Rekkles' Message To Caedrel Before LCK CL Summer Split Starts

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all right chat T1 Academy versus DRX Academy this is going to be Fearless draft hardcore Fearless which means any champ picked in game one is banned for the rest of the series um DRX Academy finished third last split I think so they're quite good but I think T1 even though they finished ninth last split I actually think they were pretty good they won almost every single at least one game in every single best of three and I think their bot Lane was one of the best laners in the league also think their jungler had some insane moments so let's see if T1 can close out some series let's see if Reckless can actually get some I don't know how Reckless is going to do in Fearless draft I feel like Reckless is probably fine in Fearless draft right because uh he's plays a lot of range supports and if the Leona's picked and then rels picked by enemy like he's fine Reckless messaged me on Discord yesterday he said um he's really excited to start this new split with a clean slate he feels really good he feels better than he's been felt for many years and he thanks the rats he thanks you guys for coming on the stream he said it really helped him so he's locked in he's locked in he's locked in
Channel: Caedrel Clips
Views: 25,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lol clips, caedrel, caedrel clips, lol esports, league of legends, lol moments, lol shorts, twitch clips, caedrel twitch, lcs, lec, lpl, lck, lol highlights, league shorts, clips, shorts, league clips
Id: ujaXup2zrh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 15sec (75 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2024
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