What I eat in a week | NO SUGAR

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[Music] good morning welcome back to a new video it is Sunday today and I decided to do a seven day no sugar challenge you guys already see I'm gonna film what I eat this week bags that I have been doing a lot of dinners we've been like I don't know if it's eating out but we'll be spending so much sugar I also my skin breaking out my skin is breaking out like freaking crazy it's almost like my skin is like a megaphone for like literally how I'm feeling like as soon I like eat tons of like sugar and stuff I feel like puffy I feel bloated I feel like pimples are coming up it's like my skin is telling me like stop anyway I'm very excited to start this challenge this seven day no sugar challenge is actually a challenge I created that is available launching today on Soul sing body so you can find daily breakfast lunch and dinner recipes with like video tutorials all the recipes are in a meal plan this dietitian approved so we really know you get all the nutrients your body need I am looking so forward to it because I immediately noticed like when I cut out sugar the first days is always like pretty hard or like not pretty hard but like you know an adjustments but then I always really noticed that after three days I feel so much more energized I have like mental Clarity I wake up with way more energy my skin immediately feels like hydrated and glowy just like all the benefits so I am really excited you can make the meal plan also dairy free gluten free and also vegetarian if you want also you should always check with your healthcare provider before starting any type of like diets or meal plan and just to make sure it is good for like your individual needs and the beauty is this is a seven day challenge but on my platform if you sign up you're having seven day free trial so you could basically sign up try the whole challenge for free and see if you like it and want to join for future ones I'm going to link it down below so you can sign up I'm going to do groceries today and then um yeah we're gonna start tomorrow we're excited [Music] good morning today is Monday and today is our very first day of the seven day no sugar challenge this was Max last night I've eaten all of this last night yeah you should have because now it's um no it's probably because it's winter I feel especially in the evening we've been like eating so many sweets and stuff anyway for today we have on the menu a blueberry smoothie with avocado in it from all fruits blueberries actually the fruit that has one of like lower sugar levels so that's why we're choosing blueberries they also have a lot of like antioxidants in there I did a quick workout this morning so I'm gonna make a protein smoothie foreign [Music] breakfast we have the blueberry smoothie hmm it's really good so especially when you're making smoothies and you are doing a seven day Nursery challenge it is important to actually look at the ingredients of the protein powder that you're using because so many protein powders have so many added sugars and like additives so it is important to take a look at the back I'm going to link some of my favorite protein powders down below as well that actually do not contain any sugar so I have a couple hair that I have been using I love this one from nuises they have like an all-natural one also like a vanilla one this one vanilla from Human movements and then also I use this one from Rachel this does have monk fruit but they won't spike your insulin as much so I'm also going to link one that we found is completely sugar-free too anyway I'm gonna enjoy smoothie and I will see you guys it is lunch time and I'm going to make one of my favorite sandwiches I feel like lunch is always like the hardest like inspiration wise because you want to eat something delicious because you get a little break throughout the day but it can take too much time anyway I've shared this like chickpea Mash sandwich before but I'm going to make it again today it is super clean has amazing like ingredients but it is very filling and it's also like really really delicious so I put out already the ingredients right here I'm a prep Queen today I got some chickpeas make sure to rinse them off some veggies celery red bell pepper fresh dill you really need fresh gel and yeah the original recipe actually has baconies in there but there's also sugar in veganies so we're going to use some Greek yogurt instead we are going to start cutting up some veggies as cucumbers red bell pepper and celery and then I'm adding the drained chickpeas with some Greek yogurt fresh dill and loads of Dijon mustard and I blend everything together [Music] I will grab my toast and I add the lettuce veggies and the chickpea Mash on top my veggie sandwich is ready it looks freaking amazing I also added some micro Greens on tops of some butter lettuce red bell peppercum chickpea mash and then Sprouts super delicious I'm so excited to eat it I don't know how yet I probably need to cut it but it's lunch for today thank you [Music] for dinner tonight we're going to make a shrimp Curry I love making Currys because you can make this within 20 minutes and it's so filling and a delicious dinner especially when it's cold and in winter okay dinner's ready or made it red curry with shrimp I know this doesn't look as uptighting I did adjust the recipe a little bit because I can't have any spice because my stomach gets very upset but still looks very delicious and then I also made some rice for everyone who is thinking about getting a few kitchen tools you should get a food processor and a rice maker it is unbelievable it's so easy I love this one from soji Bushi link it in the description anyway I'm gonna make my plate and dinner is ready [Music] [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Music] breakfast is ready I have half an avocado two scrambled eggs with coconut oil salt pepper and then some toast on the side so this is it okay I also want to show you the moments that were not completely on track for today's scheduled leftover shrimp Curry but Max ate literally everything last night so I don't have leftover Curry instead I am for the team and myself making some wraps and kind of with very like the clean ingredients so I just have veggies and then we're having some wraps here and then I made for protein some eggs with it so yeah sometimes we have to be a little bit flexible but there's still no sugar in here and yeah I'm just gonna make some wraps for lunch so here's the PDF that I created for the seven native sugar challenge a little tips and tricks in here for example the overview of the menu and then this is my favorite part where each recipe or dish is listed out the cool part is that you can scan the QR code and it will guide you through how to exactly make the recipe here you can also find a description the health benefits of the dish you can find the macros and obviously the ingredients and then if you want you can change it also for the servings and step by step so this way it is really easy to just follow along you know exactly what to do so yeah let's make some dinner this is one of my favorite recipes if you want a quick dinner which is super like filling and hearthy you can make this completely vegan or even add some protein so I'm going to start off cutting some veggies I just have some carrots shiitake mushrooms and green onions we will keep it super simple today thank you and then I will heat up a pan [Music] the main ingredient here is obviously like the broth with miso paste miso paste is a Japanese like fermented soybean and it's so delicious it is so warming and it's actually really healthy for you you can often find me too pastries at your regular Supermarket or at an Asian store so I'm going to make a broth with the Miso in it and then we're also going to add some rice noodles and tofu and then here you go [Music] [Music] I'm also good right it smells so like creamy but it doesn't have any dirt no it smells so pretty [Music] foreign State and we are gonna make some coconut oatmeal I really noticed that especially during the winter I also love like for breakfast we have some coconut milk left from our recipe or I do I actually put it in a little jar and putting it in like oats is an amazing way to add on like micro sweetness to it without using any like sugars and also this will like keep you full so I'm gonna add this with some like oats some like nut butter and just spice it up a little [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] this is breakfast for today so we have our coconut oats some shredded coconuts some hemp seeds and then with some almond butter so delicious it is lunch time I'm out of breath we were shooting all morning in the kitchen and kind of like running around and like cooking stuff up so I kind of want something like really quick and easy right now on today's menu is actually the leftover or the meal prep we did two days ago it is my favorite I get these containers from like the what is it um what's that shop called where all the like restaurants and stuff go to like a wholesale thing and I get these like containers and they're just the best so I have here the chickpea mash and then I have some veggies I'm going to put it on a toast quick and easy I love it [Music] I know it looks a little funky with these big butter lettuce on it but yeah this is a piece of toasty mash and then with veggies and stuff super delicious foreign guys we're now on day three of the challenge and I am definitely feeling I'm having a little bit of sugar Cravings I also just made a matcha and I have a little snack nuts I don't know if it's like I'm actually craving sugar or if it's for me such a habit to just have something sweet after lunch or dinner um and lately it's been a lot in the evening but yeah I wanted to give you guys some tips and tricks for when you're having these sugar Cravings but I also really want to make clear that it is so important to be kind to yourself so some tips and tricks that can make a really big difference in tools that can help you is number one is to stay hydrated I know this sounds so annoying but drink a lot of water because sometimes your body doesn't know the difference between being hungry or feeling thirsty so that is my number one number two prioritize sleep I think it is so important because when you have a lack of sleep you actually can create like a hormonal imbalance and messes up with your like insulin so you create these like sugar cravings when you are feeling super tired I always notice that immediately when I don't sleep enough the next day I just feel cold I feel jittery I I feel awkward all the time and I want like sugary stuff so I really try to prioritize my sleep throughout all of this then also regular exercise is amazing for sugar Cravings because while you're like moving your body you're creating a lot of like endorphins a happy mood a Happy Feeling then another tip that has helped me is to actually practice mindfulness so be very mindful of when you're going to start to eat so this could be turning off your TV or laptop or just like appreciating the food that will fuel your body I can't I don't know Express this enough like we always do our three breaths before dinner and it just like makes such a shift in how you like approach your play I hope these tips will kind of help you through this guy and one thing I also kind of had on my mind and it was a quote that I saw where it was progress over Perfection and I thought that was really well fitted with this challenge because honestly we're not striking for Perfection of eating not the single sugar this whole week it is more of progress and like making your body and yourself aware of the foods that we're eating and I think that is very very important like I don't want this to like stress you out or you know it should us and also even if we have sometimes setbacks it's okay you can be kind to yourself it's totally fine anyway I hope these tips help I'm gonna make some dinner soon and I'll see you there okay it is dinner time I like to have an early dinner right now because I'm hungry so I am going to make I grab all the recipes we're going to make like a bowl I'm gonna use grilled chicken but feel free to use tofu as well but the key ingredients are green snap peas corn loads of lemon and then fresh parsley this recipe is super quick to make you can make this under 20 minutes the recipe actually has couscous in it which I personally prefer but I had some leftover rice which we kind of need to like finish up from the weekend so I'm going to make this I always like like to add on like a protein to any meal just keeps me full longer and also this helps a lot with like recovery energy and like muscle building so voila [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] ER is ready here this will definitely taste better with couscous like the original recipe but it is so easy to make it is super colorful what I love grilled chicken on top and yeah really really delicious it's evening and we're hungry so we're doing a little snack I have some Greek yogurt and then I'm going to put some of this granola cereal it's basically just made with cassava coconut coconut oil Himalayan Salters absolutely zero sugar in here you just put this more in for like a plunge honestly and then I probably put some cinnamon on top [Music] evening snack ready foreign [Music] then we're going to make my avocado chocolate smoothie you guys have seen this one on the channel definitely multiple times it is one of my go-to's and actually does not contain even fruit so it's amazing for the no sugar challenge I'm going to add frozen spinach half an avocado two generous tablespoons of cacao powder foreign scoop of vanilla protein powder one teaspoon of coconut oil this will help you keep full longer a generous amount of cinnamon this will give it a little flavor and then some milk almond milk and I blend everything together [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] and I'm just eating dinner from yesterday that's like the best part about like leftovers I feel I just like throw down a bunch of spinach and then this is what I have the next day so I just have some spinach with the snow peas corn rice and then the grilled chicken sometimes I have time to actually cook lunch and things like that and sometimes I you know have a bunch of meetings throughout the day so it's just like a quick little thing by the task I do even try even though I like do this quickly in between I try to stay mindful kind of what I'm eating so I will like maybe shut down my laptop for like a little bit and then like two minutes have some food instead of like shopping in inside but lunch behind the desk today [Music] for dinner we're going to make a peanut butter stir fry with veggies and tofu this recipe is so flavorful and you can make it with less than 10 ingredients it is also a great recipe when you don't have a lot of time because I can make it within 20 minutes [Music] foreign I will start making the peanut sauce by adding peanut butter to fresh ginger lemon juice soy sauce sesame oil and I mix it all together [Applause] [Music] stir all your veggies in the pan add protein rice noodles peanut butter and then your dinner is ready foreign [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for lunch today we're gonna make black bean tostadas with eggs it is one of my go-to's and I love using these Seattle wraps they're actually gluten free because they're made out of almond flour the brand also has cassava flower ones and chickpea ones and it's really good [Music] I'm going to rinse the black beans you get rid of all the salt and excess water [Applause] then I blend them in a food processor which I actually don't recommend I think you should just use a fork and just like mash it together with some lime salt and cumin [Music] then I'm going to toast the wraps I just put them on a pan and you just actually toast them a little longer than you would normally warm them up and then it becomes a tostada so it has more of a crunchy texture I will make two Sunny Side of eggs [Music] and I'm gonna put the black bean spread on the wrap [Music] and then you add your eggs [Music] [Applause] your micro greens some red onion and optional is like tomato or avocado and this is it enjoy it was really delicious [Music] for dinner today we're gonna make a Moroccan tagine with sweet potato butternut squash and chickpeas and couscous it is such a warming dish and one of my favorites in Winter I started cutting and peeling the butternut squash foreign normal sweet potato but I think it will work in this recipe especially during a no sugar challenge we can crave sugary foods but there are some vegetables that already have natural sweetness for example the sweet potato the butternut squash so I love combining them in this week so your body does get satisfied I add this to a pan with an onion and garlic and then some special broth [Music] I recently got this pen from The Crusade and absolutely love it [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I woke up later so I kind of just had my breakfast but I have some leftover tagine from last night so I'm going to make some salad just a little quick little lunch before I head out I always find like curries in the jeans much tastier the day after it's almost like the sweetness just like really gets into it so what I'm going to do is just grab some spinach put this on top and then you can even add some like chicken or some avocado to it but I love using like any leftovers I have thank you [Music] there we go Lunch is ready today is fish taco day my absolute favorite I bought some cod awesome almond flour so yeah the wraps and then in here some shredded cabbage with coriander and some avocado super simple this is what I'm going to make foreign [Music] foreign it is enough the prettiest place but this is my taco put actually a lot in here so I've only found Attila cabbage law fish and then with avocado so delicious morning it is a Sunday today and I was going to Vlog the last day of the challenge but Max and I need to head out out of LA today so I did want to take a little moment and close out the video and kind of talk about the shifts in my body results how I'm feeling about the challenge all of that so I have been in the last few days waking up with so much energy I feel my skin has been cleared up a lot like I started to have like kind of breakouts I just feel way more energized throughout the whole day like it is crazy how fast I have just personally felt any kind of like you know changes if you want to try out the exact seven day no sugar challenge that I did then you can find it on Soul sing Party All these recipes are created to still satisfy your body they will make sure you get all the nutrients you need they're all registered dietitian approved this challenge is seven days so you can literally sign up download the challenge do all the videos with me through the whole week and then you can decide if you want to do more of these I have been working on this for so so long like curating every single recipe from begin to the start so I am so excited to share this with you and just really like I don't know almost like help you educate and like help you transform into these healthy habits like this is not like a restricted diet or by any means this is really to help you build these healthy habits into your life and feel these like shifts and this is a great way to start it so I hope you guys enjoyed this video I hope you enjoyed what I eat in a week leave me a comment down below I was like lots of you guys feedback and what kind of videos you would like to see next foreign [Music]
Channel: Sanne Vloet
Views: 932,850
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sanne vloet, model, fashion model, cooking, victoria's secret, amsterdam, new york city, netherlands, los angeles, wellness, healthy living, confidence, self esteem, community, self love, sanne, love, chef, cook, culinary, cuisine, health foods, food, foodie, fit life, healthy, health goals, body goals
Id: SsCZvtmvRbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 58sec (1978 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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