Meet My Husband: His 114 Pound Weight Loss on the Carnivore Diet

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hi guys welcome back I am so excited that I finally have convinced Chris to sit down and film with me and talk about this journey this journey I know most of you know my part of the story or I've lost 120 pounds with carnivore but this has been a full family experience for us and I'm so glad that my husband Chris can join us today he also has lost 115 pounds in that same time frame and we have really been working together to maintain it he's probably the reason why I ended up on carnivore in the first place and so I'm excited for him to share with you his part of this journey and it's gonna make more sense of how it's tied in together and how we've made this work as a family so thank you for doing this I know you're so excited but tell people a little bit about your backstory to kind of start obviously your weight and your health issues started long before we ever met so talk about from the beginning I guess so I've always struggled with my weight even as a child in high school I was overweight I joined the military when I was 19 years old and I actually had to lose about 60 pounds before they would let me in and once I was in I even struggled with my weight while I was in the military I was on a weight management program and after I did my four years the weight just kept going up from there through my late 20s into my 30s I got up to over 250 pounds pretty quickly and stayed between 250 and near 300 pounds through through my 30s a couple times I did go on some diets I did try the Atkins diet which was really effective I lost about 60 pounds when I was in my 30s but that didn't stay off I didn't stick with that and all the way up until my highest weight which was on an official scale which was 294 pounds and that was about 18 months ago or so so when we met you were kind of you're late 30s and you we both work pretty heavy at the time and I know that since then we've cycled together through weight lost weight together gained and we've always been really good at gaining it all back together and so I think that was one of the things before where we would kind of go on a diet together lose weight and then have a cheat day together and then really never be able to get back on track again but when were you kind of health problems that started arising when did you develop sleep apnea so in my early 30s I worked for a healthcare company a home health care company which happens to provide respiratory equipment specifically for sleep apnea and outside of my office was a sign on the wall that said do you have any of these symptoms and I listed off about 15 different symptoms headaches falling asleep while driving depression all these different things and every day I would see it and I would go yep yep yep yep yep - about half of those and I knew I snored really bad and so this was about 15 years ago and I decided to get myself checked and sure enough I had really bad sleep apnea so I started using a CPAP to sleep with which helped tremendously and I've been using that for about ten years up until about ten months ago what and then another big issue that you were having health-wise previously was type 2 diabetes so I was you know a part of that journey when when we found out you were diagnosed so talked up a little bit about what that was like for you right about I guess it was about four to five years ago now I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes I really didn't get a lot of good feedback from the doctors other than take these medications lose some weight which I tried at first and that was when we started doing our different diets and that we would go up and down different things like that yeah we did a low carb diet then what unofficially keto I think it was kind of before the keto craze but we did we knew because he was diabetic we had to cut out sugars and breads and so we essentially did our own version of a low-carb diet then and about about 18 months ago my my doctor's check my a 1c was 11.6 and that was while on two thousand milligrams of metformin and another medication called glyburide so obviously I wasn't eating too well and my diabetes was out of control you also were then your highest weight at that time 294 pounds at that time and about a year prior to that had a really big scare with necrotizing fasciitis which is flesh-eating disease and being a type 2 diabetic you know during that whole healing process which you can see my arm here I had all this flesh removed he was it was this yo is this crazy time where he kept complaining it was Christmas Day and he kept complaining that he was sick and had fevers and chills and I being the loving and supportive wife that I am kept telling him he was ruining Christmas and you should just suck it up you have a man cold and so he went to the emergency room on Christmas Day called me and said that they were admitting him and he had this crazy infection that he ended up not coming home from the hospital for almost two months so probably should have been a little nicer I still feel very guilty about that so I thought it was a really crazy really terrible time for his health right coming out of that I knew I did a lot of research and I knew that my metabolic condition contributed to my type-2 diabetes was contributed to my immune system not being able to fight off this infection so I really put my health as a priority moving forward so which you would think that that would be the day that we just flipped the switch and got our lives together but it took us like a whole nother year of stopping and starting diets we did go you last week in the hospital we'd went on the diet after that and pretty much for a year yo-yo together stopping and starting diets having cheat days together and just like like through all that right so I did some research and on type 2 diabetes and found some very great doctors online on YouTube and did a lot of research and then started going with keto diet with with Laura I always hated vegetables I've never liked a vegetable they're disgusting to me so whenever she was around or watching I would force myself to eat two pieces of broccoli or something like that or a piece of asparagus and I've choked it down but when she wasn't around I was carnivore already maybe except for some macadamia nuts or something I also implemented intermittent fasting at that time I found dr. Jason Fung and look rad about the obesity code and diabetes code and a lot of his work and so started eating in a four-hour window every day and very quickly went to one meal a day and then I found carnivores I found dr. Shaun Baker I heard about Jordan Peterson and Michaela Peterson and started going down that rabbit hole and looking into all that and I said this is for me no more vegetables okay and so I told her you can forget your broccoli I'm not gonna eat it in front of you now and then I dished the nuts as well so that was maybe a month or two after after starting keto and so for the next seven months or so a one meal a day almost always beef you know some bacon some cheese here and there and in that eight months or so I lost about 115 pounds and that's when I went back to the doctor and my a 1c beforehand was 11.6 and it was 4.9 and my recheck all my numbers were great my blood pressure was down another funny story is after about two or three months doing this I was dizzy and I didn't know why I thought it was my blood sugar I check blood sugar it was normal then I checked my blood pressure and my blood pressure was extremely low because I was still taking blood pressure medication so I ditched that in fact I did all my medications stopped taking everything that I was taking and everything normalized and after about eight months I was feeling great and down about 115 pounds yeah that was and I think we were able to kind of maintain it together instead of causing each other to have cheat days this time we were helping each other push through and not have those cheat days right on our anniversary we went to Fogo and didn't have a cheat day we had a carnivore Thanksgiving last year we had a carnivore Christmas and it was really the first time that our whole family had been bought in two - this way - you really get addicted to the results so that really felt great I also started exercising a little bit at first all I did was a walk about four to five days a week for about 45 minutes then after it was until after about six to eight months before I started going to the gym and actually doing resistance training just quick workout three to five days a week with some some weights compound movements nothing too complicated that's really helped with strength and now I feel great my doctor actually removed the diabetes diagnosis from my record there's no signs of diabetes there at all my c-peptide is great my home 'hi are is great my once he is great my fasted insulin is a four so if anyone was to test me they could find nothing that would indicate diabetes that's exciting it's been a big relief for us as a family when when you were at your heaviest and your most metabolically sick right beside the necrotizing fasciitis which was this you know crazy time but what other health conditions that you have type-2 diabetes sleep apnea what other medications and issues did you have so high blood pressure so I was on two medications for type 2 diabetes I was the CPAP machine for sleep apnea I was on high blood pressure medication I was on a statin of course which I stopped taking runs I started researching and I was on multiple allergy medications which side benefit after about three months of about plants my allergies completely went away I don't take them ever anymore I was also taking a lot of ibuprofen for pain and joints and headaches and things like that you had also something random to that you don't think about he had a lot of skin tags before and that's a sign of insulin resistance and so like all those are gone now has no issues so at this point you don't take any medications I don't take any medications now what about supplements or anything like that no supplements I do have some magnesium that occasionally I'll take like in the evenings for sleep and also because I know I probably do a lot of damage and especially give my heart and know over the years so I hear can be good for your heart so I have that which I take occasionally but nothing nothing else that I feel like I'm deficient in salt salt on my meat that's about it what about organs no organs not ever not that there's anything wrong with that if you like organs each organ so I'm sure they're great for you but I just don't have a taste for it and I feel great without them so I don't eat them yeah we also eat almost all of our meat comes with a grocery store from Costco from you know we're not a we eat what we can afford I probably eat more eggs than you do most of what you eat like what is he a daily eating look like for you about two pounds of usually beef occasionally I'll make something else in there but 90% of the time it's about two pounds of steak or and or ground beef at first I ate a really high fat ratio rib eyes and bacon and cheese kind of hanging and then after I got to about a certain weight if I still ate that amount of volume at that fat content I would not lose any more or actually even gain so I started cutting back the fat and I switched to New York strips and cut the bacon and the cheese and sometimes some ground beef some a little bit leaner so I can still like the same volume with a little bit less energy dense so that helps me maintain better and maybe even cut a little and I think that's the biggest difference as I still prefer to stick with fattier meats and maybe eat less often and and Chris is eating more once a day still and it's leaner meats it's really just been about how what do results are and what makes you feel good and then I know we've both incorporated some fasting along the way so longer fasts typically like when you're in a week now you're just eating once a day though right typically yes a few times along the way when I first started that would do a 48 hour fast probably once a week and then maybe once a month like a 72 hour fast and on maybe two or three occasions I fasted for two seven days over the whole last year and a half so what about cravings do you miss like pizza ice cream and all that good stuff it's funny as I really don't have any cravings for any of the savory stuff like pizza or chips or any of that stuff occasionally I do have thoughts of ice cream or cookies or things like that but I don't give in to it and that's something that I mean are you somebody who would do you see yourself moving away from carnivore going back to a more moderate moderation type diet in the future do you see having a cheat day once a week or I don't I like you can't moderate myself like that I realized that if I eat those things those things are toxic to me and got me in this boat so if I ever do do that it's gonna be a rare type situation and not consistent at all and I'm going to avoid that at all costs and to me this is the proper human diet and I want to continue that for as long as I'm on this earth good well I'm excited that it's gonna be a lot longer now that's cheesy but we think we were both in a position where we would not have had as many healthy years left together so cheesy as that is it has been a big change for our family so thank you for sitting and talking with me and sharing I know this is not as much his thing as it is mine but it has been the journey has been much more joint than we took glee share on social media so you are my biggest partner in all this we're really excited thank you guys so much for tuning in and we will be checking in I get all my grill skills initially from Chris and then I pass them along to you so we'll continue to share all of our tips and tricks thanks for tuning in thank you
Channel: Laura Spath
Views: 212,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: carnivore, carnivorediet, ketodiet, weightloss, transformation, type2diabetes, reversingdiabetes, sleepapnea, diabetic, ketoweightloss
Id: WRzpLx73mDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 17 2019
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