Cloud9 vs. FearX Pre-Summer Event Match
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Cloud9 League of Legends
Views: 33,046
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cloud9, Cloud 9, C9, League of Legends, LCS, League Championship Series, lolesports, Esports, Gaming, c9 lol, cloud 9 league of legends, c9 league of legends, FearX, FOX, C9 Thanatos, Thanatos, C9 Jojopyun, Jojo, C9 Jojo, Jojopyun, C9 Blaber, Blaber, C9 Berserker, Berserker, LCK, C9 Vulcan, Vulcan, Karthus, MSI, MSI 2024, MSI Korea, League of Legends Champions Korea, Clozer, Liiv SANDBOX, LSB
Id: wdHIoEJinnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 31sec (5551 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2024
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