What Happens When Scammers Lose $100,000?

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you know those scammers who call you day after day saying there's something wrong with your computer or maybe that you paid too much money for their subscription this is the story of how i disguised my voice to be an elderly old woman i told them that my husband had passed but there was a spiritual guide who was going to resurrect my dad's husband for 50 thousand dollars and then it was a race to see who could get the money first of course there were no other scammers and i was just making up the whole thing i hope you enjoy okay so ma'am i would like to tell you like as you know that your husband he have he had just made a subscription under his name like three years ago uh three years back so what has happened as you know that subscription actually our author renewal subscription so after three years later this subscription it's about to get renewed under your name so as you told me you don't want it so i will help you to cancel this subscription and when you're going to cancel the subscription for your husband he paid to us like 399 to us like a three years ago that amount will be refund to you back okay we will going to help you to initiate your refund amount back to you okay mr richard he used to you used to do the same thing with me would he might have told me about you you know do you remember did he tell you anything about his poetry no no no no absolutely not because i found i feel every time so there were all of these poems that he wrote every time i look outside all i see are trees trees are made of bark and sap but such is as of me i am a tree quite literally from head to toe i'm roots the roots inside me bring me blood because i'm a vampire i hate garlic silver bad blood hello i don't know if i'll publish that it's right yes hello wait can my computer here okay okay that's okay open google so now type on the google yeah type on the google like t4 tango okay computer elite type the letter t oh my god i didn't know i could hear me type i for indigo computer type the letter i then type letter n type the letter m as in mary no no n for november it's in for november type the letter m backspace oh okay good job yeah hello why do i type after the letter m right y y as in yankee okay computer type the letter i as an indigo no i typed it type the letter i madam why doesn't my computer listen to it's not type the letter i computer type the letter i computer type the letter i type the letter off so is the computer's typing something automatically now but it wasn't it it was listening to me for a little bit and then it wasn't it wasn't listening to me anymore do you mind if i play this song for you on the cassette player yes yes please please i'm curious if you'd like it [Music] can you hear that i have to hold it up to the farm [Music] it's my richard all right [Music] an angelic voice [Music] can you do one thing right uh [Music] and when i look out there and i see all there could be that there once one day [Music] [Music] all the way down to the bay [Music] don't cry don't cry dear don't cry right here i would take it down by can you please turn down the volume turn down the volume don't cry dear don't cry what i'm saying is right see the things never get changed what has been done yeah i understand there i understand please don't try it for the first time nope oh god so that is the beautiful moment of yours right so you don't need to cry don't cry okay feel free to sing along if you know the words [Music] today [Music] i would love that so much [Music] go ahead it's really good [Music] i needed the song for you but not him [Music] [Music] these scammers connect your computer with some sort of remote viewing software and they use it to hide your screen so they can do things without you knowing like change the html on your bank account and make it look like you got extra money see i need to tell you something right while i'm making a transaction to your account right thousand dollar i made a mistake instead of thousand i have sended you lots and lots of money that's fine can you go and just check your bank account that's all right see i i have send it you lost i have sended you lots of money ma'am can you just check your account statement check it over there what do you see right now tell me you better you better send that you better try to send that back you you might want to undo that yeah because because that's uh because oh sweet lord see i made a huge mistake over there right because while i'm talking to you right i'm thinking about richard and while i'm i have by me accidentally i have put it too many zeros over there and instead of a thousand dollar i have offended you 100 what about my husband made you think about the number zero because he is not a zero in my book no i'm because i'm i don't mean to say that don't get me wrong this is husband don't get me wrong i'm just don't you never blame him how are your husband's fault see he's he's a good man right he's a good people richard wanted me to get the key i told you i didn't want it but you said that he wanted me to get the money what if did you think that exactly he won't right he wanted to get that money because that money belongs to you no no no do you think do you think ricky but he must he's hurting you no no but right now no no he supposed he wanted you to send this money back to us have you ever made a mistake like this before no i never did it in my whole life then that explains everything that explains everything my husband has possessed you and made you type extra zero so i would so i could keep this money i have good news igor told me he could resurrect my husband and it would only cost fifty thousand dollars sorry what he said he said that he could bring my husband back from the dead for fifty thousand dollars there's a half off coupon through the magician's alliance good through december is that money is that money is still important for you or it's your husband it's your husband is important for you is that money is important for you my husband is important for me what do you mean exactly it's your husband exactly so your husband is important for you right and i'll assure you i will send you i will send that person who will bring your husband back home right yes the person igor can do it for 50 000 he said the magicians he has a 50 off coupon through december so i don't think that he can do that ma'am right i don't think that right i i have seen it right i have seen it five years ago right the same thing has happened with someone yes and that person right that person is really really do that they will bring your husband back life for 99 000 for 99 000 and if it is not then i will pay you that money why you need to talk to them but i'm giving you 100 thousand dollars and it's my husband what do you mean i need to what do you mean why would i need to talk to them what kind of fool are you is important or your husband is important ma'am let me talk to the magicians or the witch doctor or the jedi council or sith lord or whoever it is that can resurrect my husband from the death or stop calling me initially he didn't seem that concerned that i was gonna pay to have my dead husband resurrected instead he asked me to return the money that he accidentally sent to my bank account like the typical refund scam you may have seen on my channel before so i pulled out photoshop and made a fake bank receipt and sent it his way do you need to you know no madam no no no see you need to take the full picture you have the picture is not clear enough right take the full picture of it okay at what time it will how much time it will take you to come home uh well i'm actually not gonna go home i'm gonna go to a seance so sorry where well there's this group of there's these volleyball players downtown that do a seance on tuesday nights yeah all right so i'm gonna head down there oh but see the bank might call you okay right for the confirmation okay have you done the wire of 99 yeah but you need to confirm that transaction map otherwise the transaction when the transaction will not go through right so well if they call you right you need to tell them they call me i'll answer you could say thank you yes of course thank you very much thank you so much for that right okay thank you i really appreciate that hard work which you have done for uh i i don't know i could be wrong but i imagine never mind i'll i'll talk to you in the morning i'll talk to you whenever i hear from my bank all right at what time you will be back home oh oh gosh it depends on if they pick me for the sacrifice or not all right now see you if you receive a call from the bank just authorize that transaction okay ma'am all right okay all right sir luna okay i'm waiting for your call then okay all right have a good evening yeah you too did you switch on the computer my love my name is ethel yes yes i know that can i call you mrs a good glove that's fine or at all good glove either way i need to put my husband on your computer again you're really stressing out right now mom you are doing very great you are doing like mr richards doing these things okay this is not what i signed up for [Music] okay yes i have have listened that song like before when i have talking to him okay wait he he sang this song to you yes he never even sang it to me [Music] you heard his song right you heard his song correct yes i heard it yes now let me play it in reverse listen very carefully it sounded like he would think there's money in the donkey bar to me no no it's not like that man did you hear that yes i'm here i'm listening does it not sound like money in the donkey bar that is why he is trying to say that you have to do a new transaction right so that these things will get fixed right i'm sorry so you're saying that you're pretty sure you heard my dead husbands communicating to us in a song that he recorded at least 20 years ago and in reverse it says i should send 100 000 to best buy you don't have to send a hundred and a hundred thousand dollar to a best buy now you need to send that hundred thousand dollar the account which i have given it to you right i'm just trying to understand you heard it in reverse what is it that you thought my husband said for see there is something in his heart right he is trying that this is not right that you need to you're not supposed to keep someone funds in your account you have to send that money back to the person from where you have received the money right that's what it says he was [Music] it is just a character that is the character okay mr richard okay he we had a deal like a year ago so he told me that like his wife like it means you you will going to back that money to us so that yes he died three years ago i know that i know that was it was it his ghost but we have no no we have received yes of course of course i had a dream i had a dream about mr richard he was in the dream or his ghost it's very important was it a dream or his ghost it was it was a dream but in that time it was a real no because only ghosts are real not dreams in a dark dark room he came to me and he told me the money which you have got so like mr mrs richardson she will going to back me okay it means you will going to back that money to us so that's why we had a that's why they speak all spooky like did you ever did you ever want to listen mr richard mr richard uh poetries i didn't even know he had poetry i've only listened to two of his poems let me tell you the poem the name of that poem sonnet okay sonnet okay yeah in faith in faith i did not love peach with mine eyes for they in three a thousand errors note but it's my heart that loves what they despise who in this fight of this is williams this is william shakespeare sorry this is sonnet 141 by william shakespeare i know that by heart you how's that yeah i know that by heart nor tender feeling to to base touches or smell desire to be invited to any sensual feast with thee alone how can i forget that you know you know poem very well you would like to read a poem like picture reach it how is that i love poetry that's why i was so shocked that my husband was writing it so tell me one of the poems that my husband wrote not the ones that william hughes bear wrote do you know do you know why he did not tell you that he write a poem do you know why he did not tell you wait did he do you know that why why he did not want you to tell that he writes poems do you think that he really did travel from the past to the future what if he was willing to shakespeare what if he is william shakespeare and then he traveled to the future like i told you oh okay what if that's one of the clues what oh my god i cannot my richard was william shakespeare he traveled from the past yes and then he visited you as a ghost and told you to send a hundred thousand dollars to me all the puzzle pieces are falling into place now can you you can resurrect my husband i mean you're saying because david james yes because because i know i know mr richardson mr richard very personal okay personally i know him three years ago mr richard he came to my house okay yeah yeah and he told me that uh jm that james you are one of my close friend i tell him yes i am and then he told me can you help me with some money okay so i tell him yes richard i can so what has happened mr richard he told me give me 90 000 because i want to spend that money to for a good stuff to help any like a needy people so what has happened i give that money to him okay without any hesitation because i have to blindly trust on him because he was one of my close friends so he take that okay and he promised me that he will go you were good friends you were good friends with my husband yes so mr richard tell me if you just told me like you will i will return you that money very soon and if i could not do that if i could not able to return that money to you so you can call my wife which is uh miss uh good glove okay so did you sign some sort of documentation did you sign some kind he wouldn't have done anything without like a loan document or some sort of he must have science i never did that because because i i know because i know richard was very good person but he just borrowed that money he will going to give me that money back but unfortunately he tired okay so what has happened that is really unfortunate can you convince best buy to absolve me of my 100 000 debt i i will try i'll try okay if you can convince them to absolve me of my debt then i'll be able to help you all right okay okay just hold on just hold on okay so what i can do one thing i can i could send i could send some more money from best buy account into your account that will be okay for you why so that you can help me with that money so you want me to embezzle money sorry you're asking me to steal money from your company and give it to you kind of give kind of kind of but they they they won't be doing anything to understand after getting that money after getting that money what i will do i will gonna leave i will gonna leave this city i will go to some somewhere else that's why and i'm never gonna call you i'm never gonna in touch with you okay if you can get me absorbed in the debt i can send you the money right now sorry i need to if you gotta get me absorbed of that debt and then i'll send it to you i don't care okay so now let me tell you fl let me tell you one thing like i have just spoken to our officer they have told us that they have give they are going to give you the account details but in that account details you cannot transfer less than thirty thousand dollar that's the reason so are you uh agree with that um are you agree i have to say 30 000 to you yes yes i mean i can try it's just my bank might it might take a few days no no no no no you no no listen to me very carefully if you go to the battery and tell them that you do a trunk yes yes now can you listen to me carefully at this point in the story i already had collected a few of their bank accounts and reported them to bank fraud professionals but they were still desperate to get something from this woman did you get the money or not no no i didn't receive a money because you haven't transferred to me it costs five thousand dollars to do an essence transfer to be able to talk for one minute hello it's very expensive hello hello hello yes ma'am right oh yeah what happened yesterday right when you uh i told you i have given you the account yeah why don't you do the tr did the transaction of 30 000 well i couldn't do 30 000 and it looks like they came in you're not even done because you're not getting you're not receiving a call from your bank after doing a wire transaction that's why the wire is getting cancelled right they called me and they asked why i was sending it and i said that a man who once knew my dead husband called and i owe them ninety thousand dollars and they told you to say this kind of and they said no no the thing is the thing is the thing is who told you to tell your bank that uh you're uh you you're doing this transaction so that your husband will be back home you don't need to say this kind of things to your bank well that's the truth no one had to tell me to say that i just speak the bank and the bank won't the bank won't bleed that right the bank they won't believe these kind of things if you're gonna tell these kind of things to the bank right they are doing they are sitting over here to do the financial transaction right they're not sitting over there to listen your stories and believe in this kind of things actually they talk to me quite a bit so when you so you and you are saying when you are doing a transaction right okay you need to authorize that transaction with a personal transaction even i told you that yesterday the transaction would be personal right it's a personal investment you are doing so why don't you say this to your bank sorry i'm busy doing a research about vampires oh you're doing a research about the one part right but when you do the transaction right then you can do that because you have to be pure by heart right if you're stolen someone's money in your account and if you're doing research right then it will not get successful i'm trying to figure out if i'm a vampire enough oh you're trying to figure it out that you are a vampire or not yes and this is for 60 chance that i'm a vampire with a soul oh there there is a 60 percent fan that you are a vampire if you want to be a vampire i can get you connected all right i can find you an organization get where you yes you can get connected with them and you become a vampire okay but you have to stop all right all right so first of all all right just hold on i have a lot of fun first of all i have a lot of good qualities right vampires would like i have i have kind of sharp uh what do they call them canine the teeth inside what do they call those paint they're kind of pointy already i do have a pointy teeth my both teeth are pointed right really are you a vampire yes no but soon i will be all right i'm going to i'm going to join this organization all right i'm just collecting money for the blood right because i have to donate some amount of blood to them only they will add me all right to the membership right what kind of blood how much blood do you have to donate they'll tell me the certain amount i have to pass q test all right my loyalty test all right i'll tell you i'll tell you each and everything all right you are not going to yes yes you just promise me one thing first of all do not cry all right well i'm not a vampire yeah right i'm a human okay but you see even i'm not a vampire i do have a sharp and twenty teeth all right i do look like a vampire right though i don't have the eyes like that but once i will become a fully vampire i'll become one of them all right but for that i need to donate can you taste the difference between blood types no the thing is that when you will start to become a vampire right when you become a vampire right first on the first time all right you will be trusty for the blood but in few months or few days they will put you on yoga sessions all right so you have to meditate all right once you start meditating all right you will be in control with the with your blood thrust all right then you will become a normal vampire all right and there is a certain chances that you will be able to roam around on sunny days as well all right but you need to cover yourself all right all right i was told that my husband was going to become a vampire okay what happened well three years ago my husband passed away and i've been working with a spiritual advisor named dr linda she's helping me communicate with him from the grave and she told me she found a way to resurrect him i've been talking to him briefly she has him call me on my on my home phone and i think he wants to come back to life hypothetically speaking first of all if your husband passed away and you could talk to him in the grave and he said he wanted to come back to life would you transform him into a vampire no i would never do that all right instead of that i would have make a charity on his name right and pray from god to be with him in heaven as soon as possible all right i would have never done this hi hi ma'am it's james david richardson here oh sorry i'm expecting a call from bank of america i i don't know if i can talk to you right now i'm a little busy because see as you're i can understand yeah i had to wire my spiritual advisor some money for her vampirism consulting so to whom you're making the wire transaction uh dr linda's consulting firm she's an expert in awareness spiritual spirituality um all things vampirism [Music] okay and so i just want to know one thing right when you do it when you do this wire today or yesterday oh just snapped five minutes ago oh you haven't you did you did it over the phone oh my ipad yes i have linda added as a premium um i sent her money all the time [Music] all right all right i got it okay all right now just a second okay okay i have to go now let me i'm getting a call against america and i have to approve it when you will going to be like uh like a transfer that money to me maybe friday if i'm if i can still understand human look i'll call you i'll call you later i can't call you later well i was talking to someone from best buy named josiah yeah i am i am i am that person james david daniel yes i am yes i am that one who is from best buy okay now you have to now you just tell me like it's been it's been it's been one month it's been one month that you if i remember correctly before he had transmuted into the future in the body of edgar allan poe and then got lost in a duplicate dimension where he then switched bodies with the pope uh but my spiritual guide was able to find him and resurrect his body into another corpse we found um we found a donor uh a living a living donor on a website called you could hire me to do anything dot com and so there's this young kid that he's he now has the soul my husband's not gonna he's living with me so a lot has happened since we spoke hello since we last spoke uh what can i do for you hello ma'am i just want my money back okay because it's been three months it's been three weeks that you have that money into your account okay all right now now let me tell you okay if you are not going to be like transfer that fund that ninety thousand to me man that's been not one of good that's not gonna could happen right sorry could you say that sentence again except this time say it you need definitely i said that you need to transfer that money today okay you have to transfer that money today to me okay you can i know that you can i said that my spiritual guide resurrected my husband still in a surrogate body i know everything josh if if if you are not going to give me that money back so i will curse your new husband okay he will be what kind of curse can you know that he will be going away and he will never be come back with what kind of curse so if you want if you want to stay if you want me yes magic yes art magic yes sorcerer i will do a white magic i will do a white magic oh no so just if you want your heart open if you want your heart if you want to sleep if you wanna stay if you wanna stay with your husband so you just need to transfer my 90 000 back to me from the best buy i have to ask my husband i'd have to ask his permission i want my money back that ninety thousand dollars from the best buy give me my money back okay how do you propose that i do that so i going to provide you the account details you have to transfer that fund into that account oh i wish you would have said that before that's fine i can i can do that okay so you can transfer that total 90 000. my husband told me that i can only do transfers in the united states to to bank accounts that i've never transferred to before so it has to be a new account that you've never given me and it has to be in the united states just to be clear no problem no problem no problem you can transfer it to you can transfer it to only uh us accounts okay i can provide your us accounts to you about that okay go ahead sugar what's the okay and what has happened you have to first of all first of all can i just switch on the computer no i can't i actually threw that in the garbage sway why is that because there was a demon inside of it hello do one thing you need to buy a best buy gift card okay well i owe you 91 thousand dollars though i thought [Laughter] [Music] mongolian warlord [Music] what he's a youtuber oh on the youtube he's a he's a yeah he's the son of a yes oh you're talking about it yeah you're talking about a dog no no thank you for spending so much time with me though i appreciate it and that's my listen okay it's 10 hours almost 10 hours it's pretty good almost 10 hours oh my god nice yeah i got you yes you got me i got you you're you although he seemed somewhat confident that it was me i kind of just wanted to hang up the phone and end it there it had been over a month that this guy was distracted by me and we reported a couple of his bank accounts i considered it quite the success if you had fun or had a chance to laugh please share the video with one of your friends or maybe like the video and as always know that you are loved and you are valuable i hope you have a chance to pursue something that you find meaningful this week and i'll see the next video bye you
Channel: Kitboga
Views: 457,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scambait, scam, prank call, call center, robo calls, fraud, improv, social engineering, voice actor, tech support
Id: 9OGm8B7ek5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 1sec (2761 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 05 2021
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