What i eat in a day KETO # 11 | Family Dinner

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[Music] [Music] stay healthy be happy [Music] if you wanna believe that you were gonna be what's up guys good morning today i have a full day of eating for y'all but before we get my day started i do have to run to the store i have to go to michael's just to pick up a box um today my husband's brother requested if i could make him a keto cheesecake so that's what i'm going to be doing this morning it is currently raining here in houston so we will see what we get into for the rest of the day but right now since i'm going to be on the run i'm going to be having my protein shake i've been having this every day for breakfast this week and i'm going to show y'all how i do that i've done it in my past couple of videos but i know a lot of people been asking if i could do it again so let me quickly show you how i prepare that all right guys so i've been doing this different ways usually i just take a premier protein shake put it over ice and then add like a cup of my iced coffee but lately i've been doing it like this i've been getting my ninja cup i've been putting ice in it then i'll put the whole shake and whatever flavor that you like i'll add a little bit of heavy whipping cream a little bit of mc2 oil then my iced coffee and then i will blend it up and it just makes like a smooth ice creamy coffee so that's what we're going to be doing today so right here i have just about a cup of ice and then i'm gonna pour my whole premiere protein shake in and this one right here is the cookies and cream flavor it's really good now i'm going to add about a cup of my iced coffee this is that duncan one that i had made in my last video but i switched the containers out just like that then i'm going to take my heavy whipping cream i'm just going to add about a splash or two then this is optional i just like to add some mct oil to it for some energy um this is the mocha flavor it's really good i really like it remember you do not need to add a lot of mct oil just a spot of splash and now i'm gonna put my lid on and we're gonna blend it i really like this little ninja cup because this is like the blender thing but when you take off the blades it attaches to the cup and then you just put your lid on for the cup and you take it to go so i really like it so i'm just gonna attach this little thing once your lid is on we're gonna put it straight onto my blender and blend it just give it a couple pulses and your eyes should be nice and broken up and we have our to-go meal and it just comes with this lid that you can drink out of and it closes and opens so it's really convenient for when i'm on the go so this is going to be our breakfast for today all right guys so we are headed out to michael's and then we're going to heb because my husband wanted another keto pumpkin pie um so he really enjoyed it last week and he wants another one say hi bash we have the little one the other two are at school so we just need to go pick up a few things and then we'll see what we get into after that [Music] so [Music] so we decided to come to shoot carnival right next to michael's really quickly my husband wants some new like slides that he wears around the house he always wears these like five dollar walmart slides that i got him years ago and don't get me wrong they've lasted but they're so ugly and then his other ones are kind of tearing so he we just wanted to come in and see what he can get maybe he can just get some new ones so he don't have to wear his walmart slides no more [Music] all right guys so we left heb and shoe carnival my husband got this nice nike hat from shoe carnival and then we did end up finding him some slides that he liked besides those walmart slides we got these nice nike ones they say like ultra comfort they're really nice and thick but right now we're actually at home he ran in real quick because he's going to be going to the gun range with his brother right now so he just went in really quickly to change and then i'm going to quickly drop him off i wish i can go but we still have the baby and we don't really have family here to babysit so i'm just going to stay home make that keto cheesecake and get some stuff done but right now i'm just going to be dropping him off and he's going to leave for about an hour or two and just have a relaxing morning i guess shooting guns um from working all week he's just gonna go with his brother and hang out but right now i'm just gonna go head on over and drop them off all right guys just got back home from dropping off my husband now i'm going to get started on that keto cheesecake for his brother and then i'm probably going to make the pumpkin pie as well for my husband tonight i did drink all my shake and i don't really show how much water i drink i fill these up i drink about six of these a day i am always drinking water that's pretty much all i drink throughout the day and then for dinner i kind of change it up on what i have to drink um but i drink a lot of water make sure y'all drink yours water but all right we're gonna get started on this keto cheesecake all right guys so the first thing i do is make the crust so i just have a sugar replacement right here some almond flour four tablespoons of melted butter then i have some almond extract and one large egg and we're just gonna mix all this together into a mixing bowl so you're going to take one cup of almond flour to your almond flour you're going to add your four tablespoons of butter you're going to add in your one large egg half a teaspoon of your almond extract then for your sugar replacement you're going to add in four tablespoons and you're just going to mix everything until well combined and this is going to be our crust for our cheesecake and then when you're done mixing it should look something like this now we're just going to take out our cheesecake pan okay now what we're going to do is pre-bake our crust so you want to get a cheesecake pan with a piece of parchment paper this is my smallest one i believe it's a 8 inch round then you're going to want to put your crust towards the bottom and i do have my oven preheated to 350 degrees and then you're just gonna flatten it out until it's nice and even just like this now we're going to pop this in the oven to pre-bake all right i popped it in my 350 degree oven now you're going to bake this about 15 minutes just until the edges are golden brown so for our next step we're going to make the cheesecake mix so you're going to take all these ingredients and mix them in a bowl you're going to take two 8 ounce cream cheeses softened for easy mixing half a cup of heavy whipping cream half a teaspoon of some pure almond extract three eggs two teaspoons of vanilla and then you're going to mix in six tablespoons of your sugar replacement i have all my ingredients in here now i'm just going to mix it with the hand mixer so i mixed it and it's nice smooth and creamy now we're going to take out our crust my crust looks really good you can see that it's browned around the edges and that's exactly what you want now you're going to take this mix and pour it right on top it should look like this now we're going to pop this in our 350 degree oven for about 30 minutes cheesecake is in the oven at 350 degrees you're going to want to cook it until it's nice and brown on top and the center is all the way cooked through all right guys so since our cheesecake is baking in the oven i'm just going to get started on our keto pumpkin pie i have a video on this i just did it a few days ago so if you haven't seen that go ahead and go check it out it is so amazingly good but i'm just gonna make that for my husband and then tonight for dinner guys i guess um we decided to go spend time with his brother and his dad for some um you know just to hang out with family so i think we're gonna be cooking over there tonight for dinner but i am going to be having lunch here in just a bit after i get this pumpkin pie together okay so i got both desserts in the oven right now i got the keto pumpkin pie and the keto cheesecake for my husband's brother cooking my life is all about multitasking i am always multitasking but today we are going to have some lunch because i'm hungry already it's already almost it's 12 20. so i'm ready for lunch um last night i made my kids some tacos so i have some leftover taco meat and we are going to be whipping up some taco salad i haven't had it in a while that's like one of my absolute favorite salads on keto i used to eat this all the time when i first started keto it was very cheap and simple just to throw together so that's what we are going to be having today okay so these are usually all the ingredients that i use so i always add some ranch then add some salsa because it's like a taco you can't forget the salsa i chop up some tomato i use one whole avocado in my salad you could use any cheese you like i'm using mexican blend cheese some sour cream some lettuce and then this is the leftover taco meat i'm just gonna warm some up in a bowl and then you just toss everything in a bowl and it's like a taco in a bowl and here is lunch we got our sour cream our ranch our taco meat our whole avocado cheese tomato lettuce it is so good and simple oh and some salsa so this is asked for a very quick lunch on keto especially for work if you're on the go i highly recommend this salad all right so i'm just gonna sit down and enjoy this awesome easy lunch and i promise you you would get so full off this lunch and i am going to be drinking a whole thing of water with it okay while i was finishing up lunch my cheesecake did finish up in the oven this is what it looks like now you just want to let it cool down and it will like go down because it's rising right now you want to let it cool off and then i'm going to box it for him and you do want to pop this in the fridge of course so it's nice and cold all right guys so while the cheesecake cools off and i have a little bit of time right now i am going to be going through my youtube comments and just replying to everybody i am so sorry like if i do not get to your comment as fast as i can like usually before usually before i can get this to them pretty quick but now guys the love has been real and i appreciate it so much like i love when y'all comment ask questions show me love i appreciate it a lot but it's been so much harder to get to every comment so i take breaks like if i have a chance throughout the day i'll come sit down comment and if not i'll do like before i go to bed i just have like times when i have to sit down and do it so if i don't get to your comments right away i'm so sorry i'm not ignoring your anything i just have to break it down in sections now because it's a lot but i appreciate y'all's love so much i have been my youtube has been insane this past like month two months it's just it's just grown so much and i appreciate it from the bottom of my heart like all my hard work is finally paying off and y'all don't know how much i appreciate that it really means a lot to me so thank you but right now i am about to sit down and just reply to somebody else's comments and questions or anything that y'all have remember guys leave a comment ask anything that y'all want um or you can message me on facebook i'm more active on facebook i believe facebook and youtube like i have the ig um and i do get messages from there but i feel like i don't know i guess i'm more active on facebook because that's just where i started off at and then i do have tick tock i always post little videos on tik tok if y'all want to check that out but yeah i appreciate the love guys so right now i'm just gonna sit down and reply to all y'all's comments guys look at this beautiful keto cheesecake when you undo your cheesecake pan you want to make sure you take like a butter knife and release it from the edges because if not i had a little crack but it's okay it looks delicious now i'm just going to transfer it in the box for him all right now it's going in the fridge until he wants to eat it for later on my husband's keto pumpkin pie is ready as well i'm just letting it cool off guys it smells so amazing y'all definitely need to give this recipe a try my husband's already back how is it babe he said he's a fast shooter yep all right guys so i went to go pick up my kids from school earlier i literally just got back but now i have to rush to go pick up my husband's brother and our family friend because we're going to go to hb together and go half on dinner tonight so that's what i'm about to do i'm about to go pick them up then head to heb say hi hey what up that's the heb get the stage hell yeah checking out got all the goodies don't look at the bread we found big red zero we're leaving we're gonna cook some steaks like that all right guys we got all the goodies all the drinks the steaks some veggies for the side now i have to go pick up my kids and my husband and we're gonna head back over here they only live across the street they don't have far from us we're gonna head back over here and get to cooking okay so i just got home now i'm quickly going to make some deviled eggs my husband wanted some deviled eggs to have for our dinner and then i had cooked them i had cooked them before i left to pick up the kids from school and i put them in an ice bath now i'm just going to whip up the insides and then we're going to head on our way to his dad's house knock at the door made it guys he's always running for me he does look at him he's fighting hey what are you doing get ready already being lazy hi hey hey dad say hey bro you ready for the mistakes yeah thank you brando slippers say hi brando hey didn't you say hi to me i know he just comes in say hi boys say hi all right guys this is what we got we got some sausages we got some more sausages and then my other my other my husband's other brother likes burgers so he got burgers got some onions with some mushrooms to put on top of our steaks look at these steaks got some jalapeno poppers they got some shrimp over here and then i'm going to making those cauliflower tater tots so i gotta get started on those here in a bit swinging out here let me see go high can you go high yeah oh you're going pretty high hey brando where you going going on the slide let me see you slide down [Music] good job oh you kicked that hard good job oh good one cheese introductory lesson got that keto pimento cheese that ain't gonna be keto check them cars can't eat it no it's it'd be so minuscule with that it won't even matter what is that sweet jalapenos oh do they have sugar a little bit a little bit a little bit of sugar in this oh we got eight grams of sugar what do you mean a little bit when i bake the whole big giant red bowl it ain't gonna matter oh i can't even you won't even be able to tell my weight cream cheese softened i'm gonna throw it in the microwave for a minute i know that's what i do quick soften all right you got the cream cheese softened cream cheese no carbs [Music] mayonnaise no carbs oh introductory course no measuring hell no cheddar cheese negligible amount of carbs the best thing about keto with all the cheese cheese [Applause] i'm just eyeballing them [Music] so just dump the whole bag in there that's half a bag playing among us at the same time multi-talented yes baby pickles a lot of carbs can you use regular jalapenos i mean technically you're supposed to use pimentos [Music] hold on a bit [Music] small enough to not be huge spread the flavor around this is a big old cutting board right yeah i never even like noticed that i think i was the first one to notice i need one of those yeah every one of these house look at this best kitchen island ever i wanted troll man that's all i'm gonna throw some spices and stuff in there in a minute but no but that's just what it is it's just cream cheese and really cream cheese mayo cheddar might need a little more cheddar you know i've been doing keto for a long time i've never really tried the metal cheese no jesus jam say hi brando what are you doing you playing games [Music] more cheddar not enough [Music] [Music] i think you're winning though little elbow grease this is what you're talking about we had to put mix it up that's why i said it by pre-made whole bag alive [Music] it's keto so it's okay no elbow grease that's extra elbow grease no muscles get a little seasoning paprika the five seasonings he has you know about that camino enough [Applause] paprika [Music] these are all exact measurements i got it down you got to measure with your heart yeah what is that cayenne pepper oh spicy nah i'm just kidding it's just for color yeah okay take off your shoe just enough to make you sneeze i know you're thinking i sleep don't sneeze in the cheese it's extra seasoning actually a little corona cheese and that's pretty much it is it it goes in the fridge [Music] looks good you and i are here no cookie want a little crisp no celery oh no for your pimento cheese keep just throw those out of there there we go all right guys this is chris he's single he's looking for a lady he needs something bacon wrapped cream cheese jalapenos homemade looking for food that's all i'm looking for says homemade right on the box beating up dad [Applause] what do you want to show me oh you're swinging cool it's getting windy out here good job you like the swings yeah yeah oh wow you want to get some from for our house yeah okay also daddy for christmas okay the kids wanted pizza for dinner yeah pizza is it good baby yeah okay i'll get you some drinks make your pizza okay they're thirsty all right guys so very quickly i'm going to whip up my keto tater tots i have a video on this i know you have seen me make them before basically it's just rice cauliflower mixed with cheese seasonings then you bake them in like a specific little muffin tin pan and they come out like little tater tots so i'm gonna whip it up just mix it all together and then when everything is ready i'll pop them in the oven because they're really quick to bake so for those of you that don't know what the tops are this is two bags i'm doubling the recipe so this is two bags of rice cauliflower cooked with some onion powder some garlic powder so a little bit of cayenne pepper i'm gonna add some salt and black pepper and then i'm going to add four large eggs to this and then to the mix of the cauliflower and eggs you're going to add four cups of any cheese that you'd like i'm using some mexican blend today and then you're just going to mix everything together until well combined all right and when it's done it should look something like this and then when i'm ready i'm going to scoop it into these little muffin tins and we're going to bake them in the oven but i'm going to put it to the side for right now because we're going to finish making up the rest of the food i got a munch on something so i made my deviled eggs my husband loves these deviled eggs they're so good poppers are ready to eat them yummy munching oh dad's single too shout out to dad jt there's the grill got the steak on the grill she got some miles on her but she'll get the job done no offense sam [Music] munching on the jalapeno poppers these are probably one of the best snacks i like to have these with burgers on the side instead of french fries you can have these all right guys we got these cauliflower tots going in the oven until they're nice and crispy steaks are done they look so good and then we got some grilled onions and mushrooms on the side that we're going to put on top we got the sausages on the grill there we go all right guys and when these tots finish they should look something like this and they're just like little tater tots just let them cool off and i like to enjoy them with some sugar-free ketchup got the sausages done and the steaks jalapeno poppers tater tots cauliflower we got some shrimp i think everything's done right that's it we're about to dig in we got some grilled onions and mushrooms you ready that all ready all right this is my plate we got a little bit of everything got that over [Music] bye dad thank you all right guys we just got home we are stuffed it was so good it was nice to enjoy some family time but we are pretty much going to call it at night i'm going to take a shower take my kids a shower and we are calling it a night we are going to go to bed we are tired and stuffed but i hope you all enjoyed this what i eat in a day video with my family and if you did please give it a big thumbs up don't forget to subscribe to my channel for awesome keto recipes and i'll see you on my next video
Channel: Keto With Sammy
Views: 5,583
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: keto, ketowhatieat, ketowhatieatinaday, ketovlog, vlog, ketolife, ketofood, ketorecipes, ketowithsammy, whattoeatonketo, ketobreakfast, ketodinner, ketolunch, keatomeals, fulldayofeating, ketofulldayofeating, lowcarb, lowcarbrecipes, ketolowcarb, ketoweightloss, weightloss, ketotransformation, ketolifestyle, ketoday, vlogketo
Id: pjsde7QXioY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 27sec (1707 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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