LCS Power Rankings & Crazy Off-Season Changes | The Dive Driven by Kia

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hey medios look at this you remember that game I just played I just wanted to bloat like talk talk a little bit it's all good I let me show you this game you just played in where he went 010 do you remember this yeah we just got out of the game Kobe hey medios you remember that time you stood me up for the movie hello and welcome to the driven by KIA for the first time part of the sponsorship everybody has to do a little driving motion now okay ready everybody oh we're we're driven by KIA episode one of begging Kia for free cars that's the first thing I brought up our producer is like all right we finally got our sponsor back uh we're going to be driven by KIA now and I was like great when did the free cars get here yeah yeah all of us I'm ready got a drive marks already you did a ad already yeah yeah we did a couple it was a good time um this episode is going to be a giga episode though so we're we're just going to get right into the the meat here uh we've got LCS summmer split preview we're going to do Power Rankings we've got a patch dropping we had MSI stuff we have all this news Mark dropped a video on all the LCS updates and we're going to start with the LCS updates and Mark's video uh because we missed mark on the dive speak for yourself he's going to finally bring the people what they wanted with the best of Threes back this is actually uh a little bit controversial because obviously we way back when we had best of Threes last time it was with the Dual streams and that was pretty bad for viewership uh I've also talked to some of the uh team owners and like general managers and stuff and they they had some worries about oh on the weeks and days and stuff when we're not playing it's going to be different um and they'll have to figure you know figure that out how they're promoting and making memes and stuff when they're not actually uh playing how do we make our memes playing the games but honestly I was like well do you really make a lot of memes and stuff anyways when you are playing like some of a lot of do I think they could do some more stuff yeah pump it up a bit yeah um but yeah so we are going if you haven't already watch the video you can check it out but it's going to be bo3 single round robin they're not moving to fearless and they are going to try to keep the really fast transition times so I think 9 minute is what they're going to be aiming for in between games obviously there has to be some time for the teams to to stop down e to the bathroom whatever yeah Mark said though they're setting up tables right next to the stage like just off of camera and they're just going to like shove them go over there real quick have your meeting quick and they're just going to be like driving them as quick as possible I love that to to get back I I'm such a big fan of the short downtime between games huge cuz like I don't know that's the that's honestly like the one downside of watching League sometimes is just like you watch the game and then there's 20 plus minutes before your next next game which is like I don't know man we live in the Tik Tok age dude intention bans aren what they used to be like 20 minutes of nothing is tough so like I think in Spring it was really nice uh so I'm glad they're keeping that around this is going to be good it'll be interesting I I don't know where you guys stand on b3s I know you were a BO2 uh still or a double header I'm still a double header Enthusiast yeah I think it's absolutely the best so that's what he wanted I'm not really that big of a fan of bo3 I like my impression is that the really hardcore audience and the players want bo3 but my impression is also that casual audiences don't stick around for b3s unless they're really hyper engaged whereas in b1s one of the things that I always really like about it is that every team plays every day right so if you're a big Cloud9 fan and it's like okay you tune in for the Cloud9 game hey maybe you just stick around for the next one or maybe you tune in a little bit early watch some of the previous one it's like if you're a Cloud9 fan and Immortal Shopify playing or whatever are you going to watch that bo3 probably not right and so I think there's higher Highs but there's also lower lows and that's kind of the the trade-off with bo3 like your best series can be way more exciting than a bo1 you if it goes to distance it's really hype games back to back to back um but your Bad series are also a lot worse so like there's a trade-off there um and and I am I am a little bit worried about what it'll do for viewership I think viewership will go down for sure uh I hope that I'm wrong because I think competitively it's like more interesting I just think casual audiences aren't going to stick around for all the b3s I'm definitely Pro bo3 as faster just cuz it's more fun to me to be able to look at the adaptations for the team for for next team uh for next game and rather than just like jumping to a whole new you know fresh kind of separate one so I'm I'm actually super excited to do it I do agree though I think the viewership is going to go down also because summer summer viewership always goes down yeah but um we have if if this like goes well part of the reason why you know Mark was pushing a lot for this and why we're trying it in summer is to get you know some more updated definitive data uh on it and if there is a positive response you know if you are a best of three enjoyer then get out there and vote with your eyeballs as they say and pump up those viewership numbers because then they can use that to in the future to you know argue for changes yeah I I like best of three the one thing I guess I'm hesitant about is only having a single round robin to me that doesn't feel super great because then yeah it almost feels like your schedule could affect your rankings quite a bit right because yeah you know there's dig coming into the league and which is you know on paper could be a really strong team but you know they're going to be a bit behind the teams that have been playing together all of spring because they're just starting out right three players didn't even play competitive like last exactly so if you play dig week one you're probably not gonna be playing as strong of a dig as the teams that play him at the end of the round Robins so I think that kind of thing uh isn't the best in my mind but you know B3 is cool I'm always a fan of more games so I think whatever gets us the most games I I love the promo for like up to 50% more games in summer wow thanks Mr Mark Zimmerman another Big W uh I another aspect though that affects it is patch so like if you're playing at the beginning the season and you are locked in on this patch your team has it completely figured out um then you know that that matchup is going to be completely different than if it's big different patch you know later towards the end of the season and I can already see teams being salty about oh man they got to play you know this team on that patch to play APA on the six patch yeah exactly that's not fair it's it's so unlucky that's so unfair every patch is the zig patch I don't know because another ch that went along with this that uh is in the video by the way uh LCS post a video um it's on Reddit and YouTube and everything um is that the they're changing the format for playoffs too so your seating from regular season is really really important actually since we now have a lower bracket Gauntlet and everyone starts upper bracket and and and first two places in the upper bracket get buys for the F for the beginning of it so and first place gets to pick which side of the bracket they start on which I think it always should have been that way so you can you can pick like which matchup you would want to play the winner of so it is I I feel like regular season seating is actually you know super super beneficial because it's going to be a grind if you get knocked Into The Gauntlet Y and as as you lose uh you know like you're seeding The Gauntlet it'll be like kind of like the old world's Gauntlet basically where you know like our our our third team for worlds qualified through that so my understanding and uh is that yeah you you'll drop down you'll seed and then we'll do the gauntlet starting from the bottom so if you're the last person knocked out you know for that last spot you'd be starting at the top of the gauntlet and they'll play through for that final world's qualification spot which I think is going to be really exciting cuz I always loved watching The Gauntlet yeah the gauntlet super hype I actually have a question so disclaimer I haven't actually seen the video yet maybe they talk about it but isn't there going to be a pretty high likelihood of ties with only single round robin because that means everyone's going to have like seven games right so you can go to game score though it'll be like match score and then it'll go game score and then it'll head-to-head and then it'll be I don't know but like with with head to-head and game score I think almost all ties will be broken um and then beyond that I'm sure it'll go to like game time and so on and so forth win time okay okay so I don't think I don't think it'll be a big problem I think you're right there will be probably a lot of teams that have a similar match score though yeah it it is it is going to make the rankings look a little funny though at the beginning because it is going to be kind of slow like acre uh rankings for the standing you're going to have you could be four and three and you're in playoffs yeah exactly yeah I mean there can be a team that has you could legit go 07 but have go one and two in every series with really close games but it looks like you're just a turbo feeder so it's it's going to be interesting for sure true we'll have to watch out for those 07 teams um but at the end of the day it's like we qualify in playoffs you know if if you're good enough you'll get there and then you'll have a chance it'll be kind of like you normal playoffs so I'm I'm really excited for those changes yeah there's are going to be really good there's a bunch of really good ones uh next one on the list I'm bumping up all the way from NAC video um they did they did uh two-parter um and the NAC signings to me are just so exciting I am a huge Brandon Sanderson fan um he's probably the most prolific fantasy writer right now currently he just pumps out content and it's all extremely good so highly recommend uh reading some Brandon Sanderson um books but him and otk which is probably for the general population would probably be more popular more more of a Time Forge that I think they own right yeah but we got to get that otk brand on there you know but otk and Brandon Sanderson are both uh joining the league partnering with teams with marville and with Cincinnati fear um which is super fun because we're building on the hype of toast's video uh toast streams like toast was a super successful uh partnership um you know an naacl owner and he co-streams all the games and stuff and they're super fun uh to watch and so now we're getting like serson is gonna be writing books about the LC I would totally read a league book by sers yeah well I feel like this is is such a cool like snowball to start if we you know if we then get like you know like lwig and stuff or moist critical and um like really build up more and more it could be like this actual celebrity League exactly that's joke about that in the in the video even like naacl the North American celebrity Le right like instead um and I think it's kind of cool because it it gives basically different levels of entry point right like you don't have to have like if you want to be involved in league as an org or as as a big streamer or as a brand or whatever you don't necessarily have to be like okay here's like the 10 or the 20 or the $30 million that's going to cost to like buy an LCS spot and then run the thing and have a team house and do all this you could do a partnership with an NL team as an entry point to get your foot in the door you could do like a higher tier of that which is like what to is doing which is just like buy an NAC team and run a full naacl team or you could be partnered with an LCS team or you could be potentially like owning an LCS team so there's like you know different entry points basically um which I think is kind of cool because yeah it's great to get more people involved in the scene and find out that that some of these different um people are are really excited and passionate about league as well yep plus we might get the uh Mr Beast team he's been he's been uh man I feel so debated by that how many years has it been it was oh it's been forever it's perpetually two years every time he he's asked about it he says yep in the next two years I'm getting a team well long on a World's broadcast because when he was on the desk and he's like yep I am doing it and I was like and then he hasn't done it yet but hopefully he will though in the next two years is what we've been told maybe he'll do maybe he'll do a video you know it's like all the players have to like survive in the wilderness or something to join his team he yeah Mr Beast we notice your team fed every game they look really dehydrated they I mean were they being fed he could easily buy up the whole league and then do some video about you know some survival mode with all the teams or something paying them to stay in a super mar or some some weird Mr be stuff that'd be cool uh there's also money matches that they're putting in for naacl if you don't money matches it's literally just what it sounds like they're playing playing for money so there's going to be different games throughout the throughout the season that are like uh that are doign money matches where they're going to try to like you know create some kind of like rivalry some some hyp and some some trash talk and stuff it's kind of like fighting game Community like fgc has like a lot of like money match history and stuff where they're just like playing playing for money and kind of like have that extra thing on the line they're also doing full Fearless which is really cool which means no repeats from either team's bans um and for playoffs because it's best of fives they're doubling the amount of best of fives they had because that was one of the complaints that people had for NL and so the caveat for that is people say well for full Fearless it's going to be like a mess for playoffs because when you get deep into a series there's too many champions banned so first three Gam games are going to be full Fearless game four is going to be only three banss per team because all the previous things are already banned and then game five is going to be all no new bands but all previously banned Champions so all the 40 that had already been previously banned so I think this is actually a really cool system um I'm a big fan of it because if you go into a game five of a series 40 Champions are banned out and people have to be a little bit more creative but it's not pushing it to like 60 or whatever it would be can I I don't know I feel like I think they it's the idea of list to me gets more interesting with the more bands you have I 4's a lot of bands but dude how many champ we have like 170 Champions that's not even close to half the roster dude I want to see like 120 Champions ban you have to you have to draft at like some crazy com both justar yeah dude it it would be way more interesting than you know just oh it's Zer versus smolder again I do like that the bands that they're taking away from the end of the best of five though are the targeted ones though so like yeah you have the guaranteed like the popular op Champs are still going to be banned and the things like I actually want to see people play like if you're known for Gangplank or something like that or you're known for a Heimerdinger or some something that you like never get to pull out or like Viper in there you know like him playing Riven or something like that the like specialty Champions that you never play in competitive um because there is like this the op agreed upon tier or whatever um so I like I like taking away targeted bands and and applying the bands towards the boring Champs that people have always seen um whereas this kind of opens up Frogg and anivia angles and you know types stuff like that if you're super associated with a champ I think if you're a Viper that's getting banned game one though so maybe maybe that example is it isn't it only the Champs I have been picked to get banned going forward though so by the fifth game you can't you can't have those and and the yeah yeah exactly because if nobody's played Riven in the first four games then in theory Riven is guaranteed open game five now that that that's that's what I'm saying is that that's the thing type of thing that I like uh you know to to keep open yeah yeah yeah exactly unless they gets like Banning game four knowing that or whatever right because then bands carry over I thought I thought they don't I thought it was just pick oh okay okay well I thought maybe I'm yeah you're right you're right it is totally just Bix um I was I guess I got confused on the wording when they were talking about the like rebands for game four that carry over but it is just the picks you're totally right yeah so no it'd be really cool I'm excited for it I I hope Fearless comes to LCS personally I actually am really big fan of it and I've I firmly believe that there's so many good Champions that are like right below the S tier that people just ignore completely because they can always just play the same thing they can always just play their 400th game of Renekton in instead of like you know trying something different um so I I talked to Mark about this and we might have talked about in a previous episode but we kind of agreed that I feel like they is more to drafting than just you know the standard LCS draft and fearless I think there's probably something in the middle or you know way out of the box that could be even cooler because you know I think both of these systems have pros and cons there's a lot of ideas like even years ago I was talking to designers that they were trying to like reinvent draft and stuff for pro potentially and we went through so many different ideas there there's some like really wacky pictures out there that I think could be pretty cool yeah I I think we should go even further and we'll just have Twitch Plays uh draft instead of uh I would not want to be on an unpopular team I'll say that otherwise you're probably not getting such hot Champions uh Kobe you're you're back from MSI welcome back true true we got the MSI jacket here um we should do an NA update um we be to you let's go go for the for the na show yeah it's free yeah it's and nothing else have not happened yeah I was going to say we gotta got to go over the whole thing you know full report card both teams we did in fact send two teams we only S one team okay yeah we I think we only I um it was no together we be you our two teams went it was um it was definitely an interesting um MSI bit of a roller coaster for for uh North America perspective uh because obviously the fly Quest um had basically a complete collapse and with the rumors of of you know Jensen uh traded to dignitas stuff that we'll get into later when we do Power Rankings um it it seems like there's even more of uh of kind of especially after all the interviews and kind of like you know the trash talkg they came out and they were Ming on it and they're like we're up you know it's all good big happy family whatever but yeah we'll get into that stuff later but uh fly Quest obviously very very disappointed and the players are going to be most disappointed in themselves um but even then the first series for Team Liquid was very underwhelming and disappointing for uh for them and for us as well and so it it being in Chang Du it was like really uh like the atmosphere was was not great but then TL came out had some really strong performances and I was really proud of them so I was very glad that they were able to show on stage because behind the scenes like talking to even other team screaming against Team Liquid people were pretty positive and so I was going into it you know fairly fairly hopeful as I I always get drawn into the scrim rumors and scrim bucks and all that stuff um and so I was really happy that they were able to show some good games and improvements on stage and they were really close in uh even some of the games that they were lost against T1 I know the players like I saw them going to the you know restroom between games and like in the hallways and stuff and they were like ah we should have won this game we should have won that game like you can say it's cope because at the end of the day they lost but like they a a couple fights happened differently they could have three that team it's it's actually crazy like they were really really competitive they lost they deserve to lose but damn they they turned into a really good series it wasn't just like ah you got one random fluke game where you got five kills at the start and then you got absolutely fisted the rest of the series it was like that was a close Series game one game two you know like game three all those games were within a fight or two here there and even game four where they did get blasted um they were pretty far up early game and actually ran into core and impact um and they were like I was like yeah like those were really good games you guys could have maybe won that you know especially the first three and they're like game game four was the most free game like like we I mean it was but not for them it went but it went bad early but it was like they got 2v2 kill bot I think really fast and they felt like they were in a great position um obviously things went wrong and then T1 slammed them in that game four but I I will say though that is that Na's best performance against T1 ever I mean it's not a super high bar but dude like probably is probably is that's nothing to feel bad about like I I would say TL made na proud MSI they took a game off T1 that's not something easy to do that's C two more yeah and they were competitive the rest of the series I think that the way it ended game four being such a crushing loss kind of is going to like leave people with that that last memory but overall I think they did really well she happy about it I felt good watching it I have a feeling that the power rankings are going to have Team Liquid very high because not only did we give them so many um props for their improvements in LCS playoffs but they contined to build on and improve it's not like they they didn't regress at all it seems like they almost even gained even more kind of like exponential improvement from them playing at Ms ey um and it it was so cool like talking to them after every like couple of days and how excited and like the new info and the new things that they felt like they gotten so much better at and they had learned and then you could see it on on stage and that to me is like the key part CU a lot of times you know there are these moments you're talking about where we're like ah we should if we had done this then we had done that then we could have won and it's all this theoretical stuff but I feel like they really did show a lot of improvements in a lot of like Core Concepts at at the tournament especially I was blown away by how much better uh APA and Yan looked compared to Worlds like it was actually crazy Yan hey Lucian true he had a really good Lucian game he did he did um at at Worlds like I I I want to take the time to give Yan some credit for this because I was very critical of him at Worlds he didn't do anything at Worlds like he was completely invisible every single game they played at Worlds I can't remember one good play from Yan at Worlds that was like a big standout play he was wow you're giving him a lot of credit no like at World worlds was rough and then and then coming to MSI he was incredible like he was carrying a lot of these games he was playing hyper aggressive he was playing with so much confidence so it was so cool to see that like not only did he bring did he really improve throughout the splits in the regular season like he was their main carry threat and he was playing so damn well uh I think it was like one of the Best Western Lucian games I've ever seen um that he that he played and it was just like so fun to watch um bringing out the Samira even and like and popping off on the Samira game and like he he had some really really fun impressive performances so like I I just was so happy watching that APA as well yeah he had some games where he got like super camped and got blasted but he also turned in some really strong games their Tristana Lucian game uh at the end was was so good from from both of those carries and I think it's really key to see them playing with confidence on the international St cuz this is MSI MSI is not just like the international stage to it's actually more difficult than worlds because worlds you're including down to like fourth seeds and stuff and MSI is just number one and number two um and and in so many of these ones like you're you are playing against the literal world champions uh and the best players against the in the world and you know he's dashing forward on Lucian and getting big chunks on people before these team fights to get them advantages and then in the critical team fight like APA is flashing in with them and and they're making really big plays so that just that made me really really excited for not only summer split here for LCS but also you know eventual uh worlds here it really exemplified what he was talking about in an interview during the Spring split where you know TL just started kind of brawling all the time and they gave that interview and he was like basically you know he'd come to the conclusion that if he doesn't think someone should be able to get away with something in the game he doesn't care anymore he's just going to fight them for it you know what I mean it's like if you if if I think you're doing the wrong play I'm not going to be worried about if I mess it up I'm just going to like try to punish you on that play and he's going to try to keep that level aggression and I feel like people always talk about ah yeah I'm going to bring that to Worlds 2 but then they kind of never do because they get like pounded in scrims and then they just try to play like Risk averse and it just goes even worse because you're like well uh it never works out but he really did play with that confidence and I think that is the key to having those big moments when you think to all the best International moments for na it's it's about being able to play with that level of confidence you know I think Yan really exemplified that obviously um G2 energy at Worlds you know last year was huge with that but like all of the the big successes from na come with playing with confidence and playing with aggression and you know really kind of having faith in yourself so that was a lot of fun for me to watch it was definitely a change of pace from our normal you know sending teams that like you said have that risk averse play style where you know maybe it works domestically because you just have the strongest laners who can you know build leads and then you choke out your opponent but then when you're playing up against the number one lck number one LPL team that doesn't really work you don't get those leads early so seeing teams like TL that are willing to take risks and just brawl I love the way that they kind of contest everything and even when it goes horribly they don't get discouraged they just go again because I think that mentality is so necessary to be a strong team in the long run yep yep absolutely um we can jump forward there was uh some interesting stuff going on in CB law I actually first saw this uh from molecule tweeted this out um and so Liberty Esports is the team they're basically trying to change how teams are practicing and so they're trying to take like a traditional Sports approach basically to how they're going to be practicing they're only going to be doing everything is inous they're going to do zero external scrims so they're only going to be playing in- house and they're trying to essentially establish uh drills where they're doing like lots and lots of like drills whether it's like 2v2 drills or like you know team fight uh drills or like I don't know what all it's going to entail but they're taking this approach um to try to you know kind of like revolutionize practice in League which I think is really interesting because a lot of people talk about like you know the problems with practice in League the problems with scrim culture if people aren't actually like giving their all and doing all these different things but there's not really a lot of of change um that I've heard of over the years so whether or not this is going to work I have no idea but I do think it's really interesting that someone is actually trying to take a real swing at it because even if there's like only like one one thing that they find that's super useful like oh it turns out this one drill actually really improved one aspect of people's games then hey maybe other teams start incorporating that and you can kind of go from there and and start to change things yeah I think that it is unnecessary to to say that you're going to do Zero scrims versus other uh like teams in the league though and say that you're going to do all of them in in house versus Academy I mean teams teams if you have a good Academy Squad then yeah you can incorporate lots of Academy scrims and do you know internal stuff where you're keeping stuff secret and still do some scrims versus the other teams the re the thing that makes it seem to me like a publicity stunt move is is to come out and be like we're going to do zero matches versus any of the other teams we're going to be so secret and so smart it's going to be insane they're never going to see this coming I'm like okay man like you could have just like done that and then also still had some Grims versus like the top teams in your league yeah I I completely agree with that last part I think interesting is the way I would describe this to me it's cool yeah yeah as as a spectator I feel like if I was on the team and A Team told me you were doing that I would question them heavily because I you know for all the downsides of scrim culture sure there's some stuff but you just get exposed to more and so when you're only scrimming within your own team uh a lot of times s just weird stuff starts happening which I think any LCS team who has had an academy team where you just scrim too much you just start getting really weird reads about the game because you know what the other team's going to do too much and that's just not going to be the case when you're playing actual matches uh so I would be very surprised if this actually ends up being a successful approach uh but but I'm going to check and see if it is I mean if it is you know good good for them good for them if it works outed like you said I I agree this is probably it's going zero to 100 right there's for sure a middle ground where you could be like we're going to we're going to cut out a scrim block each week and just only do drills during that scrim block but like and see how that works but like but I'm interested I want to know what Happ what drills are you even doing though cuz in my mind the only thing that one V ones I don't know sure but like you can do that you can do that when like I feel like something like a dragon fight there's just way too many variables to control the only thing I feel like would be an actual useful drill is you know doing a clean Tower dive type thing you know where you when you watch the LPL teams Tower dive that looks so messed up and unfair right they're just perfectly juggling the tower aggro you know going in going out uh getting the maximum damage taking the least shots I think that's definitely something worth practicing that you can get good at but some other things it's just there's way too many variables in the game to try to control them all and I just seems like a mood effort yeah I would be more inspired with confidence if they in tandem with this we like we have developed our own internal app that allows us to run these drills you know and it's like something that set up some pseudo Baron or something or some like 40 minute um scenario basically that you go into that's like a an inst an instance or something yeah exactly um whereas uh we we have had like and this is not to take away I think the the kind of like billboard nature of it of being like oh we're going to do zero don't let that take away from the fact that having a good Academy or Challenger or whatever secondary team you want to call it is really beneficial it's super beneficial to have another team to be able to practice stuff that you want to um you know because you can coordinate hey we're just going to reset every time at 15 minutes or something like that we just want to do early game stuff and we or we just want to practice this matchup or we want to keep this matchup secret or something like that that's very beneficial and so I think we have seen a lot of history of teams in our league when you have a good secondary team you get the benefits uh of that it's just that like you I don't I don't think you have to go to the extremes of like hiding everything it'll be fun to see uh see what actually comes from it and maybe we'll revisit this you know later in the year uh the faker Hall of Legends uh reveal obviously happened the skin got announced there's a lot of of drama people are pissed about how expensive the highest tier of the battle pass is uh what is what is your guys take on all this I think I have maybe the dissenting view from the general public where so initially I was just saying you know who cares that there's a $500 skin right if you don't want it don't buy it it's whatever it's for the whales it's for the people who want something exclusive because in my mind I kind of relate it to designer Brands right when I walk down La I see people wearing blin Yaga hoodies that are $2,000 that look like it could be a $10 hoodie but people like that stuff you know people like being able to flex and that's cool so that was my initial take and then I was talking about on stream a bit and the other Viewpoint that I do understand is I think it's people aren't so much upset that there is a $500 skin but it's that it's fakers one because I think so many people were just really excited you know this is the first time there's a hall of Legends it's Faker being inducted you know who else is it going to be they want to celebrate him yeah they want to celebrate him and then they're like I'm going to buy his K wait I need to take out a loan for this so I kind of get that um I think there is a cheaper version there's there's so there's three levels there's um the base level I actually think if there was never the Ari stuff the base level people would be pretty happy with because it's I think it's like 1950 RP so it's around 20 bucks you get I think it's like 18 emotes you get the uh the high on Bush Ward skin which is really all I want from the whole thing I think it looks really cool you get the LeBlanc skin and maybe you get some icons and other things I don't know exactly what else but like you get a a fair number of stuff um for about 20 bucks and then and then there's a $40 one that's the the cheapest version of the Ari skin that's included then it goes to like 200 or 250 or something for a fancy version of the Ari and then the5 or $600 one or whatever it is um I think mainly the only real difference is I think it autocompletes the battle pass so you get everything unlocked right away and it has fer signature when you kill the tower so I think that's the big differences so there are four different tiers I think there's LeBlanc tier Bas Ari super fancy AR super fancy AR with the signature is essentially what it is yeah I mean I I'm I'm kind of on the the initial point of view that you said when you're like oh yeah you know they're there are things available for whales because there are these other options uh if it was only like that $500 one also full uh transparency I've been a free-to-play player on every game that I've ever played including League of Legends uh I I have not spent a single Dollar on it uh so i' not super I'm not super invested in the we're not the target a the arguments on skin stuff also mine is kind of like it's also all kind of fake since I was like playing tournaments really early on so I won tons of RP and so I just like yeah had Ms so and and you were a rider so you got free RP from that and and yeah exactly during the time during R then you get a stipend of uh of RP as well so mine's also so super fake so I'm like H I'm I'm not going to weigh in too heavily here yeah I mean it's it's really interesting like I I can totally see both sides cuz I do especially because most of the promotion has obviously been done about the Ari skin because it's just super cool right like the Ari skin is sick and it also has all kinds of cool little like references and tidbits about Faker so if you were really invested in watching this like the LeBlanc skin is included in a lot of the stuff too but it's like you know it's like 90% Ari and then they like here's LeBlanc doing a combo right because the the the is crazy it's really cool skin um so if you're getting really excited about that and you're like hyped up to like celebrate this thing and you know celebrate the induction of Faker it's like the greatest player ever by far the most popular player you know like we hit the lotto by having Faker be the face of League like let's be honest he did so much for the game so I definitely understand the frustration from that point um but also the reality is with all these things like as a consumer the only Power you have is with your wallet right like so you buy it or you don't and you have to vote with your wallet in these things and it's like the reality is I can't be mad at Riot if if this makes a bunch of money right like if there's all this outrage and then they send they sell $20 million worth of of these skins then it's like well guess what of course they're going to do it again they'd be dumb not to right like that's just good business and is also not even close to like ride is the only one doing this like I know people who have spent you know five5 to $10,000 on FIFA I know people who have spent tens of thousands of dollars on get did you see atlas's sweet Atlas Atlas has dropped tens of thousands of dollars on genin for sure what like actually isn't that c like but lots of people do this even even uh even within the riot ecosystem look at the chibies in TFT the there's like different tiers of them I have to be clear like I I buy some battle passes so I have one chibi but like there's people that own every single one and the fancy versions I think you know assuming you get to pity you have to like get to the pity rolles but like basically you always do cuz it's a lower chance than the amount of roles you have to get to bidy it's like $4 to $500 for the fancy ones and I want to say like 200 250 for the like the less fancy chibi's and then also the boards that you can roll for around $2 to $250 I don't people who own every single one everyone right and so it's like people are spending this money you know you made the comparison to like luxury goods but people are doing it in league as well like and I just know like I'm not as bothered by this on a personal level I guess I'm like I sympathize with people who who like really were excited but like I played wow for a million years I never bought a single thing from the P payu shop I played pee for a couple hundred hours only thing I ever bought were some Bank tabs you know like I play all these games but I play Poe with people who have the like what is how much does the founders pack cost 500 bucks plus those things crazy on yeah those things get very expensive and I know a lot of people who who play this stuff so it's like I get that it that it sucks if you really wanted this and and now you can't afford it like I sympathize with that but also it's everywhere in gaming and all you can do is vote with your your wallet right like the the number one Trend I hate in gaming is paying for Early Access now it really annoys me because you you have to like buy the premium package or whatever for these games now to like get access a week early or get access three days early and they really pre on your on your fear of missing out especially with like wow in games like this where it's like oh if I don't buy this all my friends are going to be max level and have done everything without me you know and so it's like but I've just made the conscious choice that I'm like you know what I hate when games do this I'm never again buying game in Early Access I'm only going to buy games when they're full release Hades 2 came out I really want to play it I'm not going to buy it until the thing is done because I just don't want to support um games that are are doing that so it's like if you are pissed about this Faker skin don't buy it and and that's that's all the power that we have and it does actually have real power like uh this is somewhat tangential but like there's been a big you know outrage about like the raise raising of prices across you know retail stores and everything as well Target and like Walmart and like even I've heard McDonald's and a bunch of stores now are actually lowering their prices because they raised their prices so much that people stopped shopping there and they started losing money overall so now they're having to do this like uh like course correction where they're trying to raise prices and get people or lower prices excuse me and try to get people come back so you do have power it doesn't feel like it but that's the only Power we have as consumers yeah I I things things that like I said the uh this one didn't get me like super mad things that do get me mad are like buying actual power you mentioned paying for Early Access when games have ways where you actually buy like if you could buy aill rank up or something like that yeah then I'm like Ah that's not the type of game that I you know that I play you know that I was reading comments about that and I saw some crazy one that you know it was just a random Reddit comment so I don't know how true or not it was but it sounded believable enough where it said in China it's kind of like a status thing people really like these pay to win games because they want to be able to flex their wealth and success and the real world to be strong in the game and they call like the freet to-play players rice eaters you know oh you can't pay for power like sto being poor sucks bro and it's just a totally different mindset compared to the West that is more about fairness so I read that it seemed believable enough but you know asteris could be made up I don't know I've also heard this I haven't like um I did some Googling and I don't know exactly how how true Everything is but one of my friends was telling me um that in China they already have for League exclusive China only chromas and things like that that are super expensive like you're dripped out in gold and you're shiny as hell yeah like that that kind of thing or or just like super rare ones that are only you know for for the whales and for the people who want to flex who want to be like yeah I have the $500 re skin and it's nothing to me you know like it's like that feeling of like you know they're they're trying to flex right and uh and and flex their wealth so it's like my understanding is that this already exists in in China at least to some degree and so it's like you know when I heard that I was like oh well then then they must have the data that like they know this is going to sell right um I think the biggest telling thing of whether it sells or not and to be clear I think this skin is the best skin that's ever been in League I'm still not going to buy it but I think it looks amazing um but it's like you'll know when the next Hall of Legends thing comes out my guess is Uzi would be the second person to get inducted because he is like you know one of the most famous players ever one of the greatest players ever and it's a player from China if if that comes out and they the most expensive is like a $50 skin you'll know you'll know this didn't work and if it's $500 or $600 you'll know it worked $5,000 $5,000 then you know it really worked um because it's like they they're going to do what is good for business right and I think that only makes sense and and consumers have to choose what's right for them yeah all right next up on the list we've got some more LCS news someday retired um that was a while ago but we're catching up on a on a lot of stuff uh someday uh I was really glad that 100 thieves inducted him into the Hall of Fame um the you know when he first left the team uh because I feel like he was he was so influential and he has always been one of the players that has had such a good attitude towards the game and all the all the players I ever talk to that play with him just love having him as a teammate um so yeah full respect to someday um on his recent retirement yep yeah I played with him a couple times he's a you know really nice teammate someone that I would play with again I mean obviously I don't know if me me or him are going to be playing mini pro anytime soon baby yeah but uh very solid career he you know did his job he made some moves and I guess he's going to go do his military service now I saw um he tweeted about that as well so yeah I know he was kind of considering his next move whether he was going to try to do streaming full-time or coaching and and everything so yeah it'll be see I mean I could definitely see teams want him as a positional coach or something yeah I was going to say that coaching he I feel like he would probably be a good coach um I really want more teams to try out the just Contracting players to come work with the team for a bit rather than you know you just take this Pro Player and immediately make them your head coach because I feel like it could be super useful you know your team's going through a rough spot you're no one's on the same page with your top laner it's okay let's you know hire someday for a month come in he'll watch the scrims he'll work with the top laner and the team and figure out what's going on I think that kind of thing would be super valuable for teams so you know maybe people will try it mhm uh Zuna also really tragic news um that he had passed away he was a former team Vulcan and Cloud9 player um from the very early days uh died at 33 so quite young and and really really sad he also went on to be a Heroes of the Storm Pro afterwards um he was more before my time time I remember him a little bit um but you know I wasn't I wasn't as tapped into the league scene 2012 2013 era I remember him from the very beginning of the LCS because we were in this really small Studio that's actually just around the corner from where we are here we actually started in and there was no audience at uh in the first season of LCS and you would just hear him and his brother after the games just so loud talking to each other even at like regular their regular conversation like volume was insanely loud but he was always a really um like jovial positive person super nice to have around good atmosphere um and uh you know that uh that that team also had had some pretty big surprises and some pretty big bangers yeah I mean I played against him in the early days of LCS like you said super nice guy um so I'm getting into heers of the storm I feel like I saw him at the last blizz somewhat recently and yeah I mean super sad um you know way too early and uh yeah he'll be missed yeah definitely Thoughts with with his family that's horrible to go through um but yeah hopefully his family will be doing okay um we are going to move on to uh patch 1411 oh baby which is uh which is out about a week ago now I guess um and there's been actually quite a lot of changes obviously you know like since MSI patch was a couple patches before uh we had a number of the new items coming out you know which isn't in this patch but was in some the previous so maybe we can kind of just like generally talk about how you feel about the game right now and then we can kind of do like patch specific for the next one when it comes out because obviously like there's the overlords blood mail there's Blackfire torch there's like you know rise of AP junglers you know with uh with like faded ashes and all these things there's a lot going on that feels like it's shifted the game quite a bit I feel like I'm a pretty good like Time Capsule baby because I came from MSI where when we're on tournaments we're on tournaments we're always like don't look at the new patch don't look at the new patch because get mixed up then I'll like say something from like 1410 or 149 or whatever that that that's not applicable to the MSI Patch always on 148 so I jumped like straight from MSI patch coming back and having the ranked reset um and to me obviously is a jungle perspective but I was like holy they just gigaba junglers it is crazy freaking Ash's new ashes item is insane and they immediately like after it came out they immediately nerfed some of the lane stats but they didn't Nerf the damage to monsters so if you are an AP jungle enjoyer I feel like your time is now play some carus play some brand play some Tia you can play Lilia jungle is actually pretty good Rumble jungle is really good I actually played it game because I saw uh just some random Korean Challenger uh YouTube video and I was like oh uh you know get me back in there but um it's it's very good time for AP junglers also I definitely notice the experience increase uh like anybody who can Farm well like Kindred and graves are are really good right now too vgo feels really good right now anybody who can Farm fast and that includes all of the AP junglers because you just you need to build that that uh faded ashes item um is uh is is definitely looking pretty good right now yeah I think uh the changes have been pretty cool from what I've seen I've been playing a pretty good amount of solo que and I think from Jungle perspective it is pretty diverse as far as what you can play you know the Mages are doing well uh I mean even random stuff like zyro jungle is kind of crazy um I've been playing that some and I don't know if it's actually legit but you can actually just drive by kill your camps you just like put two plants down and leave in K over the wall too with with kugs and stuff if you do it yeah yeah you do it with Morana also I played a Morana jungle game um because oh wait actually that came from a team I can't spoil but one of the teams one of the players from one of the teams told me to do a Morana jungle you legit after you complete um uh your Blackfire torch you can just cue the big monster lay a puddle and walk away it just kills the it kills the camp like you're speed cruising around clearing things yeah I I don't know if that's going to stay in the game that kind of game play is a little uh imbalanced I would say but you know abuse it while you can yeah it's I mean there's already been you know some Nerfs like carus got nerfed on this patch and stuff and there's also adcs out of control like they already the best best role in the game in competitive for sure even better now like Caitlyn did just get adjusted and they nerfed I but like oh my God before 1411 like you're on the same screen as Caitlyn she just Autos you once for like 1,500 you have to base it's like what is happening here saw I saw a clip from sneaky stream where he was full build Caitlyn and he got a head shot and legit walked up flashed on the enemy Jinx and one shot her from Full from Full HP it was at like 2200 crit so I don't know I I I guess the biggest issue for me is uh yeah the the 80 carry itemization it kind of feels like a whiff almost from The Balancing standpoint I would say because um the changes are just kind of odd and it left collector and ie that combo is just so much damage on these 0 carries and to me it always seems weird when 0 carry is meant to be the sustained damage roll but they're also the you know going to onot you roll so and they're spiking earlier too now yeah it's so the bonus ad on Caitlyn for head shot got nerfed significantly and they took 10% crit damage off IE so they did Nerf the Caitlyn stuff um pretty significantly it was 40% bonus ad taken off head shot and and then the IE Nerf as well yeah it was it they're still really strong yeah it's not just Caitlyn though it's a lot of these characters uh another huge one is quirky people are doing theity emac Hal of blad is so ridiculous so much damage insane he just stat checks you he valks in on Assassins and just kills them that's just dude I was playing I was playing Rumble jungle and I was like six and zero with two items completed and this quirky Valk on my face and I was like what is this guy doing I got instantly one shot I was like oh I apologize I was not familiar with your game like yeah I mean there's alsing into an equalizer and killing me the cutdown changes too are kind of I feel like under the hood really crazy where it's just a totally different Rune now it went from being this tank killing Rune to now just everyone killing Rune um just a lot of damage to people above half health I it seems super strong BT is also crazy strong now with the it's has the overheal shield back now um because they removed uh what is the lifeline or whatever the what was the what was the one that did that before in um Precision tree where it's like when you like over overheal was the Rune yeah yeah exactly so they basically put that like back on BT so that's really strong uh Shield Bow's really strong now for survivability um it's back also to like 25% crit per item so you only need four crit items to actually you know cap out so you can get more crit kind of faster um which I think is pretty significant as well cuz people hit those dude I I got to I got to complain about this on record but what is this noon quiver change noon quiver it's not even the same item but they kept the icon in the name and it's just none of the same build paths doesn't do the same thing at all doesn't cost the same thing I don't get it I don't get it just change the name it's not the same item all I know is I was cracking up midnight quiver I was cracking up when I saw the icon for this uh slingshot thing the first time also you know that on it and then I L at the stats also and I was like this thing is actually trash this thing is so yeah it's so terrible the cool down on it was like 40 seconds or something I I know they're already buffing it on next patch and it gets reduced by Autos yeah yeah but I and they're already like buffing it on on next patch because it was it was so bad but I was like what it what is this little like toy slingshot you're bringing to this fight here I'm really glad that they removed the darkk stacking too cuz the first time I played against a five rated Dirk cor was like there's no way this should be in the game like this is like some freaking season one six Sunfire Cape Garen stuff going on so that that you can only have one now in inventory um but shiv got a fat buff as well like 80 carry itemization is so strong right now um I think ad carries are going to be out of control good and competitive with good teams playing around them enabling them it feels like it's going to be team fight meta it feels like it's going to be pushing A lot of top laners then to tanks because guess what when you have a hyper carry you kind of want to enable it but I know a lot of people are are telling me in scrims that it's been mostly even though crit ad carry seem so strong in Solo Que in scrims they're kind of getting blasted by Varys and kalista still so people are are like not sure if we're going to be seeing that kind of style or because it's like if you try to play the Caitlyn or the Jinx or the whatever and you just get absolutely slammed in Lane by a clista or Varys well you never kind of get to that point the other one that is a big question mark is if we're going to keep seeing Lane swaps that was one thing that showed up this MSI kind of out of nowhere and you know I would say people are kind of split on it I've seen opinions of I think anyone from the early days of LCS who has seen way more than of their fair share of Lane swaps is kind of ready for it to go away I think there are some people who appreciate the novelty of it there are some interesting games with Lane swaps but when it starts becoming a regular thing it's pretty bad for the game and on top of that it also has this sort of uh control on how you can draft because it with Lane swapping being an option that you can do it really limits what you can pick right if you want to pick some Lane buol you're some top laner that needs a lot of resources well guess what hope you can do that with five levels down on everybody so um I would like to see them get rid of the lane swaps I think it's not 1411 it's 75% turret fortification now people are still doing them though on um what was it LDL uh yeah I know they were doing it some yeah that's why I'm saying you know we're have to see I know they're also uh bumping the first turret gold up from 150 to 300 just to really try to incentivize teams to yeah not Lane swap but we're going to have to see because you know even if there is a cost to Lane swapping it just depends is that cost higher than Laney against Halo blades Ash Varys because yeah that's pretty rough too and and especially I think that's a good example because that lane swap you don't have to commit for the whole Tower take so like the first turret like to Tower bonus isn't like guaranteed that the other team is going to get it if you just swap for a couple levels and then you try and swap backis were doing and stuff just swap to level three and then you try and like deny that uh that bonus it's still they're going to get more damage done um with the with the difference in the reduction and everything like that but we we'll have to check I kind of I kind of do like I think it's be fine I like a slower uh adjustment period to like just increase the cost of doing it without doing some weird sometimes they do these weird things where they like really heavy-handed like force fist like you cannot do this and just completely block it I kind of like the idea of just increasing the cost of doing something yeah cuz if it's super rare and you only see it once every 10 games maybe 15 games then uh you're like oh cool that's so interesting that they did this instead of Ah that's some you know that's super boring at MSI at the start of MSI I was like oh God this tournament is going to be horrible cuz there was at the start it seemed like there was lan swaps every game and it did feel like it got less common throughout it was still obviously a strategy that was utilized but it wasn't like an every single time type of thing so with these changes I think that it's going to be probably okay I if I'm wrong then they'll hopefully they just Nerf it more but I think with these changes I don't think it's going to be like an overwhelmingly dominant I just don't like watching those games at all it's it's not fun to me to watch these top laners just get super and like I don't like testing that skill okay it is a skill to do early Lane swaps and there you know it it is it is definitely something that you can learn and you can train and pay attention to um you know the wave timing and your back timing and where you're going to go scramble around and try and scr up some experience or get off your weird little level one top laner ganks on people and try and annoy people but like that is that's like it's just not an interesting skill for me to watch it's like the uh the the VIN top ghosting at your midlaner and just autoing you yeah the the vein support like that was just so troll to watch it was kind of funny but I just picture myself leaning against that and I'm just getting tilted watching it I mean laning is the most interesting like individual skill showcase I think in League of Legends so while there is skill like you're saying it's just way more interesting to see someone who's really good in a one V one like go off right it's like boxing match or should we just walk uh to the Starbucks together like which which one would people rather watch like you want to see Zas you want to see Z like popping off on the vein top in in a one V one or going crazy see that stuff you don't want to see them just following their leashing every camp they're literally yeah you're just walking around you're like watching somebody walking simulator or you're watching them actually like fight people the optimizations I will say like can be kind of cool but that's why I'm with you in that it's like I want to see this like once every 10 games I want to see this once every once in a while I think it's fun to have that variety but any if it dominates The Meta I think it's it's really really bad um let's let's move on uh we haven't even started our power kings and we're pretty far into this episode uh there's a lot of changes um yes we're doing this episode early and that means that not everything has been officially announced we are going to go under the assumption that the rumored and leaked uh roster changes are going to be the official roster changes I just have to give that as a caveat so you're saying Jensen probably is is going to digit yep and fly Quest probably has quad coming up and and um but I mean there's been a lot of changes uh C9 obviously got Thanos which is incredibly hyped they also brought back Reaper um dignitas the rumored roster is licorish um Spa Jensen Zan and Isles so only one person from the previous roster massive changes for them um Immortals brought in an arrow which is a change shop fire Rebellion got Tomo is there any others that that I'm missing or not remembering I think those are those are the main ones obviously didn't toss huge huge changes but some really big ones APA got replaced with yappa uh is this really big one Captain America he he evolved uh yeah Yan I think also evolved but I have no name change for that one I don't know we'll have to Workshop that one yeah so Team Liquid uh I think we started the Unstoppable yeah he's yaan pretty good right that pretty good yeah uh we could start at the Top If we do we can say all of our individual Power Rankings um and then what we'll also do the aggregate of like the dive Power Rankings but the dive Power Rankings like we actually have some disagreement this time around and some pretty like different placements so I think that um let's go through it in order of the dive Power Rankings but then you can talk about and we don't necessarily like because people will latch on to like oh those guy guys all think you know this or whatever for the dive power ranking WE Post our individual Power Rankings so if you guys want to see that exactly so you can talk about it on Reddit or YouTube comments or whatever um but the top two we do agree on number one we'll start with them it is TL so obviously all of us agreed on TL I think people have a lot of confidence in them after MSI seeing that they have made you know pretty consistent improvements throughout spring they went into MSI it felt like those improvements continued um I think my only real kind of like o what if maybe worry is like okay what if they get burned out you know because they've been grinding really hard and they just went to MSI you know so they're could be that concern of like burnout and kind of that that fall off post MSI but assuming they're able to continue their trajectory this is the team be for sure yeah and I think they're super hungry coming back because like I said they did not take those losses well at MSI they were like we should have won this they were they were looking pretty pissed and they were getting right back in there grinding immediately you're going to already see a bunch of them streaming a lot of their grinding solu and stuff so I really think this team is going to be hungry and they have improved a lot yep I put them number one even ahead of C9 uh partially because now last split C9 had way too much hype that just I was only working against him so I'll put him number two so have all that ex pressure OTS would have predicted C9 to win last split yeah it's crazy but yeah I kind agree with everything you guys said about TL I think the concerns would only be like you said burnout or kind of what we saw with energy coming into this year after last year is sometimes when you're when you're that Underdog team and you do make it like you get that taste of success sometimes it's hard to get back into like that same mentality you had beforehand that led you to be that good sometimes you're you know you're just focused on worlds you're thinking okay we're already the best team in na you start disrespecting your opponents maybe we almost beat T1 why do we have to prep for more exactly maybe the wheels fall off a little bit maybe some crazy stuff happen so I'm not saying it's going to happen with TL I think that they have a pretty good head on their shoulders you know impact core they're these world champion veteran players I don't expect it to happen which is why I'm putting them number one but obviously considering that could happen I also think um spawn is like really levelheaded and uh I if you watched their squad video from from MSI but like I think he's he's a really good coach definitely a longtime friend of mine as well so I I am biased towards spawn um but I think he's doing a great job and I think he definitely be the kind of guy because he has a crazy work ethic like he is he is the kind of coach that is like he feels he has to be there before the first player is there and after the last player has left so it's like um you know he's definitely goingon to be I think cracking the whip if people are slacking yeah and and by levelheaded I I just want to clarify you mean more like he doesn't get like you know tilted or or steer off track or anything because he definitely does rage and he definitely is like a very passionate person and even like I would be down there in the gym in the morning and he'd be like oh I had to walk out of scripts today oh my God you know this that happen that happen but he is like he he stays on track and he's he keeps the players on track and he keeps you know practice going on and focused on on what they're trying to improve on um he is definitely a passionate uh coach as well and and shout out to C if you watched the squad video they they had some stuff where it was like APA was clearly getting like really pissed in scrims and um and c I think did a really good job of of kind of like leading some of their discussions afterwards of like talking through it's like hey like if you're mad like that's fine but like explain to us why so like we can like you know understand and like move on from there so it's not affecting other games you know it it seemed like it was like pretty healthy and well done and like APA was saying that oh like he was mad because he thought that like basically the B like cor and Yan like misplayed this thing and like ruined his game because he like roam for it and then they misplayed and they should have won that fight and whatever so he was mad but it was I don't know I just thought that it was cool it's a cool video and um and and it gave some insight into like how they handle things and and the value of having some some veterans and stuff on the team right someone like cor who's like who's been around who's prettyy mature and has you know a little bit older has seen it all and handles these situations really well and that's always why uh spawn also always gives a lot of credit to cor as like he makes a point to mention him as like team captain and I it really does benefit um you know a coach to also have such such a strong in-game uh leader like that all right number two we all again agree this one is C9 um this one I think is interesting because it's like I put I put TL first I think I have to give him that respect but C9 again even though like you know they didn't perform nearly as well in Spring um I do think there's even more reason to be excited Thanatos like talking to chronicler about Thanos just makes me so excited about him I feel like he's going to be like what Berserker was when he came like I I have really high expectations for him and also the return of Reaper um you know I think Reaper has has proven to be a really good coach uh in Inna has done very well um so him coming back so there are kind of those changes obviously C9 did not reach um the highs that were kind of expected of them and you know like my kind of biggest question mark is still around their bot Lane Berserker was not nearly as good I think as um as he has been in the past last split so I was kind of disappointed with that and Vulcan obviously you know the the L's are kind of stacking up a little bit for I he played with Prince that didn't work out and I's playing with Berserker that was expected to be dominance it didn't really work out in the same way so there's a lot of pressure on the bot Lane um but this team I still think you know potentially has the highest ceiling because it is like just absolutely stacked with Talent it's just a question of like can they actually fix what needs to be fixed you know can this team reach those point I I also I did put them second but I feel like I'm way more wobbly and I was way I was pretty worried I'm a firm second you're a fir you're a firm cuz I'm like oh man I am done buying into all these like Omega Hypes chronicler he's he is super hyping him up and everyone's like oh my God this another you know Korean Prodigy top Wier coming in I'm like well let me see how works out when he's actually here and is it actually going to be better I got burned last split by my Cloud9 placement also so I was fun to be excited though I still put them second but I was I begrudgingly put them second I was like man don't don't burn me again Cloud9 I was I was talking to some people from lck and they were like they were telling me that uh teams like there was like a bunch of teams that wanted Thanos and they were all calling him Z 2.0 and stuff like that and I'm like oh baby like I've been burned before by some of this hype though yeah I mean obviously I have a little bit more info on C9 being uh part of the Oregon being C9 medios himself being being C9 medios himself um and I think that uh last split obviously watching it none of the players seem to play up to the level that would be expected of them from others or even themselves and and I think part of that I heard was you know some in-game communication stuff which can just come from playing together with new players like I think there was a lot of confusion maybe a little overc communicating going on and so with Reaper coming in I think he is a really good fit for this kind of team because he has such a strong view of the game and he can sort of just I think teams would really benefit from a coach who obviously knows enough to be able to just say what the right thing is a lot of coaches like taking this sort of diplomatic approach of like you know everyone's right let's meet in the middle let's compromise like they don't want to tell anyone be like yo what are you doing like that is just straight trolling but Reaper will do that and so I think the you know they should be pretty good like you said Thanos coming in uh only concern I would have for the team is that I think Thanos is not super fluent in English he's working on it um and that is always a huge question mark for teams how well you're able to you know work around that and whatnot so when you say communication was a big issue for the last SP and then it's like what well overcommunication you're not going to overate he's under communicate he's fixing the balance yeah yeah yeah so um yeah you know I don't have no reason to doubt them they've all proven to be really strong players pay still coming in the mail yeah paycheck still coming Jack is this good enough um no but I I think they'll be good yeah I um uh I do want to also mention because I think it is also important that fudge when he got uh you know Leo or benched or or whatever he went to Jack and was like don't pay me I will work for my spot and so they they brought him on their boot camp and he's still like trying to play uh seemingly for the spot so they do have like a backup Top Lane I have always been kind of worried about situations uh like that where you're not like dead set on your starting roster so uh I'm not sure but um how how this one is going to work out internally and like how all the players are going to work together uh once again but um but we'll see as far as uh as far as the updates go they did also play a little show match um I forget what it was called but Thanos uh played and I saw when they were one and one they won one game and lost uh one of the games and it was it was looking okay yep they've been boot camping in Korea for the last month uh scrimming teams doing a lot of solo qu so I think that's for sure going to help them I also know um FX is the place where they're doing the boot camp and they post on as like the updates they did a tweet I saw the other day and it's it was like fudge's progress or whatever and they have like every day and like what his LP was and he's basically going up every single day and like this was I don't know a week or two ago now but he was like almost 900 LP in Challenger um you know which was like early season very very high um so he's doing really well in uh in crean Solo q and the other thing I'd like to add on is I did feel that fudge got an unfair amount of of kind of like blame and hate um for c9's lack of success um I felt like you know it was clearly team issues it wasn't just like a fudge issue um so you know my my faith in them going to this split to to you know be a top two team is not just because they replace like I think fudge is definitely deserving an LCS spot so I hope that he can kind of figure something out um cuz it did feel like people really jumped on the hate bandwagon for him yeah he's kind of had a Target on his back since the beginning when he first showed up in LCS he looked real rough and then he had his villain Arc where he was you know kind of hating on everyone so he's he's definitely amassed uh some haters for sure but I do agree with what you said I think that he's a solid teammate uh player like everything I've seen from fudge and heard about people who played with him you know it seems like these are really easy to get along with so yeah I'd like to see him play pro you know like I said I put him second also I yeah I I definitely see some things going wrong for the team and it not happening again but I I think they think they should me is on a rock hard second you know um all right let's go to the next one this is our first one where we have some differences you guys both put fly Quest so we'll go fly Quest first you guys both have them I I obviously put them only um a little bit lower I put them one step lower but we probably are going to have some similar reasons for why all of us kind of dropped them down from last split it is no secret that the team is exploded um seemingly obviously they had a lot of hard losses there uh there were some really heartfelt interviews and videos uh that I highly recommend you go check out um and watch uh whippo one especially I think it was with Ashley Kang um afterwards just the like it it's a really good lens into often times people need reminders of like how much people are putting into being a competitive League of Legends player like making their whole life be it and going to Ms playing against the best players in the world and like when you don't meet meet your goals it's uh like it's very it's very tough you know um and so there's a lot of things that you have to come to personally um and um you know realizations and and priorities and stuff like that uh and anyways this brings us to some of our roster changes with the with the Jensen move that was uh one of the big ones why I believe all of us and obviously I dropped them a little bit lower uh moved them down but um you know changing a player midsplit and being a team that just suffered some pretty heavy losses that like it it watching some of these videos even seemed like it might even be like par shifting uh for BPO is like he was questioning a lot of things um you know sometimes when you lose games in League everybody's been there where like you start to question am I playing right you know are some of my assumptions on how you're even supposed to play this game correct um you know what what are the steps that we're we're supposed to take and then relationships with the other players I will say there were a lot of positives still for me at MSI masu um was amazing at MSI I thought very impressed with his first International performance busio was definitely a little bit rough especally in some of I'm worried about his nerves cuz in the finals in the finals he completely collapsed in the finals here and they went to MSI and I felt like he completely collaps again and I've just seen so many in so many different games and so many different times over the years they're going to be you have an amazing player but when they really get in their own head about these big moments and especially if it happens a couple times in a row can be very hard to get past um you know it can become a bit of a mental block so I do really have some concern for bucio you know if they if he kind of like has another bad Series in a big moment you know it starts to get a little bit scary on like how is he going to you know handle that and move past that mentally there's the other little thing I want to add why I I I knocked them down a little bit further was that their Community sentiment seems to be going super negative against them and sometimes that does affect players uh you know if social media like starts to turn against you uh a lot of it started with um you know the the arguments between uh you or the trash talking of some of inspired in bipo and uh you know how how engaged they get into content and it got inflamed with the rumor as it still stands of Jensen uh departing the team so we'll keep an eyeball on that and we'll see those things you can't count on it's just one of those nebulous kind of factors that you try and take a little bit into account when you're ranking yeah it I feel like Jensen leaving the team was kind of writing on the wall for a lot of people obviously there was that inspired interview which we all kind of agreed about was like pretty out of line um and it's one of those things in League like you were talking about when you question your assumptions because there's no you know this is how you play league that's part of what's made it such a great game for so long is that if you interview the top 100 players of the game they're not going to all agree about everything there'll be some things that are you know pretty agreed upon but there's a lot of things that are uh up in the air Dynamic how you want to approach it as a team and at the minimum inspired and Jensen just did not see the game the same way at all and so that's just going to make it really hard as teammates either one person's going to have to buy into the other guy's play style you're going to have to like make some compromise which usually ends up looking pretty gross um or like you have you just go your separate ways and you kind of see how it goes you know was Jensen the problem do they bring in Quad and just look Giga or you know do they have just as many issues and it's like oh well maybe Jensen was kind of scapegoat so we're going to see I definitely think that um after their MSI performance and even finals like a lot of cracks are showing in this team maybe quad will be the fix that they need maybe not but yeah definitely uh can't put him top too I mean Jen Jensen was really good last split overall it's like you can talk about like you know the finals stuff but like in their playoff run before finals he was dominating and in finals you can kind of argue well you know was it really Jensen's choice to play like all the Annie games and all that style like you said like it it was clear that they wanted something different from Jensen than what Jensen I think was providing but like Jensen was really good he he was on 13 all proo um was really performing I thought during the regular season performed really well throughout a lot of playoffs even on REI and things like this so it's like I think this is going to be like on a just like individual skill level from from the get-go it's going to be a downgrade but quad is is good um and I've heard a lot of positive things about him um I think sometimes though the individual skill matters less than just agreeing on how to play the game and this is one thing that I have heard is that the way that quad sees the game is much more similar to the way that inspired sees the game and that they want to play like really aggressive moving around the map playing for Jungle like doing this sort of style where it is like you know kind of like pushing the pace a bit more than maybe what you normally associate with Jensen um so it is it's possible that this ends up being like a win-win you know it's like Jensen does better with dig and and quad does better with with fly you know who knows um but there's definitely some some questions and some concerns which I think is why everyone's bumping them down a bit because it's like you know quad is coming straight from NL like it is going to be like an adjustment right coming from um from Challengers up to up to this it's a higher level you don't know if that's going to work right out the gate now you have three guys who are basically like you know like not rookies but like rookie is you know with masu and busio and and quads there's a lot of kind of questions there on on how that's going to work and yeah I do have some some unfortunately some pretty big question marks around busio and how he's going to perform in those big moments going forward I really hope he can move past that because I don't think how he played at MSI is indicative of his skill and I also don't think how he played in finals was indicative of how good he is yeah all right next one on the aggregate list is dignitas which is what we will go by uh we're going to be putting graphics for our individual ones uh for people to follow and we'll post them on social as well but uh dignitas the recipient of Jensen and Jensen was actually one of the later dominoes this whole dignitas offseason this was the explosion of offseason was dignitas collecting all of these kind of star players that we had been highlighting in Spring as what the hell how come these guys don't have teams it was the unemployment All-Star team it was the unemployment All-Star team and dingas was like summer let's go collect them all and it really often times when you're in the offseason and uh and you're a GM with a team uh it's a chain reaction where if you get one player that other player players want to play again play with then it's way easier for the negotiations you know people will drop down on price you'll be able to get the next player that really is like oh this team is actually going to try and win you know I want to play with him I want to play with him and so then they're able to chain this all together um ending up with not only Jensen but also uh Spa Jensen Sven and then is stays from last split exactly yep do you want to start first meos because meos had them at Fourth Kobe and I had them both at fifth yeah I put them fourth just pretty much due to you know Raw Talent of the players I think all these players have proven to be really good um I'm also pretty uh keen on zven I think he's one of the players that if I was a GM or coach or whatnot I would want him on my team just for the sake of having an in-game leader of sorts just for making calls in game but also just you know in review and whatnot I know that zvin is just a huge voice in every team he's played on he has a just very solid way of how he wants to play and I think that direction can help the team a lot because we've seen all the time the teams that don't have that kind of leader um and it just doesn't look that cohesive and so I'm a big fan of zven and I think he's got a good team around him licorice Jensen um Spa all really solid players and like I mentioned earlier I think that they could have a slow start you know obviously they didn't play spring together they weren't even playing spring for most of them so whether or not it clicks right away or it takes some time I think that you know they definitely have the potential to be for I was talking to some of the players on like early scrim info and stuff and uh obviously the a lot of the teams that are playing dig right now pretty early on were like uh yeah we kind of on them uh but even those same players are like that I think they just need time CU they know like these are good players uh so that's part of the reason why I definitely knock them even further like on hype alone I was like oh I kind kind of want to Edge them up a lot of these a lot of the teams this split are are pretty close and it's kind of hard it was kind of hard to filter the power rankings um and so then you have have to go off of stuff like this where if I think that Digos are going to have a slower start even if I think overall like the team itself is going to end up being you know a little bit higher if you're dropping earlier games in the split we're doing regular season then that means that this team is going to finish a little bit lower yeah because these power rankings are for where you finish in the regular season yeah dropping those games early on is going to matter and is going to actually have you down a little bit in the power rankings and this is the team that I feel like there could be like I would be not that shocked if there was like a like a massive swing between like you know it's like if you told me they they won this play I'd be like oh that's kind of surprising if you told me they got second I'd be like oh wow if you told me they got six i' be like yeah I could see it you know what I mean like it just it I feel like this team could go a lot of different ways because there there are a lot of question marks speak as an MVP like yeah that's great but he didn't he didn't play last SP we know he's he's he's still grinding so he was streaming like we knew he's playing um licorice last time we saw him he was the best top laner in but he is a guy who always did more of like relied on scrimming and doing one V one for practice he has not really been known as a solo qu grinder I don't really know how much he has played while he had his time off uh I found his his account now he has 66% win rate 700 LP Challenger so he's obviously doing really well in Solo which but it's like you you know zven not only did he not play last split but last time he played he was playing support now he's going back to ad so there could be a little bit of adjustment there again he's going to be really high in solu he always is he's always grinding so I have no worries about like work ethic or anything but it's new two people coming together three of them didn't even play last split one of them's changing one of them's changing positions and it's some people that I think are very opinionated on how to play the game it's a lot of people who've been around for a long time so it could go really well their ceiling is winning the split I think I think they could um but I also think this team could could be a hot mess bad I I think the goal is beating fly Quest this is the Revenge Squad I mean dude this is the most competitive roster dig is had since like Scara I don't know yeah this is actually maybe the first time they did go to Worlds before and stuff so that's true yeah but yeah a long time this definitely for the the Dig fan out there or maybe multiple if there's more than one um this is looking good for them uh dig stonks on the rise this is looking good for you I would say this middle four for me is hard is is so just like up in the air between third and six I almost feels interchangeable yeah yep but you got those last two locked down though huh yeah they got him locked down not me they got feel confident bottom lock the rest there is some room to flex um but yeah this is going to be exciting team I I will just say also I'm so happy to have zven back playing I'm so happy to speak in licorish back playing licorice it felt actually like criminal that he wasn't in when it's like you are the literal best hop ler in the league and then you don't have a team I know weird stuff happened like I know he got an offer from Immortals and some things happen but obviously golden Guardians blew up so late that he you know then other teams have made commitments to other players um but I'm I'm really happy that they're back I think it's good for the leag the only one I was kind of uh salty on but I could still see why they did it was uh digas benched uh exu and then there was also some drama stuff that came out about they had just told him that he was confirmed and I don't know about all the communication uh you know lines for posting it but it did seem like it was a pretty Raw Deal that uh that he got um as far as you know like communicating with uh with the org and and the S kind of sudden removal so I did feel pretty bad for him at least I saw he recently posted on Twitter the the classic uh contract signing uh GIF or whatever so um he has seemingly found something I assume with like a challenger team or something like that um but I I really thought he was a good Prospect he was doing well um building up uh good North American talent yeah still is it just does suck that he kind of got like uh oh he he got done super dirty um you know I feel for him I've definitely had my experience of getting done Dirty by by LCS teams and but I don't think that's something you should hold against the current dig players um yeah I I think he had some video where he mentioned that Sven might have been a contributing factor of pushing for spa but I mean it is what it is it's just kind of how s has been since franchising it's like you know the the GM decides who the roster is going to be it it is shitty to tell him he's going to be playing four days before he's benched or whatnot so yeah definitely um I hope XU finds someplace he can Thrive and you know with the naacl leveling up a little bit this coming split maybe that is a good option for him but you know yeah I mean happens I think I think at the end of the day there's there's nothing wrong with a like an Esports team a sports team replacing any player if they think it's going to make them better whether or not you agree clearly the thing that they did wrong was was telling him that he had a spot yeah you know because and I know why teams do it teams do it because they're worried that I tell miios okay we're thinking about replacing you with with Kobe but we're not sure yet and then MOS goes find another team we decide we actually want you and then you're not there and we can't have you back right yeah so like that's their concern but that's just putting your your yourself above the players well-being which is really messed up if they had just told XU from the start hey we're considering our options you 10 to and then with Spa then I think there's absolutely nothing teams are never going to do that I know they're not but I think there's nothing teams have all the bargaining power when it comes to this kind of stuff it's just the reality of it and again this is just like from what I saw on Twitter if if that is true what they said of your spot is guaranteed just like a few days before like you you got to leave the door open you can't say something like as locked in as guaranteed you know uh they should at least pay him got to win you know it's it's guaranteed don't worry bro for sure speaka hasn't officially committed yet you are good until he does back can you say that without winking totally dude my eye oh God got something in it actually have something okay um anyways moving on uh we got energy next uh let's have you talk about this one because Kobe had them all the way up at third uh and miios and I had them at Sixth and energy is actually tied like in our whatever it's all because of me it's all because of putting them putting them so high but I uh really thought that they super underperform last split and uh I know that they have actually had a really good they had really good off seon um from from talking to those players I know that they were super super salty they were very um I mean especially pow Fox was like this is this is the worst I I feel like I've ever played um and so he was he uh he was super disappointed so I think that they're going to have a pretty big bounce back and this my my putting them this high was actually a byproduct of what medios was talking about earlier which is these these middle four copium and and that and talking to uh talking to the players about uh their yeah yeah never mind um uh but like the the middle four teams are very very very very close and with some of the stories like energy fly Quest dto and 100 thieves let's say the names of these actual teams that are are pretty close the stories on these teams especially with the way that these offseasons have gone for fly Quest and dignitas are wildly swinging um with uh some explosive stuff that happened in the off season um whereas then I look at energy and I'm like well they had a massive underperformance in Spring which you can say you can argue against me and be like yeah and I think they will continue that Trend like that underperformance is not an aberration that's just the new them and you could argue that uh I think that that is not spring is not indicative of of what these players can actually bring um and I thought that with fly Quest dropping further down and with dignos I presumably having a slower ramp up time and losing games at the beginning of the Season uh having not played together and a lot of them coming back uh I I do see having some some good performances but I did last split too yeah I mean the reality is we know that their ceiling is is very high right we saw they won the split they they blasted G2 this team could be really good the reason that I put them in Sixth and had them down towards the bottom is just straight up because I saw no improvement throughout spring and that is what was so concerning to me I could have forgiven the underperformance more easily had it felt like there was this like up into the right Trend where it's like ah you had a horrible start but like it felt like you really got it together more towards the end I never felt like they got it together like you know throughout the whole regular season like playoffs whatever like the last times we saw them they just looked the same the same problems all split so to me that was indicative of like larger issues where it's like they just can't get on the same page they don't obviously agree on necessarily how to play the game they talked about a little bit with like I mean obviously who he came in who he who he was doing really well on Golden Guardians he came in here ignar left um and you know the team has not been on the same page has not really been been working I'm not trying to put that on whoi because I think that a lot of players didn't play that well individually pal Fox had probably his like worst split that I can really remember you know he he self admitted he he's a horrible he's saying that he was like that that's worse than a lot of his splits and Challenger and you know even when he was coming up so so it's you know I I am hopeful that this team can get back where they are but because it feels so competitive in this middle pack and they showed me no improvement in Spring I just feel felt like I had to put them lower and that's why I had them down in sixth yeah I I share a sentiment I think that um just the stylistic differences of bringing in who he over ignar granted you know I haven't really seen any of their scrims I've not listened to any of their team discussions but from the outside it kind of seems like they just have a lot of players that want to be the strong side they want to be the person that is being played around and the reality of league is you can't really do that unless you're just you know infinitely better than all your competition and so they have these really non-cohesive games where it just kind of feels like everyone's doing their own thing and it's really messy and like you mentioned asale didn't see a lot of improvement throughout the split uh kind of stagnated and you know had their occasional Giga fumble so yeah I don't know they definitely could be good they they won last summer with almost the same roster so maybe they ramp up but I I I just didn't see it in spring so it's hard to rank him higher I mean if if all these teams show up it is going to be such a competitive split like if if all these middle four teams are actually good it is going to be a crazy split I I think the league yeah the league was already really competitive last split and improved Yep this split so I think it's inarguable that they got better even just looking at the Dig TOS changes yeah there's uh I think it's it's it's definitely going to be very very exciting yep next team is 100 thieves uh I had them higher than you guys had them fourth medos had them fifth Kobe had them sixth um I was a little bit surprised that I was the only one that had them up up you know in top four uh simply because I feel like it's like I think people cooled on them a lot in playoffs because they didn't perform as well in playoffs but it's like quid quidd was the MVP he had an incredible split um sniper obviously you know it's like his his debut I thought he had a really good split for his debut and like I did feel that I was seeing that Improvement and I feel like they can kind of continue that forwards River obviously is super solid I think meech and Aya performed kind of like above what expectation was um so for me I feel like this is a team that will get the benefit of the more games they play like the better they're going to get um especially you know for for Sniper and quidd who are still kind of like very early on in their career um so I I do have quite a bit of faith that this team can kind of uh replicate some of the success that they had uh in in Spring I don't think that they're going to be able to like win the split like I don't see that as as their top but I think they're going to be competitive and this if this team continues to improve their core playing around like their mid jungle is like they have arguably the best mid jungle in the league I think they were the best mid jungle in the regular season um so this is I'm kind of surprised because I actually think they got worse o like their their trajectory to me in playoffs they got worse yeah I I feel like they were one of the only teams that kind of regressed and so that actually made me more worried than like a like a flat uh team and I felt like since a lot of their wins were at the beginning and they were really surprising people I didn't have the confidence that they were going to be able to replicate that in summer yeah I would say for me on 100 thieves obviously they overperformed all expectations in the spring part of that was cuz the expectations were so low you know they look like this team is just like wow the only person you're keeping from last year is quidd the guy who just you know looked like almost the weakest link on the team obviously had a great spring split however I do feel like people are going to maybe put more respect on their name like from their competition because I think a lot of their wins were kind of people underestimating them in a way and I do think their mid jungle is super good I think quid River very very strong player I think River just in general is you know one of the best junglers um the I guess reservations for me are depending if we still see this Lane swap thing sniper had really rough games when he's not ahead and in Lane swaps you know 2 2V1 situations you are not aead you are a the opposite of a you were a walking hot dog 300 gold waiting to be harvested and just gobbled up yeah um I think that might be a hard adjustment for them and I also just think you know we kind of saw them fizzle out in playoffs I think that uh people are going to be a little bit more aware of what they're bringing this time around I think you know sniper was solo killing everyone I don't know how much that was people just disrespecting him because we saw a lot of interviews everyone was like oh yeah this this kid thinks he's hot stuff I'm going to knock him down and they kind of got owned yeah it was so cool it was such a good it was cool yeah you know I I I like this team I feel like they're one that I'm going to be rooting for uh it's just you know hard to predict I could rank them higher if there weren't other teams but also to be fair it's like you know you're saying they got most of their wins at the thir split they actually started slow they they were they were like uh two and two and three like towards the end of the split they were basically winning all their games it was in playoffs they definitely didn't do as well as as people were hoping in playoffs but their regular season I did feel like I was seeing improvements throughout the regular season they beat energy in playoffs I don't know how how highly you want to rank that obviously they got slapped by Cloud9 and that was kind of like where people were like oh maybe Viper or kind of like or sorry Sniper got exposed or whatever you know with like fudge having the whole game plan and all the counter picks and stuff um and then they went one and three against TL obviously yeah part of also what I guess takes some points off them for me is that even last year before they had their playoff bomb just other teams did not seem to respect them whatsoever even when they were winning which you know that that could be just on the other teams but the fact that they did bomb so hard in playoffs everyone was just saying like this team they're not good they are frauds they are just somehow winning no one knows why yeah uh maybe that'll keep happening but that is definitely something that's worth considering I want this is the team that I most wanted to be super hyped for but I was like ah with how competitive is I don't think I can do it on the on the hype alone but they have such good stories I definitely will be yeah rooting for them as I'm really excited for snipers the second split I hope he can keep it up because the amount of solo kills he got was insane yeah I mean snipers snipers definely I mean if if qu quid River uh keep up their level play it's going to be really hype okay so now we are down to the bottom two um Shopify and the aggregate is uh is going to be seventh and then Immortals is going to be eighth uh there was slight disagreement I guess I put I put Immortals up one spot um for me largely I mean I think anero like I'm kind of excited for for him joining another orc I actually think ano is it does really good things for teams um but largely it was more based off the fact that like looking at scrims this is a team that people really respected and even in playoffs they continued scrimming because they really wanted to kind of keep improving um and a lot of top teams were telling me that yeah this team is actually legit like for whatever reason they're not winning but like people talking about castle people talking about um you know mask even in scrims doing really really well um and that these guys like you were not getting the results that they they should be um based on scrims at least they also had a lot of close games and thrown games which like Fair they threw those games they're obviously not very good at late game like but they put themselves in positions to win they didn't feel just like hopeless in all the games I felt like there was a lot of times where you you could believe that they could actually take the teams down even though they didn't get that many wins um so I have some faith in them to pick up some wins at the end of the day it's really not that big a difference seven seventh between eth but um I I guess I have a little bit more hope that they can make a splash maybe than Shopify yeah for Shopify they are making a change as well but it's a it's player to bring in Tomo and and Tomo has uh been in Challenger for for quite a while he's definitely a very big personality I'm super excited to see him in LCS um and sometimes when you get an injection of a player like that like he is such uh like an outgoing person I feel like I feel like it's going to you know energize the team I already really liked like the the faith that the coach had in this team um you could tell it in some of revan's you know drafts and stuff when especially at the beginning it was so fun we're always tracking Shopify games because we're like was Insanity going to play mid you know he's going to put some you know which tank is it this year like the tank split though it was weird cuz the the last year it was all like oh is he going to play Graves or is he going to play this and now it's like is he going to play Zack or or or Sion but Graves got you know some some crit Buffs uh and so yeah yeah maybe we see uh some some some better uh more interesting things there so so I have uh kept them above above Immortals kind of like how they finished last split yeah it's uh I don't know I don't have a whole lot to say on these teams they've just they were the bottom teams in Spring and all a lot of these other teams just look stronger I mean yeah they they have they've had some moments where they look solid but they've had a lot of moments where they do not and so I do agree with what you're saying about immorals so like I think that justification of you know I I like their work ethic they kept practicing I think Olay was actually a really bright spot for them in Spring he he definitely was you know like that that good player on a on a low rated team I would say like he was my award for that it's also hard to to stand out I think as a support like if you're able to stand out as a support on a bad team I think it's pretty impressive yeah absolutely and um I don't know it's just like it it's hard to rank Immortal in any higher cuz like this is the first time they finished above ninth and that's just cuz there's not n teams anymore uh in a while that when when they had hone and Ray I mean I guess since they they re-entered um the LCS so and the middle of the pack got stronger right it's like dig was was another one that people used to put down near the bottom but now it's like oh my god well dig just picked up the the offseason Avengers so it's like you know you're kind of bumping these teams up so you have to see I think from from both these teams you have to see some real individual improvements um from the players to be able to step up and I think if they want to be able to climb up the standings we have to have these players stepping up and making a difference um I would also say as far as like a standout I think bivy was a pretty big standout for me for Shopify I thought he really outperformed what my expectations were my expectations were very low for bway uh he was one of the best ads in the league I I think he is absolutely top couple ads in the league as far as how he performed he had a really good Varys varis is still good um so you know we're going to have to have some guys on these teams really step up and kind of perform above what they showed us you know like make good on some of the rumors you hear from these Immortals guys and scrims have fake God really take a big jump forward and be able to actually show something better uh because there is just so much competition now that to even get to the middle of the pack I think is going to be a struggle for either of these teams I think last split ad carry was at its weakest point that we've ever had the role in the LCS but think of the changes that we have to this split with Yan having really big improvements masu having really big improvements from MSI I felt like and then bringing zven in also I feel like ad Cary roll got a lot stronger this split to which might be an interesting uh story to track from Spring to summer as the entire league is is is probably going to be more competitive U but I think ad carry especially is going to see some good improvements it's going to be excited to be honest when we talk about the power rankings I'm like there's not a lot of matchups that I'm everybody's good there's not a lot of matchups that I'm not interested in like there like there's a lot of competitive teams here um which makes me more excited for the potential of of getting some really good b3s right because if you have those teams you're going to get to really see the differences between the teams because it can't just be a oneand done you know you have to win that best three yeah I I the the player that I'm also excited to see is Tomo like we touched him a little bit but I feel like he is for sure one of the you know top prospects coming from the naacl he was on cloud 9's Academy team they were winning all everything I think he was on DSG also winning he's done everything he could in amateur yeah I mean he's also really good in Solo qu he steals my name and plays under C2 medios for some reason um I don't know if that but he does do proud because then he's top Challenger have you asked now he does yeah I've told him to change it and he just says Nah um we need to have him on the dive and you guys kind no I mean we're we're cool though um I so I had more of an issue with it back in the day when he wasn't high rated and he was he was toxic that was the problem terrible yeah but now like he he's he's doing well like he gets rank one and he's not toxic and he's also really funny yeah yeah he he's super funny so I'm like okay you know you can rep the brand as long as you're you're like you're making it look good you know was really funny I played against him in Solo que a long time ago and I screenshot because I like really dumped on him and I was like excited to like show you message you and then it's not you see two meios it's not meos and then I did find out until way later also that it that it was him but it was a super super long time ago wait I just like that you wanted to show medios that you dumped on him think he was medios hey like of he would have known what do you mean I know I don't know like show but like hey meios look at this you remember that game I just played I just wanted to gloat like talk talk a little bit it's all good let me show you this game you just played in where he went 010 do you remember this yeah we just got out of the game Kobe hey medos remember that time you stood me up for the movie fair fair uh all right well Banger episode it's good to be back that'll wrap it up for us here on the dive driven by Kia thank you Kia shout out to them for the for the big sponsorship remember if you're watching us on YouTube hit that subscribe button so you don't miss an episode that dive you can also check us out on Spotify Apple podcast or any other podcast platform and make sure you're sending your questions on Twitter with hash theed diive LOL on the break weeks we're going to do some uh some social epis mailbag episode whatever you want to call it so we can start collecting your questions for that and should be another great season to dive [Music]
Channel: LCS
Views: 92,815
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LCS 2024, lolesports, League of Legends, LoL, LCS, League Championship Series, Esports, MOBA, Riot Games, Team Liquid, Team Liquid Honda, TL, FlyQuest, FLY, 100 Thieves, 100, 100T, Cloud9, C9, Dignitas, DIG, Shopify Rebellion, SR, Immortals, Immortals Progressive, IMT, NRG, NRG Esports, LCS The Dive, The Dive, LCS Meteos, LCS Kobe, LCS Azael
Id: BrJ5wgA5C3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 20sec (6320 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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