Horus & the Luna Wolves (Sons of Horus) EXPLAINED By An Australian | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal it's no secret that all bold white people in warhammer are evil we have manfred who ruined warhammer fantasy archaeon who wanted to ruin warhammer fantasy but got carried by manfred and the skaven lugar is another such evil character on the opposite end of the spectrum to this sigma has mighty hair and so does the god emperor of mankind hence they are the good guys horus the arch traitor the super douche is as bold as they come then when you look at the other traitor primarks lorga mortarion alfarios angron and perturabo are also all bold i'm not really sure what point i'm trying to make here other than the fact that boldness is the first step to committing war crimes today we'll cover the rise and fall of horus in his legion we'll cover their origins their part in the great crusade as well as the horus heresy we'll also look at some of their more badass characters looking at you gavriel loken and what ended up happening to them let's get into it when the emperor decided he would milk the milky way with his firm yet gentle metaphorical teat squeezing technique he realized he needed the help of 20 demigod super soldiers leading 20 legions of less powerful but still op demigod super soldiers hence he enlisted the help of some immortal female scientists well these hoes ain't loyal hence just as the demigods called primarks were born and growing their mother threw them into the warp and allowed the chaos gods who were naughty entities not super keen on the emperor to scatter them across the galaxy some were cast off into distant hostile worlds and forced to suck on them wolf teats for nourishment while others fell on top of private schools and became rich privileged white kids horus fell on a planet that was really close to earth or terror as it was called in warhammer now horus origins are a little sketchy he was the first primark found and he was found super early he did land on kethonia however he likely spent no time at all there a few years most before the emperor found him and brought him back to terror this is backed up by the fact that many of his scethonian-born marines either a make fun of his accent because it's the most redneck bogan accent on the planet or b think his accent is put on because it is that bogeyan whatever the case horus doesn't do anything by accident so it's likely he put on this accent to try bond with his kethonian-born space marines as it's likely he would have gotten less respect from them if it was known that he was more or less a terran primark whatever the case horus spent the most amount of time in the emperor and was his only primark for 30 years cothonia would serve to be a great recruiting ground for the 16th legion who would earn the name luna wolves after a successful invasion of the moon now not all primarks were made equal horus gilman and the lion conquered the most planets by far whilst horus sanguinius and once again the lion were legendary warriors in comparison primarks like lorgo or angron were scrubs that nearly died like 10 times due to their own incompetence and only live due to plot armor it's no accident that horus and the lion were both mentioned as some of the best warriors and commanders there both of them were the top picks for war master but i'm getting ahead of myself the lunar wolves were quick to join up with horus and they tore a mighty tear in the galaxy's [ __ ] see the lunar wolves would go in completely shred a planet's defenses and military might and then move on they wouldn't try build an empire or convert the plant to the imperial truth their only job was to remove resistance so that the imperial guard and diplomats could go in and do the boring stuff hence why the lunar wars were able to conquer so many planets they didn't waste time trying to convert them to a religion like lorga nor did they grind the planets to dust like angron they just did what needed to be done and left now horus was a legendary commander but like all the primarks were and his commanding ability wasn't what set him apart it was his charisma pretty much all the other legions jumped at any opportunity to team up with the lunar wolves and horus was able to form a bond with virtually all of his brothers even the [ __ ] ones it's the same charisma that would be used to convince his super-intelligent brothers and their super-intelligent sons that selling their souls to the forces of hell and rebelling against the emperor would be a good idea the lunar wolves helped the emperor destroy a huge orc empire at the dawn of the great crusade put down a massive hundred world rebellion by teleporting directly into the enemy's command ship as horus personally slew the enemy warlord victory after victory graced the lunar wolves however it was the victory on daven which would plant the seats the dumb [ __ ] [ __ ] that would commence later on the planet davin was easily conquered by horus however he was impressed with the populance's savagery and strength as well as their ability to seemingly accept the imperial truth as such he allowed the warrior lodges of davon to become a thing within his own legion a kind of book club for astartes from different squads to meet and share brotherhood a good thing on paper however it'd be these warrior lodges that the first blossom of heresy would commence on top of this the people of davon royal's secret chaos worshipers and plotted their revenge against the imperium horus would arguably go up against some of the most interesting enemies of the imperium after this they fought the equivalent of skynet on one planet as well as the covenant from halo at the peak of the great crusade horus would take part in the all-in-all crusade which was the largest orc army ever discovered in a system laughably the imperium only needed less than 10 million troops to beat a green-skinned force that also numbered in like the 10 to 20 million now if i was riding for warhammer 40k and i wanted to talk about the largest orc army ever i'd probably give them an army that was at least bigger than the number of combatants in our very own world war one you would kind of expect there to be a billion or so orcs on this planet it's not that impressive if we have real-life wars that are way more spicy than this but alas the orcs were smashed obviously and the emperor declared his intention to return to terra and work on a secret project this project would be the emperor opening up the eldar webway for human use and significantly reducing humanity's reliance on the warp thus starving the chaos gods this would be a permanent victory against chaos however with his attention on the project and how delicate the project was he did not want the primax to know and potentially feed that information to titsnich by accident or on purpose ignorance is a great weapon against chaos in his stead the emperor declared horus as the new war master of the imperium and commander of all the imperium's armies most of the primarks were like sure whatever the lion one of the only primarks who was arguably greater than horus did not agree with this thinking that he himself should be the war master i second this the line was a space knight space knights are cool and should totally be warmer star on top of this the lion also had an impressive mane no [ __ ] you know he was the lion hence he was certainly a good guy with absolutely zero questionable intentions however horus was now warmaster and that was that and he did a good job of it initially he crushed the powerful evil xeno race called the nephilim and even discovered and violently sodomized the planet that thought it was terror and had its own god emperor of mankind who was less of a god and more of a delusional prick who received a bulk to the brain but was nonetheless an interesting experience horus had gone to bring death to arachnophobia itself as he landed on a planet nicknamed murder along with sanguinis and fulgrum which was full of giant spiders they literally fought giant spiders called mega arachnids for six months now that halo covenant i mentioned earlier rocked up during this and they were called the interx and they're a super advanced civilization more advanced than the imperium encompassing multiple xeno races and they were the sworn enemy of chaos they were honestly the perfect ally of the imperium so it was none other than erebus who would ruin everything say it with me [ __ ] erebus see horus was very diplomatic he gave everyone and everything a chance the false emperor i mentioned before was given three chances to surrender before he was killed the conflict between the interx and horus was due to arabs sneaking into one of their museums and stealing a powerful chaos blade the same blade that would turn horus to chaos down the track and whose shards would fail to turn gillyman to chaos with the blade stolen the interx thought that horus was an agent of chaos hence they attacked him and his crew hence horus destroyed them all humans are more advanced than silverback gorillas however if you were locked in a room with a silverback gorilla you would get [ __ ] up same situation here the imperium might not have reached the end of pie like the interx probably had but super advanced science doesn't do much when space marines start dropping on your plant from orbit with rocket launcher machine guns despite this horus expressed regret with the destruction of the interx and desired to bring other xena racers into the imperium's vassals he really was the greatest of them all he even refused an offer by the emperor to rename his legion to the sons of horus as horus wanted to be humble and not above his brothers as time went on the weight of warmaster grew heavy on old mate horus the emperor abandoned him and their crusade without telling him why on top of this the biggie also created the high lords who would govern the imperium it almost seemed like the biggie was preparing to phase out the space rings and the primarks once the war was done erebus and lorga had also been talking mad [ __ ] about the emperor horus however despite all this horus was still a loyal son until daven happened see davin the planet horus brought into compliance did some hectic chaos voodoo and basically corrupted the imperial army there turned them into a bunch of nergalite zombies rough horus rushed back to sort it out as primers got pretty pissed off when planets they dealt with suddenly became an issue and this was a serious issue i mean imagine leaving a planet where your mates wave goodbye to return 60 years later and find it full of zombies horus fought his way to the imperial governor who was wielding the chaos blade that erebus had stolen from the interx the governor was also a bloated zombie who was surprisingly powerful the blade he wielded was basically a sentient knurgle blade hell-bent on killing horus the two fought and whilst horus killed the governor the knife was able to cut horus poisoning him horus returned to his ship but fell into a coma as his body began to die the poison was too powerful for imperial science to deal with it's unknown if this was killing horus because horus was a little [ __ ] whose soul was already compromised or if chaos did indeed have some hectic poison and even someone as corruptable as dawn or gillyman would have also died from this gili moon was cut by a blade that was forged out of this blade that mortally wounded horus and he shrugged it off due to him being completely incorruptable you know no surprises here gilliamon has hair erebus convinced the lunar wolves to allow him to take horus into the temple of the serpent which was a chaos temple no [ __ ] where erebus entered into horus's mind and began being a [ __ ] arabis showed horus the future with the emperor's a god on a golden throne and a dying decaying imperium that was against everything they fought for whilst this future was to come true ironically it was because horace tried to stop it via letting the case god's finger his bum hole until he prolapsed interestingly enough magnus saw this happening and also entered into horus mind he told horus of erebus deceit unmasked erebus who was posing as a luna wolf in his vision and told him not to join chaos this is the point where i believe that if horus had resisted chaos and trusted magnus then the poison would have failed and horus would have lived likely through magnus's intervention the idea of the poison was to get horus into that temple it was never supposed to kill him even with the manipulation revealed horus's own self-doubt and resentment towards the emperor was enough to allow him to agree to chaos saving his life and turning against the emperor horus awoke the last shreds of his hair on his shiny head were gone he was now horus the bold cut horus immediately renamed his legion to the sons of horus as a symbolic way of showing his new colours the crusade continued however horus began losing his care and mercy he became ruthless in his goals and began turning the other legions and their primax to his cores his charisma was once used to save trillions of lives and avert cataclysmic wars now it would be used to spark the greatest conflict the galaxy had ever seen since the war in heaven lorger was already a douchebag pedo chaos worshipper conrad and angron were already [ __ ] in the head and thought killing the emperor would be fun fulgrim was already corrupted due to the layer blade perturbo had tons of resentment towards dawn and the emperor because he wasn't daddy's favorite builder he also genocided his home planet and didn't think the emperor would forgive him for it mortality was angry that the biggie was a psycho and hid the war from him and magnus had his soul shattered with only the [ __ ] parts reforming into his main form apharis also listened to some [ __ ] prophecy by a bunch of aliens and decided to trust them for some reason so now horus had his legions but not all space arena dicks in fact one third of each legion were not willing to betray the emperor hence they had to die here is where the most interesting space wearing characters come into place loyalist astartes in traitor legions that one-third of those legions was deployed in master eastvan to deal with a planetary governor who had rebelled and fallen to slaanesh as the one-third were deployed on the planet horus and the traders laudably bombed it into oblivion seeking to wipe them out in one go however through the brave efforts of seoul tavitz nathaniel garrow and gavriel loken this would prove to be a challenge garfield of the lunar wolves led the loyalists and saul of the empress children warn them of the orbital bombing whilst nathanael of the death guide escaped to warn the imperium of horus betrayal with seoul's warning most of the one-third were able to survive the virus bombing and held off the traitors for two entire months loken used to be a member of horace's marnival his most trusted advisers so it was pretty personal for him eventually through overwhelming force and the betrayal of lucius the loyalists were pinned down and loken lost the deal to abaddon and the world was once again bombed loken would survive this somehow and get some pretty hectic revenge with their loyalist side purge the traders waited for the imperium's response and respond they did with the force of three full loyalist legions backed up by another four legions legions that were actually secretly trader hence the loyalists the salamanders iron hands and raven guard were put on the spit and penetrated hard creating the east eastvan dropsite massacre horus would then begin to beeline for terror becoming more twisted as he went as each of his brothers slowly became completely corrupted hence really unstable by the end of the heresy everyone's so batshit insane that if it weren't for perturbo they likely all would have killed each other before they even arrived the terror on the way to terror horror stopped at molek the place where the emperor tricked the chaos gods into giving him a power boost horace sought that same power boost but there was a bit of a garrison there as daddy wasn't super keen on sharing his powers during this battle lehman russ and his wolves attacked horus and despite horus chaos boosts lehman wounded him and actually had him at his mercy lehman being the emperor's executioner should have you know executed him but he hesitated so horus took the moment to kick his ass god damn it lehman can't you at least kill one traitor primark he's already had three of them at his mercy and goes all soft at the last second with the power buff of molex secured the assault on terror was to begin the traders had nine legions buffed by chaos as well as millions of cultists dozens of titans countless demons and other monsters they also had eight primarks alphareus was dead at this point the loyalists had three legions the custodies and sisters of silence and a huge force of guardsmen titans four primarks and of course the big e and they were also defending the most defendable structure in the galaxy but even then they were still disgustingly outnumbered out gunned yet the traders couldn't do it wave after wave of warp infused freaks and empowered space marines died as they tried to take the palace rogul kicked fulgrim's arse sanguinius probably kicked angron's ass half the trader army got bored and went off to terrorize the population in the world yet the palace stood the ultramarines spacewalls and dark angels was also soon to arrive on terror which would be the end of the traders hence horus or maybe it was abaddon lowered the void shields on their ship as an invitation for the emperor to come fight the biggie is a sucker for invitation since he rogel sanguinis and a number of custodians and space marines boarded the ship sanguinis found horus first and the two fought now currently it's thought that sanguinius was wounded and tired and horus was filled to the brim with power and fresh hence horus killed sanguinius causing the black rage within the blood angels horus and the big event fight with horus kicking the [ __ ] out of the big e due to the biggie not being able to bring himself to kill his favorite son horus then kills alanis pius causing the biggie to realize that all bold people are evil and he kamehamehas horus and deletes him from existence now that's what we know so far as the new horus heresy books haven't concluded yet but i feel like the ending will be different for starters the emperor doesn't seem like the kind of guy to hesitate and let his emotions stop him the emperor we have grown to know would not hesitate in deleting horus especially since how obviously evil and gone horus was by that point like by the siege of terror horus was little more than the meat suit for the chaos gods his soul had already been more or less completely raped on top of this sanguinis is a beast so here's what i think would be a cool twist sanguinius finds horus first in the two fight horace gains the upper hand and nearly wins however saint gourious falls into the black rage causing his sons to do so and he kills horrors the biggie walks in to see horus defeated but sanguinius in his rage attacks the emperor the emperor cannot bring himself to kill his true favorite son hence takes an absolute beating before he realizes he has to kill sanguinius out of mercy and he does so he then destroys horus soul so that if horace ever came back via chaos or something else he could never tell anyone of what happened to sanguinius it's a bit of a far-fetched theory but i think it suits pretty well into the grim darkness of 40k whatever happens i'm very keen to see with horus dead the traitor forces break and retreat bring chased all the way back into the eye of terror where they sat on a demon world with horus corpse and begun to rot fabius bile led the empress children to attack the sons of horus and they stole horus's body with the intention of cloning him to reunite the traitor legions however the issue is that primarks are more than just the body their souls give them power hence the horus clone had no soul as horus's soul didn't exist anymore so when abaddon led a counter-attack he was able to kill the horus clone in combat earning the respect of the sons of horus and becoming their leader he then renamed them to the black legion as they colored the armor black in mourning of horus bringing an end to the sons of horus and the start of the black legion which is a video in itself now what of gavio well turns out surviving the portrayal of your father as well as like three exterminators isn't good for your mental health hence loken went insane and wandered the planet of eastvan to make matters worse various of his dead allies had been reanimated by nurgler's zombies hence he was alone on a planet full of his dead friends and zombies that he had to fight all the time eventually nathaniel came back for him and rescued his friend he then became a knight of malcador and went on various missions against the trade allegiance throughout the galaxy eventually loken and many other loyalists from trader legions were offered the role of a grey knight by the emperor himself they accepted except for loken who knew that this destiny was not his his destiny was to kill the mornival his destiny was to kill the sons of horus and kill them he has been doing we don't know his final fate yet however abaddon is still alive and it seems loken is not so it seems like they face off and it doesn't end well for loken in saying that though loken is a beast and he's been tearing the sons of horus a new [ __ ] on the daily even saying this cool line i was never a son of horus i was and remain a luna wolf a proud son of catholia a loyal servant of the emperor beloved by all i am your enemy that was straight to horus by the way talk about a burrow and son there are others like the obnoxious little horus the large funny taught on and the incompetent abaddon but loken is the one that deserves screen time with horus dead and the lunar wheels replaced by the black legion there is nothing for them beyond the horus heresy they are gone poof dead deleted deceased penetrated molested kitty filled and finger blasted and that does this for today guys the lore and story of the lunar wolves in their primark horus if you enjoyed the video want to support the channel and want to see some cartoon tits then patreon is the place to be only one doll gives you access to a boatload of women hentai and 10 dollars gives you access to the magical hentai calendar hit the subscribe button then hit the real subscribe button for more bolding content join the discord for more memes and i'll see you in the next one [Music] bow peace me [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 646,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Horus Heresy, Horus, Primarchs, Warhammer, Abbadon, Sons of Horus, Luna Wolves, Astartes, Gamesworkshop, Majorkill, Lore, Story, Game, Epic, adventure, Australia, Australian, Emperor of Mankind, 40k, Fantasy, Age of Sigmar, Luna, Space, Sci Fi
Id: iYptLQ22F3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 55sec (1255 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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