What Happens When Berserker Plays vs. LCK

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[Music] closer today we're playing a show match against FX I don't know how good they are I don't know how much I'll try hard for this thing um that's our excuse if we're lose so see yeah of course well no we'll see I didn't uh it doesn't feel like a real game right it's a show match so I don't know if I'll like put my try hard p on you know I guess depends on how bad you think I'm going to feel putting on my either way it's embarrassing for the loser right cuz no one wants to lose how much more embarrassing yeah you're sending a Korean that can speak Korean to a Korean team we should send someone who doesn't speak Korean good point oh oh you want win so I should send your blobber basically if I want to win if you want to win you should instant choose tantos and Berserker why you want to the CR or what no I'm just I'm just telling you I'm just I just don't care if I win or lose a show match I'm just telling you the best approach yeah yeah yeah looks pretty good actually that is pretty that is kind of true no if I send b to the other minutes like whatever yeah but you can ghost him so easily that's what I was think hello my name is tanos I'm sh9 Tom raer uh I learn English one month uh I'm looking forward to go to the US yeah I heard LA weather is nice I expect to go la I will win LCS and watch sh of me thank you I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming what the hey stop stop stop actually actually stop wow Ian first game is just like event match and then second game is third game is like real game you know so I should like give conf down for BL for next game so I run over this pink cord I'm on a pink cord I run over it look at him he's lit reading the comments he's like actually AFK the game was very bad I was playing C this and I lowkey ran down but it was kind of hard to play the game because I'm like it's hard to do anything we can't really fight don't really have any winning Lanes uh yeah I think we've improved over the boot gamp so far but we haven't really had too long practice I'd say I think we've only scrimmed 5 days so far maybe around five um but I think we're definitely getting better welome you okay you sure what do you want to play I'm going to uh I I think Kon but K sucks can I I'm going I can I can block walk the left side I'm going I guys I'm not there fight behind are you we are not that embarrassed we're L but not that embarrassed he said they talked about the swap with Berserker he's like I first Pi Berserker cuz I thought he was going to win but then wait did you did they ask about the game one and two or just a show match just the show match oh they didn't ask with the games they did too they just said you're good thank God we won a game the first one was disgusting yeah I was so grieved sitting in my I don't know I mean I was going to lock I was telling to lock in I want to lock in Ash and he like it's so tr no I'm picking y lock my team is like try over their lives and that they were like oh we can't pick until we see what M pick I picko inst Kevin smart [Music] welcome how was Rel Diego G we yeah good for you yeah good for you so re was oh already cuz he lose minion yeah yeah yeah so you just always push push push yeah so I don't know this match up before was not bad for vgo that's the other te I think so not bad for vgo we're going to be a bit tight 3 two one Che y good job 3 nice [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] 4 w [Music] yes hey guys uh we just finished our uh show match against perx it was really fun and I enjoyed it at least um got to play some semi-serious games before you know our season starts yeah after that we kind of just played some solo qu and tomorrow we're going to start up scrims again um yeah we've been scrimming for about I think a week now uh and it's been really good uh it's our first time playing with Thanos as a team and it's been really good playing with him uh he's a really like cool person and also a very good player so overall it's been super good and yeah I think we got two weeks left of this boot camp so hopefully the rest of the scams go well we'll definitely do better than summer split than in our spring split and hopefully you guys will be there to cheer for us
Channel: Cloud9 League of Legends
Views: 13,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cloud9, Cloud 9, C9, League of Legends, LCS, League Championship Series, lolesports, Esports, Gaming, c9 lol, cloud 9 league of legends, c9 league of legends, FearX, Liiv Sandbox, Seoul South Korea, Korea, Seoul, South Korea, Thanatos, Blaber, Jojopyun, Berserker, Vulcan, Fudge, Reapered, FakeGod, Shopify Rebellion, SR, 100 Thieves, 100T, Eyla, BNK FearX, Clear, Willier, Clozer, Hena, Execute, Seobi, Veigar v2
Id: u0TrGioK6y4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 14sec (494 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2024
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