Does This Portable Washing Machine Really Work?

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all right guys so today we're going to be testing a portable washing machine something i never really thought that i'd be testing but here we are so the first step in testing a washing machine is we have to have something that is dirty to wash so i have four t-shirts they are labeled r for regular p for portable because we're gonna obviously we're gonna be testing this portable washing machine against a regular washing machine so the first step is to get all these shirts dirty so let's get started first thing we're going to put on them is ketchup just like we did in the oxyclean video oh this one's getting all the all the ketchup water put that there next up we have mustard next up we have chocolate syrup next we have some tomato sauce there i'm hoping there's enough left in this jar to get a little bit on each shirt oh there we go hold there a little there a little there all right a little more there then last but not least we have our two wines from our previous video our cabernet and armor lot all right our shirts are dirty so i'll see you guys in about 12 hours all right so i know that i said it was going to be about 12 hours that we were going to let the shirts kind of the stains kind of soak into the shirts and in my typical fashion it's been probably about 30 hours or so so we're just gonna go with 30 hours so this is our portable washer and dryer we're just going to go over this real fast this thing comes with this hose that you can hook right here which is the water inlet so you can hook this end to like a shower or a sink or i guess even like a water hose or whatever i'm not going to be using that so you can use that if you have one of these you can use that hose or you can do what i'm going to do which i'm just going to take the 5 gallon bucket of water and just dump the water in there because it's the exact same thing it also has it doesn't have a regular dryer but it has a spin dryer on this side that has this little like disc that you push down on or whatever on top of the clothes and then this thing just spins and rings out all the water it has three knobs on top a washing timer a selector to select between soft normal and drain i don't know the difference between soft and normal i'm assuming it just means that the agitator like spins a little bit slower or something and of course the timer for the dryer so it's very simple the drain has a drain hose over here that you have to put somewhere i'm just going to put it i'm going to dump the water out of this bucket into here and then i'll put this bucket under here to catch the water whenever i drain it very very simple and basic hopefully it does pretty good also for a little fun fact up here you can see on this yellow sticker it's estimated that this thing is going to cost 3.90 to run per year if you run it at five hours per day which is like virtually nothing if for in three dollars 90 cents is almost nothing for an entire year so that's pretty good so let's go ahead we have our shirts here i went ahead and i kind of like took a paper towel and like wiped off like the excess because you guys in the oxyclean video a lot of you guys said that i should have done that so i did that in this one that's what one of the shirts looks like the other one looks pretty much the same way take a little before look so we're going to put them in there we are going to be using gain detergent same detergent that i used in my last uh the oxyclean video and it has a little uh like number gauge thing on the side for both the regular washer and this one i'm just gonna fill it up to the one just because that's the lowest measurement so that might be too much too little so let's put that in there with warm water i feel like it should probably have more water than that let me get some more water let's fill that thing up that should be enough then we'll put the drain bucket down there and then let's go ahead we're going to run it for 15 minutes and that's all it's gonna just a little bit violent so it's just gonna cycle back and forth and slosh around for 15 minutes that water is already really dirty maybe that means it's gonna work really good so i'm gonna go through the other shirts in the regular washer and see you guys when i'm done all right so this has been going for 30 minutes i was just going to do one 15-minute cycle but the regular washer and dryer have a 30-minute cycle or the regular washer has a 30-minute cycle so i put this one through two make it 30 and let's see let's go ahead and drain the water flip this to drain and hair draining in that bucket from what i can see it's real sudsy but from what i can see the shirts look really uh like yellow and not not very clean i think i might have used a little bit too much soap maybe this shirt they're real like yellowish they don't look too as far as yeah i think i used too much soap they seem to be kind of clean they just have a yellow tinge to them i don't know i don't know what that's about so let's do this since i clearly use too much soap i'm going to flush them out probably i don't know maybe three or four times until the soap's gone i'm just gonna fill it back up with water and then let it run for maybe like five minutes and then drain the water out and keep doing that until the soap is gone and then and then we'll see where we're at so after about i don't know four or five rinses through i finally got all the soap out i i guess i must have used way too much i didn't feel like i did but what do i know so there's no more soap these things are dripping wet you can see they are dripping so let's see how dry this spin washer or spin spin dryer can get these things and this this thing right here you're supposed to put this like on top of them and then like push it down and then it's supposed to help for some reason so the max timer on this is five minutes so we'll do five minutes [Music] i thought that thing was gonna like take off for a minute you can probably hear the water so it does it does drain as it dries all right well i guess we're gonna let this thing spin for five minutes then we'll be back so i found a defect with this thing i don't know if this is just this one or if this is all of them but the spinner doesn't actually ever stop so the timer is kind of pointless because i put it on five minutes and once it gets down to this last little bit it just stays there it's been here for maybe like two minutes now and it doesn't stop so you can i'll put a couple clicks over you can hear the timer end you can hear the timer going and the timer ends but it never stops so you have to stop it manually calm down so i mean it's not like a huge deal but if you had this thing and you were like if you're getting ready to walk out the door you put it on five minutes and then you leave it's gonna sit there and spin until you get back so i mean i guess that could be like a potential fire hazard or something if there's like a short in here so take that for what you will but that's what i found so let's see oh oh nice these are actually actually very dry all right let's compare these to the other shirts so these results are actually pretty interesting i don't know if i don't think i said it in the beginning but the portable washer is also 120 or 130 dollars so on the cheaper end so the obviously the portable one only has the spin dryer so for the regular one i just i didn't dry it i just let the washer just do its spin cycle and that's that so that way everything was even and as far as how wet they are i gotta say they're completely equal so the regular washers spin cycle was no more effective than this cheap portable washer spin cycle they're they're literally the exact same they feel the same but things get interesting whenever you look at our results because this is the portable washer if you look here it completely got rid of the wine stains but when you come over to the regular washer shirt the wine stains are still there but when you look at the regular shirt i don't know how well it shows up on camera but in person i can tell that the regular shirt is more white or like not more white but more of the original white color and the portable washer shirt is has kind of a little bit of a yellowish tinge to it not not real bad but i can definitely see it in person especially like side by side with this shirt so it's kind of a little bit of a trade-off i don't i don't know if i want to say that it washes the clothes better i use the same amount of soap in both but the regular washer is obviously bigger it has a rinse cycle and all that stuff so these shirts in the portable washer soaked in soap for a long time especially as i was rinsing them out over and over so it kind of makes sense that they would be cleaner but on the other hand it's a little tiny portable washing machine so it shows that it's completely capable of doing a great job and i don't think that this little like yellow tinge i don't think this would be here had i not dumped a whole bunch of stuff on a shirt and then and then tried to wash it it would probably just be if i just like took these shirts out of the package and then washed them i'm sure they would be the same white color overall for like 120 dollars i think this thing is really good and i'm actually really surprised it cleaned them better whether that was due to the soap or not this thing works and it it really works good thank you guys so much for watching if there's anything else that you want to see me review leave a comment down below and i'll see you in the next one and if you wanted to get some merch we still have hats shirts hoodies and then i think we added the new the the beard shirt onto the to the new website so the link will be for that will be in the description and i'll see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: TylerTube
Views: 712,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tyler tube, tylertube, experiment, testing, experiment
Id: v9r7mNxsiTI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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