How Long Can You Hold Your Pee Before You Burst

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we've all needed to pee so bad we thought our bladder would burst but did you know just how catastrophic the consequences would be if you weren't able to make it to the bathroom on time imagine you're at a rockin house party sipping on your 6th can of Old Milwaukee beer and then you feel it the mounting pressure right below your stomach yeah that's your bladder alright and it's letting you know it's time to go you rush to the bathroom desperate to relieve yourself only to discover about 20 people are in line looks like it's gonna be a while so while you're waiting why don't you take a look at exactly what's actually going on inside your body as you wait for the bathroom you are exercising your bladder muscles specifically your external sphincter to make sure you don't inadvertently pee yourself which is something we like to call bladder control now humans have a complicated relationship with bladder control to say the least when we're born we don't really have any and as a baby the only thing you love more than peeing on yourself is probably pooping on yourself but as you grow older your bladder control hopefully develops this means you're able to tell your brain hey why don't we wait until we're in the bathroom to get this pee party started fortunately the human bladder can hold up to two cups of urine and your bladder only starts sending your brain signals to pee when it's at 50% capacity giving you some runway to work with when assessing you're peeing options but while our brain is capable of overriding these signals for quite a while holding your pee for too long can be a really bad thing don't get us wrong holding it in once in a while although uncomfortable is no biggie however repeatedly holding your pee for a long time can have rotating effects on your body doing so stretches at your bladder and weakens your external sphincter which can lead to the development of serious conditions like loss of bladder control and urinary retention which means no matter how many times you go number one you're never quite able to fully empty yourself which means you feel like you need to pee all the time and general uncomfortability isn't the only downside to this urine itself is a waste product it's created by your kidneys which use the excess water in your body to filter out toxins and other nasty byproducts from your system Pete when you feel the urge is good because it promptly removes these toxins however letting pee sit in your bladder for a while can cause a plethora of other problems if you wait too long the bacteria in your pee may have the chance to multiply giving you a nasty urinary tract infection or UTI also if your urine has high levels of uric acid and acetate a delayed trip to the bathroom can allow these components to crystallize causing kidney stones and if you or someone you know has ever had to pee out a kidney stone before you'll know that's something you want to avoid at all costs if you ignore our warnings and go a really really long time without peeing things can get pretty rough it's rare but people have been known to burst their bladders just by holding in their pee take the case of Tycho Brahe he a Danish astronomer with a golden nose he lost his real one in a dual bra he passed away simply because he was too polite to leave a banquet to go in pee it was only when he returned home later that night that he discovered he wasn't able to go at all descending into a delirium bra he passed away painfully after his bladder finally burst now it's worth noting that brought his situation is fairly uncommon for starters table manners are a lot more laxed these days so you don't have to feel too guilty about excusing yourself to go to the bathroom but secondly bra he may have had a bladder issue to begin with most people in a situation would have peed themselves long before their bladders exploded however there is one important factor in bra his story that still has a role in endangering bladder health today and that alcohol that's right alcohol consumption can severely increase your chances of bladder rupture drinking causes your body to produce more urine and also dulls your ability to sense how full your bladder is as the alcohol overrides communication between your bladder and brain excessive alcohol consumption can even override the signal that makes you automatically pee when your bladder is overflowing which is inevitably gonna result in a burst bladder if all this burst bladder talk has got you on the verge of wetting yourself remember it's pretty rare that it happens at all and it's worth remembering and holding your pee occasionally is fine it's only when you have to do it repeatedly that serious complications can emerge generally speaking though the sooner you pee the better especially if you don't want to be using adult diapers in your 50s if you liked this video make sure you subscribe to the Braniac youtube channel there you'll find tons of interesting videos on the often amazing sometimes disgusting inner workings of the human body ah their bathrooms free do your bladder a favor and open the floodgates see you brainiacs [Music] [Music]
Channel: Brainiac
Views: 2,993,183
Rating: 4.8133225 out of 5
Keywords: Bladder, Burst, Drinking, Liver, Kidneys, Urine, Pee, UTI, Kidney Stones, Alcohol, brainiac, animated stories, animated facts, things you didn't know, science, survival, facts about your body, educational, painful, pain
Id: e28VbmqzAes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 2sec (302 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 23 2019
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