KSI vs AUSTIN MCBROOM - YouTube’s Next Super Fight

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welcome back to uh what's true news everyone's losing but some people are winning but most people are losing i think we're all losers here [Music] welcome losers yeah good to see you yeah you're a loser i'm not sure on you yet i think i'm a loser is there another stop what you're doing raid shadow legend sponsored this show bam ray shadow legends bam you guys been in the dungeons you've been getting on with the golems dungeons what no we can't say that now you can find millions of real people in a real online battle where can you do that russ up raid shadow legends my favorite video game of all time not only did they sponsor the show and have sponsored the show for a very long time now which we're very grateful for it means a lot they're also making it easy to endorse you know why it's actually a pretty good game they've got the arena function millions of people on there playing against each other you know you could take on people i could take on people i took them all on me right sure 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wouldn't have so many children to be fair they make a cute couple so i imagine that you know those two just they love to [ __ ] yeah yeah they're just boning around all the day every day when he's not jabbing your face he's jabbing something else he's tongue punching the fart box too far definitely too far so um austin mcbroom fresh off the back of his win against bryce hall which pretty much everyone who's seen five seconds of bryce hall boxing knew was coming yeah now once a pop of the chump daddy wants a bentley as he calls this fight let's have a quick look at austin's skills you want to see austin's skills okay it's all about experience the more sparring the better i don't know what that was no yeah that was just a little oh dig and then they have a little hug and then they're away genuinely you've got to be careful around austin man is fertile he's like compost bryce hall's been in over 40 straight fights oh very interesting i've worked something out if you master just the basics of boxing you can win in a youtube fight so most people skip straight to their complex stuff yeah they go how do i knock someone out and their trainers go well we need to work out their mego [ __ ] it how do i knock someone out you've got to land a punch first yeah that's the key here yeah that's bryce he missed lesson one anderson two three four and five bryce is such an [ __ ] right that i like him he's good at the the [ __ ] talking he's right he makes the show like i appreciate someone who stares it up a bit it's the fighting he can't do i don't know how allowed him to go into this fight knowing so little like in three months which is roughly what he had you can learn so much you can really nail the basics he didn't even know how a job jabbing you should have you know to a decent standard within a week what were they doing honestly like bro you earned millions off of this you need to find yourself a good training income if you're ever going to do this again because that lovely little nice wallpapery place where you've been boxing it it isn't working for you it obviously didn't work for your man [ __ ] um taylor it didn't work for him either right you both took old you're athletic your young guys get a proper come just get yourself a proper gym try and find a place with no wallpaper do you think wallpaper if there's wallpaper in a boxing gym go to another one big tip is if they've interior decorated in a nice way not a good gym your job's probably gonna end up [ __ ] gyms need to look like shitholes yeah like they they need to be bits falling apart the roof needs to be leaking people need to be coming in you need to be able to smell the toilets at least from about 10 feet away that's when you know you've joined fight club uh also when you get in the ring lift the old hands up i want to be able to see the face on tick tock but in the ring as little of that just genuinely like laurence mckenna is telling you what you [ __ ] up on in boxing you've badly [ __ ] up when i can turn around and go lift the hands mate you know when your trainers went give us that killer look you didn't go baby yeah i'll get in the [ __ ] corner let's go let's keep it clean and get in the [ __ ] corners he's supposed to swear the referee showed more aggression than bryce hall did these two are just standing there big right here he's picking up he wants the million bucks even just this a pause on this the way austin is posturing versus bryce bryce is just a sitting [ __ ] dog what did they teach you my guy bryce mcduck [Applause] austin mcbroom butter the living [ __ ] out of uh bryce hall and now he he's wanting to fight ksi i love that do you know what this is like for me it's like when you win like a local karaoke contest in a pub and then you're like now i'm ready for x factor right yes because everyone else in the pub who are your friends and barely listen to any other music go you you should sing you should sing honestly bro that was sick the way that you just did that and you go maybe i should really maybe based on what i've seen i don't think this is a great fight for austin miproo you know he's beaten that little bryce hall kid up and now the step up is going to be gigantic all of a sudden the punchers coming back to you are going to hurt he won against a punch bag the other night this is not the same thing but it will be [ __ ] entertaining yeah you know and they've both got huge audiences and there's a shitload of money to be made there so i'm kind of excited for it and both very fertile men i imagine jj's been out watching logan and jake and and and gabe like a lot of the lads having a great time putting on a great show and he's probably missing that because he was the guy you know but in in the meantime they've sort of took over um so now this is a great way for him to get back in knock the cobwebs off train hard and get ready for the mega fight yeah the one we all want the fight the the biggest fight of all youtube time but literally there is no bigger fight out there yeah jake paul ksi bad blood that's what they should call it bad blood why they have some sort of condition also deji had a fight that night what you didn't tell me that top shock story today deji lost a boxing match that's right one of the best boxers in the game is finally set to retire after losing his 30 how many boxing matches he had because he was prolific in his career sorry though he also claimed all the wins that jake paul had though didn't he because he just about got past it was he didn't do that to me wasn't it how do we treat deji now do we feel sorry for deji he got paid a lot of money did he to get in the ring how much money are we talking here what's give me a ballpark figure three other guys on the card that i know of got paid five million dollars five million dollars so the fact that deji is arguably as big of an influencer as those three guys it's likely he got at least a million if not multiple how many pairs of comedy shorts do you think he's going to be able to buy this is incredible a lifetime a lifetime supply of comments very much the willy wonka very much so yeah did you look like he was wearing a wedding dress that looks more like a sanitary towel with a hole cut in it it's just not a good it's not a good cut it's a wedding dress but i get you the cut is bad and that's the thing and i do get the feeling that his team genuinely went to the local store and went is there a rug here can we yep there we go snip snip snip deji do you remember mike tyson he goes no and they go he was a really good fighter okay put this on you're just like him the music actually sounds like it's from like a satanic wedding tonight you will be marrying vinnie hacker he will take your soul he looks so serious this is the thing right if i was going into a fight where i knew i hadn't trained enough and that i had it at best four minutes of energy in me i would not look that confident or it's that we misread his face at the time you know when you think someone's smiling at you and ultimately they're just sort of squeezing out a fart i think that's similar to what deji's done here we thought deji looked confident but ultimately it was him going i'm absolutely [ __ ] [Music] this is the most [ __ ] mind-boggling entrance i've ever seen it's amazing though isn't it like part of me absolutely loves it yeah deji credit to you you made an incredible entrance i index it i'm worried yeah it was the middle bit that was the issue deji a question was it the weight of the poncho on the ring walk that you think tired you out it's a deontay one i think yeah he is a man of many interests i remember laughing at that on the night and being like you know when there's a funeral which is basically what this was that omego she was a woman of many interests uh gardening uh she she did love her dogs oh she loved golf she did love golf towards the end of her life though towards the end of her life i really hope deji puts that in his twitter bio a mind of what i will say i thought fousey and keemstar were great and i wish everyone on there more yeah this old wrestling guy who has nothing to do with youtube and no [ __ ] clue about any of these guys what the hell were you thinking yeah and having the coach the wrestling guy like literally no [ __ ] clue at all must have been a friend of a friend or something like that he created a graphic novel in the forbidden city sorry deji created a graphic novel what half of the [ __ ] i didn't even know deji graphic novel it is called kung fu i'm buying a copy right now deji this isn't a graphic novel this is a [ __ ] like he's downloaded a package and then slightly adapted it i mean what that's not aggressive this is just some pictures hey guys it's comedyshortsgamer here oh man are we all about to have some serious fun no doubt many of you have been following my videos on youtube probably exclusively and you'll know that i love prank videos kung fu and chinese food was he training for kung fu and then they got it that's where the mistakes put the gloves on you don't need to go longer than four minutes because one strike they're out they're dead yeah exactly yeah you should have done the kung fu stuff they started putting the gloves on me what are you doing i've been training for kung fu i'm i'm used to bare hand combat what what's going on here hand to hand strip to the waist a fight to the death the only way to truly understand what a work of art this is because we haven't got time to read the whole thing let's check the amazon reviews up someone put here one time extremely disappointed i bought this new comic book expecting to be expecting it to look new and fresh for a gift however it's all battered in each corner just like daddy i suppose that's literally what it says as well though and that was in 2010 put there for us to make that joke not for the young reader but for my 12 year old son should come with age restrictions due to some of the wording you had to take the book away wow i'd take the book away so not happy boy on christmas eve why'd you give him a [ __ ] book i know we're having a bit of a laugh but it was a really entertaining fight deji went for it yeah the worst thing i can watch is someone just play it safe he absolutely tried to take vinnie hatta's head off but that's because maybe if he'd paced himself a bit he wouldn't have gussed out all right so deji is basically throwing everything but the kitchen sink at this kid he's dropping his hands down he's not protecting himself and he's thinking i'm gonna hit him a few times i'm gonna put him away and i'll be on my way the problem is deji just didn't hit hard enough to hurt this kid sure and this kid had clearly trained to go the five rounds and was fit enough so at the end of round two they have a minute rest they come on for round three and we see one of the only things we've not seen in youtube boxing a serious punch being thrown no no he takes a knee because um he's just exhausted right okay after having a minutes rest you're right all right here we go round number three hacker and the easy joke here is uh black lives matter but the complex joke is that he was actually going to propose to him he is pretty we've seen one proposal is it time for the first gay proposal in youtube boxing i'm all for it big shots big shot from jenny hacker wow [ __ ] teddy's little face deji looks like he's just been animated by pixar genu like this is one of those situations where when you think something's gonna go your way and all of a sudden it's a lot harder than you ever thought possible that's a look of like what is happening anyone getting their ass kicked you gotta have a little sympathy for them even if he didn't train hard and he brought it all on himself still a little bit of empathy that is kind of what i keep thinking here is if i'd have been in that position what would i have wanted people around me to react like how would i have wanted you to treat he's paid the price the ass kicking is the price you know i mean the one thing i would say is the thing that adds a little salt on the wound you know previously he'd lost to jake paul so every time jake paul won he could be like well you know i did all right against them he went instantly and often whenever jake paul was doing anything he'd sort of attach his name and go you know i want the rematch but right but now this skinny little 18 year old who has very little following by comparison who quote only did this for the money yeah out trained you and beat the hell out of him like that's the worst bit about it i think is the other kids gained from this steady has lost massively here oh my my stamina failed me again my stamina failed me i do like the way he attaches sort of a separate identity to stamina as if it isn't actually him failing himself he literally went home and he was stubborn he didn't turn up against i like the idea it's like you know venom in that film and he like comes out and goes sorry deji i didn't mean to let you down he's like stamina i guess you i will see you guys soon that's the kung fu yeah exactly and don't worry about me i am all good as you can see i'm more cheerful i'm happy they're saying this isn't a facade i know when someone goes nah nah everything's absolutely fine it's it's great i'm not pretending at all i didn't think you were pretending no no no one around here is pretending or putting on a facade certainly not me you're like uh yeah okay i'm i'm living life all right and i needed this this is uh somewhat humbled me it's not humbled them it's somewhat humbled this i believe is i guess in some ways in a tiny small way sort of you know in a roundabout way where i didn't really put in any effort and nothing really happened it's humbled me i'm humbled by this guys i knew some people were going to tell me to give up pack it in but i have no quit in me that's just me the best thing is when he was eating in the evening they went daddy you should stop eating you went i haven't acquitted me all the people at the event all the people on the internet you guys are lovely honestly and the ones also calling me a fat [ __ ] i i appreciate it you're welcome you're very welcome i credit him for that because he's taken this like a man he's not interview mother uh yeah you gotta you gotta enjoy that and just go yeah [ __ ] it ksi made a video about it i think maybe first we should watch his girlfriends behind the scenes before the fight okay bring it bring it up so first day and this toilet sucks what the [ __ ] he drinking he blocked the toilet he literally blocked the toilet no no wonder what was he eating on the run up to this yeah i just did a regular [ __ ] and it blocked the toilet it's brown that's his girlfriend laughing if i had a ship that blocked the toilet the first thing i do is not go to flu and go come look at this let's be honest though to be honest in the toilet with a huge [ __ ] to be with deji you got to be a chilled out kind of girl you know i respect that she's got a sense of humor good for her i love the idea it cuts back to him and he's still got his pants around his ankle toilet roll's still hanging out with his arms oh the toilet i kept flashing it you know you know me i've got that got no queen i've got no quitting me we've broken lawrence ladies and gentlemen we've got to stop true that [ __ ] just would not flush but you know me got no quitting me honest it clogged the [ __ ] toilet look his actual trousers are still town i didn't know i made a joke thinking it was ridiculous that his trousers might still be down they are down i don't understand well how do they not have a [ __ ] power flush [Laughter] trainer i'm gonna go to miami and smash him up i'm done i'm the guy that's been beating dead yet for the past two months [ __ ] out cause he just plucked some random uh you know cab drivers and said fancy a job i am rob i'm 32 years old i am crazy what the [ __ ] is rob doing matt i have no idea rob is this rob's on a stag dude yeah and they've just colored him and said you're coming with us he's like what's happening he's like we're fighting in miami bring walk i'm off for it james score unbelievable he thinks he's on the call it's the serious way with which she approached the fight that i think most people respected they told you to disrespect me in what way disrespect which part offended you you said genuinely they went back and forth on the press conference now this fight makes more sense than ever they both lost their last fight they both struggled with cardio they're both about the same size they're both big names it would be [ __ ] great oh [ __ ] that's what's up this guy is such a character though he's weirdly stealing the show of this whole thing comedy gold i don't know who the [ __ ] is but he's hilarious i don't know what he's doing the fact that he is involved in a fight camp in some way is incredible he's there just to keep the level he just he just raises the spirit exactly i bet you after dead you got chilled he was like come on come on boys let's go for drinks literally we're like 20 minutes away from the [ __ ] fight and this guy's doing pole dancing behind deji in a room this explains a lot what you need is a team that's about you this is kind of what we're witnessing though that deji is a very playful guy and he's surrounded by people who are also very playful and trying to play up to that nature whereas he needs someone who's a little bit well a lot more strict regimented but vidal tried to do that and he quit sorry he's got no queen yeah no quit that's just me deji's big brother you all know him ksi so i had enough of this [ __ ] and i wanted to give him some home truths as only your own brother can i am disappointed in your team and the people around you man how and why they thought it would be a good idea for you to enter the ring looking like that is beyond me man it was it was embarrassing have they no shame or are they there just to massage your ego while you're still paying them and giving them clowns should we just cut back to the guy doing the i am crazy yeah exactly you said that you gassed out in the jake fight that's why you lost so we accepted that and we said cool in your next fight hopefully you gassing out shouldn't be a problem at all with the fight against vinnie hacker they niced you they gave you two minute rounds and it was only five rounds and somehow you gassed out quicker it just makes that it is very easy to get fit enough to do that you've officially become an easy stepping stone people would happily fight you now your big credible name to boost an opponent's career and you're an easy fight i think jj has got it spot on and he just needs to start looking after himself a bit better because for years he's been able to pin it on the jake paul thing and oh you know i was good i was good i was good now you can't light yourself anymore and there is natural talent there and it would be a shame if he just squandered it we wish him well on the comeback i always like deji i i think both of us hope that he does have a comeback and that things are good for him genuinely i know we make some jokes but good luck to him i hope we see him back better than ever some opponents foosie yep i mean genuinely i think a lot of people tune in to see fousey versus deji but the one person who did kind of steal the show big gibber yeah big kid absolutely i mean i can't wait when this is done to look at the scorecard and see how many landed oh big left hand for kim straight oh big right right gibb looked in incredible shape gibb's always been fit but he's never looked like shredded but this time he turned up looking like he was ready for baywatch and mentally he looked in the zone when he did the face off like he's been there before a few times now and he knows what it's like to lose the fiat was gone from him and he he just looked like he was ready to put on an absolute masterpiece there was this air of confidence that i don't think any other fighter on that card had i think he beats everyone that night the way he mixed his shots up the way he defended himself the way he fought you can say the work that he'd put in was way more than anyone else there and that is you know the difference like deji and gibb could not be more polar opposite and in tallant you could probably make the case where at the start maybe deji when he first thought jake was above the level of gabe in terms of natural ability but what gabe has done is worked and worked and worked and never stopped and now he's getting the rewards the combined scores put the bout in favor of a majority draw what what the entire uk youtube fanbase went crazy us included we were watching live 47 total punches landed 21 from big giver it is a joke by the way this is a [ __ ] disgrace did tweet as well did not i never tweet anymore no you never tweet but ultimately this got you out but when i do wow you get the rituals yeah i'm angry so basically everyone who was watching tweeted what a load of [ __ ] this is yeah and then magically one of the most corrupt boxing decisions ever is overturned once keemstar starts doing some digging yeah he starts prying around and all of a sudden they're like oh no um we can overturn this decision because keemstar put a treat out you will never work with influencers again when i find out who you are and boom we got the real decision coming out well done keemstar but more importantly well done gabe he did get the win and they overturned that [ __ ] draw so ultimately now we see why deju is fighting this came from the iska the international sport karate association i'd imagine they sometimes cover kung fu as well two liam and social gloves after reviewing the result of holder for holder versus gib fight eson gibb won by a unanimous decision we don't have to read the rest of it yeah the the interesting thing is they were like two social clubs so yeah yeah put put to social clubs on the start the email so that they don't think we were involved in any of them yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i don't know if social groups were behind it but the fact that they tweeted out that gibb had lost right as the decision had not been read yet right as it was about to it was that's just strange the whole thing stunk the worst thing about it is brian that they're right in this letter it did take a moment away from gibb he deserved his moment in the spotlight in the ring on that night when he could have gone yes i once that's why they need to make the main event yeah next time elsewhere in the youtube world trisha paytas for once took all of her makeup off to give us a message i had this um feeling in my heart that i need to step away from frenemies and it's really really with a heavy heart that i say that the five percent thing and ethan getting like 100 of the highlights like that's not an issue that's the money is not the issue for me as like half the views like i i do feel like i contributed half to frenemies building the hr channel like i would have loved to have frenemies on my channel and like build up my channel i could have produced i could have built that's like i'm capable of this stuff you know i see why she wants some of the cash although she's saying it's not about cash it's not about cash yeah if you look at ethan like to be fair he has a track record of being very consistent building sets building studios producing content getting it out reliably religiously this girl isn't is not that i don't know if you've subscribed to her only fans she's religiously getting that [ __ ] out in my experience from what i understand he basically did a lot and she turned up and i'm not saying she didn't contribute in a way but for her to say half and half is is nonsense to me in terms of investment he had a successful podcast audience already yeah so then transferring that audience into another podcast with somebody else was it quite an easy thing for him to do for her to start off a podcast from scratch on her channel it would never have had the same pull etc here's trisha with a semi-faded receipt about the guys on set wanting to have sex with her i'm like the first episodes of me being on h3 like the guys reading how i look and if they would date me or have sex with me or something from the very beginning of everyone who she does anything with she accuses them of this sort of [ __ ] sooner or later and unfortunately she may be telling the truth but when you're pointing the finger at anyone you encounter along your youtube journey at some point people have got to go there i can't really believe that because it's just like everyone according to youth people who are always the victim i just avoid them because i'm not saying people can't be the victim in life but when you're consistently making yourself out to be that person it can't be everyone else all the time and with her it always is now there's a spectrum of victimhood where some people are very much a victim then there are other people who can sometimes cast themselves in the role of victim and very much sort of take that up as a result i'm not saying that she's never been legitimately the victim yeah i'm sure she has but unfortunately she's muddied the water so much with all her [ __ ] accusations over the years that it gets to a point where i don't know what's what so i just avoid it yeah so it's hard to know what's real and what is because she is a [ __ ] right yeah we know that yeah like if you look on her channel the amount of videos she's released where it's like i'm suffering from this i've got that i i'm like she might as well say i'm dying in a week like you know it's that flippant with how ridiculous it is and there's something quite tragic about watching trisha which i think we don't watch her religiously sometimes we have to cover on true news and i've got to admit every time i'm coming left with a very sad feeling this is a person who has serious issues that need addressing and whilst it might be sometimes fun and sometimes a little bit voyeuristic to look in on her life and be like oh [ __ ] really [ __ ] for you at least i'm all right after a while these people just need help it just gets sad yeah yeah when you look at her you just think i mean you found a way to monetize your misery but surely there comes a point where you need to sort that out i'm not playing the victim i'm just i don't when you say i'm not playing the victim i just you better have an answer immediately and the reality is she knows she's playing the victim which is why she runs out of words there she's [ __ ] caught in her own life i'm not even angry at her for talking [ __ ] like it's just what she does but if you watch it and take her seriously you probably need to sort of reevaluate what you're what you're watching on your youtubes at what point does the internet just say we're going to put trisha down and i don't mean that like a dog i mean more sort of we're going to leave you there trisha right okay you need to sort yourself out come back when you're in a better place and will welcome you with open arms uh anyway ethan responded nearly four million views should we have a little shot you we started dressing up and then you quit the show or whatever yeah i'll be the mask and you can be cameron diaz yeah yeah you would look hot as cameron diaz actually i've got the cheekbones and the lips yeah check i've got cheekbones on lips yes in that you have a face she can say whatever she wants you know what she puts out publicly and then you know if i just sit and take it everything's distorted and if i say anything then i'm the bad guy for you know coming after something which is not my intention because she's a woman there's an immediate dynamic there before they even exchange words and as a man he has to play this a lot more carefully than she can sling as much [ __ ] his way and if it sticks so what but the minute he sort of replies he's the bad guy he's right the problem with this is you knew what you signed up for the minute you get into business with trisha you know this shitstorm is on the way that train is never late with trisha paytas so i kind of think you know you did a deal with the devil and and they you know this was inevitable lived by the sword die by this yeah yeah you know he probably weighed up and thought it'll probably be a good ride and i i don't mean that in the you know and eventually when it blows up we'll get a load of views it'll keep things interesting he's like the hawk he sees this a mile away from one of your favorite chubby funsters to the nation's chubby funster boris johnson is back well he survived every storm possible and now we've all made it through that's right barely anyone died from covid and on the other side we're seeing how well he dealt with it so these are allegedly messages on whatsapp between boris johnson and dominic cummings agree about valance and witty on ppe it's a disaster it was yeah i can't think finally some honesty he literally says this i can't think of anything except taking hancock off and putting gove on now some people might remember that months ago i called this they basically do a [ __ ] merry-go-round of these stupid pricks that they trot out one after the other and go send them to the wolves this week that literally is what they're proposing the queen's been doing it for most of my life so this is uh dominic cummings this is coming and he says with the cub off such a total [ __ ] show i'm afraid this would have been a severe risk of making it worse not better okay to which boris johnson replies okay wtf do we do another meeting with matt and stevens and dated and go blah blah blah that's great leadership yeah great leadership i don't think i've ever seen a good leader ever ever put the phrase wtf do we do midway through a [ __ ] whatsapp group when you're the prime minister of [ __ ] england you think you're [ __ ] winston churchill you think churchill's up at 10 p.m texting some [ __ ] trollop on hancock's performance uh after getting the run down from where the stats are going yeah he replies totally [ __ ] hopeless right okay to which i believe he's talking about matt hancock by the way a guy who literally on his gravestone should have the words totally [ __ ] hopeless i do like that yeah it's the one thing i've agreed with boris on since it's all [ __ ] restarted the good news is is that the corvaid numbers right now are at a record low in terms of deaths in the uk basically this is the best it's ever been since the first uh outbreak but we've extended the lockdown the restrictions are still going to be in place for another month just in case and here's the thing right i think everyone had sort of gotten to grips with the idea that there would be restrictions at some point but it's the endlessness of those restrictions that i think people are now feeling i feel like i'm living in the never-ending story i'm just waiting for that big talking [ __ ] dog it's just the fact that no one knows when it's going to end it keeps getting extended we we're kept in the dark back that's what's pissing me off also the problem is that the data as uh boris calls it that we use to prolong the restrictions was out of date so the data is out of date boris as you'd say and this is very much language you would understand wtf curvy modelling that pushed back june 21 to 21st was based on out-of-date data didn't check the date on it didn't you know yeah should have checked the date should we overturn it and give people the complete freedom back as promised nah best to be safe than sorry but the date i was out of date so you're not never mind i've said it now i can't undo what i've said no but you you are undoing what you said because you promised us all that we'd be freeing out of this bollocks by now ultimately i'm a prime minister that works on how people see me not actual practicality well as long as people love me that's good the sad thing is is i'm actually in agreeance with a former prime minister about this we will not eradicate covet 19 from the uk there will not be a time when we can say that there will never be another case of kovit 19 in this country secondly variants will keep on coming if the government's position is that we cannot open up travel until there are no new variants elsewhere in the world then we will never be able to travel abroad ever again and the third fact that the government needs to state much more clearly is that sadly people will die from covert here in the uk in the future as 10 to 20 000 people do every year from flu a little bit of a news flash there from uh teresa people will die of kovade in the future it's about time we got my heads around that this notion that anything and everything must be done to prevent that no matter what the ramifications are on the other end no matter the thousands of cancer appointments that have been delayed and will then result in deaths what impact it has on the children of today no matter what impact it has on the businesses of today no matter how many people die on the other end or or end up in the [ __ ] on the other end we've got a justifier because people might die of covid and the fact that we've got the vast majority of the population still vaccinated when we were promised 15 million vaccines and then we're able to have freedom that lie was swept under the [ __ ] carpet super quick that the nhs is there to support this country this country should not be changing its behavior for the foreseeable future because we have built an nhs that isn't strong enough to withstand what we've been going through we should then focus on helping the nhs improving the nhs actually spending money on the nhs the answer isn't tell everyone to [ __ ] stay indoors forever we've done everything that they've they've told us to do we've all played by the rules for as long as humanly possible enough's enough isn't it am i the only one who feels this way because it's been tweeted out a lot this and i'm gonna reply three weeks to flatten the curve 12 weeks to turn the tide back to normal by october we can save christmas freedom by easter june 21st one last push for summer how many times are we gonna have this thing pulled a bit further away and part of it is because the minute they actually stop this from officially being a pandemic a lot of the powers that has enabled them to pad the pockets of their [ __ ] friends with all these [ __ ] contracts that they've been handing out go away the cynic in me feels like because the the kovid deaths are so low i can only imagine that what they're trying to do before the end is [ __ ] fill the [ __ ] briefcase a while they can't there's still people who've had both vaccines they're they're [ __ ] wearing masks outside non-stop they're [ __ ] terrified the risk now is so [ __ ] low and yet they're not acknowledging it they don't want us to realize actually the things that are completely different i'm just frustrated because we should have options in government we should have someone else another party we could turn to and go this lot of [ __ ] will you sort it out right now i'm at a point where i'd vote for anyone who said i'll just end the lockdown immediately you got my vote what do you want to do do you want to set us all on fire afterwards i don't even mind just give us you know what i mean like i'm sorry i'm so desperate right for any anything to challenge this because labour are pathetic i'm desperate for a media to actually question instead of just spreading the fear and actually look into these [ __ ] and actually hold them up for what they've been doing wrong instead of just you know acting as a propaganda machine we've got nothing the internet idiots like me and him we're having to come up and say this because i'm i'm just [ __ ] off can i now show you richard maidly this man used to be just the biggest face in english television so he's taken over from uh fat boy here's richard madeley and the woman on twitter he says look at the age she left making a mistake is getting a tattoo that you regret or a one-night stand but deliberately joining a terrorist organization uh just to put this into context he's talking about shame shamima begum you know the woman who went to isis the isis yeah and i love how we say that as if she just nipped to sort of portugal for a holiday kind of what happened just popped off the isis in many ways for her that kind of what was actually shocked uh and then richard comes out with what i can only describe as a very profound thought there's one interesting point i was thinking about this last night obviously we have the nuremberg trials after the war and we hanged quite quite a few nasties and imprisoned a lot of others and we let them out eventually but we didn't go after the hitler youth i love him he's the most portrait [ __ ] ever so good though so that was true news enjoyed the truth of it all yep and i hope you enjoyed some of the falsity of it all do be sure to subscribe to the true jordan youtube channel check this out on twitch we're live streaming all your favorite sporting events all the time apparently on uh tick tock as well with the kickoff and you're on in are you do instagram don't well we're all on we're on everything yeah check us out be nice to each other and stop giving yourself such a hard time in your life yeah no yeah not to each other to yourself cut yourself some [ __ ] exactly be a better friend to you exactly you don't need your friends you just need yourself and that's all you you know in here they love you yeah we love you we love you don't forget and keep buying all the stuff that we don't yeah we don't finish on the love leave them with the love love look down the lines and say i love you i love you right now say it with conviction i love you excellent there we go see you next time
Channel: True Geordie
Views: 762,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ksi, jake paul, ksiolajidebt, bryce hall, austin mcbroom, fighting, boxing, logan paul, deji, comedyshortsgamer, ace family, tayler holder, h3h3, true geordie, fouseytube, dramaalert, keemstar, trisha paytas, frenemies, vinnie hacker, social gloves, ace, aneson gib, KSI, JJ Olatunji
Id: YymzSrT2qGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 45sec (2385 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 20 2021
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