What Happens AFTER Fantastic Beasts 3? - Finishing the Story of a CANCELLED Franchise

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[Music] hey everyone welcome to another installment of Harry Potter theory in 2016 we finally got fantastic be somewhere to find them the first installment of an alleged five-part film series introducing us to a new wisting world one so similar yet so different it highlighted what the wisting world was like in a different era in different parts of the world and placed an emphasis on all sorts of new and neverbe seen characters creatures and places we saw the Wizarding World in America for the first time creatures like nifflers new magic new protagonists and even a new antagonist the first film was an entirely new magical experience showing us so many unfamiliar things in a world that had become otherwise so familiar and just 2 years later in 2018 the follow-up film came Fantastic Beasts the crimes of grindewald crimes of grindal was able to continue on the path that the first film had laid introducing us to so many new Concepts and ideas however they were also able to interweave aspects of the magical world that we were already familiar with aspects from the original Harry Potter films this was a good strategy to try and reel in and Captivate audiences that were heavy-hearted of the veritable lack of old Harry Potter content the content that we had grown up with but this is also where things started to hit the fan despite the very best efforts of Warner Bros each of the Fantastic Beast films released thus far had come under heavy scrutiny from their magical fan base mainly being criticized for a plot that seemed a little all over the place however the negative attention was duly noted prompting big changes for the three films still to come in the franchise negative reviews and weak box office receipts of the whole series was something which Warner Bros noticed quite s suddenly raising serious concerns about their plans to launch Five series of spin-offs Warner Bros has now shown a great deal of confidence in giving the third series with a great deal of effort not to replicate the fate of previous films the negative attention forced filmmakers to re-evaluate their strategy and actually pushed the film's release date back so that they could take extra time to rewrite the screenplay they even Enlisted the help of Harry Potter alumnist Steve cloves who was an integral part of the Harry Potter film things were looking good and in 2022 a whopping 4 years after the release of the part one we finally got part three Fantastic Beasts the secrets of Dumbledore but unfortunately this one suffered the same fate as the first two putting Warner Brothers in the uncomfortable position of putting a halt to production on the follow-up films at least it very much looks that way fortunately for casuals three did complete the story in a way Dumbledore and N man managed to defeat sort of grindlewald the real Chillin selected a new supreme mugwump n and Tina reconcile and Jacob proposes to Queenie but for those with a deeper understanding of Harry Potter law they'll know that there is still a lot missing and the very first hint that were missing some things is in the very first installment of the Harry Potter series when Harry views a chocolate frog card with Dumbledore's name on it alas Dumbledore currently Headmaster of Hogwarts considered by many the greatest wizard of modern times Dumbledore is particularly famous for his defeat of the dark wizard grindlewald in 1945 and there it is famous defeat of dark wizard grindal in 1945 secrets of Dumbledore ends in 1932 which leaves a whopping 13 years entirely unaccounted for because a new Fantastic Beast film seems improbable at this point today I'm going to be filling in the blanks taking a look at those 13 long years is we may never get a chance to see on screen I can only operate within the existing law so there's certainly still going to be some missing information but bear with me quick summary before we dive into what happens after part three let me first just provide a very brief recap of what has happened so far fantastic Beast 1 came out nearly 8 years ago at this stage so I believe a refresher is in order fantastic Beast one fantastic beast and where to find them takes place in the year 1926 the film follows the adventures of NES Commander a wizard and magical creature Enthusiast from England as he arrives in New York City he carries a mysterious suitcase filled with various magical creatures upon his arrival n's suitcase gets accidentally swapped with that of Jacob Kowalski a nomad factory worker some of the magical creatures escape and N Endeavors to recapture them with the help of Jacob their actions catch the attention of Tina Goldstein a former Aura who's been demoted to a IAL position in the magical Congress of the United States of America makusa n eventually discovers a young obscurial named Credence barebone who is under the abusive care of his adopted mother Mary Lou an obscurus is a dangerous and dark parasitic Force formed by the suppression of magical abilities and for reasons that are later explained persal Graves a high-ranking aura at makusa is particularly interested in young Credence as new Endeavors to find the escaped creatures he discovers that there are dark Forces at play with Tina's help he discovers that grindal has been disguised as persal Graves and that he was interested in harnessing the power of the obscurial Credence barebone the film concludes with new Tina Jacob and Queenie Tina's sister successfully apprehending grindal and preventing the obscurus from causing further destruction in the end Jacob's memories of the magical world are erased due to makusa regulations and n departs for Europe Fantastic Beasts 2 Fantastic Beasts the crimes of grindal takes place in the year 1927 shortly after the events of the first film The Story follows n's Commander as he is enlisted by Alber Dumbledore to help thwart the plans of the dark wizard gallet grindlewald grindewald escapes from makusa and sets out to gather followers who share his belief in Wizarding Supremacy n is initially reluctant to get involved but is convinced by Dumbledore's request to find greed bebone who is believed to be the key to stopping grinder wald's reign of terror meanwhile in Paris new encounters his former love interest Lita L strange who is now engaged to his brother Theus Lita's complex passed intertwines with the search for Credence as grindal gains power tensions rise within the Wizarding Community n along with Tina Jacob and Queeny join forces to find Credence before grindal does they discover that Credence is on a quest asked for his true identity seeking answers along the way in the climactic battle grindal convinces Credence to join his cause by promising information about his past Queeny aligns herself with grindewald driven by her desire for freedom to marry Jacob who she believes cannot legally wed her due to Wizarding laws the film ends with grindelwald's rally where he Reveals His true intentions for a Wizarding Revolution setting the stage for the upcoming conflict between him and the resistance LED by new and his allies before the credits rooll grindewald reveals to Credence that he is actually a member of The Dumbledore family and that his real name is aurelus Dumbledore fantastic Beast 3 fantastic Beast 3 The Secret of Dumbledore takes place in the year 1932 the film starts with Alber Dumbledore and G grindewald briefly meeting in a muggle tea shop and acknowledging their mutual feelings grindal then Reveals His plan to destroy the Muggle World which Dumbledore denounces as Madness explaining that he once supported this ideology in his youth but has since changed meanwhile in Quin China NES Commander helps a Chillin give birth but greenwald's followers attack killing the mother and kidnapping one of the newborns grindewald intends to harness the baby's precognitive Powers however n saves the other twin Chillin unable to directly challenge grald due to a blood pact Dumbledore recruits new his brother Theus L Hicks Usef Jacob Kowalski and Bunty to stop grind's plan they traveled to Berlin where they plant Yousef as a spy in grindelwald's Inner Circle grindal convinces the international Confederation of wizards to clear him of charges and allows him to run for Supreme mugwump of the icw grindelwald's acolytes arrest Theus and plan to assassinate a Brazilian candidate new goes to the kkstar prison to free thesis Jacob and L Escape but a framed for attempting to kill grindewald greence who battles Dumbledore realizes he's abor's illegitimate son and questions his loyalty to grindewald later leaders from The Whiting World Gather in Bhutan for the Walk of the Chillin ritual grindewald uses necromancy to reanimate the dead Chillin and manipulates it to choose him as the new supreme leader the team arrives and confronts grindelwald's followers Queeny renounces grindal and his cor Jacob the surviving Chillin is Feld bowing to Dumbledore and a chosen alternative supreme leader vencia Santos enraged grindal tries to kill Credence but ABA for and Dumbledore protect him their clashing spells break the blood paact and grindlewald escapes ABA forth accepts Credence as his son and Jacob and Queeny Mary Dumbledore Thanks new before disappearing into the night and on that note we should be just about up to date what next well while secrets of Dumbledore did wrap up the immediate plot there was still a lot of unanswered questions at the end of the last film questions like what was the fate of the newly introduced Dumbledore family member orias Dumbledore SL Creedence barbone and who is his mother what's going on with Tina and new what really happened with Ariana Dumbledore how did she die what happened to Nini after crimes of grindlewald and finally what happened to grindlewald while I won't be able to get as granular as I might like due to obvious limitations on published law here are some long- awaited answers to these unanswered questions Credence after the events of the Walk of the Chillin ritual Credence is in immense pain and we witness his father abber forth carrying him down a set of stairs he looks to be in particularly rough shape however he also accepts his father's invitation to go home with him to hogsma and aelius who now recognizes himself by his birth name is taken back to Scotland and Abba for's home at the Hogs Head Inn through a port key from Bhutan the implication here is that Abu for is going to try and nurture his son back to Good Health however although orelus survives grind wald's attempts to kill him his obscurial nature continues to poison him which leads us to believe that he has little time remaining from there things are left a little ambiguous but there are a couple of clues that provide insight into what happens to the newly recognized Dumbledore in his weaken State we witnessed credence's phoenix flying off into the distance and in case you've forgotten something very similar happens to Dumbledore after his death in Half Blood Prince as he lay there he became aware suddenly that the grounds were silent Forks had stopped singing and he knew without knowing how he knew it that the Phoenix had gone had left Hogwarts for good just as dumore had left the school had left the world had left Harry credence's Phoenix leaving casts a rather ominous Shadow over the fate of credence and to me this suggested his time may have been very limited pair that with his deteriorating health and abrupt end to his existence in Harry Potter law and I'd be willing to bet that Credence died fairly shortly after his reunion with his father tragic but likely no information has been provided as to who credence's mother was but my best guess is that it was a muggle woman from godric's Hollow Tina and N despite a budding and dare I say unusual romance between nutes commander and Tina Goldstein in the first two films she is strangely and abundantly absent from the third film this left many fans confused as to what comes of their relationship The Fairly unsatisfactory answer behind Tina's absence is that she has taken on a new role as head of the aura department but to me this never quite made any sense I'm really really not sure what could have possibly been more important than taking down the largest imminent threat in The Wizarding World helping the man she loves and oh I don't know saving her sister of course Tina does show up at the very end of the film much to a thrilled n making an appearance at Jacob and queen's wedding but things are still left awfully unclear allow me to fill you in well you may be delighted to hear that n and Tina do end up getting married amidst the Romantic display put on by Jacob and Queeny at their wedding I suspect that Tina and new may have finally been bitten by the Love Bug and express their feelings for one another witnessing those close to them in a marital embrace it's likely that they got married shortly thereafter following marriage the pair eventually moved to England dors it to be precise and end up having one son Ralph's scander the schander residents also housed three pet nles hoppy Millie and mher and n and Tina also later become great-grandparents to twin boys Lin and Lysander after their son Rolph marries and has children with none other than Luna love good what really happened with Ariana Dumbledore how did she die it shouldn't come as much of a surprise to anyone that Dumbledore carried with him an insurmountable amount of guilt for his role in the death of his sister and the conventional understanding of her death was that she was caught in the crossfire of a three-way duel between alus abber forth and Grindelwald beyond that nothing else is revealed regarding Ariana's fate but I think it may have been albus's spell that ended up killing her right from the very beginning of the Fantastic Beast franchise grindal displays a strong obsession with controlling the obscurus Credence barebone and I think that this Obsession stems from his past encounters with Ariana I suspect that Ariana an obscurial herself was able to overpower grindewald during a fight that ultimately led to her death in her confusion Ariana took grindelwald's wand possibly attempting to save Abba forth from the cruciatus curse that grenald was torturing him with however it was Albus who ended up killing Ariana during the incident which later gave him the ability to defeat grenald I suspect that grenald had possession of the Elder Wand before his encounter with Albus abber forth and Ariana in godric's Hollow there would have been enough time for this as Amber for mentioned that they had known each other for a few weeks before he was about to return to school grindlewald had been researching the wand during the beginning of the summer after leaving durmstrang and likely already had knowledge of the Hallows before meeting alus during the fight the allegiance of the Elder Wand shifted to Arana first then to Albus this explains why it took Albus so long to confront grenald directly he knew that doing so would confirm that he was the one who killed Ariana in essence alus carried the weight of this guilt for the rest of his life I'm not even remotely suggesting that alus killed Ariana intentionally but I do think that it was his spell that killed her and I think that this also explains the highly complicated dynamic between Albus and abber forth what happened to Nini after crimes of grindal similar to Tina Nini drops off the face of the Earth after the crimes of grindal and this is likely due to her irrelevance to the story as the films progress however there was undeniably a fair bit of character development for Nini and I for one became invested we also know that she eventually becomes Voldemort's sidekick but how and when does she make the transition from a helpful and kind woman to an evil snake unfortunately there is zero information available that fills the void between nini's last known appearance in 1927 and the 1980s when nin meets Voldemort in the forest of Albania at this point Nini would have likely fully assumed her snake likee form and Voldemort would have been hiding in his disembodied State following his defeat at the hands of The Potters in case you forgot nagini suffered from a blood malediction which meant that she was destined to transform into a snake in youth a maledictus can transform back and forth at will but as they grow older they have less and less control resulting in an inevitable and permanent transformation into their animal form what their initial interaction would have looked like is anyone's guess however we do know a couple of things about Voldemort that would have helped him in interacting with a giant snake first of all Voldemort is the descendant of Salazar sutherin this means that his connection to snakes is strong and that he can communicate with them due to his ability to speak parcel tongue I suspect that Nini who would have been stuck in her maledictus form for quite some time at this point would have probably leaped at the opportunity to finally speak with someone she was a lost maledictus de void of communication and finally she encountered someone who could understand her it was someone that she could tell her story to whether Voldemort would have been able to recognize that she was a maledictus or not is unclear however he is an extremely versed legilimens so I'm sure he could have taken a look inside of her mind and figured it out at this point in time both Nini and Voldemort were a bit lost in the world similar to when she first met Credence Nini was stuck in a snake form an entirely new ident and was completely devoid of human interaction she probably had no idea what her next move was going to be and she must have been incredibly lonely in Voldemort's case he had just been recently defeated and was likely also at a bit of a loss for what to do next for these reasons I think that it is only natural the two would pair up each of them having something to offer the other without Nini it would have been considerably more difficult to return to a corporeal form and without Voldemort Nini would have had no purpose in the world and no one to talk to she would have just been alone Nini became instrumental in Lord vort survival before he could be restored to his real body and her Venom was even used as an Elixir that helped him to survive it was one of the primary ingredients in a potion that he used to rebuild his strength Nini also helped Voldemort to commit numerous murders and one murder in particular the murder of Bera jorkins sealed their bond more than ever you see after the death of Bera jorkins Nini became one of Voldemort's Haw ruxers she was now more than just the companion of Voldemort a fragment of Voldemort's Soul lived inside of her by this point in time her previous shy and gentle nature was no more and she became a weapon for Lord Voldemort the man to which she was completely loyal in my view nini's path towards villain is not all that surprising she was born with a blood curse and for the first few Decades of her life she was tormented and forced to perform by an abusive traveling circus nagini forms a temporary alliance with Credence in the crimes of grindlewald coming together due to their shared experiences as outcasts and their desire to find belonging and acceptance despite knowing each other for a relatively short period of time the pair form a strong bond however this is relatively shortlived at grind wald's rally Nini tries to convince Credence to stay with her however que doesn't listen to her and instead decides to join grinder Wald in order to learn his true identity devastated Nini also Witnesses Lita's death and is just barely apparated to safety by Yousef abandoned by the only person that she felt she could rely on and continuing to deteriorate from her blood malediction it's likely that nikini simply gave up and lost faith in others entirely what happened to grindlewald as grindelwald's power grew many beli that Alber Dumbledore would be the only one capable of stopping him however due to a blood pact made in their youth Dumbledore was for many years unable to directly confront grenald in 1927 the blood packed vial was stolen from grindewald by Newton's commander and when given to Dumbledore he hoped to break the pact in 1932 Dumbledore and his brother abber forth intervened when grindal attempted to harm Credence barebone leading to the breaking of said blood paack this finally left the door open for Dumbledore to challenge grindal in a duel by 1945 some 13 years after secrets of Dumbledore ended and his temporary defeat grindal had managed to make quite the comeback he managed to Rally support through a combination of strategic manipulation and persuasive rhetoric utilizing his Charisma and captivating speaking abilities grindlewald aimed to appeal to the sentiments and fears of wizards in which who were disillusioned with the existing order he skillfully painted a picture of a future where Wizards would assert their dominance over Muggles promising a world in which the magical Community would no longer be forced to hide or live in fear the very same type of language that once convinced alus Dumbledore the only difference was that this time around grindal didn't attempt to hide his darker nature or more Sinister intentions and by 1945 the public outcry against against growald became too strong his presence could no longer be ignored and he could no longer be allowed to grow his forces unchallenged this resulted in Alber Dumbledore The Wizarding world's Only Hope finally confronting him in a legendary duel ultimately winning and obtaining the allegiance of the Elder ones exact details of the duel are far and few between but British pure blood wizard alas Doge described their duel as the greatest of all time and that no duel ever matched it given that both Wizards were immensely powerful I suspect that the allegiance of the Elder W had something to do with the outcome I think the Dumbledore is more powerful on paper but I suspect that the Elder Wand may have evened the playing field we know that grenald physically possessed the wand but we also know that the Elder Wand is rather temperamental given that grindal ended up Surviving the duel I suspect The Dumbledore may have simply ended up disarming him in some way gaining allegiance of the wand and gaining an even larger Advantage as for the spectacle that was the duel itself I expect it was an impressive display of Elemental Magic both grindlewald and Dumbledore are known for utilizing this type of magic in dueling settings and I suspect that they both pulled out every spell in their Arsenal after the duel grindal was imprisoned in nard the very same prison that he had built for his enemies grenald remains there for many decades and never makes any sort of an attempt to Escape he is later killed by Voldemort who seeks him out in search of questions regarding the Elder Wand before his death he laughs in Voldemort's face grinder Wald didn't fear death Voldemort or anything else and in these final moments he did show a hint of remorse for his actions many decades prior entirely unwilling to help the new dark lord and his reign of tyranny and I suspect that's where the films would have ended there are also a plethora of Harry Potter events that take place in this timeline like Tom Riddle being brought to Hogwarts for example but for those you'll have to go and watch my other video if you have more questions I'd be happy to answer them below or if they're intricate enough or if there are enough of them in another video until next time remember it does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live
Channel: Harry Potter Theory
Views: 187,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: harry potter, fantastic beasts, hermione granger, avada kedavra, wizarding world, harry potter theory, harry potter explained, j.k. rowling, slytherin, gryffindor, history of wands, grindelwald, dumbledore, hogwarts, deathly hallows, voldemort, snape, weasley, hidden details, easter egg, theory, death eaters, spells, behind the scenes, elder wand, weasleys, mistakes, plot, hole, theories, marauders map, newt, scamander, secrets of dumbledore, crimes of grindelwald, fantastic, beasts, duel, show
Id: reruyoQU2hA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 5sec (1505 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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