Nobody's Perfect.

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[Music] every human being on planet Earth no matter who they are has demons to fight nobody's perfect nobody has a clean record everybody has issues and challenges many of which they keep secret that they don't want other people to know about 2,000 years ago uh before the internet existed uh when people didn't like you or you were unfavorable in society they would throw stones at you and that could kill you that could really damage and a lot of times kill somebody just by throwing stones at them and the reason people threw stones at those people is because they judged them they had assumptions they assumed that person was worthy of receiving being stoned but they didn't know that person's story they didn't know why that person did what they did or if they even if they did at all and everybody has reasons why they do what they do they have these demons to fight there is no one situation that's the same for everybody and now we have the internet and people like to just simply attack people from the blind from the anonymity of their keyboard and uh it's just they don't understand and you're actually throwing stones at people and a lot of people end up killing themselves because of the well how it makes that how that makes them feel now I get comments sometimes um it's interesting most of these are women who are very defensive about it's interesting because guys don't really care they're you know they just and then it's over and it's like but women they just carry it inside they just they have these these scars and these pains and that they've been carrying their whole life I know it's a man's world living being a woman in a man's world is really difficult and it makes them very under the service there's this Brewing anger and frustration and then sometimes they take it out on me in the comments almost weekly there's a woman that says I eat right I work out I exercise I do this I I i' I was plant-based it's not working so I'm just going to take these drugs and I'm going to be uh and it make me feel better I keep saying this over and over and over I I say the answer isn't taking something it's stop doing what's bad for you now it's funny these people that claim they don't do anything bad every single person I've visited I've given a lot of people a surprise visit I just showed up one day unexpected and I said let me look in your cupboards and fridge and uh and know it's invading invading private space but I did I did it anyway and I said let me see what's in your fridge in your cupboards and your drawers and in your medicine cabinet and all your secret places and everybody everybody had secret things they were hiding that they and it might not be something in the fridge it might not be something in the cupboard or medicine cabinet it might be in your soul in your heart there's scars that are being dealt with that you might have gotten when you were in childhood or in school and people pick up bad habits and I'm not just talking about diet here like it it's not just you know and by the way most people what they call vegan is not healthy we've already established this you know everybody has uh carb addictions of some kind or sugar addictions or bread or whatever it is we've already we' already talked about that and alcohol that's obvious you know smoking we know that you know there are things that people do that they don't tell people that it's just secret or it's funny a lot of people in the raw food world you know they smoke a lot of marijuana or they do oh it's natural man like you know it's funny they everybody does something and they all claim it's okay because they can handle it because they have a good diet or whatever everybody is so in denial of certain things because they want to keep doing that because it just makes them feel good because it helps them deal with the issues in their life nobody wants to wake up in the morning and just take on their fears and go I'm going to take all my fears today and I'm just going to get rid of all of it I mean I mean there might be one or two people but that's almost like a Death Wish most people they try to put things there's always something you're putting off under the surface that you want to put off indefinitely and you just hope it's going to go away and how do you deal with that stuff by doing something you know you're not supposed to and this ties in a lot with people judging I looked horrible like 15 years ago I was really really I I looked all gaunt and shriveled up I looked like I was dying and I was doing raw food now people might say ah see see the raw food wasn't working that's not working go carnivore or whatever you know they didn't realize what I was going through I was going through a breakup in a relationship I was very stressed I was very stressed financially that's when the 08 thing happened and everybody was losing everything um there was a lot going on in my life that I didn't talk about because it's none of your business you know I was going through a private war a private battle and it was painful and it had nothing to do with my diet a lot of things are people's private battles and it's none of your business to ask what they are just trust everybody on including you everybody on this planet has secret things that they're battling that they don't want people to know about no matter how good your diet is and again I guarantee you your diet's not perfect either but it's a lot more than diet usually getting healthier means stopping something that you know is not good for you and it takes time and it's really hard and and it's like hell it's like going through hell uh anybody I mean I knew somebody I had a girlfriend years ago who was hooked on speed and and alcohol and cigarettes and she was a TR you talk about the movie Exorcist that's what it's like when they come off of that stuff it is it but you stick with it you love them you stick through it with them because you see what they really now I know this this is also a touchy thing because women do this with a lot of men and vice versa they see the potential in that person and they they they think I can change that person no you can't they have to change on their own they have to want to change on their own ju and uh you can't force them they have to realize make their own realization so if that is killing you trying to help somebody it might never happen and you might end up killing yourself trying to help that other person because they'll bring you down too people have to heal on their own so this is such an important issue uh anyway so I looked horrible like 13 14 15 years ago and then I started looking better because I got over those issues Cara looked different when I met her cuz she was going through a lot of bad stuff when I met her she was and I I oh I but I just felt I just knew she was right for for me and I stuck it through and she looks different now than she did back then so what did people do plastic surgery right it's first thing they say plastic surgery it's amazing how fast people judge oh she had breast implants so obviously she's done the rest of herself too I made a video about that subject how quick people judge about plastic that's the what people just do nowadays right you look better so you must have plastic it couldn't have been the fact that you you fought your demons you overcame some bad habits you you started uh going out in Sun working outs going to sleep earlier doing all the things that you didn't really put much value on it's amazing how simple things in life like not eating 4 hours before you to go to bed going to bed by 10 9 or 10 um getting enough sleep exercising uh resistance training weight training how most middle-aged women don't do that and I'm saying middle-aged women because women have a different uh kind of approach and mentality to life than men do they dress up they put makeup on they do they they want the world to see them as these perfect little China dolls whereas men are like whatever they're like you know they they're they're they let the the ugly stuff hang out they don't care they just do whatever they smell they fart they don't have any personal hygiene you know I'm generalizing here but uh women like to keep their little uh imperfections to themselves and that that's like a cancer it eats them up from inside because they don't they don't want to carry that that pain inside but they do and then every once in a while they lash out at somebody who who uh tries to you know knock on that door um but if you want to improve yourself then you have to knock on that door you have to address those issues and that's why sometimes people are very angry at me and their their comments that claiming that they're perfect and I'm wrong and they don't have any bad habits like yeah you do come on everybody does and sometimes you have to dig pretty deep to find them because they're buried quite well because people don't want you to know about them but like I said it's not necessarily diet all the time it could be a personal pain you know uh people carry a lot of internal personal pain in their life people try to help you with that especially your loved one who tries you know that you your your partner your mate whatever they try to help as best they can but ultimately it's your job to fight your own demons nobody can fight your demons for you when they try if if they were to try they just get sucked into the same into a world of pain also but it doesn't fix the problem and sometimes it makes it worse you got to fix it on your own that's our job that's that's one of the reasons we're here is to fight those demons and that's why people sometimes pick up these bad habits is because they they need something to help cope you know there's a pain there there's an uncomfortableness there there's a sometimes it's depression and loneliness you know the loss of a loved one somebody dies in your life or or or you feel alone or you got picked on when you were a kid and and now you feel your self-worth is very low and and you don't think much of yourself and you you like to just hide and be this Meek person and um you know that's pain everybody has some issues they have to fight so they cope with it with a substance of some kind or something that gives them instant gratification you know but it's that just makes it worse it just somehow that eats you up inside in a different way so the only way to have something not eat you up inside is to get rid of it to stop holding on to it and that's not always easy and all these people who claim to be these perfect gurus on the internet who who I know a lot of them and they have issues they have substance issues they have personality issues trust me nobody on planet Earth is perfect you know I've never touched a drop of alcohol in my life I've never smoked I've never I don't even do coffee never have I hate coffee all the bad substances that people do got hooked on I never got into that I remember I remember when I was in art school when I was 18 I never smoked but I wanted to fit in I wanted to be accepted I want to be cool so this is so funny art students they're all smoking weed so I took some toilet paper and rolled it up in like like a joint and pretended I was smoking it when the school was having parties or dances or something I'd stand on the corner like the cool guy yeah but everybody knew I wasn't smoking they it was like a joke it was like an inside joke um they knew it was toilet paper oh it's funny um but in but seriously my weakness was always sugar and carbs and I remember oh geez I I always wanted to do the right thing you know I I I I ran like I was like a $6 million doll man I would run like a 60 miles an hour and I was healthy and I I try to eat right I never drank I never smoked never did any of that stuff but I would go to um we had they had a Burger King on the corner and I would go I wouldn't eat the meat wouldn't eat the hamburgers but I ate the cherry pies and the milkshakes I swear if if we have past lives I think I was a woman because I I the carbs and the dairy were in the bread that was the hardest thing for me I never wanted the meat and the alcohol like men do you know I'm not into like by the time I was in my mid 20s I started bleeding when I went to the bathroom and and uh it was it was bad and I was very stressed out too I was a young kid in my 20s I didn't know where I was going in life and I I was having relationship issues it wasn't her fault I just was immature I didn't know how to deal with stuff and I and you know I feel sorry for people in their 20s having all these arguments and lashing out it's just they're frustrated they don't know how to deal with life they haven't grown up yet and I was so immature back then I feel horrible for the things that people had to deal with in my life I you know we could just go back and change things but yeah we've grown we've matured since then um so yeah anyway I it took a long time for me to get the sugar and bread and dairy thing under control and then it became stressed with money and finances and uh relationship issues and you just everybody's got their things they have to deal with Cara had her things I had mine um I'm proud of her for overcoming a lot of those things but there is no real time in life where you are perfect there's always a something the minute you overcome this challenge you get a new one it's just that's the way life is like when you finish second grade in school now you're in third grade you finished third grade now you're in fourth grade and each time the challenges get bigger and bigger and God even Elon Musk you know has these issues stop asking what they are just know that everybody has issues and it's the reason they look better or worse is not just because of the diet that they're on and that's so easy to judge people on what you see on the surface oh they just they're just eating you know it's because they're vegan or because they did plastic surgery or you know it's how quick they that's throwing stones that's hurting people that's that's judging them as if they only this is how much they are they are so big in life with so many issues and so many things they're dealing with you only see this much of it and that's what people judge people on and that is so wrong and unfair but that's part of life so if you start seeing somebody starting to look worse or better don't judge don't assume you know why they might be going through a very stressful period in their life there might have been something eating them up for the last 30 years that they haven't dealt with and they get cancer because of it it doesn't mean it's because they're vegan or carnivore or whatever that there's so much more to the equation than just that and if they look better it's not necessarily because they got plastic surgery you know it's amazing how different somebody looks when they just cut wheat out of their or sugar out of their diet or if they stop you know uh alcohol I mean alcohol makes you bloat up and and smoking anything makes you shrivel up it's it's amazing how people like to just assume and judge you remember back when when olive oil and coconut oil was being attacked you have oils in your diet or cashews aren't raw you know and I made a video about that I said look we're we're not extremists we're not 100% raw we go out to restaurants we eat some stuff once in a while like nobody's 100% at anything those who claim they are are lying and those who are trying to be 100% they're fanatical to a degree that's ridiculous I mean they have other issues too nobody nobody is perfect and there's no need to be but at the same time that's not an excuse for saying oh okay well then I'm just going to have my my cookies and my cigarettes and my alcohol and my you know blah blah blah blah no that's not that's not a free ticket to go do whatever you want I'm just saying that everybody has their moments and that's okay just get on with life and learn to what just acknowledge that it's not good for you and try to not do it again or do it you know once a month or once a year or never if you can anyway just know that everybody has their demons to fight that's part of being on planet Earth and realize the best way to get healthier is not to take something to hide a problem to mask a problem it's to have a good honest look at your life why are you having your pain your inflammation your hot flashes is your cold sweats your heart problems your cancer your whatever it is there is always something that you kind of know what it is you you probably already know you just don't want to deal with it and you're in denial of it and you just you you want to convince yourself you have the perfect diet you have the perfect lifestyle okay just because you exercise doesn't mean you're healthy okay it's just because you're you you're vegan or plant-base doesn't mean you're healthy there are so many fine things just the act of not going to sleep early enough or eating before you go to bed messes up your hormones because you have to be fully asleep for that for hormones to heal and you can't eat because then your body is working all night simple things like that not getting enough sunlight not exercising how many of you are doing weight training or exercising and I don't mean going for a 20 minute walk I mean really using your muscles because if you don't use it you lose it it's not a guy thing it's it's a it's a male and female thing you have to move your body you have to move move move and most people nowadays are moving less and less and less what triggers you what gets you upset there's a reason for that you need to address that why are you doing these substances that you shouldn't be doing why are do you have to reach the minute you get uh tense or depressed or or bored you reach for some this thing that you know isn't good for you I can't answer that only you can so the answer isn't you have these addictions you take something it makes you not well so then you take something else to hide the symptoms you get from that addiction it's a vicious cycle just stop get rid of everything just start over from zero try to be as clean as possible and get rid of the bad things in your life don't try to hide it with something else don't go to a doctor and say give me a prescription uh hormone treatment so I I can hide these symptoms because I'm not doing this other stuff that I should be doing you know there's always a reason you just got to figure out what it is every person I've ever visited who said they were perfect they weren't if you're that good at hiding something nobody's going to know what it is other than you so the only one who can deal with it is you right if other people don't know about it how can they help you only you know 100 % of what you're doing and even then you probably don't know everything you're doing because you're trying to shut someone out of your mind anyway I just wanted to say this this is so important this probably one of the best healing things you can do is to be serious with yourself and uh and just take it on just take on those demons and the best you can and remember it's getting rid of things that heals you more than buying stuff and taking things it's what you get rid of it's what you clean yourself of it's not easy I know I know but do the best you can every little bit helps and that's what helps you crawl out of the hole that's what makes you look better and then people will tell you oh you must had plastic surgery you look better oh boy okay well anyway good luck everybody has their battles and Wars to fight and and because of that we should all say we're in this together and not throw stones at each other like the writings say he who is without sin should cast the first stone and I guarantee you everybody's sinning in some way but that's okay because that's part of life on planet Earth so stop throwing stones and start healing yourself I want to see you happy because if you're happier the world more at peace all right I'll see you in the next video bye-bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Healthy Life
Views: 11,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nobodys perfect, menopause, personal growth, hormone replacement therapy, thyroid problems in women, thyroid symptoms, thyroid cancer, thyroid gland, HRT, emotional pain, depression, don't judge others, personal pain, relationship advice, relationship, breast cancer, endometriosis symptoms, endometriosis diet, endometriosis treatment, endometriosis pain, plastic surgery, true health, what to take for, uterine polyps, uterine fibroid, fibroids, anger issues, repressed anger
Id: -yCQ2Tc3aMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 23sec (1343 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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