What I Like More: Borderlands 3 vs Borderlands 2

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welcome one welcome all to a topic I've had in my head for quite some time ever since I did these playthroughs with my friends and I'm talking about Borderlands 3 versus Borderlands 2 now it wasn't that long ago that this wasn't a topic at All In My Head Borderlands 3 was my favorite in the franchise for so long and it was without a doubt in my mind I honestly thought it silly to even think Borderlands 2 was better because Borderlands 3 just has better gameplay and end game to me in my personal opinion it was so much more satisfying but that changed a while back when I did my Co-op run with some friends and now if I had to pick one I'm not sure which one I'd pick so today we run down the major pieces of a Borderlands game Story gameplay endgame Etc and I give my personal two cents on which games I'd prefer in each specific category and why so being the controversial nature that this video is to the Borderlands Community let's stick with that and go with a talking point that everyone loves talking about the story for Simplicity sake let's define the story as the main objectives all the things that are just in the main objectives right and this one used to annoy me because a lot of people would say Borderlands 2 and I would always think it's not Borderlands 2 story that you love it's Handsome Jack and that's a character that you love but but with going back and replaying Borderlands 2 and then replaying Borderlands 3 yeah I realized I'm going to be honest I like Borderlands 2's story a lot better um and it's purely because of the pacing of the game compared to Borderlands 3 I don't feel like there is a spot in Borderlands 2 where it really slows down that much Borderlands 3's pacing is it has to be one of the worst if not the worst I've experienced in my personal experience playing any game now going back to Borderlands 2 and then in tandom because it with Borderlands 3 I played it so much that eventually I modded where uh there's this like this dialogue skip mod and then an expanded dialogue skip mod that I used and it basically would just skip all the dialogue and such and I wouldn't have to hear any of it and it would just immediately click to the next objective every time I did one so I used those for so long that honestly I forgot what it was like to play without them I guess I knew it was bad but I forgot how bad until I played with my friend Max and I played Borderlands 3 through and through and without any mods and the pacing just oh my God I forgot really how bad it can be the amount of time you spend just sitting there waiting for dialogue to be over I can't stand it and it's like even in Borderlands 2 there's like there's not nearly as much usually you're able to just move on and they'll talk to you over the echo which is what I'm like this is what I want for Borderlands 4 not to go on a rant about this I I need to move on to other things but I'm just saying like I want in Borderlands 4 for everything to be able to be turned in through the echo I don't want to have to run back to Sanctuary a million times to talk to Lilith and I don't like there's no reason to have to go back to a bounty board or any of that when you have this Echo thing it's like you connect to the echo net and you can just turn everything in and then they can talk to you over the Echo and immediately move that objective to the next one so that if I don't want to sit there and listen to the dialogue the first time I play maybe the second time I play I'll want to do that first time I play uh no third fourth 100th time I play I don't want to listen to it anymore I'm done I've heard the campaign I know what it's about let me just move on and play let like make it all about the game play cuz I'm somebody that loves playing the story over and over and over as all the different characters trying to make numerous different builds and all these things doing different challenge runs and stuff I love doing all that but that's that stuff aside Borderlands 2 takes the cake with the story in my opinion just because a I like the villain in the story much more I like the pacing way more um yeah and it's just that it's just like all like all all those little things in in Tandem and playing Borderlands 3 again without any mods really reminded me how bad that pacing is so Borderlands 2 gets a win in my book for story and with that we move on to the playable characters from Borderlands 2 and Borderlands 3 my biggest thing that I recognized is in my run with Borderlands 2 I played as zero for the first time ever from start to finish finish of the story every time I tried to play as zero I kind of got to around like level 10 15 fell off never actually you know finished the game or anything and just quit and played as somebody else this time I really locked myself in and played as zero and from start to finish and I loved him I absolutely loved it I wanted to I just wanted to play as him more and more I started in uh uh true Vault Hunter mode and continue playing as him and every now and then I hop back into that file and I just kind of play as him a little bit more and a little bit more and it's the only hole I've noticed in Borderlands 3 with the playable characters and I mean admittedly I think it's a pretty big one because Borderlands 3 has so much diversity with all of their playable characters and I love literally every single one of them but after my run in Borderlands 2 playing as zero I was disappointed because I went the melee route with with zero and going to Borderlands 3 there's a hint of disappointment there where you're not going to find a zero in Borderlands 3 there's nothing that allows for the same melee playability as Borderlands 2 had with zero then you're not going to find that in Borderlands 3 Borderlands 3's melee build is a lot of like oh well here's the face puncher and it's like okay this is like Melee build by numbers but that's about it like like statistically it's a melee build but I'm using a gun still and deara just doesn't capture the feeling of a melee build like zero did he was so much fun I absolutely loved it and so again like that's the only hole in Borderlands 3 I it could be a big one depending on who you are I'm not a huge melee guy zero turned me into one a little bit but I personally with playable characters I'm going to have to go with Borderlands 3 just because every character I love Borderlands 2 it's not quite that there's a couple of characters where I'm so so about them and that is Gage and Axton Gage I just honestly didn't really enjoy and then Axton I enjoyed I mean he's actually the first character I ever maxed out like op8 and all that stuff back before op10 and all that uh and I liked him but I wouldn't say I enjoy him more than any other Borderlands 2 character except for Gage and any other Borderlands 3 character so there's a couple there that I'm just kind of like meh about I loved C I thought he was kind of fun in a very different way the Gunzerker is just always fun to mess around in and then Maya was another one of my first characters I think she was actually my first character I ever played as but for some reason axon is the first one I maxed out and with Borderland 3 in the playable character Department I just love the fourth skill trees I I don't know personally I kind of like it better than another playable character character I don't know I I think a lot I think I'm going to get a lot of flak for saying that I don't think a lot of people are going to agree with me there but I just really loved when they added the fourth skill tree and it it honestly just felt like a new playable character to me but it was like four characters that got them granted flax fourth skill tree isn't the best one but you know it still feels like if you build them out with it and everything which I usually don't but it still feels like a whole new character got added to the game in my eyes I get that there's going to be a lot of people that disagree with me on that but I personally love the fourth skill trees so my end result is Borderlands 3 gets the win for the playable characters in my eyes I I just I don't know I just really like every playable character in Borderlands 3 there is so many different ways to build out each and every single one of them that it's like I feel like it's impossible not to like all of them I I think this there's a build for each character that would make everyone like each of them maybe I'm wrong about that but that's just how I feel about it and so now we move on to the game playay which I'm just going to say right now it's Borderlands 3 I think Borderlands 3 is just a pure improvement gameplay-wise from Borderlands 2 through and through it has clambering or mantling whatever you want to call it and then you know sliding and it just feels smoother and it it's just in my eyes it's just better in every single possible way it's just improved upon it's just modern firstperson gaming like it's just that it's just all the mechanics are better I'd say the biggest issue in the gameplay department is probably the visual pollution for Borderlands 3 especially if you play as Mo but honestly I I'd still give it to Borderlands 3 it's like it's just leagues above Borderlands 2 in my eyes so yeah gameplay Borderlands 3 and now we get to the co-op aspect and for some reason I'm I know this is going to be lame but for some reason I'm GNA give this one a tie and I think a lot of people are gonna be surprised by that but I played Borderlands 3 Co-op for the first time in a long time and I know it's just the UI but so much is missing from the UI and then it had this glitch where we wouldn't see each other's names A lot of times and it was really annoying cuz then we didn't know where each other were and Borderlands 2 everything Co-op wise just worked and it worked well and I get that you know Borderlands 3 has so much improvement with the level instancing and everything so like we could be completely different levels and still be on the same page or you know the guns you don't have to fight over them anymore but I really didn't even feel that playing with my friend like we really weren't fighting over the loop because we played as completely different characters and we had completely different builds and so it was just like hey this is good for you do you want this oh yeah sure and you know things like that it really didn't feel like we were fighting for the loot and maybe others would totally disagree with me on this but Borderlands 3 just had so many issues to me with the co-op and these weird instances of like lag or glitches and things like that due to the co-op and the UI being glitchy and the UI just lacking the revive thing not being in your face so it's like I have to shout that I'm down a bunch of times so that my friend can acknowledge that I'm down it's just it's just annoying the co-op to me in Borderlands 3 just isn't nearly as enjoyable as it was in Borderlands 2 so with that I ask gearbox to please make it so that the UI really showcases that you have your friends in the game like put the thing in the top corner and like let the class mod name be there and show the health and shield and who they're playing as and all that stuff like a lot of that's missing and make it more obvious that the revive is needed by your teammate without them having to shout at you like because the the symbol for revive like is just non-existent almost in Borderlands 3 but I mean I give Borderlands 3 it's major credit for the big things that it did with the level instancing and the the weapons being separate drops and all that so that nobody has to fight over it so I claim it as a tie personally Pro I don't know if people will agree with me on that or not but yeah so I I give Co-op a tie I got three more topics here and I wasn't sure whether to include these or not but I decided to and the next one's going to be characters and I'm going to be honest I just think straight up this one goes to Borderland 2 I just like a lot of the characters more that you get to interact with in Borderlands 2o uh and even the ones you get to interact with that are the same in three I think think I like a lot of the interactions better in Borderlands 2 but the fact that scooter and Dr Zed are there that alone really caps it off for me as just a complete win in Borderlands 2 like all the characters are in sanctuary and you can just you know it's just you get their personality you get all the personalities right there in that one space and I love it uh there's some great new characters from Borderlands 3 but it just doesn't do it for me like going back maybe it's nostalgia talking this point out you know but going back to Borderlands 2 and going into sanctuary and hearing all the different personalities right there all the major ones that Borderlands created I love it so yeah Borderlands 2 wins on that one all right so I thought about it and overall I'd rather leave endgame out of this one which I know is so weird but I honestly don't have a ton of experience with the endgame of Borderlands 2 and I think it's unfair so I mean if I had to pick I'd say Borderlands 3 and I love Borderlands 3's endgame to a te I've tried Borderlands 2s I got to op8 and everything way back when and all that stuff it wasn't for me but I never truly really played the end game that much for Borderlands 2 so again if I had to pick it would be Borderlands 3 and I feel like in a video like this it should be more of a topic but again I feel like it's almost unfair because I don't have the experience with Borderlands 2 endgame like I do with Borderlands 3 endgame so just a quickly wrap this topic up yeah it's it's it's Borderland it's three for me now we go to side quest and this one in this one at first for me was really really difficult to choose from but in the end I came away from it deciding on Borderlands 3 I feel like a lot of people are going to be annoyed again at me with this one but I had to go with Borderlands 3 because private beans this dude should have been a main villain private beans should have been a main villain and he's stuck in a side quest and it's like one of my favorite ones of all time on top of that the uh uh my God I'm going to forget the name of the side quest it's like feeble and Furious or something like that with the old man and he's just shouting these ridiculous insults all the like the whole way through the first time I played it and still to this day when I play it I laugh every time he has just some of the most ridiculous insults and it's hilarious and I love it and there's just there's so many side quests to me Chad that's another one there's so many side quests to me that stand out and I remember from Borderlands 3 and I love them all well almost all of them I really do though I I really like the Borderlands 3 side quests a lot and I remember more of them than Borderlands 2 and I think that's kind of what got me to decide on this it was cuz remembering for me memory for me first of all I have terrible memories so if I can remember a lot of things from a game then that's a huge impact on me that leaves a lasting impact on me and that's massive so Borderlands 3 wins this private beans alone I think Takes the Cake on this one personally and the last category we have here is the DLC SL updates yeah this is another one going to Borderlands 3 for me personally this is going to Borderlands 3 all day and night there isn't even a single question about it Borderlands 3 if I'm sorry like if you didn't stick through playing Borderlands 3 while the DLCs were getting released and updates were coming out I just think you missed out on one of the most special things Borderlands has to offer because I don't think we're ever getting the kind of content that Borderlands 3 got post launch it is ridiculous we got what was it weekly updates for Borderlands 3 and I know most people when I talk about updates I feel like just going to look back and say oh yeah when they nerfed everything how great they nerfed everything for like the first couple months and then beyond that they didn't Nerf things for so long and then when they did it was welld deserved like the recursion getting a Nerf because it was like crashing Xboxes and freezing up PCS as much as I enjoyed it personally and loved it I get where some people were like okay this is just an unusable weapon for me if you're on a console I totally get that so it's like that the updates were so good for borderan 3 for the most part and I love the DLCs we got four five DLCs that are worth 6 hours eight hours of gameplay each that's insane and they were 15 bucks a piece and we got a 6 DLC that added a whole new mode to the game which is honestly pretty fun like even my friends that didn't enjoy Borderlands 3 as much went into this and enjoyed this mode they thought it was great they thought it was something different it had a different feeling to the game so I get it's not for everybody but I thought it was a lot of fun and you know it it can get frustrating at times cuz it can be difficult but hey so can any game so I I really enjoyed all the DLCs from Borderlands 3 the updates I mean we got free content free content updates I don't when did that happen in Borderlands 2 when did that happen in Borderlands 1 the Pre-Sequel any of them it didn't happen even in wonderlands it didn't happen in wonderlands 3 we got the well I I'll give the malan takedown to anybody that wants to discredit something because I did feel like when that came out it should have been here at launch type thing I still love it it's one of the best pieces of content that Borderlands 3 has but I'll I'll give that to anybody that wants to discredit something because I did feel like when it came out it should have been there at launch it felt like the The Raid that was missing from the game but for free we got all of the events they did the cartel um the Broken Heart the the the haunt event and we just we got three different events and then eventually they just gave them for free you can just toggle any of them on or off and you can toggle them at any given time throughout the playthrough and that is incredible one of the best things in my opinion that happened in Borderlands 3 was that they updated the Mayhem and everything and that was a messy ride if you were in for it but the end result in my opinion opion is great I'm not saying the updates and everything were perfect they did a lot of balancing a lot of this and that and not all of the balance updates were perfect I think they really worked hard at it for a long long time and I I I think it's the best that I've seen in a Borderlands there's so many different things that are usable in endgame for Borderlands 3 there's so much you can do for builds and different weapons to use and all these things that you can make just relevant in end game by making the right build for it I didn't even mention the guardian takedown like all these things are free updates added to the game it's just absolutely crazy regardless of what you think of the Guardian takedown it was free that's absolutely crazy and even going back when I think of the cartel event or the haunt event with all the the haunted loot that you can get in the anointments all that gear all that loot was free all the cartel event stuff was free the opq system all this stuff was just added to the game with no charge and on top of that they purposely kept a lot of the base game a lot of the free things a lot of what came with just the base game they kept a lot of that relevant for endgame on purpose I will like there's obviously a lot of good loot in the dlc's but they onp purpose kept a lot of Base game things relevant to endgame so that nobody fell like they were left out if they didn't have content or couldn't afford it and that is special to me that's that's special the fact that they went through all these updates all this content and kept things at base game relevant I maybe there is one out there but I genuinely can't think of another looter shooter that goes through all these updates and DLCs and everything and keeps base game things relevant they always want to move on and keep something new to be the most powerful thing and that wasn't always the case in Borderlands 3 so I don't mean to sound like a grer here but Borderlands 3 was just amazing in my eyes and I really loved the updates DLCs and all that stuff Borderlands 3 I guess uh in the tall it wins but honestly I like both I love both I mean that's just that's the reality is people want to pit games against each other and you know make this like which one's better and have to give this you know answer but I love them both and I still play them both to this day me and my friend were talking and saying I mean if Borderlands 3 gameplay and end game and stuff existed with Borderlands 2's pacing and story and all that what an incredible game that would be it would be I genuinely think it would be the perfect Borderlands so let me know what y'all think down below what do you think of my answers what are your answers for each of these topics you know the gam play what which one wins for you story which one wins for you side quests updates dlc's all those things what what what do you think of each of these categories let me know down below I can't wait to hear from y'all and that's that so I'll see yall in the next one hope youall enjoyed peace
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Length: 22min 50sec (1370 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2024
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