How Long Can You Hold Your Poop Before You Explode

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what if you woke up tomorrow and you couldn't poop what if he never puts again in this video we'll go through the toll not pooping can have on your body the reasons you might become poop averse what you can do to get pooping once again a little while ago we told you what would happen if you weren't able to pee for a while and unsurprisingly there are a lot of similarities between pee and poo Mike peeing pooping is a necessary process to eliminate waste and toxins from the human body and like peeing there are serious complications that arise if you decide to stop pooping altogether it takes your body just under fifty three hours to process food from mouth to butt with 40 of those hours taking place in the lower intestine or your colon while everybody poops we are each the master of our own destiny and therefore we live according to our own poop schedule a normal poop schedule can range from as much as 3 times a day to once every other day although people tend to poop at the same times every single day if you're not pooping regularly chances are you're constipated constipation as defined by doctors occurs when you poop two or fewer times per week although it's a relatively common condition it should really be treated promptly as the problem can compound quickly with poop backing up further into your intestines and making you feel sick occasionally holding your poo isn't really that big of a deal but the longer you wait the worse things can get as poop sits in your colon it absorbs water making it bigger and harder and ultimately more difficult to pass and possibly leading to colon damage well it's possible that you can go a long time without pooping things can definitely get quite uncomfortable bloating nausea and stomach pain are just a few of the symptoms you'd have to deal with and those aren't even the worst not pooping doesn't just affect your digestive system it can impact your entire body a few examples of this are fecal impaction if your stool compacts too much and becomes hard it may require medical assistance to be removed bowel perforation if your stool backs up into your intestines it could put too much pressure on them and literally rip through spilling poop into your abdominal cavity this can be life due to the unsanitary nature of proof of the bacteria that lives inside of it cardiovascular risks chronic constipation can increase stress and elevate blood pressure throughout your body so much it actually causes heart problems but those still aren't even the worst oh no far from it you want to hear the worst thing that can happen if you stop pooping are you sure okay fine but you may want to sit down for this if you stop pooping and the stool keeps compacting and backing up into your system it's possible you could literally start throwing up poop from your mouth like you're a redheaded second-year wizard whose wand backfired whilst telling a xenophobic Slytherin to eat poop and yes that was a deep Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets reference and sometimes you can even pass away in the case of a young woman from the UK who passed away after eight weeks of constipation during which her intestines grew so big they literally pushed on her organs it gave her a heart attack but honestly some of us may choose a heart attack over throwing up poop there are some things you just can't quite recover from you know aside from waking up with no but there are a couple of reasons you might want to stop pooping entirely diet lack of exercise stress ear the bowel syndrome or IBS and some medicines can keep you from enjoying a healthy regular bowel movement there are also mental diseases such as functional fecal retention syndrome a condition mainly found in children who are scared to poo in fact the world record for not pooping may belong to a thirteen-year-old whose functional fecal retention syndrome prevented them from pooping for a year that said if you suppress your need to poop for a long time it can be difficult to stimulate your colon to work again so if your colon is stopped and you'd like to restart it step number one to get it started is to drink more water which is the solution to really most of life's problems your poop will absorb the water stimulating the bowels to get moving again next you should exercise which is also another solution in most of life's problems movement generally massages the bowels and you don't even have to do any risky exercises like squats a simple brisk walk after supper can do the trick finally reducing dairy intake eating more fibrous fruit and vegetables and cutting out processed foods can do wonders for your ability to poop cleanly and again these are generally tips for living a healthy life in many regards so there you have it well the consequences of not pooping can be devastating luckily the cures are extremely accessible and easy to come by in a worst case scenario you can buy some laxatives at your local pharmacy and get the engine revved up that way a handful of people are born with a condition where they literally don't have a functioning but without a butt the only way to poop is with the help of a colostomy bag which involves surgically attaching a bag to your intestines through your abdomen it's a relatively straightforward procedure and your quality of life won't really decrease at all so don't worry the important thing is that you are able to pass your waste products after all in the immortal words of gastroenterologist Ian lust bader of NYU birds gotta fly fish got a swim and colons got a poop that's all for today and thanks again for tuning in if you're a fan of fecal facts and toilet humor make sure you like subscribe and head over to the Brainiac youtube channel where you can find other videos like this and many more see you later brainiacs [Music]
Channel: Brainiac
Views: 2,729,342
Rating: 4.834641 out of 5
Keywords: Poop, Pee, Fecal Matter, Waste, Toilet, Bowel, Colon, Colostomy, Functional Fecal Retention Syndrome, Ian Lustbader, Fecal Impaction, Bowel Perforation, hold your poop, bowel movement, pooping, hold your pee, constipated, constipation, bowels explode, brainiac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 32sec (332 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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