you won't be possibly get a handshake between you no hell no because you talk [ __ ] about me you talk [ __ ] about my family you talk [ __ ] about my girl come on girl put that hand back put that hand back mmm I will shake your hand mmm when you're on the ground and I help you up and then I will shake your hand I will give you the firmest handshake of your life okay I'll get I'll personally get your bandana for you and put it on your head tie this end in our car I like it because you know Logan refusing to shake can sighs hand it's like this ain't I ain't pissing about me you talk [ __ ] about my family my girlfriend everything about me I ain't shaking your hand - JJ he feels that means that he's got into Logan's head I don't know two ways to look at it for me it's more fuel just like how when I got in JJ's head and I know a freaking thing but all that did was fuel J day to work even harder to make sure that he got me back and that is how I feel Logan is reacting it's not like he's getting freaked out and doesn't know what to do now he's using all this [ __ ] that JJ's chatting about him and his family as fuel and reason to work even harder that's how I see it so now we're gonna look at Logan's video on why he walked out of the London press conference well we try to get out they were kicking our cars the gold rolls and the gold Bentley kids were like climbing on top of buildings in Ch [Applause] at one point full paint cans were being thrown yes full paint cans I know this is something bass all right I think it's we're obviously on the internet people can literally say anything and I feel like because this is a youtuber then they just do whatever they want because it's a YouTube event kicking someone's car in lobbing [ __ ] even if you do hate the polls or whatever doesn't mean that we should do stuff like this Laila's lie is just true like someone punched their dad it's got a bit out of home anyways it's my turn I get on stage and as you can see by my face I'm like I'm kind of already over it man [ __ ] putting on a front light that's all he's doing there he could feel the audience feel the intimidation and putting on a front I ain't bothered bank with jaws you do though why is this so one-sided why did the moderator let JJ talk for 5 minutes and 20 seconds straight yes I timed it and why are we not talking about the fight and then I remembered holy asshat this dude's King hates me not true Jordy he was just allowing the show to breathe sort of thing they both made their entrance they both want to make a statement surely so if JJ is going on too long and that's how you feel get up and take control of the situation shut him up you chose to not do that and to me the reason why you did that is cuz you didn't want to rise to it he was gonna chat [ __ ] okay I don't care whatever regardless though I know since then Logan tried to get true Jordy off of commentating for the fight which obviously none of us wanted everyone backed him he got reinstated as well as right me I am joining commentary for the ksi versus Logan fight obviously originally I wanted to fight at this event what happened is I had an opponent they couldn't do it and then I've got another opponent and then there was a complication with - then I'm just like well well I'm not gonna think I had a word with the organizers and we've agreed i commentate on this one and i fight at the next one I'm just glad I'm still involved because I feel like I kind of started this whole boxing thing when I did the video with Theo and then that led to the match with JJ like I was a big guide at the idea of you know to something to sit back and do nothing so I'm just happy that I get to still be involved and yeah it's gonna be fun I did not want to get personal but you bring it on my girlfriend you gonna do girlfriend now let me show so a real bad [Music] yeah man you ever consider that maybe she doesn't want that in fact after I sense this becoming an issue after you said this about Chloe in your last video how's he gonna go down on a busted lip I'm sorry Chloe but after the 24th of August you'll have to [ __ ] you like your prostitute if you know what I mean I'm not gonna sit there and talk about your disgusting sexual harassment issues in the past today I'm with massive tits where have your tits gone because I can't see them not big enough Oh No you talk about my girl like she's a piece of meat but you know women have a choice right okay uh right then straight up that is an attempt to literally ruin JJ's reputation I just is it's funny because when myself and case I had our little altercations there were some comments made about mental health and there was some people that were suggesting that I was trying to ruin JJ's reputation by twisting his words to make it seem like he's disrespected mental health obviously I didn't do that but the point I'm making is with all this beef and trying to get one up on each other it can get to this point where you know you're stooping this low so yeah that is Logan's video we're now going to look at JJ's response to this video how is he gonna save it I don't know so let's begin I just don't think the moderator of the press conference the person who should be neutral the person who should be the one driving the conversation should be a Logan and Jake ball hater skinned its bro whose decision was that it was yours your team and my team agreed that true Jordy was okay to be the host right well they did it okay so that's the first point he's smashed that because it is true light but mine and JD's contract every single thing had to be agreed on by both people so yeah and it's true if you've watched true Jordy stuff ever since the last fight where he was biased he's tried his absolute best to keep it down a middle you know so okay let's address this clearly I didn't tell the audience to change you can clearly see me signaling that it's not me doing this all right no now this is something where I'm like this is a bit crafty because steel is making the point oh I didn't make him do anything however if you look at this camera angle when they first start taunting he's visibly egging him on to keep chanting that so yeah you're bullshitting now I'm not saying what they said is right by any means but if he felt so strongly about it why didn't you say or do anything there and then you sat there and did nothing you had a mic everyone could hear you and you still did nothing is true he had a microphone he could have stood up and made a point I really literally if he did start having a go at the crowd about chanting that that would only have just made him want to do it more but let's be honest where's the rest of the clip if you literally played a clip a second longer you understand why I said now is he gonna go down on you a busted lip I'm sorry Chloe but after the gonna have to [ __ ] you like your prostitute if you know what I mean no no no kissing today no no okay so just to clarify I am not calling Chloe a prostitute I'm just comparing to the fact that usually you can't kiss prostitutes and after I bust up your lip Logan you won't be able to kiss her either ah manipulation I'll its finest and yeah basically it's still saying that Logan is gonna have to [ __ ] her like a prostitute regardless of what you say after I don't know if that was my girlfriend I'm not gonna be cool with you saying that and I'm pretty sure well I hope you wouldn't be Eva no women have a choice right you know sometimes they don't like those comments and I feel like you should have learned that from what happened six years ago my girl is not an object she is a real-life human being not a girl who gets passed around to the dude with more ball percentage Logan you are blowing this way out of proportion I didn't make any derogatory comments towards Chloe I was simply making a joke about your lack of testicle yeah again uh lol see I don't want it to seem like I'm just guiding on Jay Jay because I'm not but even though you haven't directly said his girlfriend is a prostitute I don't know it's still a valid point that talking about someone's girlfriend like that is disrespectful to her not just him and I think that's the main point like yeah you're trying to aim your insults at Logan but you know he said a similar sort of thing at our press conference when obviously he made the mental-health comment and say I'm not being disrespectful about mental health I'm just trying to insult Josh well yeah but you're using mental health as a way to insult me just like you're using his girlfriend as a way to insult him by DC when it comes to the objectification of women I'm not even sure I have room to talk as I have been guilty of this in the past specifically with my music video no handlebars this is no handlebars I'm going over and I am deleting it from YouTube okay fair enough if you want to delete that video but if that's the case then you might want to probably delete this video as well our lives and this video [Music] other side of the head of course you so right oh my god [Music] what I know all right and that [ __ ] the same thing that Logan is going in on JJ about Logan's study himself and multiple times so oh no Logan let me tell you how it is okay in that UK press conference you couldn't think of a good comeback on that stage you couldn't handle the pressure that's why you left that's why you made this video and now it's your PR team to help you but when you're in that ring Logan your PR team ain't gonna save [ __ ] I will always be one step ahead of you Logan this was a terrible attempt I tried to knock my credibility and justify you being a coward when you left that press conference this has been your boy case are legit abt and you'll probably make a response video talking about the forest and how disgusting I am cuz that's kind of the only route you can take right now well I guess it was the Neill name you reckon today whoa there we go now lastly JJ released this music video a few days ago there's a diss track at Logan and bloody l-lie is just phenomenal I just is the fact he's training for a boxing match and has been able to produce one of the best music videos I've seen made by youtuber it is just unreal now the thing I want to focus on about this is not the gimmicks and a jokes he makes in a song and stuff but instead the message this sends to Logan because as well before mine and JJ's fight he released a music video and it did leave me thinking like how has he been able to go about making a song and music video whilst doing this training camp but I could not even imagine trying to focus on doing other things whilst trying to train so number one it shows just how confident ksi must be in his ability secondly we'll see he released that movie about mine in his fight like he's been doing all these other things and where you like I couldn't imagine doing that it almost makes you feel like you're a bit inferior to him but is he some sort of super person I don't know but notice this by Logan gone silent he's not reacting to anything he's not posting really anywhere and I did the same thing right because I wanted to show like yeah I can't do ever you want mate make your little shitty songs the end of the day the fight is what matters but like I said before I feel like this is all part of JJ's plan to plant the seed in Logan's head that he can't win JJ is the superior human being are Manstein joined this to me on his side is seeing them too for them it must be so exhausting that's the one thing that I noticed when I was doing my thing having to train every day getting smacked in the end every day inspiring like it all adds up as the viewer we're just excited for the match but for them it's almost like 24/7 everything is about the match you know when Logan's saying I'm just done now I'm just ready to fight is he feeling a bit exhausted not necessarily physically but mentally because that's how I got by the fight I was so mentally like almost drained from the hive it consuming my whole life for six months yeah like by the end of it you just you've almost had enough how's Logan had enough now I don't think he has I think he's had enough of the bush I think he's had enough of just the whole YouTube gimmicky hyping up the fire element and then at the same time I do just feel like like JJ is growing into the situation like he did with mine remember at the beginning he was out of shape he had never really done much exercise in his life and as it went on he just grew and grew and grew and by fight night bang he was there there's gonna be a lot of things that we as the viewers will never find out who knows right now one of them might just have an injury that we just don't know about and never will one of them may have just been knocked out in training today like there's little things like that that we've we don't know they'll be carrying all of that all the memories of everything that's happening training into the fight lastly all I'm gonna say is respect to both guys like the fact that you know you're both millionaires you both have accomplished like ridiculous things in life and the fact that you've dedicated all this time to something that realistically could hurt you actually saying that are they wearing head guards that's one thing that last time cuz it was the first one we had to wear head guards no venue would allow us cuz alike insurance and health and safety to do it but yeah anyway it's like I say respected by for you best a lot YouTube has come a long way your father we're selling out arenas gonna be live to millions so yeah that is that I've enjoyed myself today you know we've had a good good little video I do look forward to commentating and I'll try and do good yeah anyways boys and girls I will catch you eight [Music]
Channel: Joe Weller
Views: 7,154,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: comedy, funny, joe, weller, logan, paul, ksi, boxing, sparring, live, ko, training
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 37sec (1537 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 21 2018
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