History of the Marauders (Full Story & Legacy) - Harry Potter Explained

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[Music] hey everyone welcome to another installment of Harry Potter Theory today we'll be discussing the history of a group of rather famous or inFAMOUS depending on who you ask Hogwarts schoolmates known as the Marauders for anyone unfamiliar with the group The Marauders were made up before school-aged Wizards who attended Hogwarts in the 1970s all four were Gryffindor students who over the course of their first year at school became the closest of friends their names were James fossa Sirius Black Remus Lupine and Peter Pettigrew but before we get too far into the formation of this friend group not to mention any mischief and Adventures they got up to while at school let's take a look at the origin story of each of these Marauders individually now there's really no question as to which more order we should look at first and that is James Potter James is of course Harry Potter's father the man who died trying to protect his family from mode Voldemort and while James's self-sacrifice is likely how the majority of you will know him there are many noteworthy things that this talented young wizard who died All Too Soon accomplished before he stood up against one of the darkest wizards of all time James Potter was born on the 27th of March in the year 1960 to Fremont and euphemia Potter who were both rather elderly even for Magical beings within the Wizarding World coming from a long line of successful and inventive Wizards Fremont was also an accomplished entrepreneur known mainly for his invention of sleek Easy's hair potion which he created in 1926 being that James was Fremont and euphemia's only son he was left with a rather handsome inheritance upon his parents natural deaths which occurred before Harry was born and so as you can imagine James Potter grew up quite comfortably as the only child of his successful inventor who himself had come from dynasty of wealthy witches and wizards in many ways James a wealthy pure blood English wizard was rather accustomed to getting his own way and while some of that entitlement and arrogance may have shown through during his time as a pupil at Hogwarts just asks ever a Snape James became so much more than the wizard equivalent of a spoiled muggled trust fund kid and while it may be controversial to say a lot of this might have had to do with the company that James decided to keep once he arrived at the Hogwarts the first being serious black whom he encountered on the train to school yet Sirius Black's background is a bit controversial in itself and not necessarily one that you may think could result in the loyal courageous and dedicated young wizard that black turned out to be born on the 3rd of November in 1959 Sirius was a third of his name and heir to the house of black his parents were Orion and woolberger black both room with the sentence from English pureblood Wizarding families serious had one younger brother named regulus and was cousin to Bellatrix and Narcissa black who went on to become Bellatrix Lestrange and narcissus or Malfoy respectively names you likely know due to their dedication to evil the dark arts and Lord Voldemort serious name however alongside the majority of his family was considered a traditional black family name as it followed the convention of naming the black children after Stars constellations and galaxies the house of black was also a notable entry in the sacred 28 a directory of pure blood families and dynasties a fact that most of the family was immensely proud of as just about every member of the family believed wholeheartedly in blood Purity and Supremacy which typically resulted in members of the black family being sorted into Slytherin upon attending school at Hogwarts this belief in blood Supremacy also meant that the vast majority of the House of black refused to consort with Muggles mugglebones scribs and Wizarding families who associated with the likes of those in fact they would go so far as to forbid members of the family from marrying outside the pure blood class and discerned relatives who did so or who turned out to be squibs like many families who were this devout to the ideology of blood Purity the house of black was also a proud supporter of the dark arts and later Lord Voldemort but not Sirius Sirius openly rebuked his family's beliefs and was hopeful that he would not be placed in southern house as so many of his family members had been before him a wish that was granted upon his arrival at Hogwarts similarly wishing to start anew his first year at Hogwarts was Remus Lupine born Remus John Lupine on the 10th of March 1960 to Lyle and hope Lupine Remus was a Half-Blood wizard whose childhood became marred but the actions of one very vengeful werewolf known as fenrir greyback after being put on trial by the ministry of magic accused of murdering two muggled children greyback was released believed by the majority of the questioning committee at the time to be a non-magical who had nothing to do with the dads of the children Lyle on the other hand who was also in the committee that day noticed telltale signs that greybag was indeed a werewolf when the other members of the committee refused to acknowledge that Lyle could be right in a moment of frustration and anger Mr Lupine shouted in front of greyback that all werewolves were soulless evil deserving nothing more than death sadly this one aggravated insult is what led to greybach tracking down the Lupine family within a year of being released from that trial it's almost certain that greyback intended to exact his Revenge by killing Lyle's only son Remus however Lyle was able to get three Miss's bedroom in time to drive the werewolf out casting powerful magic to defend Remus but not before greybach had mauled the boy his bite marks turning his son into a full-fledged werewolf for the remainder of his life from then on Remus lived an incredibly lonely life as his parents worked tirelessly to conceal his condition and find a cure to which there was none they constantly moved from town to town in an effort to stay ahead of any rumors and Remus was forbidden to play with children his own age for fear that he may accidentally reveal himself sadly all this was done in an effort to protect Remus as The Wizarding world's overall view of werewolves as stated by Lyle himself was rather Prejudiced and unkind of course there were a few exceptions to this generalization including the perspective of Professor Alba Dumbledore who personally saw to it that Remus would be able to safely attend Hogwarts as well as that of three good friends he would meet once he got to the school the final Marauder was Peter Pettigrew little is actually known about Peter's childhood including the exact date of his birth although it's believed that he was born sometime in 1960 due to his first year at Hogwarts being in 1971 alongside James Sirius and Remus and while we do know that Peter's mother was a witch his father's blood status is unknown in fact just about everything about Peter and who he really was is rather uncertain which is likely how he was able to so thoroughly fool his future as friends in fact Peter was one of Hogwarts only true hat stalls in history meaning that the Sorting Hat took over five minutes to finally Place him in Gryffindor House over its other choice of Slytherin and had the Sorting Hat chosen differently for little Peter Pettigrew who knows what might have happened from there events of the future including that of Harry and his families may have turned out rather differently indeed but as it were these four young Wizards were all sorted into the same house of Gryffindor which turned out to be the very Foundation of four Incredibly Close friendships attending her goats together as gryffindor's from 1971 to 1978 James Sirius Remus and Peter became Inseparable during their first year at school James and Sirius first met on Hogwarts Express and almost instantly became her best mates later that first day not long after the Sorting ceremony the two boys then met and took a rather immediate liking to a shy and clever first year they learned was named Remus Lupine Remus on his part had allowed a slow seeming Peter to follow him along and as a result the four boys became a group that would eventually be known in the years to come as the Marauders the name of the Marauders which Loosely means Raiders plunderers or Pirates came to be only after James Sirius and Peter discovered remus's lycanthropy or rather that he was a werewolf of course with friends as close as these it would have been near impossible for rumors to hide his condition from the other boys especially considering his monthly disappearances in which he would go to the safety of the shrieking Shack in hogsmeade Village to transform into his werewolf self fearful that after so many lonely years as a child his friends would desert him should they find out his secret Remus desperately wished to keep them in the dark but as I said this was near impossible and so Remus entrusted his three friends with his secret and was completely unprepared for what would result sharing the reaction of James Sirius and Peter with Harry decades later and they didn't deserve me at all instead they did something for me that would make my Transformations not only bearable but the best times of my life there became anime guy which of course brings me to the bit about the three other Marauders becoming anime guy meaning that they were able to transform at will into an animal counterpart James Sirius and Peter not wanting their friend Remus to suffer in his monthly Transformations alone took it upon themselves to learn this bit of advanced magic in which James learned how to become a powerful Stag and became known by the other orders as prongs Siri is learn how to become a Shaggy black dog and was deemed by the other boys as padfoot Peter learned how to become a large gray garden rat and was therefore called wormtail and Remus who had little choice in the matter was referred to by the other boys as Mooney in acknowledgment of his werewolf condition in their animal forms they were able to roam the castle grounds freely without fear of being caught by Hogwarts caretaker Argus vilch or his cat assistant Mrs Norris in doing so the boys were able to map out the castle in a way previously thought unimaginable by students who had attended Hogwarts before them which is likely how they ended up with the name for their group I'm quite certain that in their eyes their wanderings around the castle were much like the plundering Expeditions of pirates and these Expeditions are what inevitably led to the invention of their map of Mischief otherwise known as the Marauders map the Marauders map then served the four boys as a way of expanding upon their mischief and troublemaking for it magically identified every living and non-living being on the map using the homunculus charm what this meant was regardless of any magical concealments enchantments or spells that a witch or wizard may be using the map was able to identify their whereabouts and label them with their true name it even worked on the spirits of the castle including the ghosts and peeves the Poltergeist instances of the map at work were demonstrated many times throughout Harry's tenure at school for example the map was able to show Harry's location even when he was wearing the invisibility cloak it also showed Peter Pettigrew upon the map when he was in his rat form during Harry's third year and then again during the events of the Triwizard Tournament it showed Barty Crouch Jr despite the fact that he had taken polyju's potion to resemble the likeness of Professor Alistair Mad Eye Moody in addition to the cleverness of the map and its abilities to reveal any witch or wizard on the castle grounds it also had the ability to prevent access to it this was specifically designed by the Marauders in order to keep their classmates over a Snape from discovering their Mischief adventures and most importantly remuses like anthropy secrets in fact the map would even go so far as to personally insult Severus if he ever held it in his possession normally disguise is a blank piece of parchment the map was enchanted to only reveal itself to those who knew how to operate it 4. upon opening the map one simply needed to tap the parchment paper with one's wand and say the following magic words I solemnly swear that I am up to no good and then the map would appear alongside the following words Mooney wormtel padfoot and prongs purveyors of AIDS to magical Mischief Makers are proud to present the Marauders map the map also had the ability to hide itself upon command again with the touch of a wand and the magic phrase Mischief Managed sadly for the foursome sometime near the end of their time at Hogwarts the Marauders map was confiscated by philge the caretaker as filch was never able to get the map to appear although he knew very well that it was more than just a piece of parchment he never did much with the map other than keep it locked up in his office in a draw labeled classified and highly dangerous this is where a curious pair of mischievous twins threatened George Weasley discovered the map and stole it many years later after the Marauders graduated from Hogwarts in 1978 all four wizards joined the first order of the Phoenix founded and run by Albus Dumbledore the first order same as the second operated with the goal of putting a stop to Voldemort's first rise to power of course one of the four Peter Pettigrew had also secretly joined the ranks of the dark lord himself playing the role of double agent as a loyal Death Eater not long after graduating James Potter married Lily Evans sometime between the summer of 1978 and the Autumn of 1979. they had their first and only child Harry soon after on the 31st of July in 1980 but only a year later on Halloween night 1981 all of their lives changed forever Voldemort after hearing a prophecy suggesting that a child matching Harry Potter's description would be his downfall went after the Potter family alerted the fact that Voldemort was coming for Harry James and Lily decided to put their location in the trust of a Secret Keeper originally selecting Sirius as their keeper but Sirius argued that he would be too obvious a choice and persuaded James and Lily to choose another less obvious but equally as trustworthy also he thought Peter Peter went on to betray The Potters freely giving up James Lilly and Harry's secret location to the dark lord from there Voldemort easily tracked them down first killing James who attempted to stand between his family and the dark lord and then murdering Lily when she refused to get out of his way of course this turned out to be Voldemort's undoing as Lily's sacrificial love protected Harry in away previously unimaginable to the dark lord as a shadow version of himself he scrambled away not to be heard from again for over a decade at this time Sirius hearing of James and Lily's murders Tracked Down Peter and confronted him on his betrayal and in a moment of sinister Clarity Peter cast magic that led to the deaths of multiple innocent muggle bystanders and disappeared into his animagus form as a rat but not before cutting off his own thumb and leaving it as proof that Sirius had murdered him presumably having blasted his body into pieces with James and Lily also dead and serious incorrectly believed to be the couple's Secret Keeper he was apprehended and sentenced to life imprisonment in The Wizarding jail of Azkaban without trial for the next 12 years Sirius remained prisoner in Azkaban only surviving and escaping thanks to his unregistered and omega's form as a dog Peter also remained in his rat form for likely the entire decade weaseling his way into the Weasley family's home as their pet rat for his part Remus laid rather low presumably devastated by the tragic loss and betrayal of his best friends and from what we know he didn't get up to too much until he was invited to fill in as Hogwarts defense against the dark arts professor in Harry's third year at school and indeed that was the year that all three remaining Marauders met again for the first time since the death of their former friend James having escaped from Azkaban Sirius was hell-bent on finding Peter and revealing the truth about his betrayal he managed to track him to Hogwarts and recognize that he'd ensconced himself within the family of one of Harry's best friends luckily this was also the year that Fred and George Weasley had decided to share the Marauders map with Harry and Ron saying that they had little need for it anymore as they had it all memorized which is how Remus happened to stumble upon it and see Peter labeled plain as day on the map it all came to head in the shrieking Shack of all places and while Peter ended up escaping yet again and Sirius was unable to live as a free man at least Remus and Harry at last knew the truth as to what had happened with The Potter's Secret Keeper that fateful night in the end each of the Marauders met their death fighting to keep Harry alive there was of course James Harry's father but after James the next to die was serious who met his end fighting alongside Harry in the ministry of Magic's Department of mysteries in 1996 hit by a curse Sirius was flung backward falling through the mystical Veil a one-way portal into the realm of death the next death was Peters who died from the Fatal grip of his own Bewitched silver hand in 1998 which had been a gift from the dark lord Peter's hand turned on him due to his hesitation to harm Harry and finally we saw the demise of Remus as he bravely battled alongside Harry during the Battle of Hogwart Remus died fighting beside his wife nymphadora Tonks whom he'd married a year earlier in July of 1997. they left behind a son Edward Remus Teddy Lupine to whom Harry was Godfather and with that we've come to the end of another video what did you think what did I miss please share your thoughts in the comments below and as always if you enjoyed this video don't forget to like it and subscribe to the channel also be sure to check out the content on Spotify as well as extra content on my second Channel Harry Potter Theory extra until next time remember mischief managed
Channel: Harry Potter Theory
Views: 57,503
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Keywords: harry potter, ron weasley, fantastic beasts, hermione granger, avada kedavra, wizarding world, harry potter theory, harry potter explained, j.k. rowling, slytherin, gryffindor, hufflepuff, ravenclaw, hogwarts, chamber of secrets, basilisk, voldemort, salazar, death eaters, history, folklore, hidden details, theory, behind the scenes, dumbledore, snape, spells, magic schools, subjects, legacy, deathly hallows, grindelwald, marauders, sirius black, peter pettigrew, remus lupin, james potter, map
Id: kdu0mqrn6fM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 24sec (1164 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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