24 Hours of FILIPINO STREET FOOD in MANILA!! CRAZY Philippines Food Tour with @TheChuiShow

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[Music] foreign [Music] travel I'm Luke Martin and today I'm joined by my friend Chewie from the Chewie show one of the best Filipino food vloggers thanks for having me man thank you so much Luke welcome back to Manila I am so pumped to be here so what is our plan for today Joy this will be an all-out Manila Street Putra I'll take the some legend that is to be put places I'm ready look I am so pumped to be back here in Manila this is one of the best cities for eating and I couldn't picture doing a food tour with anyone else but Yuma thank you bro thank you thank you for having me let's do it [Music] hahaha [Music] this is also called Paris USO in English means Paris smoke because they're using wood fire which is very seldom here in Manila uh wood fire is being used in provinces like the old school way but here they're using they're using it so it's a smoke products yeah Smoky Paris like Paris also and I see that they've got like a bone like bone marrow too yeah they have bone marrow like this is like an innovation because Filipino love food that will make your cholesterol High meter this is a really really local spot it's just set up right on the sidewalk here all open and outdoor seating there's tons of people working here gyms but it's been around for a long time like Chewie was just saying and they have tons of customers even though we're here at their off hour so Paras is like a slow cooked beef but then here like Chewie was just saying it's smoked beef and then it's served just with the rice very typical Filipino food so let's order one up try it out this place is really really cool super local we're kind of standing in like a shed this is 20 hours 24 hours so Paris is the food for every time I mean breakfast lunch dinner beat night after you get uh drunk you eat this or early in the morning anytime you want and this is not like the Paris that I've seen before this one's really soupy it's like thin broth right and uh the ones I've seen before have been a lot thicker but I can see tons of smoked beef right smoked beef and then we're gonna transfer that right onto the rice oh man I can smell it already serious man oh yeah yeah it's like concentrated beef flavor oh man really tender too different and compared to the original traditional Paris yeah style very like also Smoky because of the firewood and it tastes a little bit like cleaner a little bit lighter flavor than some of the other Paras really thick I'm gonna go for one more bite Yep this is like my personal choice I put some calamansi okay to add some Citrus lots of calamansi here in the beans I love it so delicious adds a citrusy orangey flavor and then what do you got there a bunch of chili and then I got some chilies here oh man that is looking spicy look at this bowl of chili fresh chilies huh let's try that with a little bit of calamansi Cheers Cheers [Music] [Applause] man I love the flavor that kalamazi it's like orangey citrusy it gives a little sourness that's why a lot of people or Filipinos come here you can just drench the the rice with that soup that's one of my favorite things in the world it's kind of like a soupy rice with all that flavor and the rice oh my God it's good that is a solid full of Paris yep and what a cool place too 24 Hours come and get your parents fixed any time of day unlimited yeah so for example free rebuild yeah free reboot whoa right on this is always one of my favorite Filipino foods it's just so classic simple home cooked but it's just full of flavor the beef is so tender at this spot Jim's amazing oh man with the chili so we're just going on an all-out food tour today where are we going next Joy so after the soupy Savory brought let's have some dessert okay it's a surprise it's a mini surprise let's go I'm excited let's go [Music] and uh yeah all right Jay where have you brought me we are here in the historical legendary Bananarama all right so we're gonna see how they're making their famous Bananarama we're gonna meet the man behind the name we're gonna try it out I've heard a lot so this is a nice surprise let's eat some minute to run all right maybe 13 years for this uh how many years I've been working with [Applause] thank you [Music] started here [Music] so I'm with mang toots here and we're going to try his famous Banana Rama and we just saw how they're made it's it's kind of like a spring roll or Olympia so it's first a couple pieces of banana wrapped up in a wrapper and now we're just making the sauce and you're saying there's all kinds of different ingredients in here yeah Jackfruit banana Essence banana flavor cinnamon sugar pineapple juice but the key or one of the main ingredients too is the rum right rum yeah yeah and I can smell it so we're caramelizing the sauce now and then we're gonna toss in in the Bananarama into this right yes and get that coated it will be like a heavy caramel so that it will be heavy coated and banana to get all that flavor on there and this smells so good guys I can smell the cinnamon you can smell the banana you get a little bit of that rum Essence in there wow that smells good I can't wait to try this egg really unique and you've been selling this for how many years wow it's almost uh 13 years 13 years and he's selling like 10 000 a day yeah crazy so these are super popular thank you for having me before before pandemic I sold out maybe for ten thousand a day yeah so I will just make the half of this yeah you can see they're all individuals almost like little spring rolls there yes beautiful beautiful caramelizing sauce oh my gosh that looks so good smells incredible until we start uh cooking on nine or eight o'clock in the morning until uh seven o'clock in the evening and what is this this is the concoction of ram bananas banana Essence to make it uh smell good and banana flavor that smells so good to make it sticky okay yeah you can see it's certain coat completely yes and then we will put some sesame seeds sesame seeds really nice got looks so so good okay look at how gooey and delicious those are looking completely coated in that beautiful beautiful sauce oh my gosh is it better to eat them when they're hot like this or should you wait for them to cool down I think it's cool down already but I have some spoon and where is the uh so friendly this is composed of cinnamon white sugar and milk boy or we call it skim milk oh like powdered milk yeah okay but this one we when when there's a lot of orders we separate this one because you know it makes soft and it takes uh when we put this one already okay so you can you gotta add it last yeah oh okay I've got you it's time to dry yes let's try together this this is like a freshman food because I'm from the University of Santa Rosa the university in France so if you're a freshman it's like it's a must right it's mandatory to eat the banana during your degree how many of these you think you ate I don't know I think my DNA has a lot of banana thank you oh my God [Music] oh yeah the banana perfectly ripe on the inside and it's almost got a little bit of a sourness and the banana on the inside but then that exterior is sweet gooey you taste the essence of the rum that is phenomenal oh my God and it's like very unforming to see uh that is usually decides because usually the run is a big size this is a bite size these are perfect little one but yeah explosion of flavors in your mouth oh my God the little bit to Sesame on the outside Adam just a hint of Sesame flavor and then you get that sweet cinnamon on the outside oh my God oh my God this is so so good this will be a hit in Canada seriously Canadians would love this so we've just arrived to our next spot we're just jumping around spot to spot it's just gonna be eating all day today strictly eating it's pouring rain right now but we're gonna have a really famous soup which is perfect for a rainy day like today foreign [Music] parts of soup what kind of soup are they serving here it's a huge beef bone soup and we love this especially in a rainy day it's called like December month yeah I can smell that they're cooking it on charcoal yup which I love here in the Philippines they're doing it even in like a nice kind of modernish place like this they're still doing it in a traditional way using the charcoal like that and look this place is a neighborhood so it's like a area or neighborhood in Manila so this is a very local right A lot of people from their house go here just take out some okay I can't wait to try this I've never tried but I can see these bubbling pots I can see big chunks of beef in there so let's order one up it's gonna be perfect for this rainy weather thank you okay foreign [Music] chunk of beef snipping up into manageable pieces and the broth I can see green chilies garlic I can see some black peppercorns floating around in there bubbling around oh that looks so so good [Music] so they've also got a grill here one of their Specialties is their stuff squid so it's stuffed with celery onions all kinds of different herbs and stuff and he's cooking on charcoal the huge flame getting that nice and charred on the outside [Music] so we're sat down with our two dishes here what's the name of this restaurant this is [Music] some more things coming some condiments but the famous dish here is and this is the slow cooked beef with look at that that is all bone marrow in the middle I can't believe you're not going for that first okay sure I gotta go in for that first because this will block our artery so let me kind of nervous just go for a small piece at least mix it with some of that beef oh this is so packed it's overflowing there's so much going on in there hmm oh my God come here that is a phenomenal too it's so perfectly like balanced it's really fatty with that bone marrow of course but the broth is clean and it's it's simple so it kind of just like cuts through it mixes with the beef perfectly oh my God actually bro the one of the most defining features if the soup is good that's a good time we love some rice so sometimes what we do we just put some soup on the rice on the rice no meat and they will just eat and then after we finish one rice we'll get another rice not the time we will eat the meat okay we're being resourceful I can do that all day too I love the soup with the rice oh it reminds me a little bit of fancy which I tried in bacola similar but this one's got a different more beefy cleaner flavor you're right but it is like a more sour yeah exactly uh tasted it a little bit sour oh my God though guys I love Filipino soups from siniganzi they're all pretty much my favorite Filipino foods of them all oh my God I love it there are different kinds of bulados in the Philippines in each province they have their own version so this one is like a Metro Manila style yeah oh this is such a good version so I'm stealing all of the the bone marrow for myself sorry chewy oh it's okay I can have it every day [Music] oh my God it just completely liquefies in your mouth what do you got going on here me making you a little sauce yeah sauce so this is fish sauce fish sauce and that's for the beef yep okay fish sauce calamanti let's grab a piece of beef yep let's go straight [Music] a little saltiness sourness spicy oh my gosh seriously Filipino soups go hard they're so good man that is awesome okay we're gonna try to squid next are you ready yeah the squid is just absolutely packed full of stuff look at that tons of stuff in there celery so yeah onions onion leaves and tomatoes okay I'll just kind of take a cross section here I'm gonna lose a lot of filling there but take it back oh it's stuck it's like sweet on steroids yeah this is a crazy squid oh man you're not gonna one bite that are you it depends on your mouth it depends how big on your mouth but I think I can do it also remember that just be a challenge I don't think it's gonna work [Music] [Applause] whoa [Music] from our Fresh Veggies going on there that actually might be like the most vegetables I've ever seen in a Filipino food you guys are like the meat fried rice eggs I don't see a whole ton of dishes with fresh veggies like that I'm not a huge squid lover but that's dominated by the flavor of the fresh celery in there I'm gonna taste the onions there's Peppers all kinds of things cilantro actually that's really really good too I've never even seen that dish before today I'm not a huge squid lover but that's a really good what's this here it's an extra barbecue sauce barbecue sauce okay yeah go for a snip so super smoky that was probably the least flattering one bite I've ever done on camera I love the squid but man this is so so good the beef here is just effortless chewing super tender and the soup says amazing flavor you can only get that flavor cooking it with charcoal like that it's a little book oh my God you started like early morning boiling that the meat takes forever would be tender oh so good I love how there's some really like fatty chunks like that and we got some veggies too that's the chest that's the chest yeah okay sometimes um so this one is part okay and there's a little bit of lettuce down there and a lot to get their conscience up right yeah exactly I mean eat some veggies five percent lettuce yeah 95 fat foreign [Music] [Applause] thank you so we're finished up with the bulalo we've come to another area of Manila this is called Night Market but we're here early it's still opening up but we've come to what is this spot this is The mangrada's Lipson since 1994. so before all of this street food scene here in tando this is the original like a street food Legend since 1994 so it is 1994 yeah same here as me yeah my birthday yeah 29 years so it's still in this tiny tiny little alley let's go look at this let's go [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so this is a different kind of platoon the usual electron that you can see in the Internet it's a whole roasted pig but this one is like the belly and deep fried we call it lechon Kawali because Kawali in English is like the pan like the wok right yeah so it's being electron in the walk deep fried belly there's a huge swabs over here this one's already finished cooking these are the uncooked ones and then she just dropped another slab in there look at it boiling away oh my gosh this restaurant is so narrow it's just taking up this entire alley they're frying the lechon there they've got a little station here where they're cooking the soup and then you can see all the customers lined up along the side here really tight quarters we're gonna try to find a seat and Order Up The Legend koali and then also their famous soup too [Music] thank you foreign [Music] all right the food has arrived we are sat down we've got all kinds of different things I think they brought us pretty much one everything so this is their famous dish though the lechon quali it's the same thing as Cantonese so it's got that super crispy fried pork skin on the outside fatty pork belly on the inside and then what is the soup here large intestine soup large intestine soup so there's yeah some lechon intestines in there oh yeah wow you can see it and then some garlic some scallions in there and then we've also got a plate of all kinds of different cuts braised things what do we got in here ovaries we have tongue yeah wow so like very interesting everything else oh man all right we've got uh beasts here in the alleyway at uh okay let's dig in okay going for the election quality we got a sauce here what is a sauce it's like a sweet sweet sauce stinky sauce oh you're completely drenching it huh yeah okay that's the style yeah oh yeah we've also got fried fried rice garlic fried rice here Cheers Cheers thank you seriously crunchy fatty very fatty that sauce is nice and sweet garlic from the garlic rice yeah it got super crunchy man this is Ultimate yeah I mean even the even my like my uncles and aunties go here this is a Heritage Food yeah yeah and look at this they also gave us an extra piece of just the skin here let me share this video [Music] you hear that oh my God thank you yeah it's so crunchy man wow a little salty too that's why it's so cold it's like the crispy outside and juicy and tender inside but like you can see this is all bubbled up it's not really like the smooth lechon skin and this goes well with this sauce because it is quite salty actually that crunch level nine thousand oh man you can break a tooth I just should have also the burning space so well balanced milk large intestine what's the name of the local name okay not a huge fan of the large intestine you know that is the Last Exit point of the you know before it became let's try it out wow not very tender actually it doesn't have a funk either yep because most of the intest in soup or interesting dish there's like a fungic flavor or Aroma yeah he said that he's very proud that he cleaned it well so it doesn't have a like a fouls no no smell at all it's like really just this flavor of that soup which is again a little bit salty a little bit of garlic flavor in there as well yeah actually it's not bad at all or you can put the intestine yeah and get some little sauce what is this just a little bit of uh soy sauce soy sauce yeah it's gonna be eaten with this garlic fried rice mm-hmm like I said I'm not a huge fan of the large intestines part of the small intestines for that matter but that's not bad it's not bad at all there's no weird flavor it just tastes like the soup okay so this is the ears okay what are you going for uh just go with some tongue I'm gonna go for whatever the hell this is right here okay do you think that's the baheguya I love tongue that's super sweet oh it's got a nice breeze on the outside Chinese I was just gonna say like Taiwanese braised Origins that's really nice actually not like the electron which is very salty that's nice and sweet yeah back alley electron yum some really good electron quality a little bit greasy a little bit salty but cool atmosphere down this tiny little alley might be a little intimidating for a first timer but everyone was really friendly there Filipino people are friendly period every Filipino person I know is extremely fragile foreign off the day with something sweet it wouldn't be a complete Filipino food tour without Halo Halo so we're ordering one up from this place called a Ling's Consuelo's original Halo Hala they've been around since 1960 so let's try it [Music] couch [Music] so hello hello is just the mixed ice all kinds of different ingredients they put in there but one of the coolest things they're doing is they're using like a hand shaved ice all manual and it's a really hidden spot you got to go through the narrow front of the shop to get into what honestly looks like just their house I think this is just their home look at the table it's like my dining table at home let's sit down and eat chewy how many of these ingredients can you identify maybe I'll just take a guess like around 10 10 minutes there's beans yes uh banana ice cream jellies and you know there's a proper way of mixing oh am I doing it wrong I'm starting oh it's okay it's okay just a quick tip yeah so your spoon the end of your spoon will go to the to the deepest point yeah and then slowly okay work your way up from there work your way up there's also a big chunk of of flan there too I think I lost mine this is kind of unique because usually in Halo Halo in the Philippines they're just seriously wow I love the Canadian reference it is like a hockey puck all right man let's give it a try Okay ice cream ice milk everything oh man okay tons of ingredients cheers oh it's not like super super sweet I taste that flam milk look at the crunch from the ice get a piece of this ice cream here for the first time I tried this there's a lot of varnishes but this one I love the meal it's like a sweet milky texture creamy chocolate and I feel like I'm just sitting at like my grandmother's house or something right I'll finish up go upstairs and sleep yeah after this I'll go take a nap upstairs they've been around since 1960. can you believe that for what it's seven 60 something years oh we're bad at math good at eating no that's really good man I'm freaking stuffed what a day of eating huge thank you to Chewie make sure to check out his show chewy show all the information down in the description box they're popping up on the screen somewhere here thanks man thank you bro make sure if you haven't already subscribe to my channel Chopsticks travel and I'll see you guys on the next episode see ya
Channel: Luke Martin
Views: 562,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: food, street food, philippine, filipino, philippines street food, philippines food, filipino food, filipino street food, chopstick travel, luke martin, luke martin philippines, street food in the philippines, manila, manila food, manila street food, luke martin manila, 24 hours filipino street food, ugbo, lechon, The Chui Show, chui, chui manila, what to eat manila, travel the philippines, philippines 2023
Id: lkFn94T2a5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 47sec (1667 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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