What I Ate Today ๐Ÿฅฅ My Raw Vegan Life in Hawaii Vlog ๐ŸŒบ Farm Updates, New Doggie, Juicing & Recipes! ๐ŸŒฑ

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Aloha my friends Christina here and I'm so happy to share with you a new what I at today video with simple and easy raw vegan recipes many of you know that I've been a raw vegan for over 18 years now and one of the most frequently asked questions that I get is what do you eat in a day after 18 years of being a raw vegan one of my greatest intentions has always been to show people how beautiful and how easy this lifestyle can be no matter where you're at on your journey you can incorp at a juice a smoothie or a salad into your daily routine and that is exactly what I'm hoping to inspire you to do today you'd think that after 18 years I would be bored of this lifestyle but it's actually the opposite I am more in love with this lifestyle than ever before I've become so passionate about growing my own food and living in alignment with this belief system I can't tell you how happy it makes me and it is the reason why I'm still standing here with all of you today today sharing this message because I believe in it that much I want everyone to enjoy more raw living Foods more raw vegan recipes more delicious raw vegan meals so today I have a special offer for those of you who have not downloaded my fully raw recipe app the offer is 20% off for all new users and that includes the monthly and the yearly subscriptions for those of you who don't know I have a fully raw recipe app that has more than 500 raw vegan recipes on it now everything from Juices smoothies salads salad dressings sauces epic meals snacks desserts and more I even have new meal plans on my app for you to enjoy and for those of you who haven't heard I recently acquired my app and so I've been putting so much effort into making this the best app of all time and the best user experience for you so there's so many cool new features coming I add new recipes every single week and I really believe it's a resource that everyone should have so if you haven't already please go download my fully well recipe app it is 20% off for all new users my app is available on iTunes and Google Play and I've included those download links below for you in the description please go give it a download and enjoy I've got much to show you and much to update you on in my life so let's jump in come on come on some news that I'm excited to share with you all very soon and I promise I'll give you more details in a future video is that this is my new baby Raina she has a beautiful story and um I've been spending the past couple of weeks getting her and Coco acquainted together so this is my new baby Raina she is almost 8 years old she's the biggest sweetheart of all time and she is loving her new life here on the property you want to say hi Raina a project that I'm very excited to share with you that we've been working on recently that's just beginning is we've been building dragon fruit trellises for our dragon fruit to grow on I think we have three different varieties of dragon fruit here pink ones Yellow Ones white ones and so as you can see here this is like a month worth of planning for dragon fruit trellises and what we've done is we've built poles and then sections on top where the cactus can actually grow up and grow out and flower out essentially so I'm hoping by next summer or the summer after that we'll have some thriving dragon fruit here on the property and this is just the beginning of that another update I have to share with you is for those of you who are watching a previous Vlog of mine or who are watching my Instagram stories you saw that it took me 3 weeks to rescue this dog out of the forest behind my house so not only did it take me 3 weeks to rescue this dog but also I spent a month fostering him and we found him the most perfect home he's now in the best home ever I had a special angel named Nancy fly over from another Island to come and adopt him and give him his forever home and it was just such a happy story I feel like those of you who've been following my journey in rescuing Milo that's now his name you would really appreciate hearing that he's in the most loving home ever now and the same week that Milo was adopted was the same week that I got Raina and I'm excited to share that future story with you as well starting to rain on me so let's keep it moving my first baby mulberries are arriving how exciting is this I have three mulberry trees total oh my my gosh so exciting my first meal of everyday is usually some freshly pressed juice and something that I've been enjoying a lot of lately has been tons of fresh coconut water from the Coconuts that we have here on property and also from Neighbors that we get and also I've been enjoying tons and tons and tons of fresh sugar cane juice if you saw the last Vlog that I posted with my mom I go to the farmers market every Saturday and I have a friend who freshly presses sugar cane juice for me and I get four five six of these jars every week and so for breakfast or around 11:00 a.m. I might enjoy some fresh coconut water I'll enjoy about 32 oz of fresh sugarcan juice and with some of the coconut water and the coconut meat that I get from the Coconuts I'll make fresh coconut milk as well and I can't even tell tell you how delicious it is to make your own nut milks at home if you're not making your own nut milks at home now is the time I use my Nama J2 juicer to make fresh coconut milk but you can also make your own cashew milk Macadamia nutmilk any type of nutmilk that you want it's just so good my usual go-to in the morning is a dark leafy green juice and usually I'll make that from my garden but since I've been getting some freshly pressed sugar cane juice lately I've been enjoying this as well if you're looking to get a new juicer the one I have in my home the one I love and use and recommend is the Nama J2 juicer you can get $55 off the Nama J2 juicer using the code fully raw 55 that code will also give you $80 off their new C2 juicer plus blender and it will also give you an additional 10% off of all of their new accessories so if you're interested in getting your juicing game going please use the link and the code that's in the description below below and have fun I'm at the farmers market getting ingredients for the week and supporting all of my neighbors and friends I love coming here it's pretty much the most social that I am all week so let me show you what's in season and let's have a little bit of [Music] fun the streets feel we're mixed with light goes down down and back BL [Music] on feel this mermaid Soul Shakespearean goddess Queen to me and these are vegan carrot C bombs that are also raw and I never make raw treats so I get to gift some to this beautiful lady just for you yes oh and you also get to have one of these this is a lemon cucumber a lemon cucumber that is gorgeous they don't these ones are going off right now and for every like 10 of these I get one of these and it's for you thank you it's never coming down we're invincible oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on Coco for those of you who know me know that I enjoy a delicious smoothie Bowl pretty much every single day for lunch and today's smoothie bowl is my mean green smoothie machine I actually made this green smoothie Bowl recipe for you in a video not too long ago and usually when I show people the Smoothie Bowl they get a bit freaked out because it's really green but to me it is so good and so nourishing and a huge bulk of my daily calories and nutrients are in this smoothie Bowl usually before I jump into my smoothie Bowl I will supplement with sun Warriors liquid minerals and also their vitamin mineral Rush these are easy liquid supplements that you can take at any time that will provide you with anything extra such as B12 D3 iodine iron anything extra that you might need I like to call it covering your bases and then for my smoothie Bowl I'll typically add into my blender as many frozen bananas as I'd like a scoop of sun Warriors protein powder I really like their tahaan vanilla a scoop of Sun Warrior super greens I love these lately I've been adding a scoop of their creatine in my smoothies to help me build some extra muscle and also to help with brain cognition and hormones especially for females I'll also add in a teaspoon of barleygrass powder and chlorella or spirulina and a ton of fresh coconut water I'll blend this until smooth sometimes the Smoothie comes out like a ice cream and depending on how much coconut water I add sometimes it'll come out a little less thick I'll top it with some raw caca nibs and I will also top it with my own granola lately I've been making my own raw vegan granola and it's such a simple recipe I've shared this recipe for you in a previous YouTube video this recipe is also listed on my app for you not only have I been making this original protein packed granola but also I've been making one that uses Sun Warriors beetroot powder and EXT ra buckwheat and it is also so delicious so I've definitely been getting creative in the raola category I love to add these toppings onto my smoothie bowls to give them a little extra Crunch and then I usually sit outside with Coco and enjoy my smoothie bowls and we spend a little bit of quality time together this is probably one of my favorite moments in the day is when I get to just sit and eat and enjoy my time with cocoa we've had so much New Growth the past couple of weeks because of all the rain we've been getting these bananas are almost ready to harvest this is another rack that's almost ready to harvest we've been harvesting approximately one rack every single week or every other week some of you might already know that I planted a bunch of these avocado trees from seed and they've grown so much we're going to get our first avocado Harvest this year or the next look at all of these baby avocados this is going to be my first avocado Harvest on the property from the trees that I planted from seed I cannot tell you how special this is to me what you think Rea what you think sweetie you like avocados here are two more of the trees that I planted and these were propagated from seed these trees are approximately 4 years old and already producing fruit and my water well is completely covered in liloy Vines at this point for dinner tonight I made a rainbow salad with a pumpkin hemp Macadamia dill and basil dressing that I will be adding onto my app for you so you can check it out there and for the salad I chopped up some fresh kale purple cabbage red bell pepper fresh cilantro fresh parsley pink radishes and I shredded some carrot and cucumber with my hand peeler I I have that peeler linked below for you for those of you who want to check it out and as a final Added Touch I added a dollop of my macnut cheese that I've been making at home recently for those of you whove ever been on Hawaii you know that Mac nuts grow abundantly here and we've been getting fresh Mac nuts so I've been taking these macadamia nuts and I've been blending them with probiotics a little lemon juice and garlic I let the cheese I call it my cheese I let the cheese sit for about 48 hours and then it turn turns into a macnet cheese and it is so good it's a gut healthy probiotic friendly nut cheese that you can add to your salads or dressings and it's divine so this is dinner tonight I will absolutely enjoy this entire bowl and as many of you might have noticed today I did a juice for breakfast a smoothie for lunch and I'm doing a rainbow salad for dinner there's so many good nutrients in this salad and yes also protein so let's go ahead and dive into this a little bit and let's get this first bite [Music] going yum this is no ordinary salad it is exploding with flavor and texture and color and life and even though I enjoy a salad all the time what really makes a salad incredible is the dressing it's all about the sauce of the dressing and this one is really good dinner tonight is raw tacos with tons of dressings and salads put a bunch of rainbow veggies on there and also a walnut meat it's in my app it's so good one of the salads is a lighter sweet turmeric dressing with an avocado Whip and another is a tomato turmeric dressing plain turmeric dressing that can act kind of like a mustard replacement avocado Whip and walnut [Music] meat thank you all so much for joining me in today's video if you have liked it please be sure to give this video a thumbs up and hit the Subscribe button because there is only more goodness to come my fully raw recipe app is currently 20% off for all new us users so if you're new to my Channel or if you've been here a long time and if you've never taken the dive into my fully ra recipe app please go give it a download now and take advantage of this 20% off offer my app is available on iTunes and Google Play and once you give it a download you can enjoy more than 500 raw vegan recipes on your mobile devices at any given time those links are below for you in the description please go give it a download and enjoy any and all other links you might need are linked in the description below for you so if you're looking to check out Nama juicers or sun Warriors vegan products those are linked in the description below for you with discounts as well thank you all so much for joining me in today's video I hope you have loved it and I hope it inspires you to go and make some raw delicious recipes right now I look forward to seeing you all in my next video sending you all my hugs and my love bye
Channel: FullyRawKristina
Views: 44,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vegan, veganism, juicing, juicingrecipes, juicer, bestjuicer, kitchen, cooking, plantbased, healthy, vegans, vegancouple, fullyraw, fullyrawkristina, lifestyle, juicerecipe, weightloss, detox, cleaneating, eat, rawvegan, rawfood, rawdiet, vegetarian, transformation, whatiatetoday, kristinafullyraw, nama, namajuicer, juicerecipes, greenjuice, slowjuicer, coldpressed, juicecleanse, beginner, tips, wellness, gardening, organic, garden, vegetables, fruits, sustainable, prep, routine, workout, natural, energy, mealprep, fruit, whatiate, farm, hawaii
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 53sec (1013 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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