Reacting To KSI vs LOGAN PAUL 2 UK Press Conference

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anyway guys enough with the corporate stuff let's get down to true news all right we're all here for a good time thanks for using us us me I could comment it at the fight whatever yeah there you see in the petition no I'll put the link in the description but the thing that next you guys yeah I saw the headlines in all the newspapers chubby funster true Jordy turns up to host the press conference motormouth true Jordy I've got a new Instagram by the way a true Geordie official but it's spelt ellos ed CAS inaudible years old it isn't that he's got 778 just over sin oh yeah I'd love a 30 so if we could swallow because there's no way this chump could have more followers than me can we sort that oh yeah thank you off we go guys see ya get this loose and more followers [Music] London how you doing I just want to know where you're out supporting tonight who support Logan Paul Eddie hands are supporting a five year olds birthday party who's supporting Logan pole then everyone I'm gonna make some balloons turn into animals I've got to be on his ease loving the guy when you met him but me who's [ __ ] tall honey yeah yeah Eddie home is tall as [ __ ] yeah six five what about Jake poo in a place I thought you guys were - shut up now since I beat daddy's ass y'all are still bad huh I didn't actually yeah I didn't hear that either yeah you couldn't hear a lot this is all gonna be kinda new to me because even on stage people are screaming so loud you can't hear a [ __ ] thing like half of the answers I was I just looking at there let's go and when he finishes I'm just gonna ask another question and the whole buddy answered it well I don't you could tell the owner is not a youtuber but that's why it's so perfect exactly to introduce the fighter no need for me we're going to bring up a special guest to do that ladies and gentlemen a big London round of applause for true Jordan look dude what the [ __ ] is on they told me not to swear sorry sky but this is how I run things the sky guy decide just going I didn't work with working-class people yeah oh no they say a lot of funny words I'd had a lot to drink by the time I got on stage fact say Brian had enabled himself quite a lot of women out there below you kept pouring yeah and there's nothing to brag about Brian and a drinking problem isn't something fun it wasn't a solve problem you know clearly I pissed this yeah quite literally they did actually drug test him afterwards the crowd were [ __ ] loud yeah Soula and I'd like to say they'd get quite a loud cheer so thank you to everyone who was giving me that love yeah there was one guy who tweeted out his reaction he was watching during the live show and you don't like because you never actually see fans of you reacting to what you do yeah I love this kid his name is the gamer reaction yeah my guy yes yes way yeah it's like some sort of Charizard in a pack and he's like yes you got true Georgie he's wearing glasses you're wearing glasses you throw yours away why didn't his away he was cool I do have fun yeah exactly oh someone does like me fantastic yeah coming to the stage logan paul after seeing levin backstage i justcouldn't other thing while he is like a lot bigger than JJ oh yeah and obviously they would by the time they weigh in for the fight that size difference won't be as dramatic but it just [ __ ] shocked us you sat down afterwards in the dressing room just when he looks he doesn't show me as people yeah I've seen the day I was right yeah guys been working out some credit sky and that the production I can't really complain other than me not being able to hear myself for the [ __ ] funds because I've done this a few times now I just felt so [ __ ] calm there was no nerves that was I mean half the bottle of whiskey might help that but there was nothing I was just like I'm Lynn control here the mistakes I've made in the past or the you know all the experience has just put us in that position that we are I could do this everywhere Eddie was loving it as well wasn't that's what I liked about it it was all right okay so what I liked was that Eddie was quite supportive of you so afterwards obviously he said I'd love to he did it he did it like I couldn't do it and Eddie you got in but it was also like he was at the back of it like yeah I've made the right decision guy like it feels like a project that I've watched grow so being a part of it just a little bit as nice he comes guest as a Frenchman that tush weirdly like he kind of suits it yeah yeah she looks great right he looks a little bit like the bad guy from lovely bone like I think he looks like a bad guy generally that's what I thought was a good thing for him [Applause] well yeah probably but use that can't use it but it was a good little entrance music came out with a puppy is a lovely gesture for him to bring out a little dog and just sort of bring in the younger audience it's supposed to represent Logan's dead dog that was eaten by a coyote luckily they told me because I thought if they erupt and this is a you know I mean yeah otherwise you would have had told some people bad Logan would have kicked the dog and I thought it would go under Logan skin but it didn't actually affect it well now it seems as a leak in care sized camp because let me show you these folks these are the dog treats that Logan Paul bought for the dog someone told who's the snitch Eddie snitches get stitches I'm just saying if you guys want a religion shot was Takashi six I imagine he's in court going and JJ's gonna take a dog up onstage with him and everyone's like what okay I want to try one but no milk can we watch the [ __ ] prosper okay we get the dog off the stage I was relieved on the dog off because I was like how can I [ __ ] ask questions at this spot this is mad yeah it was really unusual I didn't really [ __ ] there is no just weird this was gonna be they say don't with the children are animals no yeah that was thing yeah because what you don't want is a dog [ __ ] everywhere yeah I did see the dog when it came offstage the dog was fine the owner was at the side she was more than happy I was right there case I was lovely he was like ah thank you very much his hands it off-- no dogs were hurt in the making of this Prescott no they kicked the whipping is they kick the dog around backstage afterwards but during that was like this yeah absolutely yeah a vote yeah cheering let's go chop right yo let's [ __ ] that whole line up let's go Trump let's go let's go yeah Trump 2020 guys come on Donald Trump ocean home finally a support finally a black guy who likes me [Applause] wow that's really good reply I only need three words difficult when told during dinner but you know let's go champ paint yes I let this go for a bit but I was a little bit concerned at the way Logan was I posturing me I was like is this guy gonna make a dot for I like you know I mean I might I might kill this man I might kill this man y'all may not know but JJ's on his abortion his fin that's five baby's dead and I think i'ma return the favor and I might kill you man good lighting to be fair as much as it probably isn't true or whatever I like the way JJ sort of reacted to that when you're on stage I felt like it landed same question to Logan what did you find out about JJ in that last fight man's a dog I'll give you that I didn't realize I actually did way better than all of the last press like this what you've really gotta zoom in on here Eddie just going oh wow look at these guys you need the respect of these two lads to actually just keep it them from not just screaming at each other what's really weird about it is they don't well they clearly respect Eddie but they didn't show any of that respect in the last press conference Eddie sitting there with all these balloon animals in his pocket going [ __ ] out to think I was doing a five-year-old's birthday party last time this guy question for chair chair coming into this fight what is your biggest strength Gordon against Logan my biggest strength is my actual strength that's brilliant my biggest strength is my actual strength and the strengths you put strength through further he's making logical sense I know you mean right in the stomach if you literally went literally in my ear I can hear you saying yo no not now not like this not like this that's a good line but I heard that on stage I was like oh that is a good line same question for Logan what is your biggest strength coming into this fight I know how to box now surprise turns out I'm pretty [ __ ] good when he give me more than three months that's really good that is it that was good yeah well he's had so much more time I believed I don't not you must have improved so much that's funny I'm expecting Logan to be way better in this fight but he's also saying is I didn't really know how to box well yeah because he only had a matter of two three months or ever before the last one now he's had over a year so when I'm looking at him now I'm thinking I believe everything you say then whoever's gonna win is we're still yet to really break that down but I believe what he's saying there when he says he knows how to box and he's coming in a much better boxer just seeing this image here is like before and after I'm one of those subway cars and great the situation down for me like this is the biggest guy closest to these two people are you thinking I could break this up at this point I'm thinking the man was the most first-round knockouts in Heavyweight history is on my left and Videl Riley who's probably going to be a cruiserweight champ you know the world is on my right and they're throwing things at each other yeah and if it does break out into a fight I'm pretty sure I'm [ __ ] yeah not only that but for some reason Leon and Vidal both look relatively fearless in this scenario that we like children Leon's literally throwing t-shirts at a man who his only job for years actually shunran's actually making like some good points in terms of trying to question Vidal's credibility obviously in reality we know avatars like a British Amateur champion it's been boxing since he was [ __ ] two months old or young so he doesn't know that so that's his way of like or not well you've only had three fights you're the other it does some worse coming from a guy who has been a heavyweight world champion it's a good job it's a good statement Jerry to try and prove a point I think Logan's team where they are in this then in any press conference they Danya basically the British humor is just overwhelmed them in the past they did Al and JJ are so good at taking the piss but I think they brought their a-game than this one and can I just say I look good there look at that look at them mmm whoever wins this fight Logan Oh JJ you know their coach is going to storm the ring and be like really gloating any other ones face yeah absolutely loving this rivalry now between Shannon and Reid olive oil is making the fight even more fun by the way you just silenced previous heavyweight world champion by going all right all right yeah girlfriends I don't mean to be a prick yeah and he's literally looking at you going [ __ ] allied suck his dick right now you've made since the last fight question Jordy there's one change really comic I will use my mic now no but that's really good like he is just a showman yeah yeah that was very funny I'm gonna win wow that was hard that was hard work for me at that point so he didn't really answer that question like what changes you made so I basically was like I'm gonna follow this up and actually force you answer this yes mom you were able to land the job early on in the last fight but you couldn't make it counted enough what is what are those differences how are you gonna make that count this time I didn't know what I was doing last year now I know what I'm doing with fish bro I mean at the face yeah this is the best press conference that these two have done along yeah it was the one that bordered on like a regular boxing press conference as well as these two being the entertainers they are a little funny moments where he said I'm gonna slap you with a fish yeah just like I wanna punch you in the face hey you won't get oh you big chick stands up straight away lovin it Oh Eddie's right let's just let's just keep this [ __ ] good I love it at this point he's like you want to do the balloon animals show credits the security they were out there in like a snap this security did well yeah really good the guys that bought for these lot nor where are they from because I've met Eddie Hall he was the World's Strongest Man I wasn't that much smaller than him I was like now you're the world's strongest man I'm not that much smaller these guys I mean this guy is really tall but I'm talking about some of the other guys in the back are you even not [ __ ] humor we the same he sees these dinosaurs yeah yeah David Icke might have a point about this reptilian thing but yeah it's just not look in the right place it's not looking at the royal family look at the security any security or bodyguards on it if you could that'd be fantastic this is the moment I was I I'm gonna [ __ ] put the pressure on Jake a little bit and get an answer out of him your boy George is an interviewer this is what you've got to do isn't it you got to probably put these questions to them get bored sees that you're scared to fight him will you fight Dibble 110 percent this man is 5/8 got tired at five minutes in his last fight this is a joke that means Jake's been looking at the footage though he's been studying them he's been really considering this look at the footage that I haven't seen yeah I think that fight was gonna happen I hope so getting a little bit out of control gotta bring a butt now yeah yeah you and Eddie Eddie's going bring it back now Brian bring it back I don't have to get the balloon animals out I just said Logan can you sit your [ __ ] brother doumitt appreciate that because you kind of need the team's to help me yeah I did really well to pull that back from where it was a [ __ ] I'm not give I'm not digging myself a little bit big myself because if this had happened last year when gear board come on stage that's where the whole press conference would have probably ended yeah it would have just gotten out of control AB see it's gonna be naughty bro no it'll be bad I'm gonna give up a wet willy through your bellybutton I know it's such a weird way also because your own boxing gloves it's impossible you got no fans coming into this fight yeah I feel much different that's a great question here's the difference I have a mustache now as weird as Logan is I feel like this confidence is winning him this exchange this was almost a character that he's embodied and just come out and staging on I'm just gonna say whatever the hell I want I don't I've taken this seriously I love it but the fact that he kind of just some names that he answered questions but he wasn't really answering he was just going off in that diary - now I did really announcer it worked actually really well for him yeah it's so weird but so [ __ ] funny also unusual because he picked out the right camera oh break down the left yeah then it was faceoff time what were your thoughts during the faceoff if there'd be anyone who was noticeably like rattled because going about like JJ vs. Joe Walla for example you could sort of feel that JJ was so much more confident I just wanted to see if there was a clear person who's the most confident out of the two when they faced off JJ instantly grew in my example no way and I was like oh and he just started talking [ __ ] and then log and didn't speak as much it was like the rules that reversed in a flash just casually chatting me that here and there now that's you just they're just going wanna go for a drink after they say yeah I was actually saying you owe me a break yeah okay the longer they stand there the more likely it becomes that someone's gonna do something [Music] that was kind of cool what he did there both of them are quite cool I think Logan knew it had gone better for him than the previous one side huh huh I don't think JJ had a bad performance I just think Logan did better than he's done previously so Logan will be buoyed by that yeah how do you think agent I think this is like a great confidence booster for Logan whereas JJ just need to remain calm use a home the crowd did most of his challenge yeah I felt like the JJ definitely won the first press conference and I'd say Logan edged this press conference confidence was was on a 10 yeah you'd say JJ was maybe a 9 sure it wasn't like a much difference but I just felt like Logan edged a 9.5 yeah moving on unboxing news Suzy had a what do we call it boxing much I don't think it was that in the end I think fousey if he knew anything about boxing would be actually really good no I know that might sound mad he's got heart he's a pretty strong guy you know he's pretty athletic I don't feel like he's been taught how about but then I've got it under good authority that his coaches are actually decent I just don't understand what happened here but let's face the commentary sounds like that's done on a walkie-talkie yeah man if the whole of true news was just us in between perfectly audio clips just going wrong unwatchable Suzy has got actual power like he's a big strong kid just doesn't know how to use it at all so you went out there Luers lured in about 20 seconds and it was all we've all done it we've all been there yeah figuratively are literally just have to be ready for round 2 which I'm not sure Suzy was to give us half an hour doesn't work yeah when the referee came over he went seriously darling I can't go again and he was like no Matt you've got to you literally have to you will be disqualified exactly yeah a lot of girlfriends I hear do say that to their boyfriends [Music] he's actually doing the cheat code for GTA 2009 left right left right triangle all he had to do to win this fight realistic because to slim this guy is no disrespect one but he's not great either he just had to cut the ring off and smoke him one in the [ __ ] bear breadbasket and then go up top and he would have B would have won this fight quite easily remember resident evil mm-hmm and like 28 days later yeah zombies yeah cause he just reminds me like Oh covered for you under there yeah with a cold I actually had my other guys hot like he take not many punches in the head yeah and keep coming forward fearfully this ROM said if he knew anything you'd be great yeah [Applause] people in Yemen who this is the charity for we're watching this and gunk those poor people I was not the worst fight I've ever yeah do you think probably the worst fight I've ever seen in terms of quality of fight it's right I know he's still worse fighter fair enough fair enough however creditor Fuzzy's got hot that's the type of heart you've got to have in determination when you try and convince the world like Drake's coming to your party yeah no wonder he went with ya cuz to him he's like I'll take risks if Drake doesn't show up is fighting I got punched in the face whatever made all that's how he lives his life like yeah risks to phousi are just another day who's the type of guy who just do like a parachute German to play in it and just use a backpack yeah I'm sure you actually need a parachute in the buck-buck say say a minute what's them what's in the backpack I've got my bedsheets you know yeah I've probably got my bed sheet I'll be fine yeah that looks like a pillowcase phousi same thing so UFC fighter and former podcast guest of true Geordie Michael Bisping has revealed that he'd been fighting for a lot of his career we don't know how long but we know not long ago you want a [ __ ] UFC title with one eye he got his head kicked by a juiced-up Vitor Belfort and had an injured eye for a long time there was this big deal made about how bad the I was secretly fighting with one eye because the UFC wouldn't have allowed him to fight if they'd known that and what that means is his depth perception judging punches all of that would have been a massively affected but this man was sawed-off he won the middleweight title with one [ __ ] eye and he's proving it on his podcast amazing less watch Wow the man gave an eye up to the sport that is so uncomfortable I feel because I like to love this firelight I've watched him what like four years and I was like oh you poor bastard like you you fought that many killers that you ended up losing a [ __ ] eye losing an eye is one thing but losing an eye to someone that you know has done something to get ahead in a game that can put a lot of men under almost because they think why is the world been so harsh on me why have I heard this injustice instead of letting it get him down this guy has literally come back and use that as a fuel well we are weirdly Vitor Belfort was sort of a victim of getting in the UFC as well because his his sister was kidnapped they never got her back and she disappeared basically so like when you become a cage fighter like it's just a lot to consider this is sitting kind of closing holes talking about China in the UFC yeah maybe just yeah we don't want to see Jake kidnapped yeah especially not as I imagine the kidnappers ultimately would be like we can't take it anymore having back Tyson Fury has been in the WWE recently squaring off against this rest are called braun strowman it's a real name that isn't Israeli they definitely thought of that for a while because it is sort of character twenty years ago they had Stone Cold Steve Austin and I in my tyson facing off and they trying to sort of recreate that with these two and honestly it's just not as good that's cuz it was Iron Mike Tyson a man who you couldn't really what he was gonna say he'd literally just got out of prison yeah so he was like the world's most feared man at that point and Tyson Fury is actually kind of like a really good guy now comedic yeah they've been doing stuff in the ring we can't show cuz WEA just copyright strike everything but I'm worried because he didn't look great in his last fight fury he looked good enough to win but not the best fury yeah and then he's pissing around in the W E and I got it it's part of building his profile in America leave this for after your career exactly don't do a Conor McGregor I remember mayweather did this at one point where W anything you know it was like point he was sort of retired and he was just gushing in or simply who's he find Rey Mysterio yeah I mean you punched the big short was ridiculous so yeah I'm a bit like I just want to see him training hard and being the best but I'd love to get Tyson on the podcast if he wants to build this profile maybe someone could reach out all right that's the end of true news this week don't do Pierce I Logan Paul Eddie Hearn all the lads for having me on the press conference really enjoyed it mMmmm we did give you that bow tie I mean fourth time's the charm or something like that yeah we'll say that with the commentary as well don't forget you were follow me new Instagram true jolly official and also like and subscribe and if you want you follow Lawrence as well whatever means yes main yeah so yeah he's gone he's gone
Channel: True Geordie
Views: 2,434,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: KSI, Logan Paul, True Geordie, Sidemen, Press Conference, Fight, Boxing, Eddie Hearn, Conor McGregor, Joe Rogan, Interview, Reaction, Reacting, Jake Paul
Id: 82W_J3oYtOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 43sec (1543 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 08 2019
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