Homemaking used to be a lot harder

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[Music] we just came back from a trip so I have so much to catch up on so much to organize and prepare around here so we're going to make food get ready for the week and I also want to share with you several things that have dramatically changed my homemaking over the [Music] years while we were over in Colonial Williamsburg in Virginia taking in all of the sites and the history we got so much rain back here at home Luke had already planted most of the garden and the Landscaping everything popped up from last year and it's looking green and beautiful except for the cicas that are on absolutely everything good thing is the chickens enjoy them so that makes for some pretty cheap chicken [Music] feed right before we left on our trip we had a lot of milk left so I turned that into yogurt so that it would be preserved while we were gone I knew if I left anything just as regular milk when we got back it would be sour beyond what you'd want to drink but turning it into yogurt and kefir preserved it so for breakfast today we are just enjoying yogurt I have some purely Elizabeth granola in the basement and some maple syrup so that'll make a really easy breakfast while we ease back into it I have so much laundry from the trip I like to bring the suitcase in and completely start all the laundry put the suitcase away so that way it's not too overwhelming the next day but of course there's a lot of [Music] laundry you know when I first became a homemaker the task was quite overwhelming of course as a kid I had lots of chores I had to help with the laundry and the dishes and cleaning and all of that but But ultimately organizing all of that figuring out when cleaning day should be what to make for dinner how to keep the laundry going so that it's never overwhelming how to stock the pantry so we always had food in the refrigerator and make sure that everybody had the swimsuit they needed the shoes they needed as they were out growing them that fell on mostly my mom's shoulders and my dad some too but the homemaking did not all fall on me when I first got married it was an adjustment trying to figure all these things out as a homemaker not only are you responsible for keeping the home relatively clean keeping food on the table and the dishes done and all of that but then there's also inventory figuring out if everybody has what they need to go to the pool as I'm organizing the swim stuff from our trip that everybody has shoes to wear that you have a present for the upcoming birthday party or the meal planned for potluck that the baseboards don't have spaghetti sauce all over them figuring out the systems that you need to put in place in order to keep all of these balls in the air can be a bit challenging but I do want to tell you that they get so much easier over time when you put in place systems that work for your schedule work for your personality type and your family it can be all so much easier I also noticed whenever I first became a homemaker that everything was very repetitive just as soon as you clean all the dishes and the kitchen's perfectly clean you need to eat again over time I have learned to be okay with that and to even enjoy the flow in our home and the satisfaction that comes from bringing order and Beauty out of sometimes chaos the biggest game Cher for us in our home and what I find almost crucial at this point with having 10 people that live in this house is to simplify everything we have simplified our possessions simplified our laundry routine our dishes routine our meal planning even scheduling has been highly simplified and it makes a world of difference something that I do very very regularly is load up the back of the van with things that we need to declutter recently I went through all of the kids drawers and the girls went through theirs as well when I say kids and girls the girls are teenagers all the boys are younger so the girls went through their own things I went through the boys to find things that don't fit anymore things that have holes we got rid of the things that are no longer wearable passed down or donated the things that no longer fit this is a constant process and I think I used to feel somewhat guilty about that because that means at some point you picked up something that you no longer need and in a family that's my size there's a lot of it because we have 10 PE well not really 10 because Luke and I don't really outgrow things anymore but we have eight people that are outgrowing things on a regular basis we have 10 people that wear things out we have projects or things that we need for a certain project and once that project has ended there might be some leftover things with this many people there is just a constant need to stay on top of our home and make sure that every single thing in it is serving our family in some way and not just taking up space and being something that I have to maintain and manage my number one goal when considering the amount of items in our home is that I can at any time no matter how messy this place is bring it all completely back in order for every room in the house in less than 30 30 minutes that is the goal as soon as that is no longer possible I know that we need to declutter or reorganize in some way one thing I do every year twice a year always in May and October usually once we're very securely ped kneading coats in any way shape or form I do a big swap out for summer so all of the stuff that we need to bundle up all winter and spring is going downstairs and I'm just going to have this closet full of life jackets and swimsuits this kind of by anual swapping though a job in that day does make my life so much more streamlined and easy the rest of the year there have been years where I try to just leave about half the stuff here and there because it feels like a big job but ultimately it's one day of really simplifying everything that will serve me for the next 6 months when I look in this closet I can only see the things that we currently need at this time so it's very worth it for for me I do the same thing with the kidss clothes I make it to where they only have access to the summer clothes in the summer and winter clothes in the winter usually I will leave one long sleeve and one jacket and one pair of jeans or something so that way in case they're going camping or we have a random cold spell but for the most part majorly simplifying the clothing the shoes the accessories that kids need the Footwear bringing down any snow boots and leaving up water shoes and goggles and all of those summer things accessible makes everything just so much more streamlined I am excited to share with you today's sponsor I think it'll be helpful for many people as a postpartum Mom I'm not sure if I can still call myself that but I did have a baby 10 months ago I know what all goes into postpartum and the challenges that it can present one thing that a lot of people struggle with is postpartum hair issues and 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hormonal changes nutrition metabolism aging and lifestyle factors take nutriful once daily with a meal for 3 to 6 months consistently it's that consistency that is key in supporting these underlying issues join me on this hair growth Journey the link will be in the description box below you can get $50 off your first 3 months or $16 off your first 6 months when you use use my link the promo will be applied at checkout hurry up because this is a limited time offer again the link will be in the description box below thank you so much neutr for sponsoring today's video another way that we have streamlined and simplified our home is in the kitchen I was having this conversation with my sisters after the trip I was reflecting cuz I had just gotten back from the trip we went straight from the airport out to my parents house cuz everybody was getting together for Mother's Day so we went up there and I was telling my sisters about the trip and reflecting on staying in airbnbs for a week we usually like to get an Airbnb that has several rooms you know not just a hotel room because with our family that makes a lot more sense I also like to always have a washer and dryer and I was lamenting to them just about how when you go on vacation how much you appreciate the way that your own home is set up because it is so difficult ult to function in a place that isn't your own I think mostly that's probably because you don't know where everything is they don't have all the things you need but also the setup one thing I did not like was which we we'll go more into laundry in a little bit but the washer was this high efficiency washer and it never put enough water onto the clothes to fully clean them and I learned a trick my sister said she has a washer like that and she just presses the heavy duty and then it gets clean but she tested it on hers I'm going way off topic here she tested that on her own washer and whenever she didn't press the heavy duty she said her clothes didn't come out clean at all so I was having that trouble on the trip cuz I'm used to my Speed Queen which fills up covers the clothes has a center agitator everything gets so clean and I didn't really know how to work these high efficiency washers with the Superduty or whatever button you press but then also the dishes setup you all know I'm kind of weird about dishwashers I don't find that they save me a whole lot of time because in order to simplify our kitchen we keep less dishes and we also just use them over and over again I cook three meals a day here things are constantly in rotation and whenever I have to put them into a dishwasher then they're gone and I need them and if I didn't deal with the mess right away which is what we typically do as soon as we're done eating we clean the dishes really fast before anything has a chance to stick on if I put it in the dishwasher then something was stuck on so I have to really clean it because I need it for something else and I haven't yet ran the dishwasher and so in the airbnbs I was using the dishwashers just because the setup wasn't there to let things drip dry they didn't have a a drain board or a towel or some kind of dishes rack this will be different for everybody depending on how you like to do things but having your kitchen simplified with the things that you use and only those things not a whole lot of extra gadgets having the setup for either the dishwasher if that's what works for you or a drain board or ways to quickly access the dishes put them away dry them whatever that system may be is so important we keep the same approach with our laundry routine we just wash it as it comes in I'm not a huge sorder just as the washer fills up we run it we put it to the dryer and then we have a basket system in the laundry room I recently implemented more baskets so that it can be sorted five different ways so I have my three youngest boys except for the baby they each have their own basket above the washer in the dryer and then luk and I and the baby have a basket and then the other kids have a basket and then we separate out any towels or dish towels or swimsuits or things that don't fit into those five baskets so when clothes go from the washer to the dryer there is then a quick sort you're not allowed to take the clothing and the towels and everything out of the dryer without doing that sort you have to instantly dress it and once you break it down into all of those baskets you actually unless you're coming home from a trip and there's tons of laundry you can go a little while without putting the laundry away because at least it's all in the right baskets in the summer especially when clothes don't have that same bulk to them they don't fill up very fast and we mostly all tend to work out of them I go into my basket and get clothing to wear for the day while I'm in the bathroom in the morning the kids do the same so sometimes a lot of the clothes don't even make it to dressers they just go from washer to dress dryer to basket repeat another system that I try to implement in my kitchen is to clean completely between each meal this way the mess doesn't become overwhelming I wipe down the counters lot of times I wipe down the cabinet fronts that's not an everyday thing make sure that all the dishes are washed they don't necessarily have to be put away I'm okay with them drip drying but that we are ready for the next meal we're ready to cook again don't feel the need in your home to fill every storage space that you have we have a large home somewhat large I don't know for family of 10 it might not be considered overly large but our Farmhouse is pretty good size we have several pieces of furniture throughout the house because we don't have closets and several of the drawers are empty or only half filled my goal is to even behind closed doors inside drawers to keep things as minimal as possible of course they are going to be a lot of things because we have a lot of people but to keep it as minimal and essential as we can since we just got back from a trip I don't have any food set out I don't have any meat thawing in the refrigerator I had some bread that I stashed into the freezer right before we left it was a quick like what can I preserve really quick before we leave so I put several half loaves of bread into the freezer put my sourdough starter in the refrigerator fermented the milk into yogurt and kefir I also stashed the water Kefir in there so now I just strained off the milk kefir grains I put some meat in the fridge for the week and now I'm making my water kefir need to and here this [Music] one make soda I make soda yeah making soda yay that's it for a few days and it'll be soda [Music] since I don't yet have any meat Tha from being out of town we have tons of cheese cuz I did a huge haul from Azure standard on Raw cheddar cheese and I had some bread that I thought out from the freezer that I had stashed in there before we left I'm just going to do the easiest meal ever not the most nutritious in the whole entire world but it will do grilled cheeses another aspect to simplifying homemaking is in the preparation of food I try to keep this for the most part very basic I keep several things that we buy over and over again that you can always find in our refrigerator and our pantry and try to mix them up in many different ways so that we don't run out of food but we also don't waste food I tried to stock things that don't go bad like cheese for example if you look at the raw cheddar cheese that I got from Azure standard the expiration date is in 2025 so I can make sure that we have a large amount of that so that I always have it on hand ready to go but also it won't go bad things like root vegetables carrots onions potatoes garlic celery they keep for a really long time and so I make sure that we're well stocked I keep Basics on hand like pasta sauces and quality pastas and flour and seasoning and condiments my goal is to always have options even if they're just the easiest ever options lots of eggs you can always fry eggs have toast my strategy with sourdough and I've shown this on this channel in so many real life applications is just to if and when I have a little bit of extra time in the kitchen to throw together some do's and not really worry about the timing so if I get the notion before bed one night to mix up a fasha I can let that ferment overnight at room temperature then in the morning put it in the fridge until I'm ready to use it the same thing goes for pizza dough and pie crust try to prep when you have a little bit of extra time with a family my size there's really no chance that we won't end up eating it at some point so I really can't over make if I make a bunch of do put them in the fridge over the course of the next week or two we will end up getting to them at some point and I'll be really happy that I got that prep work done so that in a busy moment in a pinch I can pull it all together I'm a planner trust me I plan a lot of things especially when it comes to my business but there are so many things that we can over plan and quite honestly we can waste a ton of time instead consider a rhythm and a flow when I have a little bit of extra time I'll make something I don't have to write it down I don't have to pencil it in I can just do it when time is presented to me that's mostly the strategy that I take with my homemaking learning this flow and becoming familiar with the needs of my home and my family in an intuitive way that doesn't require me to overthink it has truly transformed my homemaking and I hope it was encouraging for you as well thank you so much for stopping by our farmhouse [Music]
Channel: Farmhouse on Boone
Views: 138,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oy3LiqtJQSE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 24sec (1164 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2024
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