KSI vs Alex Wassabi FACE OFF Reaction

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[Music] business in the world of youtube boxing is about to pick up ksi is back it's his first press conference against alex wassabi it's hosted by my mate wade let's react to it don't get it wrong like i'm definitely taking alex wasabi serious but i don't think he understands like the levels i'm on and i'm just so beyond him i've actually just searched the alex wasabi ksi videos i found one immediately from 2018 so this [ __ ] has been boiling for four years alex wasabi you dumb [ __ ] looking [ __ ] you're 28 and you act like a kid you're probably a p though okay so jj's not like this guy for quite some time and he's come out swinging here the first thing i notice to be honest with you is jj's nose it's not good someone has rearranged that in sparring which means he's sparring hard there's no doubt about it like he's taking this seriously trust me like even yesterday bro i spawned seven rounds beautifully bro beautifully beautifully it's an interesting word that for fighting you know what i'm getting from that and this this is all we've got because we haven't seen jj box in a long time now and there's a lot that could have changed and beautifully makes me feel like it's the hit and don't get hit approach which is not what he used to do i i'm assuming that's what he means by beautiful he's a brawler before this so you know if you're coming away from that style i'm assuming he's hiding the more stereotypical boxing fundamentals now which i'm excited to say because he's gonna need that for what this is really all about which is a fight between him and jake paul we all know that okay i got hit with a hard shot and i still came forward i still came moving alex is an interesting character you know the more that this carries on i'm quite fascinated by his demeanor it's the first time in youtube boxing where uh influencer hasn't um tried to sort of act the big man he's quite laid back all we've seen from every single other youtuber before they go into a fight as i i'm gonna absolutely wreck this guy i'm gonna knock my yada yada alex is a cool customer he's a realist when he gives his predictions it's it's never that outlandish like i've seen his interview with wade which i thought was great by the way shout out to it again and he just said like i'm just gonna be a better boxer than him and i'm i'm not saying that the golf is going to be huge but it is going to be a noticeable difference that will get me the win and it just seemed quite believable the way he said it you know and it's not that jj isn't believable it's just an unusual technique for someone to bring it's normally what fighters do when they've had a long career people like tony bellew did that against david haye and it worked the treat because david here was like very hard to argue with someone who's just so calm and and factual and not really speaking with a lot of emotion in their voice and you can even see his whole demeanor there the way he's slouching back versus the way jj is like leaning forward and like constantly clapping his hands and very energetic whereas the energy between these two couldn't be more opposite which is making the fight more entertaining for me after i beat logan you thought i was just doing the music just enjoying myself taking the easy bro i'm a workaholic i'm an animal there's no one like me there's no one like me i am a special breed he's very right in that respect he is a workaholic there's just no [ __ ] two ways about it this guy is non-stop this energy is it's reminiscent of the first logan paul fight where he came out and didn't give logan a chance to speak he just absolutely went to town with that blonde wig you all remember it [ __ ] shut the crazy up this is coming from the [ __ ] up jesus christ i'm having flashbacks of people throwing [ __ ] on stage can we stop throwing [ __ ] because everyone's gonna go home you know but that was that was young jj this is a more aggressive manly like been there done that kind of energy you won't be able to deal with my pace i'm called the nightmare for a reason because i will drown you i will make you suffer the one thing i will give jj is his pace logan struggled with it multiple times especially that first fight if that had gone one more round jj probably would have finished logan logan's an athlete so jj has this is insane cardio i didn't feel like it was as there as much for the second fight with logan i think he was getting a bit tired of boxing i don't know if his heart was really in it the way he is here that energy is back even after the fight i will be in your [ __ ] dreams and i would be scared of you you wake up like oh my god i just had a dream that i lost oh wait i did and then i'm gonna be there laughing at wasabi three four five and then we'll keep going bro this is [ __ ] mentalist by the way like this is absolutely mad i don't know why pro boxers haven't caught on to the game yet like this is how you sell a [ __ ] fight man all these pro boxes whinging about youtubers getting views and getting money and all that sell a fight you pricks you can say where does every one of us right now look at his [ __ ] chops for my last flight i was fighting southpaw i was the whole camp trained to fight southpaws um and then this camp it's all like a mix of everything so i'm prepared for whatever he does it's just no it's not no it's not oh [ __ ] me about this kid's an entertainer i want to repeatedly hit you in the face i want to see you give up i want to see the fear in your face while i'm smiling at you and you just you just realize oh jj is really going to work karen i'm not sure how alex is coping when he starts sort of doing these neck things little mouth movements there and you know i'm not trying to overanalyze these things but you've got someone saying what jj is saying of course alex is going to feel some kind of way about it i'm not expecting them to be a robot doesn't look great though if i'm being brutally honest angles and you're swinging bro destroying your will slowly ever so slowly and then before you know it all you'll see is black you sound you sound pretty confident i just it's just you just oh man alex wassabi has just killed me there with one light you sound pretty confident you sound pretty confident i just think he could have added a tone of the lawrence mckenna sarcasm just to add a bit of spite there but yeah after all of that running from jj for like seven and a half minutes and they go you sound pretty confident you sound pretty confident it's like this kids are just a different breed well i probably weigh less than you right now guess where i'm at right now 180. 176. your boy christmas day i was 216 pounds that's a lot of weight he's dropped i'm gonna have to ask him how he did that because like i can go down i can go down and keep going down insane let's switch the weight to 175 if it's not a big deal i mean i'm i'm i'm down why not all right cool go for it all right let's uh i'll talk about it we'll make it one second oh yeah we're cool we're gonna make it official here gentlemen apparently after this ksi's manager said yeah we're not doing that so so this was a nice moment but it's not reality unfortunately despite how happy alex seemed about the change in weight there it's not personal for me at all i fully believe that i don't think it's personal for alex i don't even know if it's personal for jj as much as jj finds this guy irritating i think this is what jj likes to do to motivate himself to get himself in that frame of mind as a killer before he goes in there and he wants to stack the deck as much as he can in his favor mentally he wants to show i am the alpha here you aren't you aren't on my level and he does an amazing job of it when you hear someone talk like that i think the question is like how real can this be because the way jj is talking it's it's as if he's just on a completely different level and because we haven't seen him in so long it's it's so hard to imagine him fighting a different way like we've seen him fight you know the same way the last two fights against logan but logan's a big guy that was three years ago logan's improved a lot since then he's seen logan against mayweather how amazing he looked compared to where he was against jj that could easily have happened to jj as well and if that has happened alex is in [ __ ] trouble that is a fact and it could get it could get pretty brutal you know but if you were to judge alex's first fight against a lot of other people's first fights in boxing take cable for example gabe has progressed so much in boxing but if you look at his first fight technically it was nowhere near the level that alex is on in his first fight so he is capable there is someone there who can pick this up remember i think what was the deji's fourth fight or third fight i can't even [ __ ] was it and he walked through deji it was comfortable deji actually had to stop throwing punches because he was taking so many counters all i'm saying is is i think when you watch this one-sided verbal beatdown that jj has given alex it doesn't mean that in the ring alex can't have some success i just feel like jj is one of those people you have to [ __ ] shoot him to get him out of there you know what i mean like he's he's mentally a really strong kid to come through everything he's come through in life and to choose to get in the ring this ain't about money it's about ego it's about i want to prove who the [ __ ] i am i don't think alex has the power to hurt him hurt him he could outpoint him you know what i mean that's a possibility it just again it's [ __ ] hard to imagine that in london uk crowd judges we're here in the crowd go wild every time jj does anything it's gonna be a hard knife alex i'm not gonna lie like i i don't think he could knock jj out i think it has to be a clever game plan of boxing on the outside moving moving countering because jj is he's gonna try and miley cyrus this and come in like a wrecking ball i'm just excited for this opportunity the digi brothers have really like gave me this opportunity to to get in the ring in front of millions of people and main event for both my first two fights ever that's insane so i'm just eternally great alex okay alex pulled it back a a tiny bit there when he's just saying like how happy he is and how he grateful he is and also the big daddy thing that he keeps throwing it jj is slight it is it is funny you know what i mean because it's obviously not true you know jj and deji are like very different but uh i think by making it out like this is going to be the same again it's a small technique uh for me personal it's very personal it's very personal bro but i wake up and i'm just seeing alex wassabi and i'm just like bro i need to annihilate him this guy's got mad energy like because like alex wasabi i find him just quite likable not that i rate his content or anything like that but like he's a pleasant guy you know what i mean so for jj to have to like twist things in his head and really go there i mean you don't get as successful as he's got in life without having a few tricks up your sleeve about how to win at life you know what i mean and there's something about this guy that he's managed to hone in on and go i hate this i hate you i need to [ __ ] you up sometimes in fighting aggression can come as a form of protection for fear now that's not what i think is happening here but let's explore it regardless if you're looking at certain fighters in the past who were the favorites or had not been used to losing fights take ronda rousey and conor mcgregor for example before they had some of their worst defeats ronda against holly holm and she got head kick connor before khabib in the press conferences they were like uncharacteristically aggressive like hype are aggressive a little bit like jj here right and i'm not saying that that means there's a connection there but i'm just exploring it that they were overly aggressive because connor knew khabib was probably going to kick his ass ronda knew holly was a really bad matchup for her i don't think that this is what's going on here but it could be you know jj could be a little bit like i think alex might be a bit harder than i thought you know it could that could be the case i don't think so but it's worth mentioning i need to rectify my last fight where everyone just thinks i'm a swinger everyone just thinks i'm doing this i'm like no no no different i'm a different beast now i like where he's going here he's acknowledging where he's gone wrong in the past and that is a good sign of a really good performance is about to come from jj because he's not acting like that i mean he won that fight against logan obviously it was controversial whatever but the point is he had the heart the desire the will to win that that pulled him through that and the power to give logan enough to fear but at the level he wants to go to we know that that isn't going to be enough and there needs to be more boxing skill and he is clearly confident he's learned a lot and that we're going to say something completely different and i think the only reason that anyone's skeptical is because of what he said before the last slogan fight of this is going to be very different than the last fight and it wasn't different if anything i actually thought logan won versus ksi1 was a better fight entertainment wise boxing skill wise i actually felt like they both seemed burned out by boxing in that second fight to me and uh this is not the jj was saying now this is not burned out this is you know a [ __ ] beast has been a walk in here he said he seems fired up if i ever need to rely on the heart it's there okay i've got all i need okay all i need now is your face on the floor that's it at this level of boxing you very rarely find someone who is going to be able to slip and counter and use footwork and all of these high level technical aspects that pro fighters can use when they aren't the more powerful guy when they aren't the fittest guy to outsmart their opponent at this level where these guys are both you know early early early [ __ ] days and jj hasn't fought in three years you know alex has had a year of it jj has had a couple of years behind the scenes but hasn't fallen properly in three years the guy who's the stronger guy who hits harder who's more dogged more determined generally will come out on top and the problem is is we've we've seen alex alex i wouldn't say look like he hits hit soft deji really struggled when he got hit he backed the [ __ ] up tucked up and didn't want anything to do with him actually and he stopped throwing so i'm not saying alex doesn't hit hard but it's quite clear jj hit harder that is something that is really going to test the heart the will the desire of alex and i hope for his sake if it does get tough and he is struggling he doesn't quit because i feel like quitting's more embarrassing you know it's like when we watch dead you take the knee and all that [ __ ] and you know it was bad wouldn't it you know everyone i know who shared the ring with jj says he hits hard especially for his size he was undersized against logan logan's a much bigger guy naturally and yet he was chasing him down fearlessly and logan was very wary of that power alex is smaller you know than jj not not smaller than logan smaller than jj as was joella and we seen jj stop joe jj knows that in order for him to cement himself is on a paw in the minds of the people as jake paul he has to do what jake paul did which is stop people in devastating fashion make it look easy that is the only thing that is acceptable from this fight for jj as a warm-up fight as a as a side quest as the way he's he's depicting it he's piling the pressure on anything other than a a fairly comfortable stoppage for jj it's gonna feel like a failure to him to him personally because of what standards he's setting if i'm alex wasabi every single second that isn't going jj's way i'm talking to him in there and it's not and i don't mean like you know uh take your eyes off the game plan or i just mean like if he swings and misses do what dustin poirier did to conor mcgregor point it out uh-huh yeah you know you know you know i mean like play that character of you can't touch me like all of that [ __ ] you know what i mean like every single round that goes by you have to be in his ear saying i thought you were gonna i thought we're gonna stop this i'm i'm still here like you know you mentally every little win we're sobbing get in this he has to take he has to shout about and he has to let jj know i'm still here because jj's energy is so strong he'll swallow you up and and inspect you know the bones at this rate he needs to put up a good first round and give jj something to respect it was customarto who uh mike tyson's coach who i think he said something along the lines of if you're fighting a guy who you're scared of and is the big puncher and all of that there's only one way to deal with him you have to nail him with a right hand or big punch in the first round and make him respect you that is the first thing alex wasabi needs to achieve in this fight to have a chance of winning if a round or two goes by and he does not land anything of any worth on jj and he doesn't give him something to go oh [ __ ] that actually that was a bit hard that i [ __ ] hell it won't last long because jj's ops he's he's ready oh my god i know what alex is going to do before he even thinks about it but you're not faster than me i am going to switch i'm going to start switching bro start switching stances if i was to list jj's strength in the past speed would not have been one of them if we remember the logan paul one fight when it was early on those fast twitch fibers that logan has he was landing that jab quite quite a lot and the speed of his of him firing that out was a problem and with alex being the smaller guy he may have a speed advantage he may be able to early on pepper jj a little bit what i've seen or what i've heard from people who've seen him alex wassabi sparring is he is a bit of a dog he isn't scared to go toe-to-toe he is willing to trade it's just picking those spots but he may find he has a little speed advantage on jj early on in this fight before things level out and fatigue sets in a little bit on both guys and then jj's gas tank that i've been impressed with from day one should kick in uh you know i could be wrong because jj is trained so hard and he looks leaner than ever and more more shredded than ever that speed may be different now he may be much faster than where he was but i do think that that's a possibility you're a nice guy you're a very nice guy but you don't have that you don't have that killer instinct okay the stuff that me and jake paul have that was interesting because jj actually paid jake paul some respect there and it shows that he does admire what jake has been able to do and he's right you know there is that spite there in in jj there is it in jake and alex against deji in between rounds it was so nice it was so oh nice man like you know he wasn't trying to really hurt him and the only way you're ever going to reach your maximum potential in punching power is to want to really hurt someone you have to really want to do that in my opinion the biggest baddest punchers in the history of boxing they had urges to [ __ ] kill people right and i'm not saying that alex wassabi can never be that he can't be that guy but he needs to flick the switch for this fight because if he doesn't get jj's respect he is [ __ ] you can stop panicking in your heart it's gonna start racing bro it's quite amazing how alex can be so deadpan throughout all of this like i don't know if he's crumbling inside mentally or if he's totally unfazed by this he's giving very little away i'll give him that alex i swear to god do not do this if you do this at any moment in the ring on the on the on on the ropes or in the corner it's done it's done for you it's time for you because i will bore you i know what he's meaning there in that fair sensei spot as much as this is probably a massively improved version of jj coming in here when he gets in close he's got nice body shots and he really can go to work on you then and that that he's right that is a [ __ ] problem alex needs to keep jj at arm's length at all times in this fight just wait rob like i said this is personal for me huh you beat my bro that's a part of me so watch bro he keeps saying he he wants to avenge his brother but i just don't believe that because in his uh in his video that he made after i beat deji and one where he's like he gave that whole speech about this is why he'll never be as good as me this is why i always win uh he said i always win and i never lose like you do because i do everything for myself so now he's trying to convince everybody that he's doing this not for himself that's not what he does that's not what he's doing he's my family he's my founder of course i'm going to do this for him interestingly alex thinking very critically there he was able to recount that video you know pretty word for word there and and make a quite a solid point against jj there if he was that rattled i don't think he would have been able to do that in that moment so that's a good sign for him that he's staying composed here i don't know if he's going to be as composed when this is getting sent to his face in london that's a real test because jj can i mean he made logan leave like logan's an entertainer logan is the [ __ ] talker of [ __ ] talkers he's good at it he's signed with wa for christ's sake for this reason that's how i was able to beat logan paul logan paul beat me on every stat he was stronger he was bigger he had the breach the technique but i had this i had the heart and the and the brain true jj was more of a fighter mentally that was why he came out on top overall even despite the referee decision and all of that like if you watch the fight jj was chasing logan round a lot in that second fight and that was what won him the fight in my opinion no fear i've got the mind i've got the mindset the mindset of no one can beat me no one can beat me shout out to vidal and leon who have a podcast because they were talking about deji and how he kept losing and they said it's because he's all right with losing he's comfortable losing and you need to be terrified of losing and jj is he can't i mean his career is it is built around him being a winner you can already tell that alex wasabi is more comfortable losing he says i just want to compete i just want to compete well no you just want to win [ __ ] competing you're here to win you know what i mean and um i'm not saying alex can't win i i genuinely think there is a road to victory as difficult as it would be for him anyone can get in there and win you know and the the guy's a kate will athlete but jj is coming across so strong here you think he could be just right now you think you could be jake yes so why are you playing me alex going down an interesting road here about jake because he knows if there's one person jj hates more than alex it's jake paul i have to show him i'm the a side because i'm fine and nobody so if i'm finding nobody and get a higher pay-per-view than him what does that say about me says i'm the top dog you bow down to me scum scum and then i'm also getting high pay-per-views then here's what 60 dollars in fight against a boxer 60 that's bro that's more than usyk versus aj are you dumb who do you think you are jake paul above i agree with jj about the pay-per-view price of jake paul it is mental like it is a lot the problem is is i i think jj's making some good points about the negotiations about proving where he's at now and about putting on a good show and knocking the rust off of him being out of the ring for three years the issue is beating alex wassabi even if you do it in amazing fashion it doesn't compare in any way shape or form to the knockout of tyra mudley not even not even close you could argue would be closer to what jake uh had when he beat gabo you know what i mean which remember he bit gibble in 2019 so that was still a few years back so that would be what it would be comparable to he's an influencer who's a good boxer as gable was i think gibb was much improved since then to be honest but i'm not sure how much this strengthens his case you do wonder though if jake paul does lose this next hard fight that he's going to have with a guy who's 12-1 it could bring him down a level you've got jj moving up after beating alex wasabi you have jake maybe taking a loss against uh rahman and and all of a sudden you've got a fight that we thought was a much further away fight could happen much sooner if both fighters say what they want to see from the other there's a reason why i didn't go straight from after being logan to fighting jake paul i wanted to work on music i wanted to build a foundation now i've got number ones top tens number one albums left right and center so now it's like cool now it's time for me to do the boxing if jj and jake had to fall after the logan fight that fight would not have been anywhere near as big as what it is now jake paul has become the most talked about person in boxing and i'm not saying that makes him the best boxer or the [ __ ] biggest pay-per-view but he's the most talked about that that's not even up for debate you've got jj who has been absolutely killing it in the charts in the uk and is now a household name in the uk like gone well beyond the levels of a youtuber like if they do bring these two huge audiences together that's one of the biggest fights of the decade in boxing in terms of pay-per-views i'm not exaggerating in any way shape or form that may do more pay-per-view numbers than any fight of that yeah you know outside of a tyson fury anthony joshua and boxing fans might say you're [ __ ] mental i'm not made i'm being [ __ ] serious we're gonna have more events on misfits and we're gonna just keep going and well i'm being paid and i'm not even boxing and then when i want to box when i want to get in the ring i go in and i go oh cool i i get a bag i get to knock someone out and then we build misfits i'm just building i'm seeing a lot of change from jj here over the years you know i met him back in 2016. back then he was an entertainer i was a funny kid and he loved making people laugh and the youtube views were rolling in i always looked at him as an older bloke thinking there's so much potential for what you can achieve with all of this right now and he's he's realizing that now sponsoring arsenal it's just mental the amount that this guy's got going on again that may be one slight advantage that alex has all he does is box he gets up in the morning goes boxing he does not have to contend with the level of imagine having jj's phone for half an hour even it must be insane constantly scheduling every single [ __ ] thing alex just has one thing to worry about so that to me is a slight advantage for alex here sidemen we've got youtube we've got misfits bro music i'm just different hacked though i'm an entrepreneur i i'm smart me too man his speeches are so long it's hard to like stay focused for all through all of it uh but every now and then alex comes out with a good one okay they all like pure monologues though aren't they they're like literally there's no back and forth it's been me and all me and this whole event it's been me it's been me carrying this event you don't even post anything what are you doing are you trying to be like all mysterious like oh just wait to the fight how well did that do for joe element he's [ __ ] psychotic yeah he's absolutely gone he's absolutely [ __ ] gone here you know this is by a mile the most hyped i've seen him before a fight buy a [ __ ] mile i've given you a bag show me your money's worth one for me wait for me little piggy alex this is absolutely mental this is absolutely my i'm just excited for all of it absolutely get the pay-per-view let's do this thing one month i can't believe how composed wasabi is after all of that fair [ __ ] that was the press conference what did you guys make of it what did you read let us know in the comments below obviously jj won the press conference we knew that was gonna happen it's just a question of how affected is alex gonna be by that does he believe he can win this fight i think he does i think he does i'm just to leave it at that i think he believes he can win i think it's safe to say jj does too all right that was my take on the press conference don't forget to hit that subscribe button the true geordie extra and check out the main channel for all my podcasts thanks for watching and i'll see you later
Channel: The Pain Game
Views: 503,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: KSI, KSIOlajideBT, Alex Wassabi, Sidemen, Jake Paul, Logan Paul, DAZN, The WADE Concept, KSI Wassabi, Fousey, Deji, Happy Punch, Boxing, BT Sport, Eddie Hearn, Sidemen Tinder, Hasim Rahman Jr, True Geordie, Wassabi, Face Off, Behzinga, Zerkaa, Miniminter, Vikkstar, Wroetoshaw, Tobijizzle, YouTube Boxing, MoreSidemen, Sidemen Reacts
Id: M1zWmsFL_lI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 30 2022
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