What Happens When You Die? Death 1

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Lisa and I took a two-week vacation right after Christmas and you might be a pastor if every time you go on vacation someone passes away well one of my close friends Steve Conner died on Christmas Eve he left work early because of a headache and when he went home he told his wife that he wanted to lay down so we went upstairs to his bedroom to take a nap and about 20 minutes later Susan sent her son John up to check on him and when he came back he said mom I can't wake him up so she went to check on Steve and immediately when she went through the door she saw the look on his face and she knew that he was dead and of course she lost it but John who's 12 years old didn't know that his father was dead and so he kept trying to wake him up by shaking him well I've known Steve since high school and we spent a lot of time together in the early 80s before he joined the Navy and he became a Navy SEAL and even then we remain close friends because every time he went on leaving he came home he would come by to see me and then when he got out of the Navy and he moved to Tulsa he would come down to see me about every six months he'd come to the church and we'd visit for an hour or two and he'd usually tell me what the Lord was doing in his life and in his family's life well because of our relationship Steve had asked me if I would do his funeral if he died before I did and of course I said yes but I really didn't think I'd ever have to so when Steve died and Susan called me and asked me if I would officiate the funeral service it was kind of a shock because it was so unexpected but of course I said yes and let me tell you I saw people at the funeral service that I haven't seen in 30 years because of all of his high school buddies coming to the funeral and some of them look good and to be honest with you some of them looked pretty rough you know it's amazing to me but you can look at the face of people and you can tell what type of life they've lived if they've lived a rough life they don't even have to tell you they've lived a rough life you can see it on their face and some of them looked pretty rough now the reason Steve wanted me to officiate his funeral service is because he wanted the gospel to be printed presented to his family and to his friends and he knew that I would honor his request and I did I shared some personal stories about Steve and then I explained the gospel of the very simplistic manner of course from my perspective it was simplistic but it might not have been from someone who's never been to church but what I said in my eulogy must have piqued the curiosity of a few people because there were some questions about death after the service and more specifically what happens to a person when they die and the questions were coming for people from people who were Christians which is kind of sad because above everyone else Christians should know what happens to a person when they die but what I've come to realize is that most people don't most Christians don't in fact the truth is most Christians don't have a clue as to what happens to a person when they die and that's why death is so scary but people it shouldn't be because the Bible tells us everything that happens and will happen once we die and the reason it tells us that is because God wants us to know turn with me if you would to the book of 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 let me read verse number 13 and now dear brothers and sisters we want you to know what will happen to the believers who have died so you will not grieve like people who have no hope now I want you to notice what Paul is saying he's saying that he doesn't want us to be ignorant concerning what happens to a person when they die in fact he wants us to know exactly what happens when a person dies why because he doesn't want us to grieve like those who have no hope now Paul is not saying that we're not supposed to grieve you know in the faith movement you've got a group of people that are teaching that as Christians we shouldn't grieve when someone who we love passes away the people that's not true Paul's not saying that we shouldn't grieve he's saying that we should not grieve like those who have no hope you see it's not wrong to grieve it's not wrong to be sad when a loved one passes away because you're gonna miss that person but you need to know that if they're a believer they're better off but only if they're believer in other words if they were properly prepared for death they're better off but if they weren't properly prepared for death it's the worst thing that could have ever happened to them but the main point of first Thessalonians chapter 4 verse number 13 is that we should know as Christians what happens to a person when they die so in this series I'm going to explain in a very simple way what happens when a person dies I'm going to outline the sequence of events that occurs and then I'm going to answer some questions that everyone seems to want to know such as what about people who have never heard the gospel of Jesus Christ what happens when they die do they go to hell it's the old pygmies in Africa question how many know what I'm talking about you start talking about if you're a Christian you're so goes to heaven when you die if you're not a Christian you're so goes to hell and there's always the person this thing well what about the pygmies in Africa who've never heard the gospel that's the old question right well we want to know if they've never heard about Jesus does God still hold them accountable well I'm gonna answer that in this series and what about children do children get a free pass to heaven and what about those who are mentally challenged do they get to go to heaven automatically well I'm gonna talk about that in this series and then I'm gonna take it a step further I'm gonna talk about your responsibility to those left behind when you die you see your responsibility to your family doesn't end when you die no you are responsible for leaving a legacy and providing financial security for your family now we're gonna talk about that you know the Bible says that a man that doesn't take care of his family is worse than an infidel listen to me man if you don't take care of your family after you die if you don't provide financial security for them because you're no longer to provide them they're still your family and you've not done your job it irritates me to have to do funerals for men who have not left or have not provided financial security for their family after they're gone nothing I do about it at that point but it still irritates me first things first let's talk about the certainty of death I don't know why but some people think that it's morbid to talk about death my daughters think that what they get upset when I talk about getting old and dying but the truth is dying is a fact of life it's part of the process of life here on this earth you're only gonna live for a certain amount of years and I hate to tell you this but I want you to know everyone in this auditorium is going to die if Christ does not return first the mortality rate on this planet is almost a hundred percent I know some of you thinking almost it is a hundred percent no it's not a hundred percent because there are two people who never died Enoch and Elijah turn with me if you would to the book of Hebrews chapter 11 verse number 15 I want you to notice what this verse says it was by faith that Enoch was taken up to heaven without dying he disappeared because God took him four before he was taken up he was known as a person who pleased God so Enoch in a sense was raptured the rapture is not just something that's going to take place in New Testament times it's already occurred in the past during an Old Testament time with Enoch now look at 2nd Kings chapter 2 verse number 11 as they were walking along and talking suddenly a chariot of fire appeared drawn by horses of fire it drove between the two men separating them and Elisha was carried by a whirlwind into heaven so Enoch and Elijah never physically died they were both taken directly to heaven but don't think that you're gonna be like Enoch and Elijah and she death it ain't gonna happen people you will die unless Christ returns first turn with me if you would to the book of Ecclesiastes chapter 7 verse number 10 - you need to understand something about the book of Ecclesiastes Solomon wrote this so you would understand what life is all about so many times when we are going through the book of Ecclesiastes it doesn't seem to make sense because he continues to say it's vanity it's futile but what we need to understand is he always says Under the Sun which is a he Bray ism it's a Hebrew figure speech which means without God and what he's saying is without God life is vanity it's futile and he gives us all of this wisdom to teach us what life is all about but notice what Ecclesiastes chapter 7 verse number 2 says better to spend your time at funerals than at parties what a killjoy my but then he tells us why after all everyone dies so the living should take this to heart you see Solomon understood that people don't want to think about dying we try to put it out of our mind because it's morbid but I want you to notice what this is everyone dies and because everyone dies including you you better think about it and that's why it's good to attend funerals they make you think about dying which will hopefully affect the way that you live and you will prepare for what's going to be inevitable you're gonna die now look at Ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 8 none of us can hold back our spirit from departing none of us have the power to prevent the day of our death there is no escaping that obligation that dark battle why does it call it a dark battle because death is the enemy god never intended for us to die it's only because of sin that we do but there is no escaping that obligation and our battle and in the face of death wickedness will certainly not rescue the wicked how many of you how many of you have ever heard that old saying well he's just too mean to die I mean you see people like that they've been shot they've been stabbed they've done all of these things they're a drug addict they're an alcoholic and they're 98 years old and what do you say well they're just too mean to die well according to Solomon that's not true they just simply have great genetics you see that phrase wickedness will certainly not rescue the wicked means that no matter how big tough and bad you think you are when it's your time to die you can't stop it so that Oates saying he's too mean to die isn't true listen to me Hitler is dead Stalin is dead Attila the Hun is dead all of the wicked people in the past they're dead they were not too mean to die because when it's a person's time to die they can't stop it no one can you can fight it all you want but when it's your time to die or when something happens sometimes it's premature you can't help it you can't stop it and last but not least I want you to notice what Paul says in the book of Hebrews chapter 9 verse 27 and just as each person is destined to die once we'll find out why says once and not twice once and after that comes judgment now I want you to notice Paul is saying that we are destined to die you know we love to read books about determining your destiny and we like talking about our destiny but let me just tell you what your destiny is your destiny is to die if you came to my office you said pastor I'm just wondering what is my destiny I would look at you and say well your destiny is to die and you better be prepared because you will die and then your eternal destiny is determined by what you do on this to earth but I want you to understand Paul says that we're destined to die so if that's the case and we know that it is don't you think that we ought to know what's going to happen when we die so that we can properly prepare for it of course you betcha so let's find out what's going to happen let's know what's going to occur so that we can properly prepare for death because once we die everything is already predetermined by that point we can change everything while we're all miss earth but once we die it's not in our hands anymore because what we did on this earth determines our eternal destiny so what happens to a person when they die well let me quickly outline the sequence of events that occur when someone dies and to do this properly I have to make a distinction between Christians and non-christians because the sequence of events are different the destination is different if you properly prepared and you made Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior your your spirit your soul is gonna go to heaven if you have not properly prepared and you've rejected Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior even if you said the sinner's prayer but you didn't live a life of faith let me explain something to you in the Bible it says that we're saved by faith that word faith is translated from the Greek word pissed us and it means that you believe so much that affects the way you act if your faith doesn't affect the way you act the Bible says your faith is dead faith without works is dead it means it's not alive you don't really have faith that's why you're gonna have those that say didn't we prophesy in your name and didn't we cast out demons in your name and Jesus is gonna say I never knew you depart from me why will he say that you didn't have true faith according to Bible if your faith does not affect the way you live if your faith does not affect your actions you really don't believe does that make sense so not only it's the destination different the resurrection is different between Christians and non-christians Christians are going to be resurrected and I'll explain what I mean by that their bodies are going to be resurrected before the millennium unbelievers bodies are going to be resurrected also but their bodies will not be resurrected until after the Millenium a thousand years later and the judgment is different if you're a Christian I want you to understand you're gonna stand before the judgment seat of Christ now that doesn't mean that you're going to be punished for what you've done on the earth because the Bible tells us in the book of Romans that there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus why because everything we've ever done wrong every sin every iniquity every trespass Jesus paid the penalty for that so my sin has been paid for so why do I stand before the judgment seat of Christ to receive rewards so for a Christian he's going to stand before the judgment seat of Christ to receive rewards but it's not the same for the non-christian when his body is resurrected after the Millenium and joined again to his Spirit he will stand before the great white throne judgment everyone whose name is not written in the book of life will stand before God and he will be judged and condemned that's what it says so as I'm laying out the sequence of events that occur when someone dies I'm gonna make a distinction between Christians and non-christians because the sequence of events are different so let's look at what happens when a person dies the very first thing that happens when a person dies is their spirit leaves their body now let me explain what I mean by that the word spirit is translated in the New Testament from the Greek word numa numa literally means breath how many of you men have some pneumatic tools that word pneumatic means that they're air driven you've got your air compressor there and it's forcing that air out and it turns your power tool but that tool only works when there's air being forced at a certain pressure well you need to understand that word pneumatic comes from the Greek word pneuma and it means breath or air you see God breathed into Adam the breath of life and he became a living soul so everyone has spirit and what that means is breath now when you stop breathing it's because your spirit is gone spirit is breath so when you die the first thing that happens is your spirit leaves your body you stop breathing and this happens whether you're a Christian or you're a non-christian the only difference is where your spirit goes your life goes when you die turn with me if you would to the book of Ecclesiastes chapter 12 verses 6 through 7 and let me just say this I should give a test after this sir because it's sad when Christians don't know what happens when a person dies so you need to pull out a pin and you need to be writing down these verses so you can go back and read them on your own and when you're ministering to someone who maybe has lost a loved one you can give them hope and you can show them the scriptures so look at it please ask these 12 verses 6 through 7 yes remember your Creator Wow not on your deathbed while you are young before the silver court of life snaps and the Golden Bowl is broken don't wait into the water jaar jaar is smashed at the spring and the pulley is broken at the well for then the dust will return to the earth now this is kind of an analogy talking about our physical body in it and it's coming in and comparing our body to physical things on earth that works in a mechanical way because our organs work almost in a mechanical way our cardiovascular system our skeletal system our immune system all of those things reproductive system digestive system it's kind of a mechanical process so he's coming in and using this analogy that when you get old things don't work the way they're supposed to work and then he talks about until finally your spirit leaves your body you don't breathe anymore and then he says for then the dust will return to the earth and the spirit will return to God who gave it now this doesn't mean that the spirit of everyone who dies goes to be with God that is not what this verse in Ecclesiastes is saying what it's saying is that when a person dies their spirit is in the hands of God it's now in his power to do with that what He wills that's what this passage of Scripture saying so you no longer have a choice as to where your spirit goes in fact where it goes has already been determined by God based on the choices that you made while you were here on this earth if you've accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior when your spirit leaves your body when you stop breathing your life goes to be with the Lord in heaven turn with me if you would to the book of 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse number eight yes we are fully confident we would rather be away from these earthly bodies for then we will be at home with the Lord that's why we refer to heaven as going home you see an old Christians that just want to go home they're not talking about their physical home if they're a Christian they're talking about going to heaven when they leave this body they want their life and you need to understand man's a three-part being tripart being he is spirit soul and body the spirit and the soul goes to heaven to be with the Lord that's what the Scripture teaches that's why Paul told the Philippians that he would actually be better off if he died most of us don't realize this but as good as you have it on this earth you'll be you'll be better off when you die if you're a Christian notice what Paul told the Philippians in chapter 1 verses 21 through 24 for to me living means living for Christ and dying is even better but if I live I can do more fruitful works for Christ so I really don't know which is better I'm torn between two desires I like long to go and be with Christ which would be far better for me if I was being selfish but for your sakes it's better that I continue to live and what this is telling us is that Paul is getting towards the latter end of his life he's in his 60s now and of course we know that he's going to be put to death he's going to be martyred but he knows that he's getting near that and he says you know what I'm torn I would be better off if I died because I'd be with Jesus but you wouldn't be better off because you need me that's why he was torn and you know many times as we get older and our body starts failing and maybe we have arthritis or we have all different types of things that's wrong with us we're in our 80s early 90s and we say man I I'm torn I want to go home I don't want to be trapped in this body but again we're wondering does her family need us you know what about my children and my grandchildren and my great-grandchildren so you're torn from going home and going for you to be better off or staying here because they need you well that's what Paul was saying he was torn but on the other hand if you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior your Spirit will immediately go to a place that's called Hades now we refer to Hades as hell but it's the same thing now what's interesting is that Jesus spoke more about Hell than he did heaven why well if you're a parent you should understand you speak more about the dangers of this life the bad things you want to caution your children so they won't do something stupid and that's Jesus Jesus loves us he doesn't want anyone to go to hell that's why Jesus spoke more about Hell than he did Evan he wanted to warn us now hell or as it says in the original Greek Hades is a holding place for non-christians until the resurrection of their body at the end of the millennium at which time they're going to stand before God at the great white throne judgment now let's kind of backtrack here once your spirit leaves your body and you're dead your body will begin to decay immediately but people don't worry about it it's only temporary turn with me if you would to the book of Ecclesiastes chapter 12 verses 6 through 7 write that verse down yes remember your Creator now while you are young before the civil court of life snaps and the golden bowl is broken don't wait into the water jars smash at the spring in the pulley day is pulley is broken at the well for the end the dust will return to the earth and the spirit will return to God who gave it but notice it says the dust will return to the earth your body's going to begin to decay immediately now the reason I told you don't worry about it's only temporary it's because your body is going to be resurrected time in the future whether you're a Christian or you're a non-christian now when that happens determined it's determined by whether you're Christian or non-christian but I want you to understand something when you die your body's going to begin to decay so there's a separation of the spirit from the body and this separation of the spirit from the body is an abnormal condition what I mean by abnormal condition I mean that God never created it to be this way when God created Adam and he formed him from the dust of the ground he breathed into him the breath of life and he became a living soul that's what Genesis 2:7 says and God's original intention was for our body to last as long as our soul and of course our soul was created to be eternal you need to understand that your soul is eternal it will live forever where it lives forever depends on whether you're a Christian or a non-christian but I want you to understand something God's original intention was for our body to last as long as our soul in other words for it to be an eternal body that means that our body was never created to wear out to be sick or to die and the only reason that occurs is because of sin so because of sin death tears apart temporarily what God created and joined together our spirit soul and body but people it's only temporary because sometime in the future God is gonna resurrect your body and your spirit along with your soul it's one your spirit and soul is going to be joined again with the body that's going to happen now as I said when that happened when that happens it's determined by whether you're a Christian or a non-christian for Christians our body is resurrected when Christ returns turn with me if you would to the book of first Thessalonians chapter 4 let's read verses 13 through 17 and now dear brothers and sisters we want you to know what will happen to the believers who have died so you will not grieve like people who have no hope for since we believe that Jesus died and was raised to life again we also believe that when he'll tell us when when Jesus returns God will bring back with him the believers who have died in other words when Jesus returns the believers are coming back with him why because when you die your spirit along with your soul goes to heaven to be with Jesus so when Jesus returns your spirit and soul are coming back with him let's go a little bit further when Jesus returns God will bring back with him the believers who have died we tell you this directly from the Lord we who are still living when the Lord returns will not meet him ahead of those who have died for the Lord Himself will come down from heaven with the commanding shout with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God first the Christians who have died will rise from their graves now wait a minute we just found out in verse number 14 that those who have died are coming back with the Lord how can they be coming back with the Lord if they still have to be resurrected well it's because of what the Bible teaches when you die your body goes into the ground it decays it goes back to dust but your spirit and soul goes to heaven so when Jesus returns your spirit and your soul are coming with Jesus and then when that last trumpet sounds your body that's now dust so it really doesn't matter whether you're cremated or whether you're embalmed and buried or whether you die out in the wilderness and the vultures eat you your body will be raised from the dead into this new immortal body and it will go to meet the Lord in the air to be rejoined with your spirit and soul that's been with the Lord so this is what it looks like let me just draw out here I'm gonna do a timeline and go out to here and it just keeps going but we're gonna make a little in there put a little arrow there we're gonna put a cross here which means we're gonna talk about from the time Christ died and was resurrected this is known as the church age the dispensation of grace up to we get to that end of time of the earth as the earth as we know it at the end of the earth as we know it there's going to be a period of seven years called the tribulation so I'm gonna put this seven years here and then after the tribulation Jesus is going to physically return to the earth now when he comes in the air and these things happen that's called the rapture but I just want you to understand but as we get to the end of the earth as we know it there's going to be a period of tribulation of seven years and then Jesus will physically return to the earth and reign on the earth for a thousand years that is known as the millennium and then after that thousand years something's going to happen that we're going to talk about well what I want you to understand is that when our bodies are resurrected determines is determined by whether we're Christian or non-christian so let me just show you what happens between this period of Christ and the Tribulation Period let's suppose that you live somewhere in here this is your stick man is you and you die when you die your body is buried in the grave but your spirit goes to heaven along with your soul to be with the Lord now you don't have a physical body that doesn't mean that you can't see taste here feel we're gonna find out that all of those things happen but the reason that he likens death to sleeping is because in your sleep you know you're not doing anything to your body but your mind is going and in your dreams you can see you can feel you can hear you can taste let me tell you when your spirit and so goes to heaven to be with the Lord all of those things are there you'll recognize your family that have died before you you'll recognize your friends if you've got godly friends in there in heaven but anyways now let me explain what happens there's gonna be a time period when for the Christians they're gonna be resurrected before the Millenium why because we're gonna rule and reign with him so what happens is some time before the Millenium if you're a pre-trib it means before the tribulation you believe the rapture is going to occur before the tribulation that seven-year period is a time of the banquet of the feast of the wedding bride all right if your mid-trib that means you think the rapture is gonna happen in the middle of tribulation if your post trip you believe it's gonna have the end of the tribulation but we all know it's gonna happen before the Millennium so here's what's gonna happen Jesus is going to come back but not all the way to the earth and all of this person says we'll come with him and the body in this grave that's decayed is going to be resurrected to meet the Lord in the air it's what we just read rapture and these bodies are going to be rejoined to our spirits but we're gonna have the same type of body the Christ had that's what happens to a Christian now the Bible refers to the resurrection of believers has the first resurrection look at Revelation chapter 20 verse number 5 this is the first resurrection the rest of the Dead did not come back to life until the thousand years ended yeah there's unbelievers who are gonna have their body go on the ground but their soul and spirits not going to heaven they're not gonna be a resurrect until after the thousand years so the first resurrection occurs at the rapture sometime before the Millenium that's when the body of those who believe in Jesus are resurrected and they're joined with their spirit again the second resurrection occurs a thousand years later you see after the Millenium this time were Jesus physically rules on this earth the bodies of all the unbelievers will be resurrected and they're going to stand before God at the great white throne judgment to be judged and that determines the severity of their punishment listen to me not all people who are unbelievers will be punished the same the Bible teaches that there will be different degrees of punishment we're not gonna look at that now maybe sometime in the future we will we'll look at Luke chapter 12 I'll go through it all and explain what Jesus taught but right for now look at revelation 20 verses 11 through 14 then I saw a great white throne in him who was seated on it earth and sky fled from his presence and there was no place for them this is fearful and I saw the dead that word dead is translated from the Greek word necross necross refers to the spiritually dead they had to who actually had three Greek words for dead but the two most common were Thanatos and necross Thanatos refers to physical death your body is just dead but necross refers to spiritual death says I saw the dead those who were spiritually dead they never were born again great and small standing before the throne and the books were opened another book was opened which is the book of life so we've got two sets here we got the book of life and if your name is not written in the book of life it means you never receive Jesus so if you never receive Jesus you're resurrected after the Millenium and you stand before God at the great white throne judgment you got all these books and in these books or everything you've ever done including your motives and your intentions it's all there and it says that you are going to be it's in the books rope in other books open which is the book of life the dead were judged according to what they had done is recorded in the books and that word is plural you're not judged said of the book of life that just determines whether you're saved or not saved and only those who are not saved are at the great white throne judgment but you're judged according to what the books everything that you've ever done the sea gave up the dead that were in it and this is very important and death and hell gave up the dead that were in them notice there's a distinction between and death and hail gave up the dead that were in them and each person was judged according to what he had done then death and hell were thrown into the lake of fire the lake of fire is the second death remember we talked about the first death this is the second death now I want you to notice in verse number 13 it says that death and hail gave up the dead death refers to the resurrection of the body they gave up the dead in other words they gave up the bodies of the dead and hail is where the Spirit was kept after they died so let's take another person here that's not a believer they might have thought they were a believer but you know it was just fire insurance policy didn't want to go to hell so I said that I accepted Christ but I didn't really have faith it never affected my life so this person dies does this spirit go to heaven to be with the Lord no his spirit goes to hell let's just write that in there so you can see Hell how's that and his body goes into the ground and it's gonna decay into dust but after the second ridge racer resurrection after the thousand years death the body and hail gave up the dead so the body is resurrected the spirit and so come up and just like believers they have an immortal body because believe it or not when you're thrown the lake of fire you don't burn up in it's over you're so and this new body that's resurrected is meant to be forever so you're gonna be eternally punished so the bodies of unbelievers are resurrected and they're joined with their spirit again to stand before God to be judged and after they're judged according to everything they've done they're thrown to the lake of fire look verse 14 again then death and hell was thrown the leg of fire the lake of fire is the second death now remember that we were told in the book of Hebrews by Paul that man is destined to die how many times once if you're a Calvinist and you believe that God predetermines whether you go to heaven to hell that's contrary to Scripture every man is destined to die only how many times once why because God wants everyone to go to heaven but if you didn't prepare for Jesus you're gonna die twice you're gonna die this first time your soul and spirit is gonna go to hell which is a temporary holding place until the great white throne judgment then you're going to be resurrected stand before God throne the lake of fire which is the second death so unbelievers are resurrected just like believers except it happens a hundred a thousand years later and they're thrown into the lake of fire now I want you to notice what Jesus said and book of Matthew chapter 25 verse 46 and they will go away into eternal punishment how long will the punishment be eternal punishment no burning up and it's over why do I tell you this because Jesus spoke more about Hell than he did have and why he wanted to warn you most of us get saved because we're scared of Hell you're wise if you're not scared of Hell in the lake of fire you're a fool so he said and they will go away into eternal punishment but the righteous will go into eternal life they only die once not twice and that's the sequence of events that are going to take place after you die your spirit either goes to heaven or to hell and at some point in the future your body is going to be resurrected and rejoined with your spirit if you're a Christian you'll have eternal life if you're not a Christian you'll have eternal death now I know that you might have to watch this sermon on the web two or three times to get it but you need to know these scriptures and understand what happens because let me tell you when you get to that age and your 80s and your body starts failing you know that death is near you should feel like you're gonna get ready to go home and why you'll be torn is not because you're scared of death but because you don't know about those you're leaving behind they might need you that's the way it ought to be that's the way Paul was now pull out your discipleship card every time that you hear a sermon and read your Bible you're supposed to ask yourself this question is there something in what I've just read or what I've heard is there a command that I should obey an example I should follow or a principle I should live by well here you need to ask yourself should I exercise common sense because I really don't have a command for you to obey I really don't have an example to follow and I really don't have a principle live by but when you see this you should exercise some common sense and that common sense is everyone dies if that hasn't hit home start going to funerals rather than parties so that you can be properly prepared so when you die because you don't know when it will happen I guarantee you Steve never thought that he was gonna die on Christmas Eve now some of you might be thinking well you're capitalizing on such a horrible misfortune of a family but you need to understand that right now the book of Hebrews says this was cloud of witnesses just looking down upon us and that cloud of witnesses or these spirits and so's and having as Steve's going go Alan you tell him because Steve is here and he's better off he's torn because he left those that needed him but he's better off
Channel: Cornerstone Fellowship
Views: 9,502
Rating: 4.8142858 out of 5
Keywords: what happens when you die, what happens when you die bible, what happens when you die young, what will happen when i die, what is death like, what is going to happen when we die, what is going to happen when jesus come back, allen nolan, cornerstone, cornerstone fellowship
Id: PmLabJSuQvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 55sec (2455 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 28 2020
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