What I Eat on Carnivore Diet: 2 Meals a Day (One Full Week Of Meals and Weight Loss Update)

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hi guys welcome back to my channel this is the kind of video that i love to make the most i'm just going to bring you along with me over the next week show you everything i'm eating explain a little bit about why i'm eating those things this is also my first like what i eat video in our new house so i'm really excited to show you the new kitchen the backyard and kind of just let you come along with me i have recently switched from eating one meal a day like i've been doing for the last three years with my weight loss and maintenance and now i'm eating two meals a day and that's been a bit of a transition for me i talked about it in my previous video if you want to hear the reasoning behind why i've switched to two meals but in this video i'm gonna just show you what i'm eating and what that two meals a day looks like give you an idea of portions if anything i hope this just shows you some tasty meal ideas that you can try or maybe something that you might be able to implement if you are feeling stuck or not getting the results that you want i am still fasting weekly even though i'm now eating two meals a day so i tend to have my last meal be sunday for the evening i like skipping eating on monday because it's my busiest day and i just don't have to worry about eating food on that day and then i go until lunch on tuesday so today i am breaking my almost 42-hour fast and i am going to be having this new york strip it's actually frozen i forgot to set it out and i really like breaking my fast with beef so i'm just gonna cook it from frozen and the good news is on my cinder electric indoor grill i can do that so i'm gonna put this in the grill i'm going to go back to work for the next couple of hours and then it will be perfectly ready to go when it's time to eat i took the meat off and i am heating the grill up to sear i actually took a little baking grease and put on top so that it will sear nicely and then we are going to throw our steak on [Music] this steak weighs about three quarters of a pound i think it's like point seven something pounds i'm putting some nice chunky flaky salt on it i add lots of whipped butter and this is about like around a pound is really all that i'm enjoying comfortably anymore so uh this little steak is obviously not enough for me for the entire day which is why i've added in that second meal but look at that for my second meal today it's about 5 30. i try not to eat much later than this but it really just depends on my work schedule i'm having two scrambled eggs and a bunch of bacon i try to keep it a little bit smaller than my first meal was but definitely enough to keep me full so i'm not going to be hungry until tomorrow at lunch for lunch today i am going to have one of these cute little baby rib eyes this is two steaks that are under a pound and a half each so old me would have eaten both steaks plus a big pile of shrimp plus plus a ton of butter i honestly think if i tried i couldn't eat both of these steaks at one sitting anymore so i'm gonna have one which would be about three quarters of a pound of a steak and then along with it i'm gonna have a bratwurst the bratwurst i'm eating for lunch today is just your typical grocery store bratwurst i try to pick ones with the cleanest ingredients but it definitely is not perfect i try to have them only occasionally because of that reason whether or not they're right for you or if you eat them is really up to your goals and your health conditions and how clean you need to be we live in arizona so thankfully we get to grill outside all year long uh actually in the summertime is when we spend most of our time cooking inside because it's like 120 outside so sometimes a little too hot to grill i need a better wide-angle lens on this uh meal for today is this little baby steak today bratwurst and then i will definitely be hungry to eat again later i'm gonna put some butter on it salt same deal as yesterday today for my second meal i am not at home because what did you guys have tonight the kids had jujitsu and i finished work off my last call ran out the door uh and i didn't want to wait until all the way when i got home with them to eat just because that's going to be really late so i am eating a bag of carnivore snacks for my dinner these are my favorite ones these are the pork um these are dried meat i'm not really sure how they do it it's different than jerky but this one is just pork and salt they have like a lot of beef options but it's literally like a flaky chip that tastes like pork and it has a little bit of fat on it which is amazing and sometimes you get ones that are like a lot more fat and like dark meat pork tenderloin pieces so most of this bag probably will be my [Music] [Applause] dinner lunch today i am doing some airfryer chicken wings which i have recently become very obsessed with um i will just put i actually have like over a dozen wings i don't know how many i'm gonna end up actually eating uh and put them in the airfryer at 400 for around like 20 to 25 minutes the key to getting airfare wings really crispy is to get them very dry first so i dried these off with paper towels and if you had time and wanted to go a step further and were looking for that perfect crunch you could take a cookie sheet and a cooling rack set all your wings on it put them uncovered in the fridge for a couple hours to let them really dry out and then they're going to be perfectly crispy i love wings because i get to eat a ton at once but they're actually not very filling so there's no way that only eating wings would be enough food for me for the day so i'm gonna see how many wings i end up eating and then we'll base my meal later today on how hungry i am i just seasoned them with adobo which is one of my favorite seasonings that i use pretty much all the time and then i usually put a little more salt on them when i'm eating them kind of like on the insides sometimes i do use a little bit of buffalo sauce or even some sour cream for some kind of dipping sauce but it kind of just depends on how the wings came out and how i'm feeling that day i'm not usually super worried about spices and seasonings as long as there's no sugar in them and try to keep it more of an occasional treat but here is my first tray of wings that came out super crunchy for dinner i am going to smoke and crisp some beef bacon which is kind of hard to find and i'm sorry but my butcher i buy a whole slab of beef belly or beef navel from him i have a meat slicer so then i can just slice it myself before i bought that meat slicer he would just slice it for me but it is really just beef it's uncured raw i will salt it and i'm gonna i've made it in the oven a lot before or just in the cast iron skillet which is amazing but i'm gonna put it in the smoker for about an hour and let some of that fat render give it a nice smoky flavor and then i will crisp it up and this will be a really great way to get some fat in all right here we go some crunchy smoky beef bacon i have had a super hectic morning so planes have changed a little bit i'm really hungry and didn't want to wait any longer to eat so i just made myself a half a pack of bacon in the air fryer and then two scrambled eggs that i'm gonna eat really quick and get back to work i am doing an early dinner tonight we are going to a seven-year-old birthday party this evening i have no idea what food's gonna be there i assume it's not gonna be something i can eat and i really don't want to plan for it or even wait until afterwards just because that doesn't set me up for feeling good and satisfied when there's a lot of tempting food around so i'm gonna eat that other rib eye that was in that two pack from the other day i put it a few hours ago on this little cookie sheet on a cooling rack in the fridge open i'm gonna cook this steak on a cast iron skillet and having a dry surface like this is going to create an incredible crust so that's why if you have time it's always good to let it sit out for a couple of hours i don't use a cast iron skillet method very often mainly just because it's a lot of mess but today it's what i have time for and sometimes a good cast iron crust sounds really good i'm going to be using a bluetooth meat thermometer inside of the steak to make sure it comes out perfect and i don't overcook it so this steak is just under a pound and i will definitely be able to eat the whole thing and then we go to this hectic seven-year-old birthday party later i will not be tempted by anything today is saturday and chris and the kids are out at a morning jiu jitsu class i am home working after class i think they're gonna go get some burger patties and eat those for lunch but i'm not gonna wait that long so i'm gonna do the fastest easiest laziest meal that i do and that is microwave pork carnitas the ingredients are really clean there's pork water lard and some seasonings uh and i throw this in the microwave i will put it in a bowl with some sour cream shredded cheese on top or i get these cheese wraps and i'll make myself like a little taco uh they're the best and i literally just put it in the microwave for three minutes this and then some version of the same thing with beef uh in like shredded beef or ground beef is a pretty much a staple for our family especially for quick weeknight meals and then there'll be lots of leftovers that chris and the kids will eat tomorrow with our lunch as well i am still working today i really haven't left my desk all day except when i went and ate earlier so i'm gonna eat here now i don't like eating super late so i'm just gonna eat while i work and i'm just eating the small bag of carnivore snack beef sliders for dinner uh and i grabbed a couple tablespoons of butter and i'm just eating it like this usually a night like this i probably would have just done bacon or some bacon and eggs but i think it's just from all that pork and cheese and sour cream earlier i definitely wanting something lighter tasting or feeling or really simple and i'm not wanting dairy or anything like really heavy uh and bacon just didn't sound good so something simple like carnivore snacks the pork ones i had earlier this week are like really flaky but these beef sliders are definitely like a crunchy chip today chris is going to have a ribeye that's about a pound and a half and then he'll eat the leftover pork carnitas that i had yesterday i have some flat meat which is similar to like a skirt steak that we're gonna throw on the grill and then i'm going to attempt my first time making i saw like a cream parmesan alfredo sauce almost where i'm gonna do that with my sauteed shrimp uh and we'll see how that turns out and then the kids will pick burgers or steak chicken whatever sounds good to them and we just throw everything on the grill we are making shrimp and some kind of like alfredo sauce yeah we're not following a recipe everything i found had some sort of like white wine in it or ingredients that i didn't want to use so uh what are you doing right now i'm chopping up some garlic for mom okay so we're chopping garlic i have a little bit heavy whipping cream and i'm grating some parmesan cheese off the block uh i also have like salt pepper to go in it and then i have cream cheese on standby we'll see if i need a little bit we're going to check out the consistency um i'm probably the only person that's going to eat it so i'm just going to try to make a small amount you put in your garlic okay put the shrimp in do the same thing with your spoon or your knife and just scoop it in there you go yup dump it all in no one more big pour there you go that meal was so good uh but very rich and very heavy i ate half of that big piece of steak and about half of that sauce and shrimp and was completely completely busting um i have a feeling i will not eat another meal today it's just based on the amount and the richness and the dairy and everything that i just ate so we're gonna go ahead and wrap up this video now i am going into my 48 42 to 48 hour fast that i do weekly so my last meal sunday and i will eat again tuesday um it's just what kind of helps me feel best it's a good mental challenge for me it's a good break for my body and that's kind of why i tend to eat the most on sundays which means it's a nice break for me to not eat on monday overall it has been a transition for me i have been doing two meals a day for the last three weeks and i would say for the first two weeks the scale did not move at all if anything i was just going up and down like the same two pounds for the last two or three weeks as my body got used to the transition and this week uh filming this video and over the last six days i have lost four pounds the first two pounds of that was during my 42 hour fast but then you know previously i would just gain those right back again this week they stayed off and then over the course of this week i lost another two pounds so i'm very happy with it uh i think it shows that i'm getting my body to a better place right now i needed consistency if i had been doing two meals a day for two or three weeks and lost zero weight and just got frustrated and had a cheat day i never would have experienced that like whoosh that i'm having this week so it just goes to show you have to continue to be consistent having that cheat day is not going to help you in your weight loss journey i used to tell myself all the time that your body needs to like remember what it's fighting you need to eat pizza and ice cream never worked but i'm very happy with it i think this i'm excited to see where i go long term uh i'm still looking for that right weight for my body what's a good healthy place for me where i don't have to do super aggressive fasting or any type of restriction i can just stay carnivore eating you know one or two meals a day whatever feels comfortable and maintain my weight i'm looking for that perfect number still but i'm excited to find it as always thanks so much for watching it's been fun to put out regular videos again so hopefully i'll be able to keep it up uh don't forget to subscribe and let me know in the comments below what other types of videos you'd like to see thanks
Channel: Laura Spath
Views: 70,839
Rating: 4.9452381 out of 5
Keywords: carnivore, keto, keto diet, carnivore diet, what i eat in a day, ketovore, keto carnivore, what I eat to lose weight, keto weight loss, carnivore weight loss, lose weight, intermittent fasting
Id: HUiEvRTC6b4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 45sec (1005 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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