What I Learned Selling Expensive Things To Affluent People

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okay so here's six things I learned from selling expensive things to the affluent use this insight to adjust your marketing your offers and even your sales process to start attracting higher quality clients starting today and I'm going to give you a bonus and that's that the biggest overall takeaway we're going to get from today affects not only just the wealthy but it affects all of us so I got into marketing when our family business had one problem we were selling very expensive things that required very expensive installation into wealthy people's homes the problem was at the time we didn't have many wealthy customers and the ones that were wealthy seemed to shop for the same products elsewhere so we had to adjust things or else we were going to fail and guess what we figured it out so here we go here's the first one people want what they want your job is to Source create and offer the things that they want if you misunderstand this you'll end up creating and trying to sell things that are Commodities and if it's a commodity then buying decisions will be heavily influence want by price and you'll have a lot more competitors Inspire them so you take the things that they want and you base your entire marketing strategy around those things and showcasing the real world benefits and results is the easiest way to get them to imagine what the future version of themselves will look like and once they can see what it will look like in their mind they can begin to imagine what it's going to feel like once they have it solve for them so so then you take those same things that you know they want and solve those problems for them so build your offers and services around what you know they already want don't make the mistake of trying to fit your marketing around an offer that you know your Market needs but they don't want it that's what we call trying to push it uphill it's just NeverEnding difficulty don't try and do that this next one's about what happens after you sell it to them deliver first extras second see bonuses only really have value after you've delivered on the main promise so you can take your expensive welcome pack that you send in the mail and reinvest those resources into your client success if you do it the other way they have a great experience they immediately start feeling like they're part of the family or that they've made a right decision but then by not delivering on the main promise the reason why they bought with you in the first place you lose everything so the bonuses was not worth it so deliver first extra second never have a sale yeah you can do deals with people sure but never have a sale see sales devalue your entire offering but a conditional deal is actually pretty fun see wealthy people aren't primarily interested in saving money they want to get the exact thing that they want then once they have it in their hands or in their grasp then they will always enjoy the challenge of getting a good deal so just play along with it offer a percentage off for a payment in full things like that so never have a sale but always make your deals conditional and this little piece of human psychology involves your marketing and your sales process and that is that the price isn't the main event let the offer speak for itself regardless of the price now when they ask for the price you tell them directly you don't foot around you don't apologize for it you state your price and you be quiet by putting the price first you're putting the focus on the price and everything else about your offering falls into the background how good it's going to be what their life's going to be like once they have it or achieve it and usually when you're consulting or coaching the result that they're going to achieve is way better than the small bit of money that they're going to give to get your help to achieve that but by putting your price up front and center you're not doing them any service at all but all your marketing and positioning should be about the product about the result about the outcome about what it will do for people and how it will affect their life see despite the bumbling wealthy person caricature we have from the movies you can't really trick a wealthy person into buying something that they don't want most of them are smart they know what they want and they will get what they want whether from you or someone else if you try and Badger them or rush them or use any pressure technique that typically works on average people you will lose them but here's the amazing thing this way of doing things where your marketing inspires people to imagine the future version of themselves this isn't just for wealthy people this is how we all think we're all drawn to marketing and messages like this so if you focus your message to the top part of the market to attract the higher quality people you may just get everyone else as well and build a fantastic business that you love if you're looking at book calls with perfect clients without doing any Outreach I'll see you in the next video cheers
Channel: Your Mini Empire
Views: 2,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: purchase value, purchase motivators, why people buy, buyer motivation
Id: 6FTRrso_mZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 58sec (298 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2024
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