Property Tour! ๐ŸŒฑ What I'm Growing on My 9-Acre Organic Fruit Orchard in Hawaii ๐Ÿฅญ 700+ Trees Planted!

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Aloha my friends Christina here and I am so happy to be back in a new video with you today to share with you what I am currently growing here on my fruit Orchard in Havi I'm going to be giving you a property tour today with a bunch of little updates I asked you all on my Instagram what you wanted to see from me and many of you said that you just wanted me to walk around the property and share with you what I'm growing and what I'm eating for those of you who have been following my journey you might know that a little over 4 years ago I moved to Havi and I have been spending and dedicating much of my time to restoring an organic fruit Orchard and since then I have planted more than 700 fruit trees yes you heard that correctly I have planted more than 700 fruit trees and more than 91 different varieties of fruits here on the property not too long ago I uploaded a property transformation video and I showed you the befores and afters of the orchard it's such a cool video so for those of you who want to see and learn how I have restored nitrogen into the soil all the steps I took to do every single detail the right way in terms of uh curating this organic Orchard please go check out that video I've linked it below for you in the description and you get to witness me planting some of these 700 organic fruit trees since the orchard has now been established I'm currently in what I like to call maintenance and growth mode so in today's video you'll get to see the progress of the Orchard and the growth of the trees and I show you some pretty cool things that are growing before I walk you around the property I have some very big and exciting news to share with you and it is that I have just partnered with true Leaf Market to bring you my own sprouting kit set if you have watched any of my previous gardening videos sprouting videos or even even micr green videos then you've seen me using these seeds right here true Leaf Market and I have partnered together to bring you the absolute best curated list of fully raw sprouting seeds you don't have to have your own garden to start growing your own foods you can start growing your own sprouts and microgreens on your countertops sprouts and microgreens are loaded with so many good nutrients and they are protein rich as well you can use these colorful organic sprouting seeds for any healthy meal this selection is perfect for beginners and seasoned sprouters interested in trying out new varieties the kit includes a 96 page full color sprouting guide and a mason jar sprouting lid I've hand selected all of the seeds in this kit so whether you're looking to start growing your own Sprouts or micro greens at home or whether you're even ready to start growing your own garden true Leaf Market is the best place to get organic and non GMO seeds I hope that you love these sprouting seeds and I hope that it inspires you to start growing your own food at home we've only made a limited amount of these fully rot organic sprouting kit sets for you so I hope that you stock up and enjoy them please check out the link in the description below and go grab your sprouting kit sets I've included a special promotional code on the screen for you as well so you can get a discount on these sets I hope you are as excited about the sprouting kit set as I am please go check out that link below and enjoy all that being said it is time for our tour come with me almost there this one has a lot of water it's really heavy oh my goodness so these are Samo and coconuts and these Three Palms were actually on the property when I moved in but I've planted 42 more Samoan coconut palms and these Three Palms probably yield I want to say anywhere from 6 to 10 coconuts a month and I have so many coconuts it's actually pretty cool because I'm able to drink my own fresh coconut water whenever I want and lately I've been harvesting the meat within the coconuts and I've been making my own coconut probiotic yogurt I've been making my own raw vegan coconut crackers and more I've been using the meat and salad dressings uh and my next experiment is I'm going to to try making my own raw vegan coconut ice cream so I've been getting creative with these coconuts this probably weighs I want to say 8 lb it's pretty heavy uh but they're coconuts come look at these flowers so I planted this pink lemon tree uh about a year and a half ago and it already has one two three I see four baby pink lemons on it oh five and you can see the flowers are so pretty these pink flowers blossoms that are coming out oh I've got a little moth on my hand you can see how pretty these look and they're growing just a year and a half in almost 2 years and look at these flowers so this is oh it just popped right off this is a tahan lime oh there's a cute little Beetle it's a heian lime tree and you can see these beautiful fragrant flowers they smell so sweet they kind of smell like gardinas and this tree is really happy as well this is called a Hong Kong orchid tree and it's probably my favorite flowering tree and I absolutely have become obsessed with these trees because you can see these gorgeous pink flowers are so abundant and they're edible so you can use these flowers in your salads or Edible art and and they pretty much Bloom I want to say between November to March but they can bloom all year round as well and I just I'm just obsessed with orchids in general so the fact that you've got orchid flowers on a tree these are these are my favorite I love these and also they're great bee pollinators as well so we're standing on perennial peanut grass right now and many of you know that it took me a year and a half to handplant all of this grass on the property and what's special about this grass is that it is a nitrogen building grass that you don't have to mow and it has these beautiful flowers that come up and these are also edible so if you think about it it's nitrogen building nitrogen fixing edible grass that you never have to mow I'm a big fan of perennial peanut it's pretty sweet flower so I'm standing in front of my liloy wall or my liloy fence you can see here behind me that I have planted multiple liloy Vines here Jamaican liloy that are flowering right now and the flowers are absolutely gorgeous I think they look like insane aliens there's something out of this world they're just so gorgeous and the fruit is so delicious as well when you crack it open you eat the seeds it's so sweet it's so jelly likee and you can make teas out of it and so much more and also liloy flowers are amazing bee pollinators as well you can see many different bees at work here and you can see a bunch of the little fruit that are tucked into all of these Vines here and actually this part of the fence is very abundant and full and I've just started planting that side of the fence which will fill in very soon as well I also have liloy Vines all over my water well that I showed you in a previous video and I'll show you the fruit as we pick them this whole side of the fence is actually not ripe yet so these are baby fruits but I'll show you some ripe fruits in just a second want me to cut One open this is kind of how you open them ready yum many of you already know that I've been growing lots of papayas I planted more than 40 papaya trees or papaya Palms on the property and I've harvested so many papayas it's unreal uh you can see that many of these are abundant and ripe these are just some of the more abundant ones I wanted to show you it's so fun to have papayas growing since I've shown you these before we'll keep it moving but I couldn't not show you what they've been up to lately chunk hi chunky oh [Music] so I'm standing here and what I like to call Banana row as you can see I have a row of bananas planted all from here all the way till the end of that curve over there and I have approximately six different types of bananas that I've planted here I'm standing in front of some apple bananas I have Pang AOK I've got bre bananas Cuban Reds ice cream bananas Thai bananas uh I've been collecting different varieties that I'm trying to grow here and it's really exciting because you can see I'm in front of this Palm that has a full PKA I call them pinkas my dad and I call them pinkas here at the top and each one of these from the next four all have almost ripe heads of bananas and so every single month I've been harvesting one or two of these and we've been going bananas I've had lots of bananas I use them in my smoothies every day I give them to my neighbors and I freeze them to use in my smoothie bowls every single day and it's so cool because I'm literally eating the bananas that I'm growing every single day this is my water well and I also planted a bunch of liloy all over this water well you can see these new Incredible flowers these ly flowers they're so beautiful I'm obsessed with these and underneath here we've got got lots and lots of ripe Lys just dripping off of these Vines everywhere I mean there's liloy all over so much liloy it's really fun to put on top of watermelon and to make teas with Lil Quay heaven so also on this side of the property I've planted a bunch of my tropical varieties and that also includes avocados I've planted approximately 13 different varieties of avocados that can be harvested throughout the year and what's special about this side of the property is that the trees that are behind me this avocado tree and the other five that are right here I grew all from seed and I propagated them from my friend David Wolf's property at nony land and the seeds that I propagated have grown four times as fast as the other trees and I think I might be getting my first avocados as early as I don't know this coming spring but I'm very excited I grew this from seed and you wouldn't believe that this tree behind me is just right over 2 years old how crazy is that from seed that one this one that one all grown from seeds giant avocados Giant I have a if you remember in previous videos this used to be dirt behind me can you believe it do you remember just in April of this past year I was planting all of these trees and now look they're all babies and some of them are 3 four 5 ft tall this is the orchard in progress and it's growing beautifully so just here around me I've got avocados as I just mentioned longan Lei we've got so many different types of citrus on this side uh rambutan we've got white sapote rinia M jack fruit durian I could go on and on and on and on but let me take you to the [Music] mangoes all this rain been good for them right here I've also planted three different varieties of figs now figs are not common in Hawai but I am actually trying to grow them to see what how they will do I'm showing this to you so you can see that I'm experimenting as well with some things that may or may not do good and also yeah we'll just see how they do these are blackberry jam bushes and I have about six of them so here we are at the end of the property where I have planted 42 mango trees many different types of varieties too many to name here but I'll tell you my favorites are the Raposa mangoes and the mansia mangoes and the namdak May so I'm very excited about that you can see all 42 trees trees that have been planted right here and I'm so excited for these to grow some of them are growing a little faster than others but the truth is is I have probably about 5 to 7even years of Maintenance and waiting on these so my goal is going to be to continue to keep the soil Rich so that these can grow big and strong and produce the best fruit so from a different perspective when you're standing far away these trees look really tiny or on camera camera when I'm showing you these trees they might look really small but as you can see when I'm standing next to them they're just as tall as me so when I planted these they were probably about my knee height so we're talking about this much growth in a year year and a half for some of these and I would like to think that that's pretty good but yes so this is a Kint mango it's pretty big and I'm very very very excited about my mango trees people are always asking me about the roosters and chickens here and I just want to say that all of the roosters and chickens that are roaming my property are free if you've ever been to Hawaii then you know that there are chickens and roosters everywhere I did not purchase them I don't consider them to be my own I don't cage them I don't I don't do anything with them they're just naturally free roaming and I welcome them sometimes I will give them my compost because you know they're naturally eating and fertilizing you know some of the plants around here and the soil and the peanut grass so I just let them live freely and I like to think that we're friends and lastly I just want to show you my citrus trees I know for some of you Citrus might not be that exciting but I get so excited about my Citrus and I've planted approximately 60 to 70 citrus trees all of different varieties I'm standing in front of a Cara Cara naval orange I've also got Washington Naval valencias tangelos tangerines I've got limes lemons Myer lemons pink lemons you name it I have tried to plant as many different Citrus varieties as possible because I love drinking freshly squeezed citrus juices and I love using lemons and limes in all my salad dressings so I think that having Citrus is a staple and 16 of these trees came with the property uh so you can see that they're super full and there're there's lots of citrus already abundant here and because there's so many different varieties I get to pick Citrus throughout the year I'm never without which is amazing I hope many of you have liked this mini property tour I haven't even covered half of what's growing here I've only just shown you a tiny tiny bit so if you guys have liked what I've shown you today please let me know in the comments what you'd like to see more of if you appreciate me showing you these kinds of things I think growing your own food is so important especially in today's age and I think that educating on plant powered food is even more important and will become more important as we move into the future so thank you all so much I hope you all have loved this property tour if you have please be sure to give this video a thumbs up and hit the Subscribe button because there is only more goodness to come if you haven't already please go grab your fully raw sprouting kit set using the link in the description below below and start growing your own food please go check out the link in the description below along with the promotional code and stock up on your organic and non GMO seeds I'm so excited about this collab and I hope you are too if you're looking for raw vegan recipes you can download my raw vegan recipe app it's available on iTunes and Google Play there are more than 450 raw vegan recipes on my app waiting for you to enjoy and those links are also included in the description below for you thank you so much again for joining me on this property tour today I can't wait to share with you more updates in the future thank you all again sending you my hugs and my love and I'll see you in my next video bye
Channel: FullyRawKristina
Views: 70,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vegan, veganism, juicing, juicingrecipes, juicer, bestjuicer, kitchen, cooking, plantbased, healthy, vegans, fullyraw, fullyrawkristina, lifestyle, juicerecipe, weightloss, detox, cleaneating, eat, rawvegan, rawfood, rawdiet, vegetarian, transformation, whatiatetoday, kristinafullyraw, nama, namajuicer, juicerecipes, nutmilk, greenjuice, slowjuicer, coldpressed, juicecleanse, beginner, tips, cucumber, wellness, gardening, organic, growing, howtogrowagarden, garden, vegetables, fruits, hawaii, sustainable, nongmo, prep, farming, fruit, veganlife
Id: v8ic6M0__5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 41sec (1241 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2023
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