how it feels to be a league of legends elder

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ah we're getting a little old here guys but we're headed back to the El yesterday all those years of jungling really took a toll on me every year in League you just get seven years old at IRL I guess this is how the league scene sees us nowadays back in my day we had to walk uphill both ways carrying our keyboards monitors nowadays you see players just being driven to the ls and the brand new Kia ev9 and it's crazy it's electric no gas what oh this thing where' this come from I didn't even know I was holding it got to show these kids how to play some real League of Legends see that that's me right there profess from before you were born hey is it a little louder in here than normal or just me man these kids these days suck at this game it's just too easy it's a little easier than I remember it being I still got it
Channel: Cloud9 League of Legends
Views: 16,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cloud9, Cloud 9, C9, League of Legends, LCS, League Championship Series, lolesports, Esports, Gaming, c9 lol, cloud 9 league of legends, c9 league of legends, hai, meteos, cloud9 2013, lcs 2013, kia, kia ev9, ev9
Id: chP_GSYZ2Is
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 50sec (50 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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