What I ate to lose 42 lbs - high protein meals + easy snacks

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so this past week I found a whole lot of my old food journals from when I was trying to lose weight a whole lot of them and I was reminded that during this time the thing that I really struggled with was Finding lower coloring meals that were still balanced with all the food groups and that didn't leave me feeling hungry I mean that's the worst I used to try so many different things and this is where I wrote all the recipes that I really loved and I was going through it and I decided to pull out some of them pull out some of my favorites and put together a meal plan that's great for weight loss this is basically an example of what I ate in a day to lose weight how I lost 40 pounds it's a day of meals ideal for losing weight that are still balanced and that are not going to leave you feeling hungry I've also made this really customizable so you can customize this anywhere from 1 200 to 1 800 calories we're all different we all need a different amount of calories to lose weight in a healthy way so I will show you how to do that but first show you what's on the menu what we're gonna be eating it's like a treasure Trove of knowledge that I found just in an old box for breakfast we're having spinach fried eggs with toast for lunch a Mexican inspired black bean salad with tortilla chips for dinner honey chicken which we're gonna meal prep while we add it because there's no extra work to do that and lots of snacks my three ingredient mango protein smoothie a little hummus and veggie dip and my current favorite iced coffee it's the easiest iced coffee I've ever made and it has seven grams of protein in it by the way these are all dairy-free and gluten-free just in case you're wondering and I will let you know how to make these two things vegan everything else is already vegan but still hot in protein if you ate all of this you'd be getting more than 100 grams of protein for the day and I'm going to show you how to customize all these meals to get anywhere between 1 200 and 1 800 calories for the day you can make this meal plan work for if you want to lose weight or if you just want some healthy meals breakfast is just five minutes to put together which is a good thing right now because I'm quite hungry it's very simple to put together and it's surprisingly good for how simple it is I'm studying this one with two eggs but you can also use a Vegan egg replacer I like this one because it's exactly the same amount of calories and protein as real eggs so either one is fine first I'm just heating a pan on the stove with some oil renting some baby spinach and cooking that first it wilts really quickly then cracking two eggs into the spinach with some salt and pepper on top using a bread that is about 90 calories a slice you can use anything that is like 80 to 100 calories a slice that'll be good just toasting two slices quickly and spreading about a teaspoon of butter on top I use a dairy-free one and the eggs are ready they're very quick so just serving them out on top of the toast and I love those for breakfast because it's really simple but it feels a little bit more special than just regular fried eggs on toast and it's nice and filling [Music] if you're anything like me and you love a coffee with breakfast this is probably the easiest asked coffee that I know how to make it's got seven grams of protein in it it's only 80 calories and it's dairy free just adding a few ice cubes to my glass with half a teaspoon of maple syrup any liquid sweetener will work fine then a cup of soy milk I like an unsweetened one I'm doing a really good job of getting that in the glass as you can see and a teaspoon of instant coffee I like a freeze-dried coffee and just Stir It Up and I really like soy milk at the moment because it's got so much protein in it compared to other plant milks and it's so much more creamy just look at the look at all this foam it's so foamy I basically did nothing I just shook the cotton a little bit before I poured it in and it's just foamy top so that it like slowly goes down into the milk very simple very refreshing with the maple syrup in first like I did it kind of sits a little bit at the bottom why yes it's so good when I think back to the time when I was trying to lose weight this is the kind of thing that I would have eaten for lunch a lot it is so quick and it's also it just hits the spot it's a very good lunch yeah you can make it in 10 minutes I like to use a little piece of onion for this such a small piece that's like a tenth of a big onion just cut up into tiny pieces about a cup of cucumber chopped up a cup of baby Tomatoes I like to halve them some fresh cilantro all parsley or even baby spinach Works about a third to half a cup chopped up half a small avocado or about a third of a large one some black beans just opening a can draining and rinsing them about a half a cup get that avocado too some lime juice a nice big squeeze brings all the flavors together about a teaspoon of olive oil adds healthy fats and creaminess and some salt and pepper I'm just giving it a little toss then you can use about 140 calories worth of tortilla chips which I find is usually the serving size on most bags of tortilla chips so in this case I get 21 chips I didn't count out 21 chips specifically because the time but I thought this looked roughly like 21 chips you can count them if you want to I like to use the tortillas as like a little salad scoop to eat my salad and yeah that is a fresh and nutritious lunch in less than 10 minutes oh there's good oh by the way all these meals the breakfast lunch and the dinner they all 400 calories roughly so you can use them with my point system for my beautiful bodyguard a lot of you guys have told me that you use that so um yeah this will be about four points if you do that I pretty much always have a sweet tooth after lunch I just I just want something sweet I need something sweet to Satisfy My Sweet Tooth this is a three ingredient smoothie it's been one of my favorite smoothies for years I actually shared this before this is a duplicate recipe you called me I previously shared this smoothie in my four week weight loss meal prep plan I'll link that video below with this recipe it's a great pre or post workout snack if you want that or just a little sweet tooth satisfier three ingredients I'm adding two cups of Frozen mango to my blender with a scoop of protein powder I use a vegan dairy free one it's really good I'll link below with two cups of unsweetened almond milk any milk Works liner a few ice cubes and just blending it up and I always find that having a smoothie is such an easy way to get a lot of protein into a meal especially if you want it from plant-based sauces I mean this has got 25 grams of protein in it [Music] foreign apart from that I've got a delicious smoothie yeah this tastes like a milkshake um so I've made quite a big serving here as you can see but this one is about 400 calories or about four points but you can also halve the smoothie and it's still a really good snack so you can just make half of it and then it's 200 calories or two points [Music] always make something very simple for dinner because usually I'm busy working on something in the late afternoon and then by the time I get hungry or I realize I'm hungry it's super lead and I'm super hungry today we are making rice and chicken or Tofu for a vegan option and this is not just going to be any old boring rice and chicken it's very simple but it's very good it's got a lot of flavor and my favorite thing about this meal is that it's amazing meal prep so what I usually do when I'm making dinner is just make enough for a few servings and then I only have to cook dinner you know once or twice a week I'm gonna eat a serving tonight and then I've got three more servings to eat for the next few nights and then I don't even have to worry about cooking the next few nights let's just get right into it because I'm ready for some dinner I'm ready to eat I'm adding about one and one third of a cup of dry basmati rice to a pot with about three cups of hot water this should make roughly four cups of rice which is what I want getting that started on the stove and it only takes about 15 minutes to cook so everything else should be done in that time and getting our two frying pans one to cook the chicken when to cook the vegetables heating up the vegetable one for the green beans and adding about half a teaspoon of oil in I'm using about 300 grams of green beans Untitled and these basically just cook themselves so I just toss them every now and again I love having them for dinner because they're so easy and then getting the other pan heated with another half a teaspoon of oil and adding in about a pound of chicken tenders you can use chicken breast meat cut into strips or you can use foam tofu cut into slices for a vegan option and I'm just checking on the green beans again adding some salt giving them a bit of a toss and I'm just leaving the chicken to cook this is one turned chicken it's so easy to cook because I only turn it once when the chicken is cooked almost all the way through you'll notice when the sides are almost all white then they're ready to turn and I like making chicken like this because it's so easy and it goes really crispy underneath you'll see and while I'm waiting for that to cook I'm just throwing together a quick honey sauce it's very simple some cooking oil I like to use sesame oil because I love the flavor some Sriracha that's great flavor amazing flavor and you can add as much as you like depending on how spicy you like it some apple cider vinegar gives it a bit of a Tang some honey the main ingredient the main thing but you can actually use maple syrup if you if you're vegan that works too some onion powder some ginger powder and some salt and some pepper stir and I'm also just really quickly slicing up some spring onion I'm going to use this when I plate everything out I'm just gonna make it look good and yeah the rust should be done so I'm just checking that quickly yeah it looks good looks it's getting nice and fluffy and the green beans giving them one last toss they're ready too so just getting those off the stove quickly and it is time to turn the chicken it's almost cooked all the way through so I'm just reducing the heat on the stove and flipping them over look how crispy they are underneath that is how I like them that is how I like them so crispy and I'm just pouring the honey sauce on getting the chicken all drenched in it I am hungry and yeah the second side will finish cooking and the sauce it goes really quickly when the sauce is on so don't overcook it everything is ready so I'm just gonna plate out a meal for myself and then I'm going to prep three containers worth of dinner or the next three nights it's smelling very good so I can't wait to eat I'm serving out about one cup of rice to the plate and to each container this might be slightly over one cup if you want to stick to the calories you can measure it out then dividing the green beans between the four servings they're looking nice and crispy too and the main event the honey chicken which is only slightly spicy from the Sriracha I didn't add too much but if you wanted more spicy you can add more Sriracha I always like to get the extra sauce from the bottom of the pan is the best part and then adding some of that spring onion that I sliced up on top it adds a lot of fresh flavor it makes it look good as well a little bit of pepper and salt and I like to add some sesame seeds this is optional I use both black and white and yeah now I've got three prep meals for the next few nights and I've got this delicious looking dinner I mean meal prepping doesn't always have to be this big a whole thing you can just do it while you're making dinner anyway it just makes sense and I'm just covering the containers with some Lids putting them in the fridge and yeah it's time to eat time to eat that is a juicy bot foreign [Music] or you know you stay up late and then you're hungry because you've been up for a long time after dinner this is a great little snack to have like later at night it's a pretty basic snack but it's a classic it's not going to give you a sugar rush before bed I don't like eating like a lot of sugary Foods before bed won't I try not to so this is a high protein high fiber snack for bed and it's very simple so I'm gonna make it cute because why not [Music] just slicing up some cucumber and got about a cup of snap peas and then I'm gonna measure out about a quarter cup of hummus and I have that cilantro in the fridge anyway [Music] put a little bit of that on top you've got a fancy little a fancy looking little late night snack little snack yeah all these recipes are gonna be on my blog for all these meals and these snacks with all the calories so you can get that day and I said I would show you how to customize this meal plan to get anywhere from 1 200 to 1 800 calories so that is what I'm gonna do now while I eat the snack foreign [Music] to customize this meal plan for 1 200 calories you can have the breakfast the lunch and the dinner which are all roughly 400 calories and then just leave out the snacks the ice coffee is only like 80 calories so so it won't make much of a difference calorie wise so you can have that too if you want for 1 400 calories you can have the breakfast the lunch and the dinner and then for the snack you can have the hummus dip snack which is roughly 200 calories and the iced coffee if you want to throw that in there for 1 600 calories for the day you can have the breakfast the lunch and the dinner and the mango protein snack smoothie which is roughly 400 calories and also the last coffee if you want and for 1 800 calories you can have everything I ate today the breakfast the lunch and the dinner and the hummus dip snack and the mango protein snack smoothie and the iced coffee if you want and that is how easy it is to customize this meal plan all my camera batteries are now dead because I've been filming all day but um so I'm just on my phone quickly to say goodbye I hope that you found this video helpful I hope that if you're trying to lose weight it can help you in some way I'm gonna link below some videos of some other meal plans that I've done because I've done a few of them and you can mix and match the meals and the snacks from this video and also those ones to get a meal plan with meals if you really like and I can help you but thank you so much for watching if you did enjoy it give it a like because it really does help and yeah I will see you in my next video thank you
Channel: Liezl Jayne Strydom
Views: 999,952
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Id: _JWhQh_b30s
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Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 26 2023
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