Jeremy Miner SELLING Live

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okay you guys [Applause] ready Scott yeah how are you Jeremy uh just being boring what are you doing being boring you know staying out of trouble what you are your freezing out there in Alaska oh yeah it's getting colder too this weekend we're supposed to be below zero for our highs oh really okay so hey tell me tell me again I you know I think I'm developing Alzheimer's here what did you say you do for a living I'm a police officer you're a police officer okay and how how how long have you been a police officer for well uh about 21 and a half years here in anage and then I was a cop in the Air Force for a little over seven years so oh you were uh about almost 29 years so quite a few years now I don't think I've ever asked you when we talked each day are you are you on your own or do you have a family you're taking care of I have a wife and I have seven children holy cow what does your wife do for a living she just picked up a job with apple doing online customer service in Japanese she's she's a Japanese national oh she is okay so this job that you've had do you um do you do you like what you're doing for a living oh I love what I'm doing what do what do you like about it what do you enjoy well I enjoy I have been fascinated by the street gang lifestyle and I have been able to accomplish training and expertise in that field and become the foremost gang expert in the state of Alaska oh wow that's crazy and so I do training I do validations I'm a court expert witness you I just love that kind of work you do so I mean to me it sounds like things are going fairly well for you I mean is there is there anything you would change about what you're doing if you could well uh last April they closed down the gang task force and I've been moved back to patrol okay and there have been a series of shootings and homicides involving gangs and and I'm a little frustrated because what do you mean by frustration has decided we don't have a gang problem so they're not doing anything to address it has that had an impact on you well it has it's been stressful I've had a lot of news reporters that I've known over the years that have asked for my opinion and okay when I've given my opinion I've been on the wrong side of you know the administration and things like that I see so as is you starting your own business and maybe I mean maybe you could tell me just so I can kind of you know see the rationale but besides some of this you know these changes in the you know where you're working out in the administration I mean I guess what's the main reason why you're you know looking for your own business rather than just finding a better type of job I have always kind of wanted to be on my own I I I want to be my own boss I don't want to have to answer to somebody else's ideas of what I should be doing why why now though why now uh because I think after you know 51 years of life and working for 30 plus years for other people I'm ready to be on my own okay time to time to make a change possibly yeah time to make a change now hey before before you found us here with with and everything were you were you out there looking for you know businesses you could start to to make you know to do these things or what what were you doing about finding your own business To Be Your Own Boss well uh I have actually explored opening a restaurant cooking a japanes Ramen okay um I have reached out to a couple of franchises one being a you actually did you actually start one of those what's that did you actually start one of those or just look at it no I just explored it the uh overhead that was required was beyond my means at the time well let's do this just I guess just to see if if what we're doing here would actually work for you but you know besides you wanting something where you can you know Be Your Own Boss you know something where you're you're on your own do you what what exactly are you looking for you know here in your business I mean what would I guess what would be like your idea criteria well I want to be able to work from home okay I want to be able to set my own hours okay uh I want to be able to achieve or exceed my current amount of income so more money right more money absolutely okay um I watched my dad work for 40 years as a dentist okay and then his practice burned down and the only thing he had for retirement was Insurance settle okay what what about this and I and I think you know you know a lot of this because you've gone through you know you've gone through like five and a half steps or something I've had you gone through not not quite all six but what if you could do a business business where you know you you would work from your home like you had mentioned and you would mainly work off like your computer you know your your telephone that you have now you're not going to have employees per se like a you know a traditional business does but you are going to have others let's say let's say assisting you in running your business I'll give you an example of that um if if the business resonates with you here uh I'm I'm going to be the person that does work uh directly with you I I didn't know if you're aware of that okay no that sounds great actually well unfortunately you get stuck with boring old me so I do that actually on a one-on-one basis for a lot of reasons okay the main reason is to make sure that when you're working with me that you're actually making profits from what we're doing you know you're making a sustainable income but I still I'm not going to be I'm not going to be considered your employer would that be of interest to you yeah yeah I understand that completely it's going to be like a partnership you'll have directly with me if you would like that absolutely you're okay with that and I you know well a little bit more about my background just real quick right uh I have a master's degree in management okay um I was almost I almost achieved a master's degree in homeland security right the program got changed a little bit so I wasn't successful in completing that right I've taught for four years at Charter College as an adjunct professor teaching criminal justice okay so you've done quite a bit hey Scott Scott can you hold on one second sure sure hold on just one second you guys notice I'm using this pen that's like 50s instead of my $1,500 pin or $2,000 pin crazy he was on mute by the way what do you guys think so far okay yeah I mean it sounds like it's something that that he can do to help him getting where he's wanting to go but let's find out I mean I really don't know we got a few more questions for him Scott are you still there yep I sure am I apologize um oh that's tell me about this income though you you had mentioned that you wanted to make more money and I've never been you know I've never been involved in the in the type of work you're doing you you know all all that stuff but you know I've had I've had some family members in the in the police force as well but you know as you know like you said when you're when you're working for someone else sometimes you're let's say fairly limited on you know what they're going to want to pay you um correct without that limit there what what would you want to make here in your business here I mean what would I guess what would be like your ideal income annually what would what would you really want to make well I mean I I've always dreamed of being able to make an excess of a quarter of a million dollars an50 now hey between what you and your spouse make together now how how close are you to 250,000 a year we're we're at about 180 okay so you're about a little bit over halfway there then 75 80% so if if you stay in that job and and Scott like I said just be completely realistic with me sure but realistically how many years would it take you before you were making just yourself 250,000 every single year uh I couldn't achieve it there's no way why because there's just not enough hours to work to make that level of income let's say that we got you up to 250,000 a year here what would you uh um what would you do with it well I would want to set myself up with Investments okay such that I'm not going to have to worry about my income and retirement that's important to you I think that's the most primary one okay um secondary to that is I want to make sure that all my debt is paid off I then want to help I would love to help my children with education okay MH um and I my wife wife and I we want to travel do you what so you've been able to do those things I mean what would I guess what would that do for you personally well you know I've done a lot of studying about maso's hierarchy of needs and that self-actualization is something I want to achieve I I want to be able to do what I want when I want to how I want to you'd like and having that income structure behind me to allow that is important how be different though I mean you you making that money how how would your life be let's say maybe you know different than it is now oh it would be stress free in what way uh well you know right now I I have an Excel spreadsheet and I use Quicken and I am constantly worried about where the money's going to go how I'm going to pay off this bill how I'm going to achieve this retirement level you know how am I going to get my kids through school I mean that is a huge stressor in my place how long have you had the stress in your life my entire life what's it doing to you oh it's it's creating all kinds of medical problems is it in what way you know right right now I spent three days a week going through various physical therapy and whatnot I go to the chiropractor three times massage I do acupuncture I do you know all kinds of stuff to try maintain some semblance of Sanity can I can I ask you something else here Scott sure and and by all means I don't I don't want to offend you when I ask because I've I've enjoyed our conversations we've had each day but what what are you going to do here if nothing changes if you just stay in this job you have now the next five or or 10 years uh you know I think if uh things are laid out properly if I if if I am able to manage my investments and stay in the job I'm in I should be able to retire at age 55 are you willing to settle for that no absolutely not that's that that's why I'm going through this program I I know that there is the ability to achieve something better so it's important for you to do something then oh absolutely so finding a business is it something you're looking for now or I mean when when do you want to find a business to make more money uh right now okay absolutely because based on what you've told me here uh you know what what we're doing might actually work for you because you know what you're saying that you want to find a business where you can make more money you know you had talked about 250,000 a year and right now you've you know there's been some changes in the administration your your work and because of that uh it's well it's caused you to feel a little bit of stress sometimes yep okay this this is what I do so this is basically how it's going to work for you now you know some of this because you've gone through like I said you're you're about halfway through step six but like you read on there um I you know I have the business here I started doing this type of business just you know like a a normal member like you about gez eight years ago and my first year I made I think I sent it to you but I made a little bit over $600,000 my first 12 months are you are you okay with those numbers oh absolutely now like you read I make four times that amount per now but that's what he did the first year now really what that means to you is that you you know you can do the same thing there's really not a difference you can work from home like we do now obviously you know you have to start kind of part-time until you're making more money than your job then you you know you won't have to do that anymore and the reason why I told you that uh in in our business model like you've been reading so far we have a A system that you'll follow okay uhhuh four-step system where the phone sales team and you haven't learned learn this yet all the way but the phone sales team will actually call all of your leads that we help you set up and they will actually make the sales for you the license sales for you so because of that factor alone it means virtually anybody can run the business now and that's going to basically allow you to have a business but a business where you can get your income you know up to this range is $250,000 range but like you'd also said you know be able to have more time to travel with your wife be able to help your kids out but also be able to reduce some of the stress you've accumulated on your shoulders absolutely does that feel as though it might be maybe what you're looking for in a business absolutely why do you feel like it is though you know I think the the one the one thing that really strikes me more than anything else is the ability to be My Own Boss okay that's important I know I know you're still you're still going to be a mentor and I'm still I have you know certain steps I have to follow right but it's still up to me how much I put into it and how much I get out of it very good point now tell me this so I've had you so here's what I want you to do uh did you get on the the JT to Bol training call today uh no I missed it I I've listen to the archive though oh what did you learn well I think that there's just a whole lot about uh the how what are the words that I'm trying to say here go ahead um it it's all about how you set yourself apart okay um I I think that uh you know the attitude sure the the mindset being able to think of yourself as the winner as the achiever right uh rather than allowing somebody else to dictate what your level of of success is going to be yeah a lot of members would say that for sure now here's what I want you to do uh I want you to go through the rest of Step six so there's a video down at the bottom of Step six I want you it's about an hour and a half long so you'll need to dedicate some time I'm going to keep you busy so either today or first thing in the morning make sure you go through that uh I want you to be on the PowerUp call tomorrow now let's I'm probably going to have to set a time with you like I said I'm down in event training right now uh there's I don't know like 160 170 people here that were were training how to how to run the business kind of like you're learning right now so I can now you're Alaska time so I'm in this island I don't even know what it's called like Cara Carousel or something I don't know did you look it up I think it's called Carousel Carousel okay thank you so I'm down in this Island and I won't be back until Friday so we're like it's Atlantic Standard time so I think I'm like 5 hours ahead of you so it's like 10 10:20 at night so I can probably are you working tomorrow no I'm off this entire week I don't go to work until s Saturday night so I can probably touch base with you at about can we do maybe about 8 in the morning your time uh let me see I think I actually have going to be at physical therapy at 8 what time do you leave um let me see here oh no actually my therapy is not till 10:30 so I'll be fine I'll be here I'll touch give me some leeway time but I'll touch base with you about uh probably about 8 8 8:30 in the morning your time plan on 15 minutes and uh we'll go from there did you get bored tonight no not at all can I mention something to you yeah I'm actually still at the training event and these people heard our entire conversation very good are you okay with that oh I have no problem with it so we're right here I I you know I'd unplug my I'd unplug my laptop I'm up here on stage I'd unplug my laptop and kind of walk you around and say hi to everybody but then I'll probably lose my rest of my training so we're here at night we're still learning at at 10:30 night does everybody want to say hi to Scott and give him a big round of applause that awesome Scott you know I really appreciate you you were a trooper I didn't even tell you that you were you were live on camera so we really appreciate you so appreciate it I wish I was down there with you guys well maybe one day you'll be so just uh just like I said about 8 8:30 in the morning your time is and when I Skype you okay so like I said finish step six that video it's about an hour and a half long and I'll see you in the morning anything You' like to tell everybody oh I'm looking forward to making Bunches of money and being My Own Boss all right man you're a trooper everybody likes that all right Scott take care okay byebye see you tomorrow get some sleep okay bye all right see you big guy bye all right guys so that's how we do a strategy session what were your thoughts let's pass around the microphone what were your thoughts pass it around what are your thoughts just real quick while I get this presentation back up what did you learn it's probably what I should have asked well can you stand up by the questions that you asked he talked himself right into he's ready to to buy did you ever hear me say that one time that he should do this business Noe did you ever hear me say that our products are the best no did you ever hear me say that we have the best Compensation Plan no did you ever hear me say we have the best training no you see how that works yes it's that easy
Channel: Jeremy Miner
Views: 89,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sales, skills, Jeremy miner, sales training, best sales training, how to sell, sales industry, how to sell anything, sell anything, 7th lvl, tech sales, car sales, automotive sales, retail sales, jordan belfort, cold call, andy elliott, tony swedberg, how to close, live, sales training live, sales techniques, alex hormozi, sell, best, sales ideas, matt ryder, nepq, b2b sales, 7 figure sales training, sales objection, jeremy, miner, selling, jeremy miner selling live, sell live
Id: Uytq1t3zAz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 12sec (1152 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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