How to Get Results on Keto | Interview with Keto In The Chaos

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what's going on guys we are live and we have a great interview for you today and i titled it how to get results on keto and we are interviewing keto and chaos her name is tammy and i actually didn't know this i knew she had a channel i've been watching it on and off for a couple years her channel on youtube is keto in the chaos and i didn't realize what an incredible weight loss transformation she's had over the past five years as you can see on the thumbnail for this video so we're gonna get to the bottom of this hopefully we can share some tips and tricks with you guys how's it going tammy it's going great matt yeah thanks so much for joining us and before uh we started here i didn't realize but so many people have all these like limiting beliefs and stuff and your uh youtube channel is great and you do it on your phone right i do pretty much everything on my phone yep yeah and the video quality and everything looks great i have all this technology here and i i barely tell a difference between your your video quality and mine well that's good because i was super nervous about that yeah so um i guess just take us i'm gonna share real quickly here your transformation pictures and as you guys can see i think the first one is from around 2015 and the more recent one is probably from 2020 this year yeah the most recent one was taken just last sunday okay yeah yeah and really amazing transformation and there's a lot that goes into this long-term weight loss that i think a lot of people don't know so we're gonna cover some of that but i guess first off can you just share a little bit of your story your background was it like a lot of trial and error before you found keto or did you find it pretty quickly and then just immediately had good results well that's a really good question um basically i've been overweight my whole life i started being overweight probably age 10 i think that's pretty normal for people who are going to struggle around age 10 when the hormones kick in i had kids really young i was about 200 pounds when i got married 225 when i got pregnant with my first child and then for 22 years i was basically pregnant and or breastfeeding at the same time so i couldn't really like focus on myself it was more about just dealing with everything that was going on i have a lot of kids and um i didn't really have time to take care of myself so even though i had a couple of bouts of dieting here and there for the most part i didn't really kill my metabolism which is a blessing now that i've learned a lot about weight loss the fact that i wasn't on the yoyo wagon all the time is probably really really great i did have some success losing some weight after my i think my sixth child and i was doing a shake diet but here's the here's the clincher and this is why i'm against mlm companies and that kind of thing is that the coach that i was with only told me this much information enough information that i wouldn't eat too many carbs and that i would come back every week and i would buy his shakes and you know have him weigh and measure me yeah but then he wouldn't tell me i knew nothing about ketosis i didn't know what the heck he told me to supplement sodium but thank goodness but i didn't realize why and i didn't know anything about it so of course get pregnant again had a miscarriage couple of miscarriages couple more babies and i ballooned back up because i went back to my regular eating habits and got i think after i had my youngest i was over 400 pounds so i never got on the scale i hadn't been in the hospital after i had him horribly sick i almost died from pleurisy it was awful i was huge i've never i mean like i can't even fathom what it must have looked like to people because nobody took a picture and there is it's just impossible to imagine so about after he was about a year and i was basically getting almost to the point of weaning him i wasn't quite done breastfeeding when i started keto and it was purely by accident i was just it was a last ditch effort i just started eating protein and low low carb veggies just because i thought that that would work um i was trying to avoid weight loss surgery and a friend asked me what i was doing to lose weight because i lost like nine pounds the first week and i told her and she goes oh you're doing keto and it almost makes me cry because it was just that moment that moment in my desperation this one friend sharing this one little tidbit of information that i've never heard how had i never heard of it like it still seems impossible and it led me down the rabbit hole of amazing transformation and within about eight months i'd lost a hundred pounds um and i was teaching people already i was on facebook groups typing type type type all the time and i finally got to the point where i was like tired of typing and decided that would be easier to tell people what i was doing if i made a video and i thought well where do you put videos i'm like okay youtube i guess i had no idea what i was getting into yeah and here we are so i guess it's the three years i've been on youtube okay and you found keto in like 2015 um 2017 actually it was january 1st 2017 so it's been four years so i guess that was like the start of maybe the beginning of the popularity right because i feel like when we started our channel it was 2016 and it was there was no real like momentum or it becoming super popular or anything it wasn't like we were like jumping on a trend really as much as a little bit later on like maybe two years later was when it got to be super popular but yeah if you lose what 90 pounds in eight months you said 100 pounds 100 pounds you must be getting a lot of questions how are you doing this everyone yes everyone wants a secret so to distill it to just i guess what you would tell those people when they're like how are you how are you losing the weight what's the simple message that you would tell them oh my gosh it's not very simple but um i have seven steps number one find your why number two just start number three get into ketosis number four figure out electrolytes number five track your food number six is the key face your demons and number seven persevere okay number one what what's uh your number one why why what's the point like so here's what here's maybe what's a bad why i think a lot of people have this why which is they want to look good they want to look better so that's kind of weak right yes you you because my wife was a bad boy was that your why my y was a bad y i know the bad y as in fear okay i was afraid i thought i was gonna die that's actually a really compelling why because there's a lot of people that they want to do it they want to look better they want you know to maybe get a better boyfriend girlfriend or whatever yeah better better i guess is theoretical but um and then when they have like some kind of brush with like oh you have you're pre-diabetic or like something like that is what is a more compelling why and it gets them to finally stick to things exactly i mean i was to the point where i like was i would take a bath and i would be afraid that i might die or not be able to get out of the tub and that my kids would find me that way and that's how that's how they'd remember me and then yeah those are some pretty compelling whys yeah and then step two is what step two just start stop researching yeah this is definitely like an over research diet everyone wants to know and what i found is the over researching is what is it i guess it's like you not wanting to invest time you want like the the perfect answer from step one so you don't have magic kills you don't have to figure anything out for yourself yeah so yeah a lot of people asking questions about even with this because at the start of the year we're doing uh for 30 days under 20 net carbs a challenge just to like get people rolling a little bit yes that's a good challenge it was just to reduce it down to like a very simple thing you know 30 days under 20 net carbs it's basically one thing you have to do and the questions are still like you know what breaks a fast very common question it's just all the stuff that doesn't really matter too much when most of that stuff will follow if you just do the big thing you know yep you're right guess what i meant about number three you get into ketosis under 20 net carbs and i have some rules about that don't test no ketone testing just don't even waste your money don't waste your time chasing ketones it's way too much stress there's so many variables going into whether or not it's going to show a positive number high number low number and that was one thing that i was taught early on that i'm so grateful for is because i didn't spend my whole life chasing ketones spending money on ketone strips peeing on sticks well i've peed on a lot of sticks but not those kind i had a lot of babies but yeah so basically just eat 20 net or less yeah that's it it's not simple yeah i think the pea strips definitely confuse people oh yeah and this is like something i've realized is we like these numbers that tell us that we're doing it right rather than just our intuition so like peeing on a strip it's the perception of like you're doing it right you're doing it wrong the scale is a big one the scale can lie to you for extended periods of time yeah but we we need like these external factors that affirm what we're doing where because we don't trust ourselves we don't trust that like the diet's working for us we feel better so that's definitely a hurdle to get over well and there's other sim there's other symptoms of ketosis or signs that you're in ketosis that you can use as your barometer to determine whether or not you are actually succeeding in it working right so you're gonna have lack of appetite which is the main one of why it works for weight loss you're gonna have odd-smelling breath or taste in your mouth um you might have some interesting bo you might have a keto a rash but that one's pretty rare you will pee a lot right and that's that's the stressful one and that's why i think people fail on keto a lot is because they aren't prepared for the loss of electrolytes which is why number four is electrolytes because i find people will start doing the 20 net and they can handle that for about a week and then the second week sometimes in the second week they are just gonna right up against the electrolytes wall and crash i've had so many people i've helped yeah they call me and they're like i'm dying this diet is crap you know like they they literally feel like they're dying and i'm like my sister did that to me she hates when i tell that story so i probably shouldn't but she called me from walmart and i was like walk to the salt aisle open a pack of salt put some in your hand and eat it right now she called me back in 10 minutes she's like it's a miracle and i'm like right it is a miracle so you didn't listen to me well enough yeah walk me through the uh electrolyte protocol for beginners so it's super easy you just need 5000 milligrams of sodium so however you choose to get it there's lots of different ways i take soleil water which is pretty intense that's about 1400 milligrams in a shot of sole water and i have a video on my channel of how you make that or you can just google it there's tons of articles but you just you can swallow salt rocks it's solely water you dissolve salt and water yeah until it can't absorb anymore it's like chemistry okay and then what is clear water can only hold so much yeah then what is the ratio of water to sodium in the end um it really doesn't matter error on the side of more salt than less you need to have some in the bottom after you've made it so i always say like a quarter to a third of your jar and of salt and then fill it up with water then what's the serving you take well i personally take a lot and that's actually part of the reason why i'm kind of edging into the higher carbs because i've really struggled with the electrolytes but i take about a tablespoon at a time sometimes two and i take that four to eight times a day do we know do we know how much sodium is in a tablespoon of fully dissolved water yes it is fourteen thirty four milligrams of sodium per tablespoon so really you only need about four to hit that 5000 threshold yeah so that's what i tell people to shoot for is four tablespoons a day you can also measure out like pink himalayan salt in a baggie and swallow it like with water like a pill that's actually the easiest way for people who are beginning that don't like to eat salt me i actually used to pour it in my hand not just the the powdered salt and i would eat it like that and people always ask me about that and it got really awkward because i was doing it like at places where people would see me and they were like are you eating salt and i'm like yeah totally and my friends like eating ice cream and she's like why are you eating salt and i said because i'm going to lose 100 pounds by september that's what i would say the whole time and um she was like uh-huh and she's like yeah me too and i'm like not eating the ice cream you're not yeah me over here with my salt and you with the ice cream let's see who was successful yeah you get you get some amount of sodium through food too i think uh a normal day a standard american diet i think a normal day is like 2 000 milligrams or something like that keto i think is usually a little less like maybe 1500 per day yeah and i don't actually count the food salt so that 5 000 that is always on top of whatever i'm eating in my food um dr finney says 5000 minimum and so that's kind of what i go by but i have found especially if you're doing keto kind of the way that i teach it which is a little different than the way most people do it we tend to need more it seems like we just need more and i i always tell people just takes how much you need to feel good and if you have diarrhea in 20 minutes you took too much at once yeah i find sodium to kind of be similar to water in that when your body's sort of in tune like when you're on a standard american diet you can't really do this but it's self-regulating in a sense that salt tastes too salty when you've had enough salt and it tastes really good when you haven't had enough salt kind of the same with water like sometimes when you're really hydrated you like the thought of drinking water is not appetizing at all but when you're super thirsty it's very quenching and it's like the only thing you need um so you can kind of regulate it in that way too for sure and then people are also asking about potassium and magnesium i'm at first i didn't recommend potassium supplements but i found that i ended up needing them because i couldn't hit the numbers that you're supposed to get with just food because i don't eat a lot of veg um so the recommended is well the recommended that the group that taught me that i can't mention uh recommends is one thousand to thirty five hundred i find two thousand to be my ideal and so i actually shoot also no salt in the morning i mix it with a tiny bit of water about two to four grams depending on what i feel like i need and i mix it with mio water enhancer one squirt and some water and i just shoot it and it's disgusting but i do do that i just barely started doing that last year though i didn't have to do that as much in the beginning but i find that i had really over time it was harder the electrolyte thing is just like was killing me and it was a big problem which is too bad i don't know if it's because of the weight loss or what but yeah i also take magnesium too so people are asking i take magnesium glyconate i think you take the same um 300 300 to 700 milligrams is what i recommend to people i personally take about 450 to 675 depending on how i'm feeling like i usually determine that based on if i'm having any constipation issues or muscle cramps things like that i'll take a little more but i take the base dose of 450. yeah um potassium is something that i guess will fluctuate because the potassium in people's diets really varies a lot yeah so like um i think a pound of red meat is usually like maybe a gram of potassium and you get it most of it from vegetables so some people do a low vegetable diet some people do high vegetables so supplementing could make sense i think you got to be a little careful with supplementing tons of potassium in like a big dose at once but you do need to be careful that's why i don't recommend it and because you can overdo potassium where you're not as likely to overdo sodium yeah they do make potassium supplements with up to a thousand milligrams so like anything less than that to me seems reasonable in like a single single dose and then on to step five which which was that one the one everyone hates i track your food a lot of people want to be like dr westman and just eat all the protein and keep those limited fats or whatever that he teaches that's way more confusing to me than using a tracker just to track my food um i do fly in the face of most keto people out there when i'd say that protein is king so i definitely follow the anabolic bodybuilder types i follow biolane greg doucette colin deway um for a lot of that information but dr finney himself does recommend a certain level of protein it's a little lower than what i usually recommend now based on stuff i've studied with like biolane and all those guys but i'm just a mom so i always tell people you know literally take everything i say with a grain of salt because i'm just reading and studying and i'm telling people what i've learned and that's all i can do because i don't have any like phd i've literally been parenting my whole life so i am good at teaching i homeschool my kids so there's my reason that i am good at teaching probably because i've spent a lot of time doing that yeah we should talk about that a little bit at the end yeah we can talk kids at the end yeah are these things that you've like changed your mind on over time or you've you've sort of like honed in on like what was it like at the start relative to now luckily at the start the group that i joined on facebook was a keto gains kind of group and they focused on protein so i was taught that way from the beginning i didn't know anything about high fat keto at all i so i got lucky because i fell into the weight loss group right because if you want to lose weight it's about calorie deficit and it's about satiety and i didn't even understand calories at the time i just followed the macros they gave in the group and i lost weight and so that's kind of how i run my facebook group i have a bargain basement calories bargain basement um minimum protein kind of goal that i give people and let them go from there my current goal for myself is my body weight in protein during weight loss i only did 120 which was average low recommended by dr finney for my height which is 5'7 so any anywhere between 120 and 170 makes me happy if i can crest and go above 170 i really love that especially right now because i am eating more calories and trying to gain some lean mass build up some muscle in preparation for a final cut so i don't i have i'm not quite to where i want to be probably about at least 10 pounds away and so i want to get my metabolism burning really well and get my lean mass really high so i don't have to cut so severely when i do it or i can cut severely for a short time to achieve my goal so that's kind of where i'm at with protein right now i definitely support ted neyman and his you know protein energy or whatever diet though it's way too confusing for my brain but the basics of it are sort of complicated a little bit now that i'm thinking about it yeah we had him on a couple months ago he's really good um so you're saying a pound per a a gram of protein per pound of body weight you're like close or lean mass because when you're 400 pounds you're not going to eat 400 grams of protein that's what i was going to say yeah so someone who has a lot of weight to lose you might want to use like goal weights or lean mass yeah i think i'd say goal weight is probably a better one than lean um my lean mass on dexa has always been about 115. i think the highest it's ever been is 124. it's a dexa scan i don't know if anybody knows what that is but um so i was eating a basically what my lean mass was and i kind of wish i'd done a little higher just because it is so much more satiating to have that food bowl especially where you're coming into this like me as an overeater disordered eater maybe possibly food addict not quite i i don't know that i was addicted because it was pretty hard it was pretty easy for me to break that probably easier than some people so you know there's that but i was coming into it from a non-healthy place i think even more satiety would be nice though keto itself it literally felt like putting a blanket on my hunger it was like it was like taking you know like some tums or when you have heartburn and it just goes i was in this crazed state of starving at almost 400 pounds and i went to i'm not hungry at all i can totally plan my food and decide what i want to eat in like less than two weeks it was crazy awesome and that's why it's so it is so helpful for people that feel out of control to get them to a place where they can actually even think about calories there's no way that's definitely a key element that's kind of the the origin of the challenges once you do 30 days under 29 carbs you're back in control a little bit you can you can actually make decisions you're not just on autopilot being controlled by like your primal mind that's just telling you to eat everything so it makes things a little bit easier um and then you said number six is the key step and that is dna um let's see i've got it marked in here somewhere if i can just do it i don't know but basically it's having your atreyu moments i always say you know you walk up to the mirror like in uh never any story maybe you're too young for never any story i don't know but i've never seen it oh you're breaking my heart right now you gotta go see it so okay the young boy atreyu he's trying to see the oracle to ask the question about how he's supposed to save the world right and he comes up to this beautiful mirror and the only thing he sees is himself and he has and it shows people seeing themselves and running away screaming and being killed like literally they cannot face that mirror and atreyu sees himself accepts himself for who he is and walks through the mirror thus allowing him access to the famed oracle to save the world right so i always talk about having your atreyu moment is when you really look at the inside of you and evaluate how did i get here what did i do to become fat why am i overeating what are my stressors what are my triggers and really face it because i'll tell you what you know if you're in this to lose 10 15 pounds no big deal you're probably fine this way you're not gonna have an issue you can go on keto do a cut really quick and go back to your life and whatever you can do a cut phase and a bulk phase like you know all these people that on the youtubes do but if you're like me and you are just literally out of control and can't stop eating you have to evaluate why and that's the work so the diet helps you get started and it will help you lose some weight but unless you face your demons and figure out other ways healthy ways to handle the stresses in your life you know we saw this in 2020 either 20 20 may or break you when it comes to diet we have people who were doing really really well and 20 20 hit and they just threw it all out the window and was like f it i'm out and just ate everything and gained all the weight or then you have people like me who went oh i'm home all the time this is so much easier for meal planning i'm totally like gonna go on a cut and lose 24 pounds in the summer right like it depends on if you have dealt with your demons or not whether or not you're just going to revert to bad behavior or disordered eating behavior when you face reality which is something is always going to trigger you there's always going to be a birthday there's freaking super bowl coming up people barely rarely make it past the super bowl right because they are real strong in the beginning of the year and they get to super bowl they're like i'm eating everything and then they can't stop eating whereas if they had just said okay super bowl's coming up it's time for a refeed i'm gonna go ahead and have a diet break on the super bowl and this is my plan i'm going to eat this and this i'm going to track it and it's going to be 2200 calories or 2 500 calories and i'm going to eat that for two days in a row and then i'm going to go back to my cutting macros and like it takes a lot to get to that place where you can do that but the work that has to be done is in your heart and in your head if you don't do that work you're never going to get to the place where cutting macros our thing you can't even think about that stuff because you fall off the wagon so often you can't figure that out yeah so yeah gotta have your face your demons i got lots of videos on it going to watch some of these i like the idea of if you know you have like this problem point coming up like the super bowl you just make it part of your plan you bend a little bit and even if you completely break the uh the idea that you work it into your plan as a as a break from your diet it's totally different than going in thinking you're still on your diet and then having a like a momentary lapse and then you know just because then you wake up the next morning and it's like what happened you know whereas if you play we'll go up on the scale right you will doesn't matter what you ate anything out of the ordinary will make you go up on the scale that's why you were right this scale is an imposter you cannot always trust those numbers even on the daily basis especially if you're a woman and you have hormonal fluctuations of any kind i have been on the scale roller coaster so long it's just not it doesn't even bother me anymore you know i was up five pounds this morning and i was just like whatevs don't care of yourself every day i've done it so many times like it's happened so many times do you weigh yourself every day i do but i'm a data girl you you can see this is my that's my little notebook here everybody's seen my data it's this is my reverse diet okay we gotta digitize you well i am digital too so i do keep it all digital as well as writing it down there's just something really tangible about writing it down and having it here to flip through to see my progress but this is my reverse diet which i've been following colin deway's approach um to reversing which is basically getting your calories up as high as you can right to see how many calories you could burn it's like this is my new scientific experiment i'm doing on myself now that i'm kind of like i got weight loss down right i know how to do it i can replicate it i can do it in a second and a heartbeat now i want to figure out where's my id ideal maintenance and can i make that a little higher right because who doesn't want to eat more food yeah so that's what i've been doing 20 weeks let's get to that in a second because we still got number seven which is yeah okay number seven is persevere okay one point in front of the other have patience and the scale comes into play you know if the scale's bothering you don't use it as a thing there's there's a channel this little dinky channel i hate to even just mention it but it's called lynn venture where her husband films her she's not a keto person or anything president films her weight every day so she doesn't see it and then he edits the video and she just says like this talk over where the weight just goes down and she has no idea how much she's losing that is brilliant really cool wow why the heck did i do that like i just want to say like girl you are brilliant because you don't see it you can only judge based on nonsense pictures right and the scale cannot mess with your head when it goes up you're not going to binge because it went up and you're not going to say screw it it's brilliant but i am a scale person i weigh every day and i take my median weight for the week use that to determine because i'm going to reverse what i'm going to do with my calories the next week you can do that dieting as well though so you can take your mid weight you add all your weight set for the week and whatever your average is you can compare that to last week and if you lost weight you can keep your calories where they are and if you gained weight you can lower them or if you stayed the same you can choose if you're going to lower them you can do it the other way i wish i would have known all this stuff at the beginning but i just really needed to get 100 pounds off and the best way to do that was freaking bargain basement calories i think my calories were 12 8 12 no yeah 1286 1286 if you added up my macros perfectly which was 120 grams of protein 78 grams of fat and 21 or fewer net carbs those were my original cutting macros from the very beginning i think it was 1286 calories which if i'd known anything about calories would have scared the crap out of me so maybe it's better that i didn't and because i was obese it didn't damage my metabolism as much and i was able to do 18 months straight i didn't even have like hardly a diet break i had like one or two here and there because i didn't know about them i just like i was one foot in front of the other every single day just go go go keep going and if you fall off the wagon or jump or choose to eat off plan which is what i always say it's not a cheat it's a choice don't beat yourself up who cares make your next male keto move on you know do what you got to do yeah so i mean a lot of people are going to hit plateaus and that that's kind of discouraging but yes so that's i guess that's a really common question it's like i've hit a plateau what do i do and i'm sure over the course of your weight loss there were some periods of time where it wasn't super easy so what did you do i guess that's kind of this step persevering right persevering but also evaluating how long have you been in a calorie deficit how much do you have to lose could you have really dieted down your metabolism and you need a diet break for a while and get your metabolism back up or do you need to cut calories even more can you cut calories even more um to cut calories with keto it's fairly simple you can even keep your calories the same and burn a little bit more body fat by raising your protein and lowering your dietary fat and i know people do not want to lower their dietary fat i get yelled at all the time about it but i'll tell you what if you want to burn your body fat you must consume less dietary fat eating fat does not make you lose weight eating fat can help you be in ketosis and it can make you create ketones and you can have plenty of extra ketones you don't actually need bloating around in your body but if you cut your fats back you will burn body fat for those ketones and yes that's why i say don't test because your ketones will be lower on the meter and people get freaked but the reason they're lower is because your body only makes what it needs like duh it's like not rocket science guys yeah my whole raising protein lowering fats yeah my whole thing is you can figure this out um after you're doing the diet for some period of time this is something i think it's sort of uh person specific so for me not really trying to lose weight uh i i'd say eating more protein makes you fuller and it's easier to eat less calories doing more protein which for weight loss that obviously is has its benefits for me i do notice just like a little bit less energy overall when i'm doing a higher protein especially if it's like you know a consciously high protein if i'm like trying to test something for a youtube video so i like to do the the classic keto recommendation basically which is 0.8 grams per pound of lean body mass which for me comes out to about 70 of calories from fat um i think you're talking what i what i hear from you is like closer to 60 maybe 60 calories for fat 60 from fat and about 30 something from protein and then it's like whatever's left from carbs carbs tend to be a little higher on that ratio i think it's like six or something like that then okay and then i want to jump into this sort of diet break you're doing uh reverse diet and i want to share which is this i always reference this and it's the i have it on screen right now it's the biggest loser study and i'll just show you guys what happens when you diet for a long period of time but it's not just dieting it's severe calorie deficit um through with like a low-fat diet just like you know what they do on the biggest loser basically they eat an extreme calorie deficit they exercise like six hours a day and they just do it very abruptly so just to show you this chart here this is the six-year follow-up from the biggest loser the this is their age and weight to start this is what they were at the end of competition so you can see on average they lost about 60 kilograms and then follow-up follow-up at six years they were back up 40 kilograms so they still had about a 20 kilogram weight loss but they're up 40 kilograms from their low point at the end of competition and here is their rmr resting metabolic rate and here is their total energy expenditure so that's you know their metabolism basically um the rmr you can see at the follow-up is very low it's actually it has not raised very much they've gained 40 pounds back and their rmr is actually lower than when they left the competition so they're almost back to their original weight they're still down a good bit but their metabolism is significantly decreased from their pre-contest resting metabolic rate so that's why you would do something like a reverse diet or just a diet break um so kind of talk to us yeah kind of talk to us about what you're doing because you've i'm so glad you brought up that study because that's actually the reason why i don't advocate for long-term fasting and why dr finney says to be super careful with super long fast extended fasts because of that study they're worried that there could be permanent metabolic damage like your metabolism may never recover and so obviously my metabo my metabolism is awesome i actually had my rmr tested right after my cut in the summer so i was eating less than 1300 calories and had been so for about 12 to 13 weeks when i went in and had my rmr tested with the korr breathing test and i tested it high i tested at 16 27 for my rmr even after losing all of this weight and because i've taken diet breaks as i went now with the biggest loser they were significantly obese and so you would think that because of that they wouldn't have had as much damage to their metabolism but it just goes to show it's just that long term even if you're obese is really risky so be careful just be really really careful um i think when you're obese you can have a little bit more wiggle room with calories you can go really really low you're not going to feel as miserable because your body has a lot of body fat to pull from especially doing keto when you're fat adapted your body's going to pull from that store really really well i hit about i hit my wall at about 18 months in right when i got into wonderland there was something about going into the out of the 200's that made my body go whoa whoa whoa no you're you're doing something wrong here and i just felt like i needed to break i didn't know anything about diet breaks literally knew nothing about it nothing at all um i just did it on my own so i did like a full through the fall i did like lazy keto and ate whatever i felt like eating um i still continue to lose weight so obviously i was still eating in a deficit i didn't think i was but i was um and then i did another one another cut in january and then i did another lazy keto in may and i just kind of kept doing that cycle where i would cut in the summer and then i would cut in january and then the rest of the time i would eat lazy keto well last fall i tried to do what you're doing what you're talking about the 70 um fat and i wanted to keep my protein at that lower level that 120 and i'll tell you what i gained i gained 10 pounds in three months because i could not find that satiety with fats i couldn't stop eating them i was eating well over 3000 calories and i went from eating bargain basement 1300 to 3000 overnight which you cannot do that either which is why this year i tried the reverse diet i came across um like i said colin deway's channel d-e-w-a-a-y so if you guys are curious about reverse signing he actually knows what he's talking about i i don't i'm just doing it to myself but basically the idea is you raise your calories every week a little bit right especially especially if you've been in bargain basement for a really long time you can't just jump to 2000 and not expect to have a major weight gain and if you're been obese you don't want to weight gain whole who nobody wants a weight gain but it's hard harder to accept the weight gain when you've worked so hard to get to this place i think it's easier for people who do shows and they cut to look good and lean and then they know they're going to bulk and so they're going to gain some body fat and they're okay with that because they kind of like get how that works but for the average person you get to your goal weight and then what or you don't make it to your goal weight like because you would stall out because you've been too low calorie for so long so i feel like it's really important to do refeeds throughout your weight loss which is 48 hours of eating about five to 600 calories than what you're doing on your deficit give your metabolism like a break but then if you can take two weeks here and there you know nine months if you get longer the longer you can do it and the higher you can get your calories the better off your metabolism will be and then when you go for the next go round like i did this last year you will have way easier success so i did nine months of eating that high high calories and i got really frustrated because i gained 20 pounds and i felt guilty because i'm on youtube i'm supposed to be the one telling people what to do and here's me going you know and people are like wow he's gaining weight and it was really uncomfortable because i didn't understand that process now that i do i'm just like i want to just kick them all like shut up i was doing the right thing i just didn't know i was and then in the summer i got tired of how i was looking i started to feel uncomfortable and so i said oh i'm just gonna do a cut over the summer and bam i lost all that like so fast and then more and i just did a video on my loose skin that compares me a year later so you can see i i did my loose skin video and then i did the whole gained 20 pounds and then lost some over the summer and this the change in my actual body is unreal it's unreal i've had so many views on that video because i think people are really fascinated by the skin and like what you would do with it and it's really irritating can i just say i really don't like it but it is nice to see and even over the reverse just in this last 20 week update that i just did on my channel i put a before and after from the end of my cut this summer and this last weekend the one you showed and i have gained no weight basically i fluctuate but i bet about 169 the whole time all 20 weeks i've raised my calories from 1300 to 20 25 per day that's where i'm at now and i've gotten smaller i've also built picked up some triceps over here lift my chicken bucket my chicken feet i got 35 chickens and lift my chicken bucket feed because that's the only weights i have it around here and i'm building me some triceps and i'm looking way slimmer in 20 weeks of reverse dieting eating more food but i will say i did have to add carbs back in for this reverse diet because fats just really play with my brain i can drink a whole entire thing of heavy cream and i cannot stop but i could eat 11 doritos and be like whatevs it's the weirdest thing so yeah you know what kind of frustrated with me for that i have noticed oh i gotta we got to talk about you getting kicked out of some uh facebook groups or something some people are i don't want to give them any credit whatsoever for my weight loss we don't have to mention them but we can just talk about what happened um but what i have noticed in uh once in a while we'll go out to a fancy dinner and we'll have carbs it'll be like a planned off day usually like maybe three times a year and uh there's this phenomenon i've picked up on where when you are eating like more of a not even standard american but you're eating a low-fat high carb diet which is what i did before i started keto so like maybe five years ago then you have a high-fat meal it's really filling it's like it's overly filling and when you do keto for a really long period of time and then you have carbs you have maybe even 100 grams of carbs like a sweet potato or something that's really filling so there's there's sort of a give-and-take but then if you have the the carbs every day they become less filling i think yeah and you have to be really careful so if you're going to be like me and you have to be real scientific i keep track of everything in my little notebook i'm super obsessed even colin colin has told me i'm a little bit too much he's like you need to re you need to reign out like let go of the the control he's like you need to learn how to just eat and like stop being so obsessed over the calories but for me this year i just really want that data so that in the future i can just do that i can go on a cut and then i know where i want to hit back and where i can get to safely for my weight and have a general idea of how to do that and i feel like the best way to do it is to be really scientific about it and maybe i'm just maybe it's just the best school teacher in me i don't know but no it's admirable because you really learn a lot when you do that for a long period of time because that's something i am not great at like i i want to do things and then i'll do it for a week and then i'll like change i want to do something different so you don't really get good data on what's working and what's not working where if you can consistently do stuff for long periods of time and you're tracking it you have a over the course of you know a few years you have a pretty good idea of what works for you and what doesn't um but let's talk about the what happened with this facebook group tell me about it well they're the ones who taught me everything they are it's a finney and bolek founded type group it's a keto gains type group and um they have all the information they taught me how to do it i went down the rabbit hole i learned everything i became obsessed i started teaching people on the group and so they asked me to be a moderator on the group but behind the scenes things weren't so nice they were constantly making fun of people behind their backs and like oh it just it just i just didn't feel maybe it's because i'm a christian the moderator is chat yeah okay so we had a facebook group once not something like like i don't use facebook groups personally i don't really use facebook at all but i know for like just getting the message out there they're important and the facebook group became hard to just monitor and moderate with just me and mega doing it so we got a group of just the really active people in the facebook group to help moderate and it very quickly devolves into like we have the power those the people in the group are the idiots let's just like ban them if they disagree with us it's so weird how it happened so quick yeah and i will say my facebook group has a moderator chat and we rarely use it my group is just really good we don't have a lot of crazies in there i don't know like we just don't do that but maybe it's because i'm leading it and i just don't do that but i would question them on things and they they didn't like it they didn't like me they felt like i didn't fit and i don't know why i honestly don't and maybe it's because my youtube channel was getting popular and people were starting on the group were starting to look to me as an authority and they didn't like that i don't really know but i tell you this they told me to go dairy free to kick a weight loss stall i guess that i was having they were my they were my mentors they told me what to do i did it right but i wasn't prepared and so i made this like coconut oil fat bomb thing and put it in my video and like showed that i ate it and they fired me and they used that as the excuse because they are anti-fat bombs on that group which makes me roll my eyes so hard because fat ones have their place and in that instance i needed to have my fats be a certain level they're the ones who teach that and so it's just like but they used it as an excuse and of course i overreacted and cried and did a whole video about how they fired me so silly but here's my whole thing like it broke me you know you did it it was tough oh because what do i do i have no authority anymore like my entire youtube channel was based on what they taught me and i i sent them to the groups to as the authority so i had to really quickly decide am i just going to quit am i just moving on you know what am i doing and over and above everybody just kept saying you know what you're talking about you can do this still and i prayed about it and god was like dude this is your thing like don't let it go and i was like okay so what did i do i bought finney and volak's book and i studied it and i went to their website and i read every blog post and i looked at all of the research even though i didn't understand ninety percent of it and i started watching other youtubers that taught awesome stuff and i just kept on making the videos and then i started my own facebook group you know chaos so there you go yeah my whole thing is what if you're wrong like when you start just banning people who disagree with you you're you're completely shutting out the possibility of learning something new and the possibility that you're wrong about something right it was a huge echo chamber because they and their and their their reason behind that was because they're trying to teach a certain thing and then there's like 90 000 at the time there was 97 000 people on that group there's probably way more now it's huge and so they were trying to keep a lot of people from putting misinformation so i get why they did things the way they did it but i think it was totally fine for me to say that because i chose to eat less dairy and i don't know how else to get fat in because i've always gotten it from dairy that i can have coconut oil mixed with cocoa i mean it wasn't even anything i just i'm rolling my eyes now thinking about how much of a big deal it was it was i had that one of the moderators told me that their like cousin or niece or somebody watched it and called her in tears because she was like she ate a fat bomb on there and i know i thought we weren't supposed to eat fat bombs and i'm like are you serious right now so okay so so it's it's one thing if you post the fat bomb recipe or whatever to the group but if they're like stalking your videos that's that's a whole nother thing well but they were using my videos in the group so granted i asked for permission to start my youtube channel for the group so it was kind of a tricky situation but it came down to the fact that people wanted to listen to me and they didn't want to listen to the people who were being mean so yeah it's it's interesting having done this for so long i mean not even that long it's only been like four and a half years i think now but how because it's become so popular now and it used to be when we first started it was like everyone was on the same team anyone making keto videos we were friends with and it's tough for me sometimes when i see someone doing a channel that like i don't it's like kind of like gimmicky or like commercialized and i'm like you know they're not doing it right that i wouldn't do that but it's not good you don't want to have these negative thoughts you should just always have positive thoughts and it's like a muscle that you have to work on but when you see someone doing something you hate if they're promoting somewhat of the same message to you you should just be happy for them because when we were starting our channel i was like always on reddit the the keto subreddit yeah i was never on reddit yeah i would like share my videos i would like look at this i just did a meal prep video as just like you know some random guy and then as i got more yeah and then as i our videos became popular it was like frowned upon and read it it was like commercial content at that point you know you can't really share it anymore and i don't know it's tough but yeah it's just it's it's interesting to be along for the ride and see how it fully has progressed and now you're welcome youtube is just a whole other animal and it's just gonna change and grow and we have to be flexible and we have to be flexible with our like you said what i understood in the beginning i was very hard-nosed about it because it worked for me and i used to say all the time i would never eat a carbohydrate again and now i'm following i'm following this other facebook group who i'm also moderating on which the moderator team is phenomenal they are the best humans i've ever known it's called pp ppdk protein prioritized dirty keto if you guys want a big huge group to go on um they're awesome the the main person in there brian hannah is literally salt of the earth amazing guy like such a such a great group and so i get a lot of my information from them and they are the ones who are like girl why are you still not eating carbohydrate and i was like i cannot do that no i cannot that shall never happen and they're like no you literally can and you should and these are the reasons because i had lost my cycle i was really struggling with electrolytes i was taking in so much sodium like 18 000 milligrams and still feeling tired and still feeling i just didn't couldn't feel right and my weight would go way up and then drop and way up and then drop it wouldn't stabilize and they just basically said you need to try this and just see if it works and i said okay i'm willing to do it it's an experiment but i'll tell you what that first bite of potato i literally thought i was gonna throw up with the anxiety i was so afraid that i would take one bite of a carbohydrate and i'd be back to 400 pounds and i would be a carb addict and i would just i couldn't stop no you know what i took that first bite and i was like underwhelmed i was like this is potato well it tastes like glue still i tried my carbs out and i just don't get anything out of it like it doesn't because you kill that connection when you work on your atreyu moment right you can you kill that connection to food that makes you feel better you don't need to overeat because there's no reason to like there you just don't think to anymore it's not your go-to when you're stressed out me my go-to when i'm stressed out i take a nice long bubble bath or i lay back in my bed and it just relax or i read a book that distracts me i just don't even think to use food anymore it doesn't even connect in my brain and so the freedom of being able to eat a carbohydrate and not feel controlled by it was phenomenal like it's the best thing that ever happened to me and you know what happened my weight went all of a sudden i had been up nine pounds in five weeks on the reverse diet eating barely 1500 calories and freaking out and colin was like it's fine girl calm down everything's fine just keep going just keep going and he kept me stable and then i added the carbs in and immediately my weight just went and it's been almost just right there and my energy hasn't gone up as much as i was hoping i'm still still struggling with tiredness i still have to take in extra sodium i thought that it would really cut back that and it has but i still feel like maybe there's something weird with me myself that i just need more i remember eating salt when i was a kid like out of ice like i would put salt on ice and eat it so i'm starting to think maybe i have some sort of like adrenal thing or who knows who knows but i have to take in more but not that huge amount i've just been happier and it gives me more flexibility with my calories um i'm up to about 100 grams of net carb a day so it's still well within dr westman's phase three but as i did complain about dr weston's phase three because he basically said that people only athletic people and people who'd never been overweight or obese could be ever phase three and i'm like no that's too limiting it's too limiting it basically means you can't be cured and i think that's bullcrap obviously i'm proof of that i have a whole video about how i cured my stress eating let's go watch that yeah check out her channel guys she has uh i'll pull it up here keto in the chaos tons of videos you do a lot of live streams too right yeah i usually live stream every tuesday which is why i picked today for ours yeah yeah she she has a ton of good videos on there definitely check her out and then i wanted to talk briefly because we haven't really talked much about like the actual what you eat just practical day-to-day type of stuff so and then in chat guys if you guys have questions start start commenting with questions we'll get to those soon uh but yeah just like day to day what do you what's your routines like people always have questions about like intermittent fasting do you do that how many meals and just like generally the foods you eat okay yeah i do i did start out with intermittent fasting about four weeks in when i got to be fat adapted i did three meals a day in the very beginning i do four now that i'm in the reverse so it depends on what your goals are um i found that because i was used to overeating that having two big meals was much more satiating to me than having several meals um and also stimulating muscle protein synthesis by having 30 grams of protein per meal was kind of a big deal to me as well it always has been and so my goal always even now at four meals a day is always minimum 30 grams of protein so what i do is i start with my protein it's super easy you divide it into two or three meals whatever you're gonna have for the day and then you take your protein and you track it in your app i use chronometer and you put your protein in there make sure your protein lines up and then you fill it in with with carbs and fats however you so desire to meet your calories or your macro level i'm always about simple so i definitely know about keto connect because if i'm ever looking for a recipe you guys are like phenomenal i've never seen anybody cook so well i am not a good cook i've made some of your stuff and it's it's just stressful to me but if i'm looking for something special i will definitely go to keto connect and look for the recipe because brilliance brilliance and i'm gonna make a mug cake because you said on your video that mug cakes are like really really important and i'm like you know what i could totally put that in my i could do that i need to do that but i haven't done it the main thing is because a lot of times with desserts uh you just want something quick and you usually just reach for like the quick thing that's in what you know like you start lowing your standards and that's actually a funny thing i read i read on reddit it was like it was like a shower thought um they have these just shower thought subreddits you think of interesting things in the shower and it's like we keep going back to the pantry in the fridge not to to hope we find something new it's to hope that our standards are low enough to eat what we found they're there the first time which i found to be totally true but yeah the mug that's true and that's why i always tell people especially if they hate tracking to figure out your macros for meal figure out six or seven meals that will meet those macros and write them down and have the stuff for those things always on hand that way you're like oh tonight i'm in the mood for you know zucchini alfredo and i have zucchini in the fridge always and i have chicken in the freezer always and i have cheese always and i have alfredo sauce always and so it's easy for me to go hey i feel like having this because i know i always have those main staples so my main staples i always have zucchini bell pepper and um broccoli like my cabbage my favorite veggies that i will i don't eat a lot of veg but i do eat some and i have my favorite sauces lucini marinara bertoli alfredo sauce those are my my go-to sauces there's probably plenty more there's definitely jehu's barbecue sauce if you're a barbecue person i always always always have chicken breasts on hand i try to have sirloin steak on hand i try to have 90 10 ground beef on on hand all the time 85 15 if i can't find 90 10. um cheeses of all kinds i just try and keep sliced cheeses in the pre-sliced cheese in the fridge so that i can easily access that and i don't really do anything without putting it in my tracker unless i know for sure it's going to meet my macros so while i was losing weight i basically ate the same things and i had a video even about it because people like you eat the same stinking thing every day and i'm like you're right because you know why it works and it's easy i don't have to think about it so in the morning i would have bacon eggs zero percent fat greek yogurt with mia water enhancer in it and some cheese every single day for my first meal and my second meal was almost always chicken a veggie and sauce and that's how i lost weight because it was simple it was easy the more simple it is the more likely you're gonna follow through and keep going and if you get bored well then find a new sauce try i'm big on the routines just have for me it's like the until we get to dinner my day is basically the same maybe there's like a few options like three different options i'll have for lunch but the only real question mark is dinner we've been getting more creative with dinners lately mega has been doing meal planning lives on sundays where we just like plan creative dinners because it is nice yeah for for a couple years we were just like doing basics like you know steak broccoli butter stuff like that and yes i guess we have a kid now so that's part of it too um but creating you know or at least having something creative a few nights a week for dinner is always fun but where do you fall on like uh i guess a lot of like keto desserts and like artificial sweeteners sugar alcohols how like strict are you with these things i'm all about the sugar alcohols give them all to me oh i don't have it anymore i'm like i just drank a bang before we got on here and i use neo sucralose is my favorite um my my stance is this if you have sweets cravings and it's really good at the beginning it's really hard to get rid of them i am all about get rid of them so for eight months i did nothing but stevia and aspartame and i lost 100 pounds doing that and i cut i severed the sweet tie when i went back to having more sweet things it didn't cause me cravings or caused me to want to overeat and so you have to go by how you feel if you're taking in some sugar-free jell-o which is like my go-to for filling up my stomach you know it's basically a free food it's like five calories per thing and you need three things will fill you up to the point you can't even think it's so you're so full um there's sucralose in those and the winky brand ones there's aspartame and the jello brown ones i'm not sure what's in the other get those i used to always get those back when we first started i haven't had those in like three years probably now the price because that they're the cups but i buy the ones the winky brand is my favorite they should just hire me because i literally eat them three times a day like i have them with every meal practically yeah and they're like three bucks for a huge pack of 12. like so cheap but i don't eat them for any nutritional purpose people are like are you eating it for the collagen no i'm literally just eating it to fill up my stomach yeah because i am still an overeater i still want to eat more food and i just embraced that and i found a food i can eat that anyway so if that causes you to crave you know re evaluate it but yeah i'm all about the sweeteners please give them all to me i'm a built bar advocate i eat them every day yeah yeah i definitely i definitely mix around a lot of that stuff too i go in on phases where i like find something i really like quest cookies it's been lately although i gave those up i gave those up for the new year i've had two i haven't told you guys but i have had two so far this new year but but uh you didn't make it very far man come on no um i wanted to just because we we've been here for an hour already down a little bit um you have nine children i do my oldest will be 25 next month and my youngest is five he's a kindergartner this year and i homeschool the four youngest right now so how did you make the decision to home school was what was the deal there i really liked my oldest son a lot i was like kind of in love with him didn't really want anybody else putting thoughts in his head as a as it so happens he has a lot of thoughts on his own and he's kind of way out there in politico land he's way smarter than me let's just put it that way i knew by the time he was nine that homeschooling him probably wasn't gonna go that well because i was not smarter than he was but he survived it he's very anti-institution okay so yeah i i i get that for sure like i so it's like a give take thing for me because i went to i went to public school so you know i think that's a good idea mainly for like the social aspect and just being thrown in there and like i couldn't talk to people at all luckily the only thing uh that did it for me was i was good at basketball so like people liked me because of that but if i sucked at basketball and i had to just like make friends through communication i would have been you know real tough for me so i like my 21 my 22 year old's that way and he found his passion and friend group and ability to get out of his shell through musical theater and at the school he went to he went to like a charter school my oldest one as well same thing um and they were very popular and my my younger one was more popular than the older one and that was kind of a problem because he came in and got the lead in the show and he'd never sung a day in his life i don't know where he got that from i don't know but yeah all my kids are artists and so that's another reason i really wanted to do more of a free-form i'm i'm not quite an unschooler i'm somewhere in the middle but i kind of give them 90 of the day to do whatever they want and then we have a short bit of really intense like math language arts you know get the the basics out of the way um so like even for tape like right now you know they're probably downstairs like my one daughter she does piano that she learns it from youtube all by herself my other daughter paints um my one daughter has a youtube channel she makes videos you know like my 18 year old son he's starting 19 in may is a music producer and he does that all on his own like i haven't really like limited their art at all and then i just try and give them the basics of what they need um ironically my my adopted daughter is the only one who has been interested in college she is in her i think second year i don't even know anymore i don't know she's in college i don't pay attention what is the because i'm sure you have to go to some some length to socialize them that's like the big fear i have with homeschooling what's what's the deal there when they were really young we just had a parenting group with other like-minded families and we just let the kids kind of play with each other as they get older all of my kids because we want to their physical education to be really strong my oldest one he wanted to try ballet when he was three and that kind of just sent us down the dance rabbit hole and i literally am a freaking crazy dance mom all my girls dance and competitively and we spent four hours a day at the dance studio covet has been a problem but because dance is so important they continue to have class and we just have to wear masks and get you know our temperatures taken and the moms have to sit outside and socialize through the freezing cold windows but but dance has been our main motivator but when like my oldest was young i i sought out groups for him and we we made friends that but he's still different because he's he's a different person like yeah i think you want to be different and when you go to public schools they make you all the same which is sometimes to a degree yeah i mean and then you get you know like the mold if you don't fit the mold there's punishments or rewards that so like if you don't put them all in the public school way where you're really really smart you get special rewards if you're having struggles and areas that other people don't you get pushed into the remedials whereas like my ten-year-old daughter your sound just kind of changed on me there a little are you there still yeah there it is all right so yeah my ten-year-old daughter just barely learned to read like last spring but she has a youtube channel that she edits herself and she sings and she does art and she does dance and she's fantastic at all of those things but if she had been in public school and struggled with reading and felt like she couldn't keep up with everybody else she would have been in remedial class and would have felt like a second class citizen whereas at our house we focus on strengths she's really good at math and so we just focused on that for a while and now that she's reading she's jumping like light years really quickly like she's reading the books that i'm reading we're reading lost keeper series or the last hebrew lost cities i'm on book four and she's on book one and she's just going right i mean they were talking books like this like she went from can't read an a to that and i just be patient i i try and teach her and if she doesn't get it we just be patient it's just like with weight loss just got to be patient you know don't beat yourself up yeah i guess what were your considerations were did you consider private school at all that's another thought i have to for sure but we have no money like we're super poor like you know i'm studying finances like i'm trying to figure out how to keep a thousand dollars in the bank so there you go yeah like if my husband loses his job we're screwed yeah because i'm just thinking mostly about my uh experience and i should probably try you know widening my scope a little but like i just went to college to do computers because i thought computers were where the money's at and it's like i didn't like computers and then when you get to college you're some guy who's doing computers for the money and there's people there that like the computers are their life so it's like yes my son my oldest son his computer is his life you're better off going into something that you want to be your life and for most most of the time it seems like college is not super essential unless it's like you know you want to be a doctor lawyer or something that you need some kind of credentials for yeah well i i found photography when i was about your age actually i was about 32 when i started into photography and that was my main source of income to help with the family and i still am a photographer i do dance studios only so the spring is my busy time i do a couple of studios and make about ten thousand dollars and that's it for the year i don't really take on any other clients unless friends beg me because i do youtube now and i want youtube to be my next focus and now i've seen the opportunity of being able to earn money from youtube i would like to grow the channel as much as i can so so thank you because you're now helping me with that focus which is my goal for this year my new year's resolution to be more financially independent and maybe even save enough enough for skin surgery which would be fun yeah yeah so i guess i guess just winding down uh it's not fun um yeah we've got an hour 15 minutes so we should sorry i talk a lot no no this is great um so people looking to find you obviously you got the youtube channel instagram everywhere it's keto chaos instagram facebook i do not have a tick tock sorry guys and um youtube it's all keto chaos okay and then payoff is from having nine kids that's where the name came from because like i literally have to go like this is my room i have to shut the door lock the door tell my husband's here even so that he keeps them quiet while we're doing this because normally they're not quiet they're very loud like me how often do you publish videos um three to three to four times a week usually so i have my check-ins on sunday weigh-ins and then i do everything i ate in the week and do a live chat and then every once in a while i'll throw something in just for fun oh you read the end your carb confusion book how'd you like that it was pretty good other than my main complaint that he didn't allow for people to get cured from obesity and be phase three i think that's just dumb someday i'll get to tell him that whenever i get to go to north carolina after covid yeah all right but i love everything else about iceberg it's good yeah yeah all right well thanks so much for joining us uh you guys definitely check out her channel keto in the chaos growing fast she has it's more like personal which is i like those channels that's what originally attracted me to youtube people just sharing their lives that's what our channel was kind of at the start it's evolved a little bit more differently now but it's everything's so like high production now i love like channels like yours where it's just i'm talking about we have family blog too if you really want to see what it's like to have nine kids yeah what's the family called hide and seek it's hyde hide and seek and yeah i show it all like i don't put makeup on and my house is a giant mess just be warned in advance awesome okay
Channel: Keto Connect
Views: 150,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: keto in the chaos, keto chaos, keto chaos interview, ketoconnect, keto connect, keto connect interview, keto results, keto transformation, how to do keto, keto diet, keto tips, keto weight loss, losing weight on keto, how to lose weight, weight loss, keto diet results, keto diet weight loss
Id: XB29O5vdWyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 58sec (4138 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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